BashaaratAlMustafa 1
BashaaratAlMustafa 1
BashaaratAlMustafa 1
)بشارة المصطفى (صلى هللا عليه وآله) لشيعة المرتضى (عليه السالم
الجزء األول
Part One
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saww asws
Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
The Call On The Day Of Judgment: “The One Who Followed Aliasws In The World, So Let Him
Stand!”............................................................................................................................. 5
The Call On The Day Of Judgment: “Where Is The Ummy Prophetsaww?”. So Hesaww Would
Proceed In Front Of The People etc. .................................................................................. 7
Speech Of The Prophetsaww About The Dead And The Tree Of Zaqoum ............................ 12
The Speech Of The Prophetsaww To Aliasws To Wear The Ring In The Right Hand ................ 14
The Informing By Al-Baqirasws To Hisasws Shias Of Hisasws Love For Them And Hisasws Glad Tidings
Of The Good ................................................................................................................... 17
Glad Tidings of The Prophetsaww To Aliasws And Hisasws Shias Of The Paradise .................... 22
The Words Of The Prophetsaww: ‘The One Who Loves To Ride The Ship Of Salvation, So Let Him
Befriend Aliasws’. ............................................................................................................. 23
The Words Of The Prophetsaww: ‘Aliasws Is Mysaww Successor, And Mysaww Caliph, And The
Husband Of The Chieftess Of The Women Of The Worlds, And That Al-Hassanasws And Al-
Husaynasws Are The Chiefs Of The Youths Of The Inhabitants Of Paradise’. ...................... 25
Rasool-Allahsaww Said: ‘There Are Four Isaww Would Be Interceding For Them On The Day Of
Judgment, Even If They Come To Mesaww With The Sins Of (All) The People Of The Earth’. 27
The Words Of The Prophetsaww: ‘Love For Mesaww And Love For The Peopleasws Of Mysaww
Household Would Benefit In Seven Places’. .................................................................... 28
The Words Of The Prophetsaww: ‘The Adversary to Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws is An Infidel, And
the one who loves Himasws is A Momin’. .......................................................................... 29
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
The Words Of The Prophetsaww To Aliasws: ‘O Aliasws! Yourasws Shias, They Would Be The
Succesful Ones On The Day Of Judgment’. ...................................................................... 30
The Words Of The Prophetsaww: ‘In Aliasws there are such Qualities, if one of these was to be in
the entirety of the people, they would suffice with it as a merit’. and the words of the
Prophetsaww: ‘the love for Aliasws is Eman and hatred to himasws is disbelief’. .................... 33
The words of the Prophetsaww: ‘Shall Isaww give youasws glad tidings o Aliasws?’ heasws said: ‘yes’.
Hesaww said: ‘Isaww and youasws, and (Syeda) Fatimaasws, and Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws,
weasws were created from one essence’........................................................................... 34
The words of the Prophetsaww: ‘The rest and the comfort, and the happiness and the glad
tidings is for the one who takes Aliasws as an Imamasws and befriends himasws’. ................. 35
The words of the Prophetsaww to Aliasws: ‘Youasws are mysaww brother, and mysaww successor,
and mysaww inheritor, and mysaww caliph upon mysaww community during mysaww lifetime and
after mysaww passing away’. ............................................................................................ 39
Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Allahazwj Blessed and High Established Brotherhood between Measws
and Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws’. .......................................................................................... 40
The most superior of the Eids is the day in which Aliasws was nominated at Ghadeer Khumm
...................................................................................................................................... 40
Regarding the Prophetsaww grabbing by the hands of Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws, and
hissaww words: ‘the one who loves these twoasws, and theirasws fatherasws, and theirasws
motherasws, would be with mesaww in mysaww level on the day of judgment’. .................... 60
Allahazwj Blessed And High would Resurrect people, their faces would be from light, (sitting)
upon chairs of fire etc. .................................................................................................... 61
The words of the Prophetsaww to Aliasws: ‘Isaww am the city of wisdom and Youasws are its gate,
and the city would never be come to except from the direction of its gate ...................... 61
The words of Al-Sadiqasws: ‘When it would be the day of judgment, Allah azwj would gather the
former ones and the latter ones in one plain’.................................................................. 62
The words of the Prophetsaww to hissaww companions: ‘Allahazwj Made Aliasws as a flag between
the Eman and the hypocrisy. So the one who loves himasws would be a momin, and the one
who hates himasws would be a hypocrite’. ....................................................................... 63
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
The words of the Prophetsaww: ‘the one whose joy is that he should cross the bridge and arrive
to the paradise without reckoning, so let him befriend Ali asws Bin Abu Talibasws’. ............. 64
The words of the Prophetsaww: ‘Isaww am the chief of the Prophetsas and the Mursilsas, and
mysaww successorasws is the chief of the succesorsas, and mysaww offspring is the most superior
of the offsprings of the Prophetsas’. ................................................................................ 65
The words of the Prophetsaww to Aliasws: ‘O Aliasws! Youasws are the Imamasws of the Muslims,
and Emir of the Momineen, and the guide of the resplendent, and a Divine Authority of
Allahazwj upon Hisazwj creatures’. ..................................................................................... 66
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
The Call On The Day Of Judgment: “The One Who Followed Ali asws In
The World, So Let Him Stand!”
ْن ْال َح َس ِن ِ ْن َح َّد َث َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ْال َفقِي ُه ْال ُمفِي ُد أَبُو َعلِيٍّ ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ َّاري َ َّللا ُ فِي الد َّ َيقُو ُل م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ أَ ِبي ْال َقاسِ م َر ِح َم ُه
ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال َ ِير ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ ُ ُّ
ب ِ ِين َعلِيِّ ب ِ الطوسِ يُّ ِبق َِرا َءتِي َعلَ ْي ِه فِي ُج َما َدى ْاْلولَى َس َن َة إِحْ َدى َع ْش َر َة َو َخ ْمسِ مِا َئ ٍة ِب َم ْش َه ِد َم ْو ََل َنا أم
ََّللا ُ َع ْن ُه ْم َقا َل أَ ْخ َب َرنا
َّ الطوسِ يُّ َرضِ َي ُّ َّللا َعلَ ْي ِه َو َعلَى ُذرِّ َّي ِت ِه َقا َل َح َّد َث َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ال َّسعِي ُد ْال َوالِ ُد أَبُو َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ُد ْبنُ ْال َح َس ِن َِّ ات ُ صلَ َو َ
َِّّللاُ َقا َل َح َّد َث َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ْال َفقِي ُه أَبُو َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َعلِي
َّ ْن ْال ُم َعلِّم َر ِح َم ُه
ِ با
ِ ِ ب ُُوفر ْع مَ ْ
ال ان
ِ م
َ ْعنُّ ال ْن
ِ ب د
ِ م
َّ ُح
َ م ُْن ب ُ
د م
َّ ُح
َ م َّ
ِ دِ ْ
ب ع
َ ُو
ب َ أ ُ
خ ْ
ي َّ
ش ال
ْْن َيحْ َيى َعن ِ ان ب ْ
َ صف َو َ ْوح َعن ُ َ
َ َّللا َعنْ أي َّ َ َ َ ْ َّ َ َ َ
ِ ْن ْب ِن َبا َب َو ْي ِه قا َل َح َّدثنِي أ ِبي َرضِ َي َّللا ُ َعن ُه قا َل َح َّدثنا َسعْ ُد بْنُ َع ْب ِد ْ
ٍ ْن ن ِ ُّوب ب ِ ُسي
َ ْن الح ِ ب
َ ْن ع ُْث َم
ان ِ ِ أَ َب
ب ان
(The compiler) Muhammad Bin Abu Al-Qasim, may Allah have Mercy on him in the two houses (world
and Hereafter) is saying, ‘It was Narrated to us Al-Sheykh Al-Faqeeh Al-Mufeed Abu Ali Al-Hassan Ibn
Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Tusi during the month of Jamaadi Al-Awwal in the year five
asws asws
hundred and eleven at the location of our Master Amir Al-Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talib may the
azwj asws asws
Salawat of Allah be upon him and his Progeny, from Al-Sheykh Al-Sa’eed Al-Waalid Abu Ja’far
Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Tusi, from Al-Sheykh Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Al-
No’man Al-Ma’rouf, from Al-Sheykh Al-Faqeeh Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al-Husayn Bin
Babuwayh, from his father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ayub Bin Nuh, from Safwaan Bin Yahya, from
Aban Bin Usmaan,
(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah Ja’far Bin Muhammadasws having said: ‘When
it will be the Day of Judgment, a Caller will Call out from the interior of the Throne:
‘Where is the Caliph of Allahazwj in Hisazwj earth?’ So Prophet Dawoodasws will stand up.
But a Call will come from Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: ‘Weazwj did not Intend it to be
youas, and (although) youas were a Caliph of Allahazwj’’.
َّللا َع َّز َو َج َّل َيا َمعْ َش َر ِ َّ ب ع َف َيأْتِي ال ِّندَا ُء ِمنْ ِق َب ِل ٍ ِِين َعلِيُّ بْنُ أَ ِبي َطال َ َّللا فِي أَرْ ضِ ِه َف َيقُو ُم أَمِي ُر ْالم ُْؤ ِمن
ِ َّ ُث َّم ُي َنادِي َثا ِن َي ًة أَي َْن َخلِي َف ُة
َار ال ُّد ْن َيا َف ْل َي َت َعلَّ ْق ِب َح ْبلِ ِه فِي َهذا َّ َ َّ ُ ٍ ِْال َخ ََلئ ِِق َه َذا َعلِيُّ بْنُ أَ ِبي طال
ِ َّللا فِي أرْ ضِ ِه َو حُجَّ ُت ُه َعلَى عِ َبا ِد ِه َف َمنْ َت َعلقَ ِب َح ْبلِ ِه فِي َد ِ ب َخلِي َفة
انِ ت ْال ُعلَى م َِن ْال ِج َنِ ور ِه َو ْل َي َّت ِبعْ ُه إِلَى َد َر َجا
ِ ْال َي ْو ِم َيسْ َتضِ ي ُء ِب ُن
Then he would Call out for a second time: ‘Where is the Caliph of Allahazwj in Hisazwj
earth?’ So Amir Al-Momineenasws will stand up’. Then will be a Call from Allah azwj Mighty
and Majestic: “O group of creatures! This is Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws, Caliph of Allahazwj in
Hisazwj earth, and Hisazwj Proof over Hisazwj servants. So, whoever attached himself to
hisasws rope in the house of the world should attach himself to his asws rope on this Day.
He would be illuminated by hisasws light and will follow himasws to the high levels of the
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
He (Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘So the people would arise, those who had attached
themselves to hisasws rope in the house of the world. They will follow him asws to the
Then a Call will come from Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: ‘Indeed! The one who followed
an Imam in the house of the world, so he should follow him to wherever he asws goes,
with himasws. “[2:166] When those who were followed shall renounce those who
followed (them), and they see the chastisement and their ties are cut asunder
[2:167] And those who followed shall say: Had there been for us a return, then we
would renounce them as they have renounced us (today). Thus will Allah Show
them their deeds to be of intense regret to them, and they shall not come forth
from the Fire”.1
ال َس َن َة ْاث َن َتيْ َع ْش َر َة َو َخمْ سِ ِما َئ ٍةٍ ازنُ ِبق َِرا َءتِي َعلَ ْي ِه فِي َش َّوِ ار ْال َخ َ ْن َشه ِْر َي ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ْاْلَمِينُ أَبُو َع ْب ِد
ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ أَحْ مَدَ ب
وب ال َّدهَّانُ ِبق َِرا َءتِي َعلَ ْي ِه ِ ب ع َقا َل َح َّد َثنِي أَبُو َيعْ لَى َحمْ َزةُ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
َ ُْن َيعْ ق ٍ ْن أَ ِبي َطا ِل
ِ ِين َعلِيِّ ب َ ِير ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ
ِ ِب َم ْش َه ِد َم ْو ََل َنا أم
َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ
ين َو أرْ َب ِعمِا َئ ٍة َقا َل أخ َب َر َنا أبُو ال َح َس ِن أحْ َم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ٍد ال َج َوالِيقِيُّ َقا َل َح َّدث َنا ِّ َ
َ ال َس َن َة أرْ َب ٍع َو سِ ت ٍ َِّب ْال ُكو َف ِة فِي ُد َّكا ِن ِه ِبال َّسب ِْع فِي َشو
َّْاح ْالم َُزنِيِّ َعن
ِ صب َّ ْن ْال َولِي ِد َقا َل َح َّد َث َنا َسعْ َدانُ َقا َل َح َّد َث َنا َعلِيٌّ َقا َل َح َّد َث َنا ُح َسيْنُ بْنُ َنصْ ٍر َقا َل َح َّد َث َنا أَ ِبي َع ِن ال
ِ م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ أَحْ َم َد ب
َ َ
ٍ الث َمالِيِّ َعمَّنْ َح َّدث ُه َعنْ أ ِبي َر ِز
ين ُّ أَ ِبي َحمْ َز َة
It was Informed to us by the Sheykh Al-Ameen Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Shahryaay Al
Khaazin during the month of Shawaal in the year five hundred and twelve, at the location of our Master
asws asws
Amir Al-Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talib , from Abu Ya’la Hamza Bin Muhammad Bin Yaqoub Al
Dahaan, and it was read out to him at his shop in the month of Shawaal in the year four hundred and
sixty, from Abu Al Hassan Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Jawalayki, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad bin Al
Waleed, from Sa’dan, from Ali, from Husayn Bin Nasr, from his father, from Al Sabaah Al Mazny, from
Abu Hamza Sumaly, from Abu Razeyn,
َّللاَ َي ْف َع ُل ما َيشا ُء َ ان فِي َج َب ِل ال َّد ْيلَ ِم َو َمنْ أَ َح َّب َنا لِغَ ي ِْر َذل َِك
َّ َّف إِن ِ َّ ِ َمنْ أَ َح َّب َنا:ْن ع أَ َّن ُه َقا َل
َ ّلِل َن َف َع ُه ُح ُّب َنا َو َل ْو َك َ ْن ْالح
ِ ُسي ِ َعنْ َعلِيِّ ب
َّ ْ ُ
.وب َك َما ُي َساقِط الرِّ ي ُح ال َو َرقَ م َِن الش َج ِر ُ ُّ ْ ُ
َ ت ي َُساقِط َع ِن ال ِع َبا ِد الذن ِ إِنَّ ُح َّب َنا أَهْ َل ال َب ْي
(It has been narrated) from Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws having said: ‘The one who loves
usasws for the Sake of Allahazwj, ourasws love would benefit him even though he may be in
the mountains of Daylam; and the one who loves us asws for the sake of other than
Allahazwj, so Allahazwj will Do whatever Heazwj so Desires. The love for usasws, the
Peopleasws of the Household drops off the sins of the servant just as the wind drops off
the leaves from the tree’.2
1 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza -P1H1
2 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza -P1H2
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
]. الخ.[النداء يوم القيامة أين النبي األمي فيتقدم أمام الناس
It was Informed to us by Al Sheykh Abu Ali Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Al Tusi, from his father Al Sheykh
Al Sa’eed Al Mufeed Abu Ja’far Al Tusi, from Al Sheykh Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Al
No’man, from Abu Al Qasim Ja’far Bin Muhammad bin Qulawayh, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin
Aamir, from Al Moala Bin Muhammad Al Basry, from Muhammad Bin Jamhour Al Aamy, from Abu Ali Al
Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Al Raasaby, from Abu Al Warad who said,
ين ع َُرا ًة َ ِين َو ْاْلخ ِِر َ صعِي ٍد َوا ِح ٍد م َِن ْاْلَ َّولَ اس فِي َّ ان َي ْو ُم ْال ِق َيا َم ِة َج َم َع
َ َّللا ُ ال َّن َ إِ َذا َك:ت أَ َبا َجعْ َف ٍر م َُحمَّدَ ب َْن َعلِيٍّ ْال َباق َِر ع َي ُقو ُلُ َْس ِمع
َّك َق ْولُ ُه َفَل َتسْ َم ُع إَِل َ َّ َ
َ ِك َما شا َء َّللا ُ َو ذل َ ُ ُ َ َ ْ َ ُّ َ ْ َ ً َ ً ُ
َ يق ال َمحْ ش ِر َحتى َيعْ َرقوا َع َرقا شدِيدا َو تشتد أنفا ُس ُه ْم ف َي ْمكث
َ ِون ِبذل َّ َ ْ َ
ِ ون َعلى ط ِر َ ُ
َ ُح َفا ًة َف َي ِقف
ً َهمْسا
(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws Bin Ali Al-Baqirasws saying: ‘When
it will be the Day of Judgment, Allahazwj will Gather the people in one plain, the former
ones and the latter ones, (all) bare footed. They would be pausing on the road of the
Plains of Resurrection until they will sweat intensely and breathe heavily. They would
remain like that for as long as Allahazwj so Desires, and that is Hisazwj Speech “[20:108]
so that you shall not hear aught but a soft sound.”
ُِ أَي َْن ال َّن ِبيُّ ْاْلُمِّيُّ َقا َل َف َي ُقو ُل ال َّناسُ َق ْد أَسْ َمعْ تَ َف َس ِّم ِباسْ ِم ِه َف ُي َنا ِدي أَي َْن َن ِبيُّ الرَّ حْ َم ِة م َُح َّم ُد بْن ِ ْاء ْال َعر ِ َقا َل ُث َّم ُي َنادِي ُم َنا ٍد ِمنْ ت ِْل َق
ص ْن َعا َء َف َيقِفُ َعلَ ْي ِه ُث َّمَ طول ُ ُه َما َبي َْن أَ ْيلَ َة َو ُ ض ٍ اس ُكلِّ ِه ْم َح َّتى َي ْن َت ِه َي إِلَى َح ْو ِ َّللا ص َف َي َت َق َّد ُم أَ َما َم ال َّن ِ َّ َّللا َقا َل َف َيقُو ُم َرسُو ُل ِ َّ َع ْب ِد
ونَ ُّاس َف َيمُر ُ
ِ اس َف َيقِفُ َم َع ُه ث َّم ي ُْؤ َذنُ لِل َّن َ
ِ صاح ِِب ُك ْم َف َيقُو ُم أ َما َم ال َّن
َ ُي َنادِي ِب
He (Abu Ja’farasws) said: ‘Then a Caller will call out from the front of the Throne: ‘Where
is the Ummi Prophetsaww?’ So the people would be saying, ‘We have to hear, therefore
call himsaww by hissaww name’. Then he will call out: ‘Where is the Prophet Of Mercy
Muhammad Bin Abdullahsaww?’ Rasool-Allahsaww will stand up. Hesaww will advance in
front of all the people until hesaww will end up to the Fountain, the length of which is what
is between Eilat (in Jordan) and Sana’a (in Yemen). He saww will stand over there. Then
he will call out with your Masterasws. So the Imamasws of the people will arise and stand
with himsaww. Then the people will be permitted and they would be passing by.
Abu Ja’farasws said: ‘So some of them will be taken and they will be made to leave from
it. So when Rasool-Allahsaww sees the ones from those that love usasws are being made
to leave, hesaww will weep and say: ‘O Lordazwj, Shias of Aliasws!’
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
ب أَ َرا ُه ْم َق ْد
ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال ُ
ِ ْف ََل أَ ْبكِي َو أ َناسٌ ِمنْ شِ ي َع ِة َعلِيِّ ب
َ ك َف َي ُقو ُل ص َو َكي
َ ث إِلَ ْي ِه َملَكا ً َف َي ُقو ُل لَ ُه َيا م َُح َّم ُد َما ُي ْبكِي ُ َقا َل َف َيب َْع
ار َو ُم ِنعُوا ِمنْ وُ رُو ِد َح ْوضِ ي َّ َ
ِ ص ُِرفُوا ت ِْلقا َء أصْ َحا
ِ ب الن
Heasws said: ‘So an Angel will be Sent to him saww who will say to himsaww: ‘O
Muhammadsaww, what makes you weep?’ Hesaww will say: ‘And how can Isaww not weep
and Isaww see that the people from the Shias of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws have left joining
up with the companions of the Fire and are being prevented to return to my saww
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic will say to himsaww: “O Muhammadsaww! Iazwj have Gifted
them to yousaww and have Pardoned for yousaww from their sins, and will Join them with
yousaww, those that loved yoursaww offspring, and Made them to be in yoursaww group, and
Iazwj am Returning them to yoursaww Fountain, and have Accepted yoursaww intercession
regarding them, and have Honoured them by that’.
Then Abu Ja’farasws said: ‘And how many will weep on that day and be calling out, ‘O
Muhammadsaww!’, when they see that. So there would not remain anyone on that Day
who used to be in ourasws Wilayah and love usasws, and disavowed from ourasws enemies
and hated them, except that he will be from ourasws group, and with usasws, around
ourasws Fountain’.3
ّ [حديث الحارث الهمداني مع أمير المؤمنين عليه ال
َ ِير ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ ِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ أَبُو ْال َب َقا ِء إِب َْراهِي ُم بْنُ ْال ُح َسي
ِين ِ ْن إِب َْراهِي َم الرقا [الرَّ َّفاءُ] ْال َبصْ ِريُّ ِبق َِرا َءتِي َعلَ ْي ِه فِي َم ْش َه ِد َم ْو ََل َنا أم ِ ْن ب
ِ ب م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ْال ُح َسي َ
ٍ ِت َع ْش َر َة َو َخ ْمسِ ِما َئ ٍة َقا َل َح َّد َث َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ أبُو َطال َّ ِب ع فِي ْالم َُحرَّ ِم َس َن َة س ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال
ٍ ْن ُع ْت َب َة فِي َر ِب
يع ِ ْن ب ِ َعلِيِّ ب
ْ َ ُ َّ َ َ َ
ُصاح ِِب ِه السََّل ُم قا َل َح َّدثنا الش ْيخ أبُو ال َح َس ِن م َُح َّم ُد بْنَ َ ين َعلىَ َّ َّ ْ
َ ِين َو أرْ َب ِعمِائ ٍة ِبال َبصْ َر ِة فِي َمسْ ِج ِد النخاس َ َ ِّ
َ ث َو سِ ت ٍ ْاْلَوَّ ِل َسنة ثَل
َ َ َ َ
ِْن ْالمُطلِب َّ َ
ِ ْن َح َّم َو ْي ِه َقا َل أ ْخ َب َر َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َع ْب ِد
ِ َّللا ب ِ َّللا بْنُ َعلِيِّ ب َّ َ
ِ ْن أحْ َم َد ْال َفقِي ُه َقا َل َح َّد َث َنا َحم ََّو ْي ِه أبُو َع ْب ِد َ ِ ْن ب ِ ْن ْال ُح َسي ِ ْال َح َس ِن ب
َ َ َّ َ
ْف ال َح َج ِريُّ قا َل َحدثنِي أ ِبي َعن ْ َ
ٍ ْن ظ ِري ِ ْن ُع َم َر ب ُ َ َ َّ َ
ِ ْن َم ْهدِيٍّ ال ِكندِيُّ قا َل َحدثنا م َُح َّمد بْنُ َعلِيِّ ب ْ ْ ُ َ َ
ِ ال َّش ْي َبانِيُّ قا َل َحدثنا م َُح َّمد بْنُ َعلِيِّ ب
َّ َ
:ْن ُن َبا َت َة َقا َل ِ صال ٍِح َعنْ أَ ِبي َخالِ ٍد ْال َكا ُبلِيِّ َع ِن اْلصْ َب ِغ ب
ْ َ ْن ِ ِيل ب
ِ َجم
It was Informed us by the Sheykh Abu Al Baqa’a Ibrahim Bin Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Al Raqa Al Basry at
the location of our Master Amir Al-Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talib during the month of Muharram in the
year five hundred and sixteen, from Al Sheykh Abu Talib Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Utba during the
month of Rabi Ul Awwal in the year four hundred and sixty three at Basra in the Masjid of Al Nakhasayn
from Al Sheykh Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Al Faqeeh, from
Hamuwiya Abu Abdullah Ibn Ali Bin Hamuwiya, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Al Muttalib Al
Shaybani, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Mahdi Al Kind, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Amro Bin Zareyf Al
3 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza -P1H3
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Hajary, from his father, from Jameel Bin Saleh, from Abu Khalid Al Kabily, from Al Asbagh Bin Nabata
who said: -
Al-Haaris Al-Hamadani came up to Amir Al-Momineen Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws along
with a number of the Shias and I was among them. Al-Haaris had difficulty in his walking
and was stumbling on the ground with his walking stick, and he was ill. He came up,
and Amir Al-Momineenasws welcomed him – and there was a status for him from himasws.
So heasws said: ‘How do weasws find you to be, O Haaris?’ He said, ‘The time has taken
(its toll) from me, O Amir Al-Momineenasws, and this has been exacerbated by the
grudges and disagreements of yourasws companions at yourasws door’. Heasws said: ‘And
what is their disagreement?’ He said, ‘Regarding yourasws affair and the three who
preceded youasws. So from the excesses of the exaggerators, and the cautious ones,
and the hesitant doubters, they do not know who to place where?’
ُ ط ْاْلَ ْو َس
ط إِلَي ِْه ْم َيرْ ِج ُع ْال َغالِي َو ِب ِه ْم َي ْل َح ُق ال َّتالِي ُ ان أَ ََل إِنَّ َخي َْر شِ ي َعتِي ال َّن َم
َ ُك َيا أَ َخا َه ْم َد
َ َقا َل ع َف َحسْ ب
Heasws said: ‘It is sufficient for you, O brother from Hamadan, that the best of myasws
Shias are of the middle type. To them should the exaggerators return to, and with them
should the ones who lag behind, catch up with.
Al-Haaris said to himasws, ‘May my mother and my father be sacrificed for you asws, if
youasws could uncover the doubts from our hearts, and give us an insight with regards to
that from our affairs’. Heasws said: ‘But that is a matter which has a covering on it. The
Religion of Allahazwj cannot be understood by the men, but by the Signs of the Truth.
Therefore, recognise the Truth and you will recognise its Peopleasws.
ْصا َف ٌة ِمن َ ان لَ ُه َح َ ك ُث َّم َخبِّرْ ِب ِه َمنْ َكَ ك َفأَعِ رْ نِي َسم َْع َ ِع ِب ِه م َُجا ِه ٌد َو ِب ْال َح ِّق أ ُ ْخ ِب ُر
َ ث َو الصَّاد ِ ث إِنَّ ْال َح َّق أَحْ َسنُ ْال َحدِي ُ َيا َحار
َ ُ
وح َو ْال َج َس ِد ث َّم إِ ِّني صِ ِّديقُ ُه ْاْل َّو ُل فِي َ
َ َّللا ص َو صِ ِّديقُ ُه ْاْل ْك َب ُر ِ َّ ُول َ َ
ِ َّ ك أ ََل إِ ِّني َع ْب ُد َ أَصْ َح ِاب
ِ ُّص َّد ْق ُت ُه َو آ َد ُم َبي َْن الر ِ َّللا َو أ ُخو َرس
َ ون َو َنحْ نُ ْاْل ِخر
ُون َ ُأ ُ َّم ِت ُك ْم َح ّقا ً َف َنحْ نُ ْاْلَوَّ ل
O Haaris! The truth is the best of the Hadeeth, and a Holy warrior adheres with it, and it
is by the truth that Iasws am informing you, so listen to measws, then inform it to the one
who has prudence, from your companions. Indeed! Iasws am the servant of Allahazwj and
the brother of Rasool-Allahsaww and the Great Truthful (Al-Siddique Al-Akbar). Iasws
ratified Himazwj whilst Adamas was in between the spirit and the body. Then I asws was the
first of the ratifiers of the truth in your community. Thus, weasws are the Formers ones
and weasws are the Latter onesasws.
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Indeed! Iasws am hissaww special one, O Haaris, and Iasws am hissaww match, and hissaww
successorasws, and hissaww guardian, and the confidant of hissaww secrets. Iasws have
been Given the understanding of the Book and the decisive speech, and knowledge of
the Quran. And Iasws have been entrusted with a thousand keys (of knowledge), each of
which opens a thousand doors (of knowledge), each of which leads to a thousand,
thousand epochs (time periods), and Iasws uphold’, or said: ‘and Iasws extend, the Night of
Pre-determination (Laylat Al-Qadr), and that flows to measws and the reserved ones of
myasws offspring just as the flowing of the night and the day until Allah azwj Makes
themasws to inherit the earth and the ones upon it.
Iasws am adjuring you, O Haaris, that you will recognise me asws and myasws friends and
myasws enemies at these places. You will recognise measws during the death, and at the
Bridge (Al-Siraat) and at the Fountain and at the Division. Al-Haaris said, ‘What is the
Division, O my Masterasws?’ Heasws said: ‘The Division of the (places in the) Fire. Iasws
shall divide it correctly. Iasws shall say: ‘This is myasws friend, (so avoid him), and this is
myasws enemy (so seize him)’.
Then Amir Al-Momineenasws grabbed the hand of Al-Haaris. Heasws said: ‘O Haaris, Iasws
am grabbing you by the hand just as Rasool-Allahsaww grabbed measws by the hand. So
hesaww said to measws – when Iasws complained about the envy of the Quresh and the
hypocrites - :‘When it will be the Day of Judgment, Isaww will grab the Rope of Allahazwj,
or by its end – meaning from the Throne – and youasws, O Aliasws, will grab hold of mysaww
end, and yourasws offspringasws will grab yourasws end, and yourasws Shias will grab
theirasws end.
