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About The Book

In Attaining Academic Excellence, you will encounter four-fold principles

that guarantee academic excellence at all levels, and excellence in other areas
of life: See the possibility; Plan the possibility; Strike the possibility; and Pray
the possibility. You will come across true-life stories of those who employed
these principles to excel in academics and to accomplish magnificent tasks in
other areas of life.
These tested and proven principles position every student to emerge an
invincible academic reference, regardless of their background or previous
academic history. Similarly, the application of these principles positions
everyone for outstanding performance in their life endeavors..

Read, digest, and apply the knowledge (shared in this book) to your daily
living and see excellence coming your way.
Dr F.K. Owofadeju, Wood Products Engineering, University of Ibadan.

Samuel Ayinde…admonish(es) the whole world to be optimistic in all their

endeavor, to be the best…I recommend this book for every potential achiever
to read through.
Reverend Lekan Oladimeji,
Presiding Pastor, Divine Faith Church of Christ, Nigeria

About The Author

Samuel Ayinde holds a Ph.D. in mechanical
engineering from the University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, United States. He graduated with
a First Class grade in Wood Products
Engineering and as the best graduating
student of the Department of Agricultural and
Environmental Engineering, University of
Ibadan, Nigeria. He has served as the
Academic Secretary of the Redeemed
Christian Fellowship, University of Ibadan,
and as a peer mentor for students in the
Center for Engineering Diversity and
Outreach (CEDO), University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor. He is passionate about people
discovering, understanding, and fulfilling the
purposes of God for their lives, with eternity
in view.
...becoming an invincible academic reference

Samuel Ayinde
This book is about how to make success in academics. The
author’s experience and testimony clearly put this in the right
perspective. This book is a must-read for students—especially
those seeking excellence in academics.
Kayode O Adebowale,
Professor of Industrial Chemistry & Deputy Vice Chancellor
(Administrator), University of Ibadan

This book is an inspired masterpiece for all students who de-

sire to give glory to God in their academic pursuit as Daniel did.
I recommend this book for all students. I also recommend that
they should seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness and all
other things shall follow suite.
Professor Gideon Adeoye,
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Ibadan

This nugget could only come from him whom the Lord has
brought to the experience, I am particularly happy that he read-
ily shares this knowledge with mankind. Read, digest, and apply
to your daily living and see excellence coming your way.
Dr F.K Owofadeju,
Wood Products Engineering, University of Ibadan
Samuel Ayinde has displayed a high level of intellectual
prowess. He has combined academic and spiritual knowledge to
admonish the whole world to be optimistic in all their endeav-
our, to be the best and never to have a fatalistic mentality in
diculties. I recommend this book for every potential achiever
to read through.
Reverend Lekan Oladimeji
Presiding Pastor, Divine Faith Church of Christ, Nigeria
Copyright © 2020 Attaining Academic Excellence: Becoming An Invincible
Academic Reference
by Samuel Ayinde

This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means – electronic,
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permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America
copyright law.
Unless otherwise stated, Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New
International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Professor Abel Olorunnisola
Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
For nding time to read through the manuscript and write the
Scriptures marked NKJV are taken from New King James Version®. Copyright © foreword despite your very busy schedule.
1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Professors Kayode Adebowale and Gideon Adeoye, Dr F. K
Scriptures marked MSG are taken from the The Message. Copyright © 1993, Owofadeju, Reverend Lekan Oladimeji, Mrs Denise Grindsta,
1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. and Taiwo Nau

Scripture quotations marked TPT are taken from The Passion Translation®. For reading through the manuscript, oer insightful contribu-
Copyright © 2017 by BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC. Used by permission. tions and (or) writing comments.
All rights reserved.
The Principal Editor, Mrs Toyin Willoubhy Muyi
Scriptures marked AMPC are taken from the Amplied Bible, Classic
Edition Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The
For rening the entire write up to a piece that can be clearly
Lockman Foundation Used by Permission. read and simply understood.

The Chief Graphics Designer, Olorunfemi Owoyemi

For your persistent support all through.

All my Tutors

For contributing signicantly into my life.

Those who supported this work nancially, prayerfully and in

other ways

I am very grateful.

The Chief motivator and the Author of inspiration, the Al-

mighty God

For making all things to work together for my good. May you be

forever praised.


The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit

Thank you so much for being my All-In-All


Title Page
About The Author 95
Books By This Author 97
I am highly delighted to be called upon to write foreword to
this book written by a nal year student for other students like
him. Samuel Ayinde has made a very good eort at distilling
the essence of successful academic career in this book. The sum-
mary of what he has to say is that attitude more than aptitude
determines altitude.

I commend the author for a job well done and I recommend

the book for all students who wish to make success of their aca-
demic career.

Professor Abel Olorunnisola,

Head, Department of Wood Products Engineering and

Former Dean, Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan; and
Former Chairman, Nigeria Society of Engineers, Oyo State
Chapter, Nigeria

The academic community consists of several average and poor
performers sandwiched with scanty high-ying students. “Is God
not really partial?” Has the question ever crossed your mind? Do
you believe that some people were born genius? Do you feel that
some students are too brilliant to be outrun? Have you thought
that you can never be the best? Have you asserted that academic
excellence is a manifestation of a gift which is not present in
everybody? Have you ever seen yourself as a nonentity, an aver-
age, a mediocre or a confused person? Have you concluded that
you can never cross a border of excellence?
Do you believe that you have a limited ability, assimilation
limit or a constrained understanding? Have you thought that you
do not have what it takes to be outstanding? Have you armed
that academic excellence depends on fate? Do you see failure as
an unavoidable occurrence? Do you feel that poor performance
is hereditary? Have circumstances labelled you defeated, failure,
dullard or incapable? Do you think that it is impossible to score
hundred percent in examinations? Do you believe that some aca-
demic challenges are too dicult to be overcome? Have you hung
up to fate? Have you surrendered to defeat? Have you ever been
disappointed academically, expecting a better result but not get-
ting it? Do you have any academic challenge?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions, it is required that
you settle down to read, assimilate and digest every word of this
book. Perhaps you answered “no” to all the questions, there are
secret truths equally awaiting your exploration in every chapter
of this book. In this regard I congratulate you as you maximally
explore some greatness-propelling truth which you need in life.

You are loaded
Except you know who you are, you will amount to nothing.
The best evaluation of yourself can be done by you. The tools to
become outstanding are inherent within you. Your knowledge of
their existence, ability to harness them and maximize their usage
makes the dierence between you and others. Exceptional abil-
ities to become the exceptional is in you, but it requires you to
maximize it before it will bring you out as the exceptional. You
are more than what you think you are, but you will never per-
form better than your picture of you. Your self-image determines
what you will amount to. You are not a dullard until you reason
as one, act as one, produce results as one and refuse to change to
be one. If you maximize your in-built success potency, you can
have better success. Success potency, however, responds sharply
when you consciously take these steps: see, plan, strike and pray the

1. See the possibility

Until you start seeing impossibility as a blend from two words
“impo” – important and “ssibility” – possibility, you can never
go far. The greater you see, the greater you explore, the greater
you harness, the greater you become. Ability to see possibilities
out of impossibilities characterizes great inventors and incom-
parable scholars. It also separates them from the company of the
complacent. Except you see sense in nonsense, you can never
sense greatness in nonsense. This is because the majority of what
brings greatness is packaged in what people call nonsense.
In academics, you must see the possibility of becoming out-
standing in your course of study before you can become the
celebrated outstanding. All that you need to overcome academic
challenges are within and around you. However, you must see ex-
cellence before it is unveiled. You can overcome barriers, break
through obstructions and y high if you wait a moment and see
the possibility.

2. Plan the possibility
An unplanned life is a fruitless life. Seeing without planning is
equivalent to not seeing at all. The step of faith you take after
seeing is planning. It shows that you have a great faith that what
you see is a reality that will manifest. It is expedient that you put
pen to paper and draw a feasible sketch of how you will become
what you see. Planning involves evaluating the sacrice you will
make and the price you will pay to achieve your ambitions. By
planning, you know what to bid goodbye to welcome outstand-
ing excellence. To become an invincible academic reference, it is
important that you plan.

3. Strike the possibility

Except the paperwork of planning is acted upon, it remains
redundant and useless. To achieve this, you must muster your
strength and potentials. You must put in your totality. You must
swim against every current of procrastination, complacency,
suering-in-silence and laziness. You must put on the whole
armor of zeal, hard work, fearlessness, hope and optimism as you
sow physical eort into your academics through eective and
ecient studying. In Physics, work done is a product of force and
distance. If force is 100 Newtons and distance travelled by the ap-
plied force is 0 kilometer, work done will remain ZERO.

4. Pray the possibility

Horses must be made ready for the battle, but the victory is in
God’s hand. Prayer presents us humbly before our Maker. Through
fervent prayers we surrender our insuciency to Him to appro-
priate its suciency. We cause the natural to work in harmony
with the supernatural and take possession of our inheritance:
outstanding excellence. We subdue contradictory forces, harness
the grace to work harder and achieve greatly on the platform of

These four steps which will be comprehensively discussed in
this book have been tested, proven adequate and sucient to be-
come outstanding in every work of life, including academics. I
strongly believe that as you read through the pages of this book,
you will be transformed, strengthened, lifted and blessed.

Samuel Ayinde
April 2020

Every person is a potential point of reference for excellence.
The divine input in everyone spurs them towards becoming
exceptional. The Longman Active Study Dictionary (Eighth impres-
sion) denes reference as “the place you get information from
or where you look at something for information.” The Oxford
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Seventh Edition) also denes refer-
ence as “the thing you say or write that mentions somebody or
something.” The Bible makes use of the word “reference,” (a syno-
nym for reference, as used in this book, is standard), many times,
both directly and indirectly.


Saul was the rst king to rule Israel. After his reign, David as-
cended the throne. David’s kingship was established as a standard
of comparison for all other kings that came after him, be it in
Judah or Israel. For example, it was recorded concerning Amaziah
King of Judah, “He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD,
but not as his father David had done.”[1] This type of reference is
called leadership reference. His rule became a standard through-
out the entire nation, against which other reigns were measured
and graded as excellent good, fair, or poor.

History has recorded a list of people who had demonstrated ex-


ceptional and unique level of wisdom, insight, ability and prow- him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form
ess; such qualities have been used to construct a measuring scale of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my ser-
against which the display of exceptional capability by people is vant Moses?””[3]
being measured today. They towered from the level of extra-or- There is a mark of distinction between Moses and other
dinary to that of being uniquely extraordinary. As a result, they Prophets of God. God conversed with all other Prophets using di-
were taken to be the climax and also, the upper limit. The Scrip- verse means other than face to face, while Moses conversed with
ture gave this insight into wisdom of King Solomon of Ancient the Lord face to face, mouth to mouth. That means Moses estab-
Israel: “Solomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the lished the standard of communication between the Creator and
people of the East, and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt. He His creatures. The highest level a person can attain, (which Moses
was wiser than anyone else, including Ethan the Ezrahite—wiser did), is to see God and communicate with Him face to face. Conse-
than Heman, Kalkol and Darda, the sons of Mahol. And his fame quently, when hearing God is a subject of discourse in Moses’ days,
spread to all the surrounding nations.”[2] Moses’ technique is a standard instrument through which other
Ethan, Heman, Calcol, and Darda and were wise men. They peoples’ communication with God can be measured. In other
were very vast in exhibiting sound wisdom and discretion. words, Moses was a reference.
Nevertheless, there was a standard by which their wisdom was Concerning Prophet Samuel, it was recorded that none of his
measured. This standard was constructed using King Solomon’s words fell to the ground[4]. Every word spoken by him, con-
display of wisdom. This is because he was the wisest man that has sciously or unconsciously, came to pass. The highest that can
ever lived in his time. In other words, King Solomon, a man like happen to a man is to speak and have all the words spoken ful-
us, was a mental reference. Other great researchers in the light of lled. That was Samuel’s case. He was an instrument with which
Sir Isaac Newton, Leonard Nicholas Sadi Carnot, Galileo, Albert the authenticity and truthfulness of people who say,” The Lord
Einstein, to mention a few, were also exceptional in their elds of said...” is measured. He operated on the dimension of a hundred
specialization. percent word-accomplishment. Consequently, when it comes to
issues such as prophecy, speaking and having it come to pass,
Samuel has become an established point of reference till date.
The exceptional walk some people had with God made
them to be established as standards for quantifying and com- 4. ACADEMIC REFERENCE
paring spiritual exploits. Their names are mentioned whenever The race of life can be said to be academic-oriented. This is
spiritual issues are discussed. They went all the way in their ex- because we learn daily. One stop learning the day they die. The
ceptional walk with God and consequently, they became too ex- converse is also true, one dies the day one stops learning. The
ceptional for their generation and the ones coming behind them. backing of God in the life of a Christian scholar is partly revealed
Though men, they distinguished themselves by becoming excep- through his academic performance. In the light of this, one could
tional. Moses was such a reference: The Lord said, ““…Listen to my safely assert that it is the desire of God that his people should
words: “When there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, reveal excel academically. People like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and
myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams. But this is Apostle Paul were established references in the sphere of academ-
not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house. With ics; the leading Light, of course in this sphere, is Jesus Christ. John

2 3

Pullock, in his book titled The Apostle: The life of Paul, made it success should not be the type in which you perform very well in
clear that not only was Apostle Paul brilliant, intelligent, and a session but the following session you are nowhere to be found.
exceptional but that he was also a versatile scholar. This was evi- You must be invincible. Success must be consistent and continu-
dent in his ministerial calling and can be seen in his written epis- ous.
tles. This book will focus comprehensively on how to become an in-
When Daniel and his friends were tested after receiving the vincible academic reference.
Babylonians training, they were found to be ten times better than
their contemporaries who were subjected to the same academic
conditions. Jesus Christ was preferred to the Teachers of the Law
in his day because of the unique academic prowess displayed by
Him. Today, a few people have made landmark records which no
one has been able to break and have thus established themselves
as references in academic endeavor as a result of their distinct


