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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the

Requirements in Practical Research I

Gwen Carmela F. Echano

Argen Duane V. David

Carol Zyrelle B. Elep

Rosemarie A. Asis

11 - STEM B


Ms. Sarah Kimberly F. Lamadrid, LPT

Research Adviser


Title Page

TITLE PAGE .….....…………………………………….……………...…......... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..……………………..…………………….…........... ii

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT .….....…………………………………….……………...….......... v



Introduction ……………………………………………………….……... 1

Statement of the Problem……………………………………….……... 2

Scope and Delimitation …………………...…...………….…………… 3

Significance of the Study ..………………………………….………….. 4


Review of Related Literature ..………………………………………… 6

Review of Related Studies .…….……………………………………… 10

Synthesis ………………………………………………………………... 13

Definition of Terms ............................................. ......................…… 16

Theoretical Framework ............................................. ...................... 17

Conceptual Framework ............................................. ...................... 17



Research Design ………………………………………………………. 20

Subjects of the Study and Sampling Method ………………………… 21

Data Collecting Technique and Procedure …………………………… 21

Data Analysis ……….………………………………………..…..…..… 22

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ……………………..…..…..…..…..……. 24


Summary ……….………………………………………..…..……………. 34

Findings .……….………………………………………..…..………….... 34

Conclusions ……….………………………………………..…..….……. 36

Recommendations ………….………………………………………….. 37

BIBLIOGRAPHY ………….………………………………………….………... 40

APPENDIX ………….………………………………………….…….…….…... 46


Figure Title Page

1 Research Paradigm 18

2 Impacts of Online Distance Learning 25

on the Academic Performance

3 Impacts of Online Distance Learning 27

on the Competency Level

4 Brochure Plan: Embracing the Normal 31

Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic


For the past months, the education sector was being compromised due to the

emergence of an unexpected infectious disease known as COVID-19. Taking into

consideration, going through a drastic change of implementing online learning is

complicated and difficult to adjust with, as everyone is undeniably unprepared for

all of these sudden happenings, simulations, and practices beforehand. This study

assessed the impact of Online Distance Learning on the Academic Performance

and Competency Level of Grade 11 STEM Students of Vinzons Pilot High School.

The production and the distribution of questionnaires were conducted

electronically via Google Forms, having a total number of 45 respondents who

participated voluntarily and were guaranteed the utmost confidentiality of their

responses. It is highly evident in this study that several students experienced

difficulty coping with this recently implemented mode of learning. However,

students were able to explore and learn new skills and so, the researchers

concluded that there is not much difference between the online and the traditional

setup, which proved that students performed equally well and were satisfied with

their learning experience despite the differences in the teaching modality.

Furthermore, the researchers can address the issue with the dismissive effects of

online distance learning by proposing the Embracing the Normal Amidst Covid-19

Pandemic action plan.





The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic was considered as one of the

most recent public health emergencies of global concern for which has

immensely affected various aspects of day to day life of every individual.

To name a few, this has resulted in widespread economic and social

disruption such as implementing community quarantine (Hale et al,

2020), ravel restrictions (Chinazzi et al, 2020), political rivalry (Barrios

& Hochberg, 2020), but above all, is the closure of different

establishments particularly school (Viner et al, 2020), which brought

tremendous changes in the educational and learning systems in recent

times. As a result, various learning modalities were implemented to

ensure lifelong education, including Modular and Online distance

learning (Sec. Briones, 2020).

The academic performance of students in school contributes to

the development of their academic abilities, knowledge, skills, and

proficiency (Kapur, 2018). Furthermore, academic performance,

retention, and satisfaction of students can be compromised through

online learning (Paul & Jefferson, 2019), as it dampens the learning

process of students. On the contrary, traditional classroom teaching

offers real-time face-to-face mentoring, allows direct teacher response,


and a more flexible learning process. Consequently, many children who

struggle the most to succeed and excel under normal conditions are

now finding it difficult, even unlikely in some situations, to obtain

meaningful teaching and having interruptions in their schooling.

Online learning was implemented to be a great means to ensure

continuous quality of learning for every student. It is a learning

experience that can be carried out in a synchronous manner by holding

virtual meetings to keep the class interactive, or it can be done in an

asynchronous manner (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020). These learning

circumstances were made possible by internet-enabled devices that

allow students to still communicate with their teachers and instructors

(Singh & Thurman, 2019). Taking into consideration, going through a

drastic change of home-learning program is somehow complicated and

difficult to adjust with, which may contribute to a decrease in the level

of learning.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the Impacts of Online Distance

Learning on the Academic Performance and Competency Level of

Grade 11 STEM Students of Vinzons Pilot High School.

