Field Report Saba

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Field report

Sitakund Hill Range area
course no: GS-214F
course name: Geological Fied mapping I

submitted by submitted to
Dr. HOSSAIN MD. SAYEM (Associate Professor)
saba shabnam Dr. RASHED ABDULLAH (Associate Professor)
roll:260 Dr. MD. HASAN IMAM (Assistant professor)
Department of Geological sciences, Department of geological sciences
Jahangirnagar University,savar, Jahangirnagar University,savar,
Dhaka. Dhaka.

Date of submission: 19.12.201

Jahangirnagar University,savar,Dhaka

This field report is made based on the geological investigation at the Sitakund Hill Range and
its adjacent area .The regional trend of the anticline is NNW-SSE and it is asymmetrical .The
area is topographically irregular and situated in the south-eastern part of Bangladesh.

The method of investigation mainly traversing & spot location and the equipment used in
these methods are Base map, Clinometer , Hammer, G.P.S etc. in field.

During our field investigation we worked out along the following sections:

 Labanakhya Charra section

 Georgory Charra section
 Barabkund section

The exposed rocks are sedimentary in origin which can be classified into three major rock
types such as mudstone, shale, sandstone. Among them the oldest unit is mudstone which
is termed as unit-A and the youngest unit is sandstone which is termed as unit-C.

Common sedimentary structures found there are lamination, bedding, flaser bedding, wavy
bedding, lenticular bedding, nodule, massive etc. Structures are developed under
environments which are developed under condition of deltaic to shallow marine to fluvial

There was no major unconformity. Along the rock unit fossils, igneous rocks and metamorphic

rocks were not observed there.

This field report deals with the result of collecting field data and observations of Sitakund
Hill Range and its adjacent area for describing lithology, stratigraphy, structure. This
geological field mapping course was authorized by the Department of Geological
Sciences,Jahangirnagar University from 28/03/2019 to 02/04/2019

A geological field work is very important to know the real geological feature, rock type, rock
structure etc. and to correlate theoretical knowledge with practical observation.

At first I am very grateful to the authority of our Department of Geological Sciences,

Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka for arranging such a field trip at Sitakund Hill Range
,Chittagong which gives us a great opportunity to gather practical knowledge and correlate
between theoretical and practical knowledge.
I would like to give thanks to all my honorable and respectable teachers, Dr. HOSSAIN MD.
SAYEM, (Associate Professor),. Dr. RASHED ABDULLAH, (Associate Professor), Dr.MD.
HASAN IMAM (Assistant Professor), Department of Geological sciences, Jahangirnagar
University. I thank to my all active group members for their co-operations and helps during
the field trip and preparing this report.

I would like to thank our office staffs and cookers and transport authorities.

Last but not the least I thank to my family for their constructive mental support and grateful
to almighty Allah for all thing.


Chapter one : INTRODUCTION 5-7
1.1 Aims & objectives 6
1.2 Method of investigation 6
1.3 Field equipments 6-7
Chapter two: PHYSIOGRAPHY 8-10
2.1 Topography & relief 8
2.2 Drainage 8-10
2.3 Vegetation 10
Chapter three: GENERAL GEOLOGY OF THE AREA 11-13
3.1 Tectonic settings 11
3.2 Tectonic evolution 12-13
3.3 Stratigraphy 13
4.1 Labanakhya charra section 14-15
4.2 Georgory charra section 15-17
4.3 Barabkund section 17-18
Chapter five: PETROLOGY 19-27
5.1 Rock type 19-22
5.2 Sedimentary structure 22-27
Chapter six: LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY 28-29
6.1 General stratigraphy of the area 28
6.2 Depositional environments 29
Chapter seven: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 30-32

7.1 Major structure 30-31

7.2 Minor structure 31-32
Chapter eight: GEOLOGICAL HISTORY 33
Chapter nine: ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 34
Chapter ten: CONCLUSION 35

Chapter One

Fieldwork is an important part of Geology as it provides many of the data on which our
knowledge of the Earth and its evolution along with that of life through time. Geological
field work is very important for the students of geology. It also provides important
information for geo-scientists.

