Profile of The Problem: Online ID Card Management System Project Report
Profile of The Problem: Online ID Card Management System Project Report
Profile of The Problem: Online ID Card Management System Project Report
The present 21 century is a digital era now a day’s development in various aspects of
computer technology has reached beyond all imagination and expectations. Every new day,
new software is launched in the market. Now-a-days with rapid growth of population, people
need to be identified and it is now a must for every organization from a company to a large
country to have the Identity card (ID) for every people. Therefore, now for every organization
an ID card for a person is compulsory. ID card is said to be the summary of any person
indeed. Software has an attractive user interface and easy maintenance facility which helps as
in our working field. The current times demand for desperate and safety in many
organizations. The first step in acquiring such standards begins by issuing ID’s for people.
Here introduce, the project design and implementation of “online ID card generation “is
created to reduce human effort. An identity document is any document which may be used to
verify aspects of a person’s personal identity. A card giving identifying data about a person,
as full name, address, age, and often containing a photograph; for use as identification at a
place of employment, school, club, etc. ID card is generally considered to be the summary of
person’s information.
ID card generation refers to the process to generate, maintain and distribution of the ID cards.
This will also ensure that there is no forgery in the generation of ID card. It will help
generating a huge bulk of ID cards without any will help in detecting any forgery
that’s done in the ID card generation. The user interface must be simple and easy to
understand. this will be a useful solution for the enterprises and institution which will reduce
their work. In our system the total process of card generation is done with the help of
computer through this software rather than manually. This Online ID card generator will
provide all the information of the card holder correctly as possible. Person’s information is
collected and stored in database and at the same time the administration can provide the
person’s ID card. So, the concept of time wasting totally eliminated in here.
It will be very effective and user friendly to use. This application will help in having only one
ID card for a person. This application will help in providing various features like photos of
persons, adding person’s details, print card etc. It will also provide permanent database and
this will help to store the person’s identity information in an error free and non-redundant
way along with better option for maintaining the records.
The programming has been accomplished in PHP. The administrator and the user can login
using the username and password which they can select according to their choice. Only
restriction is that multiple persons will not be permitted to accept the same username. The
project has been developed in PHP as front end and MY SQL as back end which develop to
help powerful software.
This website is developed in such a way that it makes use of the current hardware as far as
possible in care of up gradation that it should be done. This software is easy to use and has a
good graphical user interface.
All activities associated with each life cycle phase must be performed, managed and
documented. Hence, we define system analysis as the performance, management,
documentation of the activities related to the life cycle phases of a computer-based business
system. In the study phase a detailed study of the project is made and clear picture of the
project is in mind. In the design phase the designing of the input, output and table designs are
made. Development phase is where the physical designing of the input-output screens and
coding of the system is done. System implementation actually implements the system by
making necessary testing.
1. Economic Feasibility
2. Behavioral Feasibility
3. Technical Feasibility
4. Operational Feasibility
5. Legal Feasibility
To be judged feasible, a proposal for the specific project must pass all these tests, otherwise it
is not considered as a feasible project. I gathered the details regarding the financial aspects
incorporated in the system to make it cost efficient.
There are a number of technical issues, which are generally raised during
the feasibility stage of the investigation. A study of function, performance and constraints
gave me the ability to achieve acceptable system. The software required for this system is:
Suppose for a moment that technical and economic resources are both
judged adequate. The systems analyst must still consider the operational feasibility of the
requested project. Operational feasibility is dependent on human resources available for the
project and involves projecting whether the system will operate and be used once it is
installed. If users are virtually wed to the present system, see no problems with it, and
generally are not involved in requesting a new system, resistance to implementing the new
system will be strong. Chances for it ever becoming operational are low.
1. Within the organization: How the project is to be implemented? What are various
constraints? What is market strategy?
2. With respect to the customer: Weekly or timely meetings with the customer with
presentations on status reports. Customer feedback is also taken and further modifications
and developments are done. Project milestones and deliverables are also presented to the
customer. For a successful project the following steps can be followed:
Requirement analysis involves studying the current system to find out how
it works and where improvements could be made. A clear idea about the existing system is a
must for making improvements where it is required. Proper planning and collection of data
serves the purpose. The popularity of this document is to describe all the requirements for the
popularity of the website for ‘ONLINE ID CARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM’. This
website gives all the information for a person. In our busy life, we cannot go to each
department or offices. This problem will manage this site. It will help to avoid in correction
and missing data.
