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Jahangirnagar Society Laboratory School

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Jahangirnagar Society Laboratory School

13. Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where 1st Term Examination 2019
necessary. 4 Class: Six
Sub: English
the old man said can you give me some food i have been starving Time: 3.00h Full Marks: 85
Read the following text and answer the questions.
for two days the maid said why do you beg cant you work.
Bulbul collects rubbish from the Sankar area in Dhaka. Every
morning, he wakes up at 5 O`clock and walks along the streets of
14. Write a paragraph about “Traffic Jam” 8
Sankar to collect rubbish. People of Sankar put their rubbish in
15. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about your
plastic bins and leave them in front of their houses. Bulbul walks
preparation for the exam. 8
from door to door to collect them. Sometimes the bins are very
16. Write an e-mail to the manager of a bank about opening a
dirty and they smell bad. But Bulbul does not mind. He takes out
bank account. 8
everything from the bins and puts them in his van. He believes
that all jobs are important. He works hard every day to keep this
area clean.
Last month Bulbul was sick for two days. So, he could not come
to collect the rubbish. The people of Sankar were in great
trouble. They got piles of rubbish waiting in front of their
houses. The whole area became dirty and unhygienic. When
Bulbul got well, he came back to Sankar. He collected
everything from all the bins. Bulbul does not want to fall sick
again. He realizes, if he stops working even for a few days only,
the whole area will turn into a big dustbin.

1. Choose the correct answer: 7

a) Bulbul collects rubbish from Sankar area. Here the
word “collect” is similar to:
(a) leave (b) drop off
(b) disperse (d) gather
b) Sometimes the bins are very dirty and they smell bad.
Here the dirty means-
(a) clean (b) unsoiled
(c) unclean (d) unpolluted 3. Without clues: 4
c) Bulbul collects rubbish from- Many years (a)____ an old man (b)_____. AbdurRahman lived
(a) savar area (b) mirpur area in a village. He (c)_____ six sons. He lived with (d)_____. He
(c) sankar area (d) uttra area had many grand-children.
d) The people of Sankar leave the rubbish-
(a) behind their house (b) beside their house 4. 5
(c) at the corner (d) before their house Jasimuddin was a famous Bengali poet. He is known as
e) Lastly Bulbul got- pollikobi because through his poems he depicted the Bengali
(a) sick (b) frustrated rural life. He was born in the village of Tambulkhana in Faridpur
(c) happy (d) upset district on 1 January 1903. He received his early education at
Faridpur Welfare School. He obtained BA degree in Bengali
2| Read the text and answer the question: 5 from the University of Calcutta in 1929 and MA in 1931.
My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station. I came Jasimuddin collected more than 10000 folk songs. He wrote
to see him off. Sajjad was going to Dhaka to his elder sister`s many poems, Dramas, novels, memoirs, music etc. His major
house. It was very crowded in the station. There was a long line works are Rakhali, NakshiKantharMaath, SojanBadiyarGhat,
of people at the ticket counter. A woman was standing in the BedderMeye, Madhubala. The major honours and awards he
queue. She was holding her child`s hand tightly. A group of received are President Award for pride performance, Pakistan
young people was talking loudly and drinking tea in front of a (1958) D.Litt by RabindraBharati University, India (1969),
tea stall. An old couple was trying to find a quiet place to sit EkusheyPadak (1976), Independence day award (1978). He died
down and rest. The waiting room was crowded, too. on 13 March 1976 in Dhaka and was buried near his ancestral
I saw one man who was trying to carry three heavy suitcases. A home at Gobindapur.
young lady was sitting on a bench with her luggage at one
corner. She was reading a magazine. Complete the following table with the information given in the
My friend and I stood near a newspaper stall talking and passage:
watching the crowd around. Soon my friends train started to Degree Institution Year
leave. As the train whistled, he picked up his suitcase and we B.A (a) (a)
said goodbye to each other. M.A × (b)
(a) Where was Sajjad going? D.Litt (d) (c)
(b) How was the station?
(c) Where was a woman standing? 5. Once upon a time there was an old farmer. He lived with his
(d) What was the woman doing? wife and three sons in a small village. The three sons always
(e) How was the waiting room?
quarreled with each other. Their parents said, “stop don`t 8. Match the parts of the sentence given in column A and column
quarrel! It`s bad!”. But they didn`t listen to their parents. B to write five complete sentence: 5
One day, the sons were quarreling again and the old farmer heard A B
them. 1. Bidyasagar had to take Remembers him
Once again he said, “stop!Then he said, “Please come here. pain
Now, go and bring me five sticks and some rope. “The three 2. He respected To acquire learning
boys went and brought the sticks and rope for their father. The 3. He would never violate Help the poor
old farmer then tied the sticks together with the rope. Then he 4. He always His parents very much
said to his sons, “now try and break this bundle of sticks”. 5. This is why everybody The orders of his mother
Identify the true or false statement: 5 9. Suffixes and prefixes: 4
(a) The sons disobeyed their parents. (a) life without leisure and (relaxe) (a)______ is dull.
(b) The sons tied the sticks. (b) life becomes (charm) (b)_______ if man does not have
(c) The farmer had five members in his family. any time to enjoy.
(d) The farmer forbade his sons to quarrel. (c) Everybody knows that (work) ____ is (d) harm _____.
(e) The three sons hardly quarreled.
10. Article: 4
6. With clues: 5 (a) He is ____ university student.
There money many maid Honest (b) Mr. Rahman is____ honest man.
Many year ago (a) ____ lived a rich women. She had a lot of (b) (c) I saw ____ one eyed man.
_____ . She had (c) ____ servants and (d)____ servants to look (d) _____ perfume of Saudi Arabia is famous.
after her. There was an (e)____ boy into the rich women`s house.
11. Change the sentences as directed. 4
7. Without clues: 5 (a) I call you (passive)
A proverb says, “Health is wealth”. To keep (a)____ free (b) He supported them (passive)
(b)____ disease and anxiety. Good health is (c)_____. (c) Only Allah can help us (Neg)
Functioning of all body (d)____. It is also feeling well both in (d) I shall remember you (Neg)
body and in mind. 12. Change the Speech to indirect. 4
(a) Himi said, “I am ill”
(b) He said, “I am reading a book”
(c) Himi went to school (present indefinite)
(d) Shimk eats mango (present continuous)

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