487-ASM1 Sample Group Nghi

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BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

number Unit 3: Human resource management
and title

Submissio Date Received 1st

June 15, 2020
n date submission

Date Received 2nd

Student names & codes Final scores Signatures

1. Tran Huynh Thao Nghi – GBS190083 Tran Huynh Thao Nghi

2. Duong Dinh Minh Huy – GBS190382 Duong Dinh Minh Huy

number: 3. Ngo Nhat Vy – GBS190320 Ngo Nhat Vy

4. Tran Thi Mai Truc – GBS190440 Tran Thi Mai Truc

Hoang Nguyen Kim

5. Hoang Nguyen Kim Thu – GBS190139
Truong Anh Tuyet
Class GBS0805B_NX Assessor name

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2

Student 1 Tran Huynh Thao Nghi – GBS190083

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria

Tran Huynh Thao Nghi Date:


Student 2 Duong Dinh Minh Huy – GBS190382

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria

Student Duong Dinh Minh Huy



Student 3 Ngo Nhat Vy – GBS190320

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria

Ngo Nhat Vy Date:



Student 4 Tran Thi Mai Truc – GBS190440

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria

Tran Thi Mai Truc Date:


Student 5 Hoang Nguyen Kim Thu – GBS190139

Description of activity undertaken

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria

Hoang Nguyen Kim Thu Date:


 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Verifier’s Comments:Assessor Signature: Date:
Signature & Date:

Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number Unit 03: Human resource management

Assignment title Human Resources Employee Orientation/Induction Manual

Academic Year 2019 – 2020

Unit Tutor

Issue date Submission date June 15, 2020

IV name and date NGUYEN Thuy Linh

Submission Format:

Format: This assignment is a Group assignment in the form of a HR employee induction manual. The
recommended word limit is 2,000–2,500 words, although you will not be penalized for
exceeding the total word limit.

You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacing at
1.3. Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and bottom: 1 cm. The reference
follows Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2.000-2.500 words.
You will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit. The cover page of the report
has to be the Assignment front sheet 1.

Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by
the instructor. The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on the course page in our
CMS system at http://cms.greenwich.edu.vn/

Page 11
Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or from
any other materials such as books, articles, newspapers etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as
diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you must cite your sources, using the Harvard style.
Make sure that you know how to reference properly, and that you understand the guidelines on
plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get a fail score.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an
organization with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives

LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organization

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

As a newly appointed human resource specialist for your chosen company, you have been tasked with
producing an employee induction or orientation manual for new hires of the company. The manual will
provide details on the purpose of HR and the main HR functions within the organization with an
overview of different HR practices.

Your team with 3 – 4 members of HR department needs to submit the manual in written format and
present it in the orientation day for new employees. Please note that the manual content is contingent
not only on your chosen company but also on the characteristics of the new hires.

The Employee Induction Manual should cover the followings:

(1) An introduction to the chosen organization including mission statement, purpose, and core
business objectives and other relevant items.
(2) An explanation of the purpose of the HR function and the key roles and responsibilities of the
HR function which highlights the significance of HR plays in acquiring talents to meet business
(3) A description of major HR functions (i.e. workforce planning, recruitment and selection, training
and development, performance management, and reward systems) applied in the chosen

Page 12
company and new hires population. Relevant case study examples should be presented to help
new employees understand the benefits which they can experience in the company.

Grading criteria

LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an
organization with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives

P1 Explain the purpose and the D1 Critically evaluate

M1 Assess how the functions of HRM
functions of HRM, applicable to the strengths and
can provide talent and skills appropriate
workforce planning and resourcing an weaknesses of
to fulfil business objectives
organization. different approaches
M2 Evaluate the strengths and to recruitment and
P2 Explain the strengths and
weaknesses of different approaches to selection, supported
weaknesses of different approaches to
recruitment and selection. by specific examples.
recruitment and selection

LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an

D2 Critically evaluate
P3 Explain the benefits of different
HRM practices and
HRM practices within an organization M3 Explore different methods used in
application within an
for both the employer and employee. HRM practices, providing specific
examples to support evaluation within
P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of context, using a
an organizational context.
different HRM practices in terms of range of specific
raising organizational profit and examples.

Page 13


1- Purpose of the report………………………………………………………………………………………………………16

2- Viettel Group profile

2.1 – Basic information…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16

2.2 – Stock information………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………17

2.3 – The vision of company………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..17

2.4 – The mission of company…………………………………………………………………………………………………...17

2.5 – Meaning of slogan and logo………………………………………………………………………………………………17

2.6 – Business philosophy………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….18

2.7 – Core values of company…………………………………………………………………………………………………….19

2.8 – The core business objectives…………………………………………………………………………………………..….21

2.9 – Total number of human resources in firm………………………………………………………………………….….22


1 – Definitions and the purpose of human resources

1.1 – Definitions of human resources………………………………………………………….…………………………….…23

1.2 – The purpose of human resources ………………………………………………………………….………………….…25

2 – Roles and responsibilities of human resources management………………………………………….26

3 – Workforce planning and resourcing an organizations………………………………………………….….29

* The workforce planning and resourcing in Viettel company………………………………………………………….31

Page 14
4 – The strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection

4.1 – Recruitment and selection process………………………………………………………………………………….….33

4.2 – Recruitment approaches…………………………………………………………………………………………..……...37

* The process of the way recruitment of Viettel Company……………………………………………………………...40

* Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection of Viettel company

5 – Human resources management practices……………………………………………………………………….43

5.1 – Resourcing…………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………….43

5.2 – Performance management…………………………………………………………….………………………………….49

5.3 – Learning and development…………………….………………………………………………………………………….56

5.4 – Reward management…………………………………………………………………..…………………………………..65

5.5 – Employee relations…………………………………………………….…………………………………………………….67

* HRM Practices of Viettel company………………………………………………………………………….………………..71

* Evaluations HRM Practices of Viettel company in specific context ……………………………………………….….76

*Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and

III – CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………79

IV- REFERENCES LIST…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….80

Page 15


In the current market economy, the Vietnamese economy in particular and the world economy in general
face many difficulties and challenges. Because to survive, each company must possess effective human
resources, hard work, and loyalty to the business. In a market economy, human resources is the most
valuable asset, the key to the success of every organization and every business. In particular, the quality
of human resources is one of the competitive advantages of the business. In the trend of globalizing the
economy, human resources of the telecommunications industry also need to have a fundamental change
in quality, constantly improving the capacity, skills and awareness of the operating environment to meet
them. requirements of new missions. Only when there is a fundamental change in the quantity and quality
of human resources, the telecommunications industry can exist and develop. As a newly appointed human
resources specialist for Viettel company, this report will ask Director to produce an employee induction
and orientation manual for company’s new employees. The guide will provide specifics on the purpose of
human resources and the major human resources functions within the organization.


2.1- Basic information:

Name of company: Viettel Post Joint Stock Corporation

Headquarters: 1 Tran Huu Duc street, My Dinh 2, Nam Tu Liem, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Date of establishment: June 1st , 1989

Phone number: (84-24) 62556789

Fax: (84-24) 62996789

Website: http://www.viettel.com.vn/.

The main products and services: Delivery, logistics, trade in services.

Revenue: 7.908 billions in 2019

Profits: 477 billions in 2019

Page 16
Overseas markets: Laos, Cambodia, Haiti, Mozambique, Peru, Timor Leste, Cameroon, Tanzania, Burundi,

Customers around the world: 100 million

Business areas: Telecommunications, Information Technology, High-tech Research & Development.

2.2– Stock information:

Name of stock: Shares of Viettel Post Joint Stock Corporation

Code of stock: VTP

Stock exchanges: UPCoM

The charter captial: 596,192,080,000

Outstanding stock: 59,691,208

2.3– The vision of company:

The company focuses on care and innovative. Viettel in the van of the innovation and creativity. Besides,
the vision of brand is condensed from understanding the customer’s desires. (viettel.com.vn., no date)

2.4– The mission of company:

With the mission of Creating for people, Viettel always considers each customer as a person - a separate
individual, which should be respected, cared for and listened to, understood and served separately.

The foundation for a growing business is social. Viettel is also committed to reinvesting in society through
linking production and business activities with social activities, especially programs for health, education
and support for the poor. (Viettel.com.vn., no date)

2.5 – “Say it your way” – Meaning of slogan and logo:

Page 17
(Source: viettel.com.vn., no date)

*Meaning of slogan “Say it your way: Viettel always wants to serve customers as separate individuals.
We understand that in order to do that, we must first understand the customers and listen to the
customers. And so customers are always encouraged to speak in the way they want and in their own
voice. (solutionviettel.vn., no date)

*Meaning of logo:

Viettel logo is designed based on the idea taken from the image of quotes. This is very consistent with the
brand vision and slogan that Viettel has chosen. Viettel always cares and appreciates each customer's
individual needs. (solutionviettel.vn., no date)

Viettel logo has an ellipse designed from small strokes to large strokes, small strokes to small strokes to
form an ellipse symbolizing continuous movement, continuous creativity (Western culture) and also a
symbol for Yin and Yang blend together (Eastern Culture). (solutionviettel.vn., no date)

The three colors on the logo also have special meanings: blue (natural), yellow (earth) and white (human).
The harmonious combination between sky, land and people represents the sustainable development of
Viettel brand. (solutionviettel.vn., no date)

2.6– Business philosophy:

Firstly, growing customer is treated as an individual. Company always listens and appreciate the
requirements of each customer in order to provide individually tailored services. (viettel.com.vn., no date)

Page 18
Secondly, business development goes hand in hand with social responsibilities. Society development is
the foundation of business growth. Therefore, businesses should take action to improve and develop the
societies in which they operate. (viettel.com.vn., no date)

Thirdly, the key to development is human resources. Every employee should be happy and play a creative
role. Therefore, a good working environment is essential. (viettel.com.vn., no date)

2.7 – Core values of company:

The company developed by based on 8 core values. The core values are Viettel's commitment to
customers, partners, investors, society and ourselves. These values are a guideline for all activities of
Viettel to become an innovative business for people. There are 8 core values:

1. Practice is the truth testing standard:

- Theory to summarize the practice of drawing experiences, approaching the truth and predicting the

- Need reasoning and prediction to lead. But only practice can confirm whether these arguments and
predictions are true or false.

- Awarenessing and approaching truth through operational practice.

- Assessing people through practical processes

2. Growing up through challenges and failures:

- Mistakes are inevitable in the process of progressing to each success. Mistakes create opportunities
for the next development.

- Everyone at Viettel is the one who dares to fail. They encourage those who fail. Search in failure of
system errors to make adjustments.

- Criticaling and straightforward criticism from an early age.

3. Quick adaptation is competitive strength:

Page 19
- The only thing that doesn't change is change. In a competitive environment, changes take place day
by day, hour by hour. If you are aware of the inevitability of change, you will accept it more easily.

- Each phase, each scale needs a suitable new strategy and structure. The strength of the company is
scale but the ability to change quickly, adapt quickly.

- Seeing reform as a driving force for development. - Self-awareness to change.

- Constantly changing to adapt to the environment change.

- Constantly thinking to adjust the strategy and restructure the organization accordingly.

4. Creativity is vitality:

- Creativity makes a difference.

- Respecting and honoring from the smallest ideas.

- Building an environment to encourage creativity so that every Viettel person can be creative

- Maintaining Viettel Idea Festival.

5. System thinking:

- Business environment increasingly complicated. Systematic thinking is the art of simplifying


- An organization must have the ideology, strategic vision, guiding theories and the foundation system.
Besides, a system that wants to grow rapidly in scale must be professionalized.

- Developing a reasoning system for your strategies, solutions, steps and actions.

- Applying the 5-step process to solve the problem: The first is to identify the problem, the second is
to find the cause, the next is to find a solution, the fourth step is to organize the implementation, and
finally to check and performance evaluation.

6. Combining East – West:

- There are two cultures, two ways of thinking, the two biggest ways of action of human civilization.

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- Therefore, combining East and West also means always seeing two sides of a problem. Combining
does not mean mixing.

- Combining visual thinking with analytical and systematic thinking.

- Combining stability and reform.

- Combining balance and personal motivation

7. Tradition and how to be a soldier:

- Viettel originated from the Army. The company is always proud of that source.

- One of the differences that make up Viettel strength is tradition and how to do the army.

- Working and developing with that pride:

+ 4 key words of foundation: Discipline, Solidarity, Acceptance of hardships, Determination to

overcome difficulties, Attaching flesh and blood.

+ Working spirit: Assertive, Fast, Complete.

8. Viettel is a common home:

- Viettel is the second home where every Viettel employee lives and works there. Every Viettel person
must be loyal to the company's career.

- Solidarity and harmony in the Viettel common house is the premise for the development.

- Each member must respect each other as separate individuals, considering the needs of employees.

- Get teamwork to develop individuals. Individuals and units work together as parts of a body.

- Each individual in the company is a brick to build a more solid Viettel common house.