Anchored on the objective of the study, this study specifically

sought to answer the following research questions:


1. What are the positive and dismissive effects of online distance

learning to grade 11 STEM Students of Vinzons Pilot High

School in terms of:

1.1 Academic performance

1.2 Competency level

2. What are the differences in the academic performance and

competency level of grade 11 STEM students of Vinzons Pilot

High School in online distance learning and face-to-face


3. What brochure can be established for the information

dissemination of the impacts of online distance learning on the

academic performance and competency level of Grade 11 STEM

students of Vinzons Pilot High School?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focuses on the impact of online distance learning on

the academic performance and competency level of students. The

researchers will be able to find relevant information and data on the said

impacts of online distance learning amongst students. At the very end

of this study, the researchers aim to determine the positive and

dismissive effects of online distance learning in terms of the academic

performance and competency level of Grade 11 STEM students of


Moreover, the study is limited only to the Grade 11 students of

Vinzons Pilot High School under the Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics (STEM) strand as the respondents for the impacts of

online distance learning based on their personal academic experiences

for this school year. It further delimits the researchers to select students

that are not under the STEM strand and Grade 11 Senior High School

department of Vinzons Pilot High School.

Significance of the Study

The study entitled, “Online Distance Learning: Factor Influencing

the Academic Performance and Competency Level of Grade 11 STEM

Students of Vinzons Pilot High School” is beneficial to the following:

Students. This study will benefit students by prioritizing education

and keeping learning amidst all uncertainties and challenges present in

a real-life situation.

Teachers. The study will be used by the teachers in guiding the

students in conducting a study related to this. In addition, the teachers

will somehow provide a better quality of education and recognize the

positive and dismissive effects of online distance learning on students.

Parents. This study will benefit parents recognize the importance

of having daily communication with their children as a way of reaching


out to uplift their mood and lessen the burden they feel while coping up

with drastic changes in educational learning.

Government and other Education Sectors. This study will be

used to address the dismissive effects of online distance learning to

somehow establish a stronger foundation in the success of education

amidst the COVID-19 crisis by expanding its funding to provide

complete distance learning facilities and support those underprivileged


Future Researchers. This study can help and guide them in

conducting research related to this study. In addition, this will be

beneficial for them to have a more in-depth knowledge to come up with

better analysis and overall produced quality of research study.




This chapter presents the related literature, the related studies

and the synthesis after the thorough and in-depth search done by the

researchers. It forms background information to help the researchers

conceptualize and fully understand the study.

Review of Related Literature

The researchers enlisted adaptability, and Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), academic performance, and

online distance learning as topics to be covered by this review as part

of the study being conducted. This would form a substantial foundation

as basis for the completion of the study.

Adaptability is the ability to shift one's ideas and behaviors in

response to uncertainty, new knowledge, or external circumstances

(Martin, et. al, 2013). During the COVID-19 epidemic, a group of 1,217

Israeli college students conducted an online survey after switching to

synchronous online learning. Students' reactions to the online condition

against more traditional face-to-face learning settings revealed that the

online condition, which became required owing to the pandemic, elicited

widespread unfavorable emotions.


STEM is an interdisciplinary learning approach in rigorous

academic concepts of science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics in situations that establish links between school, society,

job, and the global enterprise, according to the National Science

Teachers Association (NSTA). Introducing curricular and instructional

programming focused on this strand is intended to effectively educate

students in these areas of study and to generate practical applications

where students could apply in the real world. Furthermore, this aims to

motivate students to pursue these courses, as well as innovation and

research, as part of their education and care.

Online distance learning is a type of education wherein

students learn through online classrooms, video presentations,

PowerPoint presentations, and teacher lectures delivered via internet-

enabled devices. It allows students and teachers to communicate

without having real-time contacts. Communication among the

participants occurs mainly through email and online forums and is

typically moderated by the instructor (Watts, 2016). Online courses are

trying to connect social networking components, experts’ content

because such courses depend on the active participation of a significant

number of learners who participate independently under their

educational objectives, skills, and previous background and experience.

