Rabie Catei

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Researcher, 2010;2(12) http://www.sciencepub.


Rabies In 5-Week-Old Puppies In Jos, Plateau State Nigeria: A Case Report.

Kujul., N.N1, Banyigyi1, S.A1, Abechi, A.S2., and Moses, G.D2.

1. Federal College of Animal Health & Production Technology, NVRI, Vom.

2. Central Diagnostic and Epidemiology Division, NVRI, Vom.
Corresponding Author: Tel:+234(0)8035063230. Email: mosesgyang@yahoo.com

SUMMARY: Rabies has been an endemic disease in Nigeria with vaccination and control of stray dogs as the major
control measures. The disease remains one of the most important zoonoses in the country. A clinical case reported to
the veterinary clinic, FCAH&PT, NVRI, Vom in February 2006 is being reviewed. The occurrence of rabies in 5-week
old puppies that is below the recommended 3 months age of vaccination is a thing of concern. Equally disturbing is the
fact that the puppies are off-springs of a dam vaccinated with MLV/CEO, LEP, an indigenous vaccine. Possible
factors responsible for the puppies succumbing to the disease are discussed and recommendations made.
[Kujul, N.N, Banyigyi, S.A, Abechi, A.S., and Moses, G.D. Rabies In 5-Week-Old Puppies In Jos, Plateau State
Nigeria: A Case Report. Researcher. 2010;2(12):86-88]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). http://www.sciencepub.net.

Keywords: Rabies, 5-week-old puppies and vaccinated dam.

INTRODUCTION. The problems of the MLV vaccine have been

Rabies was first reported in Nigeria in 1912 in lack of immunogenic response in puppies less than 11
two persons but the first laboratory confirmation was weeks old and encephalitis in puppies under 3 weeks
in 1925 by demonstration of Negri bodies in the brain of age (Steele, 1973); short shelf life (Dean, et al.,
smear of a mad dog (Ekele, et al., 1984). 1964); vaccine induced rabies in dogs (Cabasso, 1962;
The disease has been declared endemic in Kappus, 1976; Okoh, 1982, Ekele, et al., 1984 and
Nigeria (Boulger and Hardy, 1960; Bernejee and Ogboegbulem, 1984). The incidence of vaccine
Elegbe, 1970; Owolodun. 1969; Nuru, 1973; Nawathe, induced rabies and vaccine failures in MLV/CEO have
1980 and Umoh and Belino, 1979). The control of the been estimated at 3 cases in every million doses
disease has largely been vaccination and control of vaccinated (Bunn, 1984, 1984) and 2.5 per million
stray dogs ( Ekele, et al., 1984). The first vaccine to be doses in Nigeria (Ogboegbulem, 1994). These
used in both animals and man was rabies vaccine problems associated with MLV /CEO vaccine in dogs
(Pasteur, 1885). The vaccine has undergone several led to the withdrawal of the vaccine in most developed
developments as cited by Ogunkoya (1979).The countries (Ogunkoya, 1997)
Avianized vaccine (Koprowsky and Cox, 1968) and
the Tissue Cell Culture vaccine by Fenje (1960). The CASE HISTORY
Modified Live Virus Vaccine-LEP produced in Two five week old puppies from an Alsatian
Nigeria in 1956 for dogs and the HEP for cats in 1970 crossed bitch were presented to the Veterinary Clinic,
(Ogboegbulem, 1994; Lamorde, 1981). The FCAH&PT, NVRI, Vom Plateau State on 11th
immunogenic potency and duration of immunity of the February, 2006. The client complained that the
LEP CEO was found to be higher and longer (39 puppies were bitten by a stray dog the previous night
months) than any other rabies vaccine in dogs (Sikes, being the 10th February, 2006. This is about 10months
et al., 1971). after the vaccination of the dam. The bitch was not
By 1930, it was suspected that the rabies present during the attach and has the following
vaccines in use then were lacking in antigenicity and vaccination history.
not proven until Webster (1939) demonstrated in
laboratory mice that most of the commercial rabies Date of Vaccination - 12th April, 2005
vaccines used in dogs as well as man lacked Age - 1 year 4 months
antigenicty. Habel (1940) developed potency test to Type of vaccine - LEP (Flurry) CEO
determine the immunogenic capacity of the vaccines. Batch No. - 2/2005
Tierkel, et al., (1953) established that handling and Expiring date - February, 2006
injection routes affect immunogenic values of the Producer - NVRI, Vom
vaccine. Strains of the vaccine appeared to change in Inoculation was done by reconstituting a dose in
the course of propagation using different animals and 2.5mls of distilled water and given deep nitra muscular
these methods were found to be no longer useful in in the thigh muscle.
vaccine production (Wiktor, et al., 1969).

