Confusing Questions C1
Confusing Questions C1
Confusing Questions C1
1. What is the reaction of a gyro-compass to forces a torques applied to the spinning gyro to
keep it aligned in a north inicating direction?
2. A free gyroscope is said to have three degrees of freedom. From those listed, which is NOT
one of these?
- Spin Axis
3. What do you call a gyroscope error that affects the heading system due to the rotation of the
-Apparent drift
4. Error in an instrument due to inaccurate moving part, pivoting, as the index arm of the marine
- Centering error
5.The first point of aries is called
-Vernal equinox
6.Best cross bearing line
-90 degrees
7.What is the point vertically overhead of the observer?
- Zenith
8. Internationally used value for atmospheric system
-1013 millibars
9. Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for
-inaccuracies in the reading and reference level
10. on the arc
-negative correction
11.Phase correction
12.Force that will cause an axis of spinning
13. bearing 176
-around 080
14.What do you call the altitude after applying the dip and index error?
-apparent altitude
14. Outer ring of a compass rose
-True direction
15. What is the bearing of the celestial body during meridian transit at the First Point of
Capricorn if the observer is at the equator?
-180 degree
16.This is the tabulated interpolated for increments of latitude, declination or hour angle.
-Computed Altitude
17. Heading 330 and 345 and variation of 6W
- 7W
18.When the index mirror and the horizon mirror of the sextant are parallel, the sextant should
19. Succession of crest and troughs which follow one another at equal intervals
-Wave motion
20. Outlying reefs corals and shoals
-General charts
21.In the celestial equator system of coordinates of what is equivalent to the co-latitude of the
earth system of coordinates?
-Polar distance
22.The distance along the propagation between successive crests or troughs.
- Wavelength
23. Bearing of 356 to sa lighthouse
- About 080
24. Running fix
-Intersection of multiple lines of position not obtained simultaneously and adjusted to a
common time
25. For the deepest water when negotiationg a bend in a river you should always navigate your
-Toward the outside bend of the river
26.What is an error in a gyrocompass caused by rapid changes in course,speed and latitude
causing deviation before the gyro can adjust itself?
-Stream error
27. Bearing 043 and 169
28. Relative bearing of an object broad on port bow
- 315
29. In the daily pages of the alamanac, the un-shaded circle in the lower right hand corner of the
almanac means
- Full moon
30. A gyro compass error in which damping is accompanied by offsetting the point of application
of the force from a mercury ballistic is known as________>
-tangent latitude error
31.Determine the latitude of a place where the sun is exactly at the zenith of the observer at
Local Apparent Noon (LAN) of September 22 0r 23.
32. The water is said to be slack when there is____________.
-No horizontal motion of the water
33.Which statement is TRUE concerning “night effect” and the reception of radio signals?
-“night effect” is caused by the rapid changes in the ionosphere
34.It is measured westwards from the observer’s meridian and can be expressed in terms of
either angular distance or time..
-Local hour angle
35.The angular distance of body from the hour circle of the first point of aries measured
westward from 0 degrees through 360 degrees.
-Sidereal hour angle
36.bearing 191 and 313
37. What affects the range at which objects are detected.
38. The angular distance of a body eastward from the hour circle of the first point of aries
measured in time units
-Right ascension
39.When the faces of the sextant shade glasses and mirrors are not parallel, the error is called
-prismatic error
40.What is the latitude of a place
where the sun is exactly at the zenith of the observer at Local Apparent Noon (LAN) of 22nd or
23rd day of September?
-Latitude 00 degrees 00 minutes
41.What is the latitude of a place where the sun is exactly at the zenith of the observer at Local
Apparent Noon (LAN) of September 22 or 23?
-0deg. Latitude
42. bearing 264