So, whatever Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic will Do with Hisazwj Prophetsaww, is what
Hisazwj Prophetsaww will do with hissaww successorsasws. Grab hold of it, O Haaris, be it for
a short while or long (of your lifetime). You will be with the one you love, and to you are
the gains of what efforts you have made’. Heasws said it three times. Al-Haaris said,
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
whilst gathering his robe and standing up to leave, ‘I don’t care after this whether I meet
the death or the death meets me’.4
َّللا ُ فِي ُج َما َدى ْاْل ُ ْخ َرى َس َن َة إِحْ دَى َع ْش َر َة َو َخ ْمسِ مِا َئ ٍة َّ الطوسِ يُّ َر ِح َم ُه ُّ ْن ْال َح َس ِن ِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ْال ُمفِي ُد أَبُو َعلِيٍّ ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
َّ َ َ َّ ْ
ِ أ ْخ َب َر َنا أبُو َع ْب ِد: َح َّد َث َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ال َّسعِي ُد ال َوالِ ُد َرضِ َي َّللا ُ َع ْن ُه َقا َل:ب ع َقا َل ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال َ ِير ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ
َّللا م َُح َّم ُد ِ ِين َعلِيِّ ب ِ ِب َم ْش َه ِد َم ْو ََل َنا أم
َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو ِك ْندَ َة َعنْ َع َطا ٍء:ت َقا َل َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ال: أَ ْخ َب َر َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ إِسْ مَاعِ ي َل َقا َل:َّللا ُ َقا َل
ِ ص ْل َّ ان َر ِح َم ُه ِ ْن ال ُّنعْ َم ِ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
:َّاس َرضِ َي َّللا ُ َع ْن ُه َقا َل ٍ بعَ ْن
ِ ب ِ َّ
َّللا د
ِ ْ
ب عَ ْن ع
َ ْرٍ يبَ ُ
ج ِ َعنْ َسعِي ِد ب
It was Informed to us by the Sheykh Al Mufeed Abu Ali Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Tusi
in the month of Jamadi Al Aakhar in the year five hundred and ten at the location of our Master Amir Al-
Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talib , from Al Sheykh Al Saeed Al Waalid, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin
Muhammad Bin Al No’man, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Muhammad Bin Al Salt, from Abu Kadeena,
from Ata’a, from Saeed Bin Jubeyr, from Abdullah Bin Abbas who said,
‘When the Verse “[108:1] Surely We have given you Kausar,” Came down upon the
Prophetsaww, Aliasws said to himsaww: ‘What is this ‘Al-Kawser’, O Rasool-Allahsaww?’
Hesaww said: ‘A river which Allahazwj has Honoured mesaww by’. Heasws said: ‘This
honourable river, describe it for measws, O Rasool-Allahsaww’.
ُّ َّللا َت َعالَى َماؤُ هُ أَ َش ُّد َب َياضا ً م َِن اللَّ َب ِن َو أَحْ لَى م َِن ْال َع َس ِل َو أَ ْل َينُ م َِن
الز ْب ِد ِ َّ ِ ِ َْقا َل َن َع ْم َيا َعلِيُّ ْال َك ْو َث ُر َن َه ٌر َيجْ ِري َتحْ تَ َعر
َّللا َت َعالَى ْ َ ْ ْ
ُ ْالزعْ َف َرانُ ُت َرا ُب ُه ال ِمس ُ وت َو ْال َمرْ َجانُ َحشِ ي
َّ ش ُه ُ ُالز َبرْ َج ُد َو ْال َياق
َّ َُحصْ َباؤُ ه
ِ ِ ِ ْك اْلذ َف ُر َق َوا ِع ُدهُ َتحْ تَ َعر
Hesaww said: ‘Yes, O Aliasws. Al-Kawser is a river, which flows from underneath the
Throne of Allahazwj. Its water is whiter than milk, and sweeter than honey, and softer
than butter. Its gravel is of aquamarine, and the rubies and the coral. Its grass is of
saffron, its sand is of fragrant musk, its base is underneath the Throne of Allah azwj the
Then Rasool-Allahsaww struck the side of Amir Al-Momineenasws by hissaww hand, and
hesaww said to himasws: ‘O Aliasws! This river is for mesaww, and for youasws, and for those
that love youasws from after mesaww’.5
ال َس َن َة ْاث َن َتيْ َع ْش َر َة َو َخمْ سِ مِا َئ ٍة ِب َم ْش َه ِد ٍ ازنُ ِبق َِرا َءتِي َعلَ ْي ِه فِي َش َّو ِ ار ْال َخ ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ْاْلَمِينُ أَبُو َع ْب ِد:َقا َل
َ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َشه ِْر َي
ْ َ ْ ْ
ْن َداوُ َد ال ُخ َزاعِ يُّ اْلنمَاطِ يُّ ق َِرا َء ًة َعلَ ْي ِه َو ْ َّ َ ْ َ ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال َ ِير ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ
ِ أخ َب َر َنا أبُو َع ْب ِد:ب ع َقا َل
ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ال َح َس ِن ب ِ ِين َعلِيِّ ب ِ َم ْو ََل َنا أم
َح َّد َث َنا:ْن َيحْ َيى ْال َعلَ ِويُّ ْال ُح َس ْينِيُّ َس َن َة أَرْ َب ٍع َو أَرْ َب ِعمِا َئ ٍة َقا َل
ِ ب م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ُع َم َر ب ٍ ِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ِريفُ أَبُو َطال:أَ َنا َحاضِ ٌر غَ ي َْر َمرَّ ٍة َقا َل
ْن َمعْ ق ٍِل
ِ ان ب َ ْن إِب َْراهِي َم َعنْ عِ مْ َر ْ َ
ِ َح َّدث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ال َفضْ ِل ب:ْن َسعِي ٍد ابْنُ ُع ْقدَ َة َقا َل ِ َّاس أَحْ َم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
ِ أَبُو ْال َعب
It was Informed to us by the Sheykh Al Ameen Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Shahryar Al Khaazan
during the month of Shawaal in the year five hundred and twelve at the location of our Master Amir Al-
Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talib , from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Dawood Al Khazaie Al
4 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza -P1H4
5 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza -P1H5
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
Anmaaty, it was read out to him and I was present another time, from Al Shareef Abu Talib Muhammad
Bin Umar Bin Yahya Al Alawy Al Husayni in the year four hundred and four, from Abu Al Abbas Ahmad
Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Bin Uqdat, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazl Bin Ibrahim, from Armaan Bin Ma’qal,
(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, said, ‘I heard
himasws saying: ‘Do not neglect helping the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww from your
wealth. The one who is rich should do it in accordance with his means, and the one who
is poor should do it in accordance with his means. So the one who wants Allah azwj to
Fulfil his important needs, should give to the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww and
theirasws Shias even though he may be in more need of his own money’. 6
Speech Of The Prophetsaww About The Dead And The Tree Of Zaqoum
ْ ِ ار ْال َخازنُ ِبق َِرا َءتِي َعلَ ْي ِه فِي ْال َم ْوضِ ع ْال ُم َقد
ور َعلَى َسا ِك ِن ِه الس َََّل ُم فِي ِ َّس ْال َمذ ُك ِ ِ ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ أَحْ َم َد ب
َ ْن َشه ِْر َي ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ أَبُو َع ْب ِد
ِين ع َ ِير ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا أَبُو َع ْب ِد:ال َس َن َة ْاث َن َتيْ َع ْش َر َة َو َخمْ سِ ِما َئ ٍة َقا َل
ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ٍد ْالبُرْ سِ يُّ ْالم َُج
ِ او ُر ِب َم ْش َه ِد َم ْو ََل َنا أم ٍ ََّشو
ْ َ ْ َ ْ
ُ أخ َب َر َنا أبُو ال َقاسِ ِم َجعْ َف ُر بْن:ْن م َُح َّم ٍد القُ َرشِ يُّ َقا َل ْ َ َ َ ْن َو سِ ِّت ْ ْ
ِ أخ َب َر َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َعلِيِّ ب:ين َو أرْ َب ِعمِا َئ ٍة َقا َل ِ فِي ذِي الحِجَّ ِة َس َن َة اث َن َتي
ُ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا َيحْ َيى بْن:ِير ا ْل ِه ََللِيُّ ال َّتمَّا ُر َقا َل
ٍ ثكَ ُْن
ب د ِي
ِ َع س ُو
ب َ أ ا َ
ن ر ب
َ َ ْ
خ َ أ : ل ا َ
َ ِ ِ َِ هد ي ب د
ٍ ِي
ع س َ ِي بَ أ ِّ
ط َ
خ لِ ْص َ أ ْن مِ ُّْن ُع َم َر ْاْلَحْ مَسِ ي ِ م َُح َّم ِد ب
ْ َ
او ٍر َعنْ أ ِبي ال َجارُو ِد ِ م َُس
It was Informed to us by the Sheykh Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Shahryay Al Khazin that it
was read out to him in a Holy place mentioned in the month of Shavaal of the year five hundred and
twelve, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al Barsy Al Majawar at the location of our Master
Amir Al-Momineen , in Zilhajj of the year four hundred and sixty two, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin
Muhammad Al Qarshy, from Abu Al Qasim Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Umar Al Ahmasy from the original
writing by the hand of Abu Saeed, from Abu Ubeyd Bin Kaseer Al Hilaly Al Tamaar, from Yahya Bin
Masawar, from Abu Al Jaroud,
َقا َل: أَ ْخ َب َر َنا أَبُو َخا ِل ٍد ْال َواسِ طِ يُّ َعنْ َز ْي ِد ْب ِن َعلِيٍّ َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه ع َقالُوا:او ٍر
ِ َعنْ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر َعنْ آ َبا ِئ ِه َع ِن ال َّن ِبيِّ ص َقا َل َيحْ َيى بْنُ ُم َس
َ ْ ْ ِ َّ َرسُو ُل
ِين َي َرى
َ وم َو ح ُّ َّ َّ
ِ ار ال َجن ِة أ ْو ِمنْ َش َج َر ِة الزق ُ َّ
ِ صاح ِِب َها َحتى َيأك َل ِمنْ ِث َم َ ار ُق رُو ٌح َج َس َد ِ َو الَّذِي َن ْفسِ ي ِب َي ِد ِه ََل ُت َف:َّللا ص
ِ ك ْال َم ْو
ت َي َرانِي َو َي َرى َعلِ ّيا ً َو َفاطِ َم َة َو َح َسنا ً َو ُح َسيْنا ً ع َ ََمل
(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’farasws from hisasws forefathersasws, from the
Prophetsaww, said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘By the Oneazwj in Whose Hand is mysaww soul,
the soul will not separate from his body until he either eats from the fruit of the Paradise
or from the tree of Zaqoom And when he sees the Angel of death, he will see mesaww,
Aliasws and (Syeda) Fatimaasws, and Hassanasws, and Husaynasws.
ِ ك ْال َم ْو
ت َش ِّد ْد َعلَ ْي ِه إِ َّن ُه ُ ض َنا قُ ْل
َ َت َيا َمل َ ان ُي ِح ُّبنِي َو ُيحِبُّ أَهْ َل َب ْيتِي َو إِنْ َك
ُ ان ُي ْب ِغ َ ت ارْ فُ ْق ِب ِه إِ َّن ُه َكِ ك ْال َم ْو ُ ان ُي ِح ُّب َنا قُ ْل
َ َت َيا َمل َ َفإِنْ َك
.ضنِي َو ُي ْبغِضُ أَهْ َل َب ْيتِي َ َك
ُ ان ُي ْب ِغ
6 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza -P1H6
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saww asws
Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
So if he was the one who loved usasws, Isaww shall say: ‘O Angel of death, be friendly with
him for he used to love measws and the Peopleasws of mysaww Household. And if he was
one who hated usasws, Isaww shall say to him: ‘Be harsh on him, for he used to hate
mesaww and hate the Peopleasws of mysaww Household’.7
ْور ِة َعن َ ور َعلَى َسا ِك ِن ِه الس َََّل ُم فِي ال َّس َن ِة ْال َم ْذ ُك ْ ُّ
ِ ْن ْال َح َس ِن الطوسِ يُّ ِب ْال َم ْوضِ ِع ْال َمذ ُك ِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ْال ُمفِي ُد أَبُو َعلِيٍّ ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
أ ْخ َب َر َنا:ُوح ُه َقا َل َ َّس َّللاُ رَّ َ ارثِيُّ َقد ْ ِ ْن ال ُّنعْ َم ِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا أبُو َع ْب ِد:َّللا ُ َقا َل
ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب َ َّ الطوسِ يِّ َر ِح َم ُهُّ أَ ِبي ِه َعنْ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر
ِ ان ال َح
أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ُح َم ْي ُد:َّاس ْال َب َجلِيُّ َقا َل
ِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا َعلِيُّ بْنُ ْال َعب:اق َقا َل ُ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ُع َم ُر بْنُ م َُح َّم ٍد ْال َور:ْن ْال ُم ْق ِري َقا َلِ أَبُو َنصْ ٍر م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ْال ُح َسي
ِان َع ِن الضَّحَّ اك ْ َ
َ أخ َب َر َنا ُم َقا ِت ُل بْنُ ُسلَ ْي َم:ْن َقا َل ْ ُ َ ْ َ
ٍ أخ َب َر َنا أبُو ن َعي ٍْم ال َفضْ ُل بْنُ ُد َكي:اق َقا َل ُ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َنسِ ٍيم ال َور:بْنُ ِز َيا ٍد َقا َل
ْن م َُزاح ٍِمِ ب
Al Sheykh Al Mufeed Abu Ali Al Hassan Bn Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Toosi informed us at the
mentioned place, greetings be upon its inhabitants, in the mentioned year, from his father, from Abu Ja’far
Al Toosy who said, ‘Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Al Numan Al Harsy informed us, from
Abu Nasr Muhamad Bin Al Husayn Al Mawry, from Umar Bin Muhammad Al Waraq, from Ali Bin Al Abbas
Al Bajaly, from Humeyd Bin Ziyad, from Muhammad Bin Tasneem Al Waraq, from Abu Naeem Al Fazl Bin
Dakeyn, form Maqatal Bin Suleyman, from Al Zahaak Bin Mazahim,
ِ ت ال َّنع
:ِيم َف َقا َل ِ ُون فِي َج َّنا َ ون أُول ِئ
َ ك ْال ُم َقرَّ ب َ َُّابق َ َُّابق
ِ ون الس ِ َّ َّللا ص َعنْ َق ْو ِل
ِ َّللا َع َّز َو َج َل َو الس ِ َّ ت َرسُو َل ُ َسأ َ ْل:َّاس َقا َل
ٍ ْن َعب
ِ َع ِن اب
.ُون َ ُ ْ َّ ْ َ
َ ون إِلى ال َجن ِة المقرَّ ب ُ
َ َّابق ُ ُ
ِ يعته ه ُم الس ُ َ ِك َعلِيٌّ َو ش َ
َ َقا َل لِي َجب َْرئِيل ذا
(It has been narrated) from Ibn Abbas who said, ‘I asked Rasool-Allahsaww about the
Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic [56:10] And the foremost are the foremost,
[56:11] These are the ones of Proximity [56:12] In the Gardens of Bliss. So hesaww
said: ‘Jibraeelas said to mesaww: ‘That is Aliasws and hisasws Shias. They would be the
foremost to the Paradise, the ones of Proximity to Allah azwj by Hisazwj Prestige for
7 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza -P1H7
8 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza -P1H8
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
َّ كان
َّللا ُ غَ فُوراً َرحِيما ً َقا َل ع ي ُْؤ َتى َ ت َو َّ ك ُي َب ِّد ُل
ٍ َّللا ُ َسيِّئات ِِه ْم َح َسنا َ َّللا َع َّز َو َج َل َفأ ُ ْول ِئ
ِ َّ ت أَ َبا َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم َد ب َْن َعلِيٍّ ع فِي َق ْو ِل ُ َسأ َ ْل
َ َّ َّ ْ ْ ْ ْ
َ َ َّ َّ َ َّ َ َ
ب ف َيكونُ َّللاُ ت َعالى ه َُو الذِي َيت َولى ِح َسا َب ُه َحتى َل َيطل َِع َعلى ِح َس ِاب ِه أ َح ٌد ُ َ َ َّ
ِ ب َي ْو َم ال ِق َيا َم ِة َحتى ُيقا َم ِب َم ْوقِفِ الح َِسا ِ ِن المُذ ِن ِ ِب ْالم ُْؤم
َ ُ
اس َف ُي َعرِّ فُ ُه ذ ُنو َب ُه َح َّتى إِ َذا أ َقرَّ ِب َس ِّي َئا ِت ِهِ م َِن ال َّن
‘I asked Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty
and Majestic [25:70] so these are they for whom Allah would Exchange their evil
deeds to good ones; and Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. Heasws said: ‘They will
come with the Momin, the sinner, on the Day of Judgment until he would be made to
stand at the Pausing stop for the Reckoning. And it would happen that it will be Allahazwj
the Exalted, Heazwj will be the One Who will Take charge of his Reckoning, to the extent
that Heazwj will not Notify anyone from the people upon his Reckoning. So he would
recognise his sins, until when he acknowledges his evil deeds.
ان لِ َه َذا ْال َع ْب ِد َس ِّي َئ ٌة َوا ِح َدةٌ ُث َّم َيأْ ُم ُر ِب ِه إِلَى ْال َج َّن ِة ِ ت َو أَ ْظ ِهرُو َها َعلَى ال َّن
َ اس َف َيقُو ُل ال َّناسُ حِي َن ِئ ٍذ َما َك َّ َقا َل
ٍ َّللا ُ َع َّز َو َج َّل َب ِّدلُو َها َح َس َنا
ً.ين ِمنْ شِ ي َع ِت َنا َخاصَّة ْ ْ ْ ْ
َ َف َه َذا َتأ ِوي ُل اْل َي ِة فِي المُذن ِِب
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic would Say to Hisazwj Scribes: “Change these to be good
deeds and display these upon the people!” So the people would be saying at that time,
‘There wasn’t even a single evil deed for this servant!’ Then Allahazwj would Command
with him to (be taken to) the Paradise. Thus, this is the explanation of the Verse, and is
regarding the sinners from ourasws Shias in particular’.9
ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا أَبُو َع ْب ِد: َح َّد َث َنا ال َّسعِي ُد ْال َوالِ ُد َقا َل:َّللاُ َع ْن ُه َقا َل
َّللا م َُح َّم ُد َّ الطوسِ يُّ َرضِ َي ُّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ْال ُمفِي ُد أَبُو َعلِيٍّ ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ م َُح َّم ٍد
ُْن َسعِي ٍد ابْن َ
ِ َّاس أحْ َم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ أخ َب َر َنا أبُو ال َعب: َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َب ْك ٍر م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ُع َم َر ال ِج َع ِابيُّ َقا َل:َّللا ُ َقا َل
ْ َ ْ َ ْ َّ ان َر ِح َم ُهِ ْن ال ُّنعْ َم
ِ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا َجعْ َف ُر ْبنُ َع ْب ِد:ُع ْق َد َة َقا َل
ُّ َح َّد َث َنا ُس ْف َيانُ بْنُ إِب َْراهِي َم ْال َقا ِئدِيُّ ْال َفامِي: َح َّد َث َنا َسعْ َدانُ بْنُ َسعِي ٍد َقا َل:َّللا َقا َل
It was informed to us by the Sheykh Al Mufeed Abu Ali Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Al Toosy, from Al
Saeed Al Walid, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Al Numan, from Abu Bakr
Muhammad Bin Umar Al Ja’aby, from Abu Al Abbas Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Saeed Bin Uqda, from
Ja’far Bin Abdullah, from Sa’dan Bin Saeed, from Sufyan Bin Ibrahim Al Qaidy Al Famy who said,
َّ َّ ِب َنا ُي ْب َدأ ُ ْال َب ََل ُء ُث َّم ِب ُك ْم َو ِب َنا ُي ْب َدأ ُ الرَّ َجا ُء ُث َّم ِب ُك ْم َو الَّذِي َيحْ لِفُ ِب ِه لَ َي ْن َتصِ َرن:ت َجعْ َف َر ب َْن م َُح َّم ٍد ع َيقُو ُل
َّللاُ ِب ُك ْم َك َما ُ ْ َس ِمع:َقا َل
.ِارةَ ص َر ِب ْالح َِج
َ ا ْن َت
I heard Ja’far Bin Muhammadasws saying: ‘The affliction begins with usasws, then with you
all, and the hope begins with usasws then with you all.10
ْن إِب َْراهِي َم الرقا [الرَّ َّفاءُ] ْال َبصْ ِريُّ ِبق َِرا َءتِي َعلَ ْي ِه ِب َم ْش َه ِد ْال ُكو َف ِة َعلَى َسا ِك ِن ِه الس َََّل ُم فِي ِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا أَبُو ْال َب َقا ِء إِب َْراهِي ُم بْنُ ْال ُح َسي
ِ ْن ب
ٍ يع ْاْل َّو ِل َس َن َة َث ََل َ
ث َو ٍ ْن ُع ْت َب َة فِي َر ِب ِ ْن ب ِ ْن ْال ُح َسي
ِ ب َيحْ َيى بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب َّ ِْالم َُحرَّ ِم َس َن َة س
ٍ ِ َح َّد َث َنا أبُو َطال:ت َع ْش َر َة َو َخمْ سِ مِا َئ ٍة َقا َل
9 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza -P1H9
10 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 11
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saww asws
Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
اريُّ فِي ِ ْن َخالِ ٍد ْال َم َذِ ْن م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو ْال ُح َسي:صاح ِِب ِه الس َََّل ُم َقا َل َ ين َعلَى َ ِين َو أَرْ َب ِع ِما َئ ٍة ِب ْال َبصْ َر ِة فِي َم ْش َه ِد ال َّن َّخاس َ سِ ِّت
ْ َّ َّ
ُّْن أحْ مَدَ التلعُك َب ِري َ َ ُ َّ
ِ َح َّدثنا الش ْيخ أبُو م َُح َّم ٍد َهارُونُ بْنُ مُو َسى ب:ين قا َل َ َ َ َّ َّ ْ َ
َ ِِين َو أرْ َب ِعمِائ ٍة فِي َمش َه ِد النخاس َ َ ْالم َُحرَّ ِم َسنة سِ ت َو ثَلث
َ َ ٍّ َ َ
َح َّد َث َنا:وم َم ْولَى َبنِي هَاشِ ٍم َقا َل َ َ
ِ َح َّد َث َنا أبُو ْال ُح َسي:ِين َو َث ََل ِث ِما َئ ٍة ِب َب ْغ َدادَ َقا َلَ ث َو َث َمان ٍ ص َف ٍر َس َن َة َث ََل
ٍ ْن َم ْخ ُز ِ ْن م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ أحْ َم َد ب َ فِي
َّ َ َ ْ ْ َ
ِ ُون َعنْ ُح َم ْي ٍد الط ِو
يل ُ َ َ َّ
َ َحدثنا َي ِزيد بْنُ َهار:ْن َمالِكٍ قا َل َ ُ َ َ َّ
ِ َحدثنا أحْ َمد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب:اريُّ قا َل َ ِ ص ْ
َ ار اْلن َّ َغ
ِ ْن َع ْب ِد ال ف ِ ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ أحْ َم َد ب
َ َعنْ أَ ِبي ُز َر
ار َة
It was informed to us by Abu Al Baqa’a Ibrahim Bin Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Al Raqa Al Basry, by my
reading upon him in the location of Al Kufa, greetings be upon its dwellers, in Al Muharram, the year five
hundred and sixteen, from Abu Talib Yahya Bin Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Utba in Rabbi Al Awwal,
the year four hundred and sixty three in Al Basra in the location of Al Nakhaseen, greetings be upon its
owner, from Abu Al Husayn Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Khalid Al Mazary in Al Muharram, the year Four
hundred and thirty six in the location of Al Nakhaseen, from Al Sheykh Abu Muhammad Haroun Bin Musa
Bin Ahmad Al Tal Akbary, in Safar, the year three hundred and eight three in Baghdad, from Abu Al
Husayn Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Makhzoum, a slave of the Clan of Hashim , from Al Hassan Ibn
Ahmad Bin Abdul Ghaffar Al Ansary, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Malik, from Yazeed Bin Haroun,
from Humeyd Al Taweel, from Abu Zurara,
ُون َياَ ين َقا َل َعلِيٌّ ع َو َم ِن ْال ُم َقرَّ ب ِ َّ ِين َفإِ َّن َها َفضِ يلَ ٌة م َِن
َ َّللا ل ِْل ُم َقرَّ ِب ِ ت ال َّن ِبيَّ ص َيقُو ُل لِ َعلِيٍّ ع َت َخ َّت ْم فِي ْال َيم ُ ْ َس ِمع:َّاس َقا َل ٍ ْن َعب ِ َع ِن اب
َّ َّ َ َ َّ َ َ ْ
ِ ِ َِّيق اْلحْ َم ِر فإِن ُه َج َب ٌل أقر ْ َّ َ َ َ َّ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َّ
ّلِل َعز َو ِ َّللا؟ قا َل َجب َْرئِي ُل َو مِيكائِي ُل َو َما َب ْين ُه َما م َِن ال َمَل ِئك ِة قا َل ف ِب َما أتخت ُم؟ قا َل تخت ْم ِبال َعق ِ َرسُو َل
.ار نَّ
ِ ِ ِ ال ب م ْ يه ِِض غ ْ
ب ُ
م ل
ِ و
َ ة
ِ َّ
ن ج
َ ْ
ال ب
ِ ك
َ ت
ِ ع
َ ي ِِش ل و َ ة
ِ م
َ ا م
َ ْ
ِ ِ ب ك
َ د
ِ ْ
ل ُِو ل و
َ ة
ِ ي
َّ ِص و
َ ْ
ال ب
ِ ك
َ َ ل و
َ ة
ِ ُو
َّ بنُّ ال ب
ِ ِي ل و
َ ة
ِ ي
َّ ن
ِ ا د
َ َْج َّل ِب ْال َوح
From Ibn Abbas who said, ‘I heard the Prophetsaww saying to Aliasws: ‘Wear the agate
(Aqeeq) ring in the right hand, for it is a merit from Allah azwj for the ones of Proximity’.
Aliasws said: ‘And who are the ones of Proximity, O Rasool-Allahsaww?’ Hesaww said:
‘Jibraeelas, and Mikaeelas, and what are between the two, from the Angels’. He asws said:
‘With what shall Iasws wear?’ Hesaww said: ‘Youasws should wear the red agate (Aqeeq),
for it is a mountain which acknowledge to Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic with the
Oneness, and to mesaww with the Prophet-hood, and to youasws with the successorship,
and to yourasws sonsasws with the Imamate, and to yourasws Shias with the Paradise, and
to the ones who hate them, with the Fire’.11
أَ ْخ َب َرنِي َعمِّي أَبُو َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ُد:ْن َبا َب َو ْي ِه ِبال َّريِّ َس َن َة َع َش َر ٍة َو َخ ْمسِ مِا َئ ٍة َقا َل ِ ْن بِ ُسيَ الزا ِه ُد أَبُو م َُح َّم ٍد ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ ْالح َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ
َ َّ ْن َبا َب َو ْي ِه َر ِح َم ُه ُم
َح َّد َث َنا أحْ َم ُد:َّللا ُ َقا َل َ َ ْن ْالح ِ بْنُ ْال َح َس ِن َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه ْال َح َس ِن ب
ِ ْخ ال َّسعِي ِد أ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد ب
ِ ْن َعلِيِّ ب ِ ْن َعنْ َع ِّم ِه ال َّشي ِ ُسي
: َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو ْال َح َس ِن ْال َع ْبدِيُّ َقا َل:ول َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه َقا َل ٍ ُ َح َّد َث َنا َتمِي ُم بْنُ ُب ْهل:ب َقا َل
ٍ ْن َح ِبي ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا َب ْك ُر بْنُ َع ْب ِد:بْنُ ْال َح َس ِن ْال َق َّطانُ َقا َل
ِ َّللا ب
:ْن ِر ْبعِيٍّ َقا َل ِ ان َعنْ َع َبا َي َة ب َ َح َّد َث َنا ُسلَ ْي َمانُ بْنُ ِمه َْر
It was informed to us by the ascetic Sheykh Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Bin Babuwayh at
Al Rayy, in the year five hundred and ten, from his uncle Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, from his
father Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn, from his uncle Al Sheykh Al Saeed Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin
Babuwayh, from Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qataan Al Adl, from Abu Al Abbas Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin
Zakariyya Al Qatan, from Bakr Bin Abdullah Bin Habeeb, from Tameem Bin Bahloul, from his father, from
Abu Al Hassan Al Abdy, from Suleyman Bin Mihran, from Abaya Bin Rabie who said,
11 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 12
15 out of 67
saww asws
Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
I said to Abdullah Bin Abbas, ‘Why did Rasool-Allahsaww teknonm Aliasws as ‘Abu
Turab’?’ He said, ‘Because heasws is the Masterasws of the earth and a Divine Authority
upon his inhabitants after himsaww, and due to himasws is its remaining, and to himasws is
its tranquillity; and I have heard Rasool-Allahsaww saying: ‘When it will be the Day of
Judgment and the disbeliever upon seeing what Allahazwj the Exalted has Prepared for
the Shias of Aliasws, from the Rewards and the advantages and the prestige, he would
say, ‘[78:40] O! I wish I were dust! i.e., ‘If only I was from the Shias of Aliasws and that
is the Speech of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic [78:40] and the unbeliever shall say: O!
I wish I were dust!’12
َح َّد َثنِي َعمِّي م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ أَ ِبي ْال َقاسِ ِم: َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َعلِيٍّ َما ِجيلَ َو ْي ِه َقا َل:َّللا ُ َقا َل
َّ ْن َعلِيٍّ َر ِح َم ُه ِ اْلسْ َنا ِد َعنْ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد بِ ْ َو ِب
ِ ْن سِ َنا ٍن َع ِن ْال ُم َفض َِّل ب
:ْن ُع َم َر َقا َل ِ ْن َعلِيٍّ ْال ُكوفِيِّ َعنْ م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ َعنْ م َُح َّم ِد ب
And by the chain from Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali, from Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from his
uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Al Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from
Al Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,
.ُ َمنْ َو َجدَ َبرْ َد ُح ِّب َنا َعلَى َق ْل ِب ِه َف ْلي ُْكث ِِر ال ُّد َعا َء ِْل ُ ِّم ِه َفإِ َّن َها لَ ْم َت ُخنْ أَ َباه:َّللا ع
ِ َّ َقا َل أَبُو َع ْب ِد
‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘The one who finds coolness of ourasws love upon hisasws heart,
so let him frequently supplicate for his mother, for she has not betrayed his father’.13
: َح َّد َث َنا ال َّسعِي ُد ْال َوالِ ُد َقا َل:ور َقا َل ْ َ َّللا ُ فِي ال َّس َن ِة ْال َم ْذ ُك
َّ الطوسِ يُّ َر ِح َم ُهُّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ أَبُو َعلِيٍّ ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ م َُح َّم ٍد
ِ ور ِة ِب ْال َم ْوضِ ِع ْال َمذ ُك
َّاس أَحْ َم ُد
ِ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو ْال َعب: َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َب ْك ٍر م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ُع َم َر ْال ِج َع ِابيُّ َقا َل:ارثِيُّ َقا َلِ ان ْال َح
ِ ْن ال ُّنعْ َم ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َع ْب ِد
ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
َ ْ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ
َح َّدث َنا: َح َّدث َنا إِب َْراهِي ُم بْنُ ال َح َك ِم َع ِن ال َمسْ عُودِيِّ َقا َل: َح َّدث َنا أ ِبي َقا َل: َح َّدث َنا َجعْ َف ُر بْنُ م َُح َّم ٍد َقا َل:ْن َسعِي ٍد ابْنُ ُعق َد َة َقا َل ِ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
:ْن َقا َل
ِ يصَ ُ
ح ْ
ال ْن
ِ ب ان
َ ر
َ ْم ِع ْن عَ َ
ة ير
َ ِص ح
َ ُث بْن ُ ار ِ ْال َح
It was informed to us by the Sheykh Abu Ali Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Al Toosy, in the mentioned year,
at the mentioned place, from Al Saeed Al Walid, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Al
Numan Al Harsy, from Abu Bakr Muhammad Bin Umar Al Ja’aby, from Abu Al Abbas Ahmad Bin
Muhammad Bin Saeed Bin Uqda, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Ibrahim Bin Al
Hakam, from Al Masoudy, from Al Haris Ibn Haseyra, from Imran Bin Al Haseyn who said,
‘I and Umar Bin Al-Khattab were seated in the presence of the Prophetsaww, and Aliasws
was seated by hissaww side, when Rasool-Allahsaww recited [27:62] O One Who
Answers the distressed one when he calls upon Him and Removes the evil, and
12 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 13
13 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 14
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saww asws
Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
He will Make you to be successors in the earth. Is there a god with Allah? Little is
it that you mind!’
