Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP) : Why Teach?

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Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade: ​11/12 Semester: ________________________________________________

Core Subject Title: ​Physical Science No. of Hours/Semester: _____________________________________
Prerequisites (If Needed) ____________________________________
Core Subject Description: ​Evolution of our understanding of matter, motion, electricity, magnetism, light, and the universe from ancient times to the present; applications of physics and chemistry concepts in
contexts such as atmospheric phenomena, cosmology, astronomy, vision, medical instrumentation, space technology, drugs, sources of energy, pollution and recycling, fitness and health, and cosmetics​.

Culminating Performance Standard: ​Create a brochure featuring the safety measures of using harnessed energy.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?

Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
Learning competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess developing the Highest Thinking Skill to
Most Assess
Content Content Standards Essential
Standards KUD Flexible Assessment
Topics KUD Enabling General Flexible Learning
Complete Most Essential Classificatio RBT Level Activities (FAA)
Classification Strategy Strategies (FLS)
n Performance Checks
How The following Energy make either a poster, 7. Describe how Knowing LC 7. Describe Knowing Understanding Descriptive Essay Representation Lecture
chemical aspects of a flyer, or a brochure energy is how energy is
changes take chemical changes: on a product(such as harnessed from harnessed
place. fuels, household, or different from different
personal care sources: sources:
a. how fast a
products) indicating a. fossil fuels
reaction takes its uses, properties, b. biogas a. fossil fuels
place mode of action, and c. geothermal b. biogas
precautions d. hydrothermal c. geothermal
b. how much e. batteries d.
reactants are f. solar cells hydrothermal
needed and how g. biomass e. batteries
much products f. solar cells
are formed in a g. biomass

c. how much
energy is involved
in a reaction

​2. how energy is

Performance Task: ​Create a brochure featuring the safety measures of using harnessed energy.

Prepared by:

Room 6

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