ALE: (Application Linking Enabling) :: IDOC (Intermediate Document)
ALE: (Application Linking Enabling) :: IDOC (Intermediate Document)
ALE: (Application Linking Enabling) :: IDOC (Intermediate Document)
It is a tool which shall help to transfer the data from one SAP system to another SAP System
It also transfer data from SAP to Non SAP System
SAP to non-SAP then it uses translators Translator are TIBCO/XI
Why we need to Transfer the data?
Client having operation in multiple countries and wants a centralized location where the data is
If customer is using SAP then we transfer the data from his system to our system.
Ex: Customer sends the PO to us through IDOC then we can use that and create a sales order.
SAP is an Integration of many 3rd party systems. And also SAP systems
It means ECC R/3 can be communicated with GTS server or the TM Server.
Data transfer can happen between all these systems.
What are Advantage of ALE?
1) It will save the time of end user
2) It will minimize paper work.
3) It will minimize manual mistakes