He (the narrator) said, ‘Aliasws stood up like the standing up of the sparrow. The
Prophetsaww said to himasws: ‘What is yourasws matter which affects youasws so?’ Heasws
said: ‘Why should Iasws not be so affected, and Allahazwj is Saying that Hesaww will be
Making usasws to be Caliphs in the earth?’ The Prophetsaww said to himasws: ‘Do not
panic, for by Allahazwj, no one will love youasws except for a Believer, and no one would
hate youasws except for a (disbeliever) hypocrite’.14
Al Sheykh Al Saeed Al Mufeed Abu Ali Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Al Toosy in the location of our
asws asws
Master Amir Al Momineen , by my reading upon him in Jamadi Al Akhira of the year five hundred
and eleven, from Al Saeed Al Walid, from Al Sheykh Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al Harisy,
from Abu Bakr Muhammad Bin Umar Al Ja’aby, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Suleyman Abu Al Fazal,
from Dawood Bin Rasheed, from Muhammad Bin Is’haq Al Sa’alby Al Mowsaly Abu Nowfal who said,
I heard Ja’far Bin Muhammadasws saying: ‘Weasws are the Choice of Allahazwj from Hisazwj
creatures, and ourasws Shias are the Choice of Allahazwj from the community of Hisazwj
14 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 15
15 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 16
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saww asws
Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
Abdul Aziz Bin Yahya, at Al Basra, from Al Mugheira Bin Muhammad, from Raja’a Bin Abu Salma, from
Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir Al-Ju’fy,
ان َو َبلَغَ ُه ِ ص َر ِف ِه م َِن ال َّن ْه َر َو َ ب ع ِب ْال ُكو َف ِة عِ ْندَ ُم ْن ٍ ِِين َعلِيُّ بْنُ أَ ِبي َطال َ ب أَمِي ُر ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ َخ َط:ْن َعلِيٍّ ع َقا َل ِ َعنْ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد ب
َ ْ َ َ
َّ ْ َ
َّللا ص َو ذ َك َر َما أن َع َم َّللا ُ َعلَى َّ
ِ ُول ِ صلى َعلَى َرس َّ َّ
َ َّللا َو أث َنى َعلَ ْي ِه َو ْ
َ او َي َة َي ُس ُّب ُه َو َيعِي ُب ُه َو َيق ُت ُل أصْ َحا َب ُه َف َقا َم َخطِ يبا ً َف َح ِم َد ِ أَنَّ م َُع
ْ ك َف َح ِّد
ث َ َّللا ُ َع َّز َو َج َل َو أَمَّا ِب ِنعْ َم ِة َر ِّب
َّ ت َما أَ َنا َذا ِك ُرهُ فِي َم َقامِي َه َذا َيقُو ُل ِ َّ ب
ُ َّْللا َما َذ َكر ِ َن ِب ِّي ِه َو َعلَ ْي ِه ُث َّم َقا َل لَ ْو ََل آ َي ٌة فِي ِك َتا
(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws having said: ‘Amir Al-
Momineen Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws addressed (the people) at Al-Kufa after hisasws
leaving from Al-Nahrwan, and it reached himasws that Muawiya is insulting himasws and
faulting himasws, and he is killing hisasws companions. So heasws stood addressing, and
heasws praised Allahazwj and Extolled upon Himazwj and sent Salawat upon Rasool-
Allahsaww, and heasws mentioned what Allahazwj had Favoured with upon Hisazwj
Prophetsaww and upon himasws, then said: ‘Had it not been for a Verse from the Book of
Allahazwj, Iasws would not mention what Iasws am mentioning it in this place of mine.
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [93:11] And as for the favour of your Lord, do
announce (it).
ب أَ َجلِي َو َ ك الَّذِي ََل ُي ْن َسى أَ ُّي َها ال َّناسُ إِ َّن ُه َبلَ َغنِي َما َبلَغَ نِي َو إِ ِّني أَ َرانِي َق ِد ا ْق َت َر
َ ِصى َو َفضْ ل َ ْك الَّتِي ََل ُتح َ ك ْال َح ْم ُد َعلَى ِن َع ِم َ َاللَّ ُه َّم ل
ْ ْ ْ َّ َّ ُ َ ْ َ
َّ َ
ِي عِ ت َرةُ ال َهادِي إِلى الن َجا ِة َخا َت ِم َ َّللا َو عِ ت َرتِي َو ه ِ اب َ َّللا ِك َت
ِ ك فِيك ْم َما َت َر َك ُه َرسُو ُل ِ َكأ ِّني ِبك ْم َو َق ْد َج ِهلت ْم أ ْم ِري َو إِني َت
ٌ ار ِّ ُ ُ
ْاْلَ ْن ِب َيا ِء َو َس ِّي ِد ال ُّن َج َبا ِء َو ال َّن ِبيِّ ْالمُصْ َط َفى
O Allahazwj! For Youazwj is the Praise upon Yourazwj Favours which cannot be counted,
and Yourazwj Grace which cannot be forgotten. O you people! It has reached me (news)
what has reached me, and Iasws see that (the end of) myasws term is nearer, and it is as if
Iasws am with you all and you have been ignorant of myasws life-span; and Iasws hereby
leave among you all what Rasool-Allahsaww had left – the Book of Allahazwj and myasws
descendants, and it is the offspring of the Guidance to the salvation, the Seal of the
Prophetsas and the Chief of the excellent ones, and the Chosen Prophetsaww’.
ِ ُون َقائ ًَِل َيقُو ُل م ِْث َل َق ْولِي َبعْ دِي إِ ََّل ُم ْف َت ٍر أَ َنا أَ ُخو َرس
ِ َّ ُول
َّللا َو ابْنُ َع ِّم ِه َو َسيْفُ َن ِق َم ِت ِه َو عِ َما ُد ُنصْ َر ِت ِه َ َيا أَ ُّي َها ال َّناسُ لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم ََل َتسْ َمع
ِ َّ ُاح َو َبأس
َُّللا الَّذِي ََل َي ُر ُّده َْ َّ َو َبأْ ُس ُه َو شِ َّد ُت ُه أَ َنا َر َحى َج َه َّن َم الدَّائ َِرةُ َو أَضْ َرا ُس َها
َ الطا ِح َن ُة أَ َنا مُو ِت ُم ْال َبن
ِ ِين َو ْال َب َنا
ِ ت َو َق ِابضُ اْلرْ َو
َ َع ِن ْال َق ْو ِم ْالمُجْ ِرم
O you people! You will not be hearing a speaker saying the like of my asws speech after
measws, except for a forger. Iasws am the brotherasws of Rasool-Allahsaww, and a sonasws of
hissaww uncleas, and a sword of Hisazwj Wrath, and a pillar of Hisazwj Triumph, and Hisazwj
Strength and Hisazwj Severity. Iasws am a millstone circling Hell, and am its grinding
molars. Iasws am an orphanage of the sons and the daughters, and the capturer of the
souls, and a Torment of Allahazwj, which cannot be repelled from the criminal people.
ُاء أَ َنا َباب ِ ان َو م ُِبي ُد َمنْ َك َف َر ِبالرَّ حْ َم ِن َو صِ ْه ُر َخي ِْر ْاْلَ َن ِام أَ َنا َس ِّي ُد ْاْلَ ْوصِ َيا ِء َو َوصِ يُّ َخي ِْر ْاْلَ ْن ِب َي ِ ال َو َقا ِت ُل ْالفُرْ َس ِ أَ َنا م َُج ِّد ُل ْاْلَ ْب َط
الز ِك َّي ِة ْال َبرَّ ِة ْال َم ْه ِد َّي ِة
َّ اء ْال َعالَمِي َن َفاطِ َم َة ال َّت ِق َّي ِة ال َّن ِق َّي ِةِ ول َس ِّي َد ِة ِن َسِ ار ُث ُه َو أَ َنا َز ْو ُِ ْال َب ُت
ِ َّللا ص َو َو ِ َّ ُولِ ازنُ عِ ْل ِم َرس ِ َمدِي َن ِة ْالع ِْل ِم َو َخ
ُ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ ْ
َّللا ص سِ ْبطاهُ َخ ْي ُر اْلسْ بَاطِ َو وُ لدِي َخ ْي ُر اْل ْوَل ِد َه ْل ُين ِك ُر أ َح ٌد َما أقو ُل َ ْ َ َّ
ِ ُول َ َ
ِ َّللا َو َخي ِْر َب َنا ِت ِه َو سَُلل ِت ِه َو َري َْحا َن ِة َرس ِ َّ ب ِ َح ِبي َب ِة َح ِبي
ِ أَي َْن مُسْ لِمُو أَهْ ِل ْال ِك َتا
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Iasws am the debater of (against) the heroes, and a fighter of the horsemen, and a
destroyer of the ones who disbelieve in the Beneficent, and son-in-law of the best of the
creaturessaww, Iasws am the chief of the successorsas and a successorasws of the best of
the Prophetsas. Iasws am a door of the city of knowledge and a treasurer of the
knowledge of Rasool-Allahsaww and hissaww inheritor, and Iasws am the husband of the
chaste chieftess of the women of the worlds, (Syeda) Fatimaasws, the pious, the pure,
the clean, the righteous, the Guide, the beloved of the Beloved of Allah azwj and the best
of hissaww daughters, and hissaww lineage, and an aroma of Rasool-Allahsaww. Hissaww
grandsons are the best of the grandsons, and myasws children are the best of the
children. Can anyone deny what Iasws am saying? Where are the People of the Book
submitting (to)?
ِ ْوم بطريسا َو عِ ْندَ ْالفُر ْ َّ يل إِ ْل َيا َو فِي ال َّت ْو َرا ِة بريا َو فِي َ
س جبير َو ِ ُُّور اريا َو عِ ْن َد ال ِه ْن ِد كابر َو عِ ْن َد الر
ِ الزب ِ ْ أ َنا اسْ مِي فِي
ِ اْل ْن ِج
َالز ْن ِج خبير َو عِ ْندَ ْال َك َه َن ِة بوي َو عِ ْن َد ْال َح َب َش ِة بتريك َو عِ ْندَ أمِّي َحيْدَ َرةُ َو عِ ْندَ ظِ ْئ ِري َم ْيمُونٌ َو عِ ْند
ِّ عِ ْندَ ال ُّترْ كِ تبير َو عِ ْن َد
ب َعلِيٌّ َو عِ ْندَ ْاْلَرْ َم ِن ف ِريق َو عِ ندَ أ ِبي ظ ِهي ٌر
َ َ ْ ٌ َ ِ ْال َع َر
Iasws, myasws name in the Evangel is ‘Eliah’, and in the Torah it is ‘Barya’, and in the
Psalms it is ‘Arya’, and with India it is ‘Kabir’, and with the Romans it is ‘Batreysa’, and
with the Persians it is , ‘Jabeyr’, and with the Turks it is , ‘Tabeyr’, and with Al-Zanj it is
‘Haytar’, and with Al-Kahna it is ‘Bousy’, and with Eithiopia it is ‘Batreyk’, and with
myasws motheras it is ‘Haydar’, and with myasws foster mother it is ‘Maymoun’, and with
the Arabs it is ‘Ali’, and with the Armenians it is ‘Fareyq’, and with myasws fatheras it is
ِين أَ َنا َّ آن ِبأَسْ َما ٍء احْ َذرُوا أَنْ َت ْغلِبُوا َعلَ ْي َها َف َتضِ لُّوا فِي دِي ِن ُك ْم َيقُو ُل
َ َّ ََّّللاُ َع َّز َو َج َّل إِن
َ َّللا َم َع الصَّا ِدق ِ ْأَ ََل َو إِ ِّني َم ْخصُوصٌ فِي ْالقُر
ِك ْالم َُؤ ِّذنُ َو َقا َل
َ ِين أَ َنا َذل َّ َّللا َعلَى
َ الظالِم ِ َّ َّللا ُ َت َعالَى َفأ َ َّذ َن م َُؤ ِّذنٌ َب ْي َن ُه ْم أَنْ لَعْ َن ُة
َّ ِق َو أَ َنا ْالم َُؤ ِّذنُ فِي ال ُّد ْن َيا َو ْاْلخ َِر ِة َقا َل َ َِذل
ُ ك الصَّاد
َ ْ
ُك اْل َذان َ َّ
َ َِّللا َو َرسُولِ ِه َفأ َنا َذل َ
ِ َّللا ُ َت َعالَى َو أذانٌ م َِنَّ
Indeed! And Iasws am particularised in the Quran by (certain) names. Be cautioned from
mastering upon these for you would be straying in your Religion! Allah azwj Mighty and
Majestic is Saying: “Allahazwj is with the truthful!” Iasws am that truthful, and Iasws am the
proclaimer (Muezzin) in the world and the Hereafter. Allahazwj the Exalted Says [7:44]
Then a proclaimer would proclaim among them that the Curse of Allah is on the
unjust. Iasws am that proclaimer. And Allahazwj the Exalted Said [9:3] And a
proclamation from Allah and His Rasool. So, Iasws am that proclamation.
And Iasws the good doer Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic is Speaking of [29:69] and Allah
is most surely with the doers of good. And Iasws am the one with the heart Allahazwj
Mighty and Majestic is Speaking of [50:37] Most surely there is a Reminder in this
for him who has a heart. And Iasws am the rememberer (Zakir) Allahazwj Mighty and
Majestic is Speaking of [3:191] Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and
lying on their sides.
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
ار لَ َنا ُمحِبٌّ َو ََل َي ْد ُخ ُل ْال َج َّن َة ِ َّ ف أَ َنا َو َعمِّي َو أَخِي َو ابْنُ َعمِّي َو
َ َّللا َفال ِِق ْال َحبِّ َو ال َّن َوى ََل َيلِ ُج ال َّن ِ َو َنحْ نُ أَصْ حابُ ْاْلَعْ را
ون ُك ًَّل ِبسِ يما ُه ْم
َ َُّللا ُ َع َّز َو َج َل َو َعلَى ْاْلَعْ رافِ ِرجا ٌل َيعْ ِرف
َّ ُم ْب ِغضٌ َيقُو ُل
And weasws are the owners of the Heights (A’raaf), Iasws and myasws uncleas, and myasws
cousinsaww. By the Oneazwj Who Split the seed and the cores, the Fire will not penetrate
to the one who have love for usasws, nor would he enter the Paradise the one who has
hatred for usasws. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [7:46] And between the two
there shall be a veil, and upon the heights there shall be men recognising all by
their marks.
َّ َّللا ُ َع َّز َو َج َل َو ه َُو الَّذِي َخلَقَ م َِن ْالما ِء َب َشراً َف َج َعلَ ُه َن َسبا ً َو صِ هْراً َو أَ َنا ْاْل ُ ُذنُ ْال َواعِ َي ُة َيقُو ُل
َّللاُ َع َّز َو َج َل ِّ َو أَ َنا ال
َّ ص ْه ُر َيقُو ُل
َّللا ُ َع َّز َو َج َل َو َرج ًَُل َسلَما ً ل َِر ُج ٍل َو ِمنْ وُ ْلدِي َم ْهدِيُّ َه ِذ ِه ْاْل َّم ِة َّ َّللا ص َيقُو ُل
ِ َّ ُول ِ َو َت ِع َيها أ ُ ُذنٌ واعِ َي ٌة َو أَ َنا السَّالِ ُم ل َِرس
And Iasws am of the ‘marriage’ (son in law) Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic is Speaking of
[25:54] And He it is Who Created a person from the water, so He Made for him
relationships of lineage and marriage. And Iasws am the retaining ear which Allahazwj
Mighty and Majestic is Speaking of [69:12] and that the retaining ear would retain it.
And Iasws am the submitted to Rasool-Allahsaww, Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic is
Speaking of [39:29] and a man wholly for one man; and from myasws sonsasws would
be the Mahdiasws of this community.
Indeed! Heazwj has Made your love to be. (It is) by hatred of measws the hypocrite is
recognise, and by love for measws Allahazwj Tests the Momineen. This is the Covenant of
the Ummy Prophetsaww to measws: ‘He will not love youasws, O Aliasws except for a Momin,
nor would he hate youasws except for a hypocrite. And Iasws am the owner of the flag of
Rasool-Allahsaww in the world and the Hereafter.
]َّللاُ وليه َ[ولِيِّي َ َّللا م َُوالِيَّ أَ َنا َولِيُّ ْالم ُْؤ ِمن
َّ ِين َو ِ َّ اف َو
َ ِ ُم ِحبِّي َو ََل َخ ِ َّ ط شِ ي َعتِي َو
َ َِّللا ََل عَط ُ َّللا ص َف َرطِ ي َو أَ َنا َف َر ِ َّ َو َرسُو ُل
َّ َّ[حسْ بُ ] ُم ِحبِّيَّ أَنْ ُي ِحبُّوا َمنْ أَ َحب
ُ َّللا َ يحب
And Rasool-Allahsaww precedes measws and Iasws precede myasws Shia, and Allahazwj will
not Leave the one who loves measws as thirsty, nor in fear. And Allahazwj is myasws
Partisan and Iasws am the guardian of the Momineenasws and Allahazwj is myasws
Guardian. Heazwj Loves the one who loves measws because he loves the oneasws who
loves Allahazwj, and Heazwj Hates the one who hates measws because he hates the
oneasws who loves Allahazwj.
Indeed! And it has reached measws that Muawiya is insulting measws and cursing measws.
O Allahazwj! Intensify Yourazwj Trampling upon him and Send down the Curses upon the
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
deserving one. Ameen, Lordazwj of the worlds, Lordazwj of Ismailas and the Stimulant of
Ibrahimas. Youazwj are the Praised, the Glorious’.
َّ ُث َّم َن َز َل ع َعنْ أَعْ َوا ِد ِه َف َما َعادَ إِلَ ْي َها َح َّتى َق َتلَ ُه ابْنُ م ُْل َج ٍم لَ َع َن ُه
Then heasws descended from hisasws Pulpit and did not return to it until Ibn Muljimla, may
Allahazwj Curse himla, murdered himasws’.16
From Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws having said: ‘Myasws fatherasws entered the Masjid
and there were a group of ourasws Shias. So heasws went closer to them and greeted
upon them, then heasws said to them: ‘By Allahazwj! Iasws love your aromas and your
souls, and you all are upon the Religion of Allahazwj and there isn’t between one of you
and between exultation with what is therein, except for his soul reaching over here’ –
and heasws gestured by hisasws hand to hisasws larynx – ‘Therefore, be assisting usasws
with the devoutness and the striving; and the one from you who follows an Imamasws, so
let him work with his deed.
You are the signs of Allahazwj, and you are the aiders of Allahazwj, and you are the
helpers of Allahazwj, and you are the preceding the former ones and you are preceding
the latter ones, and you would be preceding to the Paradise. I asws am guaranteeing the
Gardens to you all by the Command of Allahazwj and Hisazwj Rasoolsaww. It is as if you are
already in the Paradise, competing regarding the merits, the levels. Every Momin from
you is a truthful, and every Momina from you is a Hourie.
16 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 17
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
يع ُة
َ ين ال ِّش َ ِِط َعلَى ْاْل ُ َّم ِة َما َخ ََل ش
ِ يع َت َنا أَ ََل َو إِنَّ لِ ُك ِّل َشيْ ٍء َش َرفا ً َو َش َرفُ ال ِّد
ٌ اّلِل ُ َساخ
َّ ِين ع َيا َق ْن َب ُر قُ ْم َفاسْ َت ْبشِ رْ َف َ َقا َل أَمِي ُر ْالم ُْؤ ِمن
َ ُ َ َ َ
ِس َمجْ لِسُ شِ ي َع ِتنا أَل َو إِنَّ لِك ِّل شيْ ٍء ْ ً َ ُ َ َ ُ
ِ ين الشي َعة أَل َو إِنَّ لِك ِّل شيْ ٍء َسيِّدا َو َس ِّي ُد ال َم َجال ِّ ِ أَ ََل َو إِنَّ لِ ُك ِّل َشيْ ٍء عِ َمادا َو عِ َما ُد ال ِّد
ض ُس َّكانُ شِ ي َع ِت َنا فِي َها ِ ْشهُو ُد ْاْلَرُ شهُوداً َو ُ
Amir Al-Momineenasws said: ‘Qanbar! Arise and receive glad tidings, for Allah azwj is
Wrathful upon the community apart from ourasws Shias. Indeed! For everything there is a
nobility and the nobility of the Religion is the Shia. Indeed! And for everything there is a
pillar and the pillars of the Religion are the Shias. Indeed! And for everything there is a
chief, and the chief of the gatherings, is the gathering of our asws Shias. Indeed! And for
everything is are witnesses, and the witnesses of the earth are our asws Shias dwelling
ُأَ ََل َو إِنَّ َمنْ َخالَ َف ُك ْم َم ْنسُوبٌ إِلَى َه ِذ ِه ْاْل َي ِة وُ جُو ٌه َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ خاشِ َع ٌة عا ِملَ ٌة ناصِ َب ٌة َتصْ لى ناراً حا ِم َي ًة أَ ََل َو إِنَّ َمنْ دَ َعا ِم ْن ُك ْم َف ُد َعاؤُ ه
ُور ِه ْم َي ْو َم ْال ِق َيا َم ِة ُم ْش ِر َق ًة
ِ َّللا إِلَ ْي ُك ْم َت ْخ ُر ُِ شِ ي َع ُت َنا مِ نْ قُب ِ َّ ص ْن ُع َ مُسْ َت َجابٌ أَ ََل َو إِنَّ َمنْ َسأ َ َل ِم ْن ُك ْم َح
ُ اج ًة َفلَ ُه ِب َها مِا َئ ٌة َيا َح َّب َذا َحس َُن
.َّللا ُ أَ َش ُّد ُح ّبا ً لِشِ ي َع ِت َنا ِم َّنا لَ ُه ْم
َّ ون َو
َ ان َل َخ ْوفٌ َعلَي ِْه ْم َو َل ُه ْم َيحْ َز ُن َ أَ ْل َوا ُن ُه ْم َو وُ جُو ُه ُه ْم َق ْد أُعْ َطوُ ا ْاْلَ َم
Indeed! And the ones who oppose you are linked to this Verse [88:2] (Some) faces on
that day shall be downcast, [88:3] Labouring, hostile one (Nasibi) [88:4] Entering
into burning fire. Indeed! And the one from you who supplicates, so his supplication is
Answered. Indeed! And if the one from you who asks the need, for him would be a
hundred with it. Iasws would love that Allahazwj Deals excellently with you all. Weasws will
extract ourasws Shias from their graves on the Day of Judgment. Their colours would be
shining and (as well as) their faces. They would have been Given the security, and
there would be no fear upon them, nor would they be grieving. And Allah azwj has more
Intense Love for ourasws Shias than weasws have for them’.17
It was informed to us by the Sheykh Al Mufeed Abu Ali Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Al Toosy, from Al
Saeed Al Walid, from Al Sheykh Al Mufeed Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Al Numan Al
Harsy Al Baghdady, from Abu Bakr Muhammad Bin Umar Al Ja’aby, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Al
Husayni, from Ahmad Bin Abdul Man’am, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Fazary,
And he said, ‘It was narrated to us from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Al Husayni, from Ahmad Bin Abdul
Man’am, from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir,
17 saww asws
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
َُك أ َ ب ع أَ ََل أ ُ َب ِّشر ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل:اريِّ َقا َل
ِ َّللا ص ل َِعلِيِّ ب ِ صَ َّللا ْاْلَ ْن
ِ َّ ْن َع ْب ِد ِ ْن َعلِيٍّ ع َعنْ َج ِاب ِر ب ِ َعنْ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد ب
ان َي ْو ُم َ َ َ
َ يعتنا فإِذا ك َ ُ ْ ُ َ ٌ َ َ ْ
َ ِضلت ِمن َها فضْ لة فخلِقَ ِمن َها ش ْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ ْ
َ َّللا قا َل فإِني خلِقت أنا َو أنتَ ِمنْ طِ ين ٍة َوا ِح َد ٍة فف ُ ِّ َ َ َّ
ِ ك؟ َقا َل َبلَى َيا َرسُو َل َ ََل أَ ْم َن ُح
.ب َم ْولِ ِد ِه ْم َ
ِ ك َفإِ َّن ُه ْم ي ُْد َع ْو َن ِبأسْ َم
ِ اء آ َبائ ِِه ْم لِطِ ي ُ
َ اء أ َّم َهات ِِه ْم إِ ََّل شِ ي َع َت َ
ِ ْال ِق َيا َم ِة ُدعِ َي ال َّناسُ ِبأسْ َم
(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws, from Jabir Bin
Abdullah Al-Ansary who said, ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said to Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws: ‘Shall
Isaww give youasws glad tidings? Shall Isaww confer upon youasws?’ Heasws said: ‘Yes, O
Rasool-Allahsaww!’ Hesaww said: ‘Isaww was Created, (both) mesaww and youasws, from one
clay (essence). So there remained some remnants from it, and our asws Shias were
Created from it. Thus, when it will be the Day of Judgment, the people would be called
by the names of their mothers except for ourasws Shias, for they would be called by the
names of their fathers, due to the goodness of their births’.18
ُ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا أَبُو ْال َقاسِ ِم َجعْ َف ُر بْن:ان ره َقا َل ِ ْن ال ُّنعْ َم ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا أَبُو َع ْب ِد:أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ أَبُو َعلِيٍّ َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه ره َقا َل
ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
ِ َح َّد َث َنا أَحْ َم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب:َّللا بْنُ َجعْ َف ٍر ْال ِحمْ َي ِريُّ َقا َل
ْن ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا َع ْب ُد:اْلسْ َكافِيُّ َقا َل
ِ ْ َّام
ٍ َح َّد َث َنا أبُو َعلِيٍّ م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َهم:قُولَ َو ْي ِه َقا َل
:ْن ُز َهي ٍْر َقا َل ِ ْن َعمِي َر َة َعنْ م ُْد ِركِ ب ِ َح َّد َث َنا َعلِيُّ بْنُ َحدِي ٍد َعنْ َس ْيفِ ب:ازيُّ َقا َل ِ َح َّد َث َنا ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ َسعِي ٍد اْلهْ َو:عِ ي َسى َقا َل
It was informed to us by the Sheykh Abu Ali, from his father, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin
Muhammad Bin Al Numan, from Abu Al Qasim Ja’far Bin Qawlawayh, from Abu Ali Muhammad Bin
Hamam Al Askafy, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al
Hassan Bin Saeed Al Ahvazy, from Ali Bin Hadeed, from Sayf Bin Ameyra, from Mudrak Bin Zuheyr who
ْس ِب َقبُولِ ِه َف َق ْط َو لَ ِكنْ ِبصِ َيا َن ِت ِه َو ِك ْت َما ِن ِه َعنْ َغي ِْر أَهْ لِ ِه أَ ْق ِرئْ أَصْ َحا َب َنا َ ك إِنَّ أَمْ َر َنا لَي ُ َيا م ُْد ِر:َّللا َجعْ َف ُر بْنُ م َُح َّم ٍد ع ِ َّ َقا َل أَبُو َع ْب ِد
َ ك َما ُي ْن ِكر َ ُاس إِلَ ْي َنا َف َح َّد َث ُه ْم ِب َما َيعْ ِرف ً َّ َّللا َو َب َر َكا ِت ِه َو قُ ْل لَ ُه ْم َر ِح َم
ِ َّ الس َََّل َم َو َرحْ َم َة
.ُون َ ون َو َت َر ِ َّللا ُ ا ْم َرأ اجْ َترَّ َم َو َّد َة ال َّن
Abu Abdullah Ja’far Bin Muhammadasws said: ‘O Mudrak! Ourasws matter (Wilayah) isn’t
by its acceptance only, but by its maintenance and its concealment from other than its
rightful ones. Convey the greetings to ourasws companions, and the Mercy of Allahazwj
and Hisazwj Blessings, and say to them: ‘May Allahazwj have Mercy on the man who
repeat the cordiality of the people to usasws, and narrates to them with what they are
recognising and leaves what they are denying’.19
The Words Of The Prophetsaww: ‘The One Who Loves To Ride The Ship
Of Salvation, So Let Him Befriend Aliasws’.