Academic performance is the knowledge gained which is

assessed by marks of a teacher or educational goals set by students


and teachers to achieve over a specific period of time (Narad and

Abdullah, 2016). In addition, it is also the assessment of student

performance in a variety of academic subjects, classroom performance,

graduation rates, and standardized test results commonly used by

teachers and education administrators to assess student


According to the study of (Ahmad, et. al 2018), 61.5% of students

responded that e-learners face difficulty in understanding the objectives

of the course outline.

According to the journal (The Summit School, 2020), people are

unaware of how the COVID-19 pandemic affects student’s academic

performance. Their own experiences and observations suggest the

substantial loss of learning time, coupled with the sudden and

challenging shift to homeschooling, are the influencing factors. The

Summit School, through Summit Resource Center, offers Benchmark

Setting (a diagnostic test used to identify student’s academic strengths

and weaknesses). Moreover, the progression of the students’ academic

goals of current educational programs is lagging.

Based on (Li & Lalani, 2020), the COVID-19 pandemic has

resulted in tremendous changes, along with the rise of e-learning,

whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. The

authors mentioned the spontaneous and fast move to internet learning

– with no preparation, lacking transmission capacity, and little


arrangement – will bring about a helpless client experience that is

unconducive to supported development. Others accept another

crossover model of training might arise, with huge advantages.

Nevertheless, students without reliable internet access and technology

struggle to partake in online learning. According to them, there is

evidence that online learning can be more effective by having

technology accessibility.

An article contributed by Mary Tkatchov (2017) stated that if a

student focuses only on one subject, will provide more time for a student

to process the concepts. One downfall of the current education system

is based on efficiency, not on proficiency. Students are group based on

their age into grade levels and given a limited amount of time to learn

whatever they can before advancing. According to a report from the

International Association for K-12 Online learning, varied learning

outcomes are inevitable in our current setup. Therefore, equity and

diversity should be addressed in student learning and achievement.

Teachers need to acknowledge students may have different capacities,

skills and learn at different paces, so in that case, the academic

performance, learnings, and competency level of a student will

increase. Consequently, this concludes the problems in the current

education system will not immediately resolve, but taking actions at this

point may lead to a better experience and outcomes.


Priyanka Gautam (2020) discussed the advantages and

disadvantages of online learning. Covid-19 pandemic resulted in

adjustments to the current educational setup, which paved the way for

online learning. The advantage of this modality is its efficiency, by

having different tools for a student to use that will foster their academic

expertise. Another advantage is the accessibility of time and place. On

the contrary, this also brings disadvantages such as the inability to focus

on screens, inevitable physical and noise distractions, and technical

issues. Slow internet connectivity can lose the continuity of learning.

Given these points, online learning is not the perfect alternative way for

continuous learning. However, allotting breaks for students serves as a

concluded solution to lessen the difficulty in learning online.

Review of Related Studies

The researchers also enlisted different studies, experiments,

surveys, and projects about the topics: academic performance,

competency level, and online distance learning to give enlightenment

on how they could make the product in accordance to its purpose and

to give the researchers an overview for the completion of the product.

A research conducted by Nguyen, Tuan (2015) entitled, “The

Effectiveness of Online Learning: Beyond No Significant Difference and

Future Horizons”, stated that the student learning outcome under online

learning was influenced by the learning environment choice. Moreover,


this study suggests online learning is generally at least as effective as

traditional setup.

In the study conducted by Shu-Chen Yen et al. (2018),

conducted a comparison between three learning modalities: face-to-

face, online, and blended learning, whereby differences in student

academic performance were measured by doing examinations,

accomplishing research requirements, and the average course grade.

Consequently, the researchers concluded that students performed

equally well and were satisfied with their learning experience despite

the differences in the teaching modality.

In a 2018 study of Tal Soffer, students in online courses reported

having a better knowledge of the course structure, improved

communication with the course personnel, less time spent watching

videos, and higher levels of engagement and satisfaction. To be

particular, students in the face-to-face classes said they contributed

more to the learning content. While students in online courses had

higher final marks, but there were no changes in completion rates.

A study lead by T. Muthuprasad et al. (2020) was about the

perception and preference of students for online education during the

Covid-19 pandemic, where it was discussed that 70% of the majority

are ready to engage in online learning. The majority of the students

made use of smartphones for their online learning. Talking about the

effectiveness, students suggested that a quiz or activities should be


done while having a live class to be more effective. Moreover, a downfall

was discovered in the study and discussed that students who

experienced problems with their internet connectivity could result to a

performance dropping. In conclusion, this study found out that online

learning was advantageous because of the flexibility and convenience

it offers but, most students stated that online classes could be more

challenging than traditional classes.

