Wachemo University College of Business and Economics Department of Public Adminstration and Development Management
Wachemo University College of Business and Economics Department of Public Adminstration and Development Management
Wachemo University College of Business and Economics Department of Public Adminstration and Development Management
DBE: Development bank of Ethiopia
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................5
1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................5
1.2 Statement of the problem.......................................................................................................6
1.3 Objective of the study............................................................................................................6
1.3.1 General objectives..............................................................................................................6
1.3.2 Specific objectives..............................................................................................................6
1.4. Research Questions...............................................................................................................7
1.5 Significance of the study.......................................................................................................7
1.6 Scope of the study..................................................................................................................7
1.7 Organization of the paper......................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................8
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES.....................................................................................8
2.1 Concepts and definitions of terminologies............................................................................8
2.2 Job satisfaction: A conceptual approach................................................................................8
2.3 A model of job satisfaction....................................................................................................9
2.4 Job satisfaction and work behavior......................................................................................10
2.4.1 Job satisfaction and performance..................................................................................11
2.4.2 Job satisfaction and organizational commitment..........................................................12
2.4.4 Pay Benefit, and Job satisfaction..................................................................................13
2.4.5 Job satisfaction and OCB..............................................................................................14
2.5. Results of Employee Dissatisfaction..................................................................................14
2.5.1 Physical withdrawal......................................................................................................15
2.5.2 Psychological withdrawal.............................................................................................15
2.6. Conceptual Framework of the Study..................................................................................18
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................19
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................19
3.1 Research design...................................................................................................................19
3.2 Description of the study Area..............................................................................................19
3.3 Target population.................................................................................................................19
3.4. Sample size.....................................................................................................................19
3.5. Sampling techniques.......................................................................................................20
3.6 Sources of data.....................................................................................................................20
3.7 Data collection techniques...................................................................................................20
3.8 Methods of data analysis and interpretation........................................................................20
3.9 Ethical Consideration.........................................................................................................21
4. Reference...................................................................................................................................22
5.1. Budget Breakdown.............................................................................................................23
5.2. Time schedule.....................................................................................................................23
1.1 Background of the study
Job satisfaction is one of the most popular and widely researched topics in the field of
organizational psychology (spector.1997). Job satisfaction represents a person’s evaluation of
his/her job and work context. It is an appraisal of the perceived job characteristics work
environment, and emotional experience at work. Satisfied employees have a favorable evaluation
of their job, based on their observations and emotional experiences. Job satisfaction is really a
collection of attitudes about specific facets of the job. Employees can be satisfied with some
element of the job while simultaneously dissatisfied with other. You might like your co-worker
but be less satisfied with work load or other aspect of the job.
How are we satisfied at work? National survey indicates that over 85% of Americans have been
satisfied with their job for the past decades or more. However, this level may have slipped
somewhat recently, mainly, due to downsizing and lack of work life balance. In a survey of 39
countries Americans has the fourth highest job satisfaction rating. Only employees in Denmark,
India, and Norway say that are happier at work. Another survey found that the third highest job
satisfaction, after Brazilian and Canadians among the 10 largest economies in the world. (Ms
Shane, S.L and Glinow, A.M, 2005).
New survey by right management on 30,000 workers worldwide which showed that between
28% and 56% of employees in 17 spots around the globe wanted to leave their jobs. In USA 32%
said they wanted to find new work. That is about half of the 65% of respondents to right
management survey, who said they were either somewhat or totally unsatisfied.
These differences between the sectors hold an important factor in shaping the work culture of the
organization. It will be found that private sector banks employees perceives greater satisfaction
with pay, social and growth aspects as compared to public sector bank employees. On the other
hand public sector bank have expressed greater satisfaction with job security as compared to
private sector bank employees. The findings of the study highlighted important satisfiers and
dissatisfiers present in the job and suggest both banks to take performance initiatives in the area
where employees have reported reduced satisfaction. (S. Arunima and P. Pooja. 2009).
What are the measurements used by the management of the organization to overcome
the problem of job satisfaction?
What is the level of employee’s job satisfaction in both private and public sector bank?
What is the relationship between employee’s job satisfaction and job performance in
Job satisfaction is the total of the sentiments related with the job conducted. If the worker
perceives his or her values are realized within the job he/she improves positive attitudes towards
his/her job and acquire job satisfaction. It is also defined as an individual`s positive emotional
reaction to a particular job. It is an effective reaction to job that result from the persons
comparison of actual out comes with those that desired, anticipated, or deserved. Further more
job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which employees like their job or work, an attitude
based employee’s perceptions (negative or positive of their job or work environment). Most
efforts to explain job satisfaction have been dominated by the person. Environment fit paradigm.