18 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 19
19 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 20
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It was informed to us by Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Shahriyar Al Khazin at
the location of Al Kufa, the greetings be upon its dwellers, in Rabbi Al Awwal of the year five hundred and
sixteen by my reading upon it, from Abu Mansour Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Aziz Al Ma’dal,
from His words and his book in Al Medina of Al Islam in Zil Qadah of the year four hundred and seventy,
from Al Akbary Abu Al Hassan Bin Razqawayh, from Abu Umeyr Bin Al Samak, from Ali Bin Muhammad
Qazwiny, from Dawood Bin Suleyman Bin Wahab Bin Ahmad Al Qazwiny Al Sagary in the year two
hundred and sixty six, said, ‘
ْنِ ْن َعلِيٍّ َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه م َُح َّم ٍد َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه َعلِيِّ ب ِ ْن م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ َح َّد َث َنا أَ ِبي مُو َسى بْنُ َجعْ َف ٍر َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه َجعْ َف ِر ب:ضا َقا َل َ َِّح َّد َث َنا َعلِيُّ بْنُ مُو َسى الر
ك ِب ْالعُرْ َو ِة ْالوُ ْثقى َو َيعْ َتصِ َم َ ب َسفِي َن َة ال َّن َجا ِة َو َي َت َم َّس َ َمنْ أَ َحبَّ أَنْ َيرْ َك:َّللا ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل:ْن َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه َعلِيٍّ َقا َل ِ ُسي َ ْن َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه ْالح ِ ْال ُح َسي
َ َّ َ َ ُ َّ
ِ ِين ِمنْ وُ ل ِد ِه َفإِن ُه ْم خل َفائِي َو أ ِحبَّائِي َو ح َُج ُج ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ً ْ ْ َّ
َّللا َعلى ِ ال َعلِ ّيا ع َبعْ دِي َو ل ُي َعا ِد َع ُد َّوهُ َو ل َيأ َت َّم ِبال ُه َدا ِة ال َم َيام ِ ِين َفلي َُو ِ َّللا ال َمت
ِ ِب َحب ِْل
.ان َ
ْط يشَّ ال ُب ْ
ِز ح م
ْ ِه ئَا د ْع َ أ ُب ْ
ِزح وَ ِ َّ
َّللا ُب ْ
ِز ح ي ب ْ
ِزح و
َ ي ب ْ
ِز ح م ْ هُ ُ
ب ِزْ ح ة
ِ َّ
ن ج
َ ْ
ال ى َ ل إ ء
ِ ا ي
َ ق
ِ ْ
ت َ ْ
اْل ُ ةدَ اقَ و
َ ِي
ت م
َّ ُ ات أُ د
َ ا س
َ و
َ ِي د ْْال َخ ْل ِق َبع
ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
Aliasws Bin Musa Al-Rezaasws narrated to us saying: ‘Myasws fatherasws Musaasws Bin
Ja’farasws narrated to usasws, from hisasws fatherasws Ja’farasws Bin Muhammad Bin Aliasws,
from hisasws fatherasws Muhammadasws, from hisasws father Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws, from
hisasws fatherasws Al-Husaynasws, from hisasws fatherasws Aliasws having said: ‘Rasool-
Allahsaww said: ‘The one who loves to ride the ship of salvation and attach himself with
firmest handle and hold fast to the strong rope of Allah azwj, so let him accept Aliasws as a
ruler after mesaww, and let him be inimical to hisasws enemies, and let him follow the
Guidance of the Imamsasws from hisasws sonsasws, for theyasws are mysaww Caliphs and
mysaww beloved ones, and the Divine Authorities of Allah azwj upon the creatures after
mesaww, and the chief of mysaww community, and the pious Guides to the Paradise.
Theirasws party is myasws party, and mysaww party is the Party of Allahazwj, and the party of
theirasws enemies is the party of the Satanla’.20
ِ َح َّد َث َنا إِب َْراهِي ُم بْنُ هَاشِ ٍم َعنْ م َُح َّم ِد ب: َح َّد َث َنا أَ ِبي َقا َل:يس َقا َل
ْن َ ْن إِ ْد ِر ِ َح َّد َث َنا ْال ُح َسيْنُ بْنُ أَحْ َم َد ب:وق َقا َل َّ اْلسْ َنا ِد َع ِن ال
ِ ص ُد ِ ْ َقا َل َو ِب
ِ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو ْال َجارُو ِد ِز َيا ُد بْنُ ْال ُم ْنذ ِِر َعنْ َسعِي ِد ب:ان َقا َل
ْن ُج َبي ٍْر ٍ سِ َن
He (the author) said, ‘And by the chain from Al Sadouq, from Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Bin Idrees, from his
father, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Abu Al Jaroud Ziyad Al Munzar, from
Saeed Bin Jubeyr, from Ibn Abbas who said,
‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The Wilayah of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws is the Wilayah of
Allahazwj, and (having) hisasws love is worship of Allahazwj, and obeying himasws is an
Imposition of Allahazwj, and hisasws friends are the friends of Allahazwj, and hisasws
enemies are the enemies of Allahazwj, and hisasws party is the Party of Allahazwj, and
hisasws truce is the Truce of Allahazwj’.21
20 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 21
21 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 22
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
And by the chain, he said, ‘Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad
Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Khaaaz, from
Talha Bin Zayd,
أَ َتانِي َجب َْرئِي ُل ِمنْ ِق َب ِل َربِّي َج َّل َج ََللُ ُه َف َقا َل َيا م َُح َّم ُد:َّللا ص
ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل:ْن م َُح َّم ٍد َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه َعنْ آ َبا ِئ ِه ع َقا َل
ِ ِق َجعْ َف ِر ب
ِ َع ِن الصَّاد
َ ِّ ُ َ َ
َ َّ َ ِّ ً
.ُك َعلِ ّيا ِبأني َل أ َعذبُ َمنْ َت َوَلهُ َو َل أرْ َح َم َمنْ َعا َداه ِّ
َ ك َبشرْ أ َخا َ ُ َ
َ ك السََّل َم َو َيقو ُل ل ُ ْ َ َّ َّإِن
َ َّللا َع َّز َو َج َّل ُيق ِرئ
(It has been narrated) from Al-Sadiq Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws
fatherasws, from hisasws forefathersasws having said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Jibraeelas
came to mesaww from my Lordazwj, Majestic is Hisazwj Majesty, and heas said: ‘O
Muhammadsaww! Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Conveys the Greetings to yousaww and is
Saying to yousaww: “Give glad tidings to yoursaww brotherasws Aliasws that Iazwj will not
Punish the one who loves himasws, and Iazwj will not be Merciful to the one who is inimical
to himasws’.22
]. و الحسن و الحسين سيدا شباب أهل الجنة.[قول النبي (ص) أن عليا وصيي و خليفتي و زوجته سيدة نساء العالمين
And by the chain, said, ‘Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masrour narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin
Muhammad Bin Aamir, from Al Moalla Bin Muhammad Al Basry, from J’far Bin Suleyman, from Abdullah
Bin Al Hakam, from his father, from Saeed Bin Jubeyr, from Ibn Abbas who said,
Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Aliasws is mysaww successorasws and mysaww Caliph, and Isaww
married himasws to the chieftess of the women of the world, Fatima asws mysaww
daughterasws; and Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws are the chiefs of the inhabitants of
the Paradise, are mysaww two sonsasws.
َّ ص َل
ُ َّللا َ َمنْ َواَل ُه ْم َف َق ْد َواَلنِي َو َمنْ َعادَا ُه ْم َف َق ْد َعا َدانِي َو َمنْ َن َاوا ُه ْم َف َق ْد َن َاوانِي َو َمنْ َج َفا ُه ْم َف َق ْد َج َفانِي َو َمنْ َبرَّ ُه ْم َف َق ْد َبرَّ نِي َو
ص َر َمنْ أَ َعا َن ُه ْم َو َخ َذ َل َمنْ َخ َذلَ ُه ْم َ صلَ ُه ْم َو َق َط َع َمنْ َق َط َع ُه ْم َو َن
َ َمنْ َو
The one who befriends themasws so he has befriended mesaww, and the one who is
inimical to themasws so he has been inimical to mesaww, and the one who opposes
themasws so he has opposed mesaww, and the one who is disloyal to themasws so he has
been disloyal to mesaww, and the one who is righteous to them has been righteous to
22 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 23
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
mesaww; and may Allahazwj Help the one who helps themasws and Cut-off the one who
cuts themasws off, and Help the one who assist themasws, and Abandon the one who
abandons themasws.
ُسيْنُ أَهْ ُل َب ْيتِي َو َث َقلِي َفأ َ ْذ ِهبْ َع ْن ُه ُم ٍ ك َث َق ٌل َو أَهْ ُل بيتي [ َب ْي
َ ت] َف َعلِيٌّ َو َفاطِ َم ُة َو ْال َح َسنُ َو ْالح َ ان لَ ُه ِمنْ أَ ْن ِب َيائ
َ ِِك َو ُر ُسل َ اللَّ ُه َّم َمنْ َك
ً.س َو َطهِّرْ ُه ْم َت ْط ِهيرا َ ْالرِّ ج
O Allahazwj! The ones from Yourazwj Prophetsas and Yourazwj Mursilsas had a trustworthy
one and a family, Aliasws and (Syeda) Fatimaasws, and Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws
are mysaww trustworthy ones and mysaww family, therefore Keep Away from them the
uncleanness and Purify themasws with a Purification’.23
And by the chain, ‘Muhammad Bin Umar Al Ja’aby Al Hafiz Al Baghdady narrated to us, from Abu
Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Sabit Bin Kanana, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Al Abbas
Abu Ja’far Al Khazaie, from Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Al Arny, from Umar Bin Sabit, from Ata’a Bin Al
Sayyab, from Ibn Yahya, from Ibn Abbas who said,
Rasool-Allahsaww ascended the Pulpit and hesaww addressed and gathered the people to
himsaww, and hesaww said: ‘O group of the Momineen! Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic
Revealed unto mesaww that Iazwj will be passing away, and that the sonasws of mysaww
uncleas, Aliasws would be murdered, and Isaww, O you people, am informing you of a news
that if you were to act in accordance with it, you would be safe and if you were to
neglect it, you would be destroyed. The sonasws of mysaww uncleas Aliasws, heasws is mysaww
brother, and mysaww Vizier, and hesaww is mysaww Caliph, and heasws is the deliverer (of
the Message) from mesaww, and heasws is the Imamasws of the pious, and the Guide of the
If you were to seek rightful guidance from him asws, you will be rightly guided, and if you
were to follow himasws you will attain salvation, and if you were to oppose him asws, you
will stray, and if you were to obey himasws, so it is Allahazwj that you would be obeying,
and if you were to disobey himasws, so it is Allahazwj that you would be disobeying, and if
you were to pledge allegiance to himasws, so it is Allahazwj you would be pledging
allegiance to, and if you were to break hisasws allegiance, so it would be Allahazwj’s
23 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 24
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
allegiance you would be breaking. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed the Quran
unto mesaww, and heasws is the one (who would interpret it), the one who opposes himasws
would stray, and the one who seeks Hisazwj Knowledge with other than Aliasws would be
يحتِي َو ََل ُت َخالِفُونِي فِي أَهْ ِل َب ْيتِي إِ ََّل ِبالَّذِي أ ُ ِمرْ ُت ْم ِب ِه َو َمنْ َح ِف َظ ُه ْم َف َق ْد َحف َِظنِي َفإِ َّن ُه ْم
َ ِأَ ُّي َها ال َّناسُ اسْ َمعُوا َق ْولِي َو اعْ ِرفُوا َح َّق َنص
َ ُ
ِ ْف َت ْخلفُو ِّني ف
ِيه ْم َفإِ َّن ُه ْم أهْ ُل َب ْيتِي ُ
َ ْن َفا ْنظرُوا َكي َّ
ِ ون َع ِن الث َقلَي ُ
َ ُون َو ُم َسا ِئلَ َحا َّمتِي َو َق َرا َبتِي َو إِ ْخ َوتِي َو أَ ْو ََلدِي َفإِ َّن ُك ْم مُجْ َمع
O you people! Hear mysaww speech, and recognise the right of mysaww exhortation, and
do not oppose mesaww with regards to the Peopleasws of mysaww Household except by
which Isaww order you with. And the one who protects them asws, so he has protected
mesaww, for theyasws are mysaww defenders, and mysaww near ones, and mysaww brethren,
and mysaww children. You will be gathered together and be questioned about the two
weighty things (Saqalayn), therefore consider how you are opposing me saww regards to
these two, for theyasws are the Peopleasws of mysaww Household.
َْف َمنْ َآذا ُه ْم َف َق ْد آ َذانِي َو َمنْ َظلَ َم ُه ْم َف َق ْد َظلَ َمنِي َو َمنْ أَ َذلَّ ُه ْم َف َق ْد أَ َذلَّنِي َو َمنْ أَ َع َّز ُه ْم َف َق ْد أَ َع َّزنِي َو َمنْ أَ ْك َر َم ُه ْم أَ ْك َر َمنِي َو َمن
ب ْال ُه َدى فِي َغي ِْر ِه ْم َف َق ْد َك َّذ َبنِيَ َص َرنِي َو َمنْ َخ َذلَ ُه ْم َخ َذلَنِي َو َمنْ َطل َ ص َر ُه ْم َن
َ َن
Therefore, the one who harms themasws has harmed mesaww, and the one who
oppresses themasws has oppressed mesaww, and the one who humiliates them asws has
humiliated mesaww, and the one who respects themasws has respected mesaww, and the
one who honours themasws has honoured mesaww, and the one who helps themasws has
helped mesaww, and the one who abandons them aswshas abandoned mesaww, and the
one who seeks the guidance in others so he has belied mesaww.
O you people! Fear Allahazwj, and consider what you would be saying when you do meet
mesaww, for Isaww would be an adversary to the one who has harmed them asws, and the
one whom Isaww would be an adversary, so Heazwj would be an Adversary to him. Isaww
am saying this speech of minesaww. And Isaww seek Forgiveness for (on behalf of Aliasws’s
Shias) myselfsaww as well as for you all’.24
ّ [قول رسول
].هللا (ص) أربعة أنا لهم شفيع يوم القيامة لو أتوني بذنوب أهل األرض
ِ ْ َو ِب َه َذا
:اْلسْ َنا ِد َقا َل
24 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 25
27 out of 67
saww asws
Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
َّاربُ ِب َس ْي ِف ِه أَ َما َم ُذرِّ َّيتِي َو ْال َقاضِ ي لَ ُه ْم ِ ْب أَهْ ِل ْاْلَر
ِ ض الض ِ أَرْ َب َع ٌة أَ َنا لَ ُه ْم َشفِي ٌع َي ْو َم ْال ِق َيا َم ِة َو لَ ْو أَ َت ْونِي ِب ُذ ُنو:َّللا ص
ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل
ْ َ َ ْ ُ ْ
.َِح َوائ َِج ُه ْم َو السَّاعِ ي فِي َح َوا ِئ ِج ِه ْم عِ ن َد َما اضْ طرُّ وا َو ال ُمحِبُّ ل ُه ْم ِبقل ِب ِه َو لِ َسا ِنه
‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘There are four for whom Isaww will be interceding for them on the
Day of Judgment, and even if they were to come to be with (all) the sins of the people of
the earth – the striker with his sword for (the defence of) an Imam asws of mysaww
offspring, and the fulfiller for themasws of theirasws needs, and the striver regarding
theirasws needs which theyasws were desperate to, and the one who loves themasws with
his heart and his tongue’.25
ش ِريفُ ال َّنقِيبُ أَبُو ْال َح َس ِن َز ْي ُد بْنُ ال َّناصِ ِر َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال:ازنُ َقا َل ِ ار ْال َخ َ ْن َشه ِْر َي ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ أَبُو َع ْب ِد:َقا َل
ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ِريفُ أَبُو َع ْب ِد:ْال َعلَ ِويُّ َقا َل
ُ َح َّد َث َنا ُع َم ُر بْنُ إِب َْراهِي َم ْال ِك َنانِيُّ ْال ُم ْق ِري َو م َُح َّم ُد بْن:َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َع ْب ِد الرَّ حْ َم ِن ْال َعلَ ِويُّ َقا َل
َ ْ َ
ب ال ِّس ْم َسا ُر أخ َب َرنا َع ْب ُد الرَّ حْ َم ِن ُ َ ْ َ
ٍ ُون ال َحضْ َرمِيُّ أخ َب َرنا َعلِيُّ بْنُ ش َع ْي ْ َ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َحا ِم ٍد م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َهار:َع ْب ِد الرَّ حْ َم ِن ْالم ُْخلِصُ َقاَل
:او َي َة ْال َبصْ ِريُّ ال َّزعْ َف َرانِيُّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ُع َم َر َعنْ أ ِبي َسلَ َم َة َعنْ أ ِبي ه َُري َْر َة َقا َل
َ َ ِ ْن ُم َع ِ ْس ب ِ بْنُ َقي
He said, ‘Al Sheykh Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Shahriyar Al Khazin narrated to us, from Al
Shareef Al Naqeeb Abu Al Hassan Zayd Bin Al Nasir Al Alawy, from Al Shareef Abu Abdullah Muhammad
Bin Abdul Rahman Al Alawy, from Umar Bin Ibrahim Al Kanany Al Muqry and Muhammad Bin Abdul
Rahman Al Mukhlis, from Abu Hamid Muhammad Bin Haroun Al Hazramy, from Ali Bin Shuayb Al
Samsar, from Abdul Rahman Bin Qays Bin Muawiya Al Basry Al Za’frany, from Muhammad Bin Umar,
from Abu Salma, from Abu Hureyra who said,
.َِّللا َت َعالَى أَنْ َي ْغف َِر لِ ُم َش ِّيعِيه ِ إِنَّ أَوَّ َل َك َرا َم ِة ْالم ُْؤم:َّللا ص
ِ َّ ِن َعلَى ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل
‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The first of the prestige of the Momin to Allahazwj the Exalted is
that Heazwj would ‘ ’ َي ْغف َِر لِ ُم َش ِّيعِي ِهForgive his (slips in the search of ) sustenance’.26
The Words Of The Prophetsaww: ‘Love For Mesaww And Love For The
Peopleasws Of Mysaww Household Would Benefit In Seven Places’.
ْن َعلِيٍّ َعنْ َع ِّم ِه ِ ْن ْال َح َس ِن َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه ْال َح َس ِن ب ِْن ْال ُح َسي
ِ ْن ب ِ ْن َعنْ َع ِّم ِه م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ الزا ِه ُد أَبُو م َُح َّم ٍد ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ ْال ُح َسي َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ
ْنِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ُع َم ُر بْنُ أَحْ مَدَ ب:ْن َسعِي ٍد َقا َل ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ َع ْب ِد:َّللا ُ َع ْن ُه َقا َل
ِ َّللا ب َّ ْن َبا َب َو ْي ِه َرضِ َيِ ْن َعلِيِّ ب ِ ْخ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ ال َّشي
ُ ْ َ ْ ٍ ْن َكث َّ ْ ْ َ َّ ِ ِيرةُ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب ْ ْ َ ُ ْ
ِير الكَِل ِبيُّ الكوفِيُّ َعنْ ُع َم َر ِ ار بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ أخ َب َر َنا َع ْب ُد ال َغف:ب َقا َل ٍ ْن ُم َهل َ أخ َب َر َنا ال ُمغ:ان الق َشي ِْريُّ َقا َل َ ُح ْم َر
ت َعنْ َج ِاب ٍر ٍ ْن َث ِابِ ب
The ascetic Sheykh Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn informed us, from his uncle Muhammad
Bin Al Hassan, from his father Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Bin Ali, from his uncle Al Sheykh Abu Ja’far
Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Babuwayh, from Al Hassan Bin Abdullah Bin Saeed, from Umar Bin Ahmad Bin
Hamdan Al Qasheyri, from Al Mugheira Bin Muhammad Bin Mahlab, from Abdul Ghaffar Bin Muhammad
Bin Kaseer Al Kalaby Al Kufy, from Amro Bin Sabit, from Jabir,
25 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 26
26 saww asws
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
ُحبِّي َو حُبُّ أَهْ ِل َب ْيتِي َنا ِف ٌع فِي:َّللا ص ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل:ْن َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه َقا َل
ِ ْن ْال ُح َسي ِ ْن ْال ُح َسي
ِ ْن َعنْ َعلِيِّ ب ِ َعنْ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد ب
ِ ْن َعلِيِّ ب
ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ٌ َ
ْان َو عِ ن َد َ ْ
ِ ب َو عِ ن َد المِيز ْ
ِ ب َو عِ ندَ الح َِسا َ ْ
ِ ور َو عِ ن َد ال ِكتاِ َسب ِْع َم َواضِ َع أهْ َوالُهُنَّ عَظِ ي َمة عِ ن َد ال َوفا ِة َو فِي القب ِْر َو عِ ن َد النش
ُ ُّ ْ َ َ ْ
. ِالص َِّراط
From Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws, from Aliasws Bin Al-
Husaynasws, from hisasws fatherasws having said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘(Having) mysaww
love and the love of the Peopleasws of mysaww Household would benefit in seven places
(when) their state would be grievous – during the death, and in the grave, and during
the publicity (of the deeds), and during the recording, and during the Reckoning, and at
the Scale, and at the Bridge’.27
]. و المحب له مؤمن.[قول النبى (ص) المخالف على علي بن أبي طالب كافر
ِ َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َعلِيٍّ َعنْ َع ِّم ِه أَ ِبي ْال َقاسِ ِم َعنْ م َُح َّم ِد ب:ْن َبا َب َو ْي ِه َقا َل
ٍّْن َعلِي ِ ْن َعلِيِّ ب ِ م َُح َّم ِد ب اْلسْ َنا ِد َعنْ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر ِ ْ َو ِب َه َذا
:َّاس َقا َل
ب ع ْن با ن ع
ٍ َ ِ ِ َ ٍ َ ِ ِ َ َ ِ ْر يبجُ ْن ب د ِيع س ْن ع ِر ذ ْ
ن ُ
م ْ
ال ْن
ِ ِز َيا ِد ب ْان َعن ِ ْال ُكوفِيِّ َعنْ م َُح َّم ِد ب
ٍ ْن سِ َن
And by the chain, from Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Babuwayh, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from his
uncle Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ziyad Bin Al
Munzar, from Saeed Bin Jubeyr, from Ibn Abbas who said, ‘
ك َو ْال ُمحِبُّ لَ ُه م ُْؤ ِمنٌ َو ا ْل ُم ْبغِضُ لَ ُه ُم َناف ٌِق ُ ب َبعْ دِي َكا ِف ٌر َو ْال ُم ْش ِر
ٌ ك بِ ِه ُم ْش ِر ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال
ِ ْالم َُخالِفُ َعلَى َعلِيِّ ب:َّللا ص ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل
ار ٌق َو الرَّ ا ُّد َعلَ ْي ِه َزاه ٌِق ِ َو ْال ُم ْق َتفِي ِْل َث ِر ِه ََلح ٌِق َو الم َُح
ِ اربُ لَ ُه ُم َناف ٌِق َم ْ
‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The opponent to Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws after mesaww is a
disbeliever, and the associate with himasws is a disbeliever, and the one who loves
himasws is a Momin, and the hateful to himasws is a hypocrite, a renegade, and the the
one who responds against himasws is destroyed.
Aliasws is the Light of Allahazwj in Hisazwj Country and Hisazwj Divine Authority upon Hisazwj
servants. Aliasws is the sword of Allahazwj against Hisazwj enemies and an inheritor of the
knowledge of Hisazwj Prophetsas. Aliasws is the Exalted Speech of Allahazwj and the
speech of hisasws enemies is the lowest. Aliasws is the chief of the successorsas and the
successorasws of the chief of the Prophetssaww. Aliasws is Emir of the Momineen and the
Guide of the resplendent, and the Imamasws of the Muslims. Allahazwj will not Accept the
Eman except with (being in) hisasws Wilayah and (being with) hisasws obedience’.28
27 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 28
28 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 29
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
يسى َ ِ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َجعْ َف ٍر أَحْ َم ُد بْنُ ع: َح َّد َث َنا َع ْب ُد الرَّحْ َم ِن بْنُ م َُح َّم ٍد ا ْل ُح َس ْينِيُّ َقا َل: َح َّد َث َنا أَحْ َم ُد بْنُ ْال َح َس ِن ْال َق َّطانُ َقا َل:اْلسْ َنا ِد َقا َل
ِ ْ َو ِب
: أَ ْخ َب َر َنا َعلِيُّ بْنُ َحات ٍِم ْال ِم ْن َق ِريُّ َقا َل:ْن ِز َيا ٍد ْال َع ْز َرمِيُّ َقا َل ِ َّ ْن َع ْب ِد
ِ َّللا ب ِ َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ أَحْ مَدَ ب:ْن أَ ِبي ْال ِعجْ لِيُّ َقا َل ِ ْن مُو َسى ب ِ ب
:َّاس َقا َل َ ْ َ ْ َ
ٌ َح َّدث َنا َش ِري
ٍ ْن َعب ِ ْن ُج َبي ٍْر َع ِن ابِ س َعنْ َسعِي ِد ب ِ ك َعنْ َسال ٍِم اْلفط
And by the chain, said, ‘Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Abdul Rahman Bin
Muhammad Al Husayni, from Abu Ja’far Ahmad Bin Isa Bin Abu Musa Al Ijaly, from Muhammad Bin
Ahmad Bin Abdullah Bin Ziyad Al Armany, from Ali Bin Hatim Al Munqary, from Shareek, from Salim Al
Aftas, from Saeed Bin Jubeyr, from Ibn Abbas who said,
‘Rasool-Allahsaww said to Aliasws: ‘O Aliasws! Yourasws Shias, they would be the successful
ones on the Day of Judgment. So the one who offends any one of them so he has
offended youasws, and the one who offends youasws so he has offended mesaww, and the
one who offends mesaww, Allahazwj will Enter him into the Fire of Hell, and it is the evil
O Aliasws! Youasws are from mesaww and Isaww am from youasws, and yourasws soul is from
mysaww soul, and yourasws essence is from mysaww essence, and yourasws Shias were
Created from the remnants of ourasws clays. Therefore, the one who loves them so he
has loved usasws, and the one who hates them so he has hated us asws, and the one who
is inimical to them so he is inimical to usasws, and the one who is cordial to them so he is
cordial to usasws.
O Aliasws! Yourasws Shias they would be Forgiven for whatever was in them from the sins
and faults.
O Aliasws! Isaww would intercede for yourasws Shias tomorrow when Isaww stand at the place
of the most Praised Oneazwj ()المقام المحمود, therefore give them the glad tidings of that.
ِ َّ ُُك ح ِْزب
َّللا ِ َّ ك أَ ْولِ َيا ُء
َ َّللا َو ح ِْزب َ َُّللا َو أَ ْولِ َياؤ َ ك أَ ْن
ِ َّ صا ُر َ َّللا َو أَ ْن
َ صا ُر ِ َّ يع ُة َ يع ُت
َ ِك ش َ َِيا َعلِيُّ ش
30 out of 67
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
O Aliasws! Yourasws Shias are the Shias of Allahazwj and yourasws helpers are the Helpers
of Allahazwj, and they are the friends of Allahazwj, and yourasws party is the party of
O Aliasws! Fortunate is the one who befriends youasws and miserable is the one who is
inimical to youasws.
O Aliasws! For youasws are the treasures in the Paradise, and youasws the one with its
ِ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو م َُح َّم ِد بْنُ ْال َح َس ِن ب:الط َب ِريُّ َقا َل
ْن َع ْب ِد ٍ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َج ِر: َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ إِب َْراهِي َم َقا َل:اْلسْ َنا ِد َقا َل
َّ ير
ِ ْ َو ِب
ْن مُو َسى َعنْ َجعْ َف ٍر ْاْلحْ َم ِر ْ ِ َح َّد َث َنا إِسْ مَاعِ ي ُل بْنُ َعلِيٍّ ال ُّس ِّديُّ َعنْ َم ْن َبع ب:ْال َوا ِح ِد ْال َخ َّزا ُز َقا َل
ِ اِ َعنْ عِ ي َسى ب ِ َّْن ال َحج ِ
And by the chain, said, ‘Muhammad Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Jareer Al
Tabari, from Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Abdul Wahid Al Khazaz, from Ismail Bin Ali Al Sady, from
Mani’e Bin Al Hajjaj, from Isa Bin Musa, from Ja’far Al Ahmar,
ان َي ْو ُم َ إِ َذا َك:َّللا ص ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل:ُاريَّ َيقُول ِ ص َ َّللا ْاْلَ ْن
ِ َّ ت َج ِاب َر ب َْن َع ْب ِد ُ ْ َقا َل َس ِمع:ْن َعلِيٍّ ْال َباق ِِر ع َقا َل ِ َعنْ أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد ب
َ ْ ْ ْ ْ
ض ِر ذ َن ُب َها ْ ُّ
َ ب َق َوا ِئ ُم َها م َِن الزمُرُّ ِد اْلخ ُ ُ
ٍ ْن ِخطا ُم َها ِمنْ ل ْؤل ٍؤ َرط َ ْ َ َّ
ِ وق ال َجن ِة مُدَ ب ََّجة ال َجن َبي ِ ْال ِق َيا َم ِة ُت ْق ِب ُل ا ْب َنتِي َفاطِ َم ُة ع َعلى َنا َق ٍة ِمنْ ن
ُ َ
ِ َّ ُور ي َُرى َظا ِه ُر َها ِمنْ بَاطِ ِن َها َو بَاطِ ُن َها ِمنْ َظاه ِِر َها َدا ِخلُ َها َع ْفو
َّللا َو ٍ ان َعلَ ْي َها قُب ٌَّة ِمنْ ُن ِ م َِن ْال ِمسْ كِ ْاْلَ ْذ َف ِر َع ْي َنا َها َياقُو َت َت
ِ ان َح ْم َر َاو
ِ ت يُضِ ي ُء َك ْال َك ْو َكِ ص ٌع ِبالدُّرِّ َو ْال َياقُو َّ ُون ُر ْكنا ً ُك ُّل ُر ْك ٍن م َُر ْ ِ َّ ار ُج َها َرحْ َم ُة
ب الدُّرِّ يِّ فِي َ اِ َس ْبع ِ ور لِل َّت ٍ َّللا َو َعلَى َرأسِ َها َتا ٌِ ِمنْ ُن ِ َخ
أُفُ ِق ال َّس َما ِء
From Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws Bin Ali Al-Baqirasws having said: ‘Iasws heard Jabir Bin
Abdullah Al-Ansary saying: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘When it will be the Day of Judgment,
mysaww daughterasws (Syeda) Fatimaasws would come upon a she-camel from the she-
camels of the Paradise with decorated reins, their seals being of white pearls, its legs
being of green emeralds, its tail (perfumed) with Al-Azfar musk, its two eyes being of red
rubies. Upon it would be a dome of light, such that its outside would be seen from its
inside and its inside being seen from its outside. Its interior would be Forgiveness of
Allahazwj and its exterior would be Mercy of Allahazwj. And upon herasws head would be a
crown of light. For the crown there would be seventy corners, each corner been
embedded with the gemstones and rubies. It would illuminate just as the brilliant star in
the horizon of the sky.
And on herasws right would be seventy thousand Angels, and one her asws left would be
seventy thousand Angels, and Jibraeelas would be holding the rein of the she-camel and
29 saww asws
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heas would call out in a high voice of hisas: ‘Close your eyes until (Syeda) Fatimaasws
moves over!’
