Asphaltic Plug Joint - Bridge Repair Manual

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8-1-1 Description of Repair Method
The quality and maintenance of the expansion joints are vital to the behavior of the bridges
and its durability. Accordingly, it should be ensured that expansion joints are waterproofed as well as
resistant to leakage. In the case of sealant asphalt, the sealant is easily damaged due to traffic load and
The usual gap between concrete edges is around 20 mm considering temperature in the
Philippines as 27°C ± 10°C. The movement of a 20 m bridge span due to changes in temperature is
12 × 10-6 / °C × 20 m × (± 10°C) = ± 2.4mm and the movement of the same span due to traffic load is
approximately less than 5 mm. Total movement of a20 m span RCDG bridge is below ± 10 mm. With
these considerations, the most suitable repair measure for damaged asphalt sealant is the installation
of asphaltic plug joint.

Figure 8-1 Sealant Asphalt Joint Figure 8-2 Type of Asphaltic Plug Joint

Photo 8-1 Cleaning of the gap Photo 8-2 Flexible Asphalt pouring

8-1-2 Application Criteria

Asphaltic plug joints are mainly applied on RCDG bridges and steel girder bridges on fixed
bearings. This repair method shall be implemented if the following conditions are rated as “Bad” as
per suggested condition rating criteria:
- Water leakage: detected area >50%
- Abnormal Space/ Noise: Detected
- Difference in Elevation: >30mm at expansion gap

Bridge Repair Manual 2nd Edition

- Deteriorated Sealant: Pourable joint sealant almost completely lost.

8-1-3 Work Sequence

(1) Dismantle Existing Damaged Asphalt Joint Sealant
The damaged sealant due to heavy traffic,
aging, etc. shall be dismantled.

(2) Chipping surface concrete

Chip-off edges of concrete to install
steel frame and to insert the form to narrow gap.
(Proper gap for seamless joint is less than
25 mm.)

(3) Install steel frame

Steel frame shall be fabricated with box frame and
Rebar. This frame shall be fixed by welding between
Concrete anchor and rebar.

(4) Rebar Anchor

Besides intersection of rebar, the concrete anchor
shall be inserted for every intersection of rebar.

(5) Pouring Flexible Asphalt

Flexible Asphalt shall be poured to the chipped
off edges. The height of pouring is half of total

Bridge Repair Manual 2nd Edition

(6) Installation of Expansion Sheet
Expansion Sheet shall be spread on the first
layer of flexible asphalt.

(7) Pouring Flexible Asphalt

Flexible asphalt (asphalt- rubber chips) shall
be poured as second layer.
The surface of flexible asphalt shall not be
compact or tamping until decrease the

8-1-4 Required Materials and Tools/Equipment

8-1-4-1 Material Requirement
- Steel frame (welded with anchor rebar)
- Concrete anchor with steel bar
- Expansion sheet
- Flexible Asphalt (asphalt-rubber chip, see Photo 8-3)

Photo 8-3 Sample Asphalt Rubber Chips

8-1-4-2 Required Tools/Equipment

- Concrete Cutter
- Electric impact hammer/small jackhammer
- Gas burner
- Asphalt mini cooker
- Surface finisher

Bridge Repair Manual 2nd Edition

8-1-5 Specification
8-1-5-1 Material Requirement
- Pre-fabricated steel frame : ASTM A36 or equivalent,
Flexible asphalt shall be based in accordance with Table 8-1.
Table 8-1 Specifications of Flexible Asphalt

Property Test Method Unit Specification

Density ASTM D1188 g/cm3 2.26 ±0.05
Splitting Strength ASTM D4123-82 N/mm 1.57 ±0.29
Deformation (Flow value) JIS K2207 / ASTM D1559 1/100cm 140±20
The material shall be approved by the Engineer through mill certificate of the supplier.
8-1-5-2 Construction Requirement
(1) Chipping surface concrete
The surface of concrete at the location of the existing damaged joint shall be
chipped off for purposes of installing new steel frame. After chipping, the contractor shall
verify the sizes and spacing of existing reinforcements.
(2) Install Steel Frame
The contractor shall submit shop drawing to be approved by the Engineer, prior to
the installation of the steel frame.
(3) Pouring Flexible Asphalt
Prior to pouring, the Contractor shall submit material test results for the flexible
asphalt, for approval of the Engineer.
The flexible asphalt shall be subjected to strict quality control especially for the
temperature control requirements. Using mini asphalt cooker, flexible asphalt shall be
cooked with minimum temperature of 180℃ and not to exceed 288OC. The asphalt shall be
poured on the gap until half of total thickness as first layer.
(4) Expansion Sheet
Expansion sheet shall be laid on first layer of flexible asphalt using gas burner.
(5) Pouring Flexible Asphalt
The 2nd layer of flexible asphalt shall be subjected to strict quality control especially
for the temperature control requirements.

8-1-6 Measurement and Payment

8-1-6-1 Method of Measurement
The method of measurement for this method shall be by linear meter of joint length defined
by the Engineer.
8-1-6-2 Basis of Payment
The contract price paid per liner meter for this joint shall include full compensation for
furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and other incidental expenses, and for executing the
works. The steel components, flexible asphalt and repair works shall be deemed included in the price
per linear meter.

Bridge Repair Manual 2nd Edition


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