Online Admission System

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Online Admission System is aimed at developing an online admission application for a college.
This system is an online system that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well
with proper login provided. Our system has two type of accessing modes, administrator and user. Student
management system is managed by an administrator. It is the job of the administrator to admit and monitor the
whole process. When a user log in to the system. He would only view details of the student. He can't perform
any changes .The system has two modules. They are
Students logging is to apply for the course by filling an applycation form provided by online. College
principal/administrator logging in may also access/search information put up by the students.

Problem Definition
As the strength of the students is increasing at a tremendous speed, manual maintenance of student
admission is very difficult. Hence, the need foronline admission is inevitable. In case of manual
system they need a lot of time, manpower etc.Here almost all work is computerized. So the accuracy is
maintained. Maintaining backup is very easy. It can do with in a few minutes.



 System : Multimedia PC

 Processor : Pentium 4 or above

 Memory : 512MB RAM

 Hard Disk : 80GB or above

 Keyboard : 104 standards

 Monitor : SVGA

 Modem : Dial up/Broadband


 Front end : PHP,HTML,CSS,JavaScript

 Back end : MYSQL

 Operating System: Windows ,LINUX


This system, being the first We have created in PHP, has proven more difficult than originally
imagined. While it may sound simple to fill out a few forms and process the information, much more is
involved in the selection of applicants than this. Every time progress was made and features were
added, ideas for additional features or methods to improve the usability of the system made themselves
apparent. Furthermore, adding one feature meant that another required feature was now possible, and
balancing completing these required features with the ideas for improvement as well as remembering
everything that had to be done was a project in itself.
Debugging can sometimes be a relatively straight forward process, or rather finding out what
you must debug can be. Since so many parts of the admissions system are integrated into one another,
if an error occurs on one page, it may be a display error, for example; it may be the information is not
correctly read from the database; or even that the information is not correctly stored in the database
initially, and all three must be checked on each occasion. This slows down the process and can be
frustrating if the apparent cause of a problem is not obvious at first. Language used must besimple and
easy to understand and compatibility is paramount. If this system were not designed as an entirely web
based application, it would not have been possible torecreate its current state of portability.

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