ِ َر ِّب َها َج َّل َج ََلل ُ ُه َو َترُو ُح ِب َن ْفسِ َها َعنْ َنا َق ِت َها َو َتقُو ُل إِلَ ِهي َو َس ِّي ِدي احْ ُك ْم َب ْينِي َو َبي َْن َمنْ َظلَ َمنِي اللَّ ُه َّمَ َْف َتسِ ي ُر َح َّتى ُت َحاذِي َعر
احْ ُك ْم َب ْينِي َو َبي َْن َمنْ َق َت َل وُ لدِي
So sheasws would travel until sheasws is parallel to the Throne of herasws Lordazwj, Majestic
is Hisazwj Majesty, and sheasws would go by herselfasws from herasws she-camel and
sheasws would be saying: ‘Myasws Godazwj, and myasws Masterazwj! Judge between measws
and the ones who oppressed measws! O Allahazwj! Judge between measws and the ones
who murdered myasws childrenasws!’
َ [ج
]ازنِي ِ َّ َفإِ َذا ال ِّندَ ا ُء ِمنْ ِق َب ِل
َ َّللا َج َّل َج ََلل ُ ُه َيا َح ِبي َبتِي َو ا ْب َن َة َح ِب ِيبي َسلِينِي ُتعْ َطى َو ا ْش َفعِي ُت َش َّفعِي َو عِ َّزتِي َو َج ََللِي ََل أجازي
ظ ْل ُم َظال ٍِمُ
So there would be a Call from Allahazwj, Majestic is Hisazwj Majesty: “O Myazwj Beloved
and daughterasws of Myazwj Beloved! Ask Meazwj, Iazwj will Grant it, and (for) Myazwj
Intercession, youasws can intercede. By Myazwj Mighty and Myazwj Majesty! Iazwj will not
Allow the oppression of the oppressor”.
َف َتقُو ُل إِلَ ِهي َو َس ِّيدِي ُذرِّ َّيتِي َو شِ ي َعتِي َو شِ ي َع َة ُذرِّ َّيتِي َو ُم ِحبِّي َو ُمحِبَّ ُذرِّ َّيتِي
So sheasws would be saying: ‘Myasws Godazwj and myasws Masterazwj! Myasws offspring, and
myasws Shias, and the Shias of myasws offspring, and the ones who loved myasws
So there would be a Call from Allahazwj, Majestic is Hisazwj Majesty: “Where are the
children of (Syeda) Fatimaasws and herasws Shias, and those that adore herasws and the
ones who love herasws children?” So they would be standing, and the Angels of Mercy
would have encircled by them. Thus, (Syeda) Fatimaasws would be preceding them until
sheasws causes them to enter the Paradise’.30
30 saww asws
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The Words Of The Prophetsaww: ‘In Aliasws there are such Qualities, if
one of these was to be in the entirety of the people, they would suffice
with it as a merit’. and the words of the Prophetsaww: ‘the love for
Aliasws is Eman and hatred to himasws is disbelief’.
ِ َح َّد َث َنا أَحْ َم ُد بْنُ َعلِيٍّ ْاْلَصْ َف َهانِيُّ َعنْ إِب َْراهِي َم ب:َّللا بْنُ ْال َح َس ِن ْالم َُؤدِّبُ َقا َل
ْن َّ َح َّد َث َنا أَ ِبي َرضِ َي:َقا َل
ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا َع ْب ُد:َّللا ُ َع ْن ُه َقا َل
ِ ْن م َُح َّم ِد ب َّ
ِ ْن َعلِيٍّ ال ُّسلَمِيِّ َعنْ َع ْب ِد
ِ َّللا ب َ ْ
ِ ْن مُو َسى ال َع ْبسِ يُّ َعنْ أحْ َم َد ب َّ
ِ ْن َع ْب ِد
ِ َّللا ب ْ َّ م َُح َّم ٍد
ِ َح َّد َثنِي َجعْ َف ُر بْنُ ال َح َس ِن ب:الث َقفِيِّ َقا َل
ٍ َعق
He said, ‘My father narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Al Hassan Al Mowdab, from Ahmad Bin Ali Al
Isfahany, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Al Saqafy, from Ja’far Bin Al Hassan Bin Ubeydullah Bin Musa Al
Abasy, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Salmy, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Aqeel,
From Jabir Bin Abdullah Al-Ansary who said, ‘I have heard Rasool-Allahsaww saying
regarding Aliasws of such qualities that if one of these were to be regarding the entirety of
the people, they would have sufficed with it as a merit’.
ُون ِمنْ مُو َسى َو َق ْول ُ ُه َعلِيٌّ ِم ِّني َو أَ َنا ِم ْن ُه َو َق ْولُ ُه َعلِيٌّ ِم ِّني
َ ت َم ْو ََلهُ َف َعلِيٌّ َم ْو ََلهُ َو َق ْول ُ ُه َعلِيٌّ ِم ِّني َك َهار
ُ ِم ْن َها َق ْول ُ ُه ص َمنْ ُك ْن
اعتِي َو َمعْ صِ َي ُت ُه َمعْ صِ َيتِي َ َك َن ْفسِ ي َطا َع ُت ُه َط
From these are hissaww words: ‘The one whose Master Isaww was, so Aliasws is his
Master’; and hissaww words: ‘Aliasws is from mesaww like Harounas was from Musaas’; and
hissaww words: ‘Aliasws is from mesaww and Isaww am from himasws’; and hissaww words:
‘Aliasws is from mesaww like mysaww own self. Obedience to himasws is obedience to mesaww,
and disobedience to himasws is disobedience to mesaww’;
And hissaww words: ‘The war of Aliasws is the war of Allahazwj, and peace of Aliasws is the
Peace of Allahazwj’; and hissaww words: ‘A friend of Aliasws is a friend of Allahazwj and an
enemy of Aliasws is an enemy of Allahazwj’; and hissaww words: ‘Aliasws is the Divine
Authority of Allahazwj and Hisazwj Caliph upon Hisazwj servants’; and hissaww words: ‘Loving
Aliasws is Eman and hating himasws is disbelief’;
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And hissaww words: ‘The party of Aliasws is the Party of Allahazwj, and the party of hisasws
enemies is the party of the Satanla’; and hissaww words: ‘Aliasws is with the Truth and the
Truth is with Aliasws. They will not be separating until they return unto mesaww at the
Fountain’; and hissaww words: ‘Aliasws is the distributor of the Paradise and the Hell’; and
hissaww words: ‘The one who separates from Aliasws so he has separated from mesaww,
and the one who separates from mesaww so he has separated from Allahazwj Mighty and
Majestic’; and hissaww words: ‘The Shias of Aliasws, they would be the successful ones on
the Day of Judgment’’.31
]. قال أنا و أنت و فاطمة و الحسن و الحسين خلقنا من طينة واحدة،[قول النبى أال أبشرك يا علي قال بلى
The words of the Prophetsaww: ‘Shall Isaww give youasws glad tidings o
Aliasws?’ heasws said: ‘yes’. Hesaww said: ‘Isaww and youasws, and (Syeda)
Fatimaasws, and Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws, weasws were created
from one essence’.
ت َع ْش َر َة َو َخمْ سِ مِا َئ ٍة ِب َم ْش َه ِد َم ْو ََل َنا َّ ِيع ْاْلَ َّو ِل َس َن َة سٍ ازنُ فِي َر ِب ِ ار ْال َخ
َ ْن َشه ِْر َي ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ْاْلَمِينُ أَبُو َع ْب ِد
ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ أَحْ مَدَ ب
َ َ
َح َّدث َنا أبُو ُع َم َر:يز الم َُع ِّد ُل َقا َل ْ ْ ْ َ َ
ٍ َح َّدث َنا أبُو َمنص:ب ع َقا َل
ِ ُور م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال َ ِير ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ
ِ ْن َع ْب ِد ال َع ِز ِ ِين َعلِيِّ ب ِ أم
ِ َح َّد َث َنا إِسْ مَاعِ ي ُل بْنُ ْال َعب:ب ال ِّس ِجسْ َتانِيُّ َقا َل
َّاس ِ َح َّد َث َنا ُع َم ُر بْنُ ْال َخ َّطا:ْن ْال َم ْهدِيِّ َقا َلِ ْن أحْ مَدَ ب َ ِ َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد ب:ك َقا َل ُ ال ِّس َما
َ َ
:ْن ِز َيا ٍد َعنْ أ ِبي ه َُري َْر َة قا َل ِ ْال ِحمَّصِ يُّ َعنْ م َُح َّم ِد ب
The Sheykh Al Ameen Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Shahriyar Al Khazin informed us during
Rabbi Al Awwal of the year five hundred and sixteen at the location of our Master Amir Al Momineen
Ali Bin Abu Talib , from Abu Mansour Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Aziz Al Muaddil, from Abu
Umar Al Simmak, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Al Mahdy, from Umar Bin Al Khattab Al Sijistany, from
Ismail Bin Al Abbas Al Himmasy, from Muhammad Bin Ziyad, from Abu Hureyra who said,
َّللا َقا َل أَ َنا َو أَ ْنتَ َو َفاطِ َم ُة َوِ َّ ك َيا َعلِيُّ ؟ َقا َل َبلَى ِبأ َ ِبي أَ ْنتَ َو أُمِّي َيا َرسُو َل َ َّللا ص َيقُو ُل ل َِعلِيٍّ ع أَ ََل أ ُ َب ِّش ُر ِ َّ ت َرسُو َل ُ َْس ِمع
ُان َي ْو ُم ال ِق َيا َم ِة ُدعِ َي ال َّناس َ
َ يعت َنا َو ُم ِحبُّو َنا َفإِذا َك ُ ْ ٌ
َ ِت ِمن َها َفضْ لَة َف ُج ِع َل ِمن َها ش ْ َ ْال َح َسنُ َو ال ُح َسيْنُ ع خلِق َنا ِمنْ طِ ي َن ٍة َوا ِح َد ٍة َو َف
ْ َضل ْ ُ ْ
.ِبأَسْ َمائ ِِه ْم َو أَسْ َما ِء أ ُ َّم َهات ِِه ْم َما َخ ََل َنحْ نُ َو شِ ي َع ُت َنا َو ُم ِحبُّو َنا َفإِ َّن ُه ْم ي ُْد َع ْو َن ِبأَسْ َمائ ِِه ْم َو أَسْ َما ِء آ َبائ ِِه ْم
‘I heard Rasool-Allahsaww saying to Aliasws: ‘Shall Isaww give youasws glad tidings, O
Aliasws?’ Heasws said: ‘Yes, by myasws fatheras and myasws motheras, O Rasool-Allahsaww!’.
Hesaww said: ‘Iasws, and youasws, and (Syeda) Fatimaasws, and Al-Hassanasws, and Al-
Husaynasws, weasws were Created from one essence, and there remained an excess
from it, so ourasws Shias and those that love usasws were Made to be from it. Therefore,
when it will be the Day of Judgment, the people would be called by their names and the
names of their mothers apart from usasws and ourasws Shias and those that love usasws,
for they would be called by their names and the names of their fathers’. 32
31 saww asws
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32 saww asws
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The words of the Prophetsaww: ‘The rest and the comfort, and the
happiness and the glad tidings is for the one who takes Aliasws as an
Imamasws and befriends himasws’.
It was narrated to us by Al Sheykh Al Raees Bu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Bin Babuwayh,
from his uncle Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, from his father Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn, from his uncle Abu
Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Yaqoub Bin
Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Muhammad Al Qibty who said, ‘
Al-Sadiq Ja’far Bin Muhammadasws said: ‘The people are as oblivious of the words of
Rasool-Allahsaww regarding Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws on the day of the fountain of Umm
Ibrahim just as they were oblivious of hissaww words regarding himasws on the day of
Ghadeer Khumm. Rasool-Allahsaww was at the fountain of Umm Ibrahim, and in hissaww
presence were hissaww companions, when Aliasws came over. But they did not move
aside for himasws.
So when hesaww saw them not giving way, hesaww said to them: ‘O group of people! This
is Aliasws, from the Peopleasws of mysaww Household, and your are taking lightly with
himasws while Isaww am still alive between you apparently! But, by Allahazwj! If Isaww were to
be absent from you all, then Allahazwj would not be absent from Youazwj. The rest, and
the comfort, and the happiness, and the glad tidings are for the one who takes Ali asws as
an Imamasws and befriends himasws, and submits to himasws, and to the successorsasws
from hisasws sonsasws!
ت فِيَّ ِمنْ إِب َْراهِي َم ِْلَ ِّني ِمنْ إِب َْراهِي َم َو إِب َْراهِي َم ع َ إِنَّ َح ّقا ً َعلَيَّ أَنْ أ ُ ْد ِخلَ ُه ْم فِي َش َف
ْ اعتِي ِْلَ َّن ُه ْم أَ ْتبَاعِ ي َف َمنْ َت ِب َعنِي َفإِ َّن ُه ِم ِّني ُس َّن ٌة َج َر
ض َو َّللاُ َسمِي ٌع َعلِي ٌم ً ُ
ٍ ِْيق َق ْو ِل َربِّي ذرِّ يَّة َبعْ ضُها ِمنْ َبع ُ ض ُل ِم ْن ُه َتصْ د َ َ
َ ِم ِّني َو َفضْ لِي لَ ُه َفضْ ل ُ ُه َو َفضْ ل ُ ُه َفضْ لِي َو أ َنا أ ْف
It is a right of Aliasws that heasws includes them in mysaww intercession, because they are
mysaww followers. So the one who follows mesaww, so he is from mesaww, a Sunnah which
flows in mesaww from Ibrahimas, because Isaww am from Ibrahimas, and Ibrahimas is from
mesaww, and mysaww merit is for himas is a merit of hisas, and hisas merit is mysaww merit,
and Isaww am superior than himsaww, being a ratification of the Words of mysaww Lordazwj
[3:34] Offspring one from the other; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing’.
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. ُت ِرجْ ل ُ ُه فِي َم ْش َر َب ِة أ ُ ِّم إِب َْراهِي َم َح َّتى َعا َدهُ ال َّناس ِ َّ ان َرسُو ُل
ْ َّللا ص َو ِث َئ َ َو َك
And it was so that Rasool-Allahsaww had immersed hissaww legs in the fountain of Umm
Ibrahim, until it became a habit of the people’.33
َح َّد َث َنا أَحْ َم ُد:َّللا َقا َل َّ َح َّد َثنِي أَ ِبي َر ِح َم ُه:َّللا ُ َعنْ َع ِّم ِه َعنْ أَبِي ِه َعنْ َع ِّم ِه أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر َقا َل
ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا َسعْ ُد بْنُ َع ْب ِد:َّللا ُ َقا َل َّ َو َع ْن ُه َر ِح َم ُه
ْ َ ْ
ُِّون ال َع ْبدِيِّ َعنْ أ ِبي َسعِي ٍد ال ُخ ْد ِري َ
َ ص ال َع ْبدِيُّ َعنْ أ ِبي َهار ْ َ َ ْ َ
ٍ َح َّدث َنا أبُو َح ْف: َح َّدث َنا ال َعبَّاسُ بْنُ َمعْ رُوفٍ َقا َل:ْن َيحْ َيى َقا َل ِ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
:َقا َل
And from him, from his uncle, from his father, from his uncle Abu Ja’far, from his father, from Sa’ad Bin
Abdullah, from aHmad Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Abu jafs Al Abdy, from
Abu Haroun Al Abdy, from Abu Saeed Al Khudry who said,
ِي دَ َر َجتِي فِي ْال َج َّن ِة َو ُ َّللا َع َّز َو َج َّل َفاسْ أَلُوهُ ل َِي ْال َوسِ يلَ َة َقا َل َف َسأ َ ْل
َ ت ال َّن ِبيَّ ص َع ِن ْال َوسِ يلَ ِة َف َقا َل ه َ َّ َّللا ص إِ َذا َسأ َ ْل ُت ُمِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل
َ س ال َج َوا ِد َشهْراً َو ه
ِي َما َبي َْن ِمرْ َقا ِة َج ْو َه َر ٍة إِلَى ِمرْ َقا ِة َز َبرْ َج ٍد َو ِمرْ َقا ِة ْ ِ ِي أَ ْلفُ ِمرْ َقا ٍة َما َبي َْن ال ِمرْ َقا ِة إِلَى ال ِمرْ َقا ِة حُضْ ُر ال َف َر
ْ ْ ْ َ ه
َّ ب إِلَى ِمرْ َقا ِة ِف
ض ٍة ٍ َياقُو َت ٍة إِلَى ِمرْ َقا ِة َذ َه
Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Whenever you ask Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic, so ask Himazwj
ْ to mesaww’. So I asked the Prophetsaww about the Means ()ال َوسِ يلَ َة,
of the Means ()ال َوسِ يلَ َة ْ so
saww saww
he said: ‘It is my level in the Paradise, and it is of a thousand stepping stones,
what is between the stepping stone to the stepping stone, a travel distance of a month
for a Persian horse, and between a stepping stone to a stepping stone are gems, and
aquamarine to a stepping stone, and agate to a stepping stone, and gold to a stepping
stone, and silver to a stepping stone.
So they would come with it on the Day of Judgment until they establish it with the levels
of the Prophetsas, and it is a level of the Prophetsas like the full moon is between the
stars. Thus, there would not remain on that Day, neither a Prophet as nor a truthful, nor a
martyr, except that he would say, ‘Beatitude is for the one for whom this level was his
ِ ُ ْط ٍة َو َع َليَّ َتاَ ِيع ْال َخ ْل ِق َه ِذ ِه َد َر َج ُة م َُح َّم ٍد َفأ ُ ْق ِب ُل َو أَ َنا َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ م ُْؤ َت ِز ٌر ِب َري ِ َّ َف َيأْتِي ال ِّن َدا ُء ِمنْ عِ ْن ِد
َ َّللا َع َّز َو َج َّل يُسْ ِم ُع ال َّن ِبي
َ ِّين َو َجم
َّ ب ع إِ َمامِي َو ِب َي ِد ِه ل َِوائِي َو ه َُو ل َِوا ُء ْال َحمْ ِد َم ْك ُتوبٌ َعلَ ْي ِه ََل إِلَ َه إِ ََّل
َ َّللا ُ ْال ُم ْفلِح
ُون ُه ُم ٍ ِْالم ُْلكِ َو إِ ْكلِي ُل ْال َك َرا َم ِة َو َعلِيُّ بْنُ أَ ِبي َطال
ِ َّ ون ِب
اّلِل َ ْال َفا ِئ ُز
Then there would come a Call from the Presence of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic to be
heard by the Prophetsas and the entirety of the creatures: “This is the level of
Muhammadsaww!” So Isaww shall come, and Isaww, on that Day, would be adorned with
(Divine) Robes, and upon mesaww would be a crown of the king and a garland of dignity,
and Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws would be in front of mesaww, and in hisasws hand would be
the Flag of Praise ()ل َِوا ُء ْال َح ْم ِد. There would be written upon it: “There is no god except for
Allahazwj! The successful ones are those who are Awarded by Allahazwj!”
33 saww asws
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
َّان مُرْ َس ََل ِن َح َّتى ِ ان َو لَ ْم َنعْ ِر ْف ُه َما َو لَ ْم َن َر ُه َما َو إِ َذا َم َررْ َنا ِب ْال َم ََل ِئ َك ِة َقالُوا َه َذ
ِ ان َن ِبي ِ ان َملَ َك
ِ ان ُم َقرَّ َب ِ ِّين َقالُوا َه َذ َ َو إِ َذا َم َررْ َنا ِبال َّن ِبي
أَعْ ل ُ َو الد ََّر َج َة َو َعلِيٌّ َيت َب ُعنِي َحتى إِذا صِ رْ ت فِي أعْ لى َد َر َج ٍة ِمن َها َو َعلِيٌّ أسْ ف ُل ِمني ِبدَ َر َج ٍة َو َل َي ْبقى َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ ن ِبيٌّ َو َل صِ ِّديق َو
ٌ َ َ َ َ ِّ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ َ َّ ْ
ِ َّ ْن َما أَ ْك َر َم ُه َما َعلَى
َّللا ِ ْن ْال َع ْب َدي
ِ طو َبى لِ َه َذيُ ََل َش ِهي ٌد إِ ََّل َقا َل
And when weasws would pass by the Prophetsas, theyas would be saying, ‘These are two
Angels of Proximity, and weas do not recognise them and weas have not seen them
(before)’. And when weasws pass by the Angels, they would say: ‘These are two
Prophetsas, both Mursilsas!’, until the highest level, and Aliasws would be following mesaww
until when Isaww come to the highest level from it, and Aliasws would be lower than mesaww
by a level, there would neither remain a Prophetas on that Day, nor a truthful, nor a
martyr except he would say: ‘Beatitude to these two servants. How prestigious they are
to Allahazwj!’
So there would come (a Call) from Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic being heard by the
Prophetsas, and the truthful, and the martyrs, and the Momineen: “This is Myazwj Beloved
Muhammadsaww, and this is Myazwj Guardian Aliasws! Beatitude is for the one who loves
himasws and the woe be to the one who hates him and belied upon him asws!”.
The Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘So there would not remain anyone on that Day who loves
youasws, O Aliasws, except he would find rest to this speech, and his face would whiten
and his heart would be happy; and there would not remain anyone from those who were
yourasws enemies, or established war against youasws except that it would blacken his
face and his feet would waver.
And while Isaww would be like that, when two Angels would come to mesaww. As for one of
the two, it would be Rizwan, the keeper of the Gardens, and as for the other, so it would
be Malik, keeper of the Fires. So Rizwan would come to me saww and he would be
saying: ‘The greetings be upon yousaww, O Ahmadsaww!’ So Isaww would be saying: ‘The
greetings be upon you! Who are you? How handsome is your face and aromatic is your
aroma!’ He would be saying: ‘I am Rizwan, keeper of the Gardens, and these here are
the keys of the Paradise. I have been Sent with these to yousaww by the Lordazwj of
Might. Therefore, take these, O Ahmadsaww!’ So Isaww would be saying: ‘Isaww have
accepted that from mysaww Lordazwj. For Himazwj is the Praise upon what Heazwj Graced
mesaww with’. Isaww shall hand these over to mysaww brother Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws. Then
he would return.
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Then Malik would approach and he would be saying: ‘The greetings be upon you saww, O
Amadsaww! So Isaww would be saying: ‘The greetings be upon you, O Angel! Who are
you? How ugly is your face and detestable your sight!’ He would be saying: ‘I am Malik,
keeper of the Fire, and these are the Collars of the Fire. I have been Sent with these to
yousaww by the Lordazwj of Might. Therefore, take these, O Ahmadsaww!’ So Isaww shall be
saying: ‘Isaww have accepted these from mysaww Lordazwj. For Himazwj is the Praise upon
what Hesaww has Graced mesaww with it’. Isaww shall hand these over to mysaww brother
Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws. Then Malik would return.
ِف َعلَى حُجْ َر ِة َج َه َّن َم َو َق ْد َت َطا َي َر َش َر ُر َها َو َع ََل َزفِي ُر َها َو َ ار َح َّتى َيق ٍ َِف ُي ْق ِب ُل َعلِيُّ بْنُ أَ ِبي َطال
ِ ب ع َو َم َع ُه َم َفاتِي ُح ْال َج َّن ِة َو َم َقالِي ُد ال َّن
ك لَ َه ِبي َف َيقُو ُل لَ َها َعلِيٌّ ع قِرِّ ي َيا َج َه َّن ُم ُخذِي َه َذا َو َ ا ْش َت َّد َحرُّ َها َو َعلِيٌّ ع آخ ٌِذ ِب ِز َما ِم َها َف َتقُو ُل ُج ْزنِي َيا َعلِيُّ َف َق ْد أَ ْط َفأ َ ُنو ُر
ا ْت ُركِي َه َذا ُخذِي َه َذا َعدُوِّ ي َو ا ْت ُركِي َه َذا َولِيِّي
Then Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws would be going, and with himasws would be the keys of the
Paradise and the Collars of the Fire, until heasws pauses upon the cell of Hell, and its
sparks would be flying, and its exhalations would be high, and its heat would be intense,
and Aliasws would be grabbing hold of its reins, and it would be saying: ‘Keep aside from
me, O Aliasws, for yourasws light is extinguishing my flames!’ So Aliasws would be saying to
it: ‘Calm down, O Hell! Seize this one and leave this one. Seize this enemy of mine asws
and leave his friend of mineasws’.
صاح ِِب ِه َو إِنْ َشا َء ي ُْذ ِه ُب َها َي ْم َن ًة َو إِنْ َشا َء ي ُْذ ِه ُب َها َيسْ َر ًة َو لَ َج َه َّن ُم َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ أَ َش ُّد
َ ِاو َع ًة لِ َعلِيٍّ ِمنْ ُغ ََل ِم أَ َح ِد ُك ْم ل
ِ َف َج َه َّن ُم َي ْو َم ِئ ٍذ أَ َش ُّد ُم َط
.ِيع ْال َخ ََلئ ِِق ْ ً ِ ُط َ م
ِ او َعة لِ َعلِيٍّ فِي َما َيأ ُم ُر َها ِب ِه ِمنْ َجم
So Hell, on that Day, would be more intensely obedient to Aliasws than a slave of one of
yours is to his master. If heasws so desires, heasws would send it right, and if heasws so
desires to heasws would send it left, and Hell, on that Day would be more obedient to
Aliasws with regards to what heasws orders it with, than the entirety of the creatures’.34
َح َّد َث َنا أَحْ َم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد:ص َّفا ُر َقا َل َّ َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ْال َح َس ِن ال:ْن ْال َولِي ِد َقا َل ِ ْن أَحْ َم َد ب ِ َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ْال َح َس ِن ب:اْلسْ َنا ِد َقا َل
ِ ْ َو ِب َه َذا
ََّّللا ْ َ َ
َ ضا ع أ ْبل ِْغ شِ ي َعتِي أنَّ ِز َي ْ َ َ ت ِك َت ْ ْ ْ َّ َ
ُ َق َرأ:ْن م َُح َّم ِد ب ِْن أ ِبي النصْ ِر ال َب َزنطِ يِّ َقا َل َ
ِ ارتِي عِ ن َد َ ِّاب أ ِبي ال َح َس ِن الر ِ ْن عِ ي َسى َعنْ أحْ َم َد ب ِ ب
.ِارفا ً ِب َح ِّقه عَ ُ هار
َ َ
ز ْن م
َ ِ ل ة
ٍ َِّج
ح ِف ْ
ل ََّللا أَ ْلفُ أ
ِ َّ و
َ ي إ ل
َ اقَ ٍ؟
ة جَّ ح
ِ ُف ْ
ل َ أ ع ر َ
ف ْعجَ ي بَ ْل ُ
ت ْ
ل ُ قفَ ل
َ ا َ
ق ُ هار
َ َ
ز ْن م
َ ل
ِ ة
ٍ َِّج
ح ف َ ْ
ل َ أ ُ
ل دِ ْعتَ ى َ ل ا َت َع
ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ
And by this chain, said, ‘It was narrated to us by Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed,
from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ahmad Bin
Muhammad Bin Abu Al Nazar Al Bazanty who said,
‘I read a letter of Abu Al-Hassan Al-Rezaasws: ‘Deliver to myasws Shias that Visiting
measws equates to a thousand Hajj in the Presence of Allahazwj’, for the one who visits
34 saww asws
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
himasws. So I said to Abu Ja’farasws, ‘A thousand Hajj?’ Heasws said: ‘Yes, by Allahazwj! A
thousand, thousand Hajj for the one who visits himasws, recognising hisasws right’.35
ب ع ِبق َِرا َءتِي ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال َ ِير ْالم ُْؤ ِمن
ِ ِين َعلِيِّ ب َ ُّ
ِ ْن ْال َح َس ِن الطوسِ يُّ ِب َم ْش َه ِد َم ْو ََل َنا أم ِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ ْال ُمفِي ُد أَبُو َعلِيٍّ ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
َ َّ ُّ َ
أ ْخ َب َر َنا: َح َّد َث َنا ال َّسعِي ُد ال َوالِ ُد أبُو َجعْ َف ٍر الطوسِ يُّ َرضِ َي َّللا ُ َع ْن ُه َما َقا َل:َعلَ ْي ِه فِي ُج َمادَى ْاْلخ َِر ِة َس َن َة إِحْ دَى َع ْش َر َة َو َخمْ سِ مِا َئ ٍة َقا َل
ُ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َعلِيٍّ م َُح َّم ُد بْن:اق َقا َل َّ ان َر ِح َم ُه
ُ َّ َح َّد َثنِي ْال ُم َظ َّف ُر بْنُ م َُح َّم ٍد ْال َور:َّللا ُ َقا َل ِ ْن ال ُّنعْ َم ِ َّ ال َّش ْي ُخ أَبُو َع ْب ِد
ِ َّللا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب
ْ َ َ ْ ْ ْ َ
َح َّدث َنا أبُو م َُح َّم ٍد البُرْ سِ يُّ َع ِن ال َّنضْ ِر ب ِْن:ار َقا َل ِ َح َّدث َنا ُع َم ُر بْنُ الم ُْخ َت: َح َّد َث َنا أبُو َسعِي ٍد ال َح َسنُ بْنُ َز َك ِريَّا ال َبصْ ِريُّ َقا َل:َّام َقا َل
َ ٍ َهم
ير ب
ٍ َِ َ ِ َصي بَ أ ْنع ان كَ ُْس م ْن
ب َّ
ِ ِ ِ َ َ س َُو ْي
َّللا د ْ
ب ع ْن ع د
It was informed to us by the Sheykh Al Mufeed Abu Ali Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al
asws asws
Toosy, at the location of our Master Amir Al Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talib , by my reading upon it,
during Jamadi Al Akhira of the years five hundred and evelen, from Al Saeed Al Waleed Abu Ja’far Al
Toosy, from Al Sheykh Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Al Numan, from Al Muntazar Bin
Muhammad Al Warraq, from Abu Ali Muhammad Bin Hammam, from Abu Saeed Al Hassan Bin
Zakariyya Al Basry, From Umar Bin Al Mukhtar, from Abu Muhammad Al Bursy, from Al Nazar Bin
Suweyd, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Abu Baseer,
From Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Al-Baqirasws, from hisasws forefathersasws having said:
‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘How would it be with youasws, O Aliasws, when youasws pause at
the edge of Hell, and the Bridge would have been set up, and it would be said to the
people: “Cross!”, and youasws would be saying to Hell: ‘This is one is for me asws, and this
one is for you’. So Aliasws said: ‘O Rasool-Allahsaww! And who would they be?’ Hesaww
said: ‘They would be yourasws Shias, being with youasws wherever youasws would be’.36
].[قول النبي لعلي أنت أخي و وصيي و وارثي و خليفتي على أمتي في حياتي و بعد وفاتي
:ْن َبا َب َو ْي ِه َعنْ َع ِّم ِه أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه ْال َح َس ِن َعنْ َع ِّم ِه أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر َقا َلِ ْن ْال َح َس ِن ب
ِ ْن ب َ َّللا ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ ْالح
ِ ُسي ِ َّ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ أَبُو َع ْب ِد
َّ ْن م َُح َّم ٍد
ْالث َقفِيِّ َعن ِ ْن َعلِيٍّ ا ْْلَصْ َف َهانِيِّ َعنْ إِب َْراهِي َم بِ َّللا بْنُ ْال َح َس ِن ْالم َُؤدِّبُ َعنْ أَحْ َم َد ب َّ َح َّد َث َنا أَ ِبي َر ِح َم ُه ُم
ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا َع ْب ُد:َّللا ُ َقا َل
ْن ُع َم َر َعنْ َج ِاب ٍر الجُعْ فِيِّ َقا َلِ ض ِل ب ْ
َّ ان َع ِن ال ُم َف
ٍ ْن سِ َن ْ َّ
ِ َّللا الهَاشِ مِيِّ َعنْ م َُح َّم ِد ب
ِ ْن َع ْب ِد َ ْن َعلِيٍّ ْال ُكوفِيِّ َعنْ َسل َم
ِ ان ب ْ ِ م َُح َّم ِد ب
It was informed to us by the Sheykh Abu Abdullah Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin
Babuwayh, from his uncle Abu Ja’far , from his father Al Hassan, from his uncle Abu Ja’far, from his
father, from Abdullah Bin Al Hassan Al Mowdib, from Ahmad Bin Ali Al Isfahany, from Ibrahim Bin
Muhammad Al Saqafy, from Muhammad Bin Al Al Kufy, from Suleyman Bin Abdullah Al Hashimy,
from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar, from Jabir Al Ju’fy who said,
35 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 36
36 saww asws
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‘I heard Jabir Bin Abdullah Al-Ansary was saying, ‘I heard Rasool-Allahsaww saying to
Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws: ‘O Aliasws! Youasws are mysaww brother, and mysaww successor,
and mysaww inheritor, and mysaww Caliph during mysaww lifetime and after mysaww passing
away. The one who loves youasws also loves mesaww, and yourasws hater is mysaww hater,
and yourasws enemy is mysaww enemy, and yourasws friend is mysaww friend’.37
It was informed to me by the Sheykh Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Babuwayh, from his uncle, from his
father, from his uncle Abu Ja’far, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Attar, from his father, from
Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Abu Ahmad Al Azdy, from Aban Bin Usman, from Aban Bin Taghlub,
from Ikrama, from Ibn Abbas who said,
The most superior of the Eids is the day in which Aliasws was
nominated at Ghadeer Khumm
َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو ْال َح َس ِن م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َسعِي ٍد:َّللا ُ َقا َل
َّ ْن َبا َب َو ْي ِه َر ِح َم ُه ِ ْخ ْال َفقِي ِه أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد ب
ِ ْن َعلِيِّ ب ِ ْ َقا َل َو ِب َه َذا
ِ اْلسْ َنا ِد َع ِن ال َّشي
ْ َ ْ َّ َ َ
ِ َح َّدثنا َع ْب ُد:ير قا َل
َُّّللا بْنُ الفضْ ِل الهَاشِ مِي َ َ َ َ َ
ٍ َح َّدثنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ظ ِه:ت الكوفِيُّ قا َل ُ ْ ُ ِ َح َّدثنا ف َرات بْنُ إِب َْراهِي َم ب:ْالهَاشِ مِيُّ َقا َل
ٍ ْن ف َرا ُ ُ َ َ
He said, ‘And by this chain, from the Sheykh Al Mufeed Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Babuwayh,
from Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Hashimy, from Faurat Bin Ibrahim Bin Furat Al Kufy, from
Muhammad Bin Zaheer, from Abdullah Bin al Fazl Al Hashimy,
37 saww asws
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38 saww asws
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(It has been narrated) from Al-Sadiq Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws
fatherasws, from hisasws forefathersasws having said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The Day of
Ghadeer Khumm is the most superior Eid of mysaww community, and it is the Day in
which Allahazwj, Exalted is Hisazwj Mention, Commanded mesaww to nominate Mysaww
brother Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws as a (Divine) ‘Sign’ for mysaww community, to be Guided
by himasws from after mesaww. And it is the Day in which Allahazwj Perfected the Religion
during it and Completed the Favours upon mysaww community during it, and was
Pleased for them with Al-Islam as a Religion’.
