Content-Module in TTL2
Content-Module in TTL2
Content-Module in TTL2
Teaching has always been a challenging profession since knowledge has been
expanding and essential skills have been increasing and changing. With these challenges,
teachers need to engage educational technologies to assist them in the teaching-learning
process. Engaging educational technologies in teaching are founded on principles and
philosophies. Understanding these will help you successfully integrate technologies to allow
your students to demonstrate the intended learning outcomes of your field of specialization.
Let’s Do It!
Ponder on your background, educational experiences, and prior
knowledge and skills on how information, communication, and
technologies (ICTs) were successfully used by your teachers in the
lower level. Recall the ICT tools that were used by your teachers in your
language class, Filipino or English, and describe how these were used
to help you understand your lessons. Write at least five lessons vis-à-
vis the ICT tools and a short description of how these were used.
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
Let’s Talk About It
Integrating Technology in Instruction
Various educators and researchers provided the following concepts and principles
about integrating technology in instruction:
On the other hand, integrating technology into curricula can mean different
things: 1.) computer science courses, computer assisted instruction, and/or
computer enhanced or enriched instruction, 2.) matching software with basic skills
competencies, and 3.) keyboarding with word processing followed up with
presentation tools.
6. UNESCO (2005)
ICT integration is not merely mastering the hardware and software skills.
Teachers need to realize how to organize the classroom to structure the learning
tasks so that ICT resources become automatic and natural response to the
requirements for learning environments in the same way as teachers use markers
and whiteboards in the classroom.
a. Acquisition
b. Discovery
c. Dialogue
d. Practice
e. Creation
Vis- a-vis the five events are specific teaching strategies, learning actions or
experiences, related media form, examples of non-computer-based activity, and
examples of computer-based activity.
audio clips,
Discovery Create or Investigating, Interactive: Libraries CD based,
set up or Exploring, Non-linear Galleries DVD or Web
find out or Browsing, presentational, Museums resources
guide Searching searchable, including
through filterable etc. hypertext,
discovery but no feedback enhanced
spaces and hypermedia,
resources multimedia
Dialogue Set up, Discussing, Communicative: Seminar, Email,
Frame, Collaborating, Conversation tutorials, discussion,
Moderate, Reflecting, with other conferences forums, blogs
Lead, Arguing, students,
Facilitate Analyzing, lecturer or self
discussions Sharing
Practice Model Experimenting Adaptive: Laboratory, Drill and
, Feedback, field trip, Practice,
Practicing Learner control simulation, tutorial
role play programs,
Creation Facilitating Articulating, Productive: Essay, Simple
Experimenting Learner Control Object, existing tools,
Making, Animation as well as
Synthesizing model especially
Teaching and Learning Events and Associated Media Forms
(Czerniewicz & Brown (2005) adapted from Laurillard (2002)
Interaction with
Interaction with
refers to the language teaching strategies or techniques that language teachers use to
deliver their lessons and to allow their learners to demonstrate the curricular language
competencies, The pedagogical element in language learning is very important as it
primarily reflects the art of teaching a teacher will employ in the learning process.
The pedagogical design a language teacher will use needs to include proper
selection of appropriate content and language learning activities. In the design, the
teacher needs to look into how the available technological resources will help provide
scaffolds that that will assist their language learners during the learning processes.
Language teachers need to note that in developing learning plans that embed the
pedagogical design, it is crucial to look into the learning environment and ensure that
this environment will provide help to fulfil the needs and objectives of the language
class with learners of diverse experiences and backgrounds. The learning plans should
also involve the appropriate use of learning resources and activities that support
learners’ learning and allow teachers to facilitate learning.
Social interaction activities as one element in the framework are crucial in language
learning. With social interaction, learners will naturally acquire a language and develop
language knowledge and skills that are important for them to live and work in various
communities. In the various learning events, the language teacher may use computers
which may allow the learners to interact and demonstrate the language skills and
competencies required from them. The Teachers and the learners may use computers
to connect and learn through the computers that are now connected world-wide. With
the advent of computer- mediated communication (CMC), planned social interaction
activities that aim to enhance language learning becomes more convenient and flexible.
Language learners may maximize computers individually but they may also
collaboratively use them with other learners. As noted by Uribe, Klein, & Sullivan
(2003), computer-supported collaborative learning has shown positive effects on
students’ performance.
To engage the learners in the teaching-learning process fully and meaningfully, the
social design of ICT-based learning environment needs to deliver a secure and
comfortable space. This will allow the learners to willingly share their thoughts and
ideas to facilitate communication among them.
The third element of the framework is the technological component that generally
uses computers to support various learning activities. Through the use of computers,
various teaching modes may happen. Interaction does not solely happen in a face- to-
face environment. It may also happen online. In order for any online interaction
activities in a language classroom to be effective, there is a need to consider the
availability of the facilities they require and ease of access. The human-computer
interface design is also critical because this will define the utility of the technology-
based learning environment. It must be noted that in language learning, the ease of
learning in the interface design is essential. It needs to motivate the learners to fully
There is a lot of researches that will prove that the integration of ICTs can fully
transform classroom instruction. Haddad in 2003 states that the teachers’ use of ICT
supports the development of higher-order – thinking skills (HOTS) and promotes
collaboration. This is the reason why trainings in ICT pedagogy- integration are
Core Technology
Complementary Technology
Having a society that is increasingly based on information and knowledge and with
the ubiquity of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for instruction,
UNESCO was able to develop ICT Competence Framework for Teachers (UNESCO,
Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Education for All (EFA), the UN Literacy
Decade (UNLD), and the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD).
As shown by the framework, the teachers have six aspects of work: understanding ICT
in education, curriculum and assessment, pedagogy, application of digital skills,
organization and administration, and teacher professional learning. Across the six
aspects of work are the three approaches to teaching based on human capacity
development-knowledge acquisition, knowledge deepening, and knowledge creation.
The framework also specifically aims to equip teachers to be able to do their roles
achieving the following societal goals:
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) through its Policies, Standards, and
guidelines (PSGs) requires the integration of ICTs in language teaching and learning.
Hence, the ICT Competency Framework for Teachers is very useful to support the
standards as they will serve as a guide to assist the teachers to successfully integrate
ICT into the language classroom. Through the framework, the language teachers may
structure their learning environment in new ways, merge new technology and
pedagogy, develop socially active classrooms, and encourage co-operative
interactions, collaborative learning and group work.
Learning Plan 1
Reporter’s Notebook
Content Standard
Performance Standard
Learning Competencies
Unit Summary:
In this unit, the students will act like junior reporters as they learn the proper use of
logical connectors, active and passive voices, past and perfect tenses, as well as direct
and reported speech in journalistic writing. The teacher will utilize interactive
PowerPoint Presentations, sample printed and online articles as well as related web
pages and videos in explaining the grammatical structure and journalistic content of
news, opinion, and feature stories. Based on the discussed concepts, the students will
create their own journalistic articles. The students will then collaborate and make a
newspaper spread through MS Publisher. They will be evaluated by their group
members, by other groups and by the teacher. This will be the students’ final output for
English in the 4th quarter. It will be assessed using journalistic standards for content and
organization and related grammar rules. Ultimately, students will appreciate the role of
journalism in keeping the society informed and in forwarding significant changes.
Week 1
Day 1:
a. Recognize the basic concepts of journalism and news, opinion, and feature
b. Describe the personal significance of reading news, opinion and feature articles
to their daily life by making a creative output (poem, essay, or poster); and
c. Determine, through enumeration, the distinct qualities of the given samples of
news, opinion, and feature articles.
Day 2:
Day 3:
Through an interactive discussion about the past and the perfect tenses, the students
will be able to:
a. Identify how to apply past and past perfect tenses in making a clear and
meaningful sentence;
b. Discuss the functions of past and past perfect tenses in writing a journalistic
article by a brainstorming session; and
c. Conform to the rules of past and past perfect tenses in rewriting sentences from
news, opinion or feature articles.
Day 4:
a. Discern the use of active and passive voices in making clear and meaningful
b. Differentiate the function of active and passive voices through a creative
dialogue; and
c. Revise sentences according to the rules of active and passive voice in
journalistic writing.
Day 5:
Through an interactive discussion about direct and reported speech, the students will
be able to:
a. Determine the proper use of direct and reported speech in writing clear and
meaningful sentences;
b. Explain the difference between direct and reported speech as used in
journalistic articles through a graded recitation; and
c. Covert direct speech to indirect speech and vice versa through a writing activity.
Week 2
Day 6:
a. Determine the proper use of logical connectors in writing clear and meaningful
b. Explain the different uses of each logical connector as used in journalistic
articles through a graded recitation; and
c. Match the clauses with the correct logical connectors through an interactive
classroom activity.
Day 7:
By outlining the basic structure of a news article using a PowerPoint presentation, the
students will be able to:
a. Distinguish the steps in writing a primary lead, secondary lead, and background
in a news article;
b. Discuss with others after reviewing online news article to identify the qualities of
a good news lead and background; and
c. Create a news story about a significant current event using a variety of print and
non-print resources.
Day 8:
Through watching videos detailing the basics of opinion and feature writing articles, the
students will be able to:
a. Identify the essential content and basic structure of opinion and feature articles;
b. Illustrate how feature and opinion articles help forward changes in society
through a creative output (poem or comic strip); and
c. Review the content and structure of sample opinion and feature articles.
Day 9:
By choosing a video about the pros and cons of an issue posted on a relevant YouTube
channel, the students will be able to:
Day 10:
By browsing web pages that post “human interest” writing (e.g. Humans of New York),
the students will be able to:
a. Point out different angles of human interest that are essential to feature writing;
b. Share their favorite anecdotes from the web pages that they browsed and
explain why they chose them; and
c. Use human interest angle to write a feature article about a person inside the
classroom that they find interesting.
Day 11:
By compiling their individual outputs (news, opinion, feature articles), the students will
be able to:
Day 12:
After collaborating with others in creating and showcasing a news spread that contains
their news, opinion and feature articles, the students will be able to:
a. Apply the comments from other groups that are helpful in improving the
journalistic content and grammatical structure of their group’s news spread;
b. Share relevant insights with their group members in objectively evaluating the
Daily Procedures
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7-8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Identify and describe the common parts of the learning plan you have read. Write your
observations below:
1. Teachers also work as curricularist. As a curricularist, how do you intend to make your
ICT integration more responsive and relevant?
2. What is unique with ICT integration in language teaching that must be thoroughly
considered when developing a learning plan?
Inquiry, in its simplest definition, is a process of asking questions. This has spurred the
enumerable developments that we continue to enjoy in our society today. It continues to usher
the study of so many fields that enable various scientists and experts to provide solutions to
emerging issues affecting the society in general. In the classroom, in particular, the process of
inquiry is a basic learning activity that every teacher is expected to facilitate. The development
of the ability to ask among learners is basic in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
According to the future of Jobs Report during the World Economic Forum, the top three of the
ten skills needed in this age are complex problem solving, critical thinking and creativity (Gray,
2016) which all start from the process of asking.
Let’s Do It!
1. To be able to attain the above stated lesson objectives, do the following exercises step-
by- step:
Familiarize yourself with the concept of KWL chart. Analyze the contents of the charts and
think of how you can use this chart in facilitating your language lessons.
Language Topic:
Big Question:
What I know What I want to Know What I learned
Since inquiry –based learning usually starts with essential or big questions that elicit varied
answers from respondents, think of a question that you would like to ask your students relevant
to a specific lesson in your language class. Some example questions may be:
a. Why do we need to learn how to listen?
b. Why is there a need to be engaged in public speaking?
c. How do the children with special learning needs to communicate?
d. How do we know the language struggles and stories of the people of long ago?
What is one main characteristic of a young children that helps them to know about the
world they live in?
Eliciting from you collective lived experiences as group mates, provide an answer to the
big question you identified. Record your answers through filling in the first column of the KWL
Chart. As you do the activity, writing and speaking skills can be observed to be demonstrated
by each member.
This activity can be done at any level in your language classes in the future. You need to
allow some students like in the pre- school level to draw their answers in the chart if they
cannot write their answers in verbal form.
To allow you to freely explore about what is in store in the world around you, fill-in the
second column of the KWL chart. By answering the second column, you will be able to think of
other possible information that is beyond the knowledge that you have about the big question.
This activity contributes to the development of inquisitiveness of students.
To be able to learn better about the topic and big question, get on searching for an
answer to the questions from reliable sources. Sources may refer to your language teachers or
from the library resources (digital or printed). Conduct interview with some teachers or other
human resources who may give an answer to the question or get information from your library
resources. Record your interview data or literature review data.
Finally, organize the results of your gathered data and write your answer in Column 3 of
your KWL chart.
The process of inquiry starts from positing a question aligned to a content standard in
the K to 12 curriculums for English. Investigation proceeds using various sources of information
and presentation of outputs of the students using a productivity tool. Depending on the required
output, the assessment tool that will be used should be given to the students before the inquiry
When to Use
Chisholm and Godley (2011) purport that inquiry- based instruction (IBI) offers an
especially appropriate approach to learning about language variation, identity, and power since
IBI can provide students with opportunities to learn about current issues in sociolinguistics
through sharing and debating on personal experience with language from multiple
Types of Inquiry
VIU (2020) presented four types of inquiry that can be used in facilitating classes.
These are:
1. Structured Inquiry- This lets students follow the lead of the teacher as the entire class
engages in one inquiry.
2. Controlled Inquiry- the Teacher chooses topics and identifies the resources that the
students will use to answer questions.
3. Guided Inquiry- the Teacher chooses topics or questions and students design the
product or solution.
4. Free Inquiry- Students are allowed to choose their own topics without any reference to
a prescribed outcome.
The success of IBL largely depends on the careful planning of the teacher in relation to
the curriculum. The language teacher needs to look into the learning competencies that can be
satisfied by a simple inquiry or more complex inquiry. He/she controls and prepares the topic
for investigation and guides the learners by setting the questions to be explored. Learners are
allowed to design their own way of investigation and present their outputs using technology
tools that are afforded to them. When technology is coupled with IBL, a gateway to information
is opened and students can have access to information at anytime and anywhere. It is
assumed that the Teacher is knowledgeable of the sources of information and whether the
learners have access to these sources.
When designing an IBL, the teacher has to consider the following fields proposed by
Avsec and Kocijncic (2016)
Role of Technology
The internet or the World wide Web offers lots of platforms for mining information. It has
become the most sought out source of information because of the variety of tools that abound.
Language is no longer a barrier in one’s search for information. Depending on the unit of study
in a language curriculum, there are many free educational websites that are available for
language teachers and learners. Due to the vastness of sources of information from the WWW,
any language teacher who is using IBL has the responsibility to direct learners to websites that
provide the proper information. The technology tools that are made available for the learners,
whether online or offline, should support the object of inquiry which is aligned to the learning
competencies in the K to 12 Language Curriculum.
It should be noted that the use of Technology in IBL is just one of the many other
sources of information in the process of inquiry. This does not exclude the other resources,
human and non-human, in gathering information. However, learners are undeniably familiar
and probably more adept in exploring the internet. Guiding them in locating online resources
that are relevant in developing their research and communication skills will let them learn the
importance of using educational resources in an explicit and implicit way.
Find learning competencies in the chosen Curriculum Guide that are suited for IBL.
Determine the type of inquiry that you will be using.
Note them down on the table provided.
Grade Level:
Language Learning Competencies Type of Inquiry
Grade Level:
Language Learning Competencies Core Questions