A study conducted by Amber Manning-Ouellette and Katie M.

Black in the year 2017, stated the difference in the effectiveness of

online and traditional classes. This study was analyzed and investigated

using Kolb's Experiential Learning Model as their foundational theory.

According to previous research, it marked a conflict on the students'

outlook towards the instructor and the format of the class. Thus, findings

in this study stated that online learners may capture more often in

deeper learning than those in a traditional educational setup.

According to (Yeboah, Smith, 2016), in an online learning

environment, the cultural language, personal, and efficacy skills are the

diversified factors that facilitated the academic performance of minority

students. This study reiterates the importance of establishing a

multicultural presence in an online course and also suggests the best

pedagogical methods for teaching minority students in an online course.

Based on the study of (Khiat, 2015), the relationship between the

adult students’ perceived competence level in self-directed learning and


their academic performance was investigated. The adult students’

perceived level of competence in the 11 self-directed learning indicators

which are Goal Setting, Time Management, Procrastination

Management, Assignment Preparation, Exam Preparation, Note-taking

Capability, Research Capability, Seminar Class Readiness, Technical

Readiness, Online Class Readiness, and Stress Management have an

indirect or direct effect on their academic performance.

According to a survey of the Council for Initial and Primary

Education (CEIP), around 70% of the students in public education

registered and maintained some connection with their teachers on

different platforms. However, the situation varied among the

subsystems. (Bozkurt, et. al, 2020)


This part presents and emphasizes the similarities and

differences from the collated literatures and studies to the study being

conducted. It also states how these related works assisted the

researchers in making their product.

The studies of Priyanka Gautum, Li and Lalani, contain a similar

idea that the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has immensely affected the

educational and learning system in recent times. Along with this is the

rise of e-learning modality. Some advantages for this occurrence were


identified including, its efficiency of having different tools which students

can use to foster their academic expertise. Also, the accessibility of time

and place for studying during their most convenient time and preferred

environment. On the contrary, dealing with physical and noise

distractions in their workplace, experiencing a hard time coping with

sudden adjustments, and above all, are the inevitable technical issues

like slow internet connectivity and sudden power interruption are the

resulting disadvantages which could result in performance dropping as

mentioned by T. Muthuprasad et, al. In line with this, Mary Tkatchov

indicates another downfall of the current education system is efficiency,

not proficiency-based. Nevertheless, evidence of having internet and

technology accessibility could help establish a stronger foundation in

the success of education amidst the Covid-19 crisis. However, the

journal of (The Summit School, 2020) stated that some people are

unaware of how it affects student’s academic performance.

The study of Ahmad et al. found that 61.5% of students

responded that e-learners face difficulty in understanding the objectives

of the course outline whereas, Tal Soffer indicated in his study the idea

of students having a better knowledge of the course structure, improved

communication with personnel, and higher levels of engagements and


Moreover, the concepts of Amber Manning-Ouellette and Katie

M. Black stated the difference in the effectiveness of online and


traditional approaches. In connection with this, Nguyen, Tuan noted that

learning outcome is influenced by the learning environment choice.

Another study by T. Muthuprasad et al. discussed that 70% of the

majority use smartphones to engage in online learning. Thus, findings

expressed online learners may capture more often in deeper learning

than those in a traditional educational setup.

The primary studies and literature would provide a credible basis

and guide for the researchers in determining the positive and dismissive

impacts of online distance learning on the academic performance and

competency level of students. Furthermore, it will give enough support

to the statements in the study being conducted.

The current study and the previous studies are similar for they

generally concern about the topics which are timely and relevant in

recent times. They are also on the same ground with focusing on

academic performance and competency level of students.

In contrary with the studies aforementioned, the present study is

different in such a way that it focuses only on how does this recently

implemented alternative mode of learning affects the academic

performance and competency level of Grade 11 STEM students of

Vinzons Pilot High School. The present undertaking study also attempts

in identifying preventive measures that one can do to avoid the

dismissive effects of utilizing online distance learning in times of health


crisis. Moreover, the researchers of this study consider producing a

brochure for the information dissemination of the resulted outcome.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined

in the context of this research.

Academic performance is the knowledge gained which is

assessed by marks by a teacher or educational goals set by students

and teachers to achieve over a specific time (Narad and Abdullah,


Competency level refers to the skills and characteristics that

enables a person to perform a job.

