DNV Technical and Regulatory News No06 2021
DNV Technical and Regulatory News No06 2021
DNV Technical and Regulatory News No06 2021
06/2021 – STATUTORY
The 103rd session of the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) was held remotely from 5 to 14 May. The
agenda ranged from the humanitarian crew change crisis to safety regulations for unmanned ships. With 200,000
seafarers still affected by the pandemic, it was recognized that the vaccination of seafarers is key to overcoming
the crisis. A new goal-based IMO instrument was found to be the best way to safely introduce autonomous ships
into the IMO regulatory framework, concluding the MSC review of existing instruments for this purpose.
Meeting highlights The amendments will enter into force on 1 January 2023.
• Adoption of an MSC resolution on recommended actions to
prioritize the COVID-19 vaccination of seafarers FSS Code – Fire Safety Systems
• Finalization of the regulatory scoping exercise for autonomous Fault isolation of fire detection systems: Amendments to chapter 9 to
ships adjust the requirements for short circuit isolators in fixed fire
• Agreement on the development of a new IMO instrument for detection systems. Short circuit isolators do not need to be provided
autonomous ships as the most appropriate way forward at each individually identifiable fire detector for cargo ships and for
• Approval of guidelines for fishing vessels and pleasure yachts passenger ship balconies. For cargo ships, one per deck will typically
operating in polar waters be acceptable.
• Approval of amendments to the guidelines for the maintenance
The amendments will enter into force 1 January 2024.
and inspections of fixed CO2 fire-extinguishing systems
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MSC 103 finalized a review of the existing regulatory framework, Domestic ferry safety
which generally assumes manning and human intervention, to The global number of accidents and casualties related to domestic
determine how these regulations would apply to ships with varying ferries has remained high for decades. While recognizing that
degrees of autonomy. domestic operations are outside the scope of the IMO’s
responsibilities, MSC 103 considered a draft framework for non-
It was agreed that a new goal-based IMO instrument would be the mandatory model regulations, implementation guidelines and training
best way forward to introduce MASS into the regulatory framework. programmes and agreed to further develop these at MSC 104 in
The new instrument may be mandated through SOLAS and/or other October 2021.
conventions or be limited to providing interim guidance on MASS
operations at an early stage. The overall goal is clear: MASS should be Measures to enhance maritime security
as safe as conventional ships. Cyber risk management for ships and ports
MSC 103 agreed to disseminate the fourth version of the industry-
The regulatory scoping exercise identified many common challenges developed “Guidelines on cyber security onboard ships” as an MSC
for MASS operations across several existing IMO instruments, for circular.
example the need to clarify the role and responsibility of the “master”
for circumstances where shore personnel might control the ship, or MSC 103 also agreed to update the “Guidelines on maritime cyber risk
the functional requirements of a remote control station. MSC 103 management” (MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3) with a reference to the
agreed that addressing these challenges, as well as achieving a consolidated IACS “Recommendation on cyber resilience”
common understanding of MASS terminology, should be high priority (Recommendation 166), subject to concurrent decision by the IMO’s
in connection with the development of a new instrument. Facilitation Committee.
Member States were invited to submit new output proposals for how Human element, training and watchkeeping
to address MASS in the IMO regulatory framework to MSC 104 in Role of the human element – the COVID-19 pandemic
October 2021, recognizing that future MASS-related regulatory work The COVID-19 pandemic has created problems in terms of the
may require liaison with the IMO’s Facilitation and Legal Committees. renewal of various documents, such as certificates of proficiency and
health certificates, and of the fact that many seafarers are having
Safety of ships relating to the use of fuel oil difficulty maintaining their certificates because the necessary courses
When the MARPOL sulphur cap forced ships to consider new types of are not available. The second problem is now becoming acute.
fuel oil, MSC agreed to develop the corresponding safety measures.
