Effect of Denture Cleansers On Cobalt-Chromium Alloy Surface: A Simulated Period of 5 Years' Use
Effect of Denture Cleansers On Cobalt-Chromium Alloy Surface: A Simulated Period of 5 Years' Use
Effect of Denture Cleansers On Cobalt-Chromium Alloy Surface: A Simulated Period of 5 Years' Use
Keywords Abstract
Confocal laser scanning microscopy;
removable partial denture; scanning electron
Purpose: To compare the effect of solutions of effervescent tablets (ET), cetylpyri-
microscopy; surface roughness. dinium chloride (CPC), and experimental solutions of Ricinus communis on the surface
of cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) alloys.
Correspondence Materials and Methods: Fifty-five specimens of Co-Cr were prepared by the lost-
Dr Valéria Oliveira Pagnano, Department of wax casting method using circular patterns (࢝12 × 3 mm). The specimens were
Dental Materials and Prosthetics, Dental randomly divided into 5 groups: deionized water (control); 2% R. communis; 10%
School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São R. communis; ET, and CPC. The surface roughness of specimens (n = 10) was
Paulo, Avenida do Café, s/n, Monte Alegre, evaluated before immersion (baseline), and at simulated times of ½, 1, 2, 3, 4, and
14040–904, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. 5 years, by laser confocal microscope (Sa, μm) and profilometer (Ra, μm). The
E-mail: valpag@forp.usp.br. surface topography and chemical composition (n = 1) was qualitatively analyzed
with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry
This study was funded in part by the (EDS). Data were subjected to Kruskal–Wallis followed by Dunn tests, and Friedman
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal followed by Wilcoxon tests (α = 0.05).
de Nı́vel Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance
Results: For Sa, there was no difference for the solution factor. For the time factor a
Code 001.
significant difference was found with 2% R. communis solution among baseline and
The authors deny any conflicts of interest in ½, 2, 3, and 5 years (p < 0.001) and with 10% R. communis solution between 1 and
regards to the present study. 2 years (p = 0.007), with decreasing roughness over time. For Ra, cetylpyridinium
chloride exhibited less roughness than 10% R. communis solution in ½ (p = 0.048)
Accepted October 11, 2018 and 5 years (p = 0.013). In the SEM and EDS analysis the solutions did not present
deleterious effects or changes in the chemical composition on the surfaces.
doi: 10.1111/jopr.12996 Conclusions: Although a significant difference was found for the roughness, the
results, below 0.2 μm, are clinically acceptable. Thus, all solutions can be used safely
in removable partial denture cleaning for a period of 5 years.
Removable partial dentures (RPDs) have a complex structure is easy to manipulate and allows access to the more retentive
and are made up of different types of materials, which tends areas that accumulate biofilm.5
to make them difficult to clean.1 Acrylic resin, although sus- Chemical solutions have proven antimicrobial action and are
ceptible to surface changes,2 has been extensively studied with effective in the removal of biofilm,7-9 having special importance
various cleaning methods; however, in relation to the metal in the remission of denture stomatitis.10 However, it has been
surface, the literature is scarce, and there is still no consensus reported that some cleansers promote adverse effects on the
regarding the most advisable cleanser.3 Thus, there is no clean- metallic surface, making them impracticable for use in RPD
ing protocol that can be proven safe and indicated for RPDs cleaning, since compatibility with the constituent materials of
that are widely used by the population. the denture is an important requirement for denture cleansers.11
The mechanical method of brushing, although the most com- Effervescent cleansing tablets are commonly indicated and,
mon and accessible, may not be as effective for the unmotivated their use is often recommended in the literature.1,12 There are
elderly, or for people who are physically incapable of promoting reports that they do not provide deleterious effects in relation
adequate cleaning of their prostheses, due to either manual or to the hardness and surface roughness of the metal alloys,11,13
visual limitations.4 Thus, chemical immersion is often used to besides being effective in the removal of biofilm.14 However,
accompany or replace the mechanical method of cleaning, pro- although these compounds are indicated by manufacturers for