2.8 – The core business objectives:

Here is the business objectives of company in 2020 - 2021:

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The Board of Directors of the Corporation operates with the purpose of managing and operating to bring
the most benefits to the Corporation's shareholders, so that the company's activities are more and more
effective for the members of the Association. The Board of Directors and each employee of Viettel always
try to raise awareness and sense of responsibility for the assigned work. (baocaothuongnien2019.pdf.,

Firstly, business policy is more flexible such as:

- Diversifying products and services based on core services is delivery in order to contribute to the
restructuring of revenue towards sustainability. (baocaothuongnien2019.pdf., 2019)
- Promoting expansion of sales activities into products with high profit margins, easy to deploy in intra-
provincial and intra-regional transportation. (baocaothuongnien2019.pdf., 2019)
- Focusing on developing and expanding the southern market, especially Ho Chi Minh City area.
- Expanding the provision of value-added services on the postal network, especially those that stimulate
consumption to 70% of the population in rural markets. (baocaothuongnien2019.pdf., 2019)

Secondly, company implements drastic digital transformation at Viettel Post, making Viettel Post a
Logistics technology company. (baocaothuongnien2019.pdf., 2019)

Next, enhancing the application of information technology in the management and development of non-
cash payments. (baocaothuongnien2019.pdf., 2019)

Furthermore, accelerating administrative reform, streamlining the apparatus, network planning, well
implementing personnel organization and training. (baocaothuongnien2019.pdf., 2019)

Importantly, company maintains and implements good corporate culture "Friendly - Honest - Fast -
Smart". Besides, CEO of company, and human resources department need to recruit, and manage
employees that rely on this corporate culture. (baocaothuongnien2019.pdf., 2019)

In addition, in 2020, Viettel Post aims to reach VND 19,232 billion in revenue, an increase of 143.18%
compared to the year 2019. The after-tax profit plan reaches VND 495.65 billion, an increase of 30.38%
compared to the children. last year's execution number. (Ngoc Luu., 2020).

2.9 – Total number of human resources in firm:

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By the end of 2019, we have 12,578 employees as the core workforce, 7000 employees of the service
provider and 37,000 Mygo partners in 86 branches spread across 63 provinces and cities across the
country. Human resources network, ready to serve customers to remote areas of the country. Viettel Post
has been creating great values, not only contributing to the development of enterprises but also social
values for the community itself, towards sustainable development.



1.1 – Definitions of human resources:

To grasp human resource management (HRM) in the most simple way, we'll get to its concept first. Human
Resource Management (HRM) is defined as the department responsible for practical training, hiring,
deployment, and management of employees in an organization, and is also abbreviated as Human
Resource (HR). (Rouse, 2019). In addition, there are reinforced HRM theories such as commitment,
motivation, the resource-based view, organizational behavior theory, contingency theory, institutional
theory, human capital theory, resource dependence theory, AMO theory, social exchange theory,
transaction costs theory, and agency theory.

+ Commitment: Richard Walton's (1985) Harvard Business Review article highlighted The
significance of organizational commitment in HRM theory (the strength of an individual's
identification with, and involvement in, a particular organization). (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M.

+ Motivation: The theory of motivation describes the factors that affect goal-oriented behavior
and thus affects the strategies used in HRM to improve commitment (the situation in which people
are engaged in their work and the organization, motivated to achieve high-performance levels).
(Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

+ The resource-based view: Resource-based theory articulated as a 'resource-based view' notes

that competitive advantage is gained if the resources of a company are worthwhile, uncommon,

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and expensive to imitate. HRM is alleged to play a major part in ensuring that the human resources
of the company follow those requirements. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

+ Organizational behavior theory: The theory of organizational behavior describes how people act
individually or in groups within their organizations, and how organizations function in terms of
their structure, processes, and culture. This also affects HRM approaches to organizational design
and growth and enhances organizational efficiency (an organization's ability to work efficiently to
achieve desired results. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

+ Contingency theory: The principle of contingency notes that HRM activities are based on the
context and circumstances of the organization. The idea of contingency is correlated with the
notion of fit – the need to maintain continuity between the HR approaches, policies, and
procedures of a company and its business objectives within its external and internal setting. That's
a crucial idea in HRM strategy. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

+ Institutional theory: Organizations abide by internal and external environmental factors to

achieve credibility and recognition. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

+ Human capital theory: The theory of human capital examines how individuals in an organization
contribute their expertise, talents, and abilities to improve organizational ability and the
importance of that contribution. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

+ Resource dependence theory: The theory of resource dependence states that groups and
organizations, by controlling valued resources, gain power over one another. It is assumed that
the HRM activities represent power distribution in the system. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

+ AMO theory: As set out by Boxall and Purcell (2003), the 'AMO' formula states that success is a
function of Skill + Motivation + Opportunity to Participate. Therefore, HRM practices impact
individual performance if they promote discretionary effort, develop skills and give people the
opportunity to perform. The formula provides the basis for the creation of HR systems which serve
the interests of employees, namely their skill requirements, motivations and the quality of their
job. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

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+ Social exchange theory: Employees can reciprocate their commitment to the company when
they feel they have been well received by the company. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

+ Transaction costs theory: The economics of transaction costs suggests that companies build
organizational frameworks and processes that economize the transaction costs (interrelated trade
activities) that arise during their operations. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

+ Agency theory: Agency theory states that the task of a company's managers is to serve as their
representatives on behalf of the business owners. Yet between the managers (the principals) and
the agents (the agents), there is a distinction that managers may not have full influence over their
agents and supervisors. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

1.2 – The purpose of human resources:

After the HRM Theories Underpinned, we partly understand what the purpose of HRM is. It can be
understood that the purpose of HRM is to support the organization by developing and implementing
human resources (HR) strategies that are integrated with the business strategy (Strategic HRM) to achieve
its objectives; contribute to creating a high-performance culture; ensure that the company has the
creative, skilled and dedicated people it needs; establish a productive working partnership between
management and staff, and an environment of mutual trust; and foster applying an ethical approach to
people management. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014). In addition, in order to have a better
understanding of Human Resource Management, we will learn about its function. HRM has four basic core
functions: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. (toppr, n.d.)

+ Planning: A manager must prepare ahead to make his subordinates do stuff. Planning is also
essential to offer the organisation's goals. Besides, planning also helps to develop the best
practices for achieving the goals. Additionally, some successful managers devote a large portion of
their time to preparation. With regard to the human resource department, planning involves
identifying the personnel programs that can contribute to the achievement of the goals of the
organization. In addition, these services include forecasting the organization's recruiting needs,
preparing job criteria, specifications, and defining recruitment sources. (toppr, n.d.)

+ Organizing: After the manager of human resources sets the goals and develops plans and
programs to achieve them, he needs to design and develop the structure of the organization to

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carry out the various operations. The structure of the organisation 's development includes
personnel activities are grouped into functions or positions, assigning various groupings of tasks
to different individuals, delegating authority by the delegated roles and obligations involved, and
coordinating the tasks of the different workers. (toppr, n.d.)

+ Directing: The directing functions of HRM involve encouraging people to work willingly and
efficiently to achieve the goals of the organization. Based on that, motivation is considered as a
continuous process as employees have new needs and expectations when the old ones are
satisfied. Therefore, HRM must identify the needs of the employees and the means and methods
to satisfy them. (toppr, n.d.)

+ Controlling: Controlling is one of HRM's important functions, as it helps to assess and control the
department's performance. It also includes assessments, audits, statistics and also includes various
operational functions. The manager examines the outcomes with the set criteria, and compares
them. (toppr, n.d.)


However, the function of HRM influenced by following forces of external environment such as global,
environmental, geographic, political, social, and legal, economic, and technological, HR strategy and
planning, equal employment opportunity, staffing, talent management, rewards, risk management and
worker protection, employee, and labor relations. HRM 's roles is the element that will be analyzed after
evaluating the function of HRM, those are about Administrative, Operational and Employee Advocate,
and Strategic.

+ Administrative: Clerical management, record keeping, legal documentation and the execution of
policies. With the major shifts - Use of technology and outsourcing. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M.

+ Operational and Employee Advocate: Cooperate with managers and supervisors, and identify
and implement the organization's necessary programs and policies. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M.

Page 26
+ Strategic: Address the business realities, focus on future business needs, fit the business plans
and needs of human capital. (Taylor, S. & Armstrong, M. 2014)

HRM also needs to have its own duties, in addition to the positions mentioned above. A human resource
manager's duties fall into three main areas: workers, salaries and employee benefits, and work design /
design. Specifically, the key tasks related to human resource management include: job analysis and
staffing, organization and utilization of work force, measurement and appraisal of work force
performance, implementation of reward systems for employees, professional development of workers,
and maintenance of work force.

+ Job analysis consists of determining often with the aid of other areas of the company, the nature
and responsibilities of different positions of employment. This may involve assessing the skills and
experiences needed to perform adequately in a role, recognizing work and industry patterns, and
forecasting potential jobs and skills requirements. In management Thomas S. Bateman and Carl P.
Zeithaml stated: Function and Strategy, job analysis is the foundation of HRM practice as it offers
relevant work information to recruit and promote employees, set salaries, recognize training
needs and make other essential HRM decisions. Staffing, meanwhile, is the actual process of
managing the flow of staff within, (through transfers and promotions) and outside an organization.
If the recruiting aspect of the staffing process is complete, the selection is made through work
postings, interviews, reference checks, testing and other resources. (Inc., n.d)

+ Another primary role of HRM is the organization, utilization, and maintenance of a company's
work force. This includes developing an organizational structure that maximizes the use of the
human capital of a company and creating communication structures that help the organization
operate in a cohesive manner. Safety and healthy and worker-management relations include other
roles in this area. Maintenance of human capital related to safety and health typically requires
compliance with federal regulations shielding workers from occupational hazards. Several Federal
Departments pass over these rules such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and various state agencies, which
implement workers' compensation laws, employee protection laws and other areas. Maintenance
tasks associated with worker-management relations primarily involve: working with labor unions;
handling misconduct-related grievances, such as theft or sexual harassment; and designing

Page 27
communication systems to foster cooperation and a shared sense of mission among employees.
(Inc., n.d)

+ Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating the performance of employees and providing
feedback to such employees on both positive and negative aspects of their results. Performance
measurements are extremely important for both the company and the employee, because they
are the primary data used to assess pay increases, promotions and, in the case of unsatisfactorily
performing employees, dismissal. (Inc., n.d)

+ Reward systems are also handled by HR areas. This dimension of human resource management
is very important, as it is the process by which organizations give their employees rewards for past
accomplishments and opportunities for future high performance. It is also the mechanism by
which organisations, through the institution of disciplinary measures, address problems within
their workforce. Aligning the workforce with company goals, Gubman said that requires offering
workers a relationship of employment that motivates them to take ownership of the business plan.
(Inc., n.d)

+ Employee development and training is another vital responsibility of human resources

personnel. HR is responsible for researching the training needs of an organization and initiating
and evaluating programs for employee development to address those needs. Such training
programs can vary from orientation programs to innovative educational programs to familiarize
employees with a new software framework, designed to acclimatize new hires to the organization.
(Inc., n.d)

+ HRM professionals need to devise uniform standards of assessment and train managers to
administer the assessments. They will need to tie the appraisal process to compensation and
reward strategies. HRM practitioners must also ensure that the performance assessment process
complies with federal regulations. The challenge is to balance the workforce and the company,
Gubman says. HRM professional should be aware of the fundamentals of learning and motivation.
HRM professional must carefully design and monitor training and development programs.
Research has shown specific benefits that a small business receives from training and developing
its workers. These benefits include increased productivity, reduced employee turnover, increased

Page 28
efficiency and decreased need for supervision. The importance of this aspect of a business's
operation can hardly be overstated. (Inc., n.d)

+ Meaningful contributions to business processes are increasingly recognized as being within the
purview of active human resource management practices. In some respects managers of human
resources have always contributed to the overall business processes. Increasing numbers of
businesses are incorporating human resource managers into other business processes. Human
resource managers are increasingly involved in shaping business performance. Telecommuting,
permanent part-time roles and outsourcing major non-strategic functions are becoming more
frequent, says John Johnston, author of "The Human Resource Managers Workplace: A cheat sheet
to a 21st-century Workplace". Increasing numbers of enterprises incorporate managers of human
resources into other business processes. Managers of human resources are increasingly involved
in shaping entrepreneurial results. Telecommuting, permanent part-time positions and
outsourcing of certain non-strategic functions are becoming more common, says John Johnston,
author of "The Workplace for Human Resource Managers: A cheat sheet to a 21st-ce". (Inc., n.d)


Workforce planning is also an important concept in HRM. Workforce planning is the process of evaluating,
predicting and preparing supply and demand for the workforce, determining needs and defining
appropriate talent acquisition strategies to ensure that an company has the right people-with the right
skills in the right positions at the right time-to meet its mission and strategic objectives. Workforce
planning of HRM include six Stages: Strategic Direction, Supply Analysis, Demand Analysis, Gap Analysis,
Solution Implementation, Monitoring Progress. (hr.nih.gov, n.d.)

+ Strategic Direction: Understand main mission priorities and strategic targets set by leadership of
companies, and how to organize the workforce to achieve them. (hr.nih.gov, n.d.)

+ Supply Analysis: Understand the current workforce, and how, due to attrition and other trends,
it is expected to change over time. (hr.nih.gov, n.d.)

