Newsletter 3.24.11
Newsletter 3.24.11
Newsletter 3.24.11
A HUGE thank you goes out to the Myers Monday - Feeding the Five Thousand (Mt. 14:13-
family as well as the Rojas family for providing 21; Mk. 6:31-44) - Jesus does yet another miracle,
snacks this week! Both families generously this time turning a few loaves and fish into food
gave toward our need, and I very much appre- for over five thousand people! Then, He com-
ciate the nutritious snacks to enjoy this week! mands His disciples to pick up the leftovers. He
We also received several snacks to add to our proves Himself to be the God of change!
“pantry” for the weeks ahead, so I think we will
be taken care of for several weeks when we Tuesday - Review
didn’t have a family already signed up! Thanks
again to both families for all you provided! Wednesday - Lesson from the book of Proverbs
May God bless you for your generosity! on the fool (an interesting April Fool’s Day adven-
ture!). The past month we have been studying a
little bit about the differences between fools
and wise men each day, but we are going to take
the opportunity to focus an entire lesson on
what God’s Word has to say about the fool and
the wise man. We look forward to showing you
more about what we learned on Wednesday!
Romans 8:38-39
“I am persuaded that nothing shall be able to
separate us from the love of God.”
Friday, April 8 - Grandparents’ Day (9:00 - 11:00 a.m.); school dismissed at 12:00 p.m.