ب ع ِم ِّني َو أَ َنا ِمنْ َعلِيٍّ ُخلِقَ َعلِيٌّ ِمنْ طِ ي َنتِي َو ه َُو إِ َما ُم ْال َخ ْل ِق ٍ ِاس إِنَّ َعلِيَّ ب َْن أَ ِبي َطال ِ ُث َّم َقا َل َعلَ ْي ِه َو آلِ ِه الس َََّل ُم َم َعاشِ َر ال َّن
ُ ِّين َو َز ْو
ِ َ ين َو َخ ْي ُر ْال َوصِ ي
ِ ِين َو َيعْ سُوبُ ال ِّد َ اخ َتلَفُوا فِي ِه ِمنْ ُس َّنتِي َو ه َُو أَمِي ُر ْالم ُْؤ ِمن
َ ِين َو َقا ِئ ُد ْال ُغرِّ ْالم َُحجَّ ل ْ َبعْ دِي ُي َبيِّنُ لَ ُه ْم َما
ْ َ ْ َ َ َس ِّي َد ِة ِن َسا ِء ْال َعالَم
َ ِين َو أبُو اْل ِئ َّم ِة ال َم ْه ِدي
Then hesaww said: ‘Group of people! Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws is from mesaww and Isaww am
from Aliasws. Aliasws was Created from mysaww essence, and heasws is the Imamasws of (all)
the creatures after mesaww, clarifying for them whatever they would be differing in from
mysaww Sunnah, and heasws is the Emir of the Momineen, and the Guide of the
resplendent, and the king of the Religion, and the best of the successorsas, and the
husband of the Chieftess of the women of the worlds, and the father of the Guiding
ً ص ْل ُت ُه َو َمنْ َق َط َع َعلِ ّيا ً َق َطعْ ُت ُه َو َمنْ َج َفا َعلِ ّيا َ ض َعلِ ّيا ً أَ ْب َغضْ ُت ُه َو َمنْ َو
َ ص َل َعلِ ّيا ً َو َ اس َمنْ أَ َحبَّ َعلِ ّيا ً أَحْ َب ْب ُت ُه َو َمنْ أَ ْب َغ
ِ َم َعاشِ َر ال َّن
َج َف ْو ُت ُه َو َمنْ َوالَى َعلِ ّيا ً َوالَ ْي ُت ُه َو َمنْ َعا َدى َعلِ ّيا ً َعا ِد َي ُت ُه
Group of people! The one who loves Aliasws, Isaww would love him, and the one who
hates Aliasws, Isaww would hate him, and the one who maintains relationship with Ali asws,
Isaww shall maintain it with him, and the one who cuts of Ali asws, Isaww will cut him off, and
the one who ignores Aliasws, Iazwj shall ignore him, and the one who befriends Aliasws,
Isaww would befriend him, and the one who is inimical to Aliasws, Isaww would be inimical to
ً ب َمنْ َز َع َم أَ َّن ُه ُي ِح ُّبنِي َو ُي ْبغِضُ َعلِ ّيا ِ اس أَ َنا َمدِي َن ُة ْال ِح ْك َم ِة َو َعلِيٌّ َبا ُب َها َو ََل ي ُْؤ َتى ْال َمدِي َن ُة إِ ََّل ِمنْ ِق َب ِل ْال َبا
َ ب َو َك َذ ِ َم َعاشِ َر ال َّن
Group of people! Isaww am the city of wisdom and Aliasws is its gate, and the city cannot
be arrived at except from its gate. And he has lied, the one who alleges that he loves
mesaww but hates Aliasws.
َّ ْت َعلِ ّيا ً َعلَما ً ِْل ُ َّمتِي َح َّتى َن َّو َه َ ِيع ْال َب ِر َّي ِة َما َن َ َ َّ
َّللا ُ ِباسْ ِم ِه فِي َس َم َاوا ِت ِه َو ُ صب ِ اس َو الذِي َب َعثنِي ِبال ُّنبُوَّ ِة َو اصْ ط َفانِي َعلَى َجم ِ َم َعاشِ َر ال َّن
َ َ َ َ أَ ْو َج
.ِب َو ََل َي َت ُه َعلى َمَل ِئك ِته
Group of people! By the Oneazwj Who Sent mesaww with the Prophet-hood, and Chose
mesaww over the entirety of the creatures. Isaww did not appoint Aliasws as a Flag for
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mysaww community until Allahazwj Notified himasws by hisasws name in the skies, and
Obligated hisasws Wilayah upon Hisazwj Angels’.39
ْن َعام ٍِر َع ِن ِ َّ ْن َعام ٍِر َعنْ َع ِّم ِه َع ْب ِد
ِ َّللا ب ِ َح َّد َث َنا ْال ُح َسيْنُ بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب:ُور َقا َل ٍ ْن َمسْ ر ِ ْ َو ِب َه َذا
ِ َح َّد َث َنا َجعْ َف ُر بْنُ م َُح َّم ِد ب:اْلسْ َنا ِد َقا َل
َ َ
ان َعنْ أ ِبي ِه َعنْ أ ِبي َح ْم َز َة َ ْن حُمْ َر ِ ْن أَ ِبي ُع َمي ٍْر َعنْ َح ْم َز َة ب ِ اب
And by this chain, said, ‘It was narrated to us by Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masrour, from Al Husayn Bin
Muhammad Bin Aamir, from his uncle Abdullah Bin Aamir, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hamza Bin Humran,
from his father, from Abu Hamza,
(It has been narrated) from Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws, from hisasws fatherasws, from Amir
Al-Momineenasws, that a man came over to himasws and said to himasws, ‘O Abu Al-
Hassanasws! Youasws are claiming to be the Emir of the Momineen, so who made you asws
as an Emir over them?’ Heasws said: ‘Allahazwj, Majestic is Hisazwj Majesty Made measws
an Emir upon them’. So the man went over to Rasool-Allahsaww and he said, ‘O Rasool-
Allahsaww! Can yousaww ratify Aliasws regarding what heasws is saying that Allahazwj Made
himasws as Emir upon Hisazwj creatures?’
The Prophetsaww got angry, then said: ‘Aliasws is Emir of the Momineen by Wilayah from
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic. Heazwj Covenanted it for himasws above Hisazwj Throne, and
Hisazwj Angels testified upon that. Aliasws is the Caliph of Allahazwj, and a Divine Authority
of Allahazwj, and heasws is the Imamasws of the Muslims. Obedience to himasws is an
Obligation paired with the obedience to Allahazwj, and disobedience to himasws is paired
with disobedience to Allahazwj’.
َف َمنْ َج ِهلَ ُه َف َق ْد َج ِهلَنِي َو َمنْ َع َر َف ُه َف َق ْد َع َر َفنِي َو َمنْ أَ ْن َك َر إِ َما َم َت ُه َف َق ْد أَ ْن َك َر ُنب َُّوتِي َو َمنْ َج َح َد إِمْ َر َت ُه َف َق ْد َج َح َد ِر َسالَتِي َو َمنْ َد َف َع
ص ِني َو َمنْ َقا َتلَ ُه َف َق ْد َقا َتلَنِي َو َمنْ َس َّب ُه َف َق ْد َس َّبنِي ِْلَ َّن ُه ِم ِّني ُخلِقَ ِمنْ طِ ي َنتِي َو ه َُو َز ْو ُِ َفاطِ َم َة ا ْب َنتِي َو أَبُو وُ ْل ِدي َ َفضْ لَ ُه َف َق ْد َن َق
ِ ْال َح َس ِن َو ْال ُح َسي
So the one who doesn’t know himasws so he has not known mesaww, and the one who
recognises himasws, so he has recognised mesaww, and the one who denies hisasws
Imamate, so he has denied mysaww Prophet-hood, and the one who rejects hisasws
Emirship so he has rejected mysaww Messengership, and the one who repels hisasws
merits so he has decreased mesaww (Takseer), and the one who fights himasws so he
would have fought mesaww, and the one who reviles himasws so he has reviled mesaww,
because heasws is from mesaww, having been Created from mysaww essence. And heasws is
the husband of (Syeda) Fatimaasws, mysaww daughter, and father of mysaww two sons Al-
Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws’.
39 saww asws
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Then hesaww said: ‘Isaww, and Aliasws, and (Syeda) Fatimaasws, and Al-Hassanasws, and Al-
Husaynasws, and nine from the sons of Al-Husaynasws are the Divine Authorities of
Allahazwj upon Hisazwj creatures, being inimical to the enemies of Allahazwj and being
friends with the friends of Allahazwj’.40
ت َع ْش َر َة َو َخمْ سِ مِا َئ ٍة ِب َم ْش َه ِد َّ ِْن إِب َْراهِي َم ْال َبصْ ِريُّ ِبق َِرا َءتِي َع َل ْي ِه فِي ْالم َُحرَّ ِم َس َن َة س ِ ْن ب ِ اء إِب َْراهِي ُم بْنُ ْال ُح َسيِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ أَبُو ْال َب َق
ُ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو ْال َح َس ِن م َُح َّم ُد بْن:ْن ُع ْت َب َة َقا َلِ ب م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ْال َح َس ِن ب ٍ ِ َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َطال:ب ع َقا َل ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال ِ ِين َعلِيِّ ب َ ِير ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ
ِ َم ْو ََل َنا أم
َ َ
ُ َح َّدثنِي أحْ َم ُد بْن:ِير ال َعسْ َك ِريُّ َقا َل ْ ٍ ْن َكث َ َ
ِ َح َّدث َنا َعلِيُّ بْنُ أحْ َم َد ب:ان ال ُّد َب ْيلِيُّ َقا َل ْ َ
َ أخ َب َر َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َوهْ َب:ْن أحْ َم َد َقا َل َ ِ ْن ب ِ ُسيَ ْالح
أَ ْخ َب َرنِي:ص ْالمَدَ نِيُّ َقا َل ٍ َّللا بْنُ َح ْف ِ أَ ْخ َب َرنِي َراشِ ُد بْنُ َعلِيِّ ب:ْال ُم َفض َِّل أَبُو َسلَ َم َة ْاْلَصْ َف َهانِيُّ َقا َل
ِ َّ َح َّد َثنِي َع ْب ُد:ْن َوائ ٍِل ْالقُ َرشِ يُّ َقا َل
:ْن أَرْ َطا َة َقا َلِ ْن َز ْي ِد ب
ِ م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ إِسْ َحاقَ َعنْ َسعِي ِد ب
It was informed to us by the Sheykh Abu Al Baqa’a Ibrahim Bin Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Al Basry, by my
reading upon it during Al Muharram of the year five hundred and sixteen at the location of our Master
Amir Al Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talib , from Abu Talib Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Utba, from Abu Al
Hassan Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Wahbab Al Dulaymi, from Ali Bin
Ahmad Bin Kaseer Al Askary, from Ahmad Bin Al Mufazzal Abu Salma Al Isfahany, from Rashid Bin Ali
Bin Wail Al Qurshy, from Abdullah Bin Hafs Al Madany, from Muhammad Bin Is’haq, from Saeed Bin
Zayd Bin Artat who said, ‘
‘I met Kumayl Bin Ziyad and asked him about the merits of Amir Al-Momineen Aliasws Bin
Abu Talibasws. So he said, ‘Shall I inform you of the bequest he asws bequeathed to me
with one day? It would be better for you that the world and whatever is in it. I said, ‘Yes’.
He said to me that ‘Aliasws said to me: ‘O Kumayl Bin Ziyad! Name during every day with
the Name of Allahazwj, and there is neither a Might nor Strength except with Allah azwj,
and rely upon Allahazwj, and mention usasws, and name with ourasws names, and send
Salawat upon usasws, and seek Refuge with Allahazwj, ourasws Lordazwj, and protect from
yourself and what surrounds it with your care, it would suffice you for the evil of that day.
َ َث ْاْل
َ دَب ْال ُم َكرَّ م
ِين ُ ورُ َ َّللاُ َع َّز َو َج َّل َو ه َُو أَ َّد َبنِي َو أَ َنا أ ُ َؤدِّبُ ْالم ُْؤ ِمن
َّ َّللا ص أَ َّد َب ُه
ِ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِنَّ َرسُو َل
ِ ِين َو أ
O Kumayl! Rasool-Allahsaww was such that Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Educated
himsaww, and hesaww educated measws, and Iasws educate the Momineen, and Iasws
bequeath the education to the prestigious ones.
40 saww asws
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َيا ُك َم ْي ُل َما ِمنْ عِ ْل ٍم إِ ََّل َو أَ َنا أَ ْف َت ُح ُه َو َما ِمنْ سِ رٍّ إِ ََّل َو ْال َقا ِئ ُم ع َي ْخ ِت ُم ُه
O Kumayl! There is none from a knowledge, except and I asws have begun it, and there is
none from a secret, except Al-Qaimasws would end it (disclose it).
O Kumayl! [3:34] Offspring one from the other; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
O Kumayl! Do not take except from usasws, youasws will come to be from usasws.
َيا ُك َم ْي ُل َما ِمنْ َح َر َك ٍة إِ ََّل َو أَ ْنتَ مُحْ َتا ٌِ إِلَى َمعُو َن ٍة فِي َها إِلَى َمعْ ِر َف ٍة
O Kumayl! There is none from a movement, except and you are needy to assistance in
it to understanding.
O Kumayl! Whenever you eat the food, feed (other people) with it and do not be stingy
with it, for you are not sustaining the people with anything, and Allah azwj would Make the
plentiful Rewards for you due to that.
O Kumayl! Improve your manners and be extending towards your gatherers, and do not
exhaust your servants.
َ ك َو يُرْ َز ْق ِم ْن ُه َغ ْي ُر
ك َ ََيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِ َذا أَ َك ْلتَ َف َطوِّ ْل أَ ْكل
َ ك َيسْ َت ْوفِ َمنْ َم َع
O Kumayl! When you eat, so prolong your eating to let the ones with you keep up with
you, and grace others from it.
َ ك أَجْ ُر
ك ُ ْاك َف َيع
َ ِظ َم ِب َذل َ ك َو ارْ َفعْ ِب َذل َِك
َ ص ْو َت
َ ك لِ َيحْ َم َدهُ سِ َو َ َّ ك َفاحْ َم ِد
َ َّللا َعلَى َما َر َز َق َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِ َذا اسْ َت ْو َفيْتَ َط َعا َم
O Kumayl! When you have fulfilled your meal, so Praise Allah azwj upon what Heazwj has
Graced you and raise your voice with that so that the ones besides you would Praise
Himazwj, for your Recompense would be Magnified due to that.
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O Kumeyl! Do not overfill your stomach with food, and leave a space in it for the water,
and room for the air.
O Kumayl! Do not criticise your meal, for Rasool-Allahazwj never criticised hissaww meal’.
O Kumayl! Do not raise your hand from the meal, except that you are (still) desiring it.
So when you do that, you would (be able to) endure it.
O Kumayl! The well-being of the body is from the little food and little water.
O Kumayl! The Blessing in the wealth is from the giving of the Zakat and consoling the
Momineen, and maintaining relationship with the relatives, and they are ourasws relatives
O Kumayl! Give additionally to your Momin relative upon what you give to ones from the
Momineen besides him, and be kind with them, and compassionate upon them, and
give charity upon the poor.
ٍ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ََل َت ُردَّنَّ َسائ ًَِل َو لَ ْو ِبشِ ِّق َتمْ َر ٍة أَ ْو ِمنْ َش ْط ِر عِ َن
O Kumayl! Do not repel a beggar even if it be with half a date or a portion of grapes.
َّ ص َد َق ُة ُت ْن َمى عِ ْن َد
َِّللا َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ال
ِ ال َو ْالق
ِيل ُ ْض ُع َو َج َمال ُ ُه ال َّت َع ُّطفُ َو َش َرفُ ُه ال َّش َف َق ُة َو عِ ُّزهُ َتر
ِ ك ْال َق ِ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل حُسْ نُ ُخل ُ ِق ْالم ُْؤم
ُ ِن ال َّت َوا
O Kumayl! The excellence of mannerism of the Momin is the humbleness, and its
beauty is the compassion, and its nobility is the pity, and its honour is neglecting ‘He
said’, and ‘It was said’ (gossip).
O Kumayl! Beware of the bitter arguments, for foolish ones would be harsh to you.
When you do that, it would spoil the brotherhood.
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
َ ضر ِ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِ َذا َجا َد ْلتَ فِي
َ َّللا َت َعالَى َف ََل ُت َخاطِ بْ إِ ََّل َمنْ ُي ْش ِب ُه ْال ُع َق ََل َء َو َه َذا
O Kumayl! When you argue for the Sake of Allah azwj the Exalted, do not address except
the ones who equivalent to you in the intellect, and this is necessary.
O Kumayl! They are foolish upon every state, just as Allahazwj the Exalted has Said
[2:13] Now surely they themselves are the fools, but they are not knowing.
َّ ص َف ُه ُم
َُّللا َ يس ِم ْن ُه ْم َو إِنْ أَسْ َمع
َ ُوك َفاحْ َت ِم ْل َو ُكنْ م َِن الَّذ
َ ِين َو َ ف َق ْو ٌم أَرْ َف ُع ِمنْ َق ْو ٍم َفإِيَّا
ِ ِك َو ُم َنا َظ َر َة ْال َخس ٍ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل فِي ُك ِّل صِ ْن
ً ون قالُوا َسَلما َ ُ َت َعالَى ِب َق ْو ِل ِه َو إِذا خا َط َب ُه ُم ْالجا ِهل
O Kumayl! In every type there are people who are higher than the people, thefore
beware of debating the despicable ones from them, and if they make you listen, so bear
it and become from those whom Allah azwj the Exalted Described by Hisazwj Words
[25:63] And the servants of the Beneficent are they who walk on the earth
modestly, and when the ignorant address them, they say: Peace.
O Kumayl! Speak the truth upon every state, and support the pious ones and cast aside
the transgressors.
َ ب ا ْل َخا ِئن
ِين ِ صا ِح َ ب ْال ُم َنا ِفق
َ ِين َو ََل ُت ِ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل َجا ِن
O Kumayl! Keep aside from the hypocrite and do not accompany the betrayers.
ك أَنْ ُتطِ ي َع ُه ْم َو أَنْ َت ْشهَدَ فِي َم َجالِسِ ِه ْم َ ِين َو ِاَل ْخت ََِل َط ِب ِه ْم َو ِاَل ْك ِت َس
َ اب مِ ْن ُه ْم َو إِيَّا َّ ب
َ الظالِم ِ ك َو ال َّت َطرُّ قَ إِلَى أَب َْوا َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِي
َ َّاك إِيَّا
َ ِط ُ ِب َما يُسْ خ
O Kumayl! Beware! Beware of addressing to the doors of the oppressors and mingling
with them, and earning from them. And beware of obeying them, and if you attend in
their gatherings with what Angers Allahazwj.
O Kumayl! If you are desperate to attending these, so persist in the Mention of Allah azwj
the Exalted, and rely upon Himazwj, and Seek Refuge with Allahazwj from their evil, and
remain silent from them, and deny their deeds in your heart, and strive in revering
Allahazwj, Mighty and Majestic, and make them hear it, for they would fear you and you
would be sufficed.
ار ِب ِه َو ِبأ َ ْولِ َيا ِئ ِه ال َّت َج ُّم ُل َو ال َّت َع ُّففُ َو ِاَلصْ طِ َبا ُر ِ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِنَّ أَ َحبَّ َما أَمَّتَ ْال ِعبَادَ إِلَى
ِ ْ ََّللا َت َعالَى َبعْ د
ِ اْل ْق َر
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O Kumayl! The most beloved of what they dead servant is to Allah azwj the Exalted, is
after having acknowledged Himazwj, and Hisazwj Guardiansasws, is beautifying, and the
chastity, and the enduring patiently.
ك َو اصْ َط ِبرْ َعلَ ْي ِه احْ تِ َسابا ً ُتعْ َرفْ ِبسِ ْت ٍر َ ك َو اضْ طِ َر
َ ار َ اس ا ْف ِت َق
َ ار َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ََل ُت ِر َينَّ ال َّن
O Kumayl! Do not show to the people, your poverty and your desperation, and endure
patiently upon it in anticipation of being recognised being veiled.
َ ك َو أَمْ َر
ك َ ِين َتسْ أَل ُ ُه َو ََل َي ْت ُر ُك
َ كح َ ك عِ ْن َد ْال َج ِر
َ ير ِة َو ََل َي ْخدَ ُع َ ُ ك الَّذِي ََل َي ْخ ُذل
َ ك عِ ْن َد ال ِّش َّد ِة َو ََل َي ْغفُ ُل َع ْن َ ك أَ ُخو
َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل [ َمنْ ] أَ ُخو
َ َ ً
ان ُممِيَل أصْ ل َح ُهَ َح َّتى َيعْ لَ َم ُه َفإِنْ َك
O Kumayl! From your brothers, is your brother who will not abandon you during the
O Kumayl! The Momin is a mirror of the Momin, comtemplating (about) him, and fills up
his poverty (gap), and beautifies his state.
O Kumayl! The Momineen are brethren and there is nothing more preferable with every
brother, than his brother.
O Kumayl! When you do not love your brother, so you are not his brother.
َ ف َع َّنا َقص ََّر َع َّنا َو َمنْ َقص ََّر َع َّنا لَ ْم َي ْل َح ْق ِب َنا َو َمنْ لَ ْم َي ُكنْ َم َع َنا
ِف فِي الدَّرْ ك َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِ َّن َما ْالم ُْؤ ِم ُن
َ َّون َمنْ َقا َل ِب َق ْو ِل َنا َف َمنْ َت َخل
ِ ْاْلسْ َف ِل م َِن ال َّن
O Kumayl! But rather, the Momineen are the one who say with ourasws words. So the
one who opposes usasws would be reducing usasws, and the one who reduces usasws
would never join up with usasws, and the one who does not happen to be with us asws, so
he would be in the lowest level of the Fire’.
ك َت ْو َب ٌة
َ َك ِمنْ إِبْدَ ا ِئ ِه َت ْو َب ٌة َفإِ َذا لَ ْم َي ُكنْ ل َ ك أَنْ ُت ْب ِد َي ُه َفلَي
َ َْس ل َ ك ِم َّنا ِبأَمْ ٍر َو أَ َم َر
َ ك ِب َس ْت ِر ِه َفإِيَّا َ ث إِلَ ْي ُ ُور َي ْنف
َ ث َف َمنْ َن َف ٍ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ُك ُّل َمصْ ُد
َف ْالمَصِ ي ُر إِلَى لَ َظى
O Kumayl! Everything reserved in the chest would be emitted. So the one who emits to
you, from usasws, with a matter, and instructs you with veiling it, so beware of
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manifesting it, for there isn’t a repentance for you from disclosing it. So when there
does not happen to be a repentance for you, then the destiny would be to the Blaze
ْ كم
ً ُطلَقا ً َف ََل ُتعْ ِل ْم ُه إِ ََّل م ُْؤمِنا ً م َُو َّفقا َ ََيا ُك َم ْي ُل َو َما َقالُوهُ ل
O Kumayl! And whatever theyasws are saying to you absolutely, so do not teach it to
anyone except an appropriate Momin.
َ ين أَ ْخ َب
َ ار َنا َف َي ِزي ُدوا َعلَ ْي َها َف َي ْب ُدو ُك ْم ِب َها َي ْو َم ُي َعا َقب
ُون َعلَ ْي َها َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ََل ُتعْ ل ِِم ْال َكاف ِِر
O Kumayl! Do not teach ourasws Ahadeeth to the disbelievers, for they would be
increasing upon it and you would be begun with on the Day they would be Punished
upon it.
َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ََل ُب َّد لِمَاضِ ي ُك ْم خير ِمنْ أَ ْو َب ٍة َو ََل ُب َّد لَ َنا فِي ُك ْم ِمنْ غَ لَ َب ٍة
O Kumayl! It is a must that your present has to be better than your past, and it is a must
for usasws to triumph regarding you all.
O Kumal! Allahazwj would be Gathering for you all the good of the beginning and the end
ون مَدَ ا ِخ َل ُه ْم َو ُر َّب َما ُغلِ ْب ُت ْم َعلَى َ ُ ون ِبأ َ ْكل ِِه ْم َو َت ْد ُخلَ ُ شرْ ِب ِه ْم َو َتأْ ُكل َ ُون ِب َط َر ِب ِه ْم َو َت ْش َرب
ُ ُون ِب َ ُون ِبأَعْ َدا ِئ ُك ْم َت ْط َرب
َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل أَ ْن ُت ْم ُم َم َّتع
ُ ُ ْ َ ُ
صا ِح ُبك ْم ل ْم َيأكلوا َ ُ
َ َّللا َي ْو ُمك ْم َو ظ َه َر َّ
ِ ان َو َ َ َ ُ َ ُ َ
َ َّللا َعز َو َج َّل ناصِ ُرك ْم َو خا ِذل ُه ْم فإِذا ك َّ َّ َ َ ْ ْ ِ َّ ِنعْ َمت ِِه ْم إِي َو
َ َِّللا َعلَى إِك َرا ٍه ِمن ُه ْم لِذل
َ َّك َو لكِن
ُ ُ ُ َ
ً ِين أ ْي َن َما ث ِقفُوا أخِذوا َو قُ ِّتلُوا َت ْقت َ َ
َ ار َد ُك ْم َو لَ ْم َي ْق َرعُوا أب َْوا َب ُك ْم َو لَ ْم َي َنالُوا نِعْ َم َت ُك ْم أ ِذلَّ ًة َخاسِ ئ ِ َّ َو
ِيَل ِ َّللا َم َع ُك ْم َو لَ ْم َي ِر ُدوا َم َو
O Kumayl! (At the moment) you are enjoying with your enemies, amusing yourselves
with their amusement, and drinking with their drinking, and eating with their eating, and
entering their entries, and sometimes you are being overcome by their bounties. Yes, by
Allahazwj (it is) upon the abhorrence from them, due to that, but Allahazwj Mighty and
Majestic would be Helping you and Abandoning them. By Allah azwj! When it would be
your day, and your Masterasws appears, by Allahazwj, they would not be eating with you,
and will not be wanting your going to them, and they would not be knocking upon your
door, and they would not be attaining your Bounties. They would be humiliated, looked
down upon. [33:61] wherever they are found they shall be seized and killed with a
(fierce) killing’.
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O Kumayl! You should Praise Allahazwj the Exalted, and the Momineen upon that and
upon every Bounty.
