OJT Narrative Report (ICT)

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Achieve Great Things, Initiate Changes, Transform from Better to Best, Excel and Remain Humble

Asian Institute of Technology and Education

Olinsterg Bldg., Maharlika Highway, Poblacion III, Tiaong, Quezon, Philippines
Telefax Number: (042)-545-6547 / Cell No. 0922-8934738

MI-KI: Computer and Printing Service

(OJT Narrative Report)

Presented to Asian Institute of Technology and Education,

Tiaong, Quezon


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Subject OJT

Submitted to:

Mr. Nilo P. Briones

OJT Teacher

Presented By:

Hernandez, Elixa Anya L.

Date: May 28, 2021



Name of the Proposed Business

MI-KI means "microcomputer keys". The word "microcomputer" is used to

describe different forms of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, notebook
computers, and even mobile phones. The "key" would refer to the keyboard, which is
used to instruct the machine and which we used to get some work done. MI-KI works
similarly to a keyboard in this aspect. People will be able to use the service to get
answers to their computers and printing-related questions and services. To give it a
Filipino vibe, the spelling of “key” was replaced by ‘ki”. The name is pronounced "mai-
ki," and when read aloud, MI-KI sounds like "my key." This relates to how the service
can be the key that enables people to get through the door of answers and
convenience. This business is generally Japanese inspired shop, which explains why
the name of the shop sounds like a Japanese name. To give it an approachable and
welcoming vibe, the service's name sounds like a person's name. Customers would feel
as if they are interacting with a person rather than a group of individuals, which will
make them feel more at ease.

Since lowercase letters are viewed as more relaxed, approachable, and

imaginative when used, the MI-KI's operators used them in their logo. It helps viewers or

clients feel more linked to the service, which is what the service's owner seek. It's also
related to creativity and a forward-thinking outlook. The hyphen in the logo reflects the
bonds that will be created between clients and owner. MI=KI would not only support
others but also act as a connection for many people. In the literature, the colon
suggests that there is something more to know about the owner and the employees.
They are not just a computer shop; they can also support others in their own way.
Additionally, when displaying the computer's disk drives or storage, colons can be found
on the screen.

This means that MI-KI behaves similarly to a disk drive or storage facility from
which users can access data or information. The primary colors were selected to offer
options for any logo variations.

Nature and Organization of the Business

MI-KI is mainly a computer and printing shop. It under a sole proprietorship

organization. An exclusive business that has only one owner who pays personal income
tax on profits gained by the enterprise is often referred to as a sole proprietorship. The
easiest form of company to create or separate is a sole proprietorship, due to a lack of
public regulation. As such, it was chosen as this business’ organization.

Description of the Business

Even though mobile phones are extremely popular nowadays, the computer still
plays a huge role in our society. The computer has been largely used in organizations,
companies, schools, and other things. However, not all people can afford to purchase a
computer. And even if someone has a computer, it does not guarantee that they are
tech savvy. When problems arise they might not be able to fix them immediately. This is
the reason for the creation of this service, MI-KI: Computer and Printing Service. This
service aims to help by providing computer services, like computer repair, applications
installations, software updates, encoding and some computer parts. Additionally, this
service will offer printing services too, such as clothes printing, tarpaulin making,
laminating, photo developing and possibly merchandise making. Poster template
editing is one of the service too , since the owner have fair experience in graphic


The following are the service offered by MI-KI:

* Printing * Encoding *Computer and Laptop Repair

*OS Installation * Laminating *Tarpaulin

*Clothes Printing *Computer Shop * Rush I.D.

*Computer Parts

Location of the Business

The business is located in Brgy. Poblacion, Padre Garcia, Batangas. It is near

the Public Market, which makes it an ideal and competitive location.

Location Map

Mark Point: Padre Garcia Public Market

Shop Layout

First Floor: Computer Services Area

2nd Floor: Printing Services Area

Organizational Structure



Maintenance Schedule of Computer Units

A. Monthly Maintenance Schedule



Must be done before using
Wipe down the EVERY EVERY or powering on any
each unit. DAY DAY before the shop open.