Factors are facts or situations that influence a result. (Cambridge

Dictionary, 2019). Based on how it is used in the study, it refers to the

circumstance that brings a result to a student’s academic performance.

Online Distance Learning is a learning experience carried out in

a synchronous manner by holding virtual meetings made possible by

internet-enabled devices.

New normal refers to the state to which an economy, society, etc.

settles following a crisis


Theoretical Framework

Learning theories are a collection of concepts that explain how

people learn, retain, and recall information. Having in-depth knowledge

of various learning theories will help in better understanding how the

learning process occurs. The principles of the theories are utilized as

guides for selecting learning-promoting instructional materials,

approaches, and tactics. The idea of learning used to relate with this

study is the Cognitive information processing theory.

It is based on the mental process that leads to the conduct. The

cognitivist views the learner as an information processor acknowledges

the mental processes inherent in learning and seeks to capitalize on

them. The principle that people mentally process the lessons or

information they receive, preferably than just responding to stimuli from

the environment or place. Changes in behavior are noted but, merely

as a proxy for what is going on in the learner's mind. This theory is

credited to the Educational psychologist Jean Piaget.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers aim is to produce a research study about the Impacts

of Online Distance Learning to the Academic Performance and

Competency Level of Grade 11 STEM Students of Vinzons Pilot High



 Grade 11  Administration  Brochure which

STEM of has the
Students of questionnaire information
Vinzons Pilot via Google about the
High School Forms Impact of Online
 Online  Data Analysis Distance
Distance and Learning in the
Learning as a Interpretation Academic
Factor  Qualitative Performance
Influencing the research and
Academic design in Competency
Performance descriptive Level of Grade
and method 11 STEM
Competency Students of
Level Vinzons Pilot
High School

Figure 1
Conceptual Paradigm on the Health Effects of Caffeine
Consumption to Selected STEM- AMH Student

Figure 1 presents the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model of the

study. The first box shows the variables of the study being the Grade

11 STEM Students of Vinzons Pilot High School and Online Distance

Learning as a Factor Influencing the Academic Performance and

Competency Level of students were also in the input box.

The input attained will undergo the processes of data analysis

and interpretation after the questionnaires were administered via

Google Forms. Furthermore, qualitative research design in descriptive

method will also be the process that researchers will use to conduct this

study. Lastly, the processes in the study, supported by the inputs, shall

produce a brochure which has the information about the resulted

outcome of the study presented in the third box.




This chapter presents the research design, subject of the study

and sampling method, data collecting techniques, data gathering

procedure, and data analysis used in the study.

Research Design

The researchers used the phenomenological design to carry out

the study. Phenomenological design is the technique in describing and

investigating a phenomena as consciously experienced by different

people. It is taken in the analysis of data gathered from survey questions

of a limited samples. It was conducted to make generalizations

regarding the response of the respondents on the impact of online

distance learning in their academic performance and competency level.

In line with this, phenomenological design is an approach that

focuses on the aspects of a lived experience within a particular group.

The researcher also explained the fundamental goal of this method

which is to arrive at a description of the nature in the particular

phenomenon. Through this process, the researchers may able to

construct the universal meaning of the event, situation, or experience

and come up at a more profound understanding of the phenomenon.


The design of the study is centered on investigating online

distance learning as a factor influencing the in academic performance

and competency level through the Grade 11 Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) student’s response based on

their experiences.

Subjects of the Study and Sampling Method

The researchers distributed the questionnaires to the Grade 11

STEM students of Vinzons Pilot High School under Online Distance

Learning modality who will served as respondents of this study. This

would be obtained through a non-probability type of study wherein it

used a quota sampling. It was a sampling technique whereby participant

quotas are preset prior to sampling. Typically, the researchers were

attempting to gather data from a certain number of participants that

meet certain characteristics of target population involved in the study.

The respondents will be asked to answer the questions from a

survey questionnaire and are expected to participate actively and

provide the most reliable and credible answers.

Data Collecting Techniques and Procedure

The data collection used by the researchers was through a

survey questionnaire. Google forms was used to administer the

questionnaire and collect data electronically. It is a 10-item


questionnaire with statements answerable on a four-point Likert scale

having an entire spectrum of options from strongly agree to strongly

disagree. A total of 5 statements under the first category regarding the

academic performance and another 5 statements for the second

category related to the competency level. The online survey period

started on June 23, 2021, to June 27, 2021, and was carried among 45

respondents who participated voluntarily and were guaranteed the

utmost confidentiality of their responses.