ِ َ ْطأ
ت َ ّلِل ُت َز ْد ِم ْن َها َو إِ َذا أَب
ِ َّ ِ اّلِل ْال َعلِيِّ ْالعَظِ ِيم ُت ْك َف َها َو قُ ْل عِ ْن َد ُك ِّل ِنعْ َم ٍة ْال َح ْم ُد
ِ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل قُ ْل عِ ْن َد ُك ِّل شِ َّد ٍة ََل َح ْو َل َو ََل قُوَّ َة إِ ََّل ِب
ْك فِي َها َ َّ ك َفاسْ َت ْغف ِِر
َ َّللا ي َُوسِّعْ َعلَي ُ ْاْلَرْ َز
َ اق َعلَ ْي
O Kumayl! Say during every difficulty, ‘There is neither Mighty nor Strength except with
ِ َّ ’)َل َح ْو َل َو ََل قُ َّو َة إِ ََّل ِب,
Allahazwj, the Exalted, the Magnificent (اّلِل ْال َعلِيِّ ْالعَظِ ِيم َ you would be
sufficed with it, and say during every Bounty, ‘The Praise is for Allah azwj (ّلِل ِ َّ ِ )ال َح ْم ُد,
ْ you
would be Increased from it. And whenever the sustenance is delayed upon you, so seek
Forgiveness of Allahazwj, it would be Expanded upon you with regards to it.
ُوذ ِبم َُح َّم ٍد الرَّ ضِ يِّ ِمنْ َشرِّ َما َقد ََّر َو ُ ان ْالغ َِويِّ َو أَع ُ ك َفقُ ْل أَع
ِ َّ ُوذ ِب
ِ اّلِل ْال َق ِويِّ م َِن ال َّش ْي َط َ ص ْد ِر َ س ال َّش ْي َطانُ فِي َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِ َذا َوسْ َو
ين َم َع ُه َو لَ ْو أَ َّن ُه ْم ُكلَّ ُه ْم أَ َبال َِس ٌة مِثلُ ُه َ اس أَجْ َمع ُ ضى َو أَع
ِ ِِيس َو ال َّشيَاط َ ِين َو َسلِّ ْم ُت ْك
َ ف َم ُئو َن َة إِ ْبل ِ اس ِمنْ َش ِّر ْال ِج َّن ِة َو ال َّن
ِ ُوذ ِبإِلَ ِه ال َّن َ َق
O Kumayl! When the Satanla whispers in your chest, so say, ‘I seek Refuge with
Allahazwj, the Stronger than the Satanla the tempter, and I seek Refuge with
Muhammadsaww the Pleased one, from the evil of what has been Ordained and Judged,
and I seek Refuge with the Godazwj of the people from the evil of the Jinn and the people
altogether’, and send greetings, you would be sufficed from the ammunition of Iblees la
and the Satansla with himla, and even if all of them are devils like himla.
O Kumayl! For them (Satansla) there is deception, and foolish talk, and illusions, and the
whisperings, self-conceitedness upon every one in accordance with his status regarding
the obedience and the disobedience, so it would be by the accounting of that, they
(Satansla) would be ruling upon him with the overcoming.
ب ْاْلَل ِِيم ََل ُي َف َّت ُر َع ْن ُه ْم َش َر ُرهُ َو َ ضرَّ ِم ْن ُه ْم أ ُ ْم ِن َّي ُت ُه ْم أَنْ َت ُك
ِ ون َم َع ُه ْم َغداً إِ َذا اجْ َت ُّثوا فِي ْال َع َذا َ َضارَّ أ
َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ََل َع ُدوَّ أَعْ دَ ى ِم ْن ُه ْم َو ََل
ًِين فِي َها أَ َبدا
َ ص ُر َع ْن ُه ْم َخالِد
َّ ََل ُي َق
O Kumayl! There is no enemy more inimical than them la, nor any harm more harmful
than themla. Theirla wish is that you would happen to be with them tomorrow when they
would be eradicated in the painful Punishment. Neither would its evil waver from them la
nor would it be shortened from themla. They would be abiding in it for ever.
O Kumayl! The Wrath of Allahazwj the Exalted Overcomes the one who does not protects
(himself) from them (Satansla) by Hisazwj Name, and of Hisazwj Prophetsaww, and the
entirety of Hisazwj Charms, and seeks Hisazwj Refuge of the Majestic and Mighty, and
send Salawat upon Hisazwj Prophetsaww and hissaww Progenyasws, and greetings.
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O Kumayl! They (Satansla) would be deceiving you with themselvesla. So when you do
not respond to themla, they would be plotting with against you and with yourself, and by
their making good to you, your desires and your achieving of your wishes and your
likings, and theyla would be making it light for you, and causing you to forget, and
forbidding you, and enjoining you, and making good your thoughts with Allah azwj Mighty
and Majestic, until you trust himla. So you would be deceived by that and disobey
Himazwj. And the Recompense of the disobedient one is the Blaze (Hell).
O Kumayl! Preserve the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic [47:25] the Shaitan
has made it a light matter to them; and He gives them respite. And the Satanla
makes it (a disgraceful) matter lighter to them, and the Respiting One is Allahazwj the
O Kumayl! Remember the Words of Allahazwj the Exalted to Ibleesla, may Allahazwj Curse
himla [17:64] and collect against them your cavalry and infantry, and share with
them in wealth and the children, and hold out promises to them; and the Satan
does not make promises to them but to deceive.
ِيس ََل َي ِع ُد َعنْ َن ْفسِ ِه َو إِ َّن َما َي ِع ُد َعنْ َر ِّب ِه لِ َيحْ ِملَ ُه ْم َعلَى َمعْ صِ َي ِت ِه َفي َُورِّ َط ُه ْم
َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِنَّ إِ ْبل
O Kumayl! Ibleesla does not promise from himselfla, but rather hela promises from hisla
Lordazwj, in order to carry them upon disobeying Himazwj, so hela entangles (traps) them.
ك َو إِ َّن َما ه َُو َش ْي َطانٌ َر ِجي ٌم َ ِك َق ْد أَلِ ْف َت ُه ِمنْ َطا َع ِت ِه ََل َت َد ُع َها َف َتحْ َسبُ أَنَّ َذل
ٌ َك َمل َ ك ِبل ُ ْطفِ َك ْي ِد ِه َف َيأْ ُمر
َ ُك ِب َما َيعْ لَ ُم أَ َّن َ ََيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِ َّن ُه َيأْتِي ل
اط َمأْ َن ْنتَ َعلَى ْال َع َظائ ِِم ْال ُم ْهلِ َك ِة الَّتِي ََل َن َجا َة َم َع َها ْ َفإِ ًذا َس َك ْنتَ إِلَ ْي ِه َو
O Kumeyl! He (Satanla) would be becoming to you with subtle trickes, and he la would be
instructing you with what you know and you are familiar with from His azwj obedience, you
will not be leaving it. So you would reckon that, that is an Angel, and rather it is Satan la
the Pelted. So when you settle to him la, you would be reassured upon the great
destructions which there would be no salvation with it.
َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِنَّ لَ ُه ف َِخاخا ً َي ْنصِ ُب َها َفاحْ َذرْ أَنْ يُو ِق َع
ك فِي َها
O Kumayl! For himla there are snares hela sets up, therefore be cautious of falling into
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َّللاُ َع َّز َو َج َّل أَ َّن ُه لَنْ َي ْنج َُو ِم ْن َها إِ ََّل عِ َبا ُدهُ َو
َّ ك َ َْيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِنَّ ْاْلَر
َ ض َم ْملُو َءةٌ ِمنْ ف َِخاخ ِِه ْم َف َلنْ َي ْنجُوا ِم ْن َها إِ ََّل َمنْ َت َثبَّتَ ِب َنا َو َق ْد أَعْ لَ َم
عِ َبا ُدهُ أَ ْولِ َياؤُ َنا
O Kumayl! The earth is filled to the brim from theirla snares, so he would never be saved
from these except for the one who is affirmed with us asws, and Allahazwj Mighty and
Majestic has Let you know that none would be Saved from these except His azwj
servants, and Hisazwj servants are ourasws friends.
ِين َ ك َعلَي ِْه ْم س ُْلطانٌ َو َق ْول ُ ُه َع َّز َو َج َل إِ َّنما س ُْلطا ُن ُه َعلَى الَّذ
َ ِين َي َت َولَّ ْو َن ُه َو الَّذ َ َْس ل ِ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل َو ه َُو َق ْو ُل
َ َّللا َع َّز َو َج َل إِنَّ عِ بادِي لَي
َ ُه ْم ِب ِه ُم ْش ِر ُك
O Kumayl! And these are the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic [17:65] Surely (as
for) My servants, there is no authority for you over them. And Hisazwj Words, the
Mighty and Majestic [16:100] But rather, his authority is only over those who
befriend him and those who associate others with Him.
O Kumayl! Attain salvation with ourasws Wilayah and (block) himla from participating in
your wealth and in your children just as (Allahazwj has) Commanded.
O Kumayl! Do not be deceived by people who are praying Salat and they are
prolonging, and they are Fasting and being habitual, and they are giving charity, and
they are reckoning but they are the bended people (towards the falsehood).
ب ْال َخمْ ِر َو الرِّ َبا َو ِ ْشر ُ اء َو ِّ ِ م ِْث َل
ِ الز َن ِ ان إِ َذا َح َم َل َق ْوما ً َعلَى ْال َف َوا ِح
َ َّللا ص َيقُو ُل إِنَّ ال َّش ْي َط ِ َّ ت َرسُو َل ِ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل أ ُ ْقسِ ُم ِب
ُ ْاّلِل لَ َس ِمع
ُوع َو ال ُّسجُو َد ُث َّم َح َملَ ُه ْم َعلَى َو ََل َي ِة
َ وع َو ْال ُخض َ وع َو الرُّ ُكَ ش ُ َّب إِلَي ِْه ُم ْال ِع َبا َد َة ال َّشدِي َد َة َو ْال ُخ
َ ك م َِن ْال َخ َنى َو ْال َمآث ِِم َحب َ َِما أَ ْش َب َه َذل
َ صر ْ ْ
َ ار َو َي ْو َم القِيا َم ِة َل ُين َّ َ
ِ ُون إِلى الن َ ِين َي ْدع َ ْاْلَ ِئ َّم ِة الَّذ
O Kumeyl! Iasws swear by Allahazwj to have heard Rasool-Allahsaww saing: ‘The Satanla,
when hela carries a people upon the immoralities like the adultery, and drinking of the
wine, and the usury, and whatever resembling that from the vulgarities and the sins,
makes it beloved to them the intense worshipping, and the reverence, and the Rukou,
and humbleness, and the Sujoud. Then he carries them upon the wilayah of the leaders
who are calling them to the Fire, and on the Day of Judgment, they would not be
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O Kumayl! But rather you would be deserving, if you become from the settled ones (of
permanent Eman) when you necessitate the apparent seriousness which would neither
exit you to any crookedness nor would it slip you from the Manifesto what carried you
upon it, and Guided you to Himazwj.
O Kumayl! There is neither any allowance regarding the Obligatory (deeds) nor any
strictness in the Optional (deeds).
الطا َّم ِة َي ْو َم ْال ُم َق ِام ِ ِ ض َو إِ َّن َما َق َّد ْم َنا َع َم َل ال َّن َواف ِِل َبي َْن أَ ْيدِي َنا ل ِْلَهْ َو
َّ ال ْال ِع َظام َو َ ُ َّللا َع َّز َو َج َّل ََل َيسْ أَل
َ ك إِ ََّل َعمَّا َف َر َ َّ ََّيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِن
OKumeyl! Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic will not Question you except about what Heazwj
Obligated, and rather the optional deeds would precede us in front of us for the great
horrors and the calamities of the Day of Judgment.
ال َو لَ ِكنْ َمنْ َت َط َّو َع َخيْراً َفه َُو َخ ْي ٌر لَ ُه َ َصالِ ُح ْاْل
ِ مْو ِ َّللاَ أَعْ َظ ُم ِمنْ أَنْ ُت ِزيلَ ُه ْال َف َرائِضُ َو ال َّن َوا ِف ُل َو َجمِي ُع ْاْلَعْ َم
َ ال َو َّ ََّيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِن
O Kumayl! Your sins are more than your good deeds, and your negligence is more than
your Remembrance (of Allahazwj) and the Favours of Allahazwj upon you are more than
every deed.
ش ْك ِر ِه َو ذ ِْك ِر ِه
ُ ك َو َعا ِف َي ِت ِه َف ََل َت ْخ ُل ِمنْ َتحْ مِي ِد ِه َو َتمْ ِجي ِد ِه َو َتسْ ِبي ِح ِه َو َت ْق ِديسِ ِه َو ِ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِ َّن ُه ََل َت ْخلُو ِمنْ ِنعْ َم ِة
َ َّللا َع َّز َو َج َّل عِ ْن َد
َعلَى ُك ِّل َحا ٍل
O Kumayl! It is so that you are not devoid from the Bounties of Allah azwj Mighty and
Majestic with you and your well being, therefore do not be devoid from Praising Him azwj,
and Exalting Himazwj, and Glorifying Himazwj, and Extolling Hisazwj Holiness, and thanking
Himazwj, and Mentioning Himazwj upon every state.
O Kumayl! Do become from those for whom Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Says [59:19]
And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget their own souls:
these it is that are the transgressors.
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O Kumayl! It is not of that importanace that you should be praying Salat, and you should
be Fasting, and you should be giving charity. But rather, the importance is that the Salat
you perform should happen with a pure heart, and the deed being Agreeable in the
Presence of Allahazwj, and reverence should properly remain to the limits during it.
ْ ْ ُ ت ْال ُعر
َ صلَ َوات
ِك ِ ُوق َو ال َم َفاصِ ُل َح َّتى َتسْ َت ْوف َِي إِلَى َما َتأتِي ِمنْ َجم
َ ِيع ِ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل عِ ْن َد الرُّ ُك
ِ َوع َو ال ُّسجُو ِد َو َما َب ْي َن ُه َما َت َب َّتل
O Kumayl! During the Rukou and the Sujoud and what is between the two, the veins
and the bones should be devoted until you fulfil to what you come to from the entirety of
your Salat.
صلِّي إِنْ لَ ْم َي ُكنْ ِمنْ َوجْ ِه ِه َو ِحلِّ ِه َف ََل َقبُو َل ُ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ا ْن
َ ظرْ فِي َم ُت
O Kumayl! Consider for whom you are praying Salat, if it does not happen to be for
Hisazwj Face, so it would not be Accepted.
O Kumayl! The tongue is revealed from the heart, and ‘بِ ’ال َق ْل
ْ the heart stand by the food,
therefore consider regarding what you are feeding your heart and your body, for if it
does not happen to be Permissible, Allahazwj will not Accept your Glorification nor your
ْط َل َو أَ ِث َم َو
َ ص ًة َف َق ْد أَب َ ت ِْلَ َح ٍد م َِن ْال َخ ْل ِق َف َمنْ َر َوى َع ِّني فِي َذ ِل
َ ك ر ُْخ ِ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ا ْف َه ْم َو اعْ لَ ْم أَ َّنا ََل ُن َر ِّخصُ فِي َترْ كِ أَدَا ِء ْاْلَ َما َنا
ْ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ
َّللا ص َي ُقو ُل لِي َق ْب َل َو َفا ِت ِه ِب َسا َع ٍة م َِرارا ثَلثا َيا أ َبا ال َح َس ِن أ ِّد اْل َما َنة إِلى ال َبرِّ َو
ً ً ِ َّ ت َرسُو َل ُ ْب أ ُ ْقسِ ُم لَ َسمِ ع
َ َج َزاؤُ هُ ال َّنا ُر ِب َما َك َذ
ِْال َفا ِج ِر فِي َما َق َّل َو َج َّل فِي ْال َخ ْيطِ َو ْالم ِْخيَط
O Kumayl! And know that weasws do not give allowance regarding the neglecting of the
paying back of the entrustment to anyone from the people. So the one who reports from
measws an allowance regarding that, so he has falsified and sinned, and his
Recompense would be the Fire due to what he has belied. Iasws say by Allahazwj that Iasws
heard Rasool-Allahsaww saying to measws before hissaww passing away by a while,
repeating it thrice: ‘O Abu Al-Hassanasws! Pay back the entrustments to the righteous
one and the immoral one, regarding what is smaller than the sewing and the sewn.
َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ََل َغ ْز َو إِ ََّل َم َع إِ َم ٍام َعاد ٍِل َو ََل َن ْف َل إِ ََّل َم َع إِ َم ٍام َفاضِ ٍل
O Kumeyl! There is no military expedition except with a Just Imamasws, nor an optional
(Salat) except with an Imamasws of merit.
O Kumeyl! What is your view if Allahazwj never Disclosed a Prophetsaww, and there was a
pious Momin in the earth, would he be mistaken in his supplication to Allah azwj or
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correct? But he would be mistaken until Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic nominates himas
and heas prepares him.
O Kumeyl! The Religion is for Allahazwj, therefore do not be deceived by the words of the
deceiving community which strayed after having been Guided, and denied and rejected
after having accepted.
O Kumayl! The Religion is for Allahazwj the Exalted, therefore Allahazwj will not Accept
from anyone, the standing with it except for a Rasoolas, or a Prophetas or a
َ ِّضال
َ ين َو مُعْ َتد
ِين َ ين َو ُم َتغَ لِّ ِب
َ ين َو َ ِِي ُنبُوَّ ةٌ َو ِر َسالَ ٌة َو إِ َما َم ٌة َو َما َبعْ دَ َذل
َ ِّك إِ ََّل ُم َت َول َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ه
O Kumeyl! It is Prophet-hood, and Messengership, and Imamate, and what is after that
except for the the usurpers, and the overcomers, and the strayers, and the
O Kumeyl! The Christians did not counter Allahazwj the Exalted, and neither did the
Jews, not did they fight against Musaas nor Isaas. But, they added (matters) and
subtracted, and they altered, and they limited. So they cursed and detested (the
Religion) and they did not repent and did not accept.
]ب َعلَ ْي ِه َفأَدَّاهُ َذل َِك إِلَى أَنْ [لَ ْم َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِنَّ أَ َبا َنا آ َد َم ع لَ ْم َيل ِْد َيهُو ِد ّيا ً َو ََل َنصْ َرا ِن ّيا ً َو ََل َك
ِ ان ا ْب ُن ُه إِ ََّل َحنِيفا ً مُسْ لِما ً َفلَ ْم َيقُ ْم ِب ْال َوا ِج
ِين َ ْ
َ ِين ِع َّد ُت ُه ْم اث َنا َع َش َر سِ َّت ٌة م َِن ْاْل َّول
َ [ال َفلَ ِق] الَّذْ ِين فِي القلق َ َّللا ُ لَ ُه قُرْ َبانا ً َب ْل َق ِب َل ِمنْ أَخِي ِه َف َح َس َدهُ َو َق َتلَ ُه َو ه َُو م َِن ْال َمسْ جُون َّ َي ْق َب ِل
َ َّ َّ َ َّ َ َ َ ُ َ َ ْ َ َو سِ َّت ٌة م َِن اْلخ ِِر
ِ ُك فِي َما َحرُّ َج َهن َم ِمنْ بُخ
ار ِه َ ار ِه َحرُّ َج َهن َم َو َحسْ ب ِ ار َو ِمنْ بُخ ِ ين َو القلق [الفلق] ْلسْ ف ُل م َِن الن
O Kumeyl! Our fatheras is Adamas. Heas neither begot a Jew nor a Christian, and hisas
son was not except for an upright one, a submitter. But he did not establish the
Obligations upon him and perform that, until Allah azwj did not Accept an offering of his,
but Heazwj Accepted from his brother. So he envied him and killed him, and he is from
the imprisoned ones in the ‘Falaq’ (a pit of Hell), those who number twelve, six being
from the former ones, and six from the latter ones; and the ‘Falaq’ is lower than the Fire,
and it is from its vapour that Hell is heated, and Hell (cries out), ‘Enough!’, regarding its
vapours heating up Hell.
O Kumeyl! By Allahazwj! Weasws are those who are pious, and are those who are the
envied onesasws.
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َ َّللا َع َّز َو َج َّل َك ِري ٌم َرحِي ٌم عَظِ ي ٌم َحلِي ٌم َدلَّ َنا َع َلى ْالخ ََِل َف ِة َو أَ َم َر َنا ِب ْاْلَ ْخ ِذ ِب َها َو َح َم َل ال َّن
اس َعلَ ْي َها َف َق ْد أَ َّد ْي َنا َها غَ ي َْر َ َّ ََّيا ُك َم ْي ُل إِن
ُ َ
َّللا شيَاطِ ينُ نوحِي إِل ْي َها َو توحِي ُ َ َّ َ َ ُ
ِ ين ل ْم َيكنْ لنا َو َ َ َ ْ َ
َ ين َو ق ِبلنا َها َغي َْر مُرْ ت ِاب ِّ َ َ
َ ص َّدقنا َها َغي َْر ُمكذ ِبْ َ ين َو َ ِين َو أَرْ َسلنا َها َغي َْر ُمنا ِف ِق
َ َ ْ َ م ُْخ َتلِف
ُ ْس َو ْال ِجنِّ يُوحِي َبع ُ ْ َّ َّللا ُ َت َعالَى َق ْوما ً َذ َك َر ُه ُم
َّ ف
ض ٍ ْض ُه ْم إِلى َبع ِ ْ ين
ِ اْل ْن َ َِّللاُ َع َّز َو َج َّل فِي ِك َت ِاب ِه َفا ْق َرأ َك َما أ ْن ِز َل َشياط َ ص َ إِلَ ْي َنا َك َما َو
ًُف ْال َق ْو ِل ُغرُورا َ ُز ْخر
ً ف َي ْل َق ْو َن َغ ّيا
َ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل ْال َو ْي ُل لَ ُه ْم َف َس ْو
O Kumeyl! Woe be to them [19:59] so they will be meeting the depth (of Hell).
ِين أَ ْو
َ ب َح َّتى أَ ْن َت ِح َل إِمْ َر َة ْالم ُْؤ ِمن َ ْ[ح َّتى] أُع
ِ صى َو ََل ُم َهانا ً ِل َط َغ ِام ْاْلَعْ َرا َ َّللا ُم َت َعلِّقا ً َح َّتى أ ُ َط
َ ً اع َو َ[َل] مُمْ َت ّنا ِ َّ ت َو
ُ َْيا ُك َم ْي ُل لَس
أ ُ ْد َعى ِب َها
O Kumeyl! By Allahazwj! Iasws am not followed (by a servant) until Iasws am obeyed, nor
am Iasws disapproved until Iasws am disobeyed, nor would Iasws be disgraced for the rif raff
of the Bedouins until Iasws am impersonated as Emir of the Momineen, or called by it.
O Kumeyl! Weasws are the smaller weighty thing, and the Quran is the greater weighty
thing, and Rasool-Allahsaww had made them listen and hesaww had gathered them. So
hesaww called among them for the congregational Salat on such and such a day, and the
days are seven, and at such and such a time. So no one remained behind, and hesaww
ascended the Pulpit, and hesaww Praised Allahazwj and Extolled upon Himazwj, then said:
‘Group of people! Isaww have an appointment with mysaww Lordazwj Mighty and Majestic,
and Isaww am not informing from myselfsaww. So the one who ratifies mesaww, so the
ratification is for Allahazwj, and the one who ratifies Allahazwj, his Reward is the Paradise.
And the one who belies measws, so he has belied Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic, and the
one who belies Allahazwj, his consequence is the Fires’.
اس أَ َم َرنِي ِ ص ْد ِر ِه َو ْال َح َسنُ َو ْال ُح َسيْنُ َعنْ َيمِي ِن ِه َو شِ َمالِ ِه ُث َّم َقا َل َم َعاشِ َر ال َّن َ ت َفأ َ َقا َمنِي ُدو َن ُه َو َر ْأسِ ي إِلَى ُ صع ِْدَ ُث َّم َنادَ انِي َف
ْالث َق ُل ْاْلَ ْك َب ُر َو أَنَّ َوصِ يِّي َه َذا َو ابناي [ا ْب َن َي] َو َمنْ َخلَ َف ُه ْم ِمنَّ آنَ َّْللا َت َعالَى أَ َّن ُه َربِّي َو َر ُّب ُك ْم أَنْ أُعْ ِل َم ُك ْم أَنَّ ْالقُر
ِ َّ َجب َْرئِي ُل ع َع ِن
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
الث َق ُل ْاْلَ ْك َب ُر ل َِّلث َق ِل ْاْلَصْ َغ ِر َو َي ْش َه ُد ا َّلث َق ُل ْاْلَصْ َغ ُر ل َِّلث َق ِل ْاْلَ ْك َب ِر ُك ُّل َوا ِح ٍد ِم ْن ُه َما
َّ الث َق ُل ْاْلَصْ َغ ُر َي ْش َه ُد َ أَصْ ََل ِب ِه ْم َحام ًَِل َو
َّ صا َيا ُه ْم
ْ َ ُ َ َّ
َّللا ف َيحْ ك َم َب ْين ُه َما َو َبي َْن ال ِع َبا ِد َ َّ
ِ ار ٍق ل ُه َحتى َي ِردَ ا إِلىَ َ َ م ََُل ِز ٌم ل
ِ ِصاح ِِب ِه َغ ْي ُر ُمف
Then hesaww called measws, and Iasws ascended (the Pulpit), and hesaww made measws
stand below himsaww, and myasws head was to hissaww chest, and Al-Hassanasws and Al-
Husaynasws were on hissaww right and hissaww left. Then hesaww said: ‘Group of people!
Jibraeelas commanded mesaww on behalf of Allahazwj the Exalted, that Heazwj is mysaww
Lordazwj and your Lordazwj, and that Isaww should let you know that the Quran is the
greater weighty thing, and that mysaww, this one, and mysaww two sonsasws, and the ones
in theirasws poseterity are theirasws successorsasws, are the smaller weighty thing. The
greater weighty thing testified to the smaller weighty thing, and the smaller weighty thing
testifies to the greater weighty thing. Each one of the two is necessary to its counterpart,
without there being any separation for it until they both return to Allahazwj, so Heazwj
would Judge between them and the servants’.
ك َف َع ََل َم َت َق َّد َم َنا َمنْ َت َق َّد َم َو َتأ َ َّخ َر َع َّنا َمنْ َتأ َ َّخ َر
َ َِيا ُك َم ْي ُل َفإِ َذا ُك َّنا َك َذل
O Kumeyl! So when weasws would be like that, so why does he precede us asws, the one
who precedes, and he delays from usasws, the one who delays?
َ ُّون ال َّناصِ ح
ِين َ ص َح لَ ُه ْم َو لَ ِكنْ ََل ُي ِحب ِ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل َق ْد َبلَّ َغ ُه ْم َرسُو ُل
َ َّللا ِر َسالَ َة َر ِّب ِه َو َن
O Kumeyl! Rasool-Allahsaww had delivered to them the Message of hissaww Lordazwj, and
advised to them, but they did not approve the advisers.
ً ان َقائِما
َ ضَ ُون َي ْوما ً َبعْ دَ ْال َعصْ ِر َي ْو َم ال ِّنصْ فِ ِمنْ َشه ِْر َر َمَ صا ُر ُم َت َوا ِفر َ ُون َو ْاْلَ ْن
َ َّللا ص لِي َق ْو ًَل َو ْال ُم َها ِجر ِ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل َقا َل َرسُو ُل
ُْون َبعْ دَ أم ِِّه ْم َو ُه ْم َسفِي َن ٌة َمنْ َر ِك َب َها َن َجا َو َمن َّ ُون ِم ِّني َو أَ َنا ِم ْن ُه ْم َو ُه ُم
َ الط ِّيب َّ اي ِم ْن ُه
َ الط ِّيب َ َعلَى َقدَ َم ْي ِه َف ْوقَ ِم ْن َب ِر ِه َعلِيٌّ َو ا ْب َن
َ َ
اوي فِي لظى ِ ف َع ْن َها َه َوى ال َّنا ِجي فِي ْال َج َّن ِة َو ال َه
ْ َ ََّت َخل
O Kumeyl! Rasool-Allahsaww said to me certain words, and the Emigrants and the
Helpers were available one day on a day in the middle of the Month of Ramazan,
standing in front of hissaww feet (and) in front of hissaww Pulpit: ‘Aliasws and mesaww (and)
the two sonsasws from himasws are the goodly ones. Theyasws are from mesaww and Isaww
am from themasws, and theyasws are the goodly ones after theirasws motherasws, and
theyasws are (like) a ‘ ’ َسفِي َن ٌةship, the one who sails it would attain salvation, and the one
who stays behind from it would perish. The salvages ones would be in the Paradise and
the straying ones would be in the Blaze (of Hell)’.
َّللا ُ أَ ْن َشأ َ َنا ِمنْ َقب ِْل أَنْ َيعْ ِرفُو َنا أَ َف َت َرا ُه ْم ِب َح َس ِد ِه ْم إِيَّا َنا َعنْ َر ِّب َنا ي ُِزيلُو َن َنا
َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل َع ََل َم َيحْ ُس ُدو َن َنا َو
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
O Kumeyl! For what reason are they envying usasws, and Allahazwj has Set usasws up from
before that they should be recognising usasws. Do you think that they, by their envying
usasws, would (be able to) decline usasws from ourasws Lordazwj?
ار َن ِة ُك ِّل
َ ان َو ُم َق َ ت ال ِّن
ِ ير ِ ال َو ُم َق َّط َعا ٍ ال َو َم َقام َِع َو َس ََلسِ َل طِ َو ٍ ب أَل ٍِيم َو خ ِْزي ٍ ُمق ٍِيم َو أَ ْك َب
ٍ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل َمنْ ََل َيسْ ُكنُ ْال َج َّن َة َف َب ِّشرْ هُ ِب َعذا
ُون َو َ ون َف ََل ي َُجاب ْ صدِي ٌد َو اللِّ َباسُ َحدِي ٌد َو ْال َخ َز َن ُة فضضة [ َف َظ َظ ٌة] َو ال َّنا ُر م ُْل َت ِه َب ٌة َو ْاْلَب َْوابُ م َُو َّث َق ٌة م
َ ُط َب َق ٌة ُي َنا ُد َ ُان ال َّش َراب ٍ ْط َ َشي
ْ َ َ ْ ُ ُ
َ كاره ِ ون لَ َق ْد ِج ْئنا ُك ْم ِبال َح ِّق َو لكِنَّ أ ْكث َر ُك ْم لِل َح ِّق َ ك قا َل إِ َّن ُك ْم ماكِث ِ ك لِ َي ْق
َ ض َعلَيْنا َر ُّب ُ ُِون ِن َداؤُ ُه ْم يا مال َ ون َف ََل يُرْ َحم
َ َيسْ َتغِيث
O Kumeyl! The one who does not (like to) settle in the Paradise, so give him the news
of the Painful Punishment, and a disgraceful residence, and the bitumen (clothing), and
the whips, and the long chains, and the segments of the Fires, and the pairing with
every Satanla drinking pus, and the clothing of iron, and the gruffiness, and the flaming
fires, and the doors would be tightly closed, layered. They would be calling out, but they
would not be answered. They would be crying out for help but they would not be
mercied. [43:77] And they shall call out: O Malik! let your Lord Decide about us. He
shall say: Surely you shall remain [43:78] Certainly We came to you with the
Truth, but most of you are averse to the Truth.
