Syllabus MO Dentist 020211

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A. Medical Subjects :-
- Detailed Anatomy & Osteology of Head & Neck
- Study of cranial nerves - indetail extracranial course 5th, 7th
- Basic chemistry & fate of haemoglobin, blood groups, WBC types, number, variations, function,
formation, circulation.
- Pituitary gland - Hormones, actions & abnormal function.
- Inflammation - Acute & chronic inflammation, repair of wound.
- Hemorrhage, Shock, Syncope
- Circulatory disturbance & Hypertension.
- Introduction to Bacteriology with special reference to medical & Dental Bacteriology.
- Immunity & immunizing agents.
- Biochemistry applied to Dental Science.
- Cardiovascular Drugs - Vasopressor agents & treatment of shock.
- Drugs acting on blood - anticoagulants, coagulants & hematinic
- Vitamins
- Antiseptics, astringents.
- Medical emergencies in Dental practice.
- Congenital & rheumatic heart disease.
- Anaemia, coagulation defects, bleeding diseases
- Allergy, Drug reactions

B. Dental Subjects :-
- Principles and techniques of impression making in complete Dentures. Principle of retention &
- Jaw Relations & methods of registration.
- Immediate complete & partial dentures.
- Components of removable partial denture & their functions.
- Surveyors & mouth preparation.
- Designing of removable partial dentures.
- Acrylic partial denture
- Principle of tooth reduction
- Surgical Retractors.
- Selection and fabrication of pontics & retainers.
- Filling materials both adults & children.
- Modern development and advance knowledge of restorative materials, procedure, cutting tools,
drugs and chemicals uses in conservative dentistry.
- Conservative Dentistry in relation to other branches of dentristry including geriatric dentistry.
- Rationale, care & sterilization of Endodontic instruments.
- Treatment of vital & non vital pulp Surgical treatment in endodontics.
- Bleaching of teeth.
- Local Anaesthetic Drugs
- G.A. – Pre-medication, chair side sedation, Drugs used in G.A., P.A.C.
- Uses of Antibiotics in Oral surgery.
- Diseases of salivary glands.
- impacted teeth & fracture of jaws.
- Franclin of middle 1/3 and mandible.
- Oral Surgical Complications & their management
- Osteomyelitis
- Dental caries & sequelae.
- Effects of nutritional disturbances & normal disorders of oral para oral structures.
- Infections of oral & para oral structures.
- Pathological and non-pathological lesions of hard tissues of the teeth, advance knowledge of
etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
- Radiology of Head & Neck including CT & MRI with their interpretation.
- Study of Principals & Techniques of Oral Cytology and Oral Biopsy Procedures.
- Cysts & Neoplasms of oral cavity.
- Pre cancerous lesions & etiology, pathology & treatment.

- TMJ diseases & management

- Effects of radiation on oral & para oral strucures.
- Oral microbiology
- Blood dyscrasias & their management.
- Systemic Diseases with their oral menifestations.
- Diseases of reticuloendo thelial system and auto immuno diseases.
- Forensic odontology
- Normal occlusion & its characteristics
- Malocclusion - Type, classification & etiology.
- Aims & scope of the science of Dental materials.
- Important physical properties applicable to Dental Materials including their biological
- Development of Jaws and its growth. Development of teeth and surrounding structures and
calcification (including Theories) of hard tissues.
- Eruption and shedding of teeth.
- Age changes in Teeth as surrounding stone structures.
- Psychology - Psychological development from birth to adolescence. Management of child in the
dental office.
- Norms for potability purification of water and disposal of wastes.
- Introduction defination, objectives and functions of public Health dentist.
- School and dental public health programme.
- Ethics. Dental Council of India. Indians Dental Association.
- Classification of gingival and Periodontal disturbances.
- Gingival enlargement.
- Local and systemic factors in the causation of gingival and periodontal lesions.
- Periodontitis and sequelae.
- Prognosis
- Treatment of all gingival and periodontal. distrubances. Treatment planning, phases and rationale.
Different available Therapeutic measures.
- Preventive. Periodontics, Concept of focal infections.
- Treatment of traumatized Teeth.
- Mouth habits and their management
- Importance of first permanent molar and splints.
- Lasers in Dentistry.
- Dental Implants – Classification, available biomaterials diagnosis, treatment planning, root from
implant surgery, prosthetic phase, maintenance & complications.
- Recent advances in dentistry.
Note :- Pattern of Question Paper
1. Objective type paper
2. Maximum Marks : 100
3. Number of Questions : 100
4. Duration of paper : Two Hours
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There will be Negative marking

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