Ancient landmarks and landform features like mountains, val-
leys, hills and rocks are guratively used as references in the scrip-
tures. A mountain can be used as a reference to locate all other
places surrounding it. For instance, if a location is described as
this: Town A is 11km, N45°W from Mount Everest, this means
that the exact location of Town A could be known. All that is
needed is to carry the measuring instruments to Mount Everest
and measure out accordingly. And the advent of Geographic Infor-
mation System (GIS) in modern times has made this easier.
Every Christian who puts his trust in God is described as Mount
Zion (an outstanding reference) which can never be shaken[5]. In
other words, such a Christian is regarded as invincible and forever
enduring. Biblically, therefore, it is believed that you are cong-
ured to be a standard in all spheres of life, including academic
pursuit. Junior colleagues should be able to build excellence-
oriented condence when they check through your results.
Your academics should constantly reect the promise of “good
success” which has been made in the Bible to all who do accord-
ing to all that is written in the book of the law (Joshua 1:8). Your

4 5
It is very easy to see a possibility amid several possibilities.
This act is so common that anybody can partake in it; the fear-
ful, the doubtful, the poor, the timid and even the inconsistent
can bring a possibility out of several possibilities. This then pre-
supposes that bringing a possibility out of so many possibilities
is not an appropriate yardstick for measuring how determined or
how strong someone is.
The yardstick for measuring how tenacious, consistent, deter-
mined, focused and ambitious someone is, is their ability to see
possibility out of impossibilities. It is a strong force that pulls
down every wall of stagnation. It is a trac light pointing to-
wards becoming successful in life. It is an unquantiable quality
that ushers in academic excellence.
Life is surrounded by clouds of impossibilities and this makes
a lot of people live and operate in a confused state. It is only those
who can eke out possibilities out of impossibilities that make
head way in life. These are people who not only have two eyes, but
see clearly with them; for there are many who have eyes but oper-
ate as if they were blind.
Now, let’s look at some of the clouds of impossibilities that
may surround us academically and which may pose very serious
challenges in that regard. A student will encounter courses or
subjects that may appear tough and dicult to understand and
which will question their tenacity and strength. Apart from this,
examination timetables may not always be favorable and not all
lecturers or tutors will always be friendly or approachable; some
will pose some threats. Of course, there will be some not-too-

6 7

pleasing anecdotes from some former students which might re-

inforce these fears.
Other clouds of impossibilities may include school facilities
and environment which may not be conducive for learning, un-
friendly roommates or truncated nancial supply. You might
even be saddled with friends whose inuence might not impact
positively on your academics. Like me (during my undergrad),
you might nd yourself enmeshed in a course you never dreamt of
studying. The list of impossibilities and discouraging factors are
Despite all these though, you must strive to weave a thread
through these clouds of impossibilities; but it takes tenacity. As David lost no battle during his reign as king in Israel. At an
stated above, you must be tenacious, consistent, determined, fo- early age, he fought the great Philistine giant and killed him with
cused and ambitious to excel and exceptionally so to see the a seemingly insignicant weapon—a sling and a stone. He wrote
possibilities in the midst of discouragement. This is a conrmed death sentences for as many lions as possible whenever they went
fact: Amid impossibilities lies a strong cord of possibility. This is past their boundaries. He counted it a sin for bears to come ter-
the hallmark of the Supremacy of the Divine force at work in you. rorizing and go scot-free. God called him a man after His very
Today is the future you thought about a few years back. Regard- heart. He envisaged building a magnicent structure that was
less of your current position academically, you can still move up worth millions of dollars for God and he made total provisions
and become outstanding. All you need do is take a time out and (in terms of resources) for it. His son Solomon only came along to
see yourself entering the reality of that fact. build on the foundation David had laid.
He was not only great, he also transferred the greatness in him
into the lives of many—the mighty men of David. The only war he
did not win was the one he did not ght. He became like a lion,
a mighty beast that retreats before nothing[6]. Apart from being a
powerful warrior and king, he was also a singer, prophet, a diplo-
mat and, the father of the wisest man on earth (Solomon). Let us
now consider the secret of his outstanding feat.


At times, we are moved by what we hear. But most of the time,
we are driven, propelled and energized by what we see. We may
believe what we hear, and become what we see, depending on
how strong the inuence is of what we hear or see. It also depends
on our perception of the rightness or wrongness of these acts.
In the case of David he was able to do exploits despite some of

8 9

his human failings because, all along, he had the right perception always inquire from the Author of possibilities (God) before set-
about God—he saw Him as the Almighty, a Supernatural Being ting out. He inquired not because he thought he would not win,
who has no iota of impossibility in His character[7]—whom David but he did so in order to know the direction the battle would go
had always seen before him[8]. And throughout his lifetime, he and what strategy of attack to apply. He fearlessly brought every
positioned the reality of this “God of Possibility” before him; as a raging situation under his control, because he always saw possi-
result, the rst thing he saw whenever he opened his eyes was pos- bility.
sibility. The last thing he saw before sleeping was possibility. In
his entire endeavor all he saw was possibility. No wonder he had YOU ARE WHAT YOU SEE
an exceptional record of a hundred percent victory.
Now, let’s take it to a personal level with regards to academic “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s
endeavor. Your ability to visualize yourself as a student in your glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing
school was what propelled you into obtaining appropriate forms, glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”[9] This is
writing the appropriate exams, passing the exams and in the long an indisputable mystery: one becomes the exact replica of what
run securing a provisional admission into the school (institu- one sees. Your current state reects what you saw in past, con-
tion). In this sense, what you see is what you become. Having gone sciously or unconsciously. This is both a lesson and an assurance
through the aforementioned process, you have become what you of hope. It is a lesson because we are taught that when it comes
saw. You are now in the processes of becoming what you are see- to seeing, we should not follow the multitude for the seeing of
ing, and will eventually become what you would see in the fu- the multitude brings confusion and controversy. It is an assur-
ture. It is a universal truth. ance of hope because it gives us a unique opportunity to shift our
view, and focus on the positive, right and excellent things in our
✓ Wisdom speaks: academic pursuit, especially if our focus had been on things that
All men are the product of vision and imagination. Therefore, were not so right or excellent in the past. “Finally…whatever is
you can’t grow beyond your vision. God conceived man before He right...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such
made him. He saw beforehand what man would do (rule), what he things.”[10]
would look like (god), and what he would be called (man). Man was People do not become invincible references by uke, they
not made by chance; man is a product of vision and imagination. must rst see it. You must rst have a clear perception and view
This is also true of life and success—you must see continuously of what you desire before you can handle it. You can never possess
what you aim to be or achieve. As a result, you position yourself well what you cannot envisage with your inner eyes. Faith is dened
to achieve your dream. See greatly and think deeply. Be your own as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not
seer for a greater tomorrow! seen.[11] So, faith is not faith except it contains elements that
could be substantially and evidently seen with the inner and im-
Those who create an atmosphere of possibilities around them- aginative eyes. The rst criterion required to become an excel-
selves are never hemmed in by impossibilities. It is an abomin- lent student therefore is this: See the possibility.
ation! It takes a man who is obsessed with the Spirit of possibility
to ght a warrior who is fty times more skillful and equipped
than he is. David won his battles because he made it a habit to

10 11

take you to wherever you truthfully and devotedly desire to be.

I allowed this power to be ignited in me. I started the following
session in the University with the watchword of becoming out-

CHAPTER 4: THE Seeing the possibility ignites the latent extra strength in you

POWER BEHIND to move far and fast. It unlocks the gate to the supply of the cap-
ability to excel. It naturally ushers in the divine intervention of
POSSIBILITY SEEING the Supernatural. It harmonizes your decision with that of God
and as a result, you unconsciously move at the same frequency
with that of the Spirit of the Living God in you.
At the end of my rst year in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, It also unveils the source of help to become exceptional and
I took the fourth position in my class. The person who came rst builds a strong condence of invincibility within. It accelerates
was on a rst class. Those who came second and third were very the mental capability to assimilate better than it has always been
close candidates for rst class. Despite taking the fourth position, and automatically positions you on that pedestal which places
I found that I was signicantly far from rst class when compared you above every other person. It propels, energizes and inuences
to the rst three. Conscious of the general saying in the academic your decision to major on the majors and minor on the minors. It
community that, “The higher you go, the tougher it becomes;” I re- guides you with regards to the kind of friends you should make
solved to stand upon the foundation of God in order to correct and the company of people to keep. Generally, those who see a
this incongruous saying as regards a child of God. great deal of possibilities have many companions, a lot of col-
I was faced with the reality of the slim chance I had of tak- leagues but very few intimate friends.
ing the position God has destined for me in His word—the head.
Denitely, the people occupying the rst three positions would ✓ Wisdom speaks:
not be careless enough to drop their guards and allow someone A great man will have many acquaintances, but a man of vision
from the rear to overtake them. I was also confronted with the is hardly known by many. Every vision needs incubation, but a glory
reality of the fact that their extraordinary performance in the cannot hide itself. Between a vision and glory lies incubation. Incu-
rst year underlined their brilliance and was also an indication bation is done in the closet. If you have a vision, you must have a
that they had acclimatized to the new system in which we found closet. It is there you work on your vision to make it real. It is there
ourselves. Despite this apparent edge that they had over the rest you enlarge what you see and see well what you have seen. It is there,
of us, I wasn’t deterred. By the way, I did not have an intention like a craftsman, you will bring out that desired artifact from what
of competing with any of them to take their position. Rather, I you had seen. Avoid too many friends, it distracts. Run away from
stepped out to compete with myself, to become whom the Word vision killers, they are friends who would not see what you see and
of God says I am—the head. I saw the possibility of moving up to would not help you to stay focused. Find your destiny builders. They
rst class grade and ultimately the rst position in my class. And are people of like minds, and are contributing to the realization of
to the glory of God, I achieved it. your God-given vision. Build with them. Incubate your dream to-
There is a power within you, if appropriately ignited, that will gether. With them your glory will rise.

12 13

The power behind seeing possibilities exerts a force which sep-

arates great thinkers and seers from common people. It makes
you undaunted, formidable and insurmountable and positions
you as a ‘god’ before common people while ushering in an un-
qualied excellence which nobody could imagine you getting. It
is the power God used at creation to form everything we can see
today. He used the potency of possibility seeing to call things
that were not, as if they were. It is available for you too.
Possibility seeing does not disappoint if you are wise, commit- Has it ever crossed your mind that some people are born natur-
ted, consistent and tenacious. It is a friend that will never leave ally brilliant? Or that some people are born leaders, created to be
you during diculties and (a very close one at that) in time of followed by others? “Let them lead, and we will follow,” is usually
confusion. It propels you to climb obstacles far higher than you the refrain from those who think they are not born leaders. Has
as if you just walked over. It inputs extra strength, extra energy the thought that some people are so sound they cannot be outrun
and extra potency to excel academically and in other spheres of ever crossed your mind? Or that the mental capabilities of some
life. It is an essential ingredient for achieving feats on the eld of people are so naturally better than yours that you just cannot
exploits. It is very pivotal in becoming an invincible academic beat them? Has it also crossed your mind that you can never lead
reference. your class, seeing yourself as someone who is mentally decient?
And are you one of those students who believe that some lectur-
ers are so dicult that no one would ever get a distinction in their
It is not a crime to have thoughts and questions as the ones
above running through your mind. Situations and circumstances
in which one nds oneself could attract such thoughts. However,
thoughts and questions such as these are mere deception from
the pit of hell. They are not true because they are not in accord-
ance with the Divine plan for you.
Is it possible for one to have dierent images of oneself in a
mirror? No. One sees the exact image of oneself when one looks
into the mirror, not the image of something else. If God looks at
the mirror what will He see? Is it a timid, fearful dullard? Den-
itely not! He will see God—the Almighty, the Creator of heaven
and earth. That was what He saw at creation when He looked at
Himself in the mirror; He then proceeded to make what He saw—
you—the image of God;[12] you are a god[13].
Every person you think is extra special is congured the same

14 15

way you were congured at creation. That person has become Lower Division) at the end of the third year. In the fourth year,
extra special because he has fanned aame some latent extras she made a session result of 6.7 (First Class Session result) with
which you have not thought necessary to fan aame. The follow- which she climbed up to 4.2. An average student who used to
ing steps if diligently followed would help channel the totality of have an average result got an A in all her courses except in two of
your being towards seeing the possibility. the courses where she got “near A” grades. How did it happen? By
uke? No.
She allowed her mind to be transformed by appropriating and
maximizing the inherent capability which hitherto had been la-
The thought of being inferior (better put inferiority complex)
tent in her. How? She got rid of the mindset that she was just
is a veil that blindfolds a person and prevents them from seeing
an average student and broke through the mediocrity she had al-
possibilities. Mind transformation propels you from seeing your-
lowed herself to get hemmed in. The result was that she became
self as inferior, incapacitated and mentally decient compared
one of the students with exceptional session results in the de-
to another person who acknowledges that they have all it takes
partment. In addition to that, she was qualied for and received
to be outstanding and instils boldness with which you can set
an award from the Dean of the Faculty of Technology.
out victoriously and achieve more than you have ever thought
Mind transformation is the rst step towards seeing the possi-
you could achieve. It gives you the condence with which to
bility of becoming exceptional.
see outstanding performers as ordinary human beings and hence
approachable. It makes you a one-man-battalion capable of con-
quering every academic challenge that may arise. 2. CLOSE YOUR EYES TO IMPOSSIBILITIES AND PAST UN-
✓ Wisdom speaks Until you ignore impossibilities, you can never think posi-
After each day work of creation God saw all He made and, wow! tively. Unless you let go of past experiences, you can never ex-
They were all beautiful! He was delighted at the works of His hand, perience the newness of life. The Scripture says that the earth
including you. He made you beautiful, and saw you so. If to God is covered with darkness[14] which means the world is clouded
you are beautiful, why would you think less of yourself? God is the with impossibilities. Despite this fact, we must ensure that such
greatest Judge. Your personal judgment, even of yourself, is not true clouds do not hinder us from seeing the ever-present ray of hope.
unless you see it in the light of God’s own judgment. If God does not Unless you close your eyes to impossibilities, you cannot open
think less of you, because He has not made you less, then you should them to see the reality of possibility.
change your thought pattern about yourself. Don’t limit yourself Past unfavorable experiences have a way of aecting what we
by what you wrong fully conceive about yourself. See in God’s light see and tend to inuence our decision. You must, therefore, make
what your true identity is. You might turn out to be the hero we have a conscious eort to put the negative ones behind you. If you
been waiting for. allow those experiences to linger, they will gradually incapaci-
tate your mind, reduce your passion for excellence and bring
A TRUE LIFE EXPERIENCE about boredom. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the
University of Ibadan uses a seven-point grading system. A lady past. See, I am doing a new thing!”[15]
in my Department during undergrad, was on 3.9 (Second Class Note the sequence: The former must in the rst instance be got