Must beMust
donebebefore usingusing
done after
Check electric,
Turn off the or powering
the equipments. any
printer, printer, equipment. Preferably,
and and before the shop open.
computer computer
Must beMust
Inspect printer,
Run disk clean or powering on any
powering on the computer
machine,upand in Windows. equipment. Preferably,
computer before the shop open.
parts for
damage.Check for Must be done after
viruses. Must bepowering
done before using
on the computer
Clean or powering
units.on any
keyboard and equipment. Preferably,
mouse ofEmpty
each recycle Must
before the shopbe open.
done after
computer unit. powering on the computer
Dust the Must beunits.
done before using
printers, or powering on any
be done before
machines, and equipment.
Back up data. powering off the computer
computer before the shop open.
Must be done after
Defragment powering on the computer
hard drive. units.

Must be done after

Scan hard powering on the computer
drive for errors. units.

Uninstall Must be done after

unused powering on the computer
programs. units.


Must be done before using

Clean the or powering on any
Wiper Blade of equipment.
the printer,
clothes printing
machine, and
the tarpaulin
Must be done after
Run the powering on the printer.
Advance X
Cleaning pad
page, to
remove paper
debris from
print bar

Must be done after

Print a “Print powering on the printer.
Quality Report”
to verify good
Print Quality.
Must be done after
Print a powering on the printer.
Status Page
and make sure
that ink
Feeder kit and
Ink Collection
Unit are not
close or over
life which could
cause issues.


Must be done before using

Remove all or powering on any
media in the equipment.
printer tray.
Must be done after
Run print head powering on the printer.
cleaning cycles
of the the
clothes printing
machine and

Must be done before using

Check for ink or powering on any
leaks and ink equipment.
levels of the
printers , the
clothes printer,
and the
machine. 9|Page
B. Quarterly Preventive Maintenance


Check power protection devices to ensure they are still protecting the system. Quarterly

Check power supply fan for ventilation and dirt build up and clean it. Quarterly

Back up CMOS information. Quarterly

Update emergency boot floppies. Quarterly

Clean floppy disk drive internals and read/write heads. Quarterly

Check processor temperature, inspect heat sink and fan to ensure they are Quarterly

Check hard disk for temperature and vibration. Quarterly

Clean exterior of monitor. Quarterly

Clean exterior of the case. Quarterly

Check and clean interior, motherboard, and expansion cards if necessary. Quarterly

Check internal connections and cables. Quarterly

Perform full printer system diagnostic. Quarterly

Clean interior of the computer. Quarterly

Check the alignment of the printer media sensors. Quarterly

Check the print head and rollers. Quarterly

Empty the waste tank of the clothes printer and the tarpaulin machine. Quarterly

Refill the cleaning solution of the clothes printer and the tarpaulin machine. Quarterly

Replace the fan filter and flushing foam of the clothes printer and the tarpaulin Quarterly

10 | P a g e
Hardware Repair and Troubleshooting Guide



1. Blackout 1. Bad power cable 1. Check that the cable supplying power to
without 2. Incorrect power supply your device isn't broken or damaged by
power 3. Bad motherboard replacing it with a new one.

11 | P a g e
4. Outlet 2. The power supply can be faulty or
5. Dip (Brownout / No inadequate for your hardware's requirements.
electricity) 3. If the power supply connections appear to
be fine but the machine still won't turn on, the
motherboard may be defective. To begin,
open the computer case and inspect the
motherboard visually. Look for any capacitors
that have bulged or exploded.
4. If the wall socket is in good working order,
the issue is with the PC's power supply. Such
problems are easy to spot. Per computer's
power supply also has a fan: The power
supply is getting power if you can hear the fan
turning. To ensure that the power supply is
correctly connected to the computer's main
circuitry, the motherboard, you will need to
open the case. If the fan isn't running and the
console lights are turned off, the PC's power
supply can need to be replaced.
5. Checking if the refrigerator or furnace fan is
working is one way to confirm a dip.