viding satisfactory results.5,6 In addition, chemical immersion denture cleaning, undesirable effects such as oxidation of the
metal surface15 and release of ions11,16 have been found. In Materials and methods
addition, they have a relatively high cost, which makes ac-
cess difficult for some. NitrAdine effervescent tablet has been Table 1 presents the experimental groups used in the study
reported as having effective antimicrobial action against Can- and their respective immersion times. Fifty-five wax patterns
dida albicans,14,17 unlike other tablets.17 In addition, there are were obtained (GEO; Renfert GmbH, Hilzingen, Germany) in
reports that it does not cause adverse effects on the surface of disk shape (࢝12 × 3 mm) from a metal mold. They were
the acrylic resin.2,15,18 incrusted and used to cast the Co-Cr alloy (64.8% Co, 28.5%
Mouthwashes are also among the products most used by the Cr, 5.3% Mo, 0.5% Si, 0.5% Mn, 0.4% C - DeguDent; Dentsply
population for cleaning dentures. Among them is cetylpyri- Ind. e Com. Ltda., Petropolis, Brazil) by lost-wax technique as
dinium chloride (CPC), which has been reported as effective described by Bezzon et al.26
against C. albicans in complete dentures immersed for a pe- The metal discs were polished with 220-, 400-, 600-, and
riod of 8 hours,8 besides not causing change of roughness in 1200-grit sandpaper (Norton Abrasivos, Guarulhos, Brazil)
cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) alloy for 6 months of use with daily in a polishing machine (Aropol-E; Arotec, Wellington, New
immersions of 10 minutes.15 However, because mouthwashes Zealand), and by a lathe (Kota, Cotia, Brazil) with diamond
are not specific for denture immersion, adequate guidelines for polishing paste with granulation of 2 to 3 μm (Saphir; Renfert
this use are not provided, and they may cause damage to the GmbH). A homogeneous surface was obtained with an initial
components of a prosthesis when used for a long period (RPD surface roughness between 0.04 and 0.10 μm. All metal discs
lifetime has been reported to be 5 years).1,19 were cleaned by ultrasound (Ultra Cleaner USC 750; Unique,
For complete dentures, castor oil (Ricinus communis) has São Paulo, Brazil) with isopropyl alcohol for 10 minutes, for
been evaluated as a cleanser7,9,11,20-22 due to its antifungal and surface washing and removal of any residue.
antibacterial characteristics, confirmed by studies related to The metal disks were randomly distributed in 5 experimental
endodontics.23 According to Pisani et al,21 R. communis can groups (n = 11) according to the cleanser solutions used (Fig 1).
be seen as an alternative, inexpensive, and safe substance to be Initial surface topography analysis and qualitative evaluation of
used by the population. Although there are studies related to the surface composition of the Co-Cr alloy was performed on
the proven antimicrobial action of castor oil7,9,24 and its adverse one specimen of each group by scanning electron microscopy
effects on acrylic resin,20,25 its action on dental alloys and the (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)11 and
best concentration to be used have not yet been evaluated. measurement of the surface roughness values (n = 10). The
Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of specimens were then placed in plastic containers with 150 mL
the experimental cleaning aqueous solution of R. communis in of cleanser solution. All solutions were maintained at room
different concentrations (2%, 10%), of the effervescent tablet temperature, except the solution with the effervescent tablet in
(NitrAdine), and of CPC on the surface of Co-Cr alloy, for the which the distilled water was heated to 37°C,13 according to
simulated period of 5 years. The null hypothesis was that there the manufacturer’s instructions, in an oven (DeLeo Laboratory
would be no clinically relevant alteration of the Co-Cr alloy Equipment, Porto Alegre, Brazil). The solution was then kept
surface due to the use of different cleaning solutions tested in the oven to maintain this temperature during the 8 hours of
during a simulated period of 5 years’ use. action of the solution, after which the solution was exchanged.27
To evaluate the roughness by profilometer (Surftest SJ-201P;
Mitutoyo Corp., Kawasaki, Japan), 3 readings were obtained on
the polished surface of each specimen to obtain an arithmetic
mean of the profile roughness deviations (Ra, μm). The surface
analyzer was calibrated at a 0.8-mm sample length, 4.0-mm
Figure 2 Matrix and positioning of the specimen. percussion of measure, and 0.5-mm/sec speed.