16 17

rid of, while the past must be excused out of memory before you
can see a new, the great and mighty thing coming your way. We all
have memories. To forget the past does not necessarily mean to
A student who sees possibilities will not walk in the counsel of
experience a memory loss. It simply means that you should stop
the ungodly, stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of the
seeing yourself in a negative light but rather in a positive one. For
scornful.[21] He will consciously excuse himself from the midst of
instance, if you think you are a poor performer or a dullard you
these people (whom I’d refer to as negative friends) if they refuse
should stop viewing yourself in that light.
to excuse him.
Negative friends include:
3. SEE THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD • Those who abhor discussion centered on academic ex-
We are made in His image. His words are denitely a sure an- cellence
chor that guarantees an innite possibility in us. The word from • Those who handle their academics lackadaisically
the Author and Perfecter of possibilities will never fail. When • Those who entertain distractions from their academics
you see through the mirror of His word, you can never see any • Those who believe that they cannot excel except
impossibility. Some particular aspects of the Word are strictly through examination malpractices
meant for you; therefore, handle them in that order, that is, like • Those who start reading few days to examination
they are strictly meant for you. Consider some of these Scrip- • The wayward, the immoral, the ungodly and those who
tures, paraphrased for easy memorizing. are not taking responsibilities for their success
• “Everything is possible for me because I believe.”[16]
• “I can do all things through Christ who gives me Don’t spend time with those who fall under this category. Al-
strength.”[17] though you should be at peace with them, never let them be
• “The Lord will make me the head, not the tail....I will your intimate pals, as they will constitute a bad inuence on
always be at the top, never at the bottom.”[18] you. These are people who do not know where they are going and
• “Whatever I decree shall be established...when people whose destination is not clearly dened. They are distractions
say that there is a casting down, I will say that there is a on your path to excellence, so avoid unnecessary closeness to
lifting up.”[19] them; otherwise you will also become one. Iron can only sharpen
Scriptures like these and many more should be read, medi- iron, it will not sharpen wood; iron will only create problems
tated upon, assimilated, memorized, absorbed and spoken (al- for wood. Carefully discard friends of questionable character and
ways consciously) until it gets into the subconscious and can avoid friendship with them; they journey on the road to failure.
be recalled with ease. God’s words are awless[20]. They are real, Do not be one with them. And if you are one already, let go of the
powerful, reliable and sucient. When they are wisely applied, way because it will be at your detriment and obstructs the ow
they work. See through the light of the Word of God even when of God’s grace and favor in your life. Negative friends will do one
academic challenges surface. I have harnessed a lot of victor- thing for you: they will ruin you. So, excuse them!
ies; conquered several battles, both academic and non-academic
with the use of the word of God as a sure anchor. Why don’t you ✓ Wisdom speaks
also start using His word as a tool for academic excellence?

18 19

A man of many days will not die young, and he who will eat last
will not waste food. He that will be great will not be a companion
of the fools. And a man of much glory will run away from worthless
men. Take heed and beware, though time is unrenewable, yet what
you do with it will be with you till your grave. Use it very wisely and
invest in it. Be wise!

20 21

pends on how broad your horizon is and how wide your plans
are. Having seen the possibility, go ahead then and plan in that
light. If you cannot put down the possibility you see into a work-
able plan, then, it is not a reality. Whatever you described as too-
big-to-plan-for will denitely be too big for you to implement or
CHAPTER 6: PREAMBLE TO achieve. Simply put, it will be an illusion.

“PLAN THE POSSIBILITY” Planning the possibility can be dened as the process through
which you move against the direction of impossibilities and
draws up denite and workable techniques to achieve whatever
Every man is an architect; our desires and capacity to plan are you have seen possible. It is the paper representation of what you
in-born. They are drawn from the attributes of God which are in- see. A student can never excel above his planning horizon. The ex-
herent in us (His creatures) who are made in His very likeness. tent of your achievement is the direct measure of your fervency
Consciously or unconsciously, we plan every day and although at planning. People achieve great things because they draw up an
some of us may not be aware of it, we are products of our plans. exceptional layout of schedules and stick to them. The ability to
plan and persevere distinguishes the great achievers from com-
God, the Omnipotent, is the master planner and this should let
us realize the unique importance of planning. His name, Alpha YOU MUST PLAN
and Omega reveals Him further as a great planner, who has de- Having envisaged a glorious possibility, it is expedient that a
signed what the end will look like right from the beginning. glorious realization is planned. It is essential that you devotedly
Everything that happens on earth is an integral part of His sched- and consciously draw out how your academic performance (and
ule; therefore, there is nothing that happens which takes Him in the long run career path) will look like whenever you enter a
unawares. Consider these Scriptures: “Have you not heard? Long new session or start your working life. You shape your life with
ago I ordained it. In days of old I planned it; now I have brought it the plan you make. “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and
to pass...”[22] and “The Lord has done what He planned; He has ful- he will establish your plans.”[24] “To humans belong the plans of
lled His word, which He decreed long ago...”[23] the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the
Amid impossibilities he brings out possibilities. He is never tongue.”[25]
caught unawares because He is a great planner. The total cong- God expects you to plan and He in turn works on your plan to
uration of the earth is a product of what He planned some cen- correct (if necessary) it and bring it to pass. You should write out
turies ago. Satan’s rebelliousness was frustrated because God had the list of the courses you will take in a session and the results you
planned the whole thing ahead of time. The mightiness of God is desire to have in each of them. It is in the Divine agenda that we
encapsulated in His incomparable planning techniques. plan. In fact, it takes planning to become an invincible academic
Every great achiever is a great planner. You cannot be greater ✓ Wisdom speaks
than the plans you make. The height you will reach in life de- Your lack of planning is a sign that you don’t yet have a vision.

22 23

Every true vision drives. True vision has driving strength either for
motion or restraint. True or genuine vision will not only cause you
to plan, but will also stir you up to be disciplined and faithful to
it. True people of vision are like the drunk, driven by what they saw
and are ever obsessed to see it come true. Would you say you have a
“Then God said, “Let there be a rmament in the midst of the
waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Thus God
made the rmament, and divided the waters which were under
the rmament from the waters which were above the rmament;
and it was so. And God called the rmament Heaven. So the even-
ing and the morning were the second day. Then God said, “Let the
waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place,
and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. And God called the
dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called
Seas. And God saw that it was good.”[26]
A loaf of sliced bread gives a better description of how the
body of water was arranged in the beginning. In this analogy,
let’s suppose that the layers of water have the potency to choose
positions. Although they were all a body of water containing es-
sentially hydrogen and oxygen, they were not on the same level.
The diverse quality exhibited by each layer of water makes the
general body of water to be referred to as waters, not water. “And
the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the waters.”[27]

24 25

most layer and that of the one found at four layers below it.

After God created the light, the rst step he took was to create
an expanse between the waters. “And God said, ‘Let there be a
rmament in the midst of the water and let it divide the waters
from the waters. And God made the rmament, and divided the
waters under the rmament from the waters which were above
the rmament from the waters which were above the rma-
The description of a rmament on the waters is better ex-
plained this way: Consider a situation in which a table knife was
positioned in the middle of a loaf of sliced bread stacked upright.
There would be some slices below it while some will be above it.
The slices above it are now lifted up, away from the ones below,
with the knife being the carriage. The result is that the knife with
the slices of bread above is now left at that elevated position.


The waters arranged themselves in layers from the base to the

top. Some waters were satised with being at the lower strata
while others took the pain and stress of occupying the upper
strata. In view of this, the entire body of water had to be re-
ferred to as waters. They had the same composition but their
line of thought did not agree. Some were complacent and inferior
thinkers while others were great possibility thinkers.
Among the complacent there were still levels. Some were aver-
agely complacent. Some were completely redundant, without
any signicant ambition, with no intention of aspiring to greater
heights. An example is the layer of water that occupied the oor
on which other layers were oriented. Likewise, among the possi- THE ARROW REPRESENTS THE FIRMAMENT WITH
bility thinkers there were levels. There was a distinct dierence WHICH GOD SEPARATED THE LAYERS OF WATER
between the thought patterns of the water that occupied the top-

26 27

The rolling and roaring of waves in the seas is an expression of
God used the rmament to separate the great thinkers and dissatisfaction for the constrained territory they occupy. They
planners from the complacent (the satised and comfortable). wish they could occupy the whole earth as it was in the begin-
Having separated them by expanse (rmament), He moved the ning, but it is already too late to do so. That is the repercussion
greater planners far above and bound them permanently in the of living a complacent life, dreaming small, and making insigni-
elevated position with the layers of water which are supported cant plans. A person who fails to plan will end up living a con-
by the blue sky we see today. strained life.


In the beginning, the body of waters occupied the entire sur- Dream big. Preferring sleep to work is a welcome call to poverty.
face of the earth. The layers of waters that are bounded above Saying to food you are so delicious is as dangerous as a whirl wind
still occupy their usual surface areas as they were from the begin- in harvest season. Finding solace in playfulness is a signal to im-
ning. As the beginning and the end of the sky cannot be dened, pending danger. He who makes his tent little shall nd it extremely
the layers also occupy an innite space. Everywhere you go in dicult coping with many children. And a coward shall ever be a
the world you see the sky and also the layers of waters it en- slave.
closes. The layers of waters above enjoy this limitless territory Enlarge your coast, O coward! Cease from food, O glutton! Dream
because of the unconstrained and unbounded mind-set they had big and work hard, O sluggard: then shall your poverty end like the
in the beginning. They envisaged being at the top and now they shadow of night and your morning come like the glory of a noon.
are there. It did not happen to them by uke; they planned for it,
aimed at it and with the help of God they got the height far above GOD, THE RESPECTER OF NO MAN
their imagination.[29] The whole world is anchored on principles and without ex-
ception, academic excellence is also founded on principles. It is
THE CONSCRIPTION OF THE COMPLACENT unfortunate that most of the time prayer and impartation are
The lower layers of the body of water unfortunately missed the hammered upon as the tools for success while little or no em-
lifting-up by the rmament. As such they were left in their low phasis is laid on principle. No wonder the result is poor. “So then
complacent state, and after the creation of an expanse they also it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God
lled the surface of the earth. Later, as the process of creation who shows mercy.”[32] is a portion of the Scripture that has been
continued, God discovered that there was a need for dry land and used to mislead many people. It has been wrongly interpreted,
vegetation. Then He instructed the complacent i.e. the satised wrongly applied and people have been tailored by this wrong ap-
(and unambitious) waters of the lower layers to give way: “Let the plication of Scripture towards living a wrong, complacent, unful-
water under the sky be gathered to one place and let dry ground lled, unambitious, disgusting and indolent life. They say, “Since
appear. And it was so”[30] He dened a boundary for them which it is of God that shows mercy, there is therefore no need to strive.”
today are referred to as the seas. “I made the sand a boundary for Some say it verbally while some say it through their attitude.
the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, Academic excellence is achieved more by hard work than by
but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross impartation; this is not to say that impartation is unnecessary as

28 29

it has its own place in the scheme of things if properly applied.

The fact of the matter is that hard work, which is a form of prayer,
is more important in the attainment of excellence than a thou-
sand impartations put together without hard work. Many people
run from pillar to post seeking after impartation for excellence
while neglecting the core which is unwavering and non-deceptive
study; and this is one the reasons for poor performance. Put sim-
ply, it takes hard work (studying) to show oneself approved for
We cannot excel unless we apply workable principles. If any The inner man is like a battleeld where two parties are con-
freethinker determines to aim higher and they zealously works stantly in a wrestling tournament and each of the two parties,
in line, they can lead their class and be above the Spirit-lled, (self-assurance and self-condemnation), has the inherent ten-
tongue-speaking, demon-chasing Christians in the class. The dency to win. The party who wins gives an indication of the inner
rmament favors anyone who is sincerely, diligently and zeal- state of (the) person. This equally determines their emotion, per-
ously determined to occupy the top layer, and it does this irre- ception, feeling, decisions, reasoning and above all, their actions.
spective of the receiver’s religious persuasions. The fact that the From my few years of experience in helping people excelling
grace of God is available to Christians is not an indication for academically, I have discovered that self-condemnation is one of
them to sit down and expect magic or an irrational miracle to the challenges many students face. It hinders them from making
take place. Rather, it is to strengthen them to work harder and to plans by reminding them of plans they have made in the past that
achieve outstanding academic performance.[34] Although God is a did not work out. This makes planning extremely dicult,
miracle worker, he is not a magician! though they have seen the possibility. The thoughts of insu-
ciency and incapability hold them bound, disrupt their mental
THE PRAYERS OF THE COMPLACENT faculties and render their abilities to excel redundant.
“If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers Past poor performances, negative names they have uncon-
are detestable.”[35] The prayers of the lazy, complacent and indo- sciously earned in the past, unpleasant situations and circum-
lent are hindered from answer by their attitude. They pray for stances they have passed through or are passing through, do
outstanding success but they never make it. Why? Because they militate against their desires to make glorious plans. Such nega-
have ignored the law of seed sowing which precedes harvest, it tive memories are always displeasing and destabilizing; they
is a universal law which can never cease.[36] God has set out prin- also alter the lives of everyone they govern by paralyzing self-
ciples and precepts that must be fully obeyed before success can condence and unlocking the gates of fear. They open the road
emerge.[37] It takes working in harmony with these principles for that leads to doubt and poor assimilation which sometimes de-
one to become an invincible academic reference. generate to self-pity and weeping in secret places. Apart from
this, such negative memories usher in uncontrollable tension
that incapacitates a student from mustering their strength for
better performance. The result is indeed chaotic and undesirable.

