A3 FUNERAL - Angelina Ondweso
A3 FUNERAL - Angelina Ondweso
A3 FUNERAL - Angelina Ondweso
Designed & Printed @ Double M Computers @ Umoja Building ( Family Bank). Ground Floor
Room. 11 TEL: 0724143088/0717115120 E-Mail: mzazi505@gmail.com
Program And Events
Wednesday 5th July, 2017
12:00 pm - Mourners Converge at Matata Nursing Home Hospital Mortuary Tenor: Nasadiki kwa Mungu moja Kafufuka katika wafu
Wote: Muumba mbigu na dunia Kapaa juu mbinguni
12:30 pm - Short prayers at the Morgue Tenor: Nasadiki kwa Yesu Kristo
Amekati kuume kwake
03.00 PM - Requem Mass at Oriang Parish Catholic church Wote: Na kwa Roho Mtakatifu
Mungu Baba yetu mwenyezi
04.30 PM - Departure for Mama Angelina’s Home, Kakumu Pala Village, Mwana wa pekee wa Mungu - Nasadiki,
Wangchieng location Mwenye kuzaliwa kwa Baba - Nasadiki, Ndipo atakapotokea
Akapata mwili kwa Roho - Nasadiki,
Kuhukumu wazima na wafu
05.00 PM - Arrival at Mama Angelina’s Home. Kazaliwa naye Bikira - Nasadiki,
Kwake Roho Mtakatifu
07.00 PM - Overnight Virgil by the church choir Kisha yeye kasulubiwa Kwa kanisa la Katoliki
Thursday 6 July, 2017 Kwa amri ya Ponsyo Pilato
Kwa ajili yetu kateswa
Ushirika wa watakatifu
08.00 AM - Mourners Assemble Akafa na akazikwa
Ondoleo ya dhambi zetu
09.00 AM - Opening Prayers, Songs and Welcoming Remarks Kafufuka katika wafu Nangojea ufufuko wa mwili
Kapaa juu mbinguni
- Welcoming of Guests by Master of ceremony Na uzima wa milele
Amekati kuume kwake
Mungu Baba yetu mwenyezi
- Brief Speeches from:-
- Friends & Neighbors
- Aunts Bii Ruodha sudi machiegni koda agangora gi
- Matanal Home maricho mapek Bwana Tuhurumie x3 Sisi wakosefu
Reti puodha Yesu kik ijuang'a asayi luoka gi rembi Kristu Tuhurumie x3 Sisi wakosefu Bwana
- Inlaws maler. Tuhurumie x3 sisi wakosefu
- Family to the late Olo Bii idonjie chunya Nyasaye Solo Utukufu kwa Mungu mbinguni
- Brothers in law Bii - Mondo Hoke dag chikruok All Utukufu kwa Mungu Mbinguni
Bii - igerie mise mar hera Na amani duniani kwao watu watu kwa
- Funeral Committee watu wenye mapenzi mema
Bii - idagie kendi x2
- Administartion Tunakusifu twakuheshimu, twakuabudu, twakutukuza,
Onge ng'ato kendo ma dikonya kasiko akuyo twakushukuru mfalme wa mbingu mwana wa pekee
- Tribute chunya onge mor mwana wa Baba (Bwana)
Asingoni chunya kete kuomi miya gi Iwenje make-
- Vote of Thanks Unayeondoa makosa yetu tuhurumie tusikilize,
donigo kuume kwa Baba unapoketi mtakatifu mkuu tuhurumie
1:30 PM - Sermon Aluongi ni Ruodha Yesu jawar, atimo richo ka tern (Bwana)
02.30 PM - Procession to the grave side Bi rita geng'na jasigu kwoma, abedi ka atiyo nigi Pamoja na roho mtakatifu ndani ya Baba unatukuzwa
hera Mungu mmoja anayeishi ndiye mtawala milele yote
03:00 PM - Lowering of Casket Yesu para kaka dhano nono dabedi nadi gi nyalo
Kata ekinde madalemgo pile ka ok ikecha kendo
Mourners Leave at their Own Pleasure ikonya
The late Angelina with church members and
other reltaives
Grany you were aur pillar of strength, symbol of unity and source of MARRIAGE
Inspiration. Angelina Ondweso was married to the Late Benadus Ondweso Onono in January
We will miss you Dani. 1950, and they were blessed with 10 children namely; the late John Odhiambo,
From Grandchildren the late Antony Osika, the late Penina Anyango, Catherine Adhiambo, Rose
Auma, Sabina Atieno, Hellen Akinyi, the late Benter Akoth, the late Caroline
Rest in peace Grany.
Achieng and the late George Otieno. They were also blessed with Forty Five (45)
We will grow to be disciplined and hardworking as you thought as to be
grandchildren, and Forty Nine (49) great grandchildren.
From Great Grandchildren
Verses: She was a devoted Catholic baptized in the year 1942 at Nyabondo Kaleo
Catholic church. After marriage she joined St. Mary’s Catholic Church and
KJV Anyona Catholic Church of which until her death she was the active Treasurer
2 Timothy 4v6-8:- for the church.
For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I Mama Angelina Ondweso started getting unwell since the year 8/8/2015. She
have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: was rushed to Oasis Doctor’s Plaza in Kisumu where she was diagnosed with a
Henceforth, there laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, stroke due to Hypertension. She was treated and later discharged and placed
the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto under medication and Physiotherapy. Thereafter She was under Monthly Routine
all them also that love His appearing. Checkups and Physiotherapy at Rachuonyo District Hospital.
During her sickness, she was admitted twice at Rachuonyo District Hospital,
We celebrate the life we shared together and thank Treated and discharged while on Medication.
God for the gift of his life when he was alive. Thereafter, her health deteriorated and was admitted at Matata Nursing home on
Glory and honor be to thee God!!. 8/6/2017. Where she peacefully succumbed on 11/6/2017 while undergoing