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Abstract: Life is becoming too busy to get appointments in students queue at the college, and long waiting times of students
person. The main idea of this work is to provide ease and comfort in college. The system will permit the student to login to
to students while taking an appointment from college and it also transfer certificate interface and consider the scheduling list for
resolves the problems that the students have to face while making
an appointment to have their transfer certificate. This application the available records, and separate applications to fill before
computerized fee collection and transfer certificate module acts as payment and withdrawal.
a client whereas the database containing the college details, The purpose is to permit the student to book and manage their
student details, and appointment (here: transfer certificate) details transfer certificate at their convenience, reducing the useless
are maintained by a website that acts as a server. The proposed waiting time for consultation and standing in the queue. In this
project is a smart transfer certificate issuing system that provides fast driven society, where the current climate demands
students or any user with booking an appointment online in an
easy way. This is a web-based application that overcomes the issue efficiency and people comfort, the numbers of missed
of managing and booking appointments overseeing as indicated by appointments, unnecessary waste of student’s appointment time
the client's decision or requests. The task sometimes becomes very have caused an impending difficulty for organizations. Hence,
tedious for the college faculty or director himself in manually there's a need for an open system to intervene and provide a
allotting appointments for the users (Students) as per their seamless look after every passed out student looking for other
availability. Hence this project allows a practical solution where opportunities, therefore, a transfer certificate issuing system lies
users can inspect multiple booking slots accessible and select the
preferred date and time. The application utilizes PHP as a front- at the intersection of providing effective and timely access. Out
end (customer to server) and MYSQL database as the back-end. seniors meeting booking may be a subject of great interest to
colleges and other institutions. The aim is to empower the
Keywords: College appointment, Students, College director, students to book and manage their appointments at their
Smart appointment booking. comfort, shortening the unnecessary waiting time for meeting
and waiting in a queue to get their essentials certificates
1. Introduction
A. Objectives
In the fast driven society, where the student demands
efficiency and patients’ satisfaction in getting their essentials We used a mixture of surveys, focus groups, to collect
like transfer certificates, the number of missed appointments, information from students, institute people, and important (key)
unnecessary waste of students appointment time have caused an personnel at other institute students. After gathering
impending problem for educative institutions and as well as requirements, we have concluded the following plans and
students. Hence, there's a need for an integrated transfer objectives of automated (computerized) fee collection and
certificate issuing system to intervene and supply a seamless transfer certificate module. To provide anytime/ Anywhere
look after both pass out and former college students. Therefore, Online Certification (TC)...
a transfer certificate issuing system lies at the intersection of All information/ knowledge sharing with students...
rendering adequate and up-to-date way of issuing transfer To provide anytime/ Anywhere Online Registration.
certificates and services. Student’s appointment booking may Easy for students to use and customize.
be a subject of great interest to institutions and other colleges. Facility to check all activities /Information of the registered
Due to the main difficulty of large waiting nowadays fronted students
by many students, there's got to develop an internet-based Easily accessible from any corner of the world if you have
appointment booking system to assist students to book an internet connection.
appointments and obtain their credentials online. It aims to To provide an easy Appointment Booking.
scale back the amount of missed appointments, needless Quick and Fast access to the database.
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 1038
Volume-3, Issue-5, May-2020
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
scripting languages like JavaScript. Web browsers receive (documents) online has grown easier. Students are getting
HTML documents from an internet server or from local storage enrolled in an online document issuing platform that bridges the
and render the documents into multimedia sites. With HTML gap between institutes and pupils. The technology has
constructs, images and other objects like interactive forms enhanced, the students and colleges/institutions have started
could also be embedded into the rendered page. HTML gives using the technology.
an approach to make organized records by indicating basic
semantics for content like headings, sections, records, 4. Conclusion
connections, cites, headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes, The proposed online transfer certificate system has been
and other items. implemented using HTML, CSS, JS, BOOTSTRAP, and PHP.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets a sheet language used for the The tasks involved during this work are divided into modules.
presentation of a document. CSS is independent of HTML and The data is approached and shared by using API’S between the
may be used with any XML-based mark-up language and colleges and the students. The proposed system is efficient and
allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of has a friendly user interface. The development of the new
devices, like large screens, small screens, or printers also CSS system has helped improve the short-falls of the existing
is that the language for describing the presentation of Web systems by implementing most of the necessary functionalities.
pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. Systems functionalities together with the requirements of the
JavaScript: JavaScript is a client scripting language which is existing system, make a complete system fully customized to
employed for creating sites. It is a standalone language suit the appointment process. Therefore, it would be concluded
developed i Netscape. It is used when a webpage is to be made that the development of this system is a success and was
dynamic and add computer graphics on pages like rollover, roll worthwhile.
out and lots of sorts of graphics.
Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS system 5. Acknowledgment
coordinated at responsive, portable first front-end web
We would like to acknowledge and express our heartiest
advancement. It contains CSS-and JavaScript-based plan
gratitude to Ms. Shailja Pandey, Assistant professor,
formats for typography, structures, catches, route, and other
Department of information technology, BBDNITM, for her
interface segments.
immense support and encouragement regarding this project. We
are thankful to, for guiding this project. I want to thanks my
3. Future Vision
companions for their prominent help without them fruitful
A. Future Enhancement finishing of this undertaking would have been unthinkable I
A payment or some amount may be charged to the would like to thanks my parents and friends for their eminent
users/students while making an engagement to avoid the support without them successful completion of this project
unethical users. As many users only register themselves just for would have been impossible.
fun and have no concern by making an application. Some
increasingly future headings are the upgrades in the References
understudy's module which incorporate setting updates for the [1] Wang W, Gupta D. Adaptive appointment systems with patient
arrangements and sparing the arrangement date to the schedule. preferences. Manuf Serv Oper Manag. 2011;13(3):373–389.
[2] https://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp
An option of online counseling and a dynamic chat system may [3] https://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/php
also be added in the later versions. [4] https://www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql/
[5] www.mysqltutorial.org/
B. Future Scope [6] https://www.wikipedia.org/
[7] https://minerva.leeds.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/orgs/SCH_Computing
With people being tech-savvy, finding certificates