Estimating The Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels
Estimating The Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels
Estimating The Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
G 101
5.2 The first method of this guide is intended for use in are somewhat lower or somewhat higher than actual losses. Specifically, in
estimating the expected long-term atmospheric corrosion environments of very low corrosivity, the log-log predictions may be
losses of specific grades of low-alloy steels in various envi- higher than actual losses (6), whereas in environments of very high
corrosivity the opposite may be true (7). For these cases, use of numerical
ronments, utilizing existing short-term atmospheric corrosion optimization or composite modeling methods (7 and 8) may provide more
data for these grades of steel. accurate predictions. Nevertheless, the simpler log-log linear regression
5.3 The second method of this guide is intended for use in method described above provides adequate estimates for most purposes.
estimating the relative atmospheric corrosion resistance of a
6.3 Predictive Method Based on Steel Composition:
specific heat of low-alloy steel, based on its chemical compo-
sition. 6.3.1 Equations for predicting corrosion loss of low-alloy
5.4 It is important to recognize that the methods presented steels after 15.5 years of exposure to various atmospheres,
here are based on calculations made from test data for flat, based on the chemical composition of the steel, were published
boldly exposed steel specimens. Atmospheric corrosion rates by Legault and Leckie (9). The equations are based on
can be much higher when the weathering steel remains wet for extensive data published by Larrabee and Coburn (10).
prolonged periods of time, or is heavily contaminated with salt 6.3.2 For use in this guide, the Legault-Leckie equation for
or other corrosive chemicals. Therefore, caution must be an industrial atmosphere (Kearny, N.J.) was modified to allow
exercised in the application of these methods for prediction of calculation of an atmospheric corrosion resistance index based
long-term performance of actual structures. on chemical composition. The modification consisted of dele-
tion of the constant and changing the signs of all the terms in
6. Procedure the equation. The modified equation for calculation of the
atmospheric corrosion resistance index (I) is given below. The
6.1 Atmospheric corrosion data for the methods presented
higher the index, the more corrosion resistant is the steel.
here should be collected in accordance with Practice G 50.
Specimen preparation, cleaning, and evaluation should con- I 5 26.01 ~% Cu! 1 3.88 ~% Ni! 1 1.20 ~% Cr!
form to Practice G 1. 1 1.49 ~% Si! 1 17.28 ~% P! 2 7.29 ~% Cu!
6.2 Linear Regression Extrapolation Method: ~% Ni! 2 9.10 ~% Ni! ~% P! 2 33.39 ~% Cu! 2
6.2.1 This method essentially involves the extrapolation of NOTE 4—Similar indices can be calculated for the Legault-Leckie
logarithmic plots of corrosion losses versus time. Such plots of equations for marine and semi-rural atmospheres. However, it has been
atmospheric corrosion data generally fit well to straight lines, found that the ranking of the indices of various steel compositions is the
and can be represented by equations in slope-intercept form, same for all these equations. Therefore, only one equation is required to
(3-5): rank the relative corrosion resistance of different steels.
log C 5 log A 1 B log t (1) 6.3.3 The predictive equation should be used only for steel
compositions within the range of the original test materials in
where: the Larrabee-Coburn data set (7). These limits are as follows:
C 5 corrosion loss, Cu 0.51 % max
t 5 time, and Ni 1.1 % max
A and B 5 constants. A is the corrosion loss at t 5 1, and B Cr 1.3 % max
is the slope of a log C versus log + plot. Si 0.64 % max
C may be expressed as mass loss per unit area, or as a P 0.12 % max
calculated thickness loss or penetration based on mass loss.
6.3.4 Examples of averages and ranges of atmospheric
6.2.2 The method is best implemented by linear regression
corrosion resistance indices calculated for 72 heats of each of
analysis, using the method of least squares detailed in Guide
two weathering steels are shown in Table X2.1.
G 16. At least three data points are required. Once the constants
6.3.5 The minimum acceptable atmospheric corrosion index
of the equation are determined by the linear regression analy-
should be a matter of negotiation between the buyer and the
sis, the projected corrosion loss can be calculated for any given
time. A sample calculation is shown in Appendix X1.