In search of an RPD cleaning method that preserves the metallic
Surface roughness
surface, this study evaluated the surface roughness of the Co-Cr
Micrographs of the initial and final surface aspects of the Co-Cr metal alloy commonly used in the construction of RPDs against
alloys immersed in different solutions were obtained by laser the use of chemical cleansers, such as 2% and 10% R. commu-
confocal microscopy (Fig 3). The initial appearance of the Co- nis, effervescent tablet, and CPC. Since a roughness below 0.2
Cr alloy surface was preserved in the final appearance, that μm is considered clinically acceptable because it does not pro-
is, there were no significant alterations of topography, and the mote microbial adhesion,29,30 the null hypothesis of this study
H2 O 0.55(0.52; 0.62)a,A 0.56(0.50; 0.65)a,A 0.57(0.49; 0.68)a,A 0.57(0.50; 0.67)a,A 0.60(0.53; 0.70)a,A 0.56(0.49; 0.68)a,A 0.57(0.47; 0.65)a,A 0.572
2% Rc 0.66(0.59; 0.73)a,A 0.53(0.46; 0.63)a,B 0.52(0.47; 0.56)a,AB 0.55(0.46; 0.63)a,B 0.50(0.45; 0.55)a,B 0.57(0.49; 0.59)a,AB 0.54(0.47; 0.61)a,B <0.001
10% Rc 0.52(0.43; 0.66)a,AB 0.52(0.45; 0.67)a,AB 0.53(0.47; 0.69)a,B 0.50(0.44; 0.65)a,A 0.52(0.44; 0.71)a,AB 0.54(0.47; 0.69)a,AB 0.52(0.44; 0.63)a,AB 0.007
ET 0.63(0.51; 0.69)a,A 0.59(0.52; 0.68)a,A 0.62(0.53; 0.75)a,A 0.60(0.52; 0.67)a,A 0.58(0.50; 0.69)a,A 0.62(0.51; 0.73)a,A 0.59(0.52; 0.74)a,A 0.489
CPC 0.51(0.48; 0.69)a,A 0.53(0.47; 0.63)a,A 0.57(0.49; 0.65)a,A 0.57(0.45; 0.63)a,A 0.56(0.46; 0.67)a,A 0.56(0.48; 0.65)a,A 0.51(0.44; 0.60)a,A 0.030
Effect of Denture Cleansers on Co-Cr
Table 3 Median (95% confidence interval) of the surface roughness (Ra, μm) for the different times / cleanser solutions
H2 O 0.08(0.06; 0.09)a,A 0.07(0.06; 0.07)ab,AB 0.06(0.05; 0.07)a,B 0.06(0.06; 0.07)a,AB 0.07(0.06; 0.07)a,AB 0.07(0.05; 0.07)a,AB 0.07(0.06; 0.08)ab,AB 0.013
2% Rc 0.08(0.06; 0.08)a,A 0.06(0.05; 0.08)ab,A 0.06(0.05; 0.07)a,A 0.07(0.05; 0.07)a,A 0.06(0.05; 0.07)a,A 0.07(0.06; 0.08)a,A 0.06(0.05; 0.07)ab,A 0.271
Table 4 Quantitative analysis (% by mass) of the chemical elements before and after the 5-year immersion simulation
Solutions Phases Co Cr Mo O
H2 O - Deionized water (control); 2% Rc - 2% R. communis; 10% Rc - 10% R. communis; ET- Effervescent tablet (NitrAdine) e; CPC- Cetylpyridinium chloride.