For geological field work the Sitakund area drew attention to many geologists for its
interesting and complex structure and presence of gas seepage. Sitakund situated in the
northwestern part of Chittagong Hill Tracks. Sitakund Hill Range lies in the western gentle
zone of the folded part of the Bangladesh.

Sitakund hill range formed by many minor & major structures. Many fracture and joint
present within the formation or bedding. Fault escarpment present in the hill range which is
a major structure. The overall hill range of the Sitakund is an anticline which is a folded
structure (fig.1).

Structure, stratigraphy, economic geology and hydrology of the Sitakund area were studied
by many authors (Akter 1979, Alam et al.,2003, Hossain and Akter, 1983, Latif and Hossain,
1965; Muminullah,1987, Samad and Hassan,1982)

Figure 1: Sitakund area with latitude , longitude and direction.


The motive of this field work is to produce RF=1:12630 map of the study area. The included
objective is-

1. Practice to identify the exposed rock and environment
2. To study different sedimentary, stratigraphy and structural
features of studied area.
3. To measure the attitude of beds
4. To know the depositional environments of these rock.
5. To know the topographic patterns of the studied area.
6. Understand Learn how to use basic field equipment.
7. Finally to make a compressive geological field report and convert a base map
Geologic map by collection data and other information.


This studies and investigation was taken along the road-cut and stream cut charra, where
the rocks are being well exposed. For surveying in the field, traversing method was used. By
this method distance were measured by a process which known as steeping. Then step
count was converted into feet. One member of each team counted him/her steps.

Clinometers was used to measure the attitude of the beds. The data is taken where the rock
is well exposed.

All the information like bearing & distance of the next location, measuring the attitude of
beds, other structures, lithology etc. were noted down on a field note book. Photograph was
taken in every location & other suitable geologic elements.


We used different equipments during our field work. They are as follows:

Clinometers It is used for measuring the dip, strike and dip amount of the bed.

Hammer To collect samples and to find out the proper beds and other sedimentary

Measuring It is used to measuring the distance.


Pocket lens To observe the texture (shape and size) of the rocks.

Acid bottle It contains dilute HCl, which is used to determine the presence of calcareous
constituents within the rock.

Sample bag It is used to collect rock sample of individual stations with proper labeling.

Tag To indicate the sample.

Camera Used take photographs to know geologic features.

Scrapper To clean the bed surface for better measurement.

Chapter two


Physiography describes the physical (such as topography, relief, drainage, climate etc) and
biological features (such as vegetation, wild life, population, cultivation) of an area.


The topographic (fig.2) expression of the area is the abrupt rise of the hill in the eastern
flank whereas the western flanks hills are buried under the alluvial plain. The sitakund hill
range is trending NNW-SSE direction and its an anticlinal area. The average height of
sitakund hill range is 350ft. The height of the highest elevated area is 1156ft from the sea
level (Muminullah.m., 1978). This relatively high elevations hill of the eastern zone gradually
decreases its elevation to the further east and becomes plain land near Halda Valley. The
features like cliffs, spurs, waterfall, plunge pool etc. are present in the eastern part. . The
western limb is abruptly truncated by the Bengal Basin.

Figure 2: Topography of investigated area of Georgory charra section


Drainage means the processes of surface flow and sheet flow or the removal of excess water
from soil by downward flow.

A drainage system is the pattern formed by the streams, rivers and lakes in a particular
drainage basin. Streams, charra, rapid and waterfalls are the main drainage system.

In general, the drainage of the Sitakund Hill Rang in dendritic pattern.(fig.3)


Figure 3: Dandritic pattern Drainage system of sitakund area .

Streams,charra and waterfalls: The important streams are Harwan Chari, RangapaniChara,
BalukhaliKhal, LabanakhyaCharra, BaramasiaKhal, GeorgoryCharra, SobkhanchariKhal,
Kamaltaluk, ChhotaKumiraKhal, MandakiniKhal, ChaltatalirChara, MucthaChara, Kalapani,
MunaiCharra, Lathyar Chari, GuptakhaliKhal, JonaiCharra and KundaCharra.

