1-Enamel Answers

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Chapter 2 : ( Enamel )
1- Enamel is:
a. An ectodermal tissue covering the anatomical crown.
b. A mesodermal tissue covering the crown.
c. An endodermal tissue.
d. A mesenchymal tissue.

2- The origin of enamel is:

a- neural crest cells b- Ectoderm.
c- Mesoderm. d- Ectomesenchyme.

3- Enamel is by:
a. 88-90 % mineral, 10-12 % organic matrix and water.
b. 76% mineral, 20% organic matrix, 4 water.
c. 25% mineral, 12% organic matrix, 3% water.
d. 96% mineral, 1-2% organic material, 2-3% water.

4- Which of the following contains the highest concentration of hydroxyapatite:

a-cementum. b-enamel. c-primary dentine. d-secondary dentine.

5- The predominant organic portion of mature Enamel. is:

a. Calcium. b. Fluoride.
c. Enamelin. d. Phosphate.

6- The direction of enamel rods in general is:

a-parallel to the outer surface of enamel.
b-parallel to dentine.
c-perpindicular to the amelo-dentinal junction.

7- Which of the following statements about Enamel is false?

a. The heads of enamel rods are directed cervically, the tails occlusally.
b. Rod sheaths are relatively hypocalcified areas surrounding the rods.
c. Human E rods in cross section have an outline similar to a keyhole.
d. Hydroxyapatite crystals run parallel to long axis of the rods,
perpendicular to it in interrod region .

8- The predominant organic portion of mature Enamel. is:

a. Calcium. b. Fluoride. c. Enamelin. d. Phosphate.

9- Which of the following is the source of nutrient supply to

the secretory ameloblasts during early crown formation?
a- Subodontoblastic plexus of capillaries.
b- Central blood vessels in the dental papilla.
c- Dental sac capillaries adjacent to the epithelial diaphragm.
d- Dental sac capillaries adjacent to the outer dental epithelium.

10 - Ameloblasts having ruffled borders are………………… ameloblasts

a- Secretory. b- Maturative. c- Protective. d- Transitional.

11- ameloblasts with ruffled border have Distal tight , leaky proximal junctions .
a) true b) false

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12- Maturative ameloblasts are characterized by having:

a- A distally positioned nucleus. b- A highly basophilic cytoplasm.
c- A highly-developed Golgi complex. d- a distal cell membrane with many infoldings.

13- Which of the following does not occur during maturation of enamel?
a- Influx of calcium and phosphorus. b- Growth of hydroxyapatite crystals.
c- Increase in organic content. d-Decrease in the water content.

14- During maturation stage of enamel formation, which of the following

does not occur in ameloblastic layer?
a- Water absorption. b- Protein absorption.
c- Change in cellular organelles. d- Secretion of enamel matrix.

15- Organic components of enamel are primarily removed from enamel by…… ameloblasts
a- Secretory b- Maturative. c- Transitional. d- all of the above.

16- The main difference between the rod and the interrod region is crystal ……………
a- size. b- orientation. c- composition. d- form

17- The prismatic structure of enamel is due to:

a- Variation in the density of organic material.
b- Variation in crystal orientation.
c- A rhythmic pattern of apposition.
d- The periodic change in prism direction.

18- The extensions from secretory ameloblast cells that give structure
to enamel rods are called:
a) Enamel tuft. b) Tomes processes.
c) Enamel spindles. d) Enamel lamellae.

19- The primary enamel cuticle is formed by the:

a- outer enamel epithelium.
b- Ameloblasts just before tooth eruption.
c- Fusion of oral epithelium , REE.
d- Ameloblasts after the enamel has been completed.

20-Primary enamel cuticle is:

a- Afibrillar cementum. b- Precipitate of salivary proteins.
c- Relatively structureless layer of enamel. d- a last product of ameloblasts.

21- At the time Enamel matrix is first formed in a tooth:

a. No predentin has yet been formed.
b. Root of the tooth is largely covered with acellular cementum.
c. Nuclei of ameloblasts move to non secreting end of the cell.
d. Cells of stellate reticulum near the cervical portion of the tooth have lost their nuclei.

22- Maturation of Enamel is characterized by a percentage increase

in inorganic content and a percentage:
a. Increase in water.
b. Decrease in water and organic content
c. Increase in water , decrease in organic content.
d. Decrease in water , increase in organic content.

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23- The firm attachment between E and D is due to:

a. Under cuts created by the scallops of the DEJ.
b. Interdigitation at the DEJ between fibrils of first formed layer of dentine
and that of first formed layer of Enamel
c. Interdigitation between the hydroxyapatite crystals
that are deposited during mineralization of enamel and dentine .
d. All of the above.