Simply stated, the more a person’s work environment fulfills his /her needs, values or personal
characteristics, the greater the degree of job satisfaction. in light of this definitions job
satisfaction can be defined as the sum of all negative and positive aspects related to the
individuals salary his or her emotional working condition, the authority he/she has, the
autonomous usage of their authority the level of success he/she has maintain and the rewards
given due to this success, the social state maintained in relations with his/her job and
relationships with his/her colleagues and administrators. Individual elements do not result in job
satisfaction. Job satisfaction can only be mentioned if all these elements exist in a place in
harmony. (Ivancevich J.M; 1998)
Outcome inputs
of others Amount
Job satisfaction
job dissatisfaction
Past experience Perceived in equity feeling
amount received
(Source Ms Shane, S.L. and Glinow, M.A, Organizational behavior page 206).
Equity theory also explains why job satisfaction does not always continue to increase as the
received condition exceeds expectations. As people receive much better out comes than they
expect, they typically develop feelings of guilt and a belief that organizational practices are
unfair to others. In summary, discrepancy and equity theories predict that as reality meet and
exceed expectations. Job satisfaction will increase however job satisfaction begins to decrease
when the perceived job situation is so much better than expected that the over reward creates a
feeling guilt or unfairness.
Exit: exit refers to leaving the situation, including searching for other employment,
actually leaving the organization or transferring to another work unit. Employees’
turnover is a well established outcome of job dissatisfaction particularly for employees
with better job opportunities elsewhere. Resent evidences also suggest that exit is linked
to specific “shocked events” such as a conflicted episode or an important violations of
your expectation. These smoke events produce more than just dissatisfaction; they
generate strong in motion that energize employees to think about and search alternative
Voice: voice refers to any attempt to change, rather than escape from the dissatisfying
situation. Voice is often researched purely as a positive response, such as directly trying
to solve the problem with management or actually helping to improve the situation.
However, voice can also be more confrontational, such as by filing formal grievances. In
the extreme, some employees might engage in counterproductive behaviors to get
attention and force changes in the organization. Thus voice might be correctly viewed as
either constructive or distractive.
Loyalty: loyalty has been described in different ways. The most widely held view is that
“suffering in silence” for the problem to work itself out or get resolved by others.
Neglect: Neglect includes reducing work effort, paying less attention to equality, and
increasing absenteeism and lateness. It is generally considered a passive activity that has
negative consequences for the organizations. Research clearly establishes that dissatisfied
employees tend to have higher absenteeism; the relationships between satisfaction and
job performance is more complex, as well as discuss bellow. Which of the four EVLN
alternatives do employees use? It depends on the person situation, one determining factor
is the availability of alternative employment, with job prospects, employees are less
likely to use the Exit option, employees who identify the with the
organization( organizational commitment) are also more likely to use voice rather than
Exit personality is another influence on the choice of the action, people with high
conscientiousness are less likely to engage in voice(as are people high extraversion and
low neuroticism), some experts suggest that employees differ in their EVLN behavior
depending on whether they have high or low collectivism. Finally, past experience
influence our choice of action. Employees who were unsuccessful with voice in the past
are more likely to engage in exit or neglect when experiencing job dissatisfaction in the
Along with job satisfaction-performance relationship corporate leaders are making strong
statements that happy employees make happy customers. “It just seems common sense to me that
if you start with happy, well motivated workers you’re much more likely to have happy
customers.” Explain virgin groups founder Richard Branson. Betty Gilliam, an executive at the
care group and India napolist based network of cardiologists and primary care physicians. “If our
employees are satisfied, our patients are satisfied.
Marketing experts in particular, have developed a model that relates employee’s satisfaction to
customer satisfaction and profitability
(Source Steven L.Mc Shane and Mary Ann Glinow, organizational behavior; page 125)
There are two main reasons why job satisfaction has a positive effect on customer service. First
job satisfaction affects a person`s general mood. Employees who are in a good mood are more
likely to display friendliness and positive emotions customer in better mood. Second, satisfied
employees are less likely to quit their jobs and longer service employees have more experience
and better skills to serve clients. Lower turnover also gives customers the same employees to
serve them, so there is more consistent service. There is some evidence that customers built their
loyalty to specific employees, not to the organization, so keeping employees turnover low tends
to build customer loyalty.(Glinow)
Affective commitment encompasses loyalty, but it is also a deep concern for the organization
Generally speaking the following may be related as the organizational rewards that will
contribute to job satisfaction
1. Pay – money is important to all employees although the intensity of this incentive may vary
from one person to another. Money, in addition to satisfying the basic wants, symbolizes
status prestige and achievement.
2. Job security – employees cure feel economically secure. In return for his /her contribution to
the organization, the employee expects that the organization will not discard him/her without
some strong reason. As economic recession (un less extremely sever) is not considered by
some organizations as a reason to fire employees. Other will discard employees at the drop of
a hat. Naturally enough, in time of economic recession, the employee desire for security
becomes much stronger
3. Good physical environment – Many companies and unions place considerable emphasis on
this item. Work conditions and the physical environment, in which one works, whether it is
the factory or an office, need to be pleasant, encouraging and safe. A good physical
environment has an adverse effect on job satisfaction.
