Processo - Fast Orodispersible Tablets of Naratript
Processo - Fast Orodispersible Tablets of Naratript
Processo - Fast Orodispersible Tablets of Naratript
Formulation development and optimization of fast orodispersible tablets of
naratriptan hydrochloride by using factorial design
N.A. Oza1*, A.R. Sahu1, S.N. Tripathi2, P.U. Patel3, L.D. Patel4, A. Ramkishan5
Assistant Professor, 2PG Student, 4Director and Professor, C.U. Shah College of Pharmacy and Research, Wadhwancity, Surendranagar.
Professor and Head, S.K. Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kherva, Gujarat.
Depyuty Drug Controller, Central Drug Standard Control Organization, New Delhi.
BACKGROUND: The present research was to develop oral fast disintegrating tablets of naratriptan hydrochloride.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tablets containing naratriptan hydrochloride, sodium starch glycolate (SSG),
croscarmellose sodium (CCS) and kyron-T314 were prepared by direct compression technique. Among three super
disintegrating agents, croscarmellose sodium was found to have better fast disintegrating properties and higher
dissolution efficiency. A 32 full factorial design was employed to investigate the influence of two formulation
variables: amount of croscarmellose sodium and kyron-T314. The tablets were evaluated for friability and
disintegration time. RESULTS: The results of multiple linear regression analysis revealed that for obtaining a
rapidly disintegrating dosage form, tablets should be prepared using an optimum ratio of croscarmellose sodium and
kyron-T314. Contour plots were also presented to graphically represent the effect of the independent variables on
the disintegration time and percent friability. CONCLUSION: A checkpoint batch was prepared to prove that
validity of the evolved mathematical model. There was no difference observed in release profile and drug content
after accelerated stability study for 1 month.
Keywords: Contour plot, Croscarmellose sodium, Factorial design, Naratriptan Hydrochloride tablets,
Orodispersible tablets
Oral route of drug administration is the most Naratriptan hydrochloride is approved for acute oral
appealing route for the drug delivery. Among the migraine therapy. The drug is a selective agonist of
various dosage forms tablet is one of the most 5-hydroxytryptamine1 (5-HT1) receptors, so it used
preferred dosage form because of its ease of in treatment of migraine attack and as well as in
manufacturing, convenience in administration,
accurate dosing, stability compared with other forms nausea, vomiting and headache. Naratriptan
etc. The bioavailability of a drug is dependent on hydrochloride half life is 5 to 6 hrs. Hence, it is most
disintegration, dissolution, and various physiological suitable for manufacture of ODT because of its
factors. In the recent yrs, scientists have focused longer half life. In the Phase III trials of naratriptan
their attention on the formulation of quickly hydrochloride compared with placebo, the relief at
disintegrating tablets and orodispersible tablets four hours was obtained in 60% and 68% of patients
(ODTs). Food and Drug Administration of United using the 2.5 mg dose, with recurrence of headache
States defined ODT as: “A solid dosage form in 24 hours in 27% and 28% of patients3,4,5. The aim
containing medicinal substance or active ingredient of present study was to develop fast disintegrating
which disintegrates rapidly usually within a second
when placed upon the tongue”. The disintegration tablet of naratriptan with possible advantages like,
time for ODTs generally ranges from several quick onset of action due to rapid dissolution and
seconds to about a minute1,2. Orally disintegrating enhanced rapid absorption. Sodium starch glycolate
tablets are formulated by employing many processes, (SSG), croscarmellose sodium (CCS) and kyron-
which differ in their methodology and the ODTs T314 were screened in the present study, and the
may vary in various properties such as, mechanical best one was used for further studies. Another
strength of tablets, taste and mouth feel, swallow approach used in developing ODT was to maximize
ability, drug dissolution in saliva, bioavailability and the pore structure of the tablets. The direct
stability. The task of developing rapidly compression technique was adopted for formulating
disintegrating tablets is accomplished by using a
suitable diluent and superdisintegrant. the ODT of naratriptan hydrochloride. A 32 full
factorial design was applied in optimization of the
*Corresponding Author
oral disintegrating tablets of naratriptan
Mr. Nishant A. Oza (Assistant Professor)
hydrochloride. The concentration of
Department of Pharmaceutics,
superdisintegrants CCS or kyron-T314 was taken as
C.U. Shah College of Pharmacy and Research,
an independent variable. The dependent variables
Wadhwancity, Surendranagar (Gujarat-India)
were friability and disintegration time to find out the
effect of independent variables on dependent test was performed using a dissolution test apparatus
variables6,7. (USP TDT 06 PL, Electrolab, Mumbai) with a
MATERIALS AND METHODS paddle rotation at 50 rpm. After placing a tablet
Materials: Naratriptan hydrochloride, sodium starch containing 2.5 mg of naratriptan in 6.8 pH buffer
glycolate (SSG), croscarmellose sodium (CCS), solution, the 5 ml solution was withdrawn and
polacrellin potassium (kyron-T314), talc, citric acid, filtered through a watmen filter of 0.2 mm pore size
mannitol, avicell pH 102, manitol megnesium at different intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30 min
stearet, sodium steryfumret were obtained as and diluted suitably using 6.8 pH buffer solution and
generous gift from West Coast Pharmaceuticals Ltd., analyzed at 224 nm for cumulative drug release
Ahmedabad, Gujarat. (India). List of Equipments: using (UV-2450, Shimadzu Corp., Japan) spectro
Digital weighing balance (Contact Equipments Pvt. photometer13. Accelerated Stability Study: Stability
Ltd), UV Spectrophotometer {UV (USP)–1700, M/s study of batch F5 was carried out at 400C in a
Shimadzu}, Dissolution test apparatus (Electrolab- humidity chamber having 75% RH. Samples were
TDT-08L), FTIR apparatus (M/s Shimadzu), pH withdrawn at regular intervals during the study of 60
meter (Lab India), Tray Dryer (EIE-103, EIE days. Formulation is evaluated for change in in-vitro
Instrument Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad, India), Rotary drug release, hardness and disintegration time14,15,16.