24-Enamel is composed of:

a) Rod, interrod & rod sheath. b) Only enamel prisms.
c) Needle shaped crystals. d) Prism sheath.

25- Which of the following is not true about Enamel rod ?

a. They run from the dentinoenamel junction to the crown surface.
b. Length of all enamel rods is equal.
c. They are the basic structural units of E.
d. They may be hexagonal ,rounded, oval or keyhole shape in cross section .

26- Concerning the rod sheath, one of the following statement is incorrect:
a. It occupies the peripheral part of the E. rod.
b. It forms the border where crystals of the rod and interrod enamel meet.
c. It is highly calcified than the rod.
d. It has a higher organic content thus resists decalcification more than the rod.

27- The interrod enamel is:

a. More calcified than the E. rod.
b. Less calcified than the E. rod.
c. The same calcification as the E. rod.
d. Organic in nature.

28- The prism sheath: a- Is a dense continuous sheath separating rod from inter-rod.
b- Result from abrupt change in crystals orientation.
c- Is more mineralized than rod and inter-rod.
d- Found in prismless enamel.

29- The peripheral part of the E rod is called:

a. Interrod region. b. Rod sheath.
c. Rod region. d. Key hole.

30- Rod sheath represents in:

a- prismatic enamel. b- inter prismatic enamel
c- outer aprismatic and some of inner prismatic enamel. d- all of the above.

31- The rod sheath:

a. Has cross striations.
b. Is more calcified than the E. rod.
c. Is less calcified than the E. rod.
d. Has lesser amount of organic matter than the E. rod.

32- The complex arrangement of rods over the cusps of teeth is termed:
a- Prismless enamel b- Gnarled enamel.
c- Prenatal enamel. d- Postnatal enamel.
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33- Gnarled enamel has the following criteria except:

a. Found under cusp tips and incisal ridges.
b. The course of the enamel rods is more straighter.
c. The enamel rods become twisted and braided.
d. Found to give maximum strength to the areas subjected more to the masticatory forces.

34- Enamel prism of the cusp tip passes:

a- in wavy course. b- in s-shape course.
c- in straight course. d- in twisted course.

35- It is particularly difficult to finish the wall of a cavity preparation in

cuspal enamel because of the presence in that area of:
a. Tufts. b. Horizontal E. rods.
c. Gnarled E. d. Spindles.

36- Enamel Rods:…… a) Their number varies in different teeth.

b) Have an average width of 1um.
c) Are Present at the enamel surface.
d) Have a straight course at the cusps of teeth.

37- Which of the following most correctly describes the significance of

Hunter Schreger bands?
a- It indicates variation in size of rods.
b- It reflects variations in length of rods.
c- It represents hypercalcified areas in cervical enamel
d- It optical effect that is not related to variations in enamel structure.

38- Hunter-Schreger bands have all the following characteristics except:

a- They are best seen in reflected light.
b- They are alternating dark and light bands
c- They are most likely an optical phenomenon
d- They are found at the cusp tip.

39- Hunter-Schreger bands are:

a-found in the outer surface of enamel.
b-run parallel to the striae of Retzius.
c-best visualized in transverse section of the crown.
d-reflect periodic changes in prism direction of enamel.

40-Which of the following is not a feature of enamel?

a- Contour lines of Owen. b- Cross striations. c- Prism sheath. d- Perikymata.

41- Incremental lines are a result of variation in:

a- Proliferation. b- Histodifferentiation.
c- Morphodifferentiation. d- Rhythmic apposition

42- Neonatal lines are present in:

a- All permanent teeth. b- Permanent canines.
c- All deciduous & first permanent molar. d- Premolars.

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43- Neonatal lines are found in all the following except:

a- Enamel of primary incisors. b- Enamel of permanent first molar.
c- Enamel of permanent second molars. d- Enamel of primary molars.

44- which of the following is absent in all premolars:

a- Enamel spindle. b- Enamel tuft.
c- Neonatal line. d- Enamel lamella.

45- Cross striations or short increments:

a. Represent the rhythmic apposition of the E. matrix by ameloblasts.
b. Represent alternating constriction and expansion of E. rods at and in-between
the striations.
c. Represent the daily rate of secretory activity of the ameloblast.
d. All of the above.

46- The formation of the enamel matrix between two short increments needs:
a. One day. b. Two days. c. Three drays. d-Four days.

