027 Ballast Water Management

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№ 27 Ballast Water Management

1. Which treatment techniques can be considered in a case of emergency?

- A decision not to treat.
- Chemical treatment.
- Physical treatment.

2. Can a coastal or port state implement stricter rules than IMO?

- Yes.

3. Where can you find detailed description of ballast water management

principles for your ship?
- In your ballast water management plan.

4. Which of the following are duties of a ballast water management officer?

- Inform the owner/operator regarding ballast operations when necessary.
- Management Ballast Record Book.

5. What does IMO resolution A.868 (20) requires ship to do?

- To minimize the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens.

6. Check the species that have traveled by ballast water and made damage to
the environment?
- Mitten Crab.
- North Pacific Seastar.
- Zebra Mussel.

7. Which of the following events to be recorded in the BWRB?

- Position.

8. How many times do you have to exchange the water with the flow-through
method to achieve a 98% change of the water?
- 4.

9. How many different species are estimated to be carried in ballast tanks

around the world every day?
-More than 7000.

10. Where can you dispose sediment from ballast tanks?

- In mid-sea and to shore facilities.
11. Is heating of ballast water an approved ballast water treatment technology?
- Yes.

12. Which are two methods for ballast water exchange at sea?
- Sequential and Flow through.

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