Data Analysis

The researchers will organize the data from the survey

questionnaire that was distributed through Google Forms. This

research study will use Thematic Analysis. This type of method is used

to identify, analyze, and record patterns, and aims to transcribe the

interview word by word. Transcription of data or conversion of data in

textual form is essential for closer understanding of the research. The

deductive approach of qualitative data analysis will be used to examine

all the collected information. After the transcription, the researchers will

assign codes to the data in order to describe the content and decide

what to collate.

The goal of this type of data analysis is to identify themes within

the collected data, and validation of data is also important. The

interpretation that will be derived will be aligned to the research


objectives. With these interpretations, the researchers will be able to

derive an explanation that could answer the research problem.




This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data gathered in the study regarding the impacts of

online distance learning on the academic performance and competency

level of Grade 11 STEM students of Vinzons Pilot High School.

1. Impacts of Online Distance Learning to Students

The researchers gathered data that shows the results of the

perception of Grade 11 STEM students of Vinzons Pilot High School on

their academic performance and competency level in online distance

learning modality.

1.1 Academic Performance

The table below presents the statements related to the academic

performance. It also shows the number of respondents who answered

on each statement in a four-point Likert scale type of questionnaire,

having the entire spectrum of options from strongly agree to strongly

disagree depending on their perception.


Figure 2
Impacts of Online Distance Learning on the Academic Performance

Based on the shown result, the majority response of students

regarding their academic performance under online distance learning is

positive. In a 2018 study by Tal Soffer, it has been stated that students

in online courses reported having a better knowledge of the course

structure, improved communication with the course personnel, less time

spent watching videos, and higher levels of engagement and

satisfaction, therefore the academic performance on online distance

learning of the respondents became developed, and their confidence

towards their grades increased.

Moreover, in a study by T. Muthuprasad et., al (2020), 70% of

the majority are ready to engage in online learning but, the students'

downfall was discovered in the study and discussed that students who

experienced problems with their internet connectivity could result to a

performance dropping. On the other hand, some respondents are not

satisfied with the efficacy of their learning modality.

Furthermore, based on the study of Li & Lalani (2020), they

mentioned that the spontaneous and fast move to online learning with

no preparation, lacking transmission capacity, and little arrangement

will bring out a helpless client experience that is unconducive to

supported development. In contrast, several respondents did not

become active and more participative learners that affected their

academic performance during online distance learning.

However, the researchers discovered that out of the 45

respondents, 36 of them achieved greater academic performance in

online distance learning, while 23 students admitted experiencing

difficulties coping with the spontaneous move to online learning,

which affected their confidence and academic performance. The

researchers also came upon the results that 14 students do not

study ahead of time and note-taking during online distance learning.

The gathered data implies that the academic performance of

the Grade 11 STEM Students of Vinzons Pilot High School affected

positively. Twenty-eight respondents agreed that they are satisfied

with the efficacy of the new learning modality. In addition to this, 36

out of 45 students are getting higher confidence in gaining grades

higher than 90, yet 16 students have negative responses regarding


their performance. Twenty students responded that they are not

active and participative during class discussions and 8 respondents

had a hard time putting in extra effort and were not determined to

accomplish school requirements. Additionally, not studying ahead of

time and note-taking is one of the dismissive effects on the Grade

11 STEM Student’s academic performance in online distance


1.2 Competency Level

Figure 3 consists of statements related to competency level

which also shows the number of respondents who answered on each

statement in a four-point Likert scale type of questionnaire.

Figure 3
Impacts of Online Distance Learning on the Competency Level

As shown in the table, the students’ most responses

regarding their competency level during online distance learning are

somehow negative. According to the study of Ahmad et., al (2018),

61.5% of students responded that e-learners face difficulty in

understanding the objectives of the course outline. Nevertheless, 25

respondents of the Grade 11 STEM Students of VPHS can work

independently and gain confidence in online distance learning

compared with the traditional setup.

In the journal of The Summit School (2020), the progression

of the students’ academic goals of current educational programs is

lagging. On the other hand, 20 out of 45 respondents of the Grade

11 STEM Students to the researchers’ questionnaire disagree in

gaining confidence in answering quizzes, homework, and

performance tasks.