47- Neonatal line is all the following except :

a. Is one of the brown striae of Retzius that gets accentuated.
b. Is present in deciduous teeth and all permanent molars.
c. Separates enamel formed before birth from that formed after birth.
d. It is due to abrupt change in nutrition and environmental condition at birth.

48- The quality of the prenatal Enamel:

a. Is better than that of the postnatal enamel
b. Is not as better as that of the postnatal enamel
c. Is equal to the quality of postnatal enamel
d. Not related to the quality of postnatal enamel

49- The cross striations characteristic of enamel rods represent:

a- Incremental growth pattern. b- The junctional complex of ameloblasts.
c- Hunter-Schreger bands. d- The inter rod region.

50- Cross striations in enamel:

a- Are an optical phenomena.
b- Result from abrupt change in environment before and after birth.
c- Result from mineralization disorder.
d- Appear to be periodic bands at 4 microns interval across the rod.

51- The striae of Retzius.

a- are parallel to the enamel rods.
b- are parallel to the surface of the enamel in the cervical region.
c- are not seen in the cuspal one third of the enamel.
d- Would be seen as concentric rings in a horizontal section of the crown.

52- All of the following statements about the incremental lines of Retzius
in enamel are true except:
a- They run as concentric lines over the cusp.
b- Perikymata are outer manifestations of it.
c- They are formed as result of rhythmic apposition.
d- They do not reach the cervical region.
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53- Enamel tufts and Enamel lamella resemble each other, in that both:
a. Are formed after to tooth eruption.
b. Extend over full thickness of the enamel.
c. Are hypermineralized structures.
d. Are oriented in a vertical direction perpendicular on the DEJ.

54- All of the following statements about the incremental lines of Retzius
in Enamel are true except:
a. In longitudinal section they run obliquely, relative to D.E.J.
b. Perikymata in newly erupted teeth are manifestations of the lines of Retzius.
c. They are formed as a result of rhythmic variations in the calcification.
d. Under no conditions can a line of Retzius to be a neonatal line.

55-Incremental lines of Retzius appear:

a- In dentin. b- In enamel. c- In cementum. d- In bone.

56- The structures which are not seen in a decalcified section are:
a- Dentinal tubules. b- Incremental lines of Retzius.
c- Secondary dentin. d- Cellular cementum.

57- perikymata:
a- Is an optical phenomena resulting from changes in direction of enamel rods.
b- Is a highly mineralized outer enamel surface.
c- Is formed of transverse grooves, represents an outer manifestation of
brown stria of Retzius.
d- Found at the cusp tip.

58- Perikymata:
a- Are oriented parallel to the long axis of the crown (tooth).
b- Are surface manifestation of Retzius lines.
c- Are only located in prismless enamel.
d- Produce the scalloping seen along the DEJ.

59- Perikymata are:

a. Vertically oriented wave like groove
b. The external manifestation of the brown striae of Retzius.
c. Numerous at the incisal or cusp regions.
d. Parallel to the AEJ

60- Incremental lines of Retzius form grooves on the surface of the enamel termed:
a- Perikymata. b- Neonatal lines. c- Gnarled enamel. d- Enamel cuticle

61. At which of the following locations are perikymata usually found?

a. Cervix of the crown. b. Apex of the root.
c. Cusp tips. d. Deposited throughout the crown.

62- Tome's processes:

a- Contain mitochondria, but lack Golgi saccules and rough endoplasmic reticulum.
b- Lack secretory granules.
c- Indent the immature enamel to produce a serrated outline on its appositional surface.
d- are located at the proximal end of the ameloblast.

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63- Enamel spindles are formed by:

a- Odontoblastic process. b- Ameloblastic process.
c- Hypocalcified rods. d- Cracks.

64- Enamel spindles:

a- Are areas of prismatic enamel.
b- Are present at the occlusal surfaces of enamel.
c- Are the terminal ends of odontoblastic processes.
d- Are located at the cemento-enamel junction.

65- Enamel spindles:

a. They are odontoblastic cell bodies pass across the DEJ into the E.
b. They are extended between the preameloblasts after enamel is formed.
c. They are most common beneath cusps.
d. They are best demonstrated in longitudinal decalcified section.

66- Unmineralized structures seen in the enamel are :

a- Cross striations. b- Enamel tufts.
c- Incremental lines of Retzius. d- Enamel spindles.

67- All of the following structures in enamel are ectodermal origin except:
a- Enamel spindle. b- Enamel prisms.
c- Enamel lamellae (type A). d- Enamel tufts.

68- Enamel tufts: a- Contain cellular processes. b- Can pass to dentin.

c- Are seen in decalcified sections. d- Are grass like structure.