+ Demand Analysis: Understand the present and potential needs of the organisation 's workforce.
(hr.nih.gov, n.d.)

Page 29
+ Gap Analysis: Understand the gaps between demand and supply for the workforce and identify
priority areas with the greatest effect on the efficiency of the organisation. (hr.nih.gov, n.d.)

+ Solution Implementation: The required strategies and activities for the workforce to close
defined labor gaps and allow the company to achieve its strategic goals. (hr.nih.gov, n.d.)

+ Monitoring Progress: Monitor solutions performance and impact on the gaps that they were
designed to address, and continuously improve solutions to maximize their effectiveness.
(hr.nih.gov, n.d.)

Return to Viettel business with a plan of strong staff management and training implementation. Regarding
the HR planning, by 2017, Viettel is a corporation that accounts for 60 per cent of total state-owned
economic groups' earnings. The latest figures show that Viettel hires a fairly high number of men, up to
almost 50,000. The selection of senior management at this level is therefore not easy and offers many
useful lessons to businesses. Firstly, Viettel finds the standard and skills needed to do more than qualify.
A individual without the skills of the job would find it difficult to work hard. Skilled people are always quick
to find the right solution for their creation and the business. Therefore, the degrees cannot completely
represent the abilities of an person. It is therefore not enough to rely solely on qualifications but to
arrange for staff to work in positions they do not like or do not have the skills. If they do not have the skills
for this position, the exact development of their capabilities is impossible. Therefore, credentials make
the task of hiring senior staff and handling human resources at Viettel only a minor factor. All employees
at Viettel are respected in contributing to the construction of the common home for the
telecommunications group. "Sun Wukong" theory is being implemented in the recruiting process by
Viettel 's CEO Nguyen Manh Hung. In particular, Viettel uses the slogan of looking for sand for gold, this
slogan is known instead of choosing several applicants, with 10 people only taking 5 people after 6 months
and these 5 people are better and assured employees will be put in the right people, in the right places.
Therefore, people who are not suitable will be quickly removed, which will help them to choose other
suitable jobs. Furthermore, the criterion for hiring senior staff for Viettel is to consider applicants who are
appropriate for the corporate culture, have a strong spirit of work, commitment to complete the job etc.
It is also in keeping with Viettel 's living values, etc. The right people would make it easier, easier to
integrate, to do better work. The application of suitable selection of candidates therefore helps businesses
to quickly adapt to the job. Good people will help create a solid, sustainable enterprise. Thirdly, Viettel

Page 30
can rotate its staff in accordance with the business strategy. The rotation at Viettel shows the working
community. Through the process of hiring senior workers through reliable web pages and staff turnover,
more experienced employees can be identified and aided, becoming essential group members. If
companies do not create opportunities for each individual, people will find it difficult to fully express their
capabilities. Management of human resources should focus on the environment so that employees
promote their capacities. Fourth, leaders set a precedent for entrepreneurship. In order to manage
enterprise personnel professionally, Viettel recruited CEOs to orient, comment, train candidates, and
solve difficulties when necessary. Strategy and implementation method will determine the success or
failure of the business itself. The people who come up with the ideas are always the best people to get
the ideas in the business. This is the reason why Viettel executives really have a profoundly high level of
personnel management, following the reality of enterprises. The last one is daily operating, executive
management helps individuals easily understand the changes in their policies and strategies. Human
resources managers will often have to spend most of their time training the next generation of leaders to
instill corporate values. According to CEO Nguyen Manh Hung's share, Viettel now assigns tasks to its
managers on a monthly basis and reviews each month's results. Each manager of the lower levels will
usually not manage the number of over 20 subordinates. Viettel, with its unique employing strategies, has
contributed to the overall development of the business. This is also a lesson of high-level HR management
strategies that businesses can apply appropriately to their businesses.

❖ Here is the workforce planning and resourcing in Viettel company:

Return to Viettel business with a plan of strong staff management and training implementation. Regarding
the HR planning, by 2017, Viettel is a corporation that accounts for 60% of total state-owned economic
groups' earnings. The latest figures show that Viettel hires a fairly high number of men, up to almost
50,000. The selection of senior management at this level is therefore not easy and offers many useful
lessons to businesses.

Firstly, Viettel finds the standard and skills needed to do more than qualify. An individual without the skills
of the job would find it difficult to work hard. Skilled people are always quick to find the right solution for
their creation and the business. Therefore, the degrees cannot completely represent the abilities of a
person. It is therefore not enough to rely solely on qualifications but to arrange for staff to work in
positions they do not like or do not have the skills. If they do not have the skills for this position, the exact

Page 31
development of their capabilities is impossible. Therefore, credentials make the task of hiring senior staff
and handling human resources at Viettel only a minor factor. All employees at Viettel are respected in
contributing to the construction of the common home for the telecommunications group. "Sun Wukong"
theory is being implemented in the recruiting process by Viettel 's CEO Nguyen Manh Hung. In particular,
Viettel uses the slogan of looking for sand for gold, this slogan is known instead of choosing several
applicants, with 10 people only taking 5 people after 6 months and these 5 people are better and assured
employees will be put in the right people, in the right places. Thus, people who are not suitable will be
quickly removed, which will help them to choose other suitable jobs.

Furthermore, the criterion for hiring senior staff for Viettel is to consider applicants who are appropriate
for the corporate culture, have a strong spirit of work, commitment to complete the job etc. It is also in
keeping with Viettel 's living values, etc. The right people would make it easier, easier to integrate, to do
better work. The application of suitable selection of candidates therefore helps businesses to quickly
adapt to the job. Good people will help create a solid, sustainable enterprise.

Thirdly, Viettel can rotate its staff in accordance with the business strategy. The rotation at Viettel shows
the working community. Through the process of hiring senior workers through reliable web pages and
staff turnover, more experienced employees can be identified and aided, becoming essential group
members. If companies do not create opportunities for each individual, people will find it difficult to fully
express their capabilities. Management of human resources should focus on the environment so that
employees promote their capacities. Fourth, leaders set a precedent for entrepreneurship. In order to
manage enterprise personnel professionally, Viettel recruited CEOs to orient, comment, train candidates,
and solve difficulties when necessary. Strategy and implementation method will determine the success or
failure of the business itself. The people who come up with the ideas are always the best people to get
the ideas in the business. This is the reason why Viettel executives really have a profoundly high level of
personnel management, following the reality of enterprises.

The last one is daily operating, executive management helps individuals easily understand the changes in
their policies and strategies. Human resources managers will often have to spend most of their time
training the next generation of leaders to instill corporate values. According to CEO Nguyen Manh Hung's
share, Viettel now assigns tasks to its managers on a monthly basis and reviews each month's results. Each
manager of the lower levels will usually not manage the number of over 20 subordinates. Viettel, with its

Page 32
unique employing strategies, has contributed to the overall development of the business. This is also a
lesson of high-level HR management strategies that businesses can apply appropriately to their



4.1. Recruitment and selection process:

In human resources management, recruitment is very important to find talents and skills to company
grow. Recruitment is the process of finding the people the organization needs and getting them involved.
Selection is that part of the recruitment process that deals with deciding which applicants or candidates
to be appointed for jobs. They can be expensive to recruit (CIPD, 2013).

In fact, not all businesses follow all steps in the recruitment process, but depending on the actual situation,
businesses will change flexibly to suit (Nhanh.vn, 2019). The stages of recruitment and selection are:
defining requirements, attracting candidates, sifting applications, interviewing, testing, assessing
candidates, obtaining references, checking applications, offering employment, and following up.

First is defining requirements. The number and categories of people needed can be set out in structured
plans for the workforce from which comprehensive recruitment plans are derived. More usually,
requirements are represented as people's ad hoc demands due to the development of new sites,
expansion into new activities or areas or the need for a replacement. These short-term demands may put
pressure on human resources to quickly deliver the candidates. Requirements are set out in the form of
role profiles and specifications for individuals. Which provide the details needed to post vacancies on the
company's website or on the internet, draft advertisements, recruitment consultants and assess
applicants through interviews and selection tests (Armstrong, 2014, p.226).

A person specification, also known as recruitment or job specification, defines the knowledge, skills and
skills (KSAs) required to fulfill the role, the types of behavior expected from role holders and the training,
qualifications, training and experience required to acquire the necessary KSAs. The specifications are set
out in the headings below knowledge, skills and abilities, behavioural competencies, qualifications and
training, experience, specific demands, and special requirements.

Second is attracting candidates. The following steps are required when planning how to attract
candidates: evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of recruiting to build the employee value proposition
and employer brand, evaluate the requirement to decide what type of person is required and identify
possible applicant sources (Armstrong, 2014, p.228).

Page 33
Attracting candidates is mainly a matter of recognizing, analyzing and using the applicants' most suitable
sources. However, in cases where difficulties are met or anticipated in attracting or retaining candidates,
a study of the factors that are likely to attract or deter candidates – the strengths and weaknesses of the
organization as an employer. The study could use an attitude survey to get the views of existing staff. The
analysis should cover such matters as the organization's national or local reputation, pay, employee
benefits and working conditions, the job's intrinsic interest, job security, educational and training
opportunities, career prospects, and office or plant location (Armstrong, 2014, p.228).

In addition, analyze requirement is also quite important in this step. It is necessary to determine which
jobs to fill out and by when. Then refer to an existing position profile and individual definition or, if not
available or obsolete, draw up new ones setting out the criteria for responsibilities and competency. To
assess the appropriate education, skills and experience, this information can be analyzed.

The next step is to consider where appropriate candidates are likely to come from: within the
organization, from other organizations or educational institutions, and from parts of the country where
they can be found. Next, define employment terms and conditions such as pay and benefits. Finally, turn
to the strengths and weaknesses review to determine what it is about the position or company that is
likely to draw successful candidates, so that these considerations can be made the most when advertising
the role or otherwise approaching potential applicants (Armstrong, 2014, p.228).

Third is sifting applications. When recruitment agencies or consultants are used they will provide their
client with a shortlist of interview candidates. If not, they have to sift the applications themselves. This
means examining the applicants' information, sorting it out and drawing up a shortlist of applicants to be

Candidates may respond with a formal application by e-mail or letter to an online notice or advertisement,
usually supported by a CV. Applicants may be asked to provide information in a standardized format on
their education, skills, training, and experience to provide a formal basis for drawing up shortlists, the
interview itself, and the subsequent conduct in providing an appointment, and record keeping. This
ensures that against the person specification all applicants are treated on the same basis (Pioro and Baum,

When posting or advertising the vacancy or vacancies and receiving a fair number of replies, the initial
step is to list the applications in the recruitment database setting the name, date of application received
and actions taken (reject, hold, interview, shortlist, offer). The aim of the selection is to determine
candidates' suitability by predicting to what degree they will be able to effectively perform a position. It
involves evaluating the degree to which applicants' characteristics in terms of their KSAs, competencies,
experience, skills, education and training fit the requirements of the individual and then using this
assessment to make a choice between applicants. To these should be added selection tests and
assessment centres. Interviews are normally conducted by means of a face-to-face discussion (CIPD,

Page 34
Fourth is interviewing. The interview is the screening form that is familiar. The aim is to obtain information
about candidates that will allow a judgment to be made as to how well they will do the job and thus lead
to a decision to pick them. An interview requires face-to-face discussion. It provides the best opportunity
to establish close contact – relationship – between the interviewer and the candidate when it is an
individual rather than a panel interview, thus facilitating the acquisition of information about the
suitability of the candidate and how well he or she would fit into the organization (Armstrong, 2014,

Regular interviews will also have different disadvantages and advantages. As for the advantages, there
are four things that often help an interviewers and interviewees. Provide interviewers with opportunities
to ask questions about the candidate's experience and explore the extent to which the candidate's skills
match those specified for the job, allow interviewers to describe in more detail the job and the
organization, providing some indication of the terms of the psychological contract. Provide opportunities
for candidates to ask questions about the job, and clarify issues related to training, career prospects,
organization, and employment conditions, and enable a face-to-face meeting to be held so that the
interviewer can assess how the candidate would fit into the organization and what he or she would like
to be working with (Armstrong, 2014, p.237).

In contrast, there are disadvantages. Depend on the interviewer's expertise – many people are bad at
interviews, while most believe they are decent at them, and will result in interviewees making biased and
subjective judgements. Such drawbacks are most common when using unstructured interviews
(Armstrong, 2014, p.237).

Fifth is testing. Selection tests are used to provide valid and reliable evidence of skill, intelligence,
personality, ability, and achievement levels. Psychological tests are instruments of measurement, which
is why they are often called psychometric test. Psychometric means mental measurement (Armstrong,
2014, p.238).

Intelligence tests measure a range of mental abilities that allow a person to succeed in various intellectual
tasks using the abstract thinking and reasoning faculties. Skill tests measure abilities while cognitive tests
measure the learning of person in a specific subject area. They contain problems, questions and tasks. The
meta-analysis conducted has shown high predictive validity of intelligence tests. The result of a test can
be expressed as a score that can be compared with the scores of the population as a whole, or the
population of the organization as a whole or part of it using the test (Armstrong, 2014, p.238).

