Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Adults in A Community Setting
Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Adults in A Community Setting
Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Adults in A Community Setting
in a Community Setting
Administering any medication, including vaccines, they can vary from minor (e.g., soreness, itching)
The table below has the potential to cause an adverse reaction. to the rare and serious (e.g., anaphylaxis). Be
describes steps To minimize the likelihood of an adverse event, prepared.
to take if an screen patients for vaccine contraindications Vaccine providers should know how to rec-
adverse reaction and precautions prior to vaccination (see “Screen- ognize allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
occurs following ing Checklist for Contraindications to Vaccines Have a plan in place and supplies available
vaccination. for Adults” at to provide appropriate medical care should such
p4065.pdf). When adverse reactions do occur, an event occur.
Psychological Fright before injection is given Have patient sit or lie down for the vaccination.
presyncope, Patient feels “faint” (e.g., light-headed, dizzy, Have patient lie flat. Loosen any tight clothing
and syncope weak, nauseated, or has visual disturbance) and maintain open airway. Apply cool, damp
(fainting) cloth to patient’s face and neck. Keep them under
close observation until full recovery.
Anaphylaxis Skin and mucosal symptoms such as general- See the emergency medical protocol on the
ized hives, itching, or flushing; swelling of lips, next page for detailed steps to follow in treating
face, throat, or eyes. Respiratory symptoms anaphylaxis.
such as nasal congestion, change in voice,
sensation of throat closing, stridor, shortness
of breath, wheeze, or cough. Gastrointestinal
symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
cramping abdominal pain. Cardiovascular
symptoms such as collapse, dizziness, tachy-
cardia, hypotension.
continued on next page �
Immunization Action Coalition Saint Paul, Minnesota • 651- 647- 9009 • • • Item #P3082 (7/19)
Medical Management of Vaccine Reactions in Adults in a Community Setting (continued) page 2 of 2
Immunization Action Coalition • Saint Paul, Minnesota • 651- 647- 9009 • • • Item #P3082 (7/19)