69- Enamel tufts:

a. Begin on the outer edge of E .
b. Are developmental defects and are worn away by masticatory forces.
c. Have a brush like appearance and are hypo calcified areas in E.
d. Represent hypercalcified E. rods.

70-Developmental enamel lamellae is:

a- type A enamel lamellae. b- type B enamel lamellae.
c- type C enamel lamellae. d- accidental enamel crack.

71- What is the result of cracks before tooth eruption:

a- Enamel lamella type A. b- Enamel lamella type B.
c- Enamel lamella type C. d- Enamel tufts.

72- Dental lamellae may form a predisposing location for

a- Dental caries. b- defect in amelogenesis
c- floride application . d- C , B .

73- Hypocalcified ectodermal structures in enamel are:

a- Spindles and lamellae. b- Odontoblastic processes and tufts.
c- Tufts and spindles. d- Lamellae type A and tufts.

74- Which of the following is poorly calcified enamel?

a- Gnarled enamel. b- True enamel lamellae.
c- Perikymata and gnarled enamel. d- Interprismatic substance.

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75- Enamel tufts and enamel lamellae resemble each other in that both:
a- Are formed prior to tooth eruption only.
b- Extend over full thickness of the enamel.
c- Are hypermineralized structures.
d- Are hypomineralized structures.

76- E. lamellae are all the following except :

a. Thin leaf or sheet like structures.
b. Extend from the E surface and may extend to D.
c. Demonstrated in the longitudinal ground section only.
d. Hypo or unmineralized structures

77- The prismless layer of enamel:

a- Is found only in primary teeth.
b- Does not contain prism & prism sheaths.
c- Is found near the amelo-dentinal junction.
d- Contains no hydroxyapatite.

78- The surface enamel:

a- Is similar to the subsurface enamel.
b- Is softer than subsurface enamel.
c- Contains less mineral than subsurface enamel.
d- Highly mineralized than subsurface enamel

79- Prismless enamel:

a- Is less mineralized than prismatic enamel.
b- Is found only in the cervical area of permanent teeth.
c- Is harder than prismatic enamel.
d- Found near the dentino-enamel junction.

80- When prismless enamel is formed, the secretory ameloblast does not contain:
a- Rough endoplasmic reticulum. b- Tome's process.
c- Nucleus. d- Secretory granules.

81- orientation of hydroxyapatite crystals in enamel, the greatest crystal density

would be present in:
a- enamel lamellae. b- The interrod region.
c- The prismless layer. d- Gnarled enamel.

82- Rodless Enamel:

a. Occurs in the outermost 70 microns of the E.
b. Their crystals are aligned at right angel to the surface
c. Found most common at the cervical areas of E surface.
d. All of the above.

83- Hypercalcified area in enamel are:

a- Enamel spindles. b- Dentino-enamel junction.
c- Interprismatic substances. d- Enamel tufts.

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84- The dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) :

a. Appears to be scalloped with convexities of the scallops directed to E.
b. Appears to be scalloped with convexities of the scallops directed to D.
c. Appears to be scalloped with convexities of the scallops directed to cementum.
d. Non of the above.

85- Which of the following tissues begins formation first:

a. Enamel. b. Dentin.
c. Pulp. d. Cementum.

86- Attrition is characterized by:

a. Being a condition of normal wear of the occlusal and proximal surfaces.
b. A chemical loss of occlusal tooth structure, but not from dental caries.
c. A loss of crown structure on the occlusal surface by mechanical means.
d. None of the above.

87- In mature dental tissues, the only tissue whose cells are lost is:
a. Dentin. b. Enamel c. Cementum. d. Pulp.

88- Enamel has no possibility of self repair because:

a. It has a small percentage of organic content.
b. Its formative cells are lost once it is fully formed and the tooth erupted.
c. It is essentially a keratin tissue and has no blood vessels.
d. It has no direct connection with the active cells of the pulp tissue.

89- The stimulus that initiates the actual formation of Enamel matrix seems to be the:
a. Presence of predentin.
b. Reduction of stellate reticulum.
c. Influence of increased vascularization of the dental sac.
d. Reversal of functional polarity of ameloblast.

90- In a routine demineralized histological section of an adult tooth,

the are representing the Enamel is generally optically clear because:
a. The mounting medium has the same refractive index as enamel.
b. E is very brittle and thus breaks off during sectioning.
c. Ordinary stains don't stain the organic matrix of E.
d. Enamel is highly calcified.