30 31

things you have done make up for the remaining over seventy
OVERCOMING SELF CONDEMNATION percent. Isn’t that amazing! You can never appreciate the great
The Scriptures says, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation things God has helped you to do or achieve until you take time to
[either self-condemnation or condemnation from other sources] reect upon and meditate on them. In his hymn, Count Your Bless-
for those who are in Christ Jesus.”[38] The only challenge without ings, Johnson Oatman[40] advised:
a solution is the one that has never surfaced. That means there is
no unpleasant situation without a remedy—every challenge has When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed,
an antidote. Ignorance might however hinder us from harnessing When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
the resources (that are readily available to us) to solve the chal- Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
lenges we might face, especially when we attach so much import- And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
ance to such challenges as if no one had ever gone through such
before. Of course, this is not true.[39] Count your blessings, not your failures—meditate upon the
The following steps if honestly and diligently followed would successes you have achieved, the good results you have had, God’s
help in overcoming this enemy called self-condemnation. favor you have experienced, great and unimaginable things you
have harnessed and the unexpected heights you have attained.
These will automatically suppress the tendency to indulge in
Many students, who subject themselves to self-condemnation,
do not see it as a self-imposed situation to which several other
students are also susceptible; rather, they see self-condemnation 3. BUILD UP SELF ASSURANCE
as something strange happening to them alone. But in the actual Self-assurance and self-condemnation are the two parties iden-
sense of it, it is common to all. Everyone, at one time or the other, tied at the beginning of this chapter as being constantly at war
consciously or unconsciously, has experienced self-condemna- in every individual. Yet, despite the tendency to indulge in self-
tion. condemnation, every man has the latent power to build up his
One can get over self-condemnation by talking things out. A self-assurance. Positive confessions like, “I can make it,” “I will
burden shared is a burden lightened; telling a friend that you are excel,” “I can do it with God on my side,” “I am congured to be
nding it dicult to forgive yourself for the past poor perform- the best,” “I am a success,” “I am a glory going somewhere to blaze
ances or mistakes of the past would go a long way in lifting the forth,” “It is well with me,” “Self-condemnation is not my por-
burden o your mind. I do this a lot and it has helped me a lot; I’ve tion” go a long way in building up self-assurance. Every time you
found that each time I do this, the burden becomes lightened and utter such words, self-condemnation gradually disappears from
insignicant. your life; its strength is weakened because self-assurance is al-
ways on the winning side.
It is pathetic that we reect more on our aws than on our
successes. The totality of your aws is probably less than thirty
percent of all the things you have ever done. That means the good

32 33

In the situation whereby the root of self-condemnation is deep

such as physical and/or sexual abuse, complicated psychological
issues, depression, and other such related issues, it is wise to seek
the help of experts. Because they are well-versed in these areas,
they are in a better position to oer professional advice and may
administer whatever therapy is appropriate for each situation as
the need may be.
Experienced, trusted, matured and genuine ministers of God
who are matured in the faith have also had a lot of experience in
this area; consulting with such minister of God could also go a From The Longman Active Study Dictionary (Eighth Impression),
long way in solving the problem. “to plan” means “to think about something you are going to
make, and decide what it will be like.” Have you ever had this
5. TELL IT TO GOD experience: you pass through a full day and at night you could
Our heavenly Father understands how we feel always. How- not point out a concrete thing you achieved in that day? The
ever, He wants us to approach Him with an open and sincere day came and went just like that. Occurrences like this should be
heart. He is always ready to listen to us and help us. He created all avoided by every student. God has planned the number of years
things and has an unquantiable power over them. Talk to him on that everyone of us will spend on earth. We would be unfair to
how self-condemned you feel. Ask Him to help you and He would ourselves if we do not plan how we would spend it. One of the
for He always listens to our cry for help[41]. Therefore beloved, get greatest assets a man has is the innate ability to plan. This is the
rid of self-condemnation very quickly. A self-condemned student essence of time management.
cannot have an exceptional academic performance.
✓ Wisdom speaks Proper planning (or time management) helps you know where
Your past may be as bad as the devil, yet your tears can’t change you are to be at any given time and what you should be doing at
it. Your tears may be as much as the oceans, yet they can’t wipe out such times. It is a strong force in the success mix and helps to fuel
a letter. That your past is bad and unchangeable does not mean our desire to become exceptional. Planning helps break complex
your future would be the same. God gave everyone a tomorrow so and ambiguous dreams into simple and achievable ones by which
that they could improve on the past. Why would you waste today by it propels us to move forward. It helps us have a clear denition of
dwelling on the past? Why would you waste tomorrow by dwelling on ambitions and intentions and enables us to maximize the use of
the guilt of today? Invest positively in today and leave behind your our time. It gives such a clear roadmap to excellence that some-
past, with its evils and regrets. With a positive attitude, you can re- one who applies this principle will never major on the minors;
write your history on a golden slate. God never remembers your past. neither will they minor on the majors.
Daily, He has a fresh image of you. Let the past go, and create for
yourself a glorious tomorrow by positively investing in today. HOW TO ACHIEVE A BETTER PERFORMANCE

34 35


Motto: I am stepping out like I mean business[42]
At the beginning of any session (or term depending on your
school system),
᧪ Have a watchword or motto that you will COURSE GRADE
work with for that session. Fluid Mechanics A
᧪ Write out a list of the courses you are oering
Thermodynamics A+
for that session.
Machine Design A
᧪ Put against each course the score you desire
to make. Global Manufacturing A
᧪ Make sure that you put down great scores Material Science A+
based on the principles we have discussed earlier in this Engineering Mechanics A
book and since you have visualized and can actually see a Engineering Law A
better performance.
᧪ Compute your results for that session based Now ask yourself this question: how will I achieve this goal?
on the scores you have allotted for each course or sub- • I will read each of my courses for three hours
ject. in a week
᧪ If the computed result is not better than the • I will ask questions from friends and tutors
previous one, then, the goal you have set is not a great when I do not understand a topic
one. So, start all over again. A reasonable goal is a goal • I will solve as many past questions as possible
that is increase-oriented. • I will pray fervently to God for help, strength
᧪ Adjust the result to reect a visible and sig- and favor
nicant increase.
᧪ For those writing professional exams, a target ✓ Wisdom speaks
of having a minimum pass mark or narrowly escaping the • Take time to spell out your vision.
border line does not showcase wisdom. Set a target that • Write it out clearly on your mind and on paper;
will stretch you by demanding your full concentration a vision worth not writing is worth not pursuing.
in order to achieve it. • Take time to plan.
᧪ Write out the steps you will take to ensure • Take time to pray.
that you achieve what you have written.
᧪ Paste the result on a conspicuous place where
everybody, including you can easily see it. 2. PLAN YOUR TIME
Having planned your results, you must also plan your time.
EXAMPLE OF A WRITTEN GOAL Make a reasonable and workable timetable covering all the
courses or subjects you are oering and clearly spell out the time

36 37

you will be spending on each of them in a week. For instance, if glory to God.
you will have lectures between 8a.m-3p.m, it will be unreason- • Have a reading colleague. Make yourself responsible to
able to indicate on your timetable that you will start reading someone who is godly, who can teach you, advise you,
from 3p.m till 11p.m. Allowance should be given for refreshment encourage you and be a source of motivation to you.
and relaxation before reading commences or in-between the “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion
time stipulated for reading.. of fools suers harm.”[43]
Paste the timetable in a conspicuous place where it would be
easily seen. Make your timetable a priority that you would be
keen to follow and be faithful to it.
In the academic community, there are a lot of activities jost-
ling for students’ attention. They appear educative, informative
3. CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS and edifying; coming in attractive packages, they claim to be able
Being friends with everyone is not an indication of aection; to build people up. Truly some of them fulll their promises by
rather it is an indication of folly. A student who wants to become making us well-rounded students, yet others are just a waste of
an invincible academic reference does not become friend with precious time. The wise student would not say yes to all of them
those who do not care about what happens to their academics; —you are not expected to be found in all the seminars and con-
never make them your intimate friends. And don’t deceive your- ferences. For you to achieve an academic excellence, learn to say
self that you can change them by socializing with them; it is only no to some invitations and always remember that every activity
God that can change people so leave that to Him. participated in, every occasion attended, every football tourna-
So, who should your friends be? ment watched, and every pre-event and post-event argument on
• Make friends with people of like mind. a football match watched draws on a signicant portion of your
• Make friends also with those who are of a time. Be wise!
higher academic standing than you. Finally, avoid excessive gist and unnecessary arguments.
You might nd this a bit challenging, but making this eort Wisely turn down unimportant visits. Be wise in accepting or
helps in making you an invincible academic reference. In my sec- running for political oces; rather nd a way of functioning
ond year as an undergraduate, I was able, through the result of eectively in either religious or academic bodies. Do not get
the rst year exams, to identify those who were of good aca- yourself unnecessarily busy at the expense of your primary as-
demic standing. The results of some of them were far better than signment which is your academics pursuit. Those who do that re-
mine while some were in the same range as mine. I consciously gret it sometimes after leaving school. “The prudent give thought
made friends with some of those whose results were far better to their steps.”[44]
than mine. Whenever I found it dicult to understand what the
lecturer taught I would to go to them for explanations. When ✓ Wisdom speaks
confronted with any tough assignment, I interacted with such Time is as precious as life, and it is irreversible once it is gone. The
students and together we found solutions to them. This helped person who does not respect your time will not respect your life; from
me tremendously throughout my years as an undergraduate stu- such turn away.
dent and contributed signicantly to my success. I give all the

38 39
Husterfung[45] had been in hostility with Linkaj for over sixty
years concerning Jafan. Jafan was a forty-hectare expanse of land
that lay between them and which was very rich in gold deposits,
worth several trillions of dollars. From the segregations on the
map, the ownership of the land is not clearly dened. Every at-
tempt made by reconciliatory teams from various quarters had
proven abortive. The advice to let go of the land made by inuen-
tial people in both countries fell on deaf ears.
As the enmity became intensied, the Jafanians discovered
that they could no longer sleep with their two eyes closed. Re-
ligious Leaders of high repute did their best, but all their eorts
proved futile. The only way out as far as the parties were con-
cerned, was an all-out war, the winner of which would take pos-
session of the land.
Linkaj had about two million soldiers trained to ght on land.
They could handle, to very high precision, all manner of weapons
—guns, bombs as well as arrows and slings. Indeed, they were as
swift as the eagle.
Husterfung’s army, which was internationally trained, con-
sisted of three million military men trained for physical combat,
and could handle (with great precision) special weapons such as
guns, bombs, other explosives and missile. This made her war
technology far higher than Linkaj’s. The Husterfung government
also spent a lot to train twenty thousand of her military person-
nel on how to operate war planes. Her arsenal was situated in Con-
vio and her war planes in Setneria.

40 41

and war planes destroyed, Husterfung’s army lost coordination.

YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES This was the loophole Linkaj maximally used against the enemy.
With the battle line drawn the date of commencement of war The inadequate preparation of Husterfung claimed the lives of
was determined. Linkaj, aware of the military prowess of Huster- over one million soldiers on the rst two days of ghting. Unfor-
fung ensured that it left no stone unturned in its preparation for tunately, their attempt to re-strategize was frustrated by Linkaj’s
this war—the training was intense, with the army mustering all attack from the rear which claimed Husterfung’s major barracks;
it could in terms of strength and technique. It was like a ght also, Husterfung’s reserved cantonment was destroyed. Over two
against the whole universe. The soldiers also encouraged one an- and a half million soldiers of Husterfung went with the war which
other by greeting themselves in this manner: “No retreat!” and lasted three weeks.
the response would be: “No surrender!” When the government of Husterfung discovered that the en-
The Commander–in-chief of Linkaj’s army encouraged the sol- emies had gained full access to the Federal Capital Territory with
diers with the following words: “Husterfung is a battle already a lot of the citizens becoming victims, the head of the govern-
won.” The soldiers imbibed this and there was an air of enthusi- ment called for a resolution of the crisis and ceded Jafan to Linkaj
asm within the camp, the source of which no one could fathom. forever.
The trick, however, was that despite the fact that they saw the
possibility of winning they did not rest on their oars, but backed MORALE OF THE STORY
it up by mapping out strategies to attack the enemy from both
the front and the rear—a tactic that was sure to give them victory.
Husterfung was in a better position to win the battle. The
country had some leverage over the opponent in terms of experi-
Husterfung’s Chief of the Army sta gathered the entire army
enced military personnel, sophisticated military technology,
together and told them how weak and insignicant the Linkaj
high technical-know-how and internationally trained air force.
army was. He described the opponent as mosquitoes waging war
Despite this though, the army did not properly appropriate this
against lions. He despised them. “We do not need to prepare as
advantage, rather it frittered away the opportunities through
such to attack the ill-fated nation,” he said, “Everybody could go
over-condence. They saw the possibility, but from the faulty
and make himself comfortable in the barracks......we are moving
point of view of their Chief of the Army Sta. They ineectively
to the battle front a day to the commencement of the battle....we
planned how to actualize the possibility and, in the end, failed
have the technology more sophisticated and more powerful than
theirs......a discharge from one of our war planes is enough to wipe
This is true of many students. They erroneously assume that
o their entire army....we do not need to expend any extra energy
some of their courses are very simple. As a result, while some pay
to ght the ill-fated army.” He foolishly displayed overcondence
less attention to such subjects, others take it to the ridiculous
in battle.
extent of not attending lectures. The result is that lecture ma-
terials keep accumulating and they are unable to cope with the
enormity of the materials and in the end they perform poorly.
On day the day of battle, Linkaj’s rst target was Convio and
Why? Such students wait until when exams are around the cor-
Setneria which they successfully set on re. With their arsenal

42 43

ner before applying the re brigade approach; of course, like the
Husterfungs, students in this category fail woefully.


Linkaj however, maximized all they had. Despite not being as CHAPTER 11: ARISE!
sophisticated as the Husterfungs, they did not allow the fact that
the opponent was about six times powerful than they were, to “God steps out like he means business. You can see he’s primed
blind them to the possibilities available to them. They planned for action. He shouts, announcing his arrival; he takes charge and
the possibility by visualizing themselves as an underdog nation his enemies fall into long.”[47] During the early stage in the faith,
pitted against the whole world. They knew that if they did not God was presented to us as a Being who does things in magical
strategize properly, they would remain the underdog and get ways. We went away with the impression that God was the One
wiped o the face of the earth. They knew they had to survive. who sat in the Heavens and thought things to manifestation. Con-
What they did was to strike the possibility available to them, by sequently, some of us have this erroneous belief: Think great, do
making use of the enemies’ loopholes and ghting with every- little and achieve great. Our Lord Jesus Christ observed that the
thing they had. They won the battle. people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own
Few people see you when you are (seeing and) planning for aca- kind than are the people of the light.[48]
demic excellence. The majority only see you when you strike the
possibility. Like Linkaj, you also can surmount every academic THE HARDWORKING GOD
challenge in your way. You can perform exceptionally if you put Whenever God wants to achieve a feat, perform wonders, or
your all into it. display some awesome deeds, he gets himself on track: The Lord
steps out like He means business.
✓ Wisdom speaks Although He is the All-powerful (Omnipotent), who could at
Your ve loaves of bread can feed the hungry ve thousand if you the wave of a hand, accomplish all He wanted, yet this Omnipo-
will only believe and let it go. Believe in the little that you are (or tent God is always up and about when he is set to perform ex-
have). Believe in the vastness of wealth embedded in your little. The ceptional tasks. He comes out of Himself so to speak and musters
evidence of your faith is in what you do with your little. Trust in His strength and zeal to accomplish the task on which He has set
God to breathe on your smallness. And you will be surprised at what His mind. No wonder he has never failed. That is why it is only
your little bread would do as you put it to use. Remember, no one is those who understand salient truths as this about Him that will
born great. All great people are people of humble beginning. Remem- do great exploits.[49]
ber also that overcondence kills. Do not despise the day of little
Seeing and planning the possibility are not the only things
you need to become an invincible academic reference, you must
equally step out with condence like someone who really means
business. Your exceptional and deliberate enthusiasm must be

44 45

seen. Visions and dreams that do not change your character are studying and as students, we all have the quest to acquire know-
mere illusions. Therefore, it must be evident both consciously ledge. Someone may have the ability to easily grasp what is being
and unconsciously that you are up for something. taught before others, that doesn’t mean he was not as ignorant as
others before being taught; asking such a person for help should
Success is rst seen in behavior before it is eventually manifested. therefore not be a big deal.
To the glory of God, I happened to be the best in my class dur-
Your intention must be evident in the way you read and your ing undergrad, but I did not deceive myself that I had a monopoly
seriousness must be plain to all. Saying that you do not want of knowledge; neither did I suer in silence by refusing to ask
people to call you “a book worm” is not humility. It is just a questions in class whenever I did not understand what was being
display of a higher level of ignorance. On no account should you taught. Apart from this, I seek the help of my classmates when-
be absent in classes except for circumstances beyond control. ever any course appears very tough. You should not be too proud
Telling people that you are going to read is not pride. It is just to ask for help when there is someone around who could easily
the demonstration of a form of seriousness and zealousness. It is help out. Humble yourself before those who know and let them
hardly possible for someone who starts reading a week to exams instruct you. Be wise!
to have outstanding academic performance. I have not seen one.
Find out the number of hours you could assimilate while read- We are sometimes tempted to write o any course or subject
ing and stop when you have reached the point of saturation. with which we have some diculty. In my third year during
When you reach you limit close your book and get some exercise. undergrad in the Department of Agricultural and Environmen-
You could watch a movie, discuss with friends, take a walk, spend tal Engineering (Wood Products Engineering option), Assembly
time with God, or do the domestic chores you couldn’t do while Drawing gave me a real tough time as it appeared abstract to me
reading. Your mode of relaxation depends on your priorities. You and the lecturer did not help issues at all. I was so wound up about
will not impress anybody but yourself by saying, “I read non-stop it that I almost said, ‘If I fail, I fail’. However, I got the understand-
for twelve hours,” when only a third of that time was product- ing from the scriptures that there is no test, challenge or circum-
ive. It is the exceptional performance that your reading produces stance that comes our way that God doesn’t give us the ability to
that people honor; therefore, for you to eectively read for an ex- subdue. “We all experience times of testing, which is normal for
ceptional performance, break your reading duration into reason- every human being. But God will be faithful to you. He will screen
able fragments such that you will have time to read, refresh and and lter the severity, nature, and timing of every test or trial you
later go back to read. face so that you can bear it. And each test is an opportunity to
trust him more, for along with every trial God has provided for
NEVER SUFFER IN SILENCE you a way of escape that will bring you out of it victoriously.”[50]
Some students nd it dicult to open up to others when they With this understanding I mustered all the strength and cap-
have diculty understanding what they are being taught. They ability in me in order to subdue this challenge. I asked my col-
believe that if they own up, others will look down on them. What leagues who understood the course to help and I talked to God
they fail to understand is that we are students because we are about it. When I wrote the exams the results were good. If you

46 47

do not write o a course, but remain undaunted and tenacious

seeking the help of God and people, then you will excel in your
endeavor regardless of how tough it appears. Rather than running
away from such situations, you should rather see it as a challenge
aimed at building you up.
If identical twins could have behavioral dierences, then one
should expect behavioral dierences among people with dier-
ent cultural, religious and educational backgrounds. If we apply When you feel like you have been fully spent, there is yet (un-
this fact to tutors, then we might understand why some behave known to you) a latent tenacity in you. This aura, which is deep
the way they do. Some may appear caring making themselves down within you, is an intangible streamlet that ows when all
available as would a parent, friend or senior colleague while the mega streams of capacity are exhausted. It may appear insig-
others may appear harsh and mean coming across as being ex- nicant, but it is very powerful. It is the invincible source that
tremely unfriendly. drives you from within—if you feel exhausted, it is this divine
Accept your lecturers irrespective of their disposition. On no deposit that keeps you going to emerge an invincible academic
account should you hate your tutor as that prepares the ground reference.
for poor performance—if you dislike someone, you will con- David made use of it after he had returned from a battle only to
sciously or unconsciously dislike what they oer. Disliking your nd that the entire nation had been taken captive. He wept until
tutor is at your detriment. Be wise! he was fully spent and then he drew upon the strength unnoticed,
to pursue, overtake and recover all that was plundered. It could
not have been his usual strength since that strength had been
fully spent.[51] The existence of this strength unnoticed, whose
potency is far greater than the normal strength, is known by very
few people who harness it to their advantage. I call this strength
the strength unnoticed because it is quite dierent from the nor-
mal strength of a person. On the strength prole it is found at the
base and because it is quite innitesimal this strength unnoticed
is usually ignored.


“Next to him was Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite. As one of
the three mighty warriors, he was with David when they taunted
the Philistines gathered at Pas Dammim for battle. Then the Is-
raelites retreated, but Eleazar stood his ground and struck down
the Philistines till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword. The

48 49

Lord brought about a great victory that day. The troops returned dent from the ordinary to one who stands tall and is distinct.
to Eleazar, but only to strip the dead.”[52] You too can become exceptional when you make up your mind
That was another true-life incident where strength unnoticed not to be complacent but to go the extra mile. If you are deter-
was displayed. The entire army of Israel fought until their mined to do this, you can lead your class. Doing the extras is one
strength was fully spent. Then they retreated. The Philistines of the secrets of becoming an invincible reference.
were however intact and very eective. But one man called
Eleazar was aware of the existence of strength unnoticed and IT WORKS
its unfathomable use. He also had already spent his noticeable Fluid mechanics 1 was a course before which some students
strength. “trembled” in the second-year undergrad in my faculty—Faculty
With this intangible and highly powerful strength he single- of Technology. Many students were discouraged because it was
handedly fought the entire army of a nation, both the strong and believed that no one could ever get a distinction in the course.
giant, the most experienced and skillful, the Anakite and others With this information and knowledge about the course, I made
in the army and won. Note that this is not ction. It is a real-life up my mind right from the onset that I was going to break the
occurrence in the book of history. Eleazar made use of the excep- jinx. I read the lecture notes from cover to cover as many times as
tional strength unnoticed and he became invincible to the Phil- I could, I solved as many past questions that I could nd, and I did
istines. Because of this exceptional display of strength, his name the practical and the assignments. After these I moved on to read
was written as a legend among the mighty men of David. textbooks to gather more knowledge concerning the course.
On the day of examination, I was so meticulous that I didn’t
STRENGTH UNNOTICED: FATHER OF THE EXTRAORDINARY make any mistakes and I solved all the questions I could with
The strength unnoticed which gives birth to a trait called precision. When the results came out, only two people, one
extraordinary is present in everyone; yet it is known by only other student and I had distinction in that course throughout the
a few, utilized by only a few. The few who make use of it do whole faculty. As usual the result was not good generally. But we
the extraordinary. With it they go the extra mile. They use it to made distinctions because of the grace of God and the extraordin-
explore a course further when others fall on the wayside after ary eort that we put in.
making negative conclusions about the course. With the strength
unnoticed, they do what others dare not do and with it, they With the grace God has given you, work more than
launch into the realm of invincibility against every rising issue of them all and you will achieve more than them all.
life. They read extensively and acquire more knowledge and end
up performing exceptionally in their academics.

With the grace of God as a constant factor for all, the extra is
what brings about uniqueness in the performance of a student;
it is the secret the best student in your class has been apply-
ing while reading and during examinations. It positions them far
higher than their contemporaries and catapults a studious stu-

50 51

kills great visions and causes potential celebrities to dwell in the

assembly of common people.

✓ Wisdom speaks
If you set your heart on doing the exceptional, prepare to meet a
CHAPTER 13: AN ENEMY crew of discouragement but you can choose not to welcome nor enter-

CALLED DISCOURAGEMENT tain them. David was not excluded from the list of those who had
at one time or the other encountered this deadly crew; the day he
fought Goliath was a memorable day. His brother discouraged him.
It is a truth, believed by few people but ignored by a lot that
some enemies come in form of friends. The intention they ex- WATCH OUT FOR CLOSE RELATIONS
press and their disposition portray friendship, but deep within, The rst phase of discouragement emanated from David’s
they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Unaware of their missions blood brothers. They could not do what he was going to do. Con-
the gullible easily embrace them. But in the long run, such people sequently, out of envy, they did not want him to do it either. Many
pay for their gullibility dearly. One of these enemies disguised as people have suered discouragement from friends, relatives and
friends, is discouragement. siblings who do it unconsciously, believing that they were oer-
When this enemy comes visiting, there will always be cogent ing helping hands, or were showing care and concern. However,
reasons why it must be entertained because it comes around we should not rule out the fact that some do it consciously,
when all hope seems to be lost; an example of such susceptible sometimes out of envy or other ulterior motives. Regardless of
moments is when much is put into academic pursuit and noth- the intention, never allow what they say or do to discourage you.
ing substantial comes out of it. It is at this time, (when purpose Let’s look at what David’s brother said when he was on his way to
seems to have been thwarted and challenges seem to be over- exterminate the giant, Goliath. The Bible said one of his brothers
whelming) that this enemy stretches forth aectionate arms. burned with anger at him and asked, “Why have you come down
It comes gorgeously dressed, at a time when a friend is needed here...I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart
to strengthen and to help; but rather than help, they worsen the is....”[53]
situation, ushering in depression, making the hand grow feeble What does wickedness of heart have to do with rescuing a na-
and the knees giving way. It paralyses the activities of the mind tion from the oppression of the mighty? That is indeed a contra-
while within seconds; it turns a warrior into a weakling. The re- diction. That is the extent people could go to hinder one from
sult is that it repositions students from the path of success to that excelling if one were not wise. His brother’s intention might be
of failure sapping the enthusiasm and eagerness within. plain and devoid of envy. Nonetheless, it was discouraging utter-
The invincible tenacity excuses one on the arrival of discour- ance in disguise.
agement. It cuts o the ow of life in one and orchestrates di-
culties and prolonged tension. It brings about confusion of mind WATCH OUT FOR AUTHORITIES
and of the spirit and stirs within one, doubts of the existence of The second phase of discouragement emanated from the leader
the great God and His supremacy. Discouragement so swamps one of the army, King Saul. If one is not wise, people in authority
that one believe one is all alone and lonely. It destroys ambitions, can manipulate one's life, and hinder one from excelling. This is

52 53

sometimes true of academic communities, and if one is not care- Sometimes in academics, we are confronted with seemingly
ful, authorities can contribute wittingly or unwittingly towards insurmountable challenges which declare us incapable and un-
the poor performance of students. Statements[54] like, “No one has veil our weaknesses. Such challenges could come in form of
ever made distinction in this course,” “The highest so far was 50,” courses that tend to raise their standards above our capabilities
“At least, forty percent of students usually fail this course,” “It’s and intellect to the extent that if we do not muster our in-built
not possible to make distinction in this Department,” go a long strength and invincibility, we might give in.
way in discouraging students.
A wise student would ignore such comments and would never ✓ Wisdom speaks
allow that to disturb him or her. Tell yourself that no one has ever
nished with a rst class (or distinction) because someone like Anyone who does not appreciate who you are and what
you had never been there to break the jinx. See yourself as a jinx strengths you have, but continuously focuses on your weakness is
breaker—someone who sets precedence and do not allow your- the enemy to your vision. Run from such.
self to be moved!
King Saul, the gure of authority here, said: “You are not able to WATCH OUT FOR THE CIRCUMSTANCES AROUND
go out against this Philistine and ght him; you are only a young Circumstances surrounding us might not always be encour-
man, and he has been a warrior from his youth.”[55] David went aging. When we are faced with examinations that are over-
all the same and won. People sometimes view their fellow men whelming, tests whose results are discouraging but the surround-
through the mirror of their own mind. They see people in their ing circumstances radiate hope and condence, the burden is
own image rather than in the image of God. That is the reason lightened. However, this is not always the case. Discouragement
you should not be moved by peoples’ comments about you. What often comes in packages containing many items.
God, the Ultimate says about you should be the ultimate, nothing Life challenges would always surface. For example, nancial
else. constraint was one of the challenges I faced during undergrad.
Many times, I found it extremely dicult to get the necessary
WATCH OUT FOR THE SUBJECT MATTER materials for the courses I oered. What I did was to borrow such
The main adversary also uttered discouraging words as would materials from friends and quickly use them while the owners
all enemies. Goliath looking David over and seeing that he was were not using them. People say that it is impossible to read and
only a boy, ruddy and handsome despised him and said to him, assimilate without food. I have been without food times without
“Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” And the Philistine number to the extent that reading without food became a normal
cursed David by his gods.”[56] To be despised remains one of the routine with me. The nancial situation at home was such that it
worst forms of discouragement a person could experience from would be insensitive on my part to call home or mount pressure
someone else. It makes one more aware of one’s vulnerability. A for food or money. And as should be expected with my limited
feeling of being despised, if it is given attention, relocates a stu- nancial means, I had diculties paying my school fees. Yet, des-
dent to the company of the incapable and can make a mighty per- pite all this, some people, out of envy (that despite the hard times
son, who hitherto was prepared and ready for war, to lose heart I faced, I was still making headway in my academic pursuit) some-
and retreat. Fortunately, God does not despise people.[57] He also times uttered heart-rending words. But I told myself, “Samuel,
instructs us not to allow anybody to despise us.[58] you have no excuse to nish as the second best.”