The stream of sitakund is the youthful stage. On the path of stream flows, different
features are formed (a) Erosional features (b) Depositional feature.

We found some waterfalls in our investigated area. Waterfall means a perpendicular or

steep descent of the water of a stream. The streams are in youth stage demonstrated by
their characteristics feature like waterfall, pot hole, v-shaped valley etc.


Because of the geographical position of this area it is in tropic zone and it is thickly forested.
It is a mixed forest area. The hilly area is thickly vegetated with long grass, bamboos and
shrubs. Some of the locally known trees are Koroi, Segun, Bangla Kola, Mango, Kathal etc.

Within the hills there are numerous valleys with alluvium that supported cultivation. Paddy
and varieties of vegetables such as betel leaf, tomato, been, corolla etc. are the chief
agricultural products.

No wild animals were seen while the field work was going on except some few birds.

Figure 4: Cultivating land in Sitakund area

Chapter three


3.1 Tectonic setting:

The word “Tectonic” refers to the role of plate movement. Plate tectonics play
the most important role in the geologic development of an area.

Separation of Gondwana Land developed the Indian plate, Antarctica and Australian plate.
Movement of Indian plate in North-West direction causes the collision with Eurasian plate.
That collision led to the formation of Indo Burmian Orogeny. Later the collision of Indian
plate and Burmese plate led to the formation of the Bengal Foredeep.

Bangladesh lies between 20o 34’and 26o 38’ north latitudes and 88 o 01’ and 92o 41’ east
longitudes and as a consequence falls in the north eastern South Asia.

The structural settings of Bengal basin is fundamentally related to the collision pattern
Indian, Eurasian and Burmese plates. The northern part of Indian plate is subducted beneath
the Eurasian plate, resulting the development of great Himalaya. Whereas the Indian plate is
subducting beneath the Burmese plate in the east side resulting the rise of Indo-Burma
ranges.(Alam et al.,2003).

Tectonic setting discuss under the theory of plate tectonics. Our studied area, Sitakund
anticline is one of the most important doubly plunging
asymmetrical anticline of Tertiary age, the axis of which runs from NNW to
SSE parallel to the seashore (Hossain M. Khandaker and Akhter H. 1983).

Figure 5:.a.Lcation of the Bengal Basin is the context of Indian, Tibetan and Burmese plates. b. Map shows tectonic
elements of the Bengal and location of the study area (modified after Alam et al., 2003).

3.2 Tectonic evolution:

Bangladesh occupies much of the Bengal Basin. The Bengal basin has evolved from collision
of the Indian plate and Asian plate. Development of the Bengal Basin has been controlled by
the collision of the Indian plate with the Burmese and Tibetan plates. Major subdivision of
the Bengal Basin includes:(a) the stable shelf in the northwest, (b) the deeper foredeep

basin in the central part, (c)the fold belt to the east (d)Early Miocene remnant to ocean
basin development (after alam et al,2003)

The studied area runs along the coast line of Bay of Bengal which is directly related to the
development of Himalayan Mountain

Figure 6:Topographic Evolution of Bangal Basin :( a) Jurassic to Early Cretaceous rifting, (b)Middle Paleocene soft
collision, (c) Middle Eocene hard collision, (d)Early Miocene remnant ocean basin development e)present time.(after Alam
et al., 2003).


Figure7:showing the tectonic setting of studied area.

3.3 Stratigraphy:

Stratigraphy is the study of stratified rocks which deals with original succession & age
relation of rock state, distribution, and lithologic composition, fossil content & geochemical
properties of strata. The main principle of stratigraphy is based upon sedimentary petrology
& the basic principle of stratigraphy(Nicols, Gray).

Stratigraphy can be considered as the relationship between rocks and time and the
stratigraphy is concerned with the observation, description and interpretation of direct and
tangible evidence in rocks to determine the history of the Earth. To understand how these
global systems work, need a record of their past behavior to analyze and this is provided by

The basic principle of stratigraphy is based on the law of superposition.