Personality assessments aim to determine candidates' personality to make predictions of their likely
actions in a situation. There are several different personality theories, and thus several different types of
personality tests. These include questionnaires on personality self-report and other questionnaires that
measure interests, values, or work behavior. Personality tests can provide interesting additional
information about candidates that is free from the biased reactions that occur frequently in face-to - face
interviews, but must be used with great care. The tests should have been developed on the basis of

Page 35
extensive research and field testing by a reputable psychologist or test agency and must meet the specific
needs of the user (Armstrong, 2014, p.238).

Sixth is obtaining references. If the interviewing and checking process has been completed, a tentative
decision to make an offer by telephone or in writing can be taken. This is normally subject to satisfactory
references and, of course, the candidate should be told that they will be taken on board. If more than one
candidate is eligible for a job it may be advisable to hold one or two people in reserve. Applicants often
withdraw, particularly those whose sole purpose in applying for the job was to conduct a test marketing
operation, or to obtain a lever to persuade their current employers to value them more (Armstrong, 2014,

Key legal points to remember when requesting or providing references are:

● Once the decision to make an offer has been made, the letter will clarify that this is an temporary offer
subject to the receipt of appropriate references.

● It has been generally held that there is no common law obligation on an employer to provide references
for a serving employee or former employee unless there is a term in the employment contract to that
effect. But it has been ruled that there could be a moral requirement to include a reference where it is
'common practice' to provide a reference from a previous employer before offering a job, and where the
applicant does not presume to enter that type of work without a reference.

Next is checking applications. It is a sad fact that all too many applicants misinform their prospective
employers about their record of schooling, qualifications and jobs. This was confirmed by a CIPD (2008)
survey, which found that 25 per cent of employers had to withdraw their offers because applicants had
lied or misrepresented their request. It is always advisable to check that the facts given by applicants are
correct with universities, professional institutes and preceding employers. Other inspections, such as:

● Interview questions on actual experiences, with a thorough investigation to determine the extent of the
personal involvement, decision-making and contribution of the individual.

● Comprehensive application forms with open-ended questions concerning relevant learning related to
the qualifications, experience and abilities needed for the vacancies being considered.

● Check identification

● Review the electoral register

● Credit reference agency control (particularly suitable for positions in the financial services sector)

Then, offering employment. The final stage in the selection procedure is to confirm the job offer after
satisfactory references have been obtained and the applicant has passed the medical examination
required for the purposes of pension and life insurance or because the work requires a certain standard

Page 36
of physical fitness. At this stage, also, the employment contract should be prepared (Armstrong, 2014,

The last one is following up. It is essential that newly engaged employees be followed up to ensure they
have settled in and to check how well they are doing. If there are any problems identifying them at an
early stage is much better than allowing them to fester. It is also necessary to follow up as a means to
check on the selection process. If a mistake has been made by any chance, it is useful to find out how this
happened so the procedure can be improved. Misfits can be attributed to a number of causes; for
instance: inadequate person specifications, poor candidate sourcing, weak advertising, poor interviewing
techniques, inappropriate or invalidated selector tests, or prejudice (Armstrong, 2014, p.242).

4.2 - Recruitment approaches:

Rational process is one-way process in which the employer determines the vacancy’s requirements and
communicates these to potential candidates in order to generate a pool of applications to support the
selection process. This way mainly uses job analysis, job descriptions and person specifications.

Job analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing information about the content and requirements of
people for a job, as well as the context in which the work is performed. This process is used to locate jobs.
According to NU Values, decision making in this area is shared by units and human resources. The
organizational leadership of the organization will determine specific internal approval processes. It allows
organizations to identify work paths for employees interested in improving career advancement
opportunities and increasing salaries. Organizers are encouraged to consult the Human Resources
Department for guidance at any step in the job analysis process (HM, 2019).

Job descriptions include basic job-related data that are useful to advertise a specific job and attract a
talented team. It includes details such as job description, job status, reporting of workers, job overview,
purpose and goals of the job, duties and activities to be performed, working conditions, machinery, tools
and equipment used by a prospective worker and the associated hazards.

A person specification describes the desirable personal attributes in a prospective employee. It is similar
to a job description, but more specific. These attributes include qualifications, skills, experience and
knowledge, and sometimes personal attributes that a candidate needs to possess to perform job tasks.
Personal specifications are also good to help potential candidates understand the requirements of the job
and choose the right fit (Wiki, no date).

Page 37
(Source: Prachi. M., 2018)

Recruitment is simply, the act of enlisting new people. This can apply to anything, a job, a church or the
army. In terms of hiring for work, the nature of hiring is always the same, but the hiring practices have
changed a lot over the years. Below will be reviewed the internal and external recruitment process,
including some of the strengths and weaknesses of both (Wilkinson, 2019).

Internal recruitment is when a business or organization intends to fill the void from within its existing
workforce (Wilkinson, 2019). The strengths are often seen in internal recruitment:

▪ Hiring internal employees is cheaper and faster than outside because it motivates the employees
that the company already has.
▪ Internal hiring promotes loyalty and can even improve employee morale as it serves as a reward
for existing employees.
▪ In addition, it saves time and money for training because internal applicants will gain more
organizational and cultural knowledge.
▪ It also contributes to reducing employee turnover.
▪ Combining internal candidates with roles that match their personality and skills means they stay
in the company longer and increase employee retention.

Along with that are the weaknesses in recruiting internal sources:

▪ Recruiting from within limits innovation opportunities and ideas because current employees are
more comfortable with the processes and do not want to change.
▪ In addition, the company will leave a gap in the workforce.
▪ Even if they have recruited for an internal position, there will still be a gap in the workforce
because they will need to find an alternative position for the vacancy.
▪ Continuous internal hiring can lead to a stagnant culture.
▪ Employees can become too comfortable, whereby an outside recruiter can come and start

Page 38
On the other hand, external recruitment is when an organization seeks to fill vacancies from candidates
outside the company (Wilkinson, 2019). As well as recruiting internal sources, external recruitment also
has its strengths.

▪ Someone from outside brings new ideas and new ways.

▪ This can rock the business.
▪ Employees can create a broader network to recruit the best workers with the most appropriate
▪ Relying only on internal hiring means the opportunity to hire people with new skills and ideas may
be missed.
▪ Therefore, with outside recruitment, the company may increase its chances of recruiting
experienced and qualified candidates.

On the contrary are the weaknesses of internal recruiting:

▪ Rookies will have a limited understanding of company and company culture.

▪ Rookies outside will be less savvy when it comes to the corporate environment.
▪ In addition, there is a greater risk associated with filling an external position.
▪ New hires may not be worthy of this position and may even take advantage of an employer or
▪ Not to mention, internal disputes will inevitably arise if current employees feel that they are more
suitable for this position.

There are actually benefits for both internal and external hiring, but at the end of the day, it fits what is
right for each person. Some businesses will find different hiring techniques to work, so it is good to try
different routes before deciding to put all eggs in one basket (Wilkinson, 2019).

Recruitment advertising is a marketing process that attracts candidates’ interest in company through
advertising, with the aim of developing a talent pipeline. In today’s competitive talent market, recruiting
advertising has become a popular and necessary strategy for employers to reach the candidates they
need. Recruitment advertisements help organizations reach candidates on the web, improve their job
brands and create a consistent source of talent that can eventually be recruited. Talented recruiters and
professionals now use recruiting advertising as a means not only to reach active job seekers, but also to
attract, and nurture passive, passive candidates, through the candidate journey (Pullen, 2018).

E-recruitment, also known as online hiring, is a practice of using technology and especially web-based
resources for tasks related to search, attract, evaluate, interview and recruiting new personnel. The
purpose of electronic recruitment is to make the relevant processes more efficient and efficient, as well
as less expensive. Online recruitment can reach a larger group of potential employees and facilitate the
hiring process. E-recruitment software and systems are available as standalone applications, product
suites, and services. An employment management system is an integrated product suite or portal that

Page 39
streamlines and automates related processes. The use of websites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for
certain aspects of hiring is sometimes called social hiring (French, 2012).

❖ Here is the process of the way recruitment of Viettel Company:

More specifically with understanding the recruitment process of Viettel. With the goal of becoming a
leading telecom service provider in Vietnam, Viettel Telecom always considers creativity and pioneering
as its guiding principles. It is not only a technological pioneer but also an innovation in business
philosophy, understanding and satisfying customers’ needs. Each member of Viettel must transmit and
implement the core values. Following is the process of steps Viettel Company recruits personnel
(Nhanh.vn, 2019).

Step 1: Apply

Candidates will refer to the recruitment information posted on the website or fan page of Viettel
Corporation and select the vacancy. Prepare the application file including at least 01 autobiographical
information sheet (CV), and relevant certificates (English, specialized). Minimum personal CV should
include personal information, educational information, work experienced (positions/assignments/topics
performed, achieved results and outstanding achievements), contact information. Send the resume to
Recruitment Department directly on the Corporation’s website or follow the instructions in the
recruitment information, the title of the file stating the position of the candidate.

Step 2: Screening records

The Recruitment Department will conduct a screening of documents, consult the professional council
about the suitability to notify candidates to take part in the recruitment examination or preliminary
interview (for candidates with high relevance/with over 3 years of experience related to the position).
Inappropriate candidates will be kept records and information in the database system for the next

Step 3: Expertise

Applicants to the recruitment exam will perform various tests. Professional examination is means testing
background expertise according to each vacancy. Candidates who meet the requirements when the test
results reach 50% of the maximum total points. Next is the TOEIC Test: English proficiency test. Candidates

Page 40
are qualified when they have an exam score of 550/990 or higher or have equivalent English certificates.
Finally, IQ Test: test thinking ability. Candidates who meet the requirement when the test result reach
50% of the maximum total points.

Exam format: through the online training system at Viettel Academy.

Step 4: Interview

Candidates who meet the requirements of the tests will participate in 2 rounds of interview. Interview
round 1: chaired by the Board of Directors of the units directly under the Corporation. The Council will
discuss details with the candidate about professional knowledge and work experience, assessing the
suitability with the organization. Round 2 interview: chaired by the General Director of the Corporation.
The Council will make a decision to recruit candidates.

Step 5: Notice of results and contract agreement

Recruitment Department informs candidates about the successful and unsatisfactory results of the
recruitment process. Implementing an agreement with the candidate on the content will sign the

Step 6: Receive a job offer and prepare a file

Recruitment Department sends an Invitation for a job to the candidate according to the contents agreed
in the agreement process and instructions for preparing documents as prescribed. The applicant informs
Recruitment Department about the time of taking the job to conduct the preparation work to welcome
new employees.

❖ This is the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and

selection that need to evaluate:

Recruitment and selection process is one of the basic human resources processes. Recruitment and
selection are very sensitive because many managers have a need to hire a new employee and this process
is always closely monitored from them. Recruitment and selection are the two most important functions
of human resources management. The hiring process can be done in a variety of ways such as internally

Page 41
or externally, and it includes many steps of hiring policies such as job advertisement, job application
process, evaluation, job description and preparation French and training.

The main purpose of recruitment and recruitment is to attain a person's desired goal, appointing the right
people to the right jobs. Selection refers to selection is the process of selecting the most suitable
candidates from job applicants. It is a job creation process for desired candidates.

It is very clear that Internal Recruitment can be regarded as the favorite platform for individuals in
development and ongoing companies. In general, internal recruitment requires a strong hold from other
personnel processes, since unmanaged internal recruitment processes can lead to dissatisfied managers
and workers in the Company. It is very clear that ongoing performance management and succession
planning are necessary to ensure internal recruiting performance. This type of internal hiring can create
the opportunity to change the job position for anyone in the Company, but an effective internal hiring
process requires strong support from another process to provide managers and management to add
information to operate.

It is very clear that Internal Recruitment can build strong credibility with the Company because workers
have the opportunity to change their positions after a while. Workers do not care to see opportunities on
the outside job market. Internal hiring is cheaper for the Company and can store the costs associated with
the introduction and training of new employees. It is very clear that, if an individual knows the Company,
the probability of failure is not an important concern for the Company. This type of internal hiring can
create big problems when individuals come from part. In general, managers are responsible for saving
their interests in the Company because they are responsible for flat and smooth operation. Internal
sources of recruitment are faster and cheaper to recruit. The main benefit of internal recruitment is that
the people are recognized for the Company's business operations and how to proceed. On the other hand,
internal recruitment sources provide opportunities for advancement in businesses.

In general, job analysis consists of identifying knowledge, attributes and skills needed to perform specific
functions. It is recognized that job analysis is considered important for recruitment and recruitment
because job analysis is the basis of a high quality process and when done well, it is not just seeking
knowledge, and the skills needed to perform the function, but also attributes can be performed to analyze
cultural appropriateness throughout the organization. The job analysis helps identify the basic criteria of
the choice and updates the position description and ultimately helps to attract suitable candidates.

Page 42

Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in any organization plays a very important role because
it provides competitive advantage for the organization. HRM practices have been identified in several
respects. According to Schuler and Jackson (1987), HRM practices was defined as a system to attract,
grow, encourage and retain employees to ensure effective implementation and survival of the
organization and its members. In addition, HRM practices includes resourcing, performance management,
learning and development, reward management, and employee relations.