Low-flashpoint fuels are attractive from an environmental perspective MSC 103 endorsed the establishment of a correspondence group to
due to their clean burning characteristics and low sulphur content. identify in detail certification and training issues related to the
COVID-19 pandemic, with a view to develop guidance for
An interim recommendation developed by MSC 101 encourages the harmonizing, to the extent possible, measures and solutions, as well
reporting of non-compliant fuel, particularly with respect to the as to consider the possible adverse effects of these measures when
SOLAS flashpoint requirements, and actions against suppliers of non- normality returns.
compliant fuel, as well as the application of international standards
for marine distillate fuels. Proposed amendment to the IMO Strategic Plan for 2018–2023
MSC 103 agreed to propose a specific strategic direction on the
Moving from interim recommendations to mandatory requirements, human element in the Strategic Plan for the Organization, particularly
MSC 103 drafted SOLAS amendments requiring contracting in the context of the global crisis stemming from the COVID-19
Governments to report confirmed cases to the IMO where oil fuel pandemic and the need to protect the seafarers. The proposal will be
suppliers have failed to meet the SOLAS flashpoint requirements, and sent to the IMO Council for consideration.
to take actions against oil fuel suppliers delivering fuel that does not
meet the flashpoint requirements. Mandatory requirements regarding Ship design and construction
the bunker suppliers’ obligation to document the flashpoint of the Non-SOLAS ships in polar waters
actual fuel batch when bunkering were also considered. Incidents in polar waters pose risks to human life, to the polar
environment and to search and rescue operations. Accordingly, the
MSC 103 also progressed draft guidelines for ships to address IMO is working on a Phase 2 of the Polar Code to address safety
situations where indicative test results suggest that the oil fuel measures also for non-SOLAS ships operating in polar waters.
supplied may not comply with the flashpoint requirements.
MSC 103 approved guidelines for the following non-SOLAS ships
The draft requirements and the draft guidelines will be further operating in polar waters:
considered in a correspondence group until MSC 105 in 2022, noting • Fishing vessels of at least 24 metres in length. These guidelines
the need to coordinate the work with the IMO’s Maritime are aligned with the 2012 Cape Town Agreement
Environmental Protection Committee. • Pleasure yachts above 300 gross tonnage not engaged in trade
DNV AS, Veritasveien 1, 1363 Høvik, Norway, Phone: +47 67 57 99 00, www.dnv.com/maritime DNV Disclaimer of Liability
The guidelines outline recommendations for mitigating hazards in Amendments to the 2011 ESP Code
polar waters, such as icing, low temperatures, darkness, high Amendments to the International Code on the Enhanced Programme
latitudes, and delays in emergency response. of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (ESP
Code) to address safety issues following the loss of the MV Stellar
Industrial Personnel (IP) Daisy in 2017.
MSC 103 noted that an intersessional working group finalized a draft
of a new SOLAS regulation and an accompanying draft of the IP Code SDC will also provide advice to MSC regarding a proposed new output
in March 2021 for vessels carrying more than 12 industrial personnel on amendments to the SOLAS requirements for bulk carriers.
on international voyages. Grandfathering provisions for existing ships
operating under the interim recommendation on the safe carriage of Emergency towing for all ships
more than 12 industrial personnel (resolution MSC.418(97)) are Extend the requirements for emergency towing devices for tankers to
included in the draft of the new SOLAS regulation. all ships over a certain size to facilitate emergency assistance and
towing operations and thereby reduce the risk of ship wreckage and
The draft of the new SOLAS regulation and the draft of the new IP pollution.
Code will be submitted to MSC 104 in October 104 for approval and is
expected to enter into force on 1 January 2024. Safe Return to Port
Review the Safe Return to Port guidelines for passenger ships to
Ship systems and equipment facilitate uniform implementation of the concept.
Maintenance of fixed carbon dioxide (CO2) fire-extinguishing systems
MSC 103 approved amendments to the “Guidelines for the Sub-committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE)
maintenance and inspections of fixed CO2 fire-extinguishing systems” Container ship fire safety
(MSC.1/Circ.1318). The amendments follow accidental releases of CO2 Evaluate fire safety measures on container ships.
into machinery spaces and CO2 cylinder rooms.
FTP Code update
The amendments represent a significant increase in the hydrostatic Revise the Fire Test Procedures (FTP) Code to implement unified
test regime for CO2 cylinders. Ten per cent (10%) of the total number interpretations, review references and accommodate new fire
of CO2 cylinders shall still be tested at the 10-year inspection, but the protection systems and materials.
