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Webquest Biotechnology Rubric

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Biotechnology WebQuest Scoring Rubric

Point Scale Student’s

Rubric Score
Components 5 4 3 2 1
Contains information Contains information Contains information
that provides that provides many that provides specific, Contains information No thoughtful or
excellent, appropriate specific, appropriate appropriate details provides little specific, accurate descriptions
Content of Research details about all listed details about most about some areas in appropriate details in about areas in
in Slide Deck areas of areas in Biotechnology, with few areas of Biotechnology.
biotechnology. Biotechnology. few details given. Biotechnology Shows Shows no
Shows a great Shows a good Shows a good little understanding of understanding of the
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the topic topic.
topic. topic. some parts of the
The topic and The topic and
messages of the messages of the Topic is given but Topic and/or main
Infographic Topic and main ideas
infographic are clear infographic are clear main ideas are unclear ideas are absent or
Main Idea are clear.
and easily and easily or lacking. very unclear.
understood understood

Details (including Details (including Very little detail is

Detail is added to
labels) support the labels) support the More is needed for provided for the main
Infographic support each main
main idea without main idea without understanding. Some ideas and
Details idea with minimal
distracting with distracting with are distracting. understanding is
clutter. clutter. limited.

Most graphics All graphics relate to Some graphics relate

The graphics used
Graphics - represent the the topic but do not to the topic but do not Graphics do not
represent information
Relevance information represent represent relate to the topic.
appropriately. appropriately. appropriately.
Color, shape, size, Color, shape, size,
Color, shape, size, Color, shape, size,
and arrangement of and arrangement are Little if any use of
and arrangement are and arrangement are
Graphics-Visual graphics contribute present but do not
eye catching and distracting or color, shape, and
Design/Creativity meaning to the add to the
contribute some misleading. Design is unappealing. No
overall message. information.
meaning. distractingly messy, effort applied to
Unique design/layout; Design Is acceptably
Attractive design, unattractive, or very design.
neat, clear, and attractive though it
layout and neatness. poorly designed.
visually appealing. may be a bit messy.
More than 4 accurate
3 accurate facts are 1 or less accurate
Content - Accuracy facts are displayed in 4 accurate facts are 2 accurate facts are
displayed, including facts are displayed,
the infographic All displayed. All displayed, including
little to no irrelevant including irrelevant
informative and informative and some irrelevant facts
facts facts
relevant. relevant.
Capitalization and
There is 1 error in There are 2 errors in More than 2 errors in
punctuation are Several errors in
capitalization or capitalization or capitalization or
correct throughout. capitalization, and
Mechanics/Grammar punctuation. There is punctuation. There punctuation. There are
There are no grammatical
1 grammatical are 2 grammatical more than 2
grammatical mistakes.
mistake. mistakes. grammatical mistakes.
Used time well. Used time well. Used most of time Used some time well.
Did not use class time
Focused 100% on Mostly focused on well. Mostly focused Some focus on getting
to focus on the
Use of Class Time getting the project getting the project on getting the project project done but
project OR often
done without done without done with little occasionally distracted
distracted others.
distracting others. distracting others. distraction to others others
Students had great Students were unable
Students effectively Students had some
Students had very difficulty to work together.
Collaboration worked together. The problems working
few problems working working together. They were unable to
and work was evenly together. The work
together. The work Communication was produce a final
Cooperation divided with each load was not evenly
was evenly divided. difficult. The work product in the time
partner contributing divided.
load was not evenly allotted for the
divided. project.

Name__________________________________________ Block ______ Date ______________ Score______/45 x2

Presented Infographic to class ______/10pts
Partners name________________________________________ Total Score _______/100
Comments ______________________________________________________________________________




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