Cot Activities 4th Quarter

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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Ninoy Aquino, Kalilangan ,Bukidnon

ENGLISH 7 4th Quarter

NAME: __________________________________________________ SECTION:____________________

SUBJECT TEACHER:________________________________________ SCORE:______________________

Listen to the song “Kaleidoscope World”. ( Read the

matrix below before listening to the song. Do the activity after.
Before you listen, imagine what
is described in the song and
predict what happens.
ASK As you listen, list down
questions about the ideas
presented in the song.
GUESS As you listen, list down unclear
ideas or vocabulary and guess
what they mean.
FOCUS As you listen, list down key
words that may add value or
meaning to the entire song.

“I Think”

Differences among people to me means

Our differences should enable us to

Considering our differences

Pliant Like the Bamboo by Ismael V. Mallari

There is a story in Philippine folklore about a mango tree and a bamboo tree. Not being able to agree as to
which was strongest of the two, they called upon the wind to make the decision.
The winds blew its hardest. The mango tree stood fast. It would not yield. It knew it was strong and sturdy. It
would not sway. It was too proud. It was too sure of itself. But finally, its roots gave way, and it tumbled
The bamboo tree was wiser. It knew it was not as robust as the mango tree. And so every time the wind blew, it
bent its head gracefully. It made loud protests, but it let the winds have its way. When finally, the wind got
tired of blowing, the bamboo tree still stood in all its beauty and grace.
If you will become one of the trees in the story, who will you choose to be? Why?

The Filipino is like the bamboo. He knows that he is not strong enough to withstand the onslaughts
of superior forces. And so he yields. He bends his head gracefully with many loud protests.
And he has survived. The Spaniards came and dominated him for more than three hundred years. And when the Spaniards
left, the Filipinos still stood—only much richer in experience and culture.
The Americans took the place of the Spaniards. They used more subtle means of winning over the Filipinos who
embraced the American way of life more readily than the Spaniards’ vague promise of the hereafter.
Then the Japanese came like a storm, like a plaque of locusts, like a pestilence rude, relentless and cruel. The Filipino
learned to bow his head low to “cooperate” with the Japanese in their “holy mission of establishing the Co-Prosperity
Sphere.” The Filipino had only hate and contempt for the Japanese, but they learned to smile sweetly at them and to thank
them graciously for their “benevolence and magnanimity.”
And now that the Americans have come back and driven away the Japanese, those Filipinos who profited most from
cooperating with the Japanese have been loudest in their protestations of innocence.
Everything is as if the Japanese had never been in the Philippines.
As a Filipino, will you consider yourself like a bamboo? Why?
Why not?
For the Filipino would welcome any kind of life that the gods would welcome any kind of life that the gods would offer
him. That is why he is contented and happy and at peace. The sad plight of other people of the world is not his. To him,
as to that the ancient Oriental poet, the past is already a dream, and tomorrow is a vision; but today, well-lived, makes
every yesterday a dream of happiness, and tomorrow is a vision of hope.
This may give you the idea that the Filipino is a philosopher. Well he is, He has not evolved a body of philosophical
doctrines. Much less has he put them down into a book, like Kant for example, or Santayana or Confucius. But he does
haves philosophical outlook on life.
He has a saying that life is like that life is like a wheel. Sometimes it is up, sometimes it is down. The monsoon season
comes, and he has to go undercover. But then the sun comes out again. The flowers bloom, and the birds sing in
the trees.

