6.2 Sustainable Development

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Why sustainable

development is
Why sustainable development is important?

• Air Pollution for Kids

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAKyhfxxr7s

• Water Pollution for Kids

• https://youtu.be/93BqLewm3bA?t=110

• Global Warming for Kids

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqxMzKLYrZ

• The 3 R's for Kids

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjnNOCbuoCA

• Greenhouse Effect for Kids

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_sJzVe9P_8
Why sustainable development is important?
Protect Technological Resources Provide Basic Human Needs
• The people coming into this world are coming • A rising population will also make use of the
into an increasingly technological age, where bare essentials of life such as food, water,
more people than ever are relying on
and shelter.
technology for nearly every aspect of their lives.
• Of course, these technologies are not built out of • The provision of these essentials is based
thin air and good intentions. almost entirely around having an
• They require a significant array of minerals and infrastructure that can sustain them for the
other other inputs simply to be manufactured. long-term.
This doesn't account for the amount of • If energy is continually developed on finite
resources required to develop them in the first fossil fuels instead of sustainable options,
place. the cost and environmental toll of supplying
even basic needs can become staggering.

Why sustainable development is
Agricultural Necessity Accommodate City Development
• Agriculture will have to catch up with that
growing population as well, figuring out ways to • As populations rise, cities will need to become larger
feed around 3 billion more people than it to accommodate the influx of new residents. If these
currently does. cities are developed non-sustainably, they will
• If the same unsustainable tilling, seeding, become more and more expensive to build and
watering, spraying and harvesting methods are maintain over time.
used into the future, they can become very costly • This is because the resources being used to develop
as fossil fuel resources run out. the cities will be finite fossil fuels that will only get
• Sustainable agriculture practices like crop more expensive as they run out over time.
rotation and effective seeding practices can help • The higher volume of these fuels required to
to promote high yields while protecting the produce energy for this larger population will also
integrity of the soil as it produces food for larger negatively impact the air quality of cities. If cities use
amounts of people sustainable development practices, they can
conceivably make way for new housing and
business developments indefinitely

Why sustainable development is important?
Provide Financial Stability
Control Climate Change
• Sustainable development can also produce
more financially sustainable economies throughout the
• Climate change is another issue that can be world. Resource-poor economies will gain access to free
at least partially remedied through and accessible energy through renewables while also
sustainable development. having the opportunity to train workers for jobs that
• Sustainable development practices would won't be displaced by the basic reality of finite resources.
Jobs built around the "old" model of unsustainable
mandate a lower use of fossil fuels, which development simply have no place in economies of the
are not sustainable and which produce future.
greenhouse gases. • This has nothing to do with politics or ethics, but rather
• As the population rises, more people will be the bare mechanics of how economies price out finite
requiring more energy and will be putting resources over time. Industries built around a reliance
upon a resource that will not be accessible into the future
an even greater strain on the world climate. will ultimately fail, leaving sustainable development as
the only option moving forward.

Why sustainable development is important?
Sustain Biodiversity

• Biodiversity suffers through overconsumption and

unsustainable development practices. Beyond the basic
ethical quandary presented by this fact, there is the
further concern that these species are a part of a foodweb
that humans rely on.
• For example, if unsustainable agricultural practices are
used in regard to pesticides, bees and other pollinators
could be negatively impacted. Without bees, at least 19
major food crops would suffer and nearly 50%of the food
in most grocery stores would be non-existent. Also,
unsustainable development pollutes the oceans, which
are home to a significant amount of algae species that
humans rely on for a significant amount of the oxygen
they breathe.

How to achieve the

How to improve sustainable development

Sustainability: PROBLEMS

• Depletion of • Pollution
finite resources • air, water, soil

• fuels, soil, minerals, species • Inequity

• Over-use of • economic, political, social,
• Species loss
resources • endangered species and spaces
• forests, fish & wildlife, fertility,
public funds

- WCED, 1987
the presence in or introduction into the
environment of a substance which has harmful
or poisonous effects.
• Pollution, also called environmental pollution, the addition of any
substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or any form of energy (such as
heat, sound, or radioactivity) to the environment at a rate faster
than it can be dispersed, diluted, decomposed, recycled, or stored
in some harmless form.

• The major kinds of pollution are (classified by environment) air

pollution, water pollution, and land pollution.

• Modern society is also concerned about specific types of pollutants,

such as noise pollution, light pollution, and even plastic pollution.

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