Eagle Qualification Mar09
Eagle Qualification Mar09
Eagle Qualification Mar09
You’ve made a great start! You’ve started to separate You’ve achieved great success in building
yourself from the crowd! your own independent business!
Activities Activities Activities
1. Show the plan 3 - 5 times per week 1. Show the plan 3 - 5 times per week 1. Show the plan 3 - 5 times per week
2. Personal Circle of 150PV, including 2. Personal Circle of 150PV, including 2. Personal Circle of 150PV, including
Customer volume Customer volume Customer volume
3. Develop Customers (50PV minimum) 3. Develop Customers (50PV minimum) 3. Develop Customers (50PV minimum)
4. Listen to CDs daily— 4. Listen to CDs daily— 4. Listen to CDs daily—
Standing Order CD program Standing Order CD program Standing Order CD program
5. Read daily—Book of the Month program 5. Read daily—Book of the Month program 5. Read daily—Book of the Month program
6. Subscribe to BWW Technology Tools: 6. Subscribe to BWW Technology Tools: 6. Subscribe to BWW Technology Tools:
IBO Webspace, BWW TV and CommuniKate IBO Webspace, BWW TV and CommuniKate IBO Webspace, BWW TV and CommuniKate
7. Attend all business conferences and seminars 7. Attend all business conferences and seminars 7. Attend all business conferences and seminars
8. Counsel monthly with counseling sheet 8. Counsel monthly with counseling sheet 8. Counsel monthly with counseling sheet
9. Build your business with integrity and 9. Build your business with integrity and 9. Build your business with integrity and
accountability accountability accountability