5.1- Resourcing:

According to Armstrong (2014), “Resourcing is the term used to cover employment activities that ensure
the organization has the people it needs, and deals with employee issues such as turnover and
absenteeism issues. The employment activities comprise workforce planning, recruitment and selection,
attracting and retaining people, managing employee turnover, absence management and talent
management. People resourcing is associated with learning and development programmes that provide
for the organization to have the skills and talented people it requires.” In addition, resourcing is a critical
operational practice that understands that a firm's competitive potential relies on its people-shaped
resource capabilities (resource-based perspective).

5.1.1 - Strategic resourcing: - Definition of strategic resourcing:

Strategic resourcing is defined as “a key part of strategic human resource management, ie matching
human resources to the strategic and operational requirements of the organization and ensuring the full
utilization of those resources. It is concerned not only with obtaining and keeping the number and quality
of staff required but also with selecting and promoting people who ‘fit’ the culture and the strategic
requirements of the organization.” (Armstrong, 2014) -The objective of strategic resourcing:

Strategic resourcing aims at ensuring that the company has the resources it needs to fulfill its business
objectives. In addition, like proactive human resource management, strategic resourcing is primarily in
terms of corporate and workplace resourcing approaches being combined. Through this way, the latter

Page 43
will make a major difference to the former 's achievement. In this way the latter can make a significant
contribution to the former 's achievement. The organization's competitive capabilities rely on the
availability of specific types of capital. Human, financial, and technological capital are of three forms.
Efficient resource management allows employees to fulfill their work roles in an appropriate manner.
(Armstrong, 2014) - The strategic HRM approach to resourcing:

Integrating business strategies and providing resources is based on an understanding of the direction the
organization is taking and the determined goal to achieve:

• The number of people needed to meet business needs;

• Skills and behaviors necessary to support the achievement of business strategies.
• Impact of the restructuring of organizations;
• Plan to change the organization's culture in areas such as availability, performance standards,
quality, customer service, teamwork and flexibility, showing the need for people with an attitude,
beliefs and personal characteristics vary. - The components of strategic employee resourcing:

According to Armstrong (2014), “The overarching component of strategic resourcing is the integration of
resourcing and business plans. Within this framework strategic resourcing includes specific strategies for:”

• Workforce planning.
• Developing the organization’s employee value proposition and its employer brand.
• Resourcing plans.
• Retention plans.
• Flexibility plans.
• Talent management

5.1.2- Workforce planning: Definition of workforce planning:

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According to the CIPD (2010), “‘Workforce planning is a core process of human resource management
that is shaped by the organizational strategy and ensures the right number of people with the right skills,
in the right place at the right time to deliver short- and long-term organizational objectives.” In other
words, human resource planning is the process of researching, determining the needs of human
resources, making policies and implementing programs and activities to ensure businesses have enough
employees, with qualities and skills. suitable for performing work with high productivity, quality and

In addition, workforce planning can be conducted as a total approach to establishing and responding to
human needs covering all types of employees and key skills. However, it usually focuses on the main types
of employees, for example, doctors, nurses and other health workers in the National Health Service,
skilled cooperatives in a manufacturing company, sales employees in a retail store or driving in a
transportation company. - Meaning and necessity of human resource planning:

- The work of human resource planning helps businesses clearly see the direction and ways of managing
their human resources, ensuring the sufficient supply and number of employees for the right job, at the
right time and flexibility deal with changes in the market.

- Excess labor will increase costs, lack of labor or the quality of labor does not meet the requirements will
affect the quality of work performance, affect the completion of each individual's tasks, of the parts and
missed business opportunities.

- Human resource planning is the process of transforming business goals into human resources data to
meet the fulfillment of those goals.

✓ Human Resource Planning Process Requires:

- Human resource planning process should be carried out in close relationship with the business strate
gies and policies planning and implementing process.

Page 45
- Human resource planning involves an Open Framework approach. It is done within the company, and is
related to the external environment in itself.

- Therefore, when planning human resources, it is necessary to analyze not only the general environment,
specific environment but also internal factors - such as personnel policies, financial capacity, atmosphere.
In the enterprise and the reward system must also be taken into account.

- Analyzing the environment as a basis for identifying goals, strategies for businesses in general and human
resource planning in particular.

In conclusion, not doing well the planning of human resources, not only makes the enterprises face
obstacles in the use of labor but also cannot attract good human resources from the outside.

✓ HR planning aspects:

-Identifying which jobs are needed to attain organizational goals (right-time jobs).

-Demand and provision forecasting:

+The HR needs of the future.

+Internal supply.

+External supply.

✓ Assessing demand has two methods. There are objective method and subjective method.
a. Objective method:

The objective method uses information about past labor requirements to plan for the future. Considering
rising demands affected by corporate priorities, technologies, growth/decline, etc.

b. Subjective method:

• 'Top-down' - senior management makes an assessment based on the organization's

• ‘Bottom up’ managers make bids for resources based on their experiences on the ‘front line’.

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✓ Assessing supply includes Assessing Internal supply and Assessing External supply.

-Assessing Internal supply: Analyze the present situation and plan forwards.

-Assessing External supply uses The PESTEL framework:

(Source: Erinachan., no date)

According to CIPD (2020), “A PESTLE analysis is a framework to analyze the key factors (Political, Economic,
Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental) influencing an organization from the outside. It
offers people professionals insight into the external factors impacting their organization. The analysis is
flexible, so organizations can use it in a range of different scenarios. People professionals and senior
managers can use the results to guide strategic decision-making.” Simply, PESTLE analysis is an extremely
useful strategic tool to help us understand the growth or recession of the market as well as help us
understand the business position, opportunities and orientations for business activities.

Political factors (P) may include government policy, political stability or instability, corruption, foreign
trade policy, tax policy, labor law, environmental law and trade restrictions.

Economic factors (E) have a great influence on how businesses operate and make decisions. According to
B2U (2016), “Economic factors include economic growth, exchange rates, inflation rates, interest rates,

Page 47
disposable income of consumers and unemployment rates.” These factors can have a direct or indirect
impact on a company because they affect consumer purchasing power and it can change the supply /
demand model in the economy.

Social factors (S): Each country or territory has its own cultural values and social factors, and these factors
are the characteristics of consumers in those areas. Changes in population, geography, culture, and
society have an important impact on almost all products, services, markets and consumers. People believe
that culture is one of the main factors affecting consumer behavior of consumers, purchasing behavior of
customers. In addition, social factors include cultural aspects and issues such as understanding of health,
population growth, age structure, occupation and especially social security.

Technological factors (T): technological inventions and advances in technology, obsolescence rates,
expanded spending on research and growth, for example.

Legal factors (L): Although these elements may have some overlap with political factors, they include
more specific laws such as discrimination laws, antitrust laws, employment laws, and consumer protection
laws, copyright and patent laws, and health and safety laws.

Environment factors (E): In business analysis, the word 'environment' can sometimes be used to refer to
all external factors affecting a business, from Politics to Legal and everything in between. However, in the
context of PESTLE analysis, environmental factors - sometimes referred to as other ecological factors -
refer to variables related to the physical environment (e.g. Earth's climate). This could include things like
consumer health, climate change, energy availability, or any direct consequence of these.

5.1.3 - Benefits of Resourcing:

For employers:

Resourcing activity to help employers find and hire the right candidates can be the best. In addition,
carrying out people resourcing practice will shorten the time needed to fill your open job positions.
Employers will not have to spend time attracting candidates and going through tons of profiles and
applications to find a few qualified ones. A recruitment agency will do all that and deliver only a few top
candidates for employers' consideration. Also, a recruitment agency can usually find candidates much
faster than you can. This is because recruitment agencies already have a vast talent network.

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For employers:

Thanks to Resourcing, good job opportunities will be opened for unemployed people as well as
opportunities to promote for employees in the company. In addition, Resourcing also facilitates
employees to show their talents in recruiting staff for projects.

5.2 – Performance management:

5.2.1 - Definition:

According to Armstrong and Baron (1998), performance management is defined as “a process which
contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of
organisational performance.” Moreover, Aguinis (2007) defined performance management as continuous
process of defining, evaluating and improving employee and team success and aligning performance with
the organization's strategic objectives. Basically, it can be understood that performance management is
the process by which managers and employees work together to set goals, plans, monitor and ultimately
evaluate the performance of employees’ goals as well as their contribution to the overall goals of the

5.2.2 - The importance of performance management:

Performance management is the main mechanism by which work is performed. It's how organizations
express goals and push behavior to achieve essential objectives; it's also about how organizations
recognize poor performers for growth projects or other staff activities. (Pulakos, 2009). Additionally,
performance management contributes to seeing clearly the relationship between employees and the
business clearly at each stage of the employee's life cycle. The information gathered from these stages
helps the leadership build a more appropriate working environment for employees, motivates them to
continue learning, and enables them to advance in their careers when the opportunity comes.

According to Harvard Business Review (2016), poor performance management has a major impact on
reducing business efficiency:

48% of revenue is reduced per capita.

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67% of employees with good performance quit.

37% are wasted in implementation due to the lack of targeted links.

5.2.3 - Performance management process:

The process of performance management will follow the following stages: (1) Prerequisites, (2)
Performance Planning, (3) Performance Execution, (4) Performance Assessment, (5) Performance Review,
and (6) Performance Renewal and Re-contracting. Each stage is described as follows:

Stage 1: Prerequisites:

There are two important prerequisites that need to be met before incorporating a performance
management program.
A. Knowledge of the organization’s mission and strategic goals is achieved through strategic planning
to know the purpose or reason for its existence, where the organization is going, its goals, and its
strategy target.
B. Knowledge of the job in question:

Analyze the work of the main components

• Activities
• Missions
• Products
• Service
• Procedures

Request KSAs to do the job

• Knowledge
• Skills
• Abilities

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Stage 2: Performance Planning:

Performance Planning is focused on the contract agreements. Expectations are usually specified in
position profiles identifying main outcome areas; required know-how, skills and abilities (KSAs) and
required behavioral skills to perform well. What needs to be done in key outcome areas can be defined in
the form of goals or targets. An important component of success planning is the method of aligning
specific targets with the organization's overall priorities. Performance Planning can be also understood is
setting goals, linking the goals of the business with the goals of the group and with the individual goals.

Often these goals are discussed and agreed upon by employees and superiors directly at the beginning of
the year or the end of the previous year, and may be approved by a higher level. Objectives must be clear,
measurable, achievable, realistic, and have a specific completion date. At the same time, with this goal
setting, employees will "register" and agree with their superiors some of the competencies that need to
be built and improved on themselves. These competencies will also be evaluated at the end of the period
with the results.

Stage 3: Performance Execution:

Performance execution is the third stage of an effective performance management process. For
individuals, the important responsibility at this stage is to complete the work to achieve the goals.

Employee’s responsibilities:

Firstly, workers must commit to meeting the goals set. The second obligation is to continuous request for
feedback and training. Next, they must communicate with the overseer. The latter is to collect and
exchange data related to performance. The final task is to get ready for performance reviews.

Manager’s responsibilities:

It is the responsibility of managers to create conditions that motivate the employee, eliminate
performance issues, provide opportunities for development and strengthen effective behavior. For
example, it is the responsibility of the manager to create a work environment where all employees can be
recognized for their performance and rewarded fairly.

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Managers must also be mindful of the prejudices and perceptions of culture that can adversely impact
the self-esteem and success of certain of their workers.

Stage 4: Performance Assessment:

Performance assessment is a systematic, general and periodic process of evaluating an employee's

performance and work performance in relation to established criteria and organizational goals. Other
aspects of each employee are also considered: organized citizen behavior, achievements, potential for
future improvement, strengths and weaknesses, etc. In addition, Performance evaluation (usually in the
form of evaluation) is often an integral part of Performance Management strategy. But there are some
important ideas to consider when designing a performance evaluation process.

The first thing is considered is that the performance assessment can be done annually, half a month, every
quarter or maybe weekly, and are often informal year-round.

The purpose of performance assessment is to reach an agreement on action to improve the future, not
to create a superficial judgmental summary. Managers are expected to gain an understanding of each of
their team members, which will ensure that the latter will appreciate how well they are doing. The analysis
should also identify those who meet and who do not meet the criteria. The overall assessment is recorded
in a narrative including a written summary of the views on the level of performance achieved. This at least
ensures that managers have to gather employee thoughts together and take notes in the assessment.

Secondly, who will be involved in the performance evaluation process? It is inevitable that employees and
managers will be involved but who will lead the process - is it the employee's responsibility to self-assess
or they must wait for a response from their manager. Subsequent feedback may also be collected from
other individuals. Be it colleagues (called a 180-degree response) or a broader range of people including
senior employees, subordinates and colleagues (via 360-degree feedback). Besides, how much interest
will there be in Human Resource? They are often gatekeepers of the process but in many organizations,
this means they have a controlling role to ensure that it is carried out smoothly.

Finally, there is some 'grandparenting' in place – which involves either making feedback or moderating
the process from the side's manager. The advantage of this is that they have visibility of what's happening
but it can often become bureaucratic and individual control.