Researcher, 2010;2(12) http://www.sciencepub.net/researcher

DIAGNOSIS still a good period for any maternal antibodies to have

Clinical examination of the puppies’ revealed- been present to protect them, since the vaccine is said
body temperature was 38.7°C for the puppy that has to protect the vaccinated dog for up to three (3) years
bite on the head; 38.5°C for the one that sustained (Ogunkoya, 1997). However, the decay rate of the
bites on the hind limbs. maternal antibodies in this group needs to be
The two puppies were quarantined in the clinic investigated.
for observation as against earlier recommendation to The present case appears to support the wide
destroy. The puppy that sustained injury on the head claim of vaccine failure in dogs reported in Nigeria
died on 27/2/06 and the head was decapitated and sent (Babode, 1981; Okoh, 1982 and Ogboebulem, 1997)
to Central Diagnostic Division NVRI, Vom for as the puppies from the vaccinated bitch were not
Laboratory test. protected. It could also be one of the 2.5 cases out of a
The second puppy manifested signs of rabies: million vaccinated cases that result in vaccine failure
paralysis of jaw, off-feeding avoiding people and (Obgoegbulem, 1994).
paralysis of the hind limbs and died on 8/3/06. The The 9 days time interval between the incubation
head was also sent to the same laboratory. periods in the two puppies has direct correlation with
The laboratory diagnostic results were as the proximity of the site of bite to the brain; the closer
follows; the site the shorter the period. Rabies has been
RD/34/2006 showed presence of Negri bodies reported in puppies 8 weeks old (Adeyanju, et al.,
on Sellers stain. The mouse inoculation test (MIT) 1997) and 6 weeks old (Onunkwo, et al., 1980) where
became positive on 16th March, 2006 for the first no vaccination history of the bitches were available
puppy. The second puppy with No RD/43/2006 and many other unreported cases in Nigeria. The
showed presence of Negri bodies on Sellers stain and former authors have suggested a review of the
was positive for MIT on 28th April, 2006. vaccination schedule for dogs.
The average costs of rabies vaccination range
DISCUSSION from N200 to N500 per dog while that of post
The two puppies diagnosed for rabies died as a exposure treatment using the vaccine alone in humans
result of exposure to rabies at 5 weeks of age. The is from N1,800 to N2, 200 per dose for 5 doses. The
case history showed that the bitch was duly time, travel inconveniences and cost, plus other
vaccinated. Factors likely to affect the immune antibiotic treatments that go along make it more costly
response to the vaccine adversely were such as health to treat than to vaccinate dogs. The vaccination
status of the bitch, the handling and the cold chain schedules for puppies need to be reviewed to
(Ogunkoya, 1997) were taken care of. The antibodies safeguard this age group of dogs. Vaccination in rabies
level in the bitch was not assayed in the laboratory to control is not an option it should be the rule in Nigeria
ascertain the success of the immunogenic response. and therefore should be enforced.
However, the in vivo assessment by the expected
protection on the puppies to the challenge is more RECOMMENDATIONS
practical. The maternal antibody transfer is mainly 1. The need to revisit the earlier steps to control
through the blood in the neonate and in colostrums in rabies in dogs which include the production
the first 36 to 48 hours after birth. The antibody of HEP to carter for puppies less than three
protection can be 5-6 weeks in puppies with low months.
antibody titer and up to three months in puppies with 2. The law on control of rabies in dogs by
high level. Factors that can affect maternal antibody vaccination and elimination of stray dogs
transfer to the puppies include the initial level in the should be enforced.
dam, the health and intake of colostrums by the 3. A review of the vaccination schedule in dogs
puppies. That the puppies succumbed to the disease at should be considered as a matter of necessity.
this age means they most probably did not get enough 4. There should be continuous monitoring of the
maternal antibodies from the dam. The window of potency of the indigenous vaccine for use in
susceptibility (WOS) which is the period when the dogs.
antibodies from the dam are too low to protect but too 5. It is also advisable to adopt sero-monitor both
high for the vaccine to work would have come into in vaccinated and yet to be vaccinate (e.g
play. The WOS period in puppies is highly dependant puppies) in order to know the specific period
on the antibody titre in the dam which in turn is of vaccinate dogs in Nigeria
directly related to the anti-genicity of the vaccine used.
The bitch was not aged as she was just under 2 years
old, neither was it sick at the time of vaccination. The
age at which the puppies were exposed (5 week) is

Researcher, 2010;2(12) http://www.sciencepub.net/researcher

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