Tablet Compression Machine LAB-Press 8 station; RESULTS
(Hardik Engineering Works, Ahmedabad, India.) Table 1: Formulation of batches T1 –T11 for
Hardness Tester (Monsanto Hardness Tester), Bulk Optimizing Super disintegrating agent
Density measuring apparatus (EIE-Instrument), Ingredie Batch
Stability Chamber (Thermo Lab), Roche Friabilator nts (mg) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11
(EIE- Instrument). Preparation of Orodispersible Naratrip
Tablets: Each ingredient was passed through #60 tan
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
mesh sieve separately. The drug and the diluents hydrchl
were mixed in small portion and blended to get SSG 3 4.5 6 7.5 - - - - - - -
uniform mixture. The remaining ingredients were CCS - - - - 3 4.5 6 - - - -
weighed and mixed in geometrical order. The tablets Kyron
- - - - - - - 3 4.5 6 7.5
were prepared by direct compression technique8,9. Avicel
Optimization of Super Disintegrating Agent: Oral 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
fast disintegrating tablets were prepared by direct Manitol 45.5 44 43 41 45.5 44 42.5 45.5 44 42.5 42
compression. Croscamellose sodium, sodium starch SSF 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25
Talc 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
glycolate and kyron-T314 were used in varying D.M
concentration as shown in Table-1. Batch (T1 to T4) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
contained 2, 3, 4 and 5% of sodium starch glycolate, Citric
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
respectively. Batch (T5 to T7) contained 2, 3 and 4% Final
croscamellose sodium, respectively and batch (T8 to 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
T11) contained 2,3,4, and 5% kyron-T314, Table 2: FTIR Drug-excipient compatibility data
respectively10,11. Drug Excipient Compatibility Individua Mixture
Drug / Function
Study: Drug- excipient interaction plays a vital role l Peak Peak Inference
Excipiets al group
( cm-1) (cm-1)
in the release of drug from formulation. Fourier 2⁰ Amine
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has been 3450 3447 No Change
Hydrochloride R2-NH
used to study the physical and chemical interactions Sodium starch Carboxyl
1242 1247 No Change
glycolate Group
between drug and the excipients used. Fourier
Ether 1157 1153 No Change
transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of naratriptan Croscarmrllose
Methylene 1457 1458 No Change
hydrochloride, croscarmellose sodium, sodium Ether 1114 1108 No Change
starch glycolate, kyron-T 314, mannitol, and Methylene 1473 1472 No Change
Mannitol Hydroxyl
physical mixture of naratriptan hydrochloride were 1⁰-OH
1044 1041 No Change
recorded using KBr mixing method on FTIR Kyron-T314
1557 1558 No Change
instrument 12. Spectrograph shown as in Figure 1 and Group
MCC Ether 1143 1140 No Change
2. Drug expcipient compatibility data were presented 2
Full Factorial Design: A 3 randomized full
in Table-2. Evaluation of Orodispersible
factorial design was adopted to optimize the
Tablets: The tablets were evaluated for various
variables. In the design, 2 factors were evaluated,
parameters like weight variation, thickness,
each at 3 levels, and experimental trials were
hardness, friability, wetting time, water absorption
performed at all 9 possible combinations. The
ratio, disintegration time ware measured as described
amount of superdiintegrating agent (croscarmellose
by Gohel M et al13, Swamy P A et al14 and Malke S
sodium, X1) and (kyron-T314, X2) were chosen as
et al15. In vitro Dissolution Test: In vitro dissolution
49 Int J Res Med. 2013; 2(4);48-53 e ISSN:2320-2742 p ISSN: 2320-2734
Fast orodispersible tablets of Naratriptan Hydrochloride
X1 X2 200
B1 -1 -1 41±1.02 0.98 0 10 20 %CPR T3
B2 -1 0 37±1.12 0.76
B3 -1 1 31±0.97 0.43 Time %CPR T7
B4 0 -1 29±0.87 1.02
B5 0 0 25±0.98 0.82
B6 0 1 21±0.78 0.51
B7 1 -1 30±0.89 0.98 Figure 4: Response surface plot for
B8 1 0 23±0.23 0.93 Disintegrating Time
B9 1 1 16±0.02 0.62
Check Point 0.33 -0.5 20.1 0.7
Actual Values
Values X1 (Croscarmelose
X2 (Kyron-T314)
-1 2 3
0 3 4
1 4 5
Table 5: Result of Evaluation parameters of
tablets of factorial batches B1 to B9
Avg. Drug Wetting
orial Hardness Thickness
Wt. content time
Batc (kg/cm2) (mm)
(mg) (%)
Figure 5: Response surface plot for % Friability
B1 3.7±0.13 2.97 ±0.7 148.5 98.2±0.34 39±1.13
B2 3.2±0.21 2.9±0.13 148.5 100.2±0.56 31±1.19
B3 3.0±0.09 3.0±0.12 149.4 97.1±0.12 27±0.92
B4 2.88±0.32 2.9±0.06 151.1 102.1±0.29 20±1.2
B5 3.1±0.24 2.9±0.02 149.8 101.3±0.17 9±1.23
B6 2.7±0.17 2.9±0.14 151.5 99.3±0.21 19±0.98
B7 3.2±0.27 2.9±0.06 148.4 97.4±0.07 23±1.34
B8 3.24±0.34 3.0±0.04 149.2 96.6±0.3 18±1.21
B9 2.87±0.14 3.0±0.07 150.3 98.2±0.9 16±0.98
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