Chapter four


The studied area is characterized by the hills, valleys, cliffs and plains. The investigated area
includes the north-western part of the Chittagong and Chittagong hill tracts.

The investigated are of sitakund hill range is studied under three major sections.

Three section are:

1. Labanakhya charra section

2. Georgory charra section
3. Barabkund section.


Labanakhya charra section was studied on the first day of our field trip. It is a hilly region.
The whole charra was divided into 6 stations. On the way, Labanakhya temple was found.
Gas seepage was found there. This area was densely vegetated.

The rock types are as follows- Sandstone, Nodular shale, mudstone. They show laminated,
nodular, flaser, lenticular and micro cross laminated structure. . The other important minor
structure in the studies are is "Oblique Joint" which is the evidence of tectonic activities.

TABLE: Attitutes, rock types, sedimentology and sedimentary structure of the Labanakhya
Charra Section.

Distance from
Station Dip Dip Sedimentary
previous Strike Basic rock type
number direction amount structure
station (ft)
LS-1 0 350 260 52⁰ Sandy shale

LS-2 400 320 230 39⁰ Sandy shale Laminated

LS-3 665 _ _ _ Mudstone Nodular

LS-4 810 _ _ _ Mudstone Nodular

LS-5 1470 _ _ _ Mudstone

LS-6 1380 _ _ _ Mudstone
Alteration of Flaser and
LS-7 660 153 064 32⁰
sandy shale Lenticular

(a) (b)

Figure 8: (a) Drainage pattern & (b) Cross section of labanakhya charra section.

Other features in Labanakhya charra section: In labanakhya charra section we found

waterfalls(fig 9a), plunge pool(fig 9a), gas seepage(fig 9b) as other features.

a waterfal

plunge pool

Figure 9:(a) waterfall & plunge pool. (b) gass seepage in labanakhya charra section

4.2 Georgory charra section

Georgory charra section was studied on the second day of our field trip.The investigated
area georgory Charra-section is situated northern portion from base camp.The georgory
charra section is about 3.8 km from the base camp.. The area was well. It is a hilly region.
The whole charra was divided into 7 stations. There are different rock types those are

studied in this section. The rocks are most important to describe Geologic features of this
area as well as sitakund hill range area.

Common rock types are Sandstone, shale, Sandy shale, Mudstone which shows some
structure such as massive, nodular, laminated, lenticular, cross bedded, Flaser bedding with
some minor structure as, Recumbent chevron fold, vertical Joint are also found in the
investigation. Plunge pool also found in section 5.

Table: Distance, attitude, rock type, sedimentary structure of Georgory Chara section.

Station Distance Strike Dip Dip Rock type Sedimentary

Number From Direction Amount structures
ZS-1 0 Sandstone Massive

ZS-2 485 150 240 72⁰ Shale Laminated

Shale with
Silt strikes
And lens
ZS-3 1690 170 260 34⁰ Sandy shale
ZS-4 595 Mudstone Nodular

ZS-5 Sandy shale Laminated

ZS-6 1237 Mud Lenticular
ZS-7 612 Sandstone Cross Bedding

(a) (b)

Figure 10: (a) Dendritic pattern & cross section of labanakhya charra section

Other features : In Georgory charra section we found waterfall(fig 11a), pot hole(fig 11b)

pot hole


Figure 11: waterfall & pot hole in georgory charra section

4.3 Barabkund section

Barabkund section was studied on the third day of our field trip. This section was the
shortest section among all other sections and simple in Physiography. This section is well
vegetated and beginning of the work population was well but when hilly area started then
population was less compare with the plain land. We found barabkund temple here in which
a gas seepage was situated.

We investigate some interesting features, Gas- seepage (BKS-1), coal layer form in the rock
depositional time which is in "Thermally mature".(BKS-4), with these, we measure an
upliftment of soil which indicate that the area is tectonically active.

Many types of sedimentary rock such as shale, mudstone, siltstone, alternating sandstone
and shale etc. were found.


