Mechanical Engineering Department: PPT On Fluid Machinery
Mechanical Engineering Department: PPT On Fluid Machinery
Mechanical Engineering Department: PPT On Fluid Machinery
• The liquid comes out in the form of a jet from the outlet
of a nozzle .
• which is fitted to a pipe through which the liquid is
flowing under pressure.
• The following cases of the impact of jet, i.e. the force
exerted by the jet on a plate will be considered :‐
• exerted by the jet on a stationary vertical plate
Consider a jet of water coming out from the nozzle strikes the
vertical plate.
In this case, work is done by the jet on the plate as the plate is
moving, for stationary plate the work done is zero.
Work done by the jet on the flat moving plate =
Force x Distance in the direction of force/ Time
cos b e
2U Vai cosa i U k cos bi 1
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cos b e
2U Vai cosa i U k cos bi 1
cos b
d 2 cosa i k 1
Vai Vai cos bi e
cos b e
d 2f cosa i f k 1
cos bi
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For a given shape of the blade, the efficiency is a strong
function of f.
d d
For maximum efficiency: 0
cos b e
2cosa i 2f k 1 0
cos bi
cosa i
cosa i 2f 0 f
The load on turbine is not constant through out the day or hour,
hence speed of turbine varies with respect to load at constant
head and discharge .
1 .Centrifugal governor
2 .Oil pump-gear pump with oil sump
3 .Relay or control valve
4 .Servomotor with spear rod and spear
5 .Deflector mechanism.
Consider the case when the load on the generator increases, the
speed of the generator and turbine will decreases. Since the
governor is driven by the turbine shaft, its speed will also As a
consequence, the fly balls of the governor will move inwards due
to reduced centrifugal force on the balls. As a result the sleeve of
the governor will move downwards.
2. Simple elbow type draft Tube-It consists of an extended elbow type tube.
Generally, used when turbine has to be placed close to the tail-race. It helps to
cut down the cost of excavation and the exit diameter should be as large as
possible to recover kinetic energy at the outlet of runner. Efficiency of this kind of
draft tube is less almost 60%
3. Elbow with varying cross section-It is similar to the Bent Draft tube except
the bent part is of varying cross section with rectangular outlet. The horizontal
portion of draft tube is generally inclined upwards to prevent entry of air from the
exit end.
Discharge/Second = Qth
60 60
(2 A AP ) LN
Where, Ap = Area of cross-section of piston rod
However, if area of the piston rod is neglected
Discharge/Second = 60
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Discharge through a Reciprocating
(2) water has to come from a location higher than the ram;
Suction pipe:
The suction pipe’s one end is connected to the pump and other is
depth in the sump. Water enters from sump in to pump through
suction pipe.
Air vessel: Air vessel is used to reduce frictional head and give
a steady flow of liquid.