Green Skills
Green Skills
Green Skills
Green Skills
The environment around us affects all aspects of our
life; and all our day-to-day activities also affect the
environment. Those who live in cities get their food
supply from surrounding villages and in turn, are
dependent on forests, grasslands, rivers, seashores, for
resources, such as water, fuel wood, fodder, etc. We use
natural resources for food. Everything around us forms
our environment and our lives depend on the natural
world around us.
Over the years, with economic development, there
has been an increase in environmental pollution.
For example, with the introduction of high input
agriculture, we can grow more food by using fertilisers,
pesticides and hybrid crops. But it has led to soil and
environmental degradation. We need to plan the use of
resources in a sustainable manner so that we and our
future generations can enjoy the good environment
Sustainable Processes
Some practices, such as organic farming, vermi-composting
and rainwater harvesting are being used to help preserve
the environment.
Organic farming is where farmers do not use chemical
pesticides and fertilisers to increase their production.
They use organic and natural fertilisers, such as cow
dung to help in growing crops. This helps in better
quality chemical free crops while at the same time
maintaining the soil quality for future use. This is a true
example of sustainable developmen where we are not
only using the earth resources but are also preserving
it for our future generations.
Practical Exercise
Activity 1
Create a Garden in School or Plant Trees
Material required
Seeds, garden waste, sprinkler, gardening tools
Activity 2
Discussion on How to Prevent Wastage.
• Form groups depending on the number of students
• Every student in the group will name way in which wasting
of water and food can be stopped or prevented.
• Make a list and share it with the rest of the class.
B. Subjective questions
Quality Education
Education is the most important factors for sustainable
development. Children who have gone to school will be
able to do jobs so that they can take care of themselves
and their families. Education helps us become aware of
our role as a responsible citizen. We should
1. use the facilities present in our areas.
2. take our friends to school.
3. help friends study.
4. stop friends from dropping out of school.
Reduced Inequalities
To reduce inequalities we can
1. be helpful to one another.
2. be friendly with everyone.
3. include everyone while working or playing.
4. help others by including everyone whether they
are small or big, girl or boy, belong to any class
or caste.
Practical Exercise
Activity 1
Group Discussion
• Form groups depending on the number of students
• Every student will describe one way in which they can
work to conserve and protect the environment.
• Make a list and share it with the rest of the class.
Activity 2
Make art project using waste
Material required
Plastic bags, used bottles, papers cups, paper, wire, etc.
B. Subjective questions