Currently, the manufacturer recommends immersion only 2 tivity in complete dentures,7 and to 0.5% sodium hypochlorite
times a week, that is, every 3.5 days, a fact that decreases the when used in root canals with pulp necrosis.23 R. communis
exposure of the metal to the action of the constituent elements presents benefits such as low cost, biocompatibility, and deter-
of the effervescent tablet. Moreover, the new formulation has gent properties.38 In this way, the solution of R. communis can
the addition of sodium carbonate (neutral salt), which may be safely indicated in the concentrations evaluated as an RPD
contribute toward preserving or decreasing the amount of cleanser. It is cultivated in many countries, thus its production
oxygen in the surfaces of metallic specimens, which may be and commercialization is feasible for denture users.
why the oxygen content did not increase as Felipucci et al’s The cleanser 0.5 mg CPC is classified as a cationic surfactant
study.15 Furthermore, unlike most commercially available having antibacterial action.39 The results obtained in this study
effervescent tablets, which include sodium perborate or sodium corroborate Felipucci et al16 and Davi et al’s findings2 that the
percarbonate as an oxygen-releasing agent, and an alkaline surface of the dental alloys used in the manufacture of partial
detergent such as trisodium phosphate,36 NitrAdine contains dentures showed no change due to the use of this solution. In
citric acid, responsible for breaking bridges of calcium ions addition, this solution does not cause oxidation in the Co-Cr
that act as chemical binding sites for the extracellular polymer alloy or change the roughness of the acrylic resin,15 and can
chains, contributing to its antimicrobial action,37 and sodium thus be seen as an alternative for denture cleaning.
lauryl sulfate, which is a detergent used in the solubilization The simulated immersion periods varied according
of proteins. Thus, it is possible that the different components to the manufacturers’ recommendations and literature
that contribute to its effectiveness14,36 do not change the Co-Cr findings,2,9,16,18,20,25 and the solutions tested were selected
surface. according to their properties. Our findings show the effects
The solutions of 2% R. communis, and 10% R. communis of these cleansers over the lifetime of the denture, bring-
promoted significant changes of the surface roughness (Sa) as ing information on the adverse effects not yet reported in
a function of time, when the metallic specimens were evalu- the literature, since the studies found were of short-term
ated by the laser confocal microscope. Experimental solutions evaluations.2,13,15,16,18
presented a tendency to decrease roughness in ½, 2, 3, and Complementary qualitative analysis confirmed the findings
5 years in 2% R. communis, and 1 and 2 years in 10% R. of the quantitative analysis; there were no changes in texture,
communis. According to Pisani et al,20 the loss of soluble com- staining, oxidation, or any other deleterious effect promoted
ponents during immersions may cause the formation of voids by the solutions. From the EDS analysis, it was observed that
or bubbles with a configuration of peaks and valleys responsi- there was a tendency for the oxygen levels to decrease over
ble for the roughness, and when the solubilization happens in time immersed, confirming the absence of oxidation of the
the peaks, the final average roughness decreases, making the metal surface. As a control solution, deionized water was used,
specimen smoother. However, as previously mentioned, the dif- as in other works of the group,2,15,16,18 to avoid any interference
ferences between times were occasional and not for all groups. to the surface roughness due to the release of ions which would
Additionally, there is no way to compare these findings with occur when using tap or distilled water. According to the ob-
other authors because none evaluated the action of R. com- tained results, from different complementary methodologies,
munis in dental alloy, this being a pioneering study in this the tested solutions did not promote adverse effects that could
evaluation. harm the Co-Cr surface. It is expected that these results will be
These results demonstrate that solutions of both 2% and 10% associated with other variables, so that there is a consensus for
R. communis (Table 3) provided clinically acceptable values of indication of RPD cleaning methods, considering its limitations
roughness,29,30 and did not cause deleterious effects on the and means of action. Thus, it will be possible for the dentist to
Co-Cr surface. R. communis, despite its mechanism of action safely indicate the best cleaning method for RPD users.
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