Comparison of Cellulose Extraction From Sugarcane
Comparison of Cellulose Extraction From Sugarcane
Comparison of Cellulose Extraction From Sugarcane
11 648
4 authors, including:
Motaung Tshwafo
University of South Africa
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Received: August 22, 2018; Revised: July 27, 2018; Accepted: September 28, 2018
This article investigated the cellulose obtained from sugarcane bagasse by five different extraction
mercerization methods. The comparison of the methods gives a clearer picture of that is more effective
and feasible for production of SCB cellulose. All the celluloses were characterised by X-Ray Diffraction
(XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM) and Optical Microscope (OM). All the methods led to white material resembling
pure cellulose due to removal of non-cellulosic constituents as can be seen by disappearance of aromatic
bands. The removal indicated a decrease in diameter and improved thermal stability in most methods.
The materials in general stand a better chance of competing as fillers for polymeric composites.
Keywords: Sugar cane bagasse, extraction methods, cellulose, crystallinity.
1. Introduction
removes most of the residual phenolic molecules like lignin
The extraction of cellulose from natural matrix in plants or polyphenols.
involves the removal of lignin, hemicelluloses and pectins. There are lot of different methods used to extract cellulose,
Over the past few years, a lot of methods have been suggested nonetheless the literature is virtually mute about a methodical
and used by different researchers to extract cellulose from comparison of properties from different methods and possible
different plants 1-17. The methods generally involve basic benefits for different applications. Five different methods of
or oxidative treatments that have the ability to discharge extraction of cellulose from the same sugar cane bagasse
cellulose. Alternatively, treatment with peracids has been were used in this study. Characterization techniques used
used to extract cellulose. This step is significant due to the for comparison included TGA, FTIR, XRD, OM, and SEM.
ability to change the thermal stability and crystallinity of a
cellulosic material. Other researchers used an acid-induced 2. Experimental
destructuring process, during which the heterogeneous acid
hydrolysis involves the diffusion of acid molecules into cellulose 2.1 Materials
fibres, followed by cleavage of glycosidic bonds. That was
followed by centrifugation, dialysis and ultrasonication 18. Sugarcane bagasse was obtained from a sugarcane mill
Most studies used six steps, which were the pre-treatment in Felixton near Empangeni, South Africa. Acetic acid was
of the fibres with sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, obtained from Laboratory Consumables and Chemical
sodium hydroxide and Na2B4O7.10H2O, HNO3 and HAc, Suppliers, sodium sulphite and sodium hydroxide were
ethanol, water and finally drying the product in an oven until obtained from Merk, sodium chlorite was obtained from
constant weight. Other researchers involved the treatment Sigma Aldrich, and sodium hypochlorite was obtained from
of fibres with sodium chlorite which facilitated the removal a local supermarket. All chemicals were used without further
of lignin, which was followed by NaOH and drying until purification, but were prepared to the desired concentrations.
constant weight 19. Although both methods resulted in cellulose
2.2. Extraction of cellulose from sugarcane
with significant quantities of hemicelluloses or lignin, the
first procedure was less environmentally aggressive, while
the second involved less process time and led to fibres with
2.2.1. Method 1(M1)
more homogeneous diameter distribution.
Treatments consisting of alkali extraction and bleaching Sugarcane bagasse was boiled in water (4hrs). Soaked
have been the mostly used in the extraction of cellulose 20. in 4% sodium hydroxide (4hrs), followed by treating with
The alkali extraction treatment allows the removal of soluble 4 % sodium hypochlorite and 2% sodium hydroxide (4hrs)
polysaccharides, and the subsequent bleaching treatment at 100 ºC before washing with distilled water to pH neutral.
The final product was dried at room temperature for 2 days.
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2 Mzimela et al. Materials Research
Figure 3. SEM micrographs of cellulose extracted from sugarcane bagasse through method 1 (c, d), method 2 (e, f)
4 Mzimela et al. Materials Research
Figure 4. SEM micrographs of cellulose extracted from sugarcane bagasse through method 3(g, h) andmethod
4 (i, j)
Figure 5. SEM micrographs of cellulose extracted from sugarcane bagasse through method 5
Figure 6. FTIR spectra of the methods used for the extraction of cellulose from sugarcane bagasse
Comparison of Cellulose Extraction from Sugarcane Bagasse Through Alkali 5
The M1 revealed low O-H stretching band compared to Table 1. Crystallinity index and Crystallite size values of the methods.
the rest, except M3 which showed the lowest. Furthermore, it 2θ (Main Crystallinity Crystallite size
revealed the aromatic peak at 1597 cm-1, whereas other were reflection) index (%) (nm)
reflected almost at 1640 cm-1. The O-H stretching band for M1 23.08 68 5.2 ± 2.1
M2 is more intense than all and not showing a peak at 1250 M2 22.98 70 5.0 ± 1.5
cm-1 compared to the rest. As for M3, most of the aromatic M3 22.63 67 3.9 ± 0.4
peaks (e.g. 1197 cm-1) have almost disappeared. The M4 M4 23.32 72 3.8 ± 1.2
and M5 followed the same trend as M3, even though their
M5 22.63 73 4.0 ± 2.2
peaks are slightly intense than M3 including O-H stretching.
Figure 7. XRD diffractograms of the five methods used for the extraction of cellulose from sugarcane Bagasse
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