800 Price and 3.00 Speed: PC Laptop X

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Give a schema: PC (Model, Speed, RAM, HDD, Price)

❖Use Relational Algebra to express following constraints:
A PC with a processor speed less than 3.00 must not sell for more
than $800

 speed3.00 and Price 800  PC   

Ex2. Give a schema: LAPTOP (Model, speed, RAM, HDD, Screen, Price)
❖Use Relational Algebra to express following constraints:
A laptop with a screen size less than 15.4 inches must have at least
a 120GB hard disk or sell for less than $1000

 screen 15.4 and (HHD 120 and Price 1000)  PC   

PC (Model, Speed, RAM, HDD, Price)
LAPTOP (Model, speed, RAM, HDD, Screen, Price)
❖Use Relational Algebra to express following constraints: If a
laptop has a larger RAM than a PC, then the laptop must also have a
higher price than the PC

 Laptop.RAM  PC.RAM and Laptop.price  PC.price  Laptop x PC   

PC (Maker, Model)
PRINTER (Maker, Model)
❖Use Relational Algebra to express following constraints: No
manufacturer of PC’s may also make printers

 PC.maker  Printer.maker  PC x Printer   

❖PRODUCT (Maker, model)
❖PC (Model, speed, ram, hd, price)
❖PRINTER (Model, color, type, price)
❖Use Relational Algebra to express following constraints: No
manufacturer of PC’s may also make printers

R1 : (PC  Product )
R 2 : (Printer  Product )
 R2.maker  R1.maker  R1 x R2  
❖PC (Model, Speed, RAM, HDD, Price)
❖Use Relational Algebra to express following constraints:
▪ Higher model, higher price
▪ With the same model, higher Speed and RAM and HDD, higher price
R1 : PC
 R1.model  PC.model and R1.price  PC.price  R1 x PC    and
 R1.model  PC.model and (R1.Speed  PC.Speed and R1.RAM  PC.RAM and R1.HHD  PC.HHD) and (R1.price  PC.price)  R1 x PC   

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