Technology For Teaching and Learning 2
Technology For Teaching and Learning 2
Technology For Teaching and Learning 2
Catubig N. Samar
Module in
Subject lnstructor
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. D
13. A
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. D
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. A
26. C
27. A
28. B
29. A
30. D
31. C
32. D
33. D
34. A
35. C
36. D
37. D
38. A
39. B
40. B
41. A
42. D
43. A
44. B
45. C
Learning Task 1
Domain 3: Pedagogy
What are the ICT standards for teaching and Teacher Student
learning in the Philippine pre-service
1. Technology 1. Creativity and
operation and innovation
2. Communication
2. Planning and and collaboration
designing learning
3. Research and
environment and
information fluency
4. Critical thinking,
3. Teaching and
problem solving and
learning curriculum decision making
Give reasons for choosing picture A. Answer: The particular reason for choosing
picture A is that other student who live in far
brgy. and those who belong to low income
family cannot afford to buy those gadgets and
they have poor internet connection, so we
need also to considered those students and to
use the traditional teaching style.
Give reasons for choosing picture B. Answer: The particular reason for choosing
picture B is that, 21st century learners uses
technology in different aspects of our life,
especially students are already attached to
what technology can provide, and teachers
already know how to use this new
Learning Task 2
Domain 2 Use ICT tools to develop 21st Evaluate digutal and non-
century skills: information digital resources in response
media in Technology skils, to students diverse needs
learning and enovation skills,
career skill and effective
communication skills.
Learning Task 3
From the number 1,3,4,5,7 and 10 there are 10 Yes from my respondents while number 2 and
6 has 5 Yes and 5 No and number has 6 Yes and 4 No and lastly number got 1 Yes and 9 No.
Out of 100% , Yes answers are 77% while no answers are just 23%.
The items has more Yes than No answers are 1,3,4,5,7,8 and 10.
Rank the items with more YES and rank the items with more NO.
Yes No
1.1,3,4,5,7 and 10 9
3. 2 and 6 8
4. 9
What meaning can you derive from the results?
It's actively means that , teachers now a days integrate or uses technology or ICT as one of their
teaching tools. They already embracing technology as part of the education system and as new
educational tools or equipment. Through this technology school works and activities perform
easily and become more productive, but there are some cases that can affect student
performance due to lack of knowledge by using it. Especially in far brgy. some of the student
are not literate by using computers. So that teachers uses both traditional teaching style and
uses technology for teaching.
Lesson 2
Learning Task 1
The drawbacks of bringing We all know that using Now a day's Technology is
technology in classroom technology in the classroom considered as very important
plays an important role and tool for us to survive in this
gives an impact in every current era, especially as a
students. But seeing the other student it has a big impact in
side, using technology in the my study along the lines of;
classroom has its drawbacks. easily getting an information,
For instance , during class gain new knowledge, and save
hour, some students are using a lot of time. Students allow
their mobile phones which are to actively think about the
not related in their lesson. information/criticize
information, making choices,
and executing skills by using
technology tools. We are
done talking some of the
advantages of the technology,
but it's undeniable that it has
also a negative effect in our
life and as a student. Student
sometimes overuse
technology in the classroom
which obviously affects the
learning process in a negative
way along the lines of
plagiarism, depends of what
technology can provide, and
cheating have increase while
analysis and critical thinking
have declined, this puts
new/young generation
thinking abilities in jeopardy.
Lesson 3
Task 1
As a 21st century learner, technology has been so essential and important when it comes to my
study, using this new technology it helps me to finish my school activities as easy and as fast
possible, through this technology I can easily get information/easily access in just a single click
of my fingers almost all the information I need.
By using laptop, computer and mobile phone my homeworks, projects and activities, print it out
and done ! Less hassle and I can save a lot of time. To sum up everything that has been stated
so far about how technology influence my life as a learner it has a big impact in my study and
performance as a 21st century learner.
Task 2
How are you going to use technology when you will become a Teacher
As a future educator I will use technology in every activities that should be done in the
classroom because now a days a 21st teacher should adopt and learn how to use technology in
their discussion so that the students learn effectively.
Look for articles in the world wide web that tells about the roles of Technology in teaching and
Name of Link
Lesson 1
Issue All About ICT are changing the way people interact with
each other. Today, every physical device have
can have the capability to connect to the
internet to send and receive data. Internet
connected cameras, home automation
systems, connected cars are all examples of
interconnected internet of things. It can bring
benefits to users in term of monitoring and
intelligent capabilities, however, these devices
collect, transmit, store and have potential to
share vast amount of personal and individual
data that encroach private spaces and can be
vulnerable to security breaches. This paper
explaining how these open issues, if
unresolved can lead to another wave of digital
division and descrimination in the use of IoT.
Tittle of the Article Open data privacy and security policy issues
and it's influence on embracing the internet of
Lesson 2
Task 1
* 1 speaker * 1 speaker
What are the policies, * Foods are not Not allowed to bring * Foods are not
guilines and rules in allowed food in the laboratory allowed
the use of facility? * No liquid on the *Always quite * Keep quiet
* Turn of the
* Keep quiet computers after
* Turn of the desktop
after using * Save your files
What are the e-safety * No not visit *Always save your * Always save your
rules that need to be unauthorized website documents files
followed by the user?
* Always save your * Unauthorized * Do not used
files/documents website are not unauthorized
allowed to visit website
Answer: Answer:
Ict manager, Teacher, and Students has the -NONE(All their answers are the same.)
same answer that they have Ict Facility in their
school. Like; computers, tablets, projector,
printer, and speaker. Teachers(teaching and
non-teaching stuff), and students are allowed
to use the Ict Facility. Foods are not allowed
inside, No liquid/beverages on top of the
table, Keep quiet or to sum up everything that
has been stated so far we should follow the
ICT lab routinary and rules and regulation,
these arr the policies and guidelines and rules
in the use of facility. And in the e-safety rules
that need to be followed by the users are;
always save your document/files and do not
visit unauthorized websites.
Wall Display
Task 2
Construct an essay illustrating "Non-digital instructional materials are still relevant in 21st
century teaching and learning.
I total agree that for effective learning and teaching, it is very important to combine materials
from the past and those of the digital. My observation is that some of the digital materials have
no flexibility while the non-digital can be program according to the need at that time. The
contrast with the digital may need time and cost to adjust to your need at an immediate time. It
is also dangerous to throw away non-digital ones because of the new ones. As indicated non-
digital have advantage to manipulate at your time without cost.the process and cons on both
Task 3
Nature Table
Writing Board
Flip Chart
Zigzag Board
Wall Display
Lesson 2
Task 1
Before leaving the classroom, students scan the LEAVING QR code and complete the Google
Form. This documents the date, time, and their reason for leaving class as well as their
destination. Whenever they return, they scan the RETURNING QR code and complete the
Google Form.
Task 3
The use of QR code is that, it’s easy to give students web addresses and allows them to be
more independent. I’m all about automating and releasing responsibility to my students as
much as possible. I want to be the facilitator of learning, but not the one who tells them all the
QR Codes reduce student frustration of typing in a web address. In know we can use a link
shortener to create shorter links, but even those are difficult for a seven-year-old to type in
accurately. With a QR Code, I can save time (no typing) and students get it right the first time.
There’s no chance that students will mistype the web address.
Task 4
"Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers is
Although technology is helping a lot in the learning environment, it has not completely taken
over the role of a teacher. Technology is merely an augmentation to a teacher. It can help the
process of learning, but it certainly cannot replace the role of the teacher and when technology
is in the hands of a great teachers I'm sure every students will learned more effectively and
more efficiently.
Task 4
Find out the wonders of e portfolio for teaching and learning process.
E portfolio has been used to facilitate, document, and archive student learning by having
students replect on what they learned, how they learned it, and how much they learned, they
start to take control of their own learning.
Search a feature of e portfolio applicable for learners in education
Lesson 4
Gather data from millennials by asking 10 respondents on how they want to learn
* By reading textbook
What have you realize after getting information about how the millennials learn better!
Four(4) of my respondents say's that they learn by surfing the internet, and also four(4) says
that they learned by listening to the teacher, and two(2) of my respondents say's that they
learned by taking down notes. This actively means that we have different learning style,
strength, and intellegence. For me it's a collaborative way of learning that since technology is
presence they use it for a purpose but still the traditional way will not be forgotten.
As a pre service teacher, what actions will you take as you prepare yourself to handle this type
of learners?
As a future teacher there are process/steps that I consider in preparation to this type of
learners, I started of course from practicing first how should I be efficient teacher, from
practicing the strategies that i will be using in order to teach will my future student, then when
it comes to technology I prepare my self by starting to know and practice how this new
technology can be used inside a classroom, I practice not just to know or be familiar with that
certain gadget but to be literate enough and to be expert in using those new technology, for
one day that I have my own learners I will cope up the changes and be more effective so that I
can be able to handle this types of learners.
How will you handle your lessons in order that you will make learners become engaged and
effectively take accountability of their own learning?
As a teacher you should first learn your student profile before having a discussion so that you
will know what are the possible strategies you can use for them to learn and engaged in your
discussion. And in order for your student to learn on how they will become accountable for
their own learning you as their teacher will not spoon feed them with all the thing or
information about your lesson, for me, it is important to give your student some task to do or
let them find answers to their question on their own, because for me in a discussion it is more
engaging when a teacher serve us facilitator only and you as a teacher will just reinforce to
what they already know or learn on their own especially when you are teaching high school or
Ms. Sheena could integrate technology in her lesson and enable her class listen to that
person through video record or social media. 21st century learners are already attached of
what technology can provide and teachers know how to use it.
Lesson 5
Signing up in
pertinent sites having
experts and
authorities in the
discipline to be
updated with the
information they can
Using materials in
variety of online
forum, blogs or vlogs
or web pages while
observing netiquette.
Using multimedia to
capture the
information or
Communicating with
others through online
modality. /
Task 2
What have you realize after taking the Digital Literacy Skills?
After taking the Digital Literacy skills test i realize that i 'am not totally literate interms of using
technology and it will leads me to become irresponsible, so that I need to practice and
enhanced my skill by using the digital/technology.
Based in the result of your Digital Literacy Skills-Self Inventory, in which following areas do you
found yourself least confident? (Incircle your answer)
B. Locating information
C. Using information
D. Creating information
For me, I should enhance, read, and search more information about the digital practices, so that
I will learned/know how to manipulate or use those technology, and to have more confident
and I would not be worrying anymore about it.
I learned a lot of new knowledge in this module. Technology today is all pervasive - entwined in
almost every part of our surrounding. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly
learn. With technology becoming an increasing requirement accross every industry today, it
seems only logical for schools also to effectively deploybtechnology in the classroom.