You cut off the branches of a tree, and, while the marks of the bolo are still upon it, it begins to shoot forth-new
branches – branches that are the promise of new color, new fragrance, and new life.
Everywhere about him is a lesson in patience and forbearance that he does not have to learn with difficulty. For
the Filipino lives in a country on which the gods lavished their gifts aplenty. He does not have to worry about
the morrow. Tomorrow will be only another day – no winter of discontentment. Of he loses his possessions,
there is the land and there is the sea, with all the riches that one can desire. There is plenty to spar – for friends,
for neighbors and for everyone else.
No wonder that the Filipino can afford to laugh. For the Filipino is endowed with saving grace of humor. This
humor is earthly as befits one who has not indulged in deep contemplation. But it has enabled the Filipino to
shrug his shoulders in times of adversity and say to himself “Bahala na”.
The Filipino has often accused of being indolent and of lacking initiative. And he has answered back that no one
help being indolent and lacking initiative who lives under the torrid sun which saps vitality.
This seeming lack of vitality is, however, only means of survival. He does not allow the world to be too much
with him. Like the bamboo tree, he lets the winds of chance and circumstances blow all about him; and he is
unperturbed and serene.
The Filipino, in fact, has a way of escaping from rigorous problems of life. Most of his art is escapist in nature.
His forefathers wallowed in the moro-moro, the awit, and the kurido. They loved to identify themselves as
gallant knights battling for the favors of the fair ladies or the possession of hollowed place. And now he himself
loves to be lost in the throes and modern romance and adventure.
His gallantry towards women – especially comely women – is a manifestation of his romantic turn of mind.
Consequently, in no other place in Orient are women so respected, so adulated, and so pampered. For his
women have enabled Filipinos to look upon the vicissitudes of fortune as the bamboo tree regards the angry
blasts of blustering winds.
The Filipino is eminently suited to his romantic role. He is slender and wiry. He is nimble and graceful in his
movements. His voice is soft, and he has the gift of languages. In what other place in the world can you find
people who can carry on a fluent conversation in at least three languages?
This gift is another means by which the Filipino has managed to survive. There is no insurmountable barrier
between him and any of the people who have come to live with him—Spanish, Americans, Japanese. The
foreigners do not have to learn his language. He easily manages to master theirs.
Verify, the Filipino is like the bamboo tree. In its grace, in its ability to adjust itself to the peculiar and
inexplicable whims to fate, the bamboo tree is his expressive and symbolic national tree. It will have to be, not
the molave nor the narra, but the bamboo.
Thinking Out Loud!

Instructions: Read the questions in the first column. Write your answers in the next column.

1. What characteristics of the Filipinos do you


2. What other characteristics of Filipinos are

mentioned in the text?

3. What did you learn after reading the text?

What Kind of Persons are Filipinos?

Infer what character traits of a Filipino is exemplified by each sentence taken from the text. Choose your answer
from the word pool.

Proud Flexible Humble

Friendly Good communicators Strong

Excerpts From The Text Character Trait

1. The mango tree stood fast. It would not yield.

2. When finally, the wind got tired of blowing, the bamboo tree still
stood in all its beauty and grace.
3. For the Filipino will welcome any kind of life that the gods offer
him that is why he is contented, happy and at peace.
4. His voice is soft and he has the gift of languages.

5. The Filipino learned to bow his head low to cooperate with the

Reading Guide
A. Before Reading
Instructions: Read the statements in the table below and check the column that corresponds
to your response.
After Reading
Instructions: Review your answer and write in the last column whether you are right or wrong.
Disagree Agree Statement Were you right?
Filipinos are compared to a bamboo tree.

There are a lot of trees presented in the


The idea of the text is about resiliency.

There are five characters in the story.

The story is an example of a fable.


1. What does “pliant” mean? ___________________________________________________

2. How does the bamboo show its pliancy?

3. Can a person be pliant too? How?
Review Your Reading Guide

Instructions: Review your answers in the previous activity. Write in the last column whether you are right or wrong.

Disagree Agree Statement Were you right?

Filipinos are compared to a bamboo tree.

There are a lot of trees presented in the
The idea of the text is about resiliency.
There are five characters in the story.
The story is an example of a fable.

A Symbol of Myself

Instructions: Perform this activity.

1. Write a poem/song/rap
describing yourself using your
name as an acronym,
highlighting your uniqueness.

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