4. Promotion – in return for good job performance, an employee usually expects to make an
upward movement within the organization. It gives the employee a sense of achievement and
restores his or her faith in the `system`. Therefore the existence of fair opportunities for
promotion within the organization can add greatly to employee job satisfaction.
5. Recognition for a job well done – it is not unusual possible for an organization to promote
an employee every time he/she does a good job. However, it is always possible to give some
recognition for his/her performance. Efficiency performance appraisals programs can play a
very useful role here because provide the employees with feedback on their performance.
Good work should be followed by praise, publicity within the company, and merit rise.
Recognition of a job well done boots an employee’s ego-and raises his or her morale.
6. Good work group – it is a positive feature from the employee’s stand point, to be a member
of cohesive work group. It is the kind of group that is headed by a supportive team lead and
composed of group member who willingly cooperate with each other. The group members
with emotional and moral support when they need it. There is a mutual-give-take
relationship. This kind of cohesive work group can bring about a high degree of job
satisfaction and a greatly enhanced self-image
7. Good supervision- if the supervisory is more than just a boss- in other words acts as a team
leader, then he or she is able to create a climate in which employees can perform well. The
leader’s role is to provide the employees with the guidance and show them the path to desired
goals-both personal and organizational.
8. Good management practice- the managerial approach procedure rules and other
management functions vary considerably from one organization to other. Good management
practices include open communication, effective suggestion schemes well- designed
grievance procedure and employee participation. Employees welcome such practices, and
well often seek out such organization.
9. Meaning full work- as organization now higher better –educated employees, it is becoming
increasingly important to provide these people with meaning full work. People are “turned
on” by their work only if it is interesting and challenging. Faced, in many cases, with the
prospect of doing a personally meaningless, repetitive demoralizing task for the rest of one’s
life, a person can only attempt to conform to robot-like existence. Often a person accept at a
lower pay, if the work is more personally satisfying
2.6. Conceptual Framework of the Study
In this study, the researcher assesses employee resourcing practices in Abay bank through
specific variables that would explain the research topic in detail and cater for good analysis.
These variables are selected based on the research questions and literature review. A factor
influencing ER practices and their effect on the bank’s ER practice is examined; the alignment
between the bank’s business strategy and ER practice is evaluated. Similarly, the existence and
formulation of ER strategy required to carry out the bank’s ER practice and its linkage with the
business strategy is examined. The components of ER (HRP, Talent management, Recruitment
& Selection, Competency Framework, Employee Engagement and Retention) as defined in the
literature are also used to assess Abay bank’s ER practice. Furthermore, the integration between
the bank’s ER practice and specific HRM areas (L&D, Performance Management and Reward
Management) that are closely related to ER and identified in the research question and literature
is assessed. The conceptual framework of the study is presented in figure 2.3 below.
3.1 Research design
n= Where: N= total population
1+ N (e)2
n= sampling size
n= =100
1+ 10000(0.1)2
Using the calculated sample size the researcher will be be used convenience sampling to select
100 samples for distributing the questionnaire, and interviewed bank manager of the bank and
general manager of the company total 100 sample sizes in order to get relevant information for
the study of assessing effective marketing strategies for the increment of profitability.
This chapter deals with the analysis, presentation and interpretation of data obtained from the
questionnaires.44 questionnaires were distributed and all will be collected.
3.9 Ethical Consideration
The researcher was free from unethical behavioral means that the aggressiveness,
hostility side so as to getting respondents consent and allowing them to leave any time
they wants .And also, the researcher was politely ask the respondents and give high
degree of politeness for target study to conduct and information to be delivered to the
subject of study only those but also the information obtained from respondents in the
study be kept confidentially.
4. Reference
1. Ivancevich, J.M (1998). Human resource management 2nd edition.
2. Robins, S.P. NacyLogton, (2001). Organizational behavior 2nd edition, Canadian.
3. Hanman, H.G (1998). Human resource management.
4. MS Shane, S.L. and Glinow, A.M (1997). Organizational behavior.
5. Davis.K and Nowstrom, J.W (1998) Organizational behavior.7th edition. New York:
publishing Company.
6. (http://WWW.etd.uwc.ac.za).
7. WWW.emeraldight .com).
8. S. Arunima and P. Pooja. 2009. Asian academy of Management journal. Vol. 14, NO. 2,
9. Spector,(1997)
10. www.forbes.com
5.1. Budget Breakdown
2 Pen - 2 10 2*10=20.00
Total 1770.00
P r o p o s a l d e f e n c e
F i n a l p r o p o s a l d e f e n c e