Influence of Artificial Saliva Contamination On Adhesion
Influence of Artificial Saliva Contamination On Adhesion
Influence of Artificial Saliva Contamination On Adhesion
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, 1-9-20 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8159,
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Momose Dental Clinic, 6-25-16 Kinuta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-0073, Japan
Division of Dentistry, Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s Medical Center, 2-8-29 Musashidai, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8561, Japan
Corresponding author, Kisaki SHIMAZU; E-mail:
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of artificial saliva contamination on a glass ionomer cement (GIC), a resin-modified GIC
(RMGIC), and a composite resin (CR) that was used with two different etching adhesive systems. Three surface conditions were
created on bovine teeth using artificial saliva: control (group I), mild saliva contamination (group II), and severe saliva contamination
(group III). The microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of CR with dentin was significantly lower in group III than in group I. However,
the μTBS of GIC and RMGIC with both enamel and dentin showed no significant intergroup differences. Moreover, CR exhibited
significantly greater microleakage on cementum in group III than in group I, whereas both GIC and RMGIC showed no significant
differences for both enamel and cementum. Thus, GIC and RMGIC may be suitable for preventing secondary caries after class V
restorative treatments when contamination by saliva cannot be avoided.
Keywords: Glass ionomer cements, Composite resins, Microtensile bond strength, Failure mode, Microleakage
Cavity Water, polycarboxylic acid, aluminum chloride Apply the conditioner for 10 s,
conditioner (140129). rinse for 10 s, and gently air dry.
Bond: Bis-GMA, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, ethyl alcohol, Apply the etchant for 15 s,
fillers (5450989). rinse for 15 s, and gently air dry.
Solo Plus
Gel etchant: 37.5% phosphoric Bond for 15 s, gently air dry for 10 s,
acid (5225747). and cure under light for 20 s.
of calcium and phosphate ions would prevent additional manuals; a cavity conditioner was used for F9E and
demineralization, which can alter the etching depth for 2LC, and a gel etchant was used for CR-OBS. Artificial
enamel and dentin/cementum surfaces treated with acid saliva was applied to the group II and III blocks, after
or adhesives. The artificial saliva did not contain sodium which the appropriate adhesives were applied to the
azide because there was no need to store the specimens CR-OBS and CR-SUA blocks, in accordance with their
in sodium azide. The test samples were divided into respective manufacturers’ instructions. The specimens
the following groups: group I (control), in which the were prepared using a silicone mold. The 2LC, CR-
bonding surface remained dry; group II (mild saliva OBS, and CR-SUA blocks were light-cured for 20 s
contamination), in which 0.1 mL of the artificial saliva using a visible-light curing unit (G-Light Prima-II; GC),
was placed on the bonding surface and dried slightly; whereas the F9E blocks were stored for 5 min at 37°C
and group III (severe saliva contamination), in which 0.1 and 100% relative humidity. After the silicone molds
mL of the artificial saliva was used as is. were removed, all specimens were stored in water at
37°C for 24 h. Then, eight specimens were prepared for
μTBS test each of the four materials in each of the three surface
After confirming the absence of abnormalities such as condition groups (approximate dimensions, 1×1×3 mm)
discoloration or hypoplasia on the labial side, the enamel (i.e., a total of 96 specimens each for enamel and dentin).
and dentin on the cervical area of bovine incisors were The specimens were loaded to failure under tension at a
cut into blocks using a low-speed diamond blade (IsoMet, crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min using a universal testing
Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA). These blocks were machine (Autograph EZ-S; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan).
embedded in an acrylic resin (Unifast II, GC). Next, the The enamel/dentin side of all fractured specimens
enamel or dentin surfaces of the blocks were polished from each group was air-dried and examined with a
using 600-grit sandpaper. The blocks were then divided scanning electron microscope (Miniscope TM3000;
into the three groups. Blocks in each of the three groups Hitachi High-Technologies, Tokyo, Japan) operating at
were then further divided into four material categories: 15 kV. The fracture modes were classified as follows: (1)
F9E, 2LC, CR-OBS, and CR-SUA. The surfaces of cohesive failure in the restorative material; (2) mixed
the F9E, 2LC, and CR-OBS blocks were treated in fractures; (3) adhesive failure at the enamel/dentin-
accordance with the instructions in their respective restorative materials interface; (4) cohesive failure in
Dent Mater J 2020; : – 3
Statistical analysis
Before performing any analyses for multiple group
comparisons, the homogeneity of variance was
assessed with Levene’s test. As Levene’s test revealed
no significant differences among the groups, one-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze
group differences in enamel/dentin μTBS and enamel/
cementum microleakage distances in each material. A
p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
When one-way ANOVA showed a significant difference
Fig. 3 The distribution of failure modes in each material for the three groups. The percentage
surface area of a particular failure mode in each group represented the ratio of the
fracture surface area exhibited by that failure mode to the total surface area in all the
fracture specimens. (a) Enamel surface area and (b) dentin surface area.
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