Newsletter 3.24.11

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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

The first line of one of my favorite hymns

says “a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, a
wonderful Savior to me.” I’ve just been delight- A: Kindergarten students will have school
ing in our wonderful Savior this week, and I Monday through Wednesday this week due to
wanted you to know how thankful I am for you kindergarten round-up. Thursday and Friday,
and your son or daughter! God has blessed me students in developmental kindergarten and
with a delightful “school family” this year, for kindergarten will not have school.
which I am so very thankful!
We had a great week back after break, and
the students have done an awesome job in read- Track and Field Day is Friday, May 13. We are
ing circles and math! The students have done in the planning stages of the event, but we
quite a bit of writing and reading this week, and need parent help! If you are willing to help run
they are becoming skilled at sorting coins, giving events on Track and Field Day, please let me
their values, and “purchasing” items with pen- know!
nies, nickels, and dimes! We also enjoyed travel-
ing to England this week, where we learned
about Tower Clock and Tower Bridge as well as
a variety of other important sights, sounds, and A: The Run/Walk for Christ presented by ACA
tastes of the country! will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2011. The 5k
This week will be a short one due to kinder- starting at 9:00 AM and the 1 Mile Fun Walk
garten round-up, so we will work hard to accom- starting at 10:00 a.m. Registration begins this
plish all we need to do on Monday through week! For more information and to register
Wednesday. The students will have the opportu- now, just visit the school website.
nity to visit both of the first grade classes on
Monday morning for a total of about 30 minutes
during what we call “Graduation Exploration.” A: On April 9th, there will be a Spring Craft &
It is always a fun time for kids and teachers! Vendor Show, 9am to 3pm. PTF is in need of
As I wrap up this week, please note that I volunteers to help with the event. They may
will not have a newsletter next week due to contact Brenda Schilling at 965-541 or Candice
round-up preparation. I tried to include all the Pippett at 964-9777 to volunteer. PTF also
information you will need to know in the next needs families to invite crafters they know to
two or three weeks today, and I will pass along sign up for this event.
further information via email as needed!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Hult
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week

A HUGE thank you goes out to the Myers Monday - Feeding the Five Thousand (Mt. 14:13-
family as well as the Rojas family for providing 21; Mk. 6:31-44) - Jesus does yet another miracle,
snacks this week! Both families generously this time turning a few loaves and fish into food
gave toward our need, and I very much appre- for over five thousand people! Then, He com-
ciate the nutritious snacks to enjoy this week! mands His disciples to pick up the leftovers. He
We also received several snacks to add to our proves Himself to be the God of change!
“pantry” for the weeks ahead, so I think we will
be taken care of for several weeks when we Tuesday - Review
didn’t have a family already signed up! Thanks
again to both families for all you provided! Wednesday - Lesson from the book of Proverbs
May God bless you for your generosity! on the fool (an interesting April Fool’s Day adven-
ture!). The past month we have been studying a
little bit about the differences between fools
and wise men each day, but we are going to take
the opportunity to focus an entire lesson on
what God’s Word has to say about the fool and
the wise man. We look forward to showing you
more about what we learned on Wednesday!

Romans 8:38-39
“I am persuaded that nothing shall be able to
separate us from the love of God.”

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, March 28 - Graduation Exploration (9:00 - 9:30 a.m.)

Wednesday, March 30 - Joint chapel with elementary students
, March 31 and , April 1 - for kindergarten due to kindergarten round-up!

Friday, April 8 - Grandparents’ Day (9:00 - 11:00 a.m.); school dismissed at 12:00 p.m.

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