Station Distance from Strike Dip direction Dip Basic rock type
number previous amount
BK-1 0 120 210 06⁰ Shale
BK-2 403.75 Mudstone
BK-3 739.5 Siltstone

BK-4 511.25 120 210 08⁰ Siltstone

BK-5 900 147 237 35⁰ Shale

BK-6 318 344 254 47⁰ Shale
BK-7 459 340 251 62⁰ Shale
BK-8 1030 150 240 81⁰ Alternating
sandstone and

Figure 12: Drainage pattern of barabkund section

Chapter five

Petrography means the description and systematic classification of rock unit. Petrography
describe the structure and texture of the rock. Especially it describes the chemical and
mineralogical composition.

5.1 Rock type

The investigated area of Sitakund Hill Range consists to mainly

sedimentary rocks. There was no concentrated igneous and metamorphic rock in
the studied area. In the investigated area, we found following rock types:


2. Sandyshale


Sandstone :Sandstone is yellowish brown color (fig.13) which is fine to very fine grained,
poorly compacted ,moderately to well sorted, moderately to high permeable in nature.
Occasionally some poorly bedding can be found. Sandstone is moderately sorted,
occasionally iron incrustation and micas are present .The cementing material of this type of
sandstone is ferruginous type. In some cases organic impression present. Occasionally
carbonaceous leafs are also present in their structure .in some cases flaser bedding and
cross lamination are present.

Figure 13: Yellowish sandstone in Georgory Charra section


Shale is grayish in colour, moderately compacted and composed of clay size perticles. . It
shows laminated structure. Sometimes sand strike and lense are present when it shows
lenticular bedding. Occasionally iron incrustation are present. In general this shale shows
moderate permeability. Sometimes minor folding and recumbent orientation is present. The
cementing material of this type of shale is argillaceous.

Figure 14: shale in barabkund section


Shale dominating portion with a little amount of sand is known as sandyshale. It is dark gray,
in some cases yellowish gray in color with composed of fine to very fine sand size particles.
It is moderately to high compacted & moderately shorted. In some cases, micro-cross
lamination, lenticular flaser bedding in structure with occasionally calcareous bands & mica.
The cementing material is Argillaceous. In some cases sand layer is reddish in color &
cementing material is calcareous. we found sandyshale in Georgory charra section(fig15).

In some cases, silt is also present like sand in shale, which is known as siltyshale. But it is
not abundant.

Figure15: sandyshale in Georgory charra section


Mudstone is gray in colour, dominantly composed of clay size perticles. Occasionally poorly
laminated, conchoidal fracture. It shows fissile nature. Cementing material of this type of
mudstone is argillaceous. Nodular structure is present. In some cases iron incrustations are

Figure 16: Mudstone in Barabkund section

Beside this major rock type , we also found others different type of rock Such as:

Sandy shale(found in labanakhya charra section): sandy shale is yellowish gray in colour,
composed of very fine size particle, moderately porous and permeable. It is relatively hard
and compact. Occasionally lenticular, flaser bedding and micro cross lamination are present.
In this sandy shale shale bands are also present.

Siltstone(found in georgorycharra and barabkund section):

Siltstone is gray in colour which. Grain size varies from silt size to very fine size particles. It
shows laminated structure. Carbonaceous matter and leaf impression is present.

Sandy shale with calcareous band (found in georgory charra section): This sandstone is gray
in colour, composed of fine size particles. Calcareous sandstone bands are present. Micros
lamination is present in shale.


Sedimentary structures are large scale features of sedimentary rocks. They are formed by a
variety of sedimentary processes:

 Fluid flow
 Sediment-gravity flow
 Soft sediment deformation
 Biogenic activity [Boggs, JR.G, 1965]

In our investigated area we found two types of structure

 Primary sedimentary structure

 Secondary sedimentary structure

Primary sedimentary structure:

Structures are those generated during or shortly after deposition of sediments. Types of
primary sedimentary structure

 Massive structure:
Beds are homogeneous and lacking of internal structure are termed as massive bedding.
It is common in sandstone.( Billings, M.P 1986)(fig.17)

Figure17: massive sandstone in Labanakhya charra section

 Cross bedding:
Cross beds are the groups of inclined layers which are known as cross strata. Across
bedding forms during deposition on the inclined surfaces of bed forms such as ripple
and dunes which indicate the depositional environment (Billings, M.P 1986)Trough
cross lamination are those structures having upper and lower bounding surfaces that
are curved.