2. Blackout 1. Loose Connections 1. Make sure the adapter plug is tightly

with power 2. Faulty Video Card fastened to the monitor and is connected into
3. Monitor a power source to ensure sufficient electricity
4. Computer's Ventilation flow.
5. Overclocking 2. .Manufacturer defects or damages are the
most common causes of faulty video cards, so
you can check if yours is defective or needs to
be replaced by trying it on a different
computer and looking for a show. Your current
monitor has failed if the second monitor has a
regular display.
3. This might also mean that it has reached
the end of its useful life due to moisture or
high humidity levels, or failed electronics
inside the monitor. If you try to connect to
another device and it doesn't function, the
monitor is broken and needs to be replaced.
4. If your PC's components have been
overclocked, they will not be able to handle
the increased power demands. Keep in mind
that overclocking your computer is akin to
playing with fire: it may result in severe
computer damage. As a result, we advise you
to switch off your overclocking utilities – your
machine should now run as quickly as it
should. It can get overheated and neurotic if
you don't take care of it.

3. Freezing or 1. Too Many Apps 1. It is recommended that you run one

System Running application at a time to avoid a device freeze
Hang 2. Excess Heating Up triggered by multiple programs running at the
3. Insufficient RAM same time.

12 | P a g e
4. Hard Drive Malfunction 2. Analyze the machine as it first turns on,
5. Operating System paying close attention to the fan's sound. Also,
Issues keep an eye on the RPMs, go into CMOS
setup, and make sure the BIOS isn't reporting
any errors.
3. Upgrading RAM or reinstalling the Windows
operating system can be helpful in resolving
the issue.
4. Perform a diagnostic check on the hard
5. Ensure that all upgrades are installed to
ensure that the system runs smoothly. It is
important to use a legitimate copy of the
operating system in order to keep the system

4. HDD 1. Hard Drive Is Corrupted 1. Ensure that the SATA or USB cable is
cannot be 2. Drive is not spinning up securely connected to the internal or external
detected 3. Faulty or Unplugged drive and the computer's SATA or USB port. If
Data Cable those don't function, try a different SATA or
4. Hard Drive Is Broken USB port on the motherboard of the device.
5. Bad Cable/Bad 2. Start the computer. Examine the hard drive
Connection to see if it is spinning. A slight vibration can be
felt if you hit the drive's hand. The hard drive
did not start if you did not hear or feel it
3. Check the motherboard and hard disk
connections for bent or misaligned pins on a
regular basis. Folding, crimping, pinching, or
creasing data cables may cause the wires
within the insulation to split, leaving the cable
looking fine on the outside. If you're unsure
about the state of your data cable, repair it.
4. Connect the internal or external drive to a
different device and see if that helps.

5. Blue 1. Corrupted drivers 1. Install and update device drivers

screen of 2. Too much pressure on 2. If you open too many programs that RAM
death the RAM can't handle, the computer may freeze and
(BSOD) 3. Faulty hard disk display a BSOD. You should either avoid
4. Inadequate air opening too many programs or update your
circulation RAM to accomplish this.
5. Unnecessary hardware 3. BSOD is a warning that a hard drive is
peripherals dying and that brand new disk is replaced.
4. A faulty fan can cause the machine to
overheat, resulting in a BSOD. Check the
computer's temperature to make sure the fan
is working properly. It's possible that you'll
need to blow out the gunk that's built up in
your computer's gills.
Aside from the keyboard and mouse, other
peripherals such as flash drives and SD
cards, portable hard drives, secondary
monitors, printers, HDMI cables,

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smartphones, and so on can be unplugged.
These may prevent an operating system from
being installed or upgraded, or a PC from
booting up, resulting in a BSOD.

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