NOTE 2—Eq 1 can also be written as follows: 7. Report
C 5 At B
(2) 7.1 When reporting estimates of atmospheric corrosion
Differentiation of Eq 2 with respect to time gives the corrosion rate (R) resistance, the method of calculation should always be speci-
at any given time: fied. Also, in the Linear Regression Extrapolation Method (6.2)
R 5 ABt ~B 2 1! (3) of this guide, the data used should be referenced with respect
Also, the time to a given corrosion loss can be calculated as follows: to type of specimens, condition and location of exposure, and
duration of exposure.
t 5 ~C/A!1/B (4)
6.2.3 Examples of projected atmospheric corrosion losses 8. Keywords
over a period of fifty years for low-alloy weathering steels in 8.1 atmospheric corrosion resistance; compositional effects;
various environments are presented in Appendix X1. corrosion indices; high-strength; low-alloy steel; industrial
NOTE 3—It has been reported (6 and 7) that for some environments, use environments; marine environments; rural environments;
of log-log linear regression extrapolations may result in predictions which weathering steels
G 101
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Projected atmospheric corrosion losses in fifty years TABLE X1.2 Industrial Exposure Sites for Test Data in Fig. X1.2
for flat, boldly exposed specimens of Specifications A 588/ Country Identification Exposure Site Latitude
A 588M and A 242/A 242M Type 1 weathering steels in rural, South Africa S. Afr Pretoria—8 km W 25°45’S
industrial, and marine environments are shown in Figs. X1.1- Japan Japan Kawasaki 35°32’N
United States US Kearny, NJ 40°30’N
X1.3. (The “loss” shown in the figures is the average thickness France Fr St. Denis 48°56’N
loss per surface, calculated from the mass loss per unit area. Belgium Belg Liege 50°39’N
Germany Ger Essen Frintrop 51°28’N
The uniformity of the thickness loss varies with the type of United Kingdom UK Stratford 52°12’N
environment.) These figures were developed from data (11) for Sweden Swed Stockholm 59°20’N
specimens exposed for time periods up to 8 or 16 years in
various countries. The specific exposure locations are given in
Tables X1.1-X1.3, and the compositions of the steels are given TABLE X1.3 Marine Exposure Sites for Test Data in Fig. X1.3
in Table X1.4. In this test program, specimens were exposed in Country Identification Exposure Site Latitude
four orientations: 30° to the horizontal facing north and facing South Africa S. Afr Kwa Zulu Coast 32°S
United States US Kure Beach, NC (250 m) 35°N
south, and vertical facing north and facing south. (The back Japan Japan Hikari 35°55’N
surface of each specimen was protected with a durable paint France Fr Biarritz 43°29’N
system.) For the lines plotted in Figs. X1.1-X1.3, data for the United Kingdom UK Rye 50°57’N
Belgium Belg Ostende II 51°13’N
test orientations showing the greatest corrosion losses were Sweden Swed Bohus Malmön 58°N
X1.2 It must be emphasized that the data shown in Figs. TABLE X1.4 Composition of Steels for Test Data
in Figs. X1.1-X1.3
X1.1-X1.3 apply only to flat, boldly exposed specimens.
Presence of crevices or other design details which can trap and Mass, %
C Mn P S Si Cu Ni Cr V A1
hold moisture, or exposure under partially sheltered conditions, A242 Type 1 0.11 0.31 0.092 0.020 0.42 0.30 0.31 0.82 <0.01 0.08
may increase the rate of corrosion substantially. A588 0.13 1.03 0.006 0.019 0.25 0.33 0.015 0.56 0.038 0.043
n 5 Number of data points 5 4
~4! ~5.164! 2 ~2.785!~7.040!
TABLE X1.1 Rural Exposure Sites for Test Data in Fig. X1.1 ~4! ~2.505! 2 ~2.785!2
Country Identification Exposure Site Latitude B 5 0.463
South Africa S. Afr Pretoria—8 km E 25°45’S log A 5 l/n ~ ( log C 2 B ( log t!