Based on the collected data, most of the responses express

not-so-good impacts on their competency level under this learning

modality. Twenty students cannot work independently and gain

confidence rather in the traditional setup. Similar to this, they cannot

easily catch up with the new educational set up because of the

occurrence of these drastic changes. Contrastingly, there are still

students whose level of competency is impacted in a positive way.

To further elaborate, this paved the way in exploring new skills and

gain confidence in answering quizzes, homework, and performance

tasks. However, 32 respondents mentioned that they prefer

individual tasks rather than group works in these days of online

distance learning.

2. Difference in the Academic Performance and Competency Level

of Students in the New Normal and Traditional Setup

In terms of the effects of online learning on a student's academic

performance, most of them agreed with the statements listed in a four-

point Likert Scale type of questionnaire. This was supported in the study

conducted by Nguyen, Tuan (2015), who stated that the student

learning outcome was influenced by the learning environment choice.

This study suggests that it is as effective as the traditional setup.

In line with this, the majority of the students with 33 respondents

were able to explore and learn new skills. This was supported by the

study proposed by Li & Lalani, 2020, where it was stated that online

learning can be more effective by having technology accessibility but,

students without reliable internet access and technology will struggle to

partake in online learning. The results are almost equal but, the majority

agreed they can work independently and gain confidence compared to

the traditional setup. Many students agree that they have more

confidence in answering quizzes, doing activities and assignments.

However, 29 students admit to experiencing difficulty in catching up with


the new educational setup. While results in the last statement garnered

an equal response of strongly agree and agree with a total of 32

responses whether they prefer individual tasks rather than group works.

That is to say, there is not much difference between the online

setup and the traditional setup, Shu-Chen Yen et al. (2018). Moreover,

this study implies that students performed equally well and were

satisfied with their learning experience despite the differences in the

teaching modality.

3. Brochure Plan for Information Dissemination of the Impacts of

Online Distance Learning on the Academic Performance and

Competency Level of Students

The researchers analyzed and interpreted the data gathered

from the outcomes of the impact of online distance learning on the

Academic Performance and Competency Level of Grade 11 STEM

Students of Vinzons Pilot High School. From that, a brochure plan is

proposed by the researchers.


Figure 4

Brochure Plan for the Information Dissemination of the Impacts of Online

Distance Learning on the Academic Performance and Competency Level of

Grade 11 STEM Students of Vinzons Pilot High School.

Description & Rationale Goals and Objectives Procedure & Resources

The brochure plan is This brochure aims to raise To meet the said goals
entitled Embracing the awareness about the and objectives that have
New Normal Amidst positive and dismissive been set, the help of the
Covid-19 Pandemic, made factors that affect academic brochure made by the
by the researchers to deal performance and researchers are needed.
with the positive and competency level. The researchers will
dismissive effects of Furthermore, it also helps to disseminate the survey’s
online distance learning prevent the not-so-good link to their respondents.
on the academic effects that might Then, they are task to read
performance and experience. By having the the brochure and ask to
competency level of brochure, the students will practice the preventive
students. From the result, be of knowledge of some measures recommended
it was concluded that this recommended ways, on by the group. The
recently implemented how to lessen the researcher would monitor
mode of learning dismissive effects, and the participants now and
contributes both positive somehow add positive then. After all, a post
and dismissive effects on impacts on their treatment program will be
the academic educational aspect. Lastly conducted wherein
performance and to impart knowledge that retaking of the
competency level of will give the students questionnaires is involve.
students. enough understanding in The present results would
distinguishing the effects be compared to the past
regarding their academic results.
performance and
competency level.

Timeline and Evaluation Reflection and

Sustainability Comments
The dissemination of The evaluation of the The hindrances that the
brochure would happen program will be measured researchers would
once every semester. It through the answers of the encounter are the
will continue to monitor the respondents to the given unwillingness of the
improvement of student’s questionnaire. Moreover, respondents to answer the
academic performance they are required to answer survey. Also, it will be an
and competency level. On the survey given by the issue if the respondents
the other hand, the online researchers. did not follow the
accounts of the researcher recommended ways.
which are stated on the
brochure would always be
open for queries of
students regarding the



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study.


The study aims to determine the Impacts of Online Distance

Learning in the Academic Performance and Competency Level of

Grade 11 STEM Students of Vinzons Pilot High School.

