1-Enamel Answers
1-Enamel Answers
1-Enamel Answers
Dr: 3mmar
Chapter 2 : ( Enamel )
1- Enamel is:
a. An ectodermal tissue covering the anatomical crown.
b. A mesodermal tissue covering the crown.
c. An endodermal tissue.
d. A mesenchymal tissue.
3- Enamel is by:
a. 88-90 % mineral, 10-12 % organic matrix and water.
b. 76% mineral, 20% organic matrix, 4 water.
c. 25% mineral, 12% organic matrix, 3% water.
d. 96% mineral, 1-2% organic material, 2-3% water.
11- ameloblasts with ruffled border have Distal tight , leaky proximal junctions .
a) true b) false
13- Which of the following does not occur during maturation of enamel?
a- Influx of calcium and phosphorus. b- Growth of hydroxyapatite crystals.
c- Increase in organic content. d-Decrease in the water content.
15- Organic components of enamel are primarily removed from enamel by…… ameloblasts
a- Secretory b- Maturative. c- Transitional. d- all of the above.
16- The main difference between the rod and the interrod region is crystal ……………
a- size. b- orientation. c- composition. d- form
18- The extensions from secretory ameloblast cells that give structure
to enamel rods are called:
a) Enamel tuft. b) Tomes processes.
c) Enamel spindles. d) Enamel lamellae.
26- Concerning the rod sheath, one of the following statement is incorrect:
a. It occupies the peripheral part of the E. rod.
b. It forms the border where crystals of the rod and interrod enamel meet.
c. It is highly calcified than the rod.
d. It has a higher organic content thus resists decalcification more than the rod.
28- The prism sheath: a- Is a dense continuous sheath separating rod from inter-rod.
b- Result from abrupt change in crystals orientation.
c- Is more mineralized than rod and inter-rod.
d- Found in prismless enamel.
32- The complex arrangement of rods over the cusps of teeth is termed:
a- Prismless enamel b- Gnarled enamel.
c- Prenatal enamel. d- Postnatal enamel.
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46- The formation of the enamel matrix between two short increments needs:
a. One day. b. Two days. c. Three drays. d-Four days.
52- All of the following statements about the incremental lines of Retzius
in enamel are true except:
a- They run as concentric lines over the cusp.
b- Perikymata are outer manifestations of it.
c- They are formed as result of rhythmic apposition.
d- They do not reach the cervical region.
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53- Enamel tufts and Enamel lamella resemble each other, in that both:
a. Are formed after to tooth eruption.
b. Extend over full thickness of the enamel.
c. Are hypermineralized structures.
d. Are oriented in a vertical direction perpendicular on the DEJ.
54- All of the following statements about the incremental lines of Retzius
in Enamel are true except:
a. In longitudinal section they run obliquely, relative to D.E.J.
b. Perikymata in newly erupted teeth are manifestations of the lines of Retzius.
c. They are formed as a result of rhythmic variations in the calcification.
d. Under no conditions can a line of Retzius to be a neonatal line.
56- The structures which are not seen in a decalcified section are:
a- Dentinal tubules. b- Incremental lines of Retzius.
c- Secondary dentin. d- Cellular cementum.
57- perikymata:
a- Is an optical phenomena resulting from changes in direction of enamel rods.
b- Is a highly mineralized outer enamel surface.
c- Is formed of transverse grooves, represents an outer manifestation of
brown stria of Retzius.
d- Found at the cusp tip.
58- Perikymata:
a- Are oriented parallel to the long axis of the crown (tooth).
b- Are surface manifestation of Retzius lines.
c- Are only located in prismless enamel.
d- Produce the scalloping seen along the DEJ.
60- Incremental lines of Retzius form grooves on the surface of the enamel termed:
a- Perikymata. b- Neonatal lines. c- Gnarled enamel. d- Enamel cuticle
67- All of the following structures in enamel are ectodermal origin except:
a- Enamel spindle. b- Enamel prisms.
c- Enamel lamellae (type A). d- Enamel tufts.
75- Enamel tufts and enamel lamellae resemble each other in that both:
a- Are formed prior to tooth eruption only.
b- Extend over full thickness of the enamel.
c- Are hypermineralized structures.
d- Are hypomineralized structures.
