Bioremediation Slide
Bioremediation Slide
Bioremediation Slide
Page 173
• This chapter describes the types of contaminant that can be released
into the environment, their structure, fate, and the consequences of the
• Strategies for the biotreatment and bioremediation techniques used for
synthetic compounds, petrochemicals, metals, and gaseous wastes are
Synthetic Compounds
• Common synthetic compounds are;
• Pesticides, herbicides, polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs, used in
hydraulic fluids), triclhoroethane (used for wood treatment),
dioxins and dibenzofurans.
• Synthetic compound degrades very slowly (half-lives measured
in years)
Petrochemical Compounds
• Commonly comes from crude oil and its derivatives (natural gas,
shale oil and tars)
• Compounds in crude oil;
• Methane, aliphatic n-alkanes, monocyclic aromatics; benzene,
polycyclic hydrocarbons; naphthalene, heterocyclic
hydrocarbons, tars and bitumen.
Inorganic Wastes
• Metals and other inorganic compounds.
• Highly concentrated metals could be toxic towards living
• Example;
• Copper is an essential micronutrient for plants, but an excess of
copper element could cause inhibition of photosynthesis and
pigment synthesis, and damage to plasma membrane
(Marschner, 1995).
Genetically Stimulation of
Indigenous indigenous
manipulated microbial
Bioaugmentation Phytoremediation
organism growth
Bioremediation strategies
Indigenous micro-organism
• Hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria and fungi such as cyanobacteria is found in the
soils to degrade hydrocarbons.
• Soil with high level of hydrocarbons contain more microorganisms; less diversity
• Fate of the organic compound depends is affected by two factors:
• Growth and metabolism of microorganism
• Organic compound itself
• Chemical structure of organic compound
• Availability or solubility
• Photochemistry
tion on land
techniques in situ
Bioreactors techniques ex Composting
• Composting material such as straw, bark and wood chips are mixed with the
contaminated soil and pile into heaps
• A rise in temperature to 60°C and above, causes by microbial activity
• Higher temperature encourages growth of thermophilic bacteria
• Expensive to be applied at highly contaminated materials
Biopile process
• Soil is heaped into piles within a
lined area to prevent leaching
• The piles are covered with
polythene and liquid nutrients
applied to the surface
• Aeration is improved by applying
suction to the base of the pile
• Any leachate form is collected by
pipes at the base and recycled
• Soil extracted from contaminated site can be treated as a solid waste or liquid
leachate in bioreactors
• Easy to control the parameters (pH, temperature, oxygen supply)
• Solid waste slurries can be treated by solid bed, fluidized bed and stirred tank
• Bioreactors for wastewater treatment can be used for treating liquid leachates
• Difference is liquid leachates are low concentration, low loads on system, slow
degradation rates and slow biomass growth
• Immobilized system is the best option
- Rapid (5-10 mins) - Slower than - Bacteria uses simple carbon source to
passive uptake generate hydrogen sulphide from sulphate
- Contaminants:
Activated • VOCs
• Sulphur Dioxide Bioscrubbers
• Nitruous oxides
• CFCs
• Greenhouse effect
• Can be open or closed system
• Built directly into the ground or in a reactor vessel
• The biofilm is maintained by a continual supply of
nutrients & high humidity by humidifying the inlet
air or by adding nutrient at the top of the vessel.
• Most degradation are aerobic
Trickling Biofilter
• Gas contaminants are absorbed in a free liquid
phase prior to biodegradation by microbes
• Offer greater performance than biofilters at
higher contaminant loadings
• The recycled water can be supplemented with
nutrients, maintaining the viability of the
microbial population
• The degradation of contaminants is performed by
a suspended consortium of microbes in separate
• Absorption achieved in packed column, sprat
• Water transferred to separate vessel, where
optimum environmental conditions for
biodegradation are.
Biofilter Trickling biofilter Bioscrubber Membrane Activated
bioreactors sludge
- To treat emission that - Primarily used to - Used to remove odour - Remove organic - Treat gaseous
have low concentration remove gases with - An improvement from compounds, suspended wastes by
of contaminates and acidic components biofilter & trickling biofilter matter or biodegradable mixing waste
high gas volume micro pollutants gas stream & air