Japan Japan Lake Yamanaka 35°25’N
United States US Potter County, PA 42°N
log A 5 ¼ @~7.040! 2 ~0.463! ~2.785!#
United Kingdom UK Avon Dam 50°17’N log A 5 1.437
Belgium Belg Eupen 50°38’N
Sweden Swed Ryda Kungsgård 60°36’N A 5 27.35
G 101
FIG. X1.1 Projected Thickness Loss Per Surface for Specification A 588/A 588M and A 242/A 242M Type 1 Steels in Rural Environments
in Various Countries. (See Table X1.1 for specific exposure sites and Table X1.4 for composition of steels (11))
G 101
FIG. X1.2 Projected Corrosion Penetration of Specification A 588/A 588M and A 242/A 242M Type 1 Steels in Industrial Environments in
Various Countries. (See Table X1.2 for specific exposure sites and Table X1.4 for composition of steels (11))
FIG. X1.3 Projected Thickness Loss Per Surface for Specification A 588/A 588M and A 242/A 242M Type 1 Steels in Marine
Environments in Various Countries. (See Table X1.3 for specific exposure sites and Table X1.4 for composition of steels (11))
G 101
(1) Komp, M. E., “Atmospheric Corrosion Ratings of Weathering Steels— (7) McCuen, R. H., Albrecht, P., and Cheng, J. G., “A New Approach to
Calculation and Significance,” Materials Performance, 26, No. 7, July Power-Model Regression of Corrosion Penetration Data,” Corrosion
1987, pp. 42–44. Form and Control Infrastructure, ASTM STP 1137, ASTM, 1992, pp.
(2) Albrecht, P., and Naeemi, A. H., “Performance of Weathering Steel in 446–76.
Bridges,” National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Report (8) McCuen, R. H. and Albrecht, P., “Composite Modeling of Corrosion
272, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
Penetration Data,” Application of Accelerated Corrosion Tests to
Washington, DC, July 1984, pp. 52, 58, 64, 70.
Service Life Prediction of Materials, ASTM STP 1194, ASTM 1993.
(3) Bohnenkamp, K., et al., “Investigations of the Atmospheric Corrosion
of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steels in Sea, Country, and Industrial (9) Legault, R. A., and Leckie, H. P., “Effect of Composition on the
Air,” Stahl und Eisen, 93, No. 22, October 1973, pp. 1054–1060. Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior of Steels Based on a Statistical
(4) Townsend, H. E., and Zoccola, J. C., “Eight Year Atmospheric Analysis of the Larrabee-Coburn Data Set,” Corrosion in Natural
Corrosion Performance of Weathering Steel in Industrial, Rural, and Environments, ASTM STP 558, ASTM 1974, pp. 334–347.
Marine Environments,” Atmospheric Corrosion of Metals, ASTM STP (10) Larrabee, C. P., and Coburn, S. K., “The Atmospheric Corrosion of
767, ASTM 1982, pp. 45–59. Steels as Influenced by Changes in Chemical Composition,” First
(5) Shastry, C. R., Friel, J. J. and Townsend, H. E.,“ Sixteen-Year International Congress on Metallic Corrosion, Butterworths, Lon-
Atmospheric Corrosion Performance of Weathering Steels in Marine, don, 1962, pp. 276–285.
Rural, and Industrial Environments,” Degradation of Metals in the
(11) Komp, M. E., Coburn, S. K., and Lore, S. C., “Worldwide Data on the
Atmosphere, ASTM STP 965, ASTM 1988, pp. 5–15.
(6) Morcillo, M., Feliu, S., and Simancas, J. “Deviation From Bilogarith- Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance of Weathering Steels,” Proceed-
mic Law For Atmospheric Corrosion of Steel,” British Corrosion ings of the 12th International Corrosion Congress, Vol 2, NACE
Journal, 28, No. 1, January 1993, pp. 50–52. International, Houston, TX, 1993, pp. 509–528.
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