Illustration Showing The Steps in DNA Fingerprinting

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DNA Fingerprinting

Almost every cell in our body contains our DNA.

DNA fingerprinting, also known as genetic
fingerprinting, DNA typing, and DNA profiling and it
is a method to identify and evaluate the genetic
information called DNA in a person's cells, based
on the unique patterns in their DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid). The technique was
described in 1984 by a British geneticist, Professor
Sir Alec Jeffreys. He found that certain sequences
of highly variable DNA called mini-satellites that
contained repeating patterns with no known
function. These sequences are unique to each
individual, with the exception of identical twins.

Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys

How to create a DNA fingerprint?

The process of creating a DNA fingerprint consists of first obtaining a sample of cells,

such as skin, hair, or blood cells, which contain DNA. The DNA is extracted from the
cells and purified. DNA was then cut at specific points along the strand
with proteins known as restriction enzymes. The enzymes produced fragments of
varying lengths that were sorted by a process called gel electrophoresis. The sorted
double-stranded DNA fragments were then subjected to a blotting technique in which
they were split into single strands and transferred to a nylon sheet. The fragments
underwent autoradiography in which they were exposed to DNA probes—pieces
of synthetic DNA that were made radioactive and that bound to the minisatellites. A
piece of X-ray film was then exposed to the fragments, and a dark mark was produced at
any point where a radioactive probe had become attached. The resultant pattern of
marks could then be analyzed.

Illustration showing the steps in DNA fingerprinting.

The uses of DNA fingerprinting.

There are quite a few uses for DNA fingerprinting. First of all, as most TV watchers
know, DNA fingerprinting play an important role in forensics and it can be accomplished
with a very small quantity of DNA to identify a culprit in a crime. Similarly, DNA
fingerprinting can exonerate innocent people of crimes. Sometimes even crimes
committed years ago, DNA fingerprinting can also be easily used to identify a
decomposing body. Is Joe really Billy's father? DNA fingerprinting can answer that
question quickly and accurately. DNA fingerprinting is widely applied to determine linking
blood relatives such as paternity, maternity, sibling ship and other kinships. More than
once, DNA fingerprinting has made it possible for people separated as a result of natural
disaster or war to find their children and parents. Furthermore, DNA fingerprinting serves
several uses in medicine. It is used to identify good genetic matches for organ or marrow
donation. In the field of agriculture, DNA fingerprinting can be used to identify genetically
modified or "heritage" plants, or plants which are likely to have therapeutic value. It can
also be used to prove pedigree in valuable animals such as race horses.

Illustration showing a comparison of a DNA

fingerprints from a crime scene and DNA
fingerprints from two suspects.

Illustration comparing the DNA profiles of two

parents and their child.

The word count for the whole article is 498 words.


The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2016, February 15). DNA fingerprinting. Retrieved from

Phillips, T. (2017, April 16). The Importance of DNA Fingerprinting. Retrieved from

What is a DNA fingerprint? (2016, June 02). Retrieved from

Healthwise Staff. (2015, February 20). DNA Fingerprinting. Retrieved from

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