O Kumeyl! By Allahazwj! Weasws are those for whom Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Said
[23:71] And if the Truth were to follow the falsehood, surely the skies and the
earth and all those who are therein would have been corrupted.
O Kumeyl! They then would be calling out to Allahazwj, Holy are Hisazwj Names, after their
having remained for ages, ‘Make us to be upon the hopefulness’. So He azwj would be
Answering them: “Stay there and do not be speaking!”
O Kumeyl! Thus, during that, they would be despairing from the fixed time, and their
regret would intensify and they would be convince of the doom and the remaining there,
due to what their hands had earned, and they would be tormented.
O Kumeyl! Say, ‘[23:28] All Praise is due to Allah who Delivered us from the unjust
ال إِ َّن َما َحظِ َي َمنْ َحظِ َي ِب ُد ْن َيا َز ِاي َل ٍة م ُْد ِب َر ٍة َفا ْف َه ْم َ[و] َتحْ َظى َ َّاي َو ْالم ُْؤ ِمن
ٍ ِين َو َعلَى ُك ِّل َح َ َّ َيا ُك َم ْي ُل أَ َنا أَحْ َم ُد
َ َّللا َعلَى َت ْوفِي ِق ِه إِي
ِبآخ َِر ٍة َبا ِق َي ٍة َث ِاب َت ٍة
O Kumeyl! Iasws praise Allahazwj upon Hisazwj Granting Inclination to measws and to the
Momineen, and upon every state. But rather, myasws luck from the luck of the world is
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
declining and turning away. Therefore, understand, and you shall receive the Hereafter
as remaining, affirmed.
O Kumeyl! Everyone will come to the Hereafter, and those who are desirous with
regards to it, from it, would have the Pleasure of Allahazwj, and the lofty Levels from the
Paradise which none shall inherit it except for the one who was pious.
(It has been narrated) from Muhammadasws Bin Ali Al-Baqirasws, from hisasws fatherasws,
from hisasws grandfatherasws having said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws
is the Caliph of Allahazwj and mysaww Caliph, and a Divine Authority of Allahazwj and
mysaww Divine Authority, and a Door of Allahazwj and mysaww door, and an Elite of
Allahazwj and mysaww elite, and the Beloved of Allahazwj and mysaww beloved, and a Friend
of Allahazwj and mysaww friend, and a Sword of Allahazwj and mysaww sword, and heasws is
my brother, and mysaww companions, and my Vizier, and mysaww successorasws.
ض ُه ُم ْبغِضِ ي َو َولِ ُّي ُه َولِيِّي َو َع ُد ُّوهُ َع ُد ِّوي َو َحرْ ُب ُه َحرْ ِبي َو سِ ْل ُم ُه سِ ْلمِي َو َق ْول ُ ُه َق ْولِي َو أَمْ ُرهُ أَمْ ِري َوُ ُم ِح ُّب ُه ُم ِحبِّي َو ُم ْب ِغ
َ َ م ْجَ أ ِيتمَّ ُ أ ُ
ر ْ
ي َ
خ و ِّين
َ َ َِ ص و ْ
ال ُ
د ِّ
ي س ُو
َ َ َو ِي د ْ
ل َُز ْو َج ُت ُه ا ْب َنتِي َو وُ ْل ُدهُ و
He who loves Himasws loves mesaww , and hisasws hater is mysaww hater, and hisasws friend
is mysaww friend, and hisasws enemy is mysaww enemy, and with hisasws enemy is mysaww
war and hisasws peace is mysaww peace, and hisasws words are mysaww words, and hisasws
orders are mysaww orders, and Isaww married himasws to mysaww daughterasws, and hisasws
41 saww asws
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
sonsasws are mysaww sonsasws, and heasws is the Chief of the succesorsas, and the best
one of mysaww community altogether’.42
He said, ‘And by the chain, from Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Al Hashimy Al Kufy, from Furat Bin Ibrahim
Bin Furat Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Zaheer, from Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Akhy
Yunus Al Baghdady at Baghdad, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub Al Nahshaly who said,
‘It was narrated to us by Aliasws Bin Musa Al-Rezaasws, from hisasws fatherasws Musaasws
Bin Ja’farasws, from hisasws fatherasws Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws fatherasws
Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws, from hisasws fatherasws Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws, from hisasws
father Al-Husaynasws Bin Aliasws, from hisasws fatherasws Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws, from the
Prophetsaww, from Jibraeelas, from Mikaeelas, from Israfeelas, from Allahazwj, Majestic is
Hisazwj Majesty, that Heazwj, Glorious is Heazwj, Said: -
“Iazwj am Allahazwj! There is no god except Iazwj. Iazwj Created the creatures by Myazwj
Power, therefore Iazwj Chose the ones whom Iazwj so Desired to from Myazwj Prophetsas,
and Chose Muhammadsaww from the entirety of them as a Beloved, and a Friend, and
an Elite. So Iazwj Sent himsaww as a Rasoolsaww to Myazwj Creatures.
ِ ْت َعلِ ّيا ً َف َج َع ْل ُت ُه لَ ُه أَخا ً َو َوصِ ّيا ً َو َو ِزيراً َو م َُؤ ِّديا ً َع ْن ُه ِمنْ َبعْ ِد ِه إِلَى َخ ْلقِي َو عِ َبادِي َو ُي َبيِّنُ َل ُه ْم ِك َت ِابي َو يَسِ ي ُر ف
ِيه ْم ُ َو اصْ َط َفي
َّ ً َ َّ ْ ُ َّ َ َ ْ ْ ْ
َ ِب ُح ْكمِي َو َج َعلت ُه ال َعل َم ال َهاد
َ ُ
ْحصْ ن َِي الذِي َمنِ اري َو ِ كان آمِنا ِمنْ َن َ َخل ُه َ ِي م َِن الضََّلل ِة َو َب ِاب َي الذِي أو َتى ِمن ُه َو َب ْيت َِي الذِي َمنْ د
ص ْن ُت ُه ِمنْ َم ْكرُو ِه ال ُّد ْن َيا َو ْاْلخ َِر ِة َّ لَ َجأ َ إِلَ ْي ِه َح
And Iazwj Chose Aliasws and Iazwj Made himasws to be a brother to himsaww, and a
successor, and a Vizier, and a Caller from himsaww from after himsaww, to Myazwj
creatures and Myazwj servants, and to explain Myazwj Book to them, and to judge among
them with Myazwj Judgment. And Iazwj Made himasws as the Flag of Guidance from the
straying, and Myazwj door which Isaww can be come from, and Myazwj House which the
one who enters it woud be safe from Myazwj Fire, and (reside in) Myazwj Fort which the
one who comes to it, it would fortify him from his abhorrences of the world and the
42 saww asws
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
And Myazwj Face which the one who who faces towards him asws, Iazwj will not Turn Myazwj
Face away from him; and Myazwj Divine Authority in the skies and the earths upon the
entirety of the ones who are therein from Myazwj creatures. Iazwj Will not Accept a deed of
a performer from them except with the acknowledgement of his asws Wilayah along with
the Prophet-hood of Ahmadsaww Myazwj Rasoolsaww.
مْت ِب َها َعلَى َمنْ أَحْ َب ْب ُت ُه ِمنْ عِ َبا ِدي َف َمنْ أَحْ َب ْب ُت ُه ِمنْ عِ َبادِي َو َت َولَّ ْي ُت ُه ُ ِي ْال َم ْبسُو َط ُة َعلَى عِ َبادِي َو ه َُو ال ِّنعْ َم ُة الَّتِي أَ ْن َع َ َو ه َُو َيد
ار َو أَ ْد َخ ْل ُت ُه ْال َج َّن َة َو ََل
ِ َّ
ن ال ن ع
ِ َ ُ
ه ُ
ت ْح َ
ز ْح َ
ز َّ
َل ِ إ ِي
د ا ب ْنم ٌ
َ َِ ِ َ ِ عْ
ب ع ً ايّ ل ع ىَّ ل و تَ
َ َ ي َ
َل ُ
ه َّ
ن َ أ ُ
مْت س
َ ْ
ق َ أ ِي ل َ
َل ج ب و
َ ِ َ ُ
ت ْ
ف َ ل ح
َ ِي
ت َّ
ِز عبِ َ
ف ُ
ه َ
ت َ َ َعرَّ ْف ُت ُه َو
.ُس المَصِ ير ْ
َ ار َو ِبئ ُ ْ َ َّ
َ ض ُه َع ْب ٌد ِمنْ عِ َبادِي َو َيعْ ِد ُل َعنْ َو ََل َي ِت ِه إَِل أ ْد َخلت ُه ال َّن ُ ُي ْب ِغ
And heasws is Myazwj Extended Hand upon Myazwj servants; and heasws is the Favour
which Iazwj Favoured with upon the ones Iazwj Loved from Myazwj servants. So the ones
from Myazwj servant who loves himasws and befriends himasws, Iazwj will Recognise his
Wilayah. So, by Myazwj Might Iazwj Oath and by Myazwj Majesty Iazwj Swear, a servant from
Myazwj servant will not befriend Aliasws except Iazwj will Remove him from the Fire and
Enter him into the Paradise. And no servant from Myazwj servants would hate himasws
and alter from hisasws Wilayah, except Iazwj will Enter him into the Fire, and it is an evil
ْن أَ ِبي ْال َجه ِْم َو أَبُو َز ْي ٍد ْالقُ َرشِ يُّ َقاَل َح َّد َث َنا
ِ َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َم ْنصُو ِر ب:ْن َسعِي ٍد َقا َل ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ َع ْب ِد:اْلسْ َنا ِد َقا َل
ِ َّللا ب ِ ْ َو ِب َه َذا
:ْضمِيِّ َقا َل ْ
َ َنصْ ُر بْنُ ال َجه
And by this chain, said, ‘It was narrated to us by Al Hassan Bin Abdullah Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Bin
Mansour Bin Abu Al Jahm and Abu Zayd Al Qurshy, from Nasr Bin Al Jahzamy who said, ‘
‘It was narrated to us from Ali son of Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from Musaasws Bin
Ja’farasws, from hisasws fatherasws, from hisasws grandfatherasws, from Aliasws Bin Abu
Talibasws having said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww grabbed the hands of Al-Hassanasws and Al-
Husaynasws and hesaww said: ‘The one who loves these twoasws, and theirasws fatherasws,
and theirasws motherasws, would be with mesaww in mysaww Level on the Day of
43 saww asws
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44 saww asws
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
ّ [إن
] الخ.هللا تبارك و تعالى يبعث أناسا وجوههم من نور على كراسي من نور
Allahazwj Blessed And High would Resurrect people, their faces would
be from light, (sitting) upon chairs of fire etc.
ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا أَحْ َم ُد بْنُ َع ْب ِد: َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َسعِي ٍد ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ َعلِيٍّ ْال َعد َِويُّ َقا َل:ْن إِسْ َحاقَ َقا َل
َّللا ِ ْ َو ِب َه َذا
ِ َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ إِب َْراهِي َم ب:اْلسْ َنا ِد َقا َل
:ْن َمالِكٍ َقا َل ِ سب ِ َّللا َعنْ أَ ِبي ْال َجارُو ِد َعنْ أَ ِبي ْال َه ْي َث ِم َعنْ أَ َن
ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ َع ْب ِد:َّار ْال َجارُودِيُّ َقا َل ٍ ْن َعم ِ ب
And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Abu Saeed Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Adawy,
from Ahmad Bin Abdullah Bin Ammar Al Jaroudy, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Abu Al Jaroud,
from Abu Al Haysam, from Anas Bin Malik who said,
ُ ُ ك َو َت َعالَى َي ْب َع
ٍ ور َعلَي ِْه ْم ِث َيابٌ ِمنْ ُن
ور فِي ظِ ِّل ٍ ور َعلَى َك َراسِ يَّ ِمنْ ُن
ٍ ث أ َناسا ً وُ جُو ُه ُه ْم ِمنْ ُن َ َّ َّ إِن:َّللا ص
َ َّللا َت َب
َ ار ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل
َ ْ
ْ ْ ِ ْْال َعر
ِ ِب َم ْن ِزلَ ِة اْلن ِب َيا ِء َو ِب َمن ِزلَ ِة ال ُّش َه َدا ِء َو لَ ْيسُوا ِبال ُّش َه َدا ِء
‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Allahazwj Blessed and High will Resurrect a people, their faces
would be of light, (sitting) upon chairs of light. Upon them would be clothes of light, in
the Shade of the Throne. They would be at the status of the Prophets asws and the status
of the martyrs, and they wouldn’t be martyrs.
ْن أَ ِبي ْ ِ َّ آخ ُر أَ َنا ِم ْن ُه ْم َيا َرسُو َل ِ َّ َف َقا َل َر ُج ٌل أَ َنا ِم ْن ُه ْم َيا َرسُو َل
ِ ض َع َي َدهُ َعلَى َرأ
ِ س َعلِيِّ ب َ َّللا َقا َل ََل قِي َل َمنْ ُه ْم َف َو َ َّللا َقا َل ََل َقا َل
.ُب ع َو َقا َل َه َذا َو شِ ي َع ُته ٍ َِطال
So a man said, ‘O Rasool-Allahsaww! Will I be from them?’ Hesaww said: ‘No’. Another one
said, ‘Will I be from them, O Rasool-Allahsaww?’ Hesaww said: ‘No’. It was said, ‘Who
would they be?’ So hesaww placed hissawwhand upon the head of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws
and said: ‘This one and hisasws Shias’.45
ْب َمن َ ب َو َك َذ ِ ب ع أَ َنا َمدِي َن ُة ْالح ِْك َم ِة َو أَ ْنتَ َبا ُب َها َو لَنْ تؤت [ ُت ْؤ َتى] ْال َمدِي َن ُة إِ ََّل ِمنْ ِق َب ِل ْال َبا ٍ ِْن أَ ِبي َطال ِ َّللا ص لِ َعلِيِّ بِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل
َ يرتِي َو َع ََل ِن َي ُت
ْك ِمن َ ك ِمنْ َس ِر َ ير ُتَ ك ِمنْ رُوحِي َو َس ِر َ ك ِمنْ لَحْ مِي َو رُو ُح َ ك لَحْ ُم َ
َ ك ِم ِّني َو أ َنا ِم ْن َ
َ ك ِْل َّن ُ َز َع َم أَ َّن ُه ُي ِح ُّبنِي َو ُي ْب ِغ
َ ض
َع ََل ِن َيتِي َو أَ ْنتَ إِ َما ُم أ ُ َّمتِي َو َخلِي َفتِي َعلَ ْي َها َبعْ دِي
45 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 46
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
‘Rasool-Allahsaww said to Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws: ‘Isaww am the city of wisom and youasws
are its gate, and the city will never be come to except from the direction of the gate. And
he has laid the one who claims that he loves mesaww but hates youasws, because youasws
are from mesaww and Isaww am from youasws. Yourasws flesh is from mysaww flesh, and
yourasws soul is from mysaww soul and yourasws secret (matters) and from mysaww secrets,
and yourasws public (matters) are from mysaww public (matters), and youasws are the
Imamasws of mysaww community, and mysaww Caliph upon it from after mesaww.
ك َو َم َث ُلَ ُ ك َم َثل
َ ار َق
َ ك َمنْ َفَ َك َو َهل َ از َمنْ لَ ِز َم َ ك َو َف َ ك َو َخسِ َر َمنْ َعادَ ا َ اك َو َر ِب َح َمنْ َت َو ََّل
َ صَ ك َو َشق َِي َمنْ َع َ َس ِع َد َمنْ أَ َطا َع
اب َنجْ ٌم َطلَ َع َنجْ ٌم إِلَى َ َُوم ُكلَّ َما غ ُ
ِ ف َع ْن َها غ َِرقَ َو َم َثل ُك ْم َم َث ُل ال ُّنج
َ َّوح َمنْ َر ِك َب َها َن َجا َو َمنْ َت َخلٍ ك َبعْ دِي َم َث ُل َسفِي َن ِة ُنَ ْاْلَ ِئ َّم ِة ِمنْ وُ ْل ِد
.َِي ْو ِم ْال ِق َيا َمة
Fortunate is the one who obeys youasws and miserable is the one who disobeys you; and
he would profit, the one who befriends youasws, and in loss is the one who is inimical to
youasws, and successful is the one who necessitates you and destroyed is the one who
separates from youasws. Yourasws example and the example of the Imamsasws from
yourasws sonsasws after mesaww is like the example of the ship of Noahas. The one who
sails it would attain salvation, and the one who stays behind would drown. And your asws
example is like the stars. Every time a star disappears, a star emerges, up to the Day of
(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiqasws having said: ‘When it will be the
Day of Judgment and Allahazwj Gathers the former ones and the latter ones in one plain,
extreme thirst would overcome them. So they would be clamouring to their Lord azwj and
they would be saying, ‘O Lordazwj! Remove this thirst from us!’
46 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 47
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Heasws said: ‘Then a people would come walking. Their light would be in front of them,
and the land of (the Day of) Judgment would be illuminated. The people gathered would
be saying, ‘They are Prophetsas of Allahazwj!’ But a Call would come to them from the
Presence of Allahazwj: “They are not Prophetsas of Allahazwj!”.
So the people of the gathering would gather (saying), ‘They are the Angels of Allah azwj!’
But the Call from the Presence of Allahazwj would come to them: “They are not Angel of
Allahazwj!”. So the people of the gathering would be saying, ‘They are martyrs!’ But the
Call from the Presence of Allahazwj would come to them: “They are not martyrs!” So they
would be saying, ‘Who are they?’ The Call from the Presence of Allah azwj would come to
them: “O people of the gathering! Ask them, ‘Who are you?’
The people of the gathering would be saying, ‘Who are you?’ So they would be saying,
‘We are the Alawiites. We are the offspring of Muhammad saww, Rasoolsaww of Allahazwj.
We are the children of Aliasws Guardian of Allahazwj, the ones particularized with the
Blessings of Allahazwj. We are the safe ones, the reassured’. So the Call from the
Presence of Allahazwj the Exalted would come to them: “Intercede regarding your loved
ones and the people who were cordial to you, and your Shias!” So they would be
interceding, and they would be interceding’.47
َح َّد َث َنا أَبُو َطاه ٍِر م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ ُن َعي ٍْم:ب َقا َل ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا َسعْ ُد بْنُ َع ْب ِد: َح َّد َث َنا أَ ِبي َقا َل:اْلسْ َنا ِد َقا َل
ِ َح َّد َث َنا َسلَ َم ُة بْنُ ْال َخ َّطا:َّللا َقا َل ِ ْ َو ِب َه َذا
ِير َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه ٍ ْن َكثِ اق َعنْ َع ْب ِد الرَّ حْ َم ِن ب ُ َّْال َور
And by this chain, said, ‘It was narrated to us from Sa’d Bin Abdullah, from Salma Bin Al Khattab, from
Abu Tahir Muhammad Bin Nuaym Al Waraq, from Abdul Rahman Bin kaseer, from his father,
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
(It has been narrated) from Al-Sadiq Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws
fatherasws, from hisasws forefathersasws having said: ‘One day Rasool-Allahsaww said to
hissaww companions: ‘Group of mysaww companions! Allahazwj the Exalted Made Aliasws as
a flag between the Eman and the hypocrisy. So the one who loves him asws, would be a
Momin, and the one who hates him would be a hypocrite. Allah azwj Majestic is Hisazwj
Majesty Made Aliasws as mysaww successorasws, and a Minaret of the Guidance. Thus,
heasws is the place of mysaww secrets, and a receptacle of mysaww knowledge, and mysaww
Caliph among mysaww people. To Allahazwj Isaww would be mysaww complaint of the one
from mysaww community who oppresses himasws’.48
]. و يلج الجنة بغير حساب فليتول علي بن أبي طالب.[قول النبي «ص» من سره أن يجوز على الصراط
The words of the Prophetsaww: ‘the one whose joy is that he should
cross the bridge and arrive to the paradise without reckoning, so let
him befriend Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws’.
ْن َعلِيٍّ َعنْ َع ِّم ِه أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر ِ ْن ْال ُح َسي
ِ ْن ب ِ ْن ْال َح َس ِن َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه ْال َح َس ِن ب ِ ْن َعنْ َع ِّم ِه م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ أَ ْخ َب َر َنا ال َّش ْي ُخ أَبُو م َُح َّم ٍد ْال َح َسنُ بْنُ ْال ُح َسي
ْن َمعْ رُوفٍ َع ِن ِ يسى َع ِن ْال َعب
ِ َّاس ب َ ِْن ع ِ َّللا َعنْ أَحْ َم َد ب
ِ ْن م َُح َّم ِد ب ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا أَ ِبي َسعْ ِد بْنُ َع ْب ِد:َّللا ُ َقا َل
َّ ْن َبا َب َو ْي ِه َر ِح َم ُه ُم
ِ ْن َعلِيِّ بِ م َُح َّم ِد ب
َ ْ
َّللا ال َعلَ ِويِّ َعنْ أ ِبي ِه َّ
ِ ْن َع ْب ِد ِ ب ى يس
َ ِع ْنعَ ِّي ور ُ ف ْعيَ ْ
ال ن
ِ ع
َ دٍ يْ َ
ز ِ ْال َح َس ِن ب
It was informed to us by the Sheykh Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn, from his uncle
Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, from his father Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Bin Ali, from his uncle Abu Ja’far
Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Babuwayh, from Abu Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa,
from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Al Hassan Bin Zayd, from Al Yafoury, from Isa Bin Abdullah Al Alawy,
from his father,
From Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws Bin Ali Al-Baqirasws, from hisasws fatherasws, from hisasws
grandfatherasws having said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The one whom it joys that he would
cross upon the Bridge like the stormy wind and arriveto the Paradise without Reckoning,
so let him befriend myasws Guardian, and mysaww successor, and mysaww companion, and
mysaww Caliph upon mysaww family and mysaww community, Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws.
And the one whom it joys that he would arrive to the Fire, so let him befriend other than
himasws, for, by the Might of mysaww Lordazwj and Hisazwj Majesty, heasws is the Door of
Allahazwj which Heazwj cannot be come to except from himasws, and heasws is the Straight
Path, and heasws is the one whose Wilayah Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic would be
Asking about on the Day of Judgment’.49
48 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 49
49 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 50
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Bashaar tul Mustafa Lay Shia tul Murtaza
] و أوصيائي سادة األوصياء و ذريتي أفضل ذريات النبيين.[قول النبى أنا سيد األنبياء و المرسلين
The words of the Prophetsaww: ‘Isaww am the chief of the Prophetsas and
the Mursilsas, and mysaww successorasws is the chief of the succesorsas,
and mysaww offspring is the most superior of the offsprings of the
It was informed to us by the Sheykh Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn in Al Rayy, in the year five
hundred and ten, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, from his father Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn,
from his uncle Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Babuway, from Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Musa, from
Muhammad Bin Ja’far Abu Al Husayn Al Asady, from Muhamad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Ja’far Bin
Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Tameemy, from his father, from Abdul Malik Bin Umeyr Al Shaybani, from his
father, from his grandfather, from Ibn Abbas who said,
ِين َوَ ِّين َو ْالمُرْ َسل ِ ين َو أَ ْوصِ َيائِي َسا َدةُ أَ ْوصِ َي
َ اء ال َّن ِبي َ ض ُل م َِن ْال َم ََل ِئ َك ِة ْال ُم َقرَّ ِب َ ِين َو أَ ْفَ أَ َنا َس ِّي ُد ْاْلَ ْن ِب َيا ِء َو ْالمُرْ َسل:َّللا ص ِ َّ َقا َل َرسُو ُل
ُِين َو ا ْب َنتِي َفاطِ َمة ْ
َ ِّين َو المُرْ َسل َّ
َ ب الن ِبي َ
ِ ض ُل أصْ َحا ْ َ ْ
َ ِين َسلكوا ِمن َها ِجي أف ُ َ َّ
َ ِين َو أصْ َح ِابي الذ َ ْ
َ ِّين َو المُرْ َسل َ ت الن ِبي َّ ُ
ِ ض ُل ذرِّ يَّا َ ُذرِّ َّيتِي أَ ْف
َ ات ْالم ُْؤ ِمن
ِين ُ َ
ُ ات ِمنْ أ ْز َوا ِجي أ َّم َه ُ ِين َو الطاه َِرَّ َ َسيِّدَ ةُ ِن َسا ِء ْال َعالَم
‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Isaww am the Chief of the Prophetsas and the Mursilsas, and am
superior than the Angels of Proximity, and mysaww successorasws is the Chief of the
succesorsas of the Prophetsas and the Mursilsas, and mysaww offspring is the most
superior of the offspring of the Prophetsas and the Mursilsas, and mysaww companions
who conducted themselves upon mysaww Manifesto are superior than the companions of
the (other) Prophetsas and the Mursilsas, and mysaww daughterasws (Syeda) Fatimaasws is
the Chieftess of the women of the worlds, and the clean ones from my saww wives are the
mothers of the Momineen.
And mysaww community is the best of the communities brought forth to the people, and
Isaww would be the most followed of the Prophetsas on the Day of Judgment, and for
mesaww is a Fountain whose width is what is between Busra (Iraq) and Sana’a (Yemen),
and therein would be pitchers of the number of the stars of the sky, and my saww Caliph
on that Day would be upon the Fountain would the one who is my saww Caliph in the
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It was said, ‘O Rasool-Allahsaww, and who is that?’ Hesaww said: ‘The Imamasws of the
Muslims and Emir of the Momineen and their Masterasws after mesaww, Aliasws Bin Abu
Talibasws. Heasws would quench hisasws friends from it and heasws would impede hisasws
enemies from it just as one of you impedes the strange one from the camels from the
Then heasws said: ‘The one who loves Aliasws and obeys himasws in the house of the world
would return to mesaww at mysaww Fountain, and he would be in mysaww Level in the
Paradise; and the one who hates Aliasws in the house of the world and disobeys him asws,
would never see himasws and would never see mesaww on the Day of Judgment would
tremble besides mesaww and would be seized with by the north (forelock) to the Fire’.50
ّ [قول النبى (ص) لعلي يا علي أنت إمام المسلمين و أمير المؤمنين و قائد الغر المحجلين و حجة
].هللا على الخلق أجمعين
ُ َح َّد َث َنا أَحْ َم ُد بْن:َّللاُ َقا َل ِ ْخ ْال ُمفِي ِد أَ ِبي َجعْ َف ٍر م َُح َّم ِد ب
َّ ْن َعلِيِّ ْب ِن َبا َب َو ْي ِه َر ِح َم ُه ُم ْ َ
ِ َقا َل َو َع ْن ُه َعنْ َع ِّم ِه َعنْ أ ِبي ِه ال َح َس ِن َعنْ َع ِّم ِه ال َّشي
ْن ْب ِن َز ْي ٍدِ ُسيَ ان ال َّن َخعِيُّ َعنْ َع ِّم ِه ْالح َ َح َّد َث َنا مُو َسى بْنُ عِ ْم َر:َّللا ْاْلَ َسدِيُّ ْال ُكوفِيُّ َقا َل ِ َّ َح َّد َث َنا م َُح َّم ُد بْنُ أَ ِبي َع ْب ِد:م َُح َّم ٍد ال َّش ْي َبانِيُّ َقا َل
:َّاس َقا َل
ٍ ْن َعب ِ ف َعنْ َسعِي ِد ب
ِ ْن ُج َبي ٍْر َع ِن اب ٍ ْن َط ِري ِ ْن َسال ٍِم َعنْ أَ ِبي ِه َعنْ َسعْ ِد ب ِ َعنْ َعلِيِّ ب
He said, ‘And from him, from his uncle Al Hassan, from his uncle Al Sheykh Al Mufeed Abu Ja’far
Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Babuwayh, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Shaybani, from Muhammad Bin Abu
Abdullah Al Asady Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Zayd, from Ali
Bin Salim, from his father, from Sa’ad Bin Tareyf, from Saeed Bin Jubeyr, from Ibn Abbas who said,
Rasool-Allahsaww said to Aliasws: ‘O Aliasws! Youasws are the Imamasws of the Muslims, and
Emir of the Momineen, and Guide of the Resplendent, and Divine Authority of Allah azwj
after mesaww upon the creatures altogether, and Chief of the succesorsas, and mysaww
successorasws is the Chief of the (succesorsas of the) Prophetsas.
50 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 51
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O Aliasws! There was an Ascension with mesaww to the seventh sky, and from it to the
Ultimate Tree ()سِ ْد َر ِة ْال ُم ْن َت َهى, and from it to the Veils of Light; and mysaww Lordazwj, Majestic
is Hisazwj Majesty, Honoured mesaww with Hisazwj Whispering. Heazwj Said to me: “O
Muhammadsaww! I said, ‘At Yourazwj service O Lordazwj, and assistance! Blessed are
Youazwj and Exalted!’ Heazwj Said: “Aliasws is the Imamasws of Myazwj Friends and a Light
for the ones who obey Meazwj, and heasws is the Word which the pious ones are
necessitated with. The one who obeys himasws, has obeyed Meazwj, and the one who
disobeys himasws has Disobeyed Meazwj! So give himasws the glad tidings of that”.
So Aliasws said: ‘O Rasool-Allahsaww! Has myasws worth reached so until Iasws am being
Mentioned over there?’ So hesaww said: ‘Yes, O Aliasws! Therefore, thank yourasws
So Aliasws fell down in Sajda for Allahazwj the Exalted upon what heasws had been
Favoured with.51
تم الجزء األول من كتاب بشارة المصطفى لشيعة المرتضى عليهما و على ذريتهما صالة رب العلي
The first part is completed from the book Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al
Murtaza, greetings of the Exalted Lordazwj be upon them bothasws and upon
theirasws offspring.
51 saww asws
Bashaarat Al Mustafa Li Shia Al Murtaza - P 1 H 52
67 out of 67