Anchored on the objective of the study, this study specifically

sought to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the positive and dismissive effects of online distance

learning to grade 11 STEM Students of Vinzons Pilot High

School in terms of:

1.1 Academic performance

1.2 Competency level

2. What are the differences in the academic performance and

competency level of grade 11 STEM students of Vinzons Pilot

High School in online distance learning and face-to-face


3. What brochure can be established for the information

dissemination of the impacts of online distance learning on the

academic performance and competency level of Grade 11

STEM students of Vinzons Pilot High School?

The study made use of the phenomenological design of

research study in order to describe and investigate online

distance learning as a factor influencing student’s academic

performance and competency level. A data table was used,

through a qualitative survey, tallying the data with accuracy

and consistency. It was carried among 45 respondents from

the Grade 11 STEM students of VPHS under online distance

learning modality, who participated voluntarily wherein, it used


Summary of Findings

After the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered, the

researchers came up with the following significant findings:

Impacts of Online Distance Learning

1.1 Academic Performance

Based on the total results obtained from the first category, most

of the students agreed on the statements related to academic

performance. The following are the combined number of respondents


who chose the 3rd and 4th column in the scale: the first statement

garnered a number of 28 respondents, second has 36 respondents,

third has a number of 25 respondents, fourth has 30 respondents, and

the last statement has a total number of 25 respondents.

1.2 Competency Level

Gleaned on the results from the second category, respondents

have mixed responses to each statement. A total of 36 respondents

agree and strongly agree with the first statement. Twenty-one agrees

on the second, 25 disagree on the third, 18 agree on the fourth, and 23

agree on the last statement.

Difference in the Academic Performance and Competency Level of

Students in the New Normal and Traditional Setup

As reflected on the results gathered, there is not much difference

between the online and the traditional setup, which proved that students

performed equally well and were satisfied with their learning experience

despite the differences in the teaching modality.

Brochure Plan for Information Dissemination of the Impacts of Online

Distance Learning on the Academic Performance and Competency

Level of Students

From the results, it was obtained that a brochure is needed to be

disseminated to raise awareness about the positive and dismissive

effects that affect the academic performance and competency level of

students in recent times. The brochure is entitled, Embracing the New

Normal Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic, and it will also include what

preventive measures should be done to avoid the not-so-good effects

that one might experience.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions

were drawn:

1. The education sector is one of the most affected by the Covid-19

pandemic. In addition, the closure of schools and the occurrence

of the tremendous changes in the educational and learning

system in recent times have highly influenced the academic

performance and competency level of Grade 11 STEM students

of Vinzons Pilot High School, both positively and negatively.

2. Twenty-three students experienced difficulty coping with this

recently implemented mode of learning and 14 students admitted

of not studying ahead of time and do note-taking. However, by

having technology accessibility, it can be more effective.


3. Thirty-six out of 45 students are getting higher confidence in

gaining grades higher than 90. Twenty-five respondents can

work independently and gain confidence. Also, being able to

explore and learn new skills were considered the benefits of

online learning.

4. The researchers also concluded that there is not much difference

between the online and the traditional setup, which proved that

students performed equally well and were satisfied with their

learning experience despite the differences in the teaching


5. Moreover, the researchers can address the issue with the

dismissive effects of online distance learning by proposing the

Embracing the Normal Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic action plan.


In accordance of the findings and conclusions of the study, the

following recommendations are hereby suggested.

1. The dismissive and positive effects presented should be

grasped and taken as a serious concern.

2. Practice daily communication as a way of reaching out for

students to uplift the mood and lessen the burden.


3. Provide and deliver a better quality of education amidst

exceptional times, like the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. It would be more advantageous to conduct face-to-face

interview with the students who will serve as the respondents

to have more credible and reliable knowledge about the study.

5. It is hereby recommended to have a larger scale of

respondents since the study was only emitted for the Grade

11 STEM students of Vinzons Pilot High School under Online

Distance Learning Modality.

6. An urgent call to the government, as well as the higher

education authorities, must take place to expand its funding in

providing complete distance education facilities and

supporting underprivileged learners

7. Also, the researchers recommend that future researchers can

give more in-depth analysis to present the study. By

considering all of the aforementioned concerns, it will

somehow help establish a stronger foundation in the success

of education amidst the COVID-19 crisis the nation is currently

dealing with.

8. Lastly, people are ask to read the brochure entitled,

Embracing the New Normal Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic, made

by the researchers to practice the preventive measures that

can help to avoid the dismissive effects of online learning.


Moreover, by offering immediate response to the problems that

every learner encounter during online classes, it will help motivate

students and absorb new intellectual knowledge even in the new class



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Survey Questionnaire Link:


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