6,Find the model numbers and price of all products (of any type) made by
manufacturer B?
πmodel, price (maker=’B’ (Product)) ⋈ (πmodel, price (PC) πmodel, price (laptop)
πmodel, price (Printer))
7,Find the model number of all color laser printers?
R1 ρPC1(PC)
R2 ρPC2(PC)
R4 πhd (R3)
10,Find the manufacturers of the computer with the highest available speed.
A πmaker, speed (Product. model= PC. model (Product × PC)) πmaker, speed (Product.
model= Laptop. model (Product × Laptop))
πmaker((A-C) × Product)
11,Find those manufacturers of at least two different computers (PC or laptop)
with speeds of at least 2.80.
D B⋈ (maker=maker2 ʌ model<>model2) C
πmaker (D)
*Bai 5- chap2
Give a schema:
PC (Model, Speed, RAM, HDD, Price)
Use Relational Algebra to express following constraints:
A PC with a processor speed less than 3.00 must not sell for more than
speed<3.00 ʌ price ≤ 800(PC)