80- When prismless enamel is formed, the secretory ameloblast does not contain:
a- Rough endoplasmic reticulum. b- Tome's process.
c- Nucleus. d- Secretory granules.
87- In mature dental tissues, the only tissue whose cells are lost is:
a. Dentin. b. Enamel c. Cementum. d. Pulp.
89- The stimulus that initiates the actual formation of Enamel matrix seems to be the:
a. Presence of predentin.
b. Reduction of stellate reticulum.
c. Influence of increased vascularization of the dental sac.
d. Reversal of functional polarity of ameloblast.
99. In which of the following locations does enamel reach its maximum thickness?
a. Cervical margin. b. Occlusal surface.
c. Cusp tips. d. Buccal surface.
103. Which of the following features within groups of rods provides enamel
with strength for mastication and biting?
a. Intertwining and points of stress.
b. Bending at different angles to adjacent groups.
c. Running perpendicular to the surface.
d. Interdigitating with its neighbor.
107. Which of the following are cracks in the surface of enamel that are
visible to the naked eye?
a. Enamel spindles. b. Incremental lines.
c. Line of Retzius. d. Enamel lamellae.
108. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding enamel lamellae?
a. Form during enamel development.
b. Tubular defects.
c. Possible avenue for dental caries.
d. Stress cracks that occur because of impact.
111. Which of the following features arise from scalloped peaks at the DEJ?
a. Enamel lamellae. b. Enamel spindles.
c. Enamel tufts. d. Incremental lines.
112. Which of the following are dentinal tubules passing through the DEJ into enamel?
a. Enamel lamellae. b. Enamel tufts.
c. Enamel spindles. d. Dead tracts.
113. Which of the following features may contribute to the vitality of the DEJ?
a. Enamel spindles. b. Enamel tufts.
c. Enamel lamellae. d. Neonatal line.
117. Which of the following features is NOT correct regarding prismless enamel?
a. 20-40 μm thick.
b. No Schreger band effect is noted.
c. Accentuated except near the cervical region and in deciduous teeth.
d. Enhances the integrity of the enamel surface.
118. Fluid and fine particles can pass through unbroken enamel by
which of the following pathways?
a. Lamellae. b. Tufts. c. Spindles. d. Leakage.
120. Which of the following factors account for the extreme hardness of enamel
in contrast to dentin?
a. Crystal size. b. Crystal shape.
c. Inorganic components. d. Organic component.
121. Which of the following features do NOT account for the lateral speed of
caries along the dentinoenamel junction?
a. Hypocalcified tufts. b. Lamellae.
c. Incremental lines. d. Prism-free zone.
1 a 41 d 81 c 121 d
2 b 42 c 82 d 122 b
3 d 43 c 83 c 123 a
4 b 44 c 84 b 124 c
5 c 45 d 85 b 125
6 c 46 a 86 a 126
7 a 47 b 87 b 127
8 c 48 a 88 b 128
9 d 49 a 89 a 129
10 b 50 d 90 d 130
11 a 51 d 91 d 131
12 d 52 c 92 d 132
13 c 53 d 93 a 133
14 d 54 d 94 c 134
15 b 55 b 95 b 135
16 b 56 b 96 c 136
17 b 57 c 97 d 137
18 b 58 b 98 a 138
19 d 59 b 99 b 139
20 d 60 a 100 c 140
21 c 61 a 101 b 141
22 b 62 d 102 c 142
23 d 63 a 103 b 143
24 a 64 c 104 a 144
25 b 65 c 105 a 145
26 c 66 d 106 b 146
27 b 67 a 107 d 147
28 b 68 d 108 b 148
29 b 69 c 109 b 149
30 a 70 a 110 a 150
31 c 71 b 111 b 151
32 b 72 a 112 c 152
33 b 73 d 113 a 153
34 d 74 b 114 c 154
35 c 75 d 115 a 155
36 a 76 c 116 c 156
37 d 77 b 117 c 157
38 d 78 d 118 d 158
39 b 79 c 119 c 159
40 a 80 b 120 a 160