800 Price and 3.00 Speed: PC Laptop X
800 Price and 3.00 Speed: PC Laptop X
800 Price and 3.00 Speed: PC Laptop X
R1 : (PC Product )
R 2 : (Printer Product )
R2.maker R1.maker R1 x R2
❖PC (Model, Speed, RAM, HDD, Price)
❖Use Relational Algebra to express following constraints:
▪ Higher model, higher price
▪ With the same model, higher Speed and RAM and HDD, higher price
R1 : PC
R1.model PC.model and R1.price PC.price R1 x PC and
R1.model PC.model and (R1.Speed PC.Speed and R1.RAM PC.RAM and R1.HHD PC.HHD) and (R1.price PC.price) R1 x PC