Figure 18: cross bedding in large scale in Labanakhya charra section

 Parallel lamination:
The term parallel lamination has been used to describe laminae with parallel but
nonplanar boundariesIt is found at all sections within shale and at LabanakhyaCharra
section within sandstone(fig19)

Figure19 :parallel lamination in Georgory charra section

 Penecontemporaneous structure: Penecontemporaneous deformation structures

comprise disturbed, distorted or deformed sedimentary layers produced by
inorganic agencies. This features have been formed at the time of or very shortly
after deposition of sediment, but in any case, before the consolidation of sediment.
we found this structure in Georgory charra section. (fig 20)

Figure20: penecontemporaneous structure found in Georgory charra section

 wavy bedding: A form of heterolithic sediment characterized by interbedded

rippled sand & mud layers. When the depositional system contains mud as well as
sand, intermittent breaks in the current flow may lead to preservation of mud and
sand layer alternate where the proportion of mud is 50% and sand is 50% is called
wavy bedding. [Boggs, JR.G, 1965] We found it in georgory charra section.(fig. 21)

Figure 21 : wavy bedding found in Georgory charra section

 Flaser Bedding:
Flaser bedding is a type of ripple bedding in which thin streaks of mud occur between
sets of cross laminated or ripple laminated sandy or silty sediment (Billings, M.P 1986).
Mud is concentrated mainly in the ripple troughs .It suggests deposition under
fluctuating hydraulic condition.

Figure 22: flaser bedding found in Labanakhya charra section.

 Lenticular Bedding:
Lenticular bedding is a structure formed by inter-bedded mud and ripple cross laminated
sand in which the ripples or sand lenses are discontinious and isolated in both vertical
and horizontal direction. (fig 23)

Figure 23: lenticular bedding

Secondary sedimentary structure:

structures are those generated after deposition of sediments.We found four types of
secondary sedimentary structure. They are-

 Nodule: An irregular spherical to ellipsoidal flattened to cylindrical, oval or similarly

rounded body.Nodules are closely related to concretion. Nodules are well exposed
in the axial region of theLabanakhyaChara also shows fissile nature.

Figure 24:nodular structure in Labanakhya charra section

 IRON CONCRETION:It is a hard and compact mass of mineral matter in the pores of

sedimentary or fragmental volcanic rock. These are spherical to elliptical bodies usually

small and diverse chemical nature then the rocks in which they occur. A chemical
sedimentary structure, typically thin bedded or finely laminated, containing at least 15%
iron of sedimentary origin and commonly but not necessarily containing layer of chert.
[Bates, R. L. And Jackson, J.A. 1980] We found this structure in shale of labanakhya charra

Figure 25: iron incrustation in labanakhya charra section

 Mud cracks:Mud cracks are secondary sedimentary structure formed as muddy sediment

dry sand contracts. Crack formation also occurs in clay-bearing soils as result of a reduction

in water content (Latif, M.A. and Hossain, M.T.1965) Mud crack is found silty shale at
Barabkund section in Sitakunda Hill Range.

Chapter six

Lithostratigraphy is the study of stratified rocks to determine the order and timing of events
in Earth history. It is the branch of Geology.

The Principal of Stratigraphy is based on the principal “Law of Superposition”- Stated by

Nicolas Steno (1634- 1687). This law states that- “If a series of sedimentary rocks has not
been overturned or disturbed, then the top most layer is always younger and the bottom
most layer is always older”

6.1 General stratigraphy of the area

Stratigraphy is the branch of geology concerned with the order and relative position of

strata and their relationship to the geologic time scale.