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The very important question as to whether or not assessment should include a rating?

The rating method provides a number of important aspects and lists but the person needs to be assessed,
then in turn sorts the staff from the best to the worst or vice versa in each aspect. In the end, all of those
factors will be put together to find the best employees.

The main problem with rankings is that they are mostly subjective and it is difficult to reach agreement
among the ratings given by different managers. This method is less accurate because the ratings are
approximate. In additions, according to Armstrong (2014), driven rating is an alternative to driven
allocation. It is particularly prominent in the U.S. where the outcome is often referred to as a 'vitality
curve.' Managers are required to place their employees to the best of their abilities. The trouble with
forced rating, as with forced allocation, is that it is not feasible to establish the notion of efficiency, and
thus not observable.

Stage 5: Performance Review:

Proper performance review process can help accomplish targets, recognize training needs, assess
employee salary raises, recognize promotions, and career advancement of their employee's. There are six
steps for Conducting Productive Performance Reviews:

-Identify what the person did so well and how poorly.

-Request feedback.

-Discuss the effects of shifting behaviors.

-Explain how skills used in past performances can help overcome any performance issues.

-Commit on the course of action.

-Establish a follow-up meeting and agree on the behaviors, actions, and attitudes to be assessed

✓ In addition, a few things need to be mentioned in Performance Review:

1. Review creates momentum for employees

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Not all performance conversations need to include career development. When done right, Performance
Review will provide us with the information we need to match our employees' growth opportunities.

It is important for managers to be aware of employees' strengths and career interests. Managers can take
advantage of this Review as an opportunity to learn about areas of employee development that can be
leveraged based on company time and resources.

2. The dedication of the manager determines employee performance

The Review process can be time consuming for managers. But that does not mean that managers see it
as a testing task. There are many ways to reduce the number of hours spent on employee data collection
for Review. Using a management software, for example, tracks employee growth through progress and
how they get things done. This data will be gathered when the Review period. Imagine how much time
you will save, instead of having to sit back to remember last month, what last quarter employee A did,
what goals he had accomplished, now that is part of it. soft support. Not only saving time, accurate data
information on the software also shows transparency.

3. Improve the performance management system

Nowadays, more than ever, leading companies want effective data-driven and data-driven conversations.

Companies are creating a link between data usage and improved results from Reviews sessions. This
means collecting employee performance data from one-to-one conversations, goals, feedback, and
accreditation in one place. A review of the performance management process helps companies to
eliminate new discrepancies.

4. Value of Review

Receiving feedback can be scary. Can you imagine how employees think if you ask, "Can I give you a
response?" Although receiving feedback can be challenging, it does not mean that employees do not find
it useful or worthwhile. We often avoid putting ourselves in uncomfortable positions even after a break,
which is a great benefit.

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In fact, the majority of employees conducting the investigation said they received value from the
Review. It allows people to take time to think about their performance, identify their strengths and
weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and take specific development actions to improve their not good place.

Stage 6: Performance Renewal and Re-contracting:

Performance Renewal and Re-contracting is the final stage where Human Resource Professional
communicates the result prepared as feedback. It will assist in recognizing and evaluating employee
actions before and after the performance evaluation.

Identical to performance planning EXCEPT:

-Using knowledge and observations from previous phases.

-Reboots the cycle of performance management.

The reason for this is because the assessment information from previous periods may no longer be
accurate at present. For example, a high-performing employee 3 months ago, but not sure if the employee
still maintains the current performance. Therefore, it is imperative to keep up to date with the latest
information to give accurate results.

In brief, although there are many different methods of the appraisal system, it depends on the
management to implement that particular system. Employee performance must be aligned with the
mission and vision of an Organization. Better employee performance will always provide an advantage
over competitors. It maintains transparency between different organizations.

5.2.4- Benefits of Performance Management:

For employers:

Increase profits: Effective performance management strategies help companies nurture high-quality
workers from their own employees without having to recruit more people or pay higher salaries - which
will increase input costs and Therefore, reduce profits. By effectively managing employees' work
processes, businesses will be able to increase sales with the minimum investment.

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Understanding the difficulties of employees: Performance management helps managers and company
leaders identify the difficulties that employees are facing at work, thereby enabling them to provide
feedback and appropriate solutions. For many companies, this is unfortunately often related to demotion
or even layoffs. But companies should approach employee performance issues with additional training,
or at least reassigning jobs

In addition, implementing performance management will be a powerful tool for managers to better
understand their employees. Looking at the evaluation results, managers not only know the progress and
results of work performance of the employees but also somewhat understand the subjective, objective
and attitude-aware impacts while working. their job. Moreover, from the evaluation results combined
with the interview and discussion with employees, managers will be easier to assess the suitability of the
job for each employee, quickly solve the difficulties. problems, problems and give timely solutions.

For employees:

Performance management helps managers and company leaders identify the difficulties that employees
are facing at work, thereby giving employees the opportunity to fix and improve their problems. and
provide feedback and appropriate solutions.

Motivating employees: Companies can motivate employees through the performance management
process by providing special remuneration (such as salary increases or extra days off) for employees who
meet their work goals or even is beyond the norm

5.3 – Learning and development (L&D):

5.3.1 Definition of Learning and Development (L&D):

According to BasuMallick (2020), “A specialized HR function, learning and development (L&D) is defined
as the process of empowering employees with specific skills to drive better business performance. They
may be upskilled to perform better in their existing roles or reskilled to take on new roles in the
organization and fill the skills gap that is becoming common in the workplace these days.” The
responsibility of L&D is that after the Recruitment Department has recruited people, L&D will have the

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duty to support and train them to meet the job requirements. And more to maximize the capacity of that

In the past, people used to use Training instead of Training and Development / Learning and Development
to refer to the Training and Human Development department in the enterprise. In recent years, Training
has been gradually upgraded and replaced by the new term L&D. Similar to Recruitment, it was gradually
replaced by Talent Acquisition). In the years before mentioning human resource development, people
often only think about training / Training. It is organizing a class, teaching employees a certain knowledge,
skills. But L&D has a broader meaning than that. L&D is understood to include training and human
development. In L&D, besides training, there are other tools for human resource development. Such as
coaching, sharing, mentoring, facilitating ...

Another difference is the two-way interaction between learning and development and training.
Employees in L&D are also active in the learning and skills development. And the L&D department plays a
role in providing further facilitation and assistance. Thereby building a culture of learning in the business.

L & D's constituents are:

• Learning: the process through which a person develops and acquires knowledge, skills, abilities,
behaviors and attitudes.
• Development: increasing or understanding the capacity and potential of an individual through the
provision of learning and educational experience.
• Training: structured use of formal procedures to convey information and help people develop the
expertise they need to conduct their jobs in a satisfactory manner.
• Education: cultivating the requisite skills, principles and awareness in all facets of life.

Part 1:

1.1 Strategic Learning and Development:

According to imd.org (no date), “An L&D strategy is a vital tool for organizations to align the corporate
training with business objectives. It has the following benefits:
• It ensures that staff learning and development needs are effectively met.

Page 57
• Company's skills requirements for senior management are being developed.”

In other words, strategic L&D is an approach to helping individuals grow and improve that includes
how to meet the goals of the company and its human capital by coordinated L&D approaches, policies
and procedures.

1.2 Learning and Development philosophy:

L&D theory refers to the concept of corporate conviction and principles that the company uses for this
essential purpose. (Mnestudies.com, no date)

• Learning and development activities make a major contribution to the successful achievement of
organizational goals and investments that benefit all of the organization's stakeholders.
• To achieve business and human resource strategies, learning and development plans and
programs should be integrated and supported.
• Learning and development should be performance-related.
• Organization should encourage everybody in the organization and give them the opportunity to
• Personal development strategies include the foundation for individual learning.
• The organization will engage in learning and growth through the creation of appropriate learning
programs and facilities.

1.3 Learning and Development Strategies:

A strategy for learning and development (L&D) explains how a company builds the capacity, skills, and
competencies of its employees to remain effective. It's an essential part of the business strategy as a

1.3.1 Strategies for creating a learning culture:

A learning culture is defined “is a collection of organizational conventions, values, practices and processes.
These conventions encourage employees and organizations develop knowledge and competence.”
(trainingindustry.com, 2015). Basically, a learning culture is one in which the top management, line managers

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and workers typically accept learning as an important organizational activity they are dedicated to and
participate in ongoing.

The specifics of a learning culture are:

-Self-managed learning not instruction.

-Building long-term capacity not short-term fixes.

-Empowerment not supervision.

1.3.2 Organizational learning strategies:

Organizational learning approaches seek to increase organizational efficiency through awareness,

comprehension, perspectives, techniques and activities learned and developed.

This is in line with one of HRM's basic values, namely that it is important to invest in resources in order to
improve the organization's human capital and expand its supply of expertise and skills.

1.3.3 Individual learning strategies:

Personal learning involves the methods and systems used to improve human employee capacities.

Strategies of individual learning may include:

• How to identify the learning needs?

• The function of automated learning.
• Making workplace learning easier.
• Help to be given in the form of training, counseling, mentoring, learning development centers, e-
learning, and internal or external learning.
• Courses and educational courses.

Part 2: The process of Learning and Development:

2.1 How people learn?

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According to Armstrong (2014), individuals are learning for themselves, but they are still learning from
other individuals – their supervisors and peers (social education). They mainly learn by doing (experiential
learning) and by instruction to a much lesser degree.

2.1.1 The Theory of Learning:

There are four theory as follows:

• Reinforcement theory.
• The Theory of Cognitive learning.
• The Theory of experiential learning.
• The Theory of social learning.

2.1.2 The motivation to learn:

According to Reynolds et al (2002), “‘The disposition and commitment of the learner – their motivation
to learn – is one of the most critical factors affecting training effectiveness. Under the right conditions, a
strong disposition to learn, enhanced by solid experience and a positive attitude, can lead to exceptional

There are two special motivational theories related to learning. Firstly, Expectancy theory claims that goal-
directed behavior is motivated by the anticipation of something that the person finds desirable to achieve.
When individuals believe they are going to benefit from learning result they would be more motivated to
try it. (Armstrong, 2014). Secondly, Goal theory claims that motivation becomes greater when people
strive to accomplish particular objectives, when those objectives are recognized and become feasible even
though they are challenging, and when success feedback becomes available. (Armstrong, 2014)

2.2 Organizational learning:

2.1 Definition of Organizational learning:

Organizational learning is concerned with the strategies of encouraging learning implemented by

organizations; it is not necessarily the amount of all the L&D activities carried out within an organization.
In addition, according to Armstrong (2014), “Organizational learning can be characterized as an intricate
three-stage process consisting of knowledge acquisition, dissemination and shared implementation.”

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Besides, Chris Argyris is an American psychologist with research related to organizational activities, from
organizational structure, control systems, senior leadership behavior, how to interact between employees
or the latter is an individual and organizational learning process. Together with the philosopher Donald
Schön, Chris Argyris has made a great contribution to the cognitive development of organizational
learning, organizational learning through his research and the invention of the term Single- loop or
adaptive learning and Double-loop learning. Being aware of these two approaches and applying both will
help both organizations and individuals optimize the learning process, understand the causes, and find
solutions to problems that hinder the learning process.

Single- loop or adaptive learning is when we try to fix the problem by finding other ways to act. The values,
goals, plans or rules remain the same.

Double-loop learning is when we find the real cause behind the problem, can be suspicious, ask questions
and change values, goals, plans or principles and so on.

Model learning of single and double loop

(Source: Sutori.com, no date)

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This means that instead of just trying to modify the action to achieve the goal as in the single loop method,
we study, find the root cause of the problem and fix it from there. For an organization, it could be policies
and standards; for individuals, it can be assumptions, motivations on which we base our plans and goals.

Part 3: Methods of Learning and Development:

3.1 Off-job methods:

Such approaches demand that trainees abandon their job and devote all their time on the goals of training.
Off-the-job training methods have become common these days due to on-the-job training methods
shortcomings such as facilities and climate, lack of group interaction, and complete participation of
trainees from various backgrounds, etc. For examples, indoor courses and outdoor courses. In addition,
key issue is transition of learning back to the workplace, which relies on an organizational environment of

3.2 Learning on job: there are six method in Learning on job.

3.2.1 Natural training and self-development:

Self-development can be seen as a deliberate attempt to benefit the most from natural learning in a job
and using as a guide the learning process discussed in the preceding chapter.

The first step is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of oneself. The second step is to select
methods and purposes. In addition, Self-development is based on learning particular skills, improving
behaviors and personal growth.

3.2.2 Manager coaching and other internal and external coaching:

Coaching is a formal approach to personal growth based on the intimacy of the relationship between an
individual and another. The relationship may come from within or outside the organization. The coach is
usually the immediate manager.

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The main task of a manager: to ask for questions, to listen actively, to discuss, to exhort, to encourage, to
understand, to consult and provide information, to give honest feedback, and to provide opportunities
for participation. activities for staff.

Internal coaches work extensively in the organization, and only in a role of coaching.