91- Enamel matrix is laid down by ameloblasts:

a. Finally contains about 80% by weight inorganic matter.
b. Includes organic matter that is primarily collagen.
c. Persists as a vital tissue through the life of a tooth.
d. Non of the above.

92- Ionic exchanges between erupted Enamel .and Saliva:

a. Don't occur as the formative cells of the E .are lost once it is formed.
b. Occur only for two to five years following eruption.
c. Cease at puberty.
d. Occur throughout life.

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93- Fluorine deposition in Enamel:

a. Increase with age. b. Decrease with age.
c. Sometimes increases or decreases with age. d. Not affected by age.

94- Which of the following organic components are present in Enamel:

a. Carbohydrates. b. Fat.
c. Proteins. d. All of the above.

95- The rodless layer of enamel:

a- Is found only in primary teeth.
b- Does not contain rod and rod sheaths.
c- Is found near the amelo-dentinal junction.
d- Contains no hydroxyapatite.
96. When are fractures in enamel especially likely to occur?
a. If the enamel is carious. b. If the occlusal forces are too great.
c. If the underlying dentin is carious. d. When crowding is present.

97. Hydroxyapatite is NOT found in which of the following structures?

a. Enamel. b. Dentin. c. Bone. d. Pulp.

98. Which of the following is the primary organic component of enamel?

a. Enamelin. b. Glycoproteins. c. Keratin. d. Collagen.

99. In which of the following locations does enamel reach its maximum thickness?
a. Cervical margin. b. Occlusal surface.
c. Cusp tips. d. Buccal surface.

100. Which of the following components of an enamel rod is NOT formed

by one of the four ameloblasts?
a. Rod head. b. Rod neck. c. Rod body. d. Rod tail.

101. In which of the following locations is gnarled enamel located?

a. Perpendicular to the surface of the enamel. b. Intertwined at the cusp tip.
c. Outer prism-free zone. d. Inner enamel in cross section.

102. The rod sheath surrounds which of the following structures?

a. The rod head. b. The rod tail.
c. The rod head and tail. d. The rod neck and core.

103. Which of the following features within groups of rods provides enamel
with strength for mastication and biting?
a. Intertwining and points of stress.
b. Bending at different angles to adjacent groups.
c. Running perpendicular to the surface.
d. Interdigitating with its neighbor.

104. In which of the following locations will Hunter-Schreger bands occur?

a. Along the long axis of the tooth. b. In the cervical region only.
c. In the cusp tips. d. On the occlusal surfaces only.

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105. Which of the following characteristics are seen on enamel internal

to the neonatal line?
a. Fewer defects in consistency.
b. Numerous minute spaces that are stained with pigment.
c. Lines accentuated from mineral deposits.
d. Hesitation lines marking the path of amelogenesis.

106. The neonatal line is considered which of the following?

a. Hunter-Schreger bands. b. Line of Retzius.
c. Lamellae. d. Enamel spindles.

107. Which of the following are cracks in the surface of enamel that are
visible to the naked eye?
a. Enamel spindles. b. Incremental lines.
c. Line of Retzius. d. Enamel lamellae.

108. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding enamel lamellae?
a. Form during enamel development.
b. Tubular defects.
c. Possible avenue for dental caries.
d. Stress cracks that occur because of impact.

109. Which of the following is NOT always attributed to enamel development?

a. Tufts. b. Lamellae. c. Striae of Retzius. d. Hans-Schreger bands.

110. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding enamel tufts?

a. Located at the dentinoenamel junction.
b. Extend to the enamel surface.
c. Spaces filled with inorganic material.
d. Form between individual enamel rods.

111. Which of the following features arise from scalloped peaks at the DEJ?
a. Enamel lamellae. b. Enamel spindles.
c. Enamel tufts. d. Incremental lines.

112. Which of the following are dentinal tubules passing through the DEJ into enamel?
a. Enamel lamellae. b. Enamel tufts.
c. Enamel spindles. d. Dead tracts.

113. Which of the following features may contribute to the vitality of the DEJ?
a. Enamel spindles. b. Enamel tufts.
c. Enamel lamellae. d. Neonatal line.

114. Which of the following statements reflects accurate characteristics

of enamel spindles?
a. Found only in groups. b. Broader and longer than tufts.
c. Extensions of dentinal tubules. d. Dead tracts filled with air.

115. Perikymata are more prominent in which of the following areas?

a. Facial surface of the tooth near the cervical region. b. Cusp tips.
c. Facial surface of the tooth near the incisal edge. d. Lingual surfaces.

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116. Which of the following outer enamel feature is a structureless microcrystalline

environment of enamel rods oriented nearly perpendicular