CPU - 1.8 GHz or faster processor
RAM - 2GB or more
Introduction to PHP
PHP, stands for "Hypertext Preprocessor" is an extremely popular scripting
language that is used to create dynamic Web pages. Combining syntax from the C, Java
and Perl languages, PHP code is embedded within HTML pages for server-side
execution. PHP is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web
applications. A scripting language is a language that interprets scripts at runtime. Scripts
are usually embedded into other software environments.
PHP is a powerful PHP framework designed for PHP coders who are looking for a simple
and elegant toolkit to form full-featured web applications. CodeIgniter can develop projects
much faster by providing a set of libraries for commonly desired tasks, and a simple interface
and logical structure to access these libraries. It has simple installation process with minimum
configuration, and avoids PHP version conflict. It can work well with most of the shared and
dedicated hosting platforms.
PHP files can contain text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code
PHP code are executed on the server, and the result is returned to the browser as plain
PHP files have extension ".php"
PHP can generate dynamic page content
PHP can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server
PHP can collect form data
PHP can send and receive cookies
PHP can add, delete, modify data in your database
PHP can restrict users to access some pages on your website
PHP can encrypt data
PHP runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)
PHP is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc.)
PHP supports a wide range of databases
PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side
JavaScript is an object based, cross-platform, loosely typed multiuse programming
language that is used to add interactivity to the web pages. A JavaScript is a program that is
included on an HTML page. Because it is enclosed in the <SCRIPT> tag, the text of the
script doesn't appear on the user's screen, and the Web browser knows to run the JavaScript
program. The <SCRIPT> tag is most often found within the <HEAD> section of the
HTML page. Scripts that write text to the screen or that write HTML is best put in the body
section. JavaScript allows you create an active interface, giving the users feedback as they
navigate your pages. JavaScript can be used to make sure that your users enter valid
information in forms, which can save time and money. If the forms require calculations,
you can do them in JavaScript on the user's machine without needing to use a complex
server CGI.
With JavaScript, you have the ability to create custom HTML pages depending on
actions that the user takes. JavaScript controls the browser, because JavaScript has a set of
date and time features. Java script deals with commands called event handles. An action by
the user on the page triggers an event handler in your script. JavaScript is case sensitive.
Scripts can be put in either of two places on an HTML pages: between the <HEAD> and
</HEAD> tag or between the <BODY> and </BODY> tag. One of the main uses of
JavaScript is to provide feedback to people browsing your site. An alert window can be
created that pops up and gives the user the vitally important information that they need to
know about the page. Different languages versions can be have had on different scripts on
one page.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). A relational
database organizes data into one or more data tables in which data types may be related to
each other; these relations help structure the data. SQL is a language programmer use to
create, modify and extract data from the relational database, as well as control user access to
the database. In addition to relational databases and SQL, an RDBMS like MySQL works
with an operating system to implement a relational database in a computer's storage system,
manages users, allows for network access and facilitates testing database integrity and
creation of backups.
MySQL is free and open-source software under the terms of the GNU General Public
License, and is also available under a variety of proprietary licenses. MySQL has stand-alone
clients that allow users to interact directly with a MySQL database using SQL, but more often
MySQL is used with other programs to implement applications that need relational database
We create models to obtain a better understanding of the actual entity to be
built. The model focuses on what the system must do and not on how it does it. The second
and third operational analysis principles require that we build modules of function and
behavior. The written word is a wonderful vehicle for communication, but it isn't
necessarily the best way to represent the requirements for computer software. Analysis
modeling uses a combination of text and diagrammatic forms to depict requirements for
data, function, and behavior in a way that is relatively easy to understand, and more
important, straightforward to review for correctness, completeness and consistency. This
section presents resources for conventional and object-oriented analysis (OOA) methods as
well as resources for UML. Analysis modeling is an extremely robust subject.
The actors are connected by lines to the use cases that they carry out. The use
cases are placed in a rectangle but the actors are not .This rectangle is a visual remainder of
the system boundaries and that the actors are outside the system.
Providing Information
Searching Information
Deleting Information
Modifying Account
Generating ID Card
Saving Information
Printing ID Card
u n
s p a s
e a um i
s b
r ne d
s a p
n a
w t h
a M m S
o c o
m e A t
r a h n
e n i d u
d i em
a n a m d
g a s g i e
e d _ e n n
s d a t
r dd
e do
s r b
s re
Fig: ER Diagram
Design for Web apps encompasses technical and non-technical activities
that include: establishing the look and feel of the Web app, creating the aesthetic layout of the
user interface, defining the overall architectural structure, developing the content and
functionality that reside within the architecture, and planning the navigation that occurs
within the Web app.
