BUBT Seeuaen eae
Course Code:TXE 205
Course Title: Yarn manufacturing technology-1
Assignment no:01
Assignment Name:(a)Write the prospect of future
textile industries in Y ladesh.
(b)Why jute fiber spinning is differ from cotton fiber
Name:Alif Sheikh Name:Md Merajur
1D:18192107032 Rahman
Intake:26 Department of Textile
Department:B.Sc in Textile
Engg.Nome: Alif sheikh
Tb: 1¢t22toz032_ Page:
The praspect of future -+fextile Industay in
“The tedtile mdusiny in bowgladesh has groun in om umplarmed
momen amd a exidical demomd - Supply gap hos arisen fore both
JNM omd fartie. The Qreisis waitl naturally deepen venless ofr
Faptiote bockword linkages the incorporation of the firdomen-
Holsters im the dechie industry al thrown to the RMGc industyy,
Com be built to meet the rropidpy approaching, Challenges in the
Global textile marckeh Asthe population is growing md the stend-
and of living is menesig: in Barghdesh, the derrand fort textiles
is imeneasing- rapidly. This presents an urgent need to dreomati-
Cory Ineneose Copacities in Spimming, Weaving, kni foggy, and dyeing,
Printing amd Finishing Sub- sectors - This Will requine the adoption
of the mast- mederm and appropriate ‘Feehnology to ensune
quolify products ot Competitive prices. “The. Possibilitey of in-
Oneased Yarn production in Boayladesh is an issue thot has
been looked extensively by mony Nesenchens. These investt—
qotions have revented +he Courrtryy actualy has Comportactive
advangetes overc all Gompetitons intermms of the expense of fore
Production. However, in rregorids te -the -tofal gfoter Cost Borg-
ladesh odvomtage overc Tndia ond pakistan, disoppenns, even
through it Memains Competitive with other Producers . pic
Is essentiotyy @ result of the highere Cast of row materials in
Bongledesh as most neal to be lnported most roa Cotten
imported Wf Borglodesh Cores from overseas. ~mis CounlryyNome: Alf sheikh
ID: 1e19210703), Page: a
is not ony bacrdicapreliy the imporc foriffs ond shiping
expenses, but indiom amd fakistom Subside the raw Gotten which
is Sald locally resulting im Coumtnies like bongladesh poy ingy
mone fore the some Collen. The outcome. fore the bomgladesh
Spinning mills Of sueh price differential is-that 4ref Obtain
raw Cott of the Some. quality ot prices, which ore Gppno-
achmedelt 30% higher. thon the indian mills ond Pakistan
mills ~ Tr addition, bomladesh Spirmigy ynittg hove +o Pog amothert
6 10 7% for handling, Freight omd Qomnnision changes which
pur them in a disadvomteges Situation. This neo infrostnuchine
development Surcharge, oc 105 on all imports adde Gnothere 2-5%
qo the preices of hmpucters: row Cotton Tn industry occupies
& unique’ position in the Boygledesh ecomony It 1s the longest
exparcting industry in bomyladesh whieh expercienenced phen-
omenal growth during last too deasdes: By takigg od vomtage.
of om jnsulated market under the provision of mulH- fibre
agreement of GATT. it attained o high profile inde of
foreign exchorye, earcnings exports industnialisation and
Conte) bution fo GDP within a Shorct Spo fime. The indusieyy
pigs a ky role in emplayment generation and in the
provision of tmeome fe the poor. Tn Such a Content the
fnend omd growth of garements export and its Gontni bution
fo total export ond GOP has been examined the following
position . Borgladesh hos been mony cholieg over to the develop_
ign in the textile industry. Bongladesh growth nate of RMG
export will Continue has ee oven other Compettore due toName: Atifsheitc
TD: 17192107032.
low labore Gast, Most of the textile mills ane reummigg with Poort
Copaaty. but we hove gorns in other Countnies «Tn 2024. the
textile industyy Go -millim Over fangets imdustny ane the deve-
lopig. In Pomgiodesh has been poor Country. Mast of the parrre
ane depend on the garements industyyes. Borgladesh dees not
“neat the humom loss ort the bod pudliety ofa major. outpneakk
lof dovid-19 mony workers» Inevitably thene will be -monyy Wetkens
toho pecome ifs it is important fore the indushpy te maintain
the projection mesunes. for the garment sector, prasperifyy
nests Gompiete|y on the behavioure Of the North Arerticom omd.
Eunepean e@onomics . the IMF -fenedosts for the advoneed
legomomies Conclude that the GDP in 2022 Will be the Some
[as 2ate. Clothing demand overc the next two yeors ts very
| uncertain. “the objective fore the textile Seetore Is “fo grow
| [00 125% Pere ammum fore the Tee decode - That Incnense Gen
foinere outgoing: shipments by a factor of too in seven
| geosts amd at the high end ty o fasion of Hone Wy 2220. for
20 yeans plons and prajects fore o deep Se port: have been
discussed, but pragness fore a- Foret suitaste for the Containers
exports ond Imports is far aveyName: Atif shel th
Ths 18192107032. Pee 4
gee Fivere spinning is differ from Colton
fire Spinning.
quie and aotion firere ane Completely different in natural
and in thein Physical Properties. gute fivere spirming Process
deffer from Catton fibere. beanuse of Specific Natural measen
amd theire @hemical Composition: Ta gute fire to remove
hardness, haredmess ond stiffens goes threygh Seme prielimi—
| Mary pnoces (pneeing UP, softening omd lubricating omd
| batching and Gonditionigg ore pilligg) then it goes to the Carding
| Process Tn gute firere chemical Composition oF hemicellulose is
|222% amd Iynin is to-8% which make the lor staple Fiver.
But Gotten fipne Spinning 0 preliminary Process is needed
becouse dotten -fiuere is shart stople firere Gotten Fiza chem
Cot Compasitien jf has no hemicellulase. and tignin. After blod-
room pnacess is goes to Corediny- in bekoeen no other Process
required. Jute fiper. is atéo Cotled golden firere but Gotten
fiver. Is not aatled golden fiver. but Cotton fiver. one of
the mast important firer. gute fiverc ane. Chemically nestni-
Ged to make then soft and improve inter fivere Combination
05 to make +he. Suitoble Com paratively Cotten fiter,Nome: Atif sheith
ID: I8 192107032.
Flow chor of quie Fiberz romufactaring
Selection of gute fore a bateh
Piecing up
sottening omd lutnicoting-
Batching: Condition or Phtinge
[> Bneokere Card
Core ding —4
L> Finishert cond.
. + > ber
Drawing ond doubting _1
19 amd
L> 3nd
SpivmingNome: Atif. Shei Kh
Ib: 18192107032.
Flowehart of Cottm fiterc momufactarcingt
a tr
Simplex or Speed -frome.
Rig- Spiening-