54 55

Regardless of how insurmountable challenges of life might
look, we all have the power in us to say NO. Academic challenges
might appear overwhelming, but the decision not to give in is
the gift the Creator has congured us with. David said NO, and
he defeated Goliath. I said NO, and God granted me a reasonable
position among the best in my Faculty and the best in my Depart-
A colleague in Physics Department said NO and he moved from The Scripture says, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.5, (Second Class, his grace to me was not without eect. No, I worked harder than
Lower Division) after the rst year to nish with 6.0, a First Class all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”[61]
grade in his nal year. A female colleague in the Department of There is leverage available to us as Christians. It is intentionally
Chemistry said NO and she moved from CGPA of 4.4, Second Class given by God to make a clear-cut distinction between His people
(Lower Division) to nish with 6.0, a First Class in her nal year. and others. This leverage is called grace. Apostle Paul, being aware
Barrack Obama said NO and he ended up as the rst American of how crucial grace was, prayed for the saints: “May the grace of
of African descent to occupy the White House. Abraham Lincoln the Lord Jesus Christ…be with you all.”[62]. This grace enables us to
said NO and he ended up fullling a mandate. Great men like Bill work more; also, it blesses the works of our hands. If not for grace
Gates, Ben Carson, and Theodore Roosevelt said NO and they be- in action, the ratio of our labor to result would be one to one.
came exceptional. A friend who failed Medical Examination (MB; Despite its promises though, the results of a student might not
BS Part 1) said NO and she made it at the second attempt. reect the existence of grace if this leverage is not fully utilized.
It takes saying NO to discouragement to become an invincible Some students struggle in academic pursuit because they are not
academic reference. The challenges you are facing right now are appropriating the fundamental privileges of grace.
common to everybody. So, boldly and condently say, “NO.”
One-time failure does not mean you are a born failure; even when HIM)
you’ve failed seven times seven, you are not.[59] Failure, (no matter ‘I am Strlkh BeWise[63], a nal year student on Second Class
how many) only conrms that you are human[60] and not God; and (Upper Division) in the Department of Chemistry of a University
that you still have things not yet to learn. Therefore, when you fail in Africa. To God’s glory I was also the Vice President of a cam-
don’t feel get discouraged and don’t give up; rather rise and seek pus Christian fellowship. When God lays it upon your heart to be
more knowledge. outstanding it might not be for now, but for the future. He made
sucient grace available to me in academic endeavor. If I had
maximized it, I would have graduated with a rst class with ease.
I have had various outstanding results like ninety-six percent in
exams. Results as such could have been predominant if I had con-

56 57

tributed my all and fully used His grace. strument with which you would bless life. Be wise!’
In my second year, another student and I were the only indi- “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with condence, so
viduals who did not have a drop in result. I rather had academic that we may receive mercy and nd grace to help us in our time of
increase. However, the increase could have been exponential if I need.”[65]
had not submitted to peer pressure and relationship exuberance.
The inappropriate relationship which eventually broke up took
up ve hours of my time daily except on Sundays. If I had chan-
neled this expensive time into my academic pursuit and given it
my best, I would have had an unusual success. Likewise, if I had
known earlier that I would become the Vice President of the cam-
pus fellowship I am attending, I would not have ever given in to
distractions. In fact, I would not have dreamt of a Second Class
As the Vice President there are outstanding deeds I could have
done if I have had an outstanding result. There are excellence pro-
pelling messages I could have preached and some counsels I could
have given people if I have had an exceptional result. I could have
rebuked some people bluntly as regards their academic endeavor,
declared to congregation that they were meant to be leading
their classes, have session results equivalent to rst class, if I were
also there. In fact, my University might not have “contained” me.
I could not do all these as it would be unjust of me to be impos-
ing on people to achieve what I am not handling—the testimony
I have not experienced. “That which was from the beginning,
which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which
we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim
concerning the Word of life.”[64]

Your inability to maximally harness His grace is a mighty
weapon in the devil’s hand to stop you from getting to your des-
tined place. How thoroughly you prepare in anticipation for the
future determines how well you will perform when you get there.
Put in your all and maximally apply His available abundant grace
to your academics now. Although you may not make use of your
certicate to seek for employment in future, it might be an in-

58 59

they get since they have despised His grace, favor and mercy.
This is the state of the immoral and the wayward. Anybody could
quote and confess Scriptures; however, God’s word prots those
whose ways are upright.[66]


EXAMINATION It is always “examifavor” for some selected people. These

include those who are not Lacking Appreciable Zeal for Yielding
(LAZY), who Labor Under Correct Knowledge (LUCK). It also in-
One can hardly be promoted without passing through an cludes those who wisely follow the Scriptural principle of seed
examination which is a bridge that must be crossed by anyone time and harvest; as well as those who have accepted Jesus Christ
who desires uplifting. Someone said an unexamined life is not as their Lord and personal Saviour, who are working and walk-
worth living. Examination enables us to discover our capability ing in accordance with His will. Those who prefer to please God
and also helps us to make necessary changes and improvements. rather than people and nally those who have heaven as their ul-
It prepares us for the challenges ahead and propels us to harness timate goal.
the inherent ability the Divine has bestowed on us. It is thus an in- It is always ‘examifavor’ for wise, serious and dedicated chil-
strument for separating the visionary from the unimaginative. dren of God who live a holy life. A life without Christ is lacking in
The number of exams one writes, either in academic pursuit grace and glory. The timetabled academic exams could be passed
or in the school of life, goes a long way in determining the height without Christ, but you cannot pass the examinations of life that
one would attain. It is the last gate leading to one’s becoming a have no timetable without him. He is the Savior of the world.
reference in life. Having seen, planned and worked towards the Without him you cannot make heaven. Accept the Lord Jesus
possibility, the trumpet that blows out your level of preparation, Christ as your Lord and personal Savior and you will never regret
assimilation and understanding is your performance in examin- taking such a decision, both now and in eternity.[67]
ations. The fundamental judgment of how versed a student is, is
based on their performance in exams as it dictates the category WHAT TO DO DURING EXAMINATION SEASON
to which they would belong: good, average or poor. Examinations
come and go, but their impact may last a lifetime. CUT DOWN ACTIVITIES
It is possible as a student to have a lot of engagements other
BELIEVING MORE IN SELF THAN IN GOD than academics. This could be personal business, group activ-
It is always examination for those who neglect the place of God ities, religious work, and philanthropic activities among others.
because they believe they can become great solely through their It is wise to cut down on some of these activities some weeks
own strength. This is also the case for the ungodly who have des- to your exams and to maximize your time day and night by re-
pised God’s gift to mankind by not acknowledging Jesus Christ as ducing extra-curricular activities to the barest minimum. Be in-
their Lord and Savior. They must labor exceptionally and put in volved only in one that is very compulsory, if there is any as such.
all their strength before they could have good success. Be wise!
The strength they put in is always equivalent to the results

60 61

Someone who is highly emotional may be very slow assimilating

RELATIONSHIP CORNER what is being read while studying with someone to whom he or
Those who are in relationships within the same academic com- she is strongly emotionally attached to. Discover yourself and do
munity should demonstrate some level of maturity and discip- not suer in silence. Once Joint Reading is not working for any of
line. Hours spent visiting each other should be cut down to the the party it should be stopped. The fact that your friend reads
barest minimum during exam seasons. It is a biblical fact that one with her partner does not mean that you also must read with
would chase a thousand while two would chase ten thousand. Re- yours. Be wise!
lationships should be a boost not a threat to academic pursuit. It Other factors that might inuence a student performance in
is however, a sad fact that some ‘Twos’ are chasing ve hundred or exams include the following:
nothing instead of chasing ten thousand.
Below are some factors that militate against the academics of SOLVING PAST QUESTIONS
those who are not handling relationships wisely. There is nothing new under the sun.[68] The curriculum for a
course might only be renewed, it does not always change—at
THE “CANOPY MINISTRY” least, it does not always change dramatically. The implication of
Simply put, it is follow-follow ministry. This is the situation this is that, the questions that have been set so far covers the
whereby two people in a relationship are always found together. boundary of the curriculum, so also would the questions that
One is always seen within the same perimeter as the other per- would be set in the future. Past questions give one a glimpse of
son is. How we handle relationships is a measure of our maturity. how each exam will look like. It prepares one’s mind for what one
There should be a breathing space to allow each other to think, is likely to face in upcoming exams and allows one to know how
to study and to assimilate. Examination period is not the time simple or dicult a course or subject might be. Studying succes-
when two students in a relationship should be found together sive past questions can give a rough evaluation of a tutors’ mind
everywhere and every time, without academic reasons. The can- with regards to how they set questions—especially if the same
opy ministry has jeopardized the academics of many students. tutor has taught the course over a period. It could also give a
Following each other every time and everywhere is essentially glimpse of what should be concentrated on and what should not
not the denition of love. It is an indication of immaturity and —especially while writing standardized exams.
ignorance. Do not be held captive by your emotions such that you Some tutors set questions based on the explanations they give
will no longer know the right from the wrong. Discuss with your in class while others set directly from the note. This is known
partner and plan your meeting time. An unscheduled life is not by going through the past questions and comparing them with
worth living. Make a reasonable schedule. Be wise! the lecture notes. Some lecturers repeat past questions. A student
who reads well and faithfully and solves past questions rarely
“JOINT READING VENTURE” performs poorly in exams. Solve as many past questions as you
The highest level of deception is when you deceive yourself. could but this does not mean that it should be a substitute for
There is nothing wrong with reading with one’s partner if it is zealous and sincere studying.
productive. It works for some and not for others. Many people,
(though not all), in relationships who read together have either OBEY INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LETTER
one party or (in some cases) both suering academic setbacks. Many students perform poorly in tests and exams, not because

62 63

they do not read well or assimilate what they read, but because handled. The “not” silently mentioned, if not carefully handled,
they do not obey the examiner’s instructions to the letter. Exam- might result in poor performance. Medical and paramedical stu-
ination exuberance and frivolity prevents them from reading, as- dents should be conscious of the spelling of non-English words
similating and adhering to instructions. Examiners do not just and cogent words that must be mentioned while writing tests
test how much you know about their courses; they also test how and exams. Every student should be conscious of the technical
prudent you are at adhering to simple and hidden instructions. words in their eld of studies and how to apply them appropri-
Consider this question: ately in exams.

List and briey discuss ve items on the Exclusive Legislative KNOW WHAT YOUR TUTOR WANTS
List. “The toil of fools wearies them; they do not know the way to
town.”[69] The labor of the fools was futile not because they did
The question above contains two parts: (1) you are to list ve not have the strength to go to the town or because they were not
items on the exclusive legislative list (2) you are to briey discuss willing to go to the town. Their labor was frustrating and frus-
ve items on the exclusive legislative list. Marks would be allot- trated because they were ignorant of the way, the method and
ted for listing and separate marks, for brief discussion. The marks strategy essential to get there. That is what makes them foolish.
could be equal. A student carried away by exams triviality might It is essential that a student knows what his tutor wants as an-
go ahead and start discussing ve items on the exclusive legislative swers to questions.
list without rst listing them. No matter how much such student Some tutors are captivated with how much a student write.
writes, if the question carries ten marks, they might end up scor- On the other hand, some tutors are turned o by excessive writ-
ing only ve marks (05/10). This is because they have failed to ing; all they desire is brief, compressed and precise answers to
obey the instructions to the detail. Firstly, they are expected to questions. Ask senior colleagues about each tutor. You can also
list ve items on the exclusive legislative list, after which they ask your tutor. Get to know how they want their questions to be
should start explaining them one after the other. answered. It enables you to know what to write and what not to
Questions that say criticize, outline, argue, compare and con- write.
trast, distinguish, itemize, enumerate and calculate should be
handled in their distinct manner. YOU MAY NOT DISCUSS EXAMS AFTER WRITING
Consider this question: Apostle Paul says, “One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind
and straining toward what is ahead.”[70] It is not always wise to
Criticize Plato’s denition of philosophy. discuss exams after writing—especially if you still have other
exams to write very soon. It has no positive eect. Discussing-
A student who explains Plato’s denition of philosophy might exams-after-writing is like campaigning-after-election—it can-
end up scoring twenty-ve percent. This is because such student not change what has been done. The resulting eect could rather
has not answered the question correctly. The answer to the ques- be neutral or negative. It could destabilize, discourage and un-
tion should be founded on critical reasoning, not explanation. lock the gate to anxiety. It sometimes brings about emotional
Questions like “What is not a village?” and “What does not trauma. It could degenerate to self-condemnation, especially
make a man?” are sensitive questions which must be carefully when co-students succeed in convincing you that you have writ-

64 65

ten trash. It could sap self-condence within. It could deteriorate attracts three marks. It would also be unwise of the student to
the boldness to prepare for the next exams. It could bring about waste time writing stories; rather the student should describe
weeping in secret places. If not handled with care it could lead to each of the parts briey. Many students do not excel because they
unannounced depression, especially if it is professional exams. do not know how to maximize time during exams. Examiners
Examiners, being aware of your imperfection sometimes will assess you based on what you put down; and not on how
would ask you to attempt questions not to answer questions. much you have inside of you that time did not permit you to
Examiners have the nal say. What you think is wrong might in write. Be wise!
the long run be the exact answer. Some of them do not lay much
emphasis on your nal answer; they only examine your level of SHUN EXAMINATION MALPRACTICES
understanding. The integrity of a person is partially measured by how much
they subject themself to rules and regulations. Integrity also dic-
MAXIMIZE TIME IN EXAMS tates how successful someone would be in life; therefore, exam-
Examiners do not just test how much you knows They also ination malpractice is a form of rebellion against God which
test how coordinated, orderly and intelligent you are. There is automatically positions a student as God’s enemy and results in
no dened rule stating that you must answer questions in a par- a ‘but’ (source of regret) in the person’s life either early in life or
ticular order say: 1,2,3,4, except if you are doing computer-based much later. A student might appear smart enough to get away
exams of which you have to answer the questions as they come with such malpractices while in school, but they will eventually
up on the screen and you cannot go back and forth. Otherwise, go pay for it later for no one rebels against God and goes scot-free.
through the questions and start with the ones you can tackle im- It is a banner of opposition raised against God, and it must be
mediately. The fact that a question is compulsory does not mean avoided. This is because the authority that makes the rules and
that it must be the rst to be answered. To answer questions se- regulations are established by God.[71] The outcome of the mal-
quentially, you might end up missing out on the easiest of them practice might be sweet on the surface, but deep within it will be
all. bitterer than gall. So, shun it.
Do not spend excessive time on a question. Let’s look at one of Exam malpractices in form of microchips or asking for answers
the questions given to a student writing a 70-mark exam and let’s from students during exams should be avoided. It gradually cuts
look at how they should handle the question: o the source of God in the life of a student and makes them vul-
nerable to the attacks of the enemies. It may appear trivial, but
2a (i) With the aid of a well labelled diagram, briey describe ve it has very strong spiritual implications. For instance, it leads to
main parts of a vertical band mill [6 marks] the crushing of a student because it barricades one from the glory
and exceptional favor of God and silently ushers in problems in
This question has three parts: (1) diagram of a vertical band the life of that person. It is Scriptural that there is a curse that ac-
mill, (2) listing of ve main parts and (3) description of the parts, companies every success harnessed through ungodly means.[72]
one after the other. The diagram might not attract more than one Avoid examination malpractice. Be dierent. Be a pure aca-
mark; therefore, it will be unwise of the student to spend too demic reference. Attempt the questions that you can. Prepare for
much time on drawing. The least they could score is half-mark. exams with the mindset that once you do not know the questions
The listing might attract two marks while the brief description you will submit the answer booklet empty. Hand over the ones

66 67

you have faithfully done into the hand of God who solely decrees
victory for his people.[73] Be wise!