Design allows you to create a model that can be assessed for quality and
improved before content and code are generated, tests are conducted, and end users become
involved in large numbers. Design is the place where Web app quality is established.
In general, the following design objectives must be kept in mind;
System design sits at the technical kernel of the software engineering and is applied
regardless of the software process model that is used. Beginning once software requirements
have been analyzed and specified, software design is the first technical activity that is used to
build and verify the software. Each activity (designing, coding and testing) transforms
user interface is the link between the users and the employers. A well-designed user interface
makes it very easy for users to learn software. The user interface portion of software is
responsible for all interaction with the user. Development of good user interface usually takes a
significant portion of the total system development effort. GUI can be defined as a program
interface that takes advantages of the computer’s graphic capabilities to make the program
easier to use.
one. Web application use client/server architecture. The web application resides on a server and
responds to request from multiple clients over the Internet on the client side, a browser, such as
Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, hosts the Web application. The application’s user
interface takes the form of HTML pages that are interpreted and displayed by the client’s
browser. On the server side, the Web application runs under Microsoft Internet Information
Services (IIS). IIS manages the application, passes requests from clients to the application, and
The data flow diagram (DFD) is one of the most important tools used
by system analysts. Data flow diagrams are made up of a number of symbols, which
represent system components. Most data flow modeling methods use four kinds of symbols.
These symbols are used to represent four kinds of system components. Possesses, data stores,
data flows and external entities are the components. Circles in DFD represent a process. Data
flow is represented by a thin line in DFD and square or rectangle represents external entities.
ID Card
Register User_Info
User Login
ID Card
Generator Student_Info
The coding step is a process that transforms design into a programming
language. It translates a detail design representation of software into a programming language
realization. The translation process continues when a compiler accepts source code as input
and produces machine-dependent object code as output. Quality is an important goal during
coding. The quality of source code can be improved by the use of structured coding
techniques; good coding style and readable, consistent code format. During coding, some
coding standards are to be followed. This has two purposes; reducing the chance of making it
easier for some time to modify the code later on. Coding phase affects both testing and
maintenance profoundly. The “ONLINE ID CARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” uses
PHP as the programming language for coding.
The purpose of system testing is to identify and correct errors in the candidate
system. Testing is an important element of the software quality assurance and represents the
ultimate review of specification, design and coding. The increasing visibility of the software
as a system element and the costs associated with a software failure are motivated forces for
well planned, through testing.
During testing the system is used experimentally to ensure that the software
does not fail, i.e., it will run according to the specification and in the way the user expects.
Preparation of test data plays n vital role in the system testing. Different set of test data are
generated and the system under study is tested using that data. While testing using test data
errors are again uncovered and corrected using different testing techniques.
System testing was conducted in order to detect errors and for comparing then
the final system with the requirement specification report. That is, whether the system meets
requirements. During testing the software was executed with a set of test cases and the output
of the program for the test cases was evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it
was expected to.
The turn error is used to refer the difference between the actual output of the
software and the correct output. Fault is a condition that causes the software to fail to perform
its required function. Software reliability is defined as the required function.
Software reliability is defined as the probability that the software will not
undergo failure for a specified time under specified condition. Failure is the inability of a
system or a component to perform a required function according to its specification.
Different levels of testing were employed for software to make an error free, fault free and
reliable. Basically, in software testing four type of testing methods are adopted.
content building. These are common accepted standards like mentioned above about
annoying colors, fonts, frames, etc. Content should be meaningful. All the anchor text links
should be working properly. Images should be placed properly with proper sizes. These are
some basic standards that are followed in “ONLINE ID CARD MANAGEMENT
instead of just directly testing the method in question. While testing at the component level
you would have the application open and the document displayed but you would be testing
the method and evaluating its result.(without taking into account the shortcut or what get
displayed on the application afterwards). In “ONLINE ID CARD MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM”, the system consists of several modules. All modules are tested and were found to
be working properly.
Test cases
Software Tool : PHP
Test objective : To check whether the entered User name and Password are valid or invalid.
