The Effect of Leadership Style and Compensation On Employee Performance in The Project Division at PT - Indomarco Prismatama Bandung Branch
The Effect of Leadership Style and Compensation On Employee Performance in The Project Division at PT - Indomarco Prismatama Bandung Branch
The Effect of Leadership Style and Compensation On Employee Performance in The Project Division at PT - Indomarco Prismatama Bandung Branch
This study aims to determine how much the influence of leadership style and compensation on the performance of the project
division employees at PT.Indomarco Prismatama Bandung Branch. Variable tested in this study are leadership style and
compensation as independent variables, while employee performance is the dependent variable. The research method used in this
research is the verification method. The population in this study were employees of PT.Indomarco Prismatama Bandung Branch
totaling 31 employees of the project division at PT.Indomarco Prismatama Bandung Branch. The sampling technique used in this
study is a non-probability sampling technique with a saturated sample technique, so that the sample amounted to 31 employees of
the project division at PT.Indomarco Prismatama Bandung Branch. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear
regression analysis. The results showed that leadership style and compensation have strong, moderate a moderate or weak effect
on employee performance.
Leadership style, compensation, employee performance
Article Received: 18 October 2020, Revised: 3 November 2020, Accepted: 24 December 2020
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 6258-6265 ISSN: 00333077
Table 1. Performance appraisal data for project division employees at PT.Indomarco Prismatama Bandung
branch for the 2018-2019 period
Assessment Weight
2018 2019
Criteria (%)
Achievement Score (%) Achievement Score (%)
Cooperation 25 95 23,75 75 18,75
Job Skills 25 85 21,25 75 18,75
Work Quality 25 85 21,25 65 16,25
Work Quantity 25 80 20,00 60 15,00
Total 100 86,25 68,75
Source: Human Resource and Development
Based on Table 1 shows that in 2018 the successfully anticipated change, exploited
percentage value of the performance of the project extraordinary opportunities, motivated their
division employees at PT Indomarco Prismatama followers to higher levels of productivity,
Bandung Branch was 86.25%, including in the improved poor performance and directed the
good category. Meanwhile, in 2019, the organization to its goals (Robbins & Judge, 2015).
percentage value of the project division's Leadership as the ability to influence a group
employee performance at PT.Indomarco towards achieving the goals and objectives of the
Prismatama Bandung Branch was 68.75%, organization is a reflection of employee
including in the unfavorable category. This shows performance. Leadership style plays a big role in
that there is a decline in the performance of the improving employee performance (Khairizah et
project division employees at PT.Indomarco al., 2017). Leadership that is shown and applied
Prismatama Bandung Branch in 2018-2019. In into a leadership style is one of the factors in
addition, the results of the pre-survey show that increasing employee performance, because
the performance of the project division employees basically as the backbone of organizational
at PT Indomarco Prismatama Bandung Branch is development in encouraging and influencing good
still low. This is related to the lack of conformity morale to subordinates, leaders need to think
with work completion with work targets and about and show the right leadership style in its
standards, the large number of jobs, time to application (Noer, 2020).
complete work, management of company
resources, and lack of employee initiative. Apart from leadership style, compensation can
also be a factor that can affect employee
Based on the pre-survey results, it was found that performance. Compensation is a reward received
One of the factors that can affect employee by employees as compensation for services
performance is leadership style shown by the provided which aim to attract, retain and motivate
leadership in the company. Leadership style is a employees (Mondy & Noe, 2013). The results of
behavioral approach based on the idea that the the pre-survey show that the compensation
success or failure of a leader is determined by the provided by PT.Indomarco Prismatama Bandung
attitude and action style of the leader concerned Branch is still low. This is related to inadequate
(Sutrisno, 2016). The results of the pre-survey salaries, lack of incentives or bonuses, lack of
show that the leadership style is still low as shown career opportunities, and lack of rewards.
by the leadership in the project division that
PT.Indomarco Prismatama Bandung Branch. This One way for management to increase employee
is related to the lack of involvement of employees motivation and performance is through
in decision making, Kruang leaders provide compensation in return for their work (Mathis &
motivation to employees, leaders are less clear in Jackson, 2015). Compensation given must be
providing direction, and leaders sometimes get given fairly and not far from employee
angry when they face work problems. expectations. If this can be fulfilled, employee
satisfaction can be a trigger to improve
Leaders who succeed in influencing performance. If the compensation is not provided
organizational results are leaders who have on time, it will result in discipline, employee
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 6258-6265 ISSN: 00333077
Leadership is the ability to influence a group The Influence of Leadership Style on Employee
towards achieving a vision or set of goals Performance
(Robbins & Judge, 2015). Leadership style is a
behavioral approach based on the idea that the Leadership is the ability to influence a group
success or failure of a leader is determined by the towards achieving a vision or set of goals. Leaders
attitude and action style of the leader concerned who succeed in influencing organizational results
(Sutrisno, 2016). Kartono (2014) states that the are leaders who have successfully anticipated
measurement of leadership style includes the change, exploited extraordinary opportunities,
ability to make decisions, the ability to motivate, motivated their followers to higher levels of
the ability to communicate, the ability to control productivity, improved poor performance and
subordinates, responsibility, and the ability to directed the organization to its goals (Robbins &
control emotions. Judge, 2015). Leadership styles are patterns of
behavior that a leader applies in working with
Compensation others as prepared by others. The consistent
behavior patterns referred to here are those that
Compensation is a reward received by employees arise in people when they begin to respond in the
as compensation for services provided which aim same way under similar conditions and these
to attract, retain and motivate employees (Mondy patterns form behavior habits that are at least
& Noe, 2013). Mondy and Noe (2013) divide predictable for those who work with people
compensation into 2 types, namely as follows: (Derivatives, 2017).
1. Financial compensation consists of:
a. Direct financial compensation, namely The leadership style adopted by a leader in a
payment received by someone in the form of: company holds the main key in achieving a good
1) Salary work environment. In order to increase employee
2) Incentives or bonuses motivation carried out by the leader will have an
b. Indirect financial compensation or benefits, impact on increasing employee productivity and
namely all forms of financial compensation performance, so that the main goals the company
that are not included in direct financial wants to achieve can be realized. Effective
compensation, such as: leadership is a leader who can adjust his
1) Insurance leadership style according to the maturity level of
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 6258-6265 ISSN: 00333077
employees (Siswanto & Hamid, 2017). Leadership Compensation given must be given fairly and not
as the ability to influence a group towards far from employee expectations. If this can be
achieving the goals and objectives of the fulfilled, employee satisfaction can be a trigger to
organization is a reflection of employee improve performance. If the compensation is not
performance. Leadership style plays a big role in provided on time, it will result in discipline,
improving employee performance (Khairizah et employee attitude and morale. One of the
al., 2017). Leadership that is shown and applied compensation functions is that it can be a
into a leadership style is one of the factors in motivational factor for employees to work better.
increasing employee performance, because Compensation given to employees has a positive
basically as the backbone of organizational influence on employee performance (Nugraha &
development in encouraging and influencing good Tjahjawati, 2017). Compensation given to
morale to subordinates, leaders need to think employees greatly affects employee performance,
about and show the right leadership style in its level. An organization that determines the level of
application (Noer, 2020). compensation taking into account normal living
standards, will allow employees to work with
The Influence of Compensation on Employee passion and motivation. Employee performance is
Performance much influenced by the level of compensation
given to employees (Dwianto & Purnamasari,
One way for management to increase employee 2019). Compensation in this case is a reference to
motivation and performance is through encourage better employee motivation, if the
compensation in return for their work (Mathis & compensation they feel is right, it will arise from
Jackson, 2015). Compensation is an important the employee to work. better, vice versa.
factor for employees, because with compensation Providing compensation to employees is closely
employees can meet their physiological needs. related to expectations of increased performance
However, of course, employees also hope that the in a company or an organization (Sangkaen et al.,
compensation they receive is in accordance with 2019).
the sacrifices that have been given in the form of
non-financial matters, which is also very Below will be described a frame of mind as a
important for employees, especially for their form of researcher's thought flow, which is as
career development (Simamora, 2015). follows:
Figure 1. Framework
H1: Leadership style affects employee H3: Leadership style and compensation have an
performance. effect on employee performance.
H2: Compensation affects employee performance.
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 6258-6265 ISSN: 00333077
Based on Table 2, the results of partial hypothesis compensation have an effect on employee
testing show that leadership style and performance.
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 6258-6265 ISSN: 00333077