External executive training is often provided by consultants and coaching professionals. For example,
according to baodautu (2016), the Burger King chain in Wyoming (USA) once received consulting services
for senior leaders and three years later, the franchise's franchise revenue in the state increased by 800%.
In Vietnam, Nguyen Pro also increased its productivity after participating in the interview, the recent
impression that the iConcert Project, in cooperation with Pepso brand of Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam,
attracted 26,000 participants at the end of March, 2016.

Forms of coaching: career coaching, performance coaching, skill coaching, business coaching and life

3.2.3 Mentoring:

The mentor's goal is to share their insights on the workplace to advance the career of the mentor.

Eight individual mentoring functions: personal and emotional guidance, coaching, advocacy, and career
development and friendship facilitation.

3.2.4 Peer relationships:

Peer relationships help people in the organization can share a lot of information, skills related to work,
share plans at work as well as share about life and friendship. Others may focus on emotional support,
personal feedback, friendship and confirmation.

3.2.5 Self-development groups:

Colleagues participate to discuss personal development, organizational issues and / or personal affairs.

The group itself is the main source of information and can operate without external help as members can
develop skills and support each other.

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5.3.3 - E-learning and blended learning:

-E-learning: computer technology supports, facilitates or mediates learning.

-Peers come together to discuss their personal growth, organizational issues and/or Individual problems
with the work.

- The group itself is the primary source of information and can function without Outside help as the
process skills of its leaders grow.

✓ E-Learning: Training Online.

Use the Internet or intranet organizations to conduct online training.

✓ Criteria for adopting e-learning:

-Sufficient top management support and funding.

-Accepting the idea of decentralized and individualized training.

-Current training methods not meeting needs.

-Computer literacy and access to computers.

-Time and travel cost concerns for trainees.

-The number and self-motivation of trainees.

❖ Example of E-Learning:

-Facebook and Twitter have become a learning and development tool.

-Blog and wiki can be used as social networking site.

-Online learning can be used to refresh, to self-test your understanding and to plan how to apply the
learning achieved in the course.

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-Online learning can be used in conjunction with manager training, which is blended learning (a
combination of e-learning and face-to-face experience).

Part 4: Benefits of Learning and Development (L&D):

For employers:

L&D can promote the development of businesses: Any business that wants to develop stably needs to
invest in people through L&D activities. With the rapid pace of change in the modern business context,
our workforce needs to constantly update and develop new knowledge and skills to be able to compete
effectively in the market.

Increase employee engagement with the company: Invest in employee growth, helping them realize the
value that the company brings to them. This can increase the long-term engagement with the company
to reduce the costs of hiring and training new people.

Saving: If you look at the benefits that L&D brings, you will see that L&D saves a lot of costs for the
company through activities that improve employee productivity.

For employees:

L&D can open up new opportunities: For individuals, learning broadens their horizons and encourages
personal growth. With that new knowledge, they can identify new opportunities for your organization or
identify more effective ways to work.

Create value: Learning helps people to be more productive and productive. It helps increase the value of
employees in the business.

Increase commitment: New knowledge will help employees have higher promotion opportunities. If they
see it as a potential benefit, they will stick with the business longer.

Improve and develop yourself: Self-development is an ongoing journey. To become better leaders in the
future, employees need to constantly improve their professional skills.

5.4 – Reward management:

Page 65
5.4.1 - Definition of Reward Management:

According to Armstrong (2010, p.370), “Reward management is concerned with the strategies, policies
and processes required to ensure that the value of people and the contribution they make to achieving
organizational, departmental and team goals is recognized and rewarded.”

In other words, it is the adaptation of policies to incentivize your staff within an organization. You will
determine the value and eligibility of the bonus, as well as the goals your employees need to meet to
qualify for the bonus. You will also choose which bonus policy you want to recommend and will have that
policy for every employee (whatever they want). But you can meet employees to decide their goals and
discuss what they have to do to meet the bonus policy. Organizations invest in performance-based
rewards management as a positive reinforcement and encouragement for their employees and for
improving their morale.

5.4.2 - Why is Reward Management Important?

Firstly, Compensation for successful work can arrive in several different forms. It may be money added to
the salaries of the workers or a compensated day off, or a chance to expand or move inside the

Secondly, according to Parkinson (2018), “Having an effective system that compensates workers can
contribute to their happiness. It also keeps them loyal to your company while at the same time making
them eager to move up the internal ladder.”

Finally, this is achieved by companies engaging in performance-based compensation management to act

as a positive motivation for team members, as well as enhancing morale.

5.4.3 - Types of rewards in the workplace:

There are two types of rewards in the workplace. The first one is performance-based rewards. The ability
and performance of each employee will be the basis for this type of reward. The superiors will be the
keepers of the performance assessment table where they review the work of employees and conduct in
the office over a period of time. For example, as a manager or supervisor, you can review and increase an

Page 66
employee's salary based on their ability and performance. All information about the salary review process
should be available in your employee handbook.

Secondly, membership-based rewards mean regardless of the individual efforts of each employee are
different, employees can receive bonuses based on the performance of the entire company. If the
company reaches its target, the entire company can be rewarded.

5.4.4 - Benefits of reward management:

For employer:

The first benefit is an increase in employee productivity. Your employees have the ability to engage, be
motivated and work more effectively. When you acknowledge good work, they are also motivated to work
harder. There is also increased employee loyalty. It can often be difficult to instill loyalty in your
employees. Providing bonuses and other awards as a way to recognize their accomplishments not only
builds trust, it also increases employee engagement with the business. Another benefit is an increase in
employee retention rates. Investing in a reward program for your employees also allows for low employee
turnover rates. The truth is that low salaries for employees can lead to poor spirit, which can lead to them
looking for alternative jobs.

For employee:

Creating Job satisfaction: Employees feel more satisfied at work when they know it contributes to the
success of your organization. Recognizing their efforts after major projects makes them feel valuable.

This also makes individual employees feel that they are making a difference. When the spirit of an
employee is high and satisfied with the job done, it is possible to commit well to its mission and help the
business achieve and give employees the opportunity to succeed and promote higher and achieve be the
revenue target.

5.5 – Employee relations:

5.5.1 - Definition of Employee relations:

Page 67
Employee Relations were defined by Brewster et al (2011, p.95), “Employee relations concerns matters
of overarching employment or collective workforce policy, particularly where it concerns broad matters
of bargaining (the traditional focus of industrial relations), the governance of the employment
relationship…and arrangements for the distillation and expression of the collective voice of
employees…[the] approach in this arena is profoundly affected by the prevailing national system of
employee relations, and in particular by the social regulation of work by unions and national and regional
governments.” Another definition from Shinn (no date), “The term 'employee relations' refers to a
company's efforts to manage relationships between employers and employees.” An organization with a
strong employee relations system provides all workers with fair and consistent treatment so that they are
dedicated to their work and loyal to the company.

In addition, Employee Relations are about the management of the work partnership and the psychological
contract. They consist of employers' strategies and procedures for dealing with workers either jointly
through their trade unions, or individually. This involves giving a voice to workers and building trust
between them and management. (Armstrong, 2014)

5.5.2 - Employee Relations Policies:

Employee relations policies express the organization's philosophy on what kind of relationships are
wanted between management and employees and their unions, and how to manage the pay – work
bargain. The fields covered by workplace relations legislation include the acceptance of trade unions,
collective bargaining, labor relations practices, engagement and commitment, harmonization of
relationships, and job arrangements.

5.5.3 - Employee Relation Strategies:

Employee relations strategies set out how to achieve the goals of the employee relations policy. According
to Armstrong (2014), Employee relations strategies' objectives will guide the company to any of the

● Altering the forms of recognition, including single union recognition, or derecognition.

● Changes in the form and content of procedural agreements.

Page 68
● New bargaining structures, including decentralization or single-table bargaining (ie bringing all the
unions in an organization together as a single bargaining unit).

● The achievement of increased levels of commitment through involvement or participation.

● Deliberately bypassing trade union representatives to communicate directly with employees. Key
learning points: Strategic employee relations

● Increasing the extent to which management controls operations in such areas as flexibility.

● Developing a ‘partnership’ with trade unions, recognizing that employees are stakeholders and that it
is to the advantage of both parties to work together.

● Generally improving the employee relations climate to produce more harmonious and cooperative

5.5.4 - Employee Relations Climate:

An organization's employee relations climate refers to the perceptions of management, employees and
their representatives on how staff relations are conducted and how different parties (managers,
employees and public employees) are involved. union) behave when dealing with each other. The
employee relationship environment can be created by the management style adopted by the manager,
either by union behavior or employee representation (cooperation, hostility, warriors, etc.) or by People
interact with each other.

5.5.5 - Benefits of Employee Relations:

For employer:

Employee relations can make or break your business. Satisfied and happy employees are more productive
and put more effort into their work. They do their best to meet your expectations and help the company
grow, which makes for more sales and customer satisfaction.

Higher retention rate: More than a quarter of employees in the group are at high risk of leaving their jobs,
which means it will not take long for them to clean and leave. Many of these employees possess important

Page 69
skills that can be truly valuable to your company. The cost of replacing a skilled worker can reach 400
percent of their annual salary. An important start can be very costly for a business, the best thing you can
do is to avoid losing those potential employees in the first place. People are less likely to leave a company
when they are recognized and rewarded by their skills. As a business owner or manager, it's your
responsibility to create an engaging work environment where employees feel valued.

Increase revenue: Strong employee relations have a positive impact on the company's growth and
revenue. People who feel motivated and engage in the workplace do a great job in their assigned roles,
resulting in better products, greater customer satisfaction and increased sales. Employees are the
company's most valuable asset. The success of your business depends on their work. If your employees
are motivated and engaged, they will stay with your company longer and try to meet your
expectations. The advantages of good employee relationships cannot be overstated, so take the
necessary steps to reward and motivate your team.

For employee:

When employees have a positive relationship with managers, they will work more effectively. They will
try their best to ensure the success of the project. Organizations with a harmonious relationship will be
able to ensure continuity of production. Using the right resources ensures maximum
production. Employees will be motivated to work hard, and this will help the organization grow.


The reduction in turnover ensures that employees stay with a company for longer, which enables them
to gain extensive knowledge of company policies, practices, and processes. Employees with substantial
institutional knowledge are an excellent resource. They are highly skilled, very efficient, and can provide
training for new employees. Most companies find it hard to replace experienced employees, and this is
especially true in industries that rely on employees with highly specialized skills.”

This also makes individual employees feel that they are making a difference. When the spirit of an
employee is high and satisfied with the job done, it is possible to commit well to its mission and help the
business achieve and give employees the opportunity to succeed and promote higher and achieve be the
revenue target.

Page 70
❖ Application:

Viettel is one of Vietnam's leading economic groups, employing up to 50.000 people in large numbers.
Managing human resources with such a numerous of employees requires a strategy to bring high
economic efficiency. Viettel has continuously evolved since its establishment and contributed to the
national development. Viettel's human resources management lessons are worth studying for start-up,
small and medium-sized enterprises. For Viettel, they have 5 famous strategies to manage their personnel,
including Viettel values working skills more than certificate, only recruit personnel suitable to the
corporate culture, Comprehensive leader, rotate employees in adjustment with the job, Operating and
monitor daily work. (hronline.vn, 2013)

❖ Here is HRM Practices of Viettel company in details:


1)Viettel values working skills more than certificate:

Viettel hired employees they valued the job experience of the employees more than they had the
qualifications. A skilled worker can easily grasp the job for Viettel and complete the assigned work quickly.
In addition, they are also swift to find appropriate approaches for solving their job and improving their
skills. People with a lot of skills are also peopled who like experimenting, learning and ability to try new
things. The credentials just add to an employee's impressive resume and don't reflect a candidate's full
potential. Employees applying for jobs in Viettel therefore have to go through a long probationary period
so that they can become official employees

2) Only recruit personnel suitable to the corporate culture :

Viettel only recruits employees adapted to its corporate culture in the process of hiring its staff is an
important thing for them. The workers, therefore, must prove their abilities and competence to their
supervisors during the probationary period. They also need to undergo training courses on the history,
culture, regulations of Viettel, and undergo a one-month military training course. Throughout that difficult
time, Viettel must consider the suitable applicants to decide on whether to accept a job for its companies.
Unqualified candidates are typically those who have no initiative, who are difficult to function in groups,
who are difficult to integrate with Viettel

Page 71

1) Comprehensive leader:

At work in Viettel, the leader must have all the qualities needed to play three roles: specialist, chief and
regular executive. Accordingly, they have to be a person with high professional qualifications, good
leadership and subordinate management. In addition, they need to effectively prepare the management
plans and staffing arrangements for the organization. It is their plan and execution that leads to the
company's performance.

2) Rotate employees in accordance with the job:

Viettel 's personnel selection system is not static, but the company rotates its workers regularly depending
on the job environment and the business situation. Consequently, Viettel 's business strategy is different
from time to time so the company needs to rotate its personnel accordingly. It lets Viettel improve the
strength of its workforce, making it safer and more effective for the work. It is also a way for Viettel to
promote cohesion and commitment between leaders and workers, and among employees in the
company. This is also Viettel 's policy for management and staffing growth.