The stratigraphy of the area is tried to establish mainly on the basis of lithology and their
sedimentary structure.sedimentary rocks were mostly shale, Sandstone and mudstone
which were exposed through rood cut and stream section. . Thick vegetation and other
weathering processes mode confused to take the reading. The sedimentary rock of Sitakund
hill range has no difference with overall lithology of Chittagong and Chittagong hill tracts.
Because of the absence of index fossil and sharp lithologic boundary no definite age could
be found. On the basis of lithological criteria the Sitakund hill range can be divided into
three units on the basis of stratigraphy. These are following:

Sandstone (youngest)

Shale (middle)

Mudstone (older)

6.2 Depositional environment

The possible depositional environment of the rock unit in sitakund hill range is given bellow

Rock unit Brief lithological description Possible Relative Sym

depositional age bol

Unit C Medium to fine grained sandstone with Fluvial Deltaic Youngest

(sandstone) cross laminated structure and yellowish
brown color, presence of clay gall, micas
present, cementing material ferruginous.

Unit B Dark gray colored shale with calcareous Deltaic to Middle

sandstone bent, thin bedded sandstone shallow
which is laminated, lenticular and flaser in marine
structure, iron incrustation present.

Unit A Mainly mudstone with nodular structure, Deltaic Oldest

gray color, silt to clay size particles. Shale
is found also, organic matter is present.

Chapter seven

Structure is the large scale feature which deals with its orientation and relation of parts rock
masses to the whole. Sitakund hill range is mainly in the southern east part of Bangladesh in
From our field observation we got tectonic structures which are divided into two broad

7.1 Major structure

7.2 Minor structure

7.1 Major structure:

The major structures which are seen in Sitakund are:



One of the most important structures of the investigated area is folding. Fold means the
bends in rock that form in response to the directional force. Folds are undulations or bends
or waves in the rock of the earth surface.The bending of rock strata due to compression
forces acting horizontally or tangentially towards common point or plane from opposite
direction is known as folding.The structure covers an area about 400sq km in length axial
region is about 1km.

The field observation suggests the Sitakund hill area was an asymmetrical overturned fold or
anticline. In the western flank of the fold (Barabakund), we saw overturning feature.


Fault is a fracture within the rock along which the two blocks are displaced. It also
defines rupture along which the opposite walls move past each other. We found three
major types of fault in Sitakunda Hill Range and they are named as F1,F2 and F3.

F1(Topographic change):Sudden change in topographic at the piedmont ofhill,which an

indicator of fault of the anticline.

F2 (Gas seepage): In Barabakund and &Labanakhya temple (fig.23), there is some gas
seepage which shows the presence of faulting.

F3(Drainage diivide): We found fault escarpment from our physical observation. Presence
of drainage divide are found in the map. Possibly it is a reason of this major fault.

7.2 Minor structure

Beside this major structure some minor structures have been found which are given below:

Micro fold:

Micro fault is a small scale fault. It can be found near the major fault line. At Georgory
Charra section there was fracture within fold bed. Fold axis is directed towards W-E. We also
observed a micro folding at Barbakund section.

Figure 26: Micro fold in barabkund section

Chevron Fold: In Georgory charra section we found which was Recumbent fold known as
chevron fold. (fig. 27)

Figure 27: Chevron fold


Joint is a feature in a rock between of sides of which there is no observable relative

movements Joints are the fracture of the rock of the earth surface where no displacement
occur parallel along the fracture surface. There many joints have been found in the
investigated area of Labanakhya & Barabakund section. Dip joint was found only at
Barabkunda section.

Figure28: vertical join and oblique joint in Labanakhya charra section

Chapter eight
Based on our field observation at Sitakund Hill Range we found mainly sedimentary rock.
From the stratigraphy we identify three major rock units and these are:

Unit C: Sandstone

Unit B: Sandyshale

Unit A: Mudstone

Among them unit A(mudstone) is oldest and unit c(sandstone) is the youngest.

We also observed the color, texture, grain composition of the rock unit and assume that unit
A, B and C belongs to deltaic and shallow marine environment. Major tectonic structure of
the area is an asymmetric anticline. From our field observation we got tectonic structures
which are divided into two broad classes.

1. Major structures: The major structures which are seen in Sitakund are Fold and Fault.
2. Minor structures: Some minor structure is present in the investigated area Such as Fold,
Joint & unconformity.