Test data : User name = admin and password = admin
Step Steps Data Expected results Actual
no: results
1 Enter User name and User name = Should display warning Login
press LOGIN Button admin message box "Please Enter failed
2 Enter Password and Password = Should display warning Login
press LOGIN Button admin message box "Please Enter failed
User name “
3 Enter User name and User = admin Should display warning Login
Password and press and Password = message box "Invalid User failed
LOGIN Button XYZ name or Password"
4 Enter User name and User = XYZ and Should display warning Login
Password and press Password = message box "Invalid User failed
LOGIN Button admin name or Password"
5 Enter User name and User = xyz and Should display warning Login
Password and press Password = xyz message box "Invalid User failed
LOGIN Button name or Password"
6 Enter User name and User = “ ” and Should display warning Login
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<title>ECARD LOGIN</title>
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color: green;
margin-top: 20px;
transform: rotate(360deg);
animation: rotateYs 1s
@keyframes rotateYs {
0% {
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100% {
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<h3 class="text-white-50" style="font:small-caps bolder 35px
Constantia, 'Lucida Bright', 'DejaVu Serif', Georgia,
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<div id="Main">
<div id="Divregister" class="container-fluid"
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 col-xl-
<h2 class="font-weight-bold"
<h6 style="font:normal 17px 'Gill Sans', 'Gill
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'sans-serif';" id="h6">Dont have an account? Register one!</h6>
<div class="container">
<button class="btn btn-block"
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<div id="Divregarr" align="center">
<div id="regHead" style="background-
<h3 style="color:rgba(0,0,0,0.7);font-
weight:bold;margin-top:-18px;">Register Here</h3>
<form id="form-register">
<div class="container">
<div class="row container">
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6 col-
<div class="md-form input-with-post-
document.getElementById("displayPassword").innerHTML = "Incorrect
security answer";
};"POST", "Main.php");
Request.send("username=" + uname + "&password=" +
answer + "&typeData=showAnswer&name=null&qstn=null&answer=null");
$("#forgotmodal").on('', function(e) {
$("#displayPasswordDiv").css("display", "none");
document.getElementById('qstn').value = "Security
document.getElementById('answer').value = "Type your
$("#regmemb").click(function() {
var fname, lname, uname, pswd, cpswd, scqstn,
fname = document.getElementById('fname').value;
lname = document.getElementById('lname').value;
uname = document.getElementById('uname').value;
pswd = document.getElementById('pswd').value;
cpswd = document.getElementById('cpswd').value;
scqstn = document.getElementById('scqstn').value;
scanswer =
if (fname != "" || lname != "" || uname != "") {
fname = fname + " " + lname;
if (pswd.length >= 8) {
if (pswd == cpswd) {
if (scqstn != "" || scanswer != "") {
Request.onload = function() {
var responseData =
responseData =
if (responseData[0] != "error")
("#cpSuccess").removeClass('fas fa-times fa-4x');
("#cpSuccess").addClass('fas fa-check fa-4x');
("#divhead2").css("background-color", "green");
};"POST", "Main.php");
type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
Request.send("username=" + uname +
"&password=" + pswd + "&typeData=register&name=" + fname + "&qstn="
+ scqstn + "&answer=" + scanswer);
if (pswd.length < 8 && pswd != "" || pswd != cpswd)
$("#passwordError").css("display", "block");
$("#closeBtnSuccess").click(function() {
document.getElementById('fname').value = "";
document.getElementById('lname').value = "";
document.getElementById('uname').value = "";
document.getElementById('pswd').value = "";
document.getElementById('cpswd').value = "";
document.getElementById('scqstn').value = "";
document.getElementById('scanswer').value = "";
$("#form-register").submit(function(e) {
var url=window.location.href;
}else if(url[1]=='nouser'){
such user found";
Online ID-card management system report in php. In the conclusion we can say that it will be
very effective and user friendly to use. Even it will be very low cost to maintain the system
even to print the card too. The system will provide an error free user interface so that all the
manual error has been taken care.
One such project will see that no one gets more than one ID card. The user
interface must be simple and easy to understand. This will be a useful project for the
enterprises and the institutions which will reduce their work. Our project provides all kinds of
facilities as required. The ID card will provide all the information of the person correctly as
Login Page
Register Page
Admin Page
Student Details
Generated ID Card – 1
Generated ID Card – 2
Books References:
PHP: The Complete Reference, Steven Holzner, McGraw Hill Professional, 2008
Web References: