Rabie Catei
Rabie Catei
Rabie Catei
SUMMARY: Rabies has been an endemic disease in Nigeria with vaccination and control of stray dogs as the major
control measures. The disease remains one of the most important zoonoses in the country. A clinical case reported to
the veterinary clinic, FCAH&PT, NVRI, Vom in February 2006 is being reviewed. The occurrence of rabies in 5-week
old puppies that is below the recommended 3 months age of vaccination is a thing of concern. Equally disturbing is the
fact that the puppies are off-springs of a dam vaccinated with MLV/CEO, LEP, an indigenous vaccine. Possible
factors responsible for the puppies succumbing to the disease are discussed and recommendations made.
[Kujul, N.N, Banyigyi, S.A, Abechi, A.S., and Moses, G.D. Rabies In 5-Week-Old Puppies In Jos, Plateau State
Nigeria: A Case Report. Researcher. 2010;2(12):86-88]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). http://www.sciencepub.net.
Researcher, 2010;2(12) http://www.sciencepub.net/researcher
Researcher, 2010;2(12) http://www.sciencepub.net/researcher
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