The evidences of those faults are gas seepage and fault escarpment. Fault and fold possibly
present at same line due to NNW-SSE compression. At Barabkunda section some gravel
beds are found and possibly it indicates upliftment of rock unit or downward movement of
the sea level. This structure formed through Indo-Burman collision during Oligocene to
Miocene (Johnson and Alam 1991). Sitakunda hill range is mainly in the southern east part
of Bangladesh in Chittagong.From these observations we can say that Sitakund Hill Range is
a tectonically active area.

Chapter nine

Economic geology is the application of geologic knowledge to materials usage and principles
of engineering.

Economic geology is concerned with earth materials that can be used for economic and/or
industrial purposes. These materials include precious and base metals, nonmetallic
minerals, construction-grade stone, petroleum minerals, coal, The Sitakund area is quite rich
in economic aspects from the geologic point of view.

Various types of rock such as hard calcareous sandstone, shale, sandy shale and sandstone
are found in the investigated area. These rocks can be utilized for some constructional

The economically important rocks are described below:


sandstone widely occurs in the Sitakund anticline. Unconsolidated sandstone is used as

constituents of mortar and concrete. It is also used as earth filling and construction purpose.
The hard and compact sandstones are found which are used for road, construction and also
protection of bank of the river. It also used as earth fillings.

Calcareous sandstone:

These rock types are mined manually by local people for construction.

Gas seepage:

A gas seepages are found in the Labonakhya charra section. This indicates the presence of
natural gas in the area. In Labanakhya charra section & Barabkund Section we observed
some active & inactive gas seepage within the tample. The presence of gas seepage
(according to Hossain&Akhter) it is possible to get oil and gas.


Shales are important rocks exposed in Sitakund hill range. They are important source of
construction materials. Shale are also used to manufacture bricks.

Many other cultivated forests have also economic importance.

Chapter ten

This report is all about the Sitakunda Hill Range along labanakhya chara ,Georgory charra
and barbakund section.

The area which is investigated, the Sitakund Hill Range, situated on the North Western part
of the Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracks. To require practical knowledge of Geology it
gives a great scope to us.

Waterfall, rapid, plung pool, pot hole are present in the studied area. Numerous charra or
streams cover the area. The area is highly elevated. Average height is 500-700 feet but the
highest elevation is 1156 feet near the Chandranath Temple.

The investigated area is an assymetrical anticline. The exposed rocks are all clastic
sedimentary rocks and classified into Shale unit , Sandstone Shale alternation, yellowish
sandstone , mudstone Unit. Traverse method is used for investigation.

Shale is deposited in marine condition, Sandy shale deposited in shallow marine condition,
yellowish color sand stone deposited in fluvial environment and high energy condition.

There is no unconformity along the units in the studied area. Because of the absence of
fossil contents we can not successfully correlate these units with standard succession.

Sitakund Hill Range is an excellent area for detail investigation which requires more time,
more equipment, more scope and higher knowledge.

 Akter, S.H.(1979) Structure, stratigraphy and sedimentlogy of the Upper Tertiary
sediments of the central part of the Sitakund Hill Range, Chittagong, Bangladesh,
M.Sc., thesis, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka.

 Billings, M.P 1986; Structural Geology; Prentice-Hall of India (Pri.) Ltd. New Delhi.

 Boggs, S., 2001. Principles of sedimentology and Stratigraphy;Prentice-Hall, Inc.,New


 Hoosain, et al 2019; Tectonics and structure of the Bengal Basin.

 Krishnan M.S; 1960 Geology of India and Burma. HiginBothams ltd. Mourt Road Madras., India.

 Latif, M.A. and Hossain, M.T. (1965) Geology of the Sitakund Hill Range, Jour.Dhaka
Univ.Studies, v.13, pp.7-16

 Nicols, Gray, 1999, Principles of Stratigraphy.

 He Pradip Kumar Sen Gupta, 1985; Bangladesh Journal of Geology.

 Riemann, K.U, 1993; Geology of Bangladesh; Printed in Germany by Tu DruckereiGmbtt,


 Google Earth

 Google Map


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