✓ Wisdom speaks
Trust God to help you and believe in yourself. Write your exams
with the highest integrity. By doing so, you are building up not only
the potential within but true condence. Failing and having a clear
conscience is better than a passing and not being able to defend it.

68 69

our support. Without him we can do nothing. Those who belong

to the household of grace are expected to constantly oer prayers
to Him in order to be academically outstanding. Maybe you are
considering this question: What about the ungodly who excel?
Asaph was once in your shoes: “But as for me, my feet had almost
CHAPTER 16: PRAY slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant
when I saw the prosperity of the wicked…They are free from com-
“He who is the Portion of Jacob is not like these, for he is the mon human burdens…From their callous hearts comes iniquity…
Maker of all things, including the people of his inheritance—the They sco, and speak with malice; with arrogance they threaten
Lord Almighty is his name.”[74] oppression…always free of care, they go on amassing wealth…
Having seen, planned and struck the possibility, the place of When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply till I en-
God must not be neglected. He remains the Maker of all things. tered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their nal destiny.
Having mapped out the strategies, having put in all you could and Surely you place them on slippery ground; you cast them down to
maximized the time and opportunities that were open to you; ruin.”[81]
becoming an invincible academic reference ultimately depends A student who fails to get God into their academics will nd it
on God. He takes us to that height. dicult getting it right in other areas of life. Any success not built
It is impossible to achieve an exceptional feat which is sustain- on God is like ice in a warm environment. It will soon melt away.
able, and which stands the test of time without God. That is the
reason the place of prayer cannot be ignored. It takes God in us to THE MYSTERY BEHIND PRAYERS IN ACADEMICS
become exceptional. The builder labors in vain if God does not It is commonsensical to ask whether there is any reason to
give the approval to go ahead. The watchmen endanger their lives pray after taking all the necessary steps to excel academically.
if He does not support them.[75] No king is saved by the size of his It is reasonable to question the necessity of praying after having
army.[76] Students map out strategies to excel while God grants ex- mapped out the achievable reality of becoming a great success.
cellence. He is the One who decrees victory for his people.[77] Does prayer have anything to do with academic studies which
Without him we are nothing. Our strength and the hope we are, in the real sense of it, mere physical activity? These and many
have in ourselves are futile and can fail anytime. The only reliable others are the questions a rational thinker might consider in
hope which we can build our condence upon is the hope we have their mind. The truth is, we must pray our way to success. Except
in Him. “That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our success is settled in the spiritual realm, there can be no manifest-
hope in the living God...”[78] ation in the physical. It is crucial for one to seek the consent of his
It takes us looking up to him for our face to be lightened and Creator in everything one does.
for shame to give way.[79] Although horses must be made ready for
the battle, victory lies in the hand of the Lord.[80] Total depend- THE POWER OF PRAYER
ence on the Divine catalyzes greatness and spurs us to more-than- Prayer is the master key that unlocks every gate of impos-
imagined height. When we commit our plans into His hands in sibility. It brings to submission, every raging force both in the
the place of heart-felt prayer we are assured of His divine input spiritual and in the physical. It orchestrates the personality of
and intervention. Outstanding success is guaranteed when God is the Almighty God into your academic pursuits; discloses your in-

70 71

suciency to Him and gives you His ll of suciency. It neutral-

izes the physical atmosphere to your favor and brings down the
power to do more.
Prayer opens the oodgate to inexhaustible grace, subdues
every obstacle, lifts every barrier and clears every obstruction in
our way. It averts generational curses and covenants that mili-
tate against success. It presents us as invincible in every academic
challenge. It appropriates favor of tutors and external examiners
to our side, aids exceptional academic performance beyond that Everything that exists has an inventor. Someone, or better still
which we can attain on our own. It ignites the person of the Holy a set of people are responsible for any occurrence that takes place.
Spirit in us to action. Every happening is always the product of a change, an action or
Prayer makes a dullard brilliant by opening every brain that a phenomenon. Nothing happens in vacuum; something or some-
is locked up against assimilation and understanding and calms body must be responsible for it. Excellence is not an exception.
every storm that indirectly aects academic success like broken There is a Being responsible for it. He is the Omniscience (all-
home, bad news, sickness, memory loss, and disappointment, knowing) who bestows the ability to excel.
among others.
I cannot overemphasize the role that prayers have played in my HE GRANTS SUPPORT
academic life right from childhood till date. During undergrad, The Scripture says, “In him we live and move and have our
the academic increase I experienced every session after my rst being.”[83] and “May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant
year which propelled me from Second Class (Upper Division) to you support from Zion.”[84] The three criteria that connote the
First Class is partly due to prayers. Prayer played a signicant role presence of life in a person are: the ability to breath (live), ad-
during my graduate programs. Prayer is great humility in display vance (move) and make things happen (have being). Anyone lack-
especially when you have done all that is needed to be done. A life ing in any of these is not a complete living being. Surprisingly
full of prayer is always full of testimonies. It is therefore expedi- enough, all these are successfully done in the living God. It is only
ent that we take prayers very seriously. those who are in the living God who are living beings. The criteria
are satised with Him, through Him, by Him, on Him, and above
Academic excellence is worth fasting and praying for. all in Him. He is a conducive environment that supplies every
needed support to live, to move and to make things happen. It
To excel academically means to bring God’s word to fullment takes dwelling in this environment to do the outstanding.
and as this is ever a threat to the kingdom of darkness; therefore,
it must be handled prayerfully. Issues pertaining to forgetfulness, HE LEADS THE WAY
fear, memory loss or sickness during exams should not be han- “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in
dled with levity. Fervent and heart-felt prayers must be used to Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of
war against them.[82] the knowledge of him everywhere.”[85]
The decision to be outstanding can become a reality only if He

72 73

leads the way. We have all been created at the beginning to de- spiritual. So academic pursuits should not be handled as a mere
pend on the Divine strength to excel. Whenever He leads the way, secular issue, it is spiritual, for it is sanctied by the Word of God
be assured of becoming victorious. The path of excellence is like and prayer. Be persistent enough to hear Him speak concerning
a jungle. Frustration is inevitable except the way it is led by the your academics and concerning other areas of your life.
One who knows it well and there is the assurance that you can
never be confounded. It takes acknowledging Him as the overall
boss to advance, travel far and do outstanding exploits[86]. The
terrain of excellence is designed by Him. You must have Him al-
ways before you to journey through it peacefully.

“Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for
ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”[87] Clay cannot
make itself into an object. It takes the creative work of a pot-
ter to make something appealing out of it. The Almighty God is
the Potter; we are the clay.[88] He inputs in us the ability to make
a dierence. We cannot excel without Him neither can we suc-
ceed against Him.[89] Neglecting Him leads to tension, disdain and
confrontations on the path of excellence which one could hardly
overcome. Regardless of the eort thrown into the task, without
Him, the result becomes insignicant or futile. He should be the
rst factor to be reckoned with and the last to be appreciated[90].
Any attempt to ignore Him brings disappointment, chaos and un-
necessary challenges on our path. He can do without us, but we
cannot do without Him. One cannot travel far be it academically
or in other spheres of life without God.

Divine power is required for you to achieve that which you
have set your heart on. The supernatural must work in harmony
with the natural for the unusual to be seen. Determine to get God
in your academic pursuits. Make Him a priority. Establish Him
as King over your life. Access God. Access and harness His power
in your life. Those who get Him are never at a disadvantage. We
must all get to a stage in which we would feel Him around us—
His presence is not abstract. Everything a spiritual person does is

74 75

their understanding limit. It is impossible!


The latent light source remains dormant if you see yourself
as a mediocre. If you see yourself as incapable, you remain in-
CHAPTER 18: THE PATH capable and incapacitated. That is the reason no light will come

OF THE RIGHTEOUS forth from a person lacking in understanding. This was the case
of a righteous man called Tancta Sintin of Nestrasa[94]. Because he
lacked understanding he produced no light. His path was full of
The Scripture says, “The path of the righteous is like the morn- darkness, though a righteous man he was.
ing sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.”[91] It takes The Scripture mentions that it is possible for one to be right-
God in us to understand His word. Without a clear-cut under- eous and the path of one will still be full of darkness: “Who among
standing of His dictate, illusion takes over. Please note that the you fears the Lord and obeys the word of his servant (righteous)?
Scripture does not say that, “the path is a morning sun source (in- Let the one who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the
candescent), and the intensity of its light is increasing, causing it name of the Lord and rely on their God.”[95]
to shine brighter and brighter.” If that is the case, that means the
glowing of the path could be intensied by adjusting the power of DAYS OF DARKNESS
its incandescent. Tancta was groaning in darkness. Although he had a light
The scripture says, “The path of the righteous is like the morn- source latent in him, he was in a state of total darkness and con-
ing sun,” not the morning sun. The path is not a light source fusion. He had no clear vision and the direction for his life; he
(morning sun) itself, but it is like a light. However, it shines. That merely existed. Having held the impression that God was partial
means the path receives light from a light source. The path of the in his dealings, he had concluded that he could never make it and
righteous could shine simply because the righteous are the light had subjugated himself to the ground state. He had turned him-
of the world.[92] A righteous person is the light shining on their self to the slave of those he called the favored rich. His situation
path, hence, making their path glow and glitter. In this regard, the was pathetic—he was without shelter, he had no future ambition,
path of a righteous person is not the rst subject of consideration; he had no plans, and was without purpose. “Let us live today,” he
it is a righteous person which give the light to their path. would say, “for tomorrow death might come.”
The portion of the Scripture could be re-capped thus: “The path
of a righteous person is a luminous material which receives rays of A GLIMPSE OF REVELATION
light from them, the intensity of which determines the brightness of The words, to trust in the Lord means to have faith in the
the path. Hence, as a righteous person shines brighter and brighter, Lord; that is, with the Lord’s support they can equally ignite the
their path receive light to shine brighter and brighter.” light source in them from the ground state to the glowing state.
Every child of God is a light. There is a latent incandescent Tancta’s path was full of darkness, not because he was neglected
source of equal potency in everyone[93]. The degree of its glow however or God wanted to punish him, but because he was lacking in
depends on an individual. Our level of understanding is the fuel understanding of the great light source in him. Incidentally, this
that powers the incandescence to glow. A person cannot outshine light source was not meant for him alone to see, it was meant

76 77

to also bring light to the paths of many. When Tancta became He considered this and laughed at himself. ‘I must not make a fool
aware of this great treasure in him, he was ignorant of its potency. of myself,’ he said, ‘it is an impossible journey I want to embark
He did not know the level of brightness the light could produce; on.’ He could not imagine himself inuencing people of diverse
consequently, his little understanding supplied little fuel which tongues, languages, cultures, and traditions scattered across the
glowed faintly from the inside of him out onto his path. The re- globe. He considered how poor, wretched and unworthy his back-
sult was that although darkness partially vanished and he could ground was. He considered himself as someone who was insigni-
see, the light produced was much deemed. cant in the world. He thought about how backward his country
was, compared to the advanced and developed nations. Even his
PROGRESSIVE UNDERSTANDING village can scarcely be found on the map.
Over time, Tancta discovered that he could produce brighter He asked himself: “How will I start?” “From where will I begin?”
light. He walked in that understanding and his path glowed. As he “If I start now, when will it happen?” “I am not thinking of only
advanced in understanding of the potency of the incandescence being an inuence in my country, or in several other countries
in him, his path kept shining accordingly. Eventually, he under- but I am setting my mind on being an intercontinental inu-
stood that he could produce a light that would light up his local ence...I’d better not waste my time. I should just restrict myself to
environs and he tapped into it. my local setting and keep giving glory to God. I don’t want to dis-
Consequently, people within his local community saw the in- grace myself.” He despised himself.
comparable light and came to walk in his path ignorant of the
fact that they also could produce a better one. Tancta became ADVICE FROM FRIENDS
the local champion who was not only producing light for himself Tancta shared his thoughts with his close friends and asso-
alone, but also for others to thread along; even those who (out ciates and they advised him: “Godliness with contentment is a
of envy) would not walk in his path still received the radiance of great gain. Why are you such an ingrate? Why this level of dis-
his light along their path too. He became an inuence in his local satisfaction and arrogance? You could have as well thought of be-
domain. coming God. You are not a good Christian....No....No....No.....No.
As a matter of fact, you are on your way to hell. We Christians
One would continue to dwell in the company of the nonentities must learn contentment… It was lack of contentment that made
unless one stops undulating on the periphery of mediocrity. Satan lose his place in heaven… Many people in this community
are praying to achieve one-tenth of what you have achieved…
A CRITICAL THOUGHT Why have you decided to die before your time?” So, they went
One day, Tancta sat down to ponder on his past. He thought on and on indicting and discouraging him, “Intercontinental in-
of how he started—the days of thick darkness and confusion uence or what do you call it? Did you ever think that you could
when he used to think that God was a partial God, who made ever catch up with people in the advanced world even until you
things work well for some and ignored some. He thought of how breathe your last? They are not just advanced people; they also
he moved from his dark world to generate dim light and how live in the advance world with advanced resources and technical-
the dim light shone brighter until he eventually lit up his local ity. We came to this world naked and we will leave naked. Fame
community, as he increased in understanding. As he meditated, a and inuence come to an end the day a person breathes their last
thought came to him: ‘Tancta, you can light up the whole world!’ breath. Do not provoke God to anger. You are okay the way you

78 79

are. Be where you are; be satised!” him. The light shone on his path and lit up his local domain. It was
so powerful that it penetrated through anything and everything
CRITICAL RESOLUTION that stood in its way. The brightness of the light was unusual.
After consulting with his friends, Tancta’s zeal and passion It traveled through his country, across the Atlantic and passed
became drastically depreciated. He considered their advice and through several countries penetrating every obstacle in its way.
decided to adhere to it. He almost refrained from his plans and It traveled from one continent to another till it reached the end of
was about to say, “I surrender.” Then a Scripture ashed through the earth. The light was noticed throughout the whole world.
his mind: “Now to Him Who, by…the [action of His] power that is
at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do super- ELEVATION RESULTS
abundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [in- Controversy arose with regards to the place where the light
nitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or emanated from. They understood through research that it was
dreams]…”[96] from a small village called Nestrasa, the location of which was
The word repositioned his thoughts; he was no longer in his dicult to locate on the map. Tancta became the headline of na-
past state of mind and he stood on his feet. His mental faculty tional dailies and international journals. People began to come
seemed to be opened and his understanding buered. He felt a from various parts of the world to interview the man who was
form of newness in himself. Everything looked strange to him and the source of the unignorable light that overnight he became a ce-
he could hear these words in his heart: “You can make it, with God lebrity who had to turn down the requests of some international
on your side.” media in order to accommodate some.
If you are wondering whether the heart has an ear, know that Researchers all over the globe trooped in to Nestrasa to carry
God has congured us in such a way that it is the very part of our out investigations and research. Tancta’s light became the re-
body that needs his word that hears it. Tancta told himself with search title for many a Doctoral and professorial research. He
great condence in God: “I will be an intercontinental inuence; attained it. He got there because he caught the understanding
my inuence would be felt throughout the whole world.” which was imbued fully with as much knowledge and faith as he
could muster, coupled with exceptional hard work and impor-
Tancta guarded himself with the full armor of determination,
and a strong faith in God which is the foundation for becoming POSSESS THE WORLD
great. People in his local domain did not only hear that he was Many of us are possessing trivial things when we are meant to
up to something, they also saw it. Within a short time, a critical set our hearts on possessing the world. We are satised with read-
understanding came upon him and it takes such critical under- ing people’s history, failing to grasp the truth that we are meant
standing to do outstanding exploits. to be read. Every person (like Tancta) has been congured to
make an impact on the world.
Since understanding fuels the latent incandescence in us, the You are the light of the WORLD
critical understanding about the potency of this light source
brought about a strange (but powerful) glow of the light source in The creation is eager to see the children of God doing ex-

80 81

ploits.[97] This is because the creation knows the stu the children make a dierence! Strive hard to discover, understand and fulll
of God are made of. It is however pathetic that the loaded are the purpose of God for your live. See you at the top!
ignorant of the fact that they are loaded. They carry themselves
around in the constant mold of mediocrity. Those who are meant
to lead ignorantly subject themselves to servitude and slavery.[98]
A person who is lacking in understanding will perish. “Who-
ever strays from the path of prudence comes to rest in the com-
pany of the dead.”[99] Many are those who appear to be alive but in
fact can be said to have perished. To perish does not mean to give
up the ghost and to give up the ghost does not mean to perish. As
a matter of fact, some are no more but would never perish. They
have immortalized their names by their indispensable exploits.
Their memories are indeed a blessing! Some are living and will
not perish. They are making great impact. They are too precious
for the world to let go of them. Which category do you belong to?
A light who does not know who they are will keep searching for
light in order to see the light of the day. Many are those who have
relegated themselves to the ground, believing that nothing good
could come out of their Nazareth; such have become so swamped
by inferiority complex that they never see themselves coming
out of it.

A light who does not know who they are will keep
searching for light to see the light of the day

There is always an innite spacious space for those who think

great, see great, plan great, act great, pray great and set their
hearts on becoming great. Have you sat up to think about what
you will oer your generation and the ones coming after you?
Except you sit up, ponders on why you are living, and nd an an-
swer which will help you walk in that understanding, you will die
uncelebrated and may end up a waste to your generation. Many are
those who have come and gone being uncelebrated. Many are those
who are dying now uncelebrated and many will follow suit. Will
you be celebrated or not? A person will never outshine the splen-
dor with which they believe God has clothed them. Determine to

82 83

strongly believed what the angel said. She was unswerving in be-
lief. She never questioned the possibility, but rather saw it. Mary
said to the angel, "But how? I've never slept with a man."[101] She
asked the question, not because she could not see the possibility,
but to know how to plan the possibility. The question could be
CONCLUSION reframed as: “I can see what you are saying, but what is the meth-
Seeing, planning, striking and praying the possibility are the odology?” God did His part in planning by releasing the incuba-
Scriptural order upon which outstanding excellence is anchored. tion of the Holy Spirit and the power to bring forth upon her; she
There was no one in the Scriptures who did a unique exploit did her part by not sleeping with any man at the conception. She
without directly or indirectly traveling through the four distinct prayed the possibility: “And Mary said, Yes, I see it all now: I'm the
stages. Lord's maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say.”[102]
Joshua, son of Nun saw the possibility of leading Israel to dis- She eventually struck the possibility by giving birth to the Savior
possess the possessor of the inheritance God had promised the of the world as a virgin.
Israelites—a land owing with milk and honey. He was never Jesus Christ saw the possibility of reconciling the world unto
discouraged by the countless obstructions and circumstances God: “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall
around and within that were saying ‘NO’ to the promise. He I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send
planned the possibility by sending spies to the land in order to me!””[103] He saw the reality of bearing all the shame, sin and
nd out how it was, and to probably map out the direction of at- despise of the entire world and become a ransom for the entire
tack. He prayed the possibility indirectly by arming the word human race. He spent the rst thirty years planning the possibil-
of God in their hearings: The land has been given to us. They ity. He planned the continuation of his work after his ascension
struck the possibility by engaging in physical battle with the en- by choosing the disciples. He also prayed the possibility. It came
emies. In the long run, they possessed their possessions. to a point whereby he was not going to bear the pain; he requested
Nehemiah[100], a slave in a foreign land saw the possibility of that the trouble should pass over him. Nonetheless, he concluded
rebuilding the ruin of Jerusalem—the restoration of the wall and the prayer by arming possibility, requesting that God’s will be
the gate. He planned in this regard by asking the King Xerxes done. It was not easy, but it was worth it. Finally, he struck the
whom he served for the permission to go and look through the possibility. He died on the cross bearing the sin of the whole
ruin. He equally harnessed the materials to be used in rebuild- world. He reconciled man back to God. All that is needed is for
ing the wall. He had prayed the possibility earlier which un- everyone to receive him as their Lord and Savior, and they would
lock the door to exceptional favor and incomparable mercy. He be saved. Without this confession, great disaster awaits them on
equally prayed afterward when persecution arose in the process the judgment day, for he would judge the whole world.[104]
of building. He eventually struck the possibility by bringing to Esther, Gideon and Daniel, to mention a few also worked suc-
manifestation that which he had seen, despite many oppositions cessfully with these principles and became exceptional and le-
attempted stopping him. gends of their time. The irresistible passion coupled with strong
When Virgin Mary received the visitation of angel Gabriel in- determination to work with these principles will catapult you to
forming her that she would give birth to a child as a virgin, she the company of the outstanding. It opens the gate of opportun-
ity to harness abundance. It automatically barricades you from

84 85

the company of nonchalant and nonentities. It turns stumbling

blocks to steppingstones. It spurs you to become an inuence. It
brings vision to reality, attracts great minds to you, make you to
become a unique leader and make sky your starting point. At the
end of everything on earth, it equally gives you an assurance of
making heaven if you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and per-
sonal Savior.

2 Kings 14:3
1 Kings 4:30 - 31
Numbers 12:6-8
1 Samuel 3:19
Psalm 125:1
Proverbs 30:30
Mark 10:27
Psalm 16:8
2 Corinthians 3:18
Philippians 4:8
Hebrews 11:1
Genesis 1:26
Psalm 82:6
Isaiah 60:2
Isaiah 43:18-19
Mark 9:23
Philippians 4:13
Deuteronomy 28:13
Job 22:28-29
Proverbs 30:5
Psalm 1:1
2 Kings 19:25
Lamentation 2:17
Proverb 16:3
Proverb 16:1
Genesis 1:6-10 (NKJV)

86 87

[27] [58]
Genesis 1:2 1 Timothy 4:12
[28] Genesis 1:6-7 (KJV) [59]
Job 14:7
[29] [60]
Ephesians 3:20 Psalm 103:14
[30] [61]
Genesis 1:9 (KJV) 1 Corinthians 15:10
[31] [62]
Jeremiah 5:22 2 Corinthians 13:14
[32] [63]
Romans 9:16 (NKJV) This is a true-life story. However, the real name is not used to cover the
[33] identity of the person.
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
[34] [64]
1 Corinthians 15:10 1 John 1:1 (Emphasis mine)
[35] [65]
Proverb 28:9 Hebrews 4:16
[36] [66]
Genesis 8:22 Micah 2:7
[37] [67]
Psalm 119:4 Romans 10:8-10, Acts 4:12, Acts 10:43, John 3:16-18
[38] [68]
Romans 8:1 (Word in bracket is for emphasis) Ecclesiastes 1:9
[39] [69]
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10, 1 Peter 5:8-9 Ecclesiastes 10:15
[40] [70]
Oatman, J., Count Your Blessings. Philippians 3:13
pon_lifes_billows_you_are_tempest. (Last Accessed: April 6, 2020) [71]
Romans 13:1-2, 1 Samuel 15:23
[41] [72]
Psalm 22:24 Psalm 73:1-20
[42] [73]
A paraphrase of Isaiah 42:13 (MSG) Psalm 44:4
[43] [74]
Proverb 13:20 Jeremiah 51:19
[44] [75]
Proverb 14:15 Psalm 127:1
[45] [76]
All the locations mentioned are imaginary—Husterfung, Linkaj, Jafan, Psalm 33:16
Convio and Setnaria. [77]
[46] Psalm 44:4
Zechariah 4:10 [78]
[47] 1 Timothy 4:10
Isaiah 42:13 (MSG) [79]
[48] Psalm 34:5
Luke 16:8 [80]
[49] Proverbs 21:31
Daniel 11:32b (NKJV) [81]
[50] Psalm 73: 2-18
1 Corinthians 10:13-14 (TPT) [82]
[51] 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, Ephesians 6:10-18, Luke 18:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:17,
1 Samuel 30:4 James 5:13-16
[52] [83]
2 Samuel 23:9-10 Act 17:28
[53] [84]
1 Samuel 17:28 Psalm 20:2
[54] [85]
Those statements are popular with some tutors but might not be univer- 2 Corinthians 2:14 (Emphasis mine)
sal [86]
[55] Daniel 11:32
1 Samuel 17:33 [87]
[56] 2 Corinthians 3:5
1 Samuel 17:42 [88]
[57] Jeremiah 18:5-6
Job 36:5 [89]
Proverbs 21:30

88 89

Isaiah 48:12
Proverb 4:18
Matthew 5:14
Psalm 84:11 and Malachi 4:2 refer to God as the Sun
Tancta Sintin is an imaginary name, Nestrasa is imaginary location and
this story is a ction.

Isaiah 50:10 (Parenthesis mine). HYMN
Ephesians 3:20 (AMPC)
Romans 8:19
Ecclesiastes 10:7
(To the tune of: “O happy day that xed my choice”)
Proverbs 21:16
Nehemiah 1-9 1. I have the brain to be best
Luke 1:34 (MSG) In all my tests and my exams
Luke 1:38 (MSG) I will prepare and be the best
Isaiah 6:8 In all my tests and my exams
Act 17:31
I will always excel
Because success is my portion
I will read my books everyday
And ask questions if I have need
I will always excel
Because success is my portion

2. I will keep academic friends

And pray always for my studies
I will have academic rise
Never have better yesterday

I will always excel

Because success is my portion
I will never procrastinate
Bye-bye to bad attitude
I will always excel
Because success is my portion

90 91

3. I will be attentive in class 6. Beyond the shore of studentship

And give no room to distraction I will abide with principles
All my thoughts will be positive – Excellence will be my watchword
Thoughts of excellence in studies In all the areas of my life

I will always excel I will always excel

Because success is my portion Because success is my portion
I will do all my assignments I will do exploits in this world
My practical and my research All to the glory of my God
I will always excel I will always excel
Because success is my portion Because success is my portion

4. I will draw reading timetable

And use it to read everyday
I will respect all my teachers
I will always stay encouraged

I will always excel

Because success is my portion
I will have condence in God
And give no room to any fear
I will always excel
Because success is my portion

5. Away from me, the lax and laze

Away from me, the complacent
I have seen possibilities
I have drawn academic plan

I will always excel

Because success is my portion
I will strike possibilities
I will pray possibilities
I will always excel
Because success is my portion

92 93
Samuel Ayinde
Samuel Ayinde holds a PhD in mechanical
engineering from the University of Mich-
igan, Ann Arbor, United States. He gradu-
ated with a First Class grade in Wood Prod-
ucts Engineering and as the best graduating
student of the department of Agricultural
and Environmental Engineering, Univer-
sity of Ibadan, Nigeria. He has served as the
Academic Secretary of the Redeemed Chris-
tian Fellowship, University of Ibadan and as
a peer mentor for students in the Center for Engineering Diversity
and Outreach (CEDO), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Attaining Academic Excellence: Becoming An
Invincible Academic Reference

Let The Lord Be Magnied

Make Your Life Count For God

Set An Example

Secret Canons For Academic Excellence

Exploring The Multidimensional Mercies Of God


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