3) Openrating and monitor daily work:

Viettel also deals together in company with its staff in other market operations. Viettel must then also
manage and track each employee's day-to-day job and see the success and accountability in the job of
each person and that it can be used as a basis for ability appraisal and wage increase. It is also a way to
identify new factors in Viettel that contribute to the group's growth. Therefore, if workers are involved
and make a lot of commitment, they will be rewarded and pay will be increased accordingly. Viettel is
therefore an atmosphere for all to be innovative, often enabling workers to make a contribution to the
company's growth.


In addition, Viettel also has good internal activities to develop its human resources by sending them to
training courses taught by the Ministry of Defense and the Vietnamese government, in order to improve
the sense of responsibility of each individual of Viettel. Moreover, in order to meet the current rapid
development of science and technology, Viettel considers giving employees good performance in the

Page 72
company through advanced countries including USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, etc. In addition to meeting
the human resources in Vietnam, Viettel also has courses for employees of foreign companies who come
to Vietnam to learn about technology, culture, military equipment, etc. In order to support other countries
develop together. In addition, Viettel also exports its employees to work in Russia, Ukraine, and North
Korea to develop telecommunication systems worldwide. Therefore, the importance of the HRM division
in Viettel operates, they have applied very reasonable HRM practices managing their employees. On the
other hand, showing Viettel's determination makes many companies admire for its determination at
work. Previously, Vietnam had to import military equipment from countries other than Vietnam to used
to protect Vietnam's sovereignty, but now the military equipment is designed by the Vietnamese people
themselves, most easily understood is Viettel's employees use their knowledge and experience day and
night to develop the product lines for organizations, military equipment of Vietnam today to more than
50% produced by Viettel. Viettel's old equipment was maintained and upgraded to suit society.

Employees are the most valuable asset and the most important factor contributing to the overall success
of Viettel. Corporations and a decisive factor for the sustainable development of Viettel. Every year,
Viettel organizes internal and external training programs to improve the professional qualifications for
employees to create the best conditions for capacity development and promotion opportunities. With the
characteristics of Viettel, the personnel who need the most training and communication are those who
have the least time to absorb the information. It is the postmen, their education level is not high, often
moving according to job requirements. We digitized 100% of processes, regulations, teaching materials
and designed an online test system - in an offline format. The system allows all employees to take the
exam at the same time, eliminate the exam status, the result is the essence of the student. The budget
for training in 2019 is 1.83 billion VND, the total number of training hours is 1752 hours, 100% of the
employees are trained with different programs by job position, more than 1,500 training videos with 4,500
Online training hours are suitable for Viettel employees to support the maximum knowledge that each
Viettel employee must have. (Báo cáo thường niên 2019.pdf, 2019)

In addition, Viettel also trains and develops employees in the direction of Natural training and self-
development. Viettel-style teaching: Training means no training. Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung, Deputy General
Director of Viettel explained: “Knowledge and skills, every employee must learn by himself, that's their
personal investment when walked into Viettel. We only equip employees with things that are not Viettel
so they cannot teach.” The first step in the process students need to determine is whether they're having

Page 73
a problem or not. They ask questions when students find a problem, and find answers. The next step is
seeking knowledge and finding the right one to learn, the one to ask. And then, you need to know how to
read when you find a document or a consultant, and ask why to exploit the details. (Vu, 2016)


Reward management at Viettel Company is done through the consultation of all employees in the
company. In addition, excellent individuals will always be encouraged and rewarded by the company
fairly. For example, on the evening of April 16, 2019, in Hanoi, Military Industry - Telecommunications
Group (Viettel) held a ceremony to honor the best individuals and collectives with outstanding
contributions in 2018 for Viettel globally with Viettel's Stars award. To select the 8 best teams and 8
individuals of the year from hundreds of units, divisions and 50,000 employees, Viettel's Emulation and
Reward Council has reviewed many levels and consulted officials. employees throughout the Group
through voting on the internal website. One of the important criteria to choose, is the ability to apply
technology, addressing the thorny issues that bring about breakthrough results achieved by individuals
and collectives in 2018. Viettel's Stars is also awarded to individuals and collectives who have ideas and
initiatives for public application. technology into the management systems of Viettel, helping to improve
labor productivity, production and business efficiency of divisions, units and the Group. The total amount
of Viettel prize for this prize is VND 2.4 billion. Individuals honored, in addition to bonuses, also received
a business trip, study abroad. The total amount of Viettel prize for this prize is VND 2.4 billion. Individuals
honored, in addition to bonuses, also received a business trip, study abroad. The total amount of Viettel
prize for this prize is VND 2.4 billion. Individuals honored, in addition to bonuses, also received a business
trip, study abroad.

In addition to rewarding on the basis of outstanding achievements, Viettel also assesses the conduct of
employees so that they can offer a reward regime. For example, during storm No. 2 (July 2014) when he
was on a mission to rescue information, Mr. Truong Van Quy, an employee of Viettel Center in Loc Binh
District, Lang Son Branch bravely swam into floodwaters saved Le Van Hai's life. The brave action of this
employee was immediately decided by the group leader and Viettel Lang Son Branch. Especially, in the
following week's session, with more than 800 global online television points of Viettel, Mr. Quy was invited
to attend and speak at the conference. The Group's General Director exemplified Truong Van Quy's
courageous act of saving people. The leader of the group also expressed that he will facilitate the rotation

Page 74
so that he can have the most favorable working conditions according to his wishes. By doing that, from
an action, a specific mirror has spread quickly, creating a widespread and exciting wave of emulation in
Viettel. That is the typical way Viettel replicates and also how Viettel rewards people who have


In Viettel's working environment, they always build completely different cultures from other companies.
The culture that Viettel is building is creative freedom, so the employees in Viettel always have in
themselves the exploration, learning, discovering new things that make Viettel more and more
developing, and is a plate. Beautiful example for many companies to follow. Viettel employees when
working, they always have mutual support, flexibility in the assigned tasks, each employee has a friendly
with his colleagues. Moreover, Support is not only among employees, but also from management and
leadership. The environment is Viettel's job as a mature family when there is a close relationship with
each other and support each other. Viettel has been very successful in developing its cultural
environment, with qualified but friendly employees.

➢ Benefits of Human Resource Management Practices for Employees in Viettel Company:

Developing Employees:

HRM practice at Viettel Company pleases employees and inspires them to contribute to the company's
intellectual property. The skills and knowledge of employees increase the company's competitive
advantage. Successful organizations capitalize on this positive result of HRM by helping employees
improve their skills. In addition, Viettel provides resources for training and educating employees and
providing them with opportunities to use and share.

Increase Productivity:

Viettel Company's learning and development programs help employees increase productivity because
these programs work on improving the skills and knowledge of employees.

Promoting Positive Behavior:

Page 75
A successful organization like Viettel creates an optimistic environment for working and constructive
benefits for employees by HRM practices, making employees happy and motivated. Thereby promoting
employee performance and enabling them to advance in their careers.

➢ Benefits of Human Resource Management Practices for Employers in Viettel Company:

Building a Flexible Workplace:

The effect of HRM on different workplaces is related to employer flexibility. This is due to the reason the
company wishes to recall workers, they are often flexible workplaces, including flexible work environment
design, work projects, work programs, group arrangements. work, place of work, media format and
accountability method. The main benefit of flexible workplace for employers as well as employees is that
they can customize job aspects according to their lifestyles.

Motivating Workers:

Employee performance must be enhanced by managers. This is why managers hired or promoted by
employers can handle workers effectively. Effective managers carry out HRM practices and assist people
to enhance their sense of ability in their position and confidently influence the company. Employees feel
more motivated when they perform under the guidance of successful and positive managers.

❖ Besides, here is the specific example of HRM Practices in Viettel company in Covid-19
context. Then evaluate activities of HRM to gain the business objective, and raise
profit and productivity of the Viettel company.

Viettel's way of coping with the epidemic of Covid-19: Learning from Amazon, not reducing staffing, and
recruiting more personnel for the whole staff to feel secure to work.

In a time when many teleworkers, employers or business managers are worried?

The concern of most businesses is the job performance story. But what Mr. Nguyen Viet Anh - CCO of
Small and Medium Enterprises - Viettel Business Solutions) - is concerned that people will gradually leave
the organization for a long time, which will lead to a lack of cohesion between individuals and
organizations, and increase the risk of leaving the company. (Kenh14, 2020). This is the reason why in the

Page 76
context of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Viettel company decided not only not to reduce staffing but also to
recruit more employees, even to raise wages.

In addition, during the time of complicated COVID-19 epidemic, it caused many difficulties for production
and business activities of enterprises in the province. Viettel is gradually overcoming difficulties,
maintaining production and business parallel to the task of disease prevention. Accordingly, starting from
April 1, Viettel company arranged and arranged for 50-70% of the company's employees to work at home,
depending on each department and job function to arrange. reasonable. The company implements
software to enable employees to work from home effectively.

According to Chu (2020), a supervisor of Viettel's direct store channel, Viettel said the company has
provided employees with a virtual barrier, information security and software installation to handle all the
tasks. From home work, to each employee's personal computer. On the phone, it has installed the
adaptive software to work. In particular, Viettel's new program will now receive 50% of data for each user
of the company's service.

In summary, in the context that the World economy in general and Vietnam in particular are facing many
difficulties due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, Viettel's human resources activities still work well
in many different ways to bring many benefits to the company. In the difficult situation, the corporation
has steadily overcome the challenges of production and business tasks, ensuring salaries and benefits for
employees. Viettel also demonstrates the social responsibility of a leading enterprise, a key force in
telecommunications and information technology to support the Government in preventing
diseases. Whatever the circumstances, Viettel's company unanimously agrees with each other to deserve
the Viettel's business objective: "Viettel's core values are tradition and the way of being a soldier, so every
Viettel person is a warrior."

*Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment

and selection:

-Advantages and disadvantages of Internal recruitment and selection:

Page 77
The first advantage of internal recruiting is to use former employees to familiarize employees with the
working environment in the company. When working in a familiar environment, we will be more
comfortable to get a better job. Second, because of the familiar working environment, there is not much
pressure. Employees will want to stay with the company for a long term, meaning that loyalty to the
company will increase. Next is the relationship between departmental employees who are quite close,
which is a favorable point for future projects. When departments are linked, collaboration between
departments is much easier. Finally, the biggest advantage of internal hiring is that leaders and managers
know the power of their employees, so it's easier to assign tasks.

In addition to the above advantages, internal recruitment also has certain weaknesses. Because of being
too comfortable with the working environment in the company, employees will quit their jobs and neglect
their work. In addition, work long enough in an environment where employees have innovative ideas in a
way that is appropriate for the outside world. In addition, employees have never been exposed to the
way companies work, so there is little professional experience for each industry.

-Advantages and disadvantages of External recruitment and selection:

External recruitment is the recruitment of external human resources through recruitment notices or
referrals from acquaintances. Students who are recruited are graduates, freelancers, employees of other
companies ... Any hiring methodology will have advantages and disadvantages. Recruiting new employees
brings ideas and innovation to the company. Besides, because they have had time to work outside, they
have a lot of experience from other jobs. In addition, new people will always have new relationships from
which to leverage relationships to find more potential customers. Moreover, outsourcing can use a large
number of employees depending on the needs. Outside recruitment sometimes has some problems. For
example, when hiring new graduates, we sometimes have to train them for the company's fundamentals.
In addition, for newcomers, they have not fully adapted to the working style of the people in the company,
sometimes leading to difficult integration into the employee community. The most important thing is that
the management only knows about new employees through the recruitment process, never contacts to
work, so it is difficult to assign tasks when assigning tasks.

Looking at the context of Viettel company, we can see that the company spends most of its focus on
recruiting outside the company with methods of posting job postings on Viettel's main website or posting

Page 78
ads on websites. society. There are many advantages as well as advantages of recruiting outside the
company as mentioned above. But to overcome such shortcomings, especially on the cost of training new
employees, Viettel should use a number of methods such as reducing training costs by training a large
number of employees. For example, big banks like Vietcombank, Shinhanbank or PVbank all have focused
training programs for new employees. At these sessions, new employees will learn about the history of
formation, mission vision as well as basic operations. Or use the method of cross-training staff. This
method of training is quite suitable for businesses with limited staff. In this way, employees can assume
many of the roles of colleagues. They can move in different departments without losing productivity. For
example, Customer Service staff can easily take over the position of a Telesale. In addition, Viettel's
recruitment system needs to be strengthened, such as creating more tests of competencies as well as
practical situations for candidates to assess their qualifications.

Page 79

In summary, human resource management is an integral part of the development and survival of the
company. Human resources are always the key strength to run the company. Therefore, personnel is a
potential element of every business. However, management and hiring are also important because the
company's quality human resources depend on this process. Recruit and manage employees based on
business objectives that the company has outlined earlier. Viettel has outlined its goal of increasing sales
in 2020 and leading the way in Vietnam's telecom segment. Therefore, more and more attention is paid
to the company's personnel to promote and develop the company to achieve its short-term goals in
particular and its long-term vision and mission in general. Each individual in Viettel is a valuable asset that
the company always preserves and maintains.

Page 80

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