20-year test regime has been expanded from testing another 10% to
testing all cylinders not tested so far (90%). All cylinders (100%) shall Sub-committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and
be tested at every 10-year anniversary thereafter. Rescue (NCSR)
VHF Data Exchange System
ISO standard references for the testing of life-saving appliances Introduce the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) to digitalize maritime
MSC 103 approved minor corrections to the ISO standards referred to radiocommunication.
for material tests for inflatable life rafts and hydrostatic release unit
membranes in the “Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving Digital navigational data system (NAVDAT)
appliances” (MSC.81(70)). Develop performance standards and supporting documents for the
digital navigational data system (NAVDAT) for the reception of safety
Work programme and security-related information as part of the modernization plan for
MSC 103 agreed to the following new work items: the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
Sub-committee on Carriage of Cargo and Containers (CCC) Sub-committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III)
IGC Code update New entrant training manual for PSC personnel
Review and update the International Code for the Construction of Produce a new entrant training manual for PSC personnel, regularly
Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) based on updated, for voluntary use.
experiences since the code entered into force on 1 January 2016.
IMSAS guidelines for implementation of the III Code
Containers lost at sea Develop guidance in relation to the IMO Member State Audit Scheme
Develop measures to facilitate detection, reporting, positioning, to assist in the implementation of the III Code by Member States.
tracking and recovery of containers lost at sea.
Any other business – COVID-19-related matters
Sub-committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) Ongoing crew change crisis
MODU Code asbestos ban MSC 103 noted that only 58 of the 174 Member States have so far
Align the wording and guidance for the asbestos ban in the non- notified the IMO of their recognition of seafarers as key workers.
mandatory MODU Code with that contained in SOLAS. While global collaborative efforts have brought down the number of
seafarers waiting to either be relieved or join their ships from 400,000
DNV AS, Veritasveien 1, 1363 Høvik, Norway, Phone: +47 67 57 99 00, www.dnv.com/maritime DNV Disclaimer of Liability
in 2020 to an estimated 200,000 in May 2021, the humanitarian crisis
is not over.
For customers:
The Secretary-Generals of the IMO, the International Civil Aviation DATE – Direct Access to Technical Experts via My Services on Veracity.
Organization (ICAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Otherwise:
World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Organization Use our office locator to find the nearest DNV office.
for Migration (IOM) have issued joint and individual statements urging
all UN members to designate seafarers as key workers, to prioritize
seafarers in their COVID-19 vaccination programmes and to ensure
their safe movement across borders.
DNV recommends that its customers monitor the outcome of future
MSC sessions for information on inter alia the Harmonized System of
Survey and Certification (HSSC) guidelines, the goal-based ship
construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers, and the
implementation of the 2012 Cape Town Agreement, as the agenda of
MSC 103 was reduced to accommodate a remote session.
DNV AS, Veritasveien 1, 1363 Høvik, Norway, Phone: +47 67 57 99 00, www.dnv.com/maritime DNV Disclaimer of Liability
Provisional list of resolutions and circulars MSC.1/Circ.[…]
Amendments to the IAMSAR Manual
Please note that the list and document references are provisional:
Resolution MSC…(103) Guidelines for safety measures for fishing vessels of 24m
Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at in length and over operating in polar waters
Sea (SOLAS), 1974
Resolution MSC…(103) Guidelines for pleasure yachts of 300 gross tonnage and above not
Amendments to the International Code on the Enhanced Programme engaged in trade operating in polar waters
of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011
(2011 ESP Code) MSC.1/Circ.1318/Rev.1
Revised guidelines for the maintenance and inspections of fixed
Resolution MSC…(103) carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems
Amendments to the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS
Resolution MSC…(103)
Amendments to the International Life-Saving Appliance Code (LSA
Resolution MSC…(103)
Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978
Resolution MSC…(103)
Amendments to Part A of the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping (STCW) Code
Resolution MSC…(103)
Amendments to the Revised Recommendation on Testing of Life-
Saving Appliances (resolution MSC.81(70))
Resolution MSC…(103)
Recommended action to prioritize Covid-19 vaccination of seafarers
Voluntary early implementation of the draft amendments to the
SOLAS Convention and the LSA Code
Guidelines on cyber security onboard ships
Guidelines on maritime cyber risk management
Revised Industry Counter Piracy Guidance
List of competent persons maintained by the Secretary-General
pursuant to section A-I/7 of the STCW Code
DNV AS, Veritasveien 1, 1363 Høvik, Norway, Phone: +47 67 57 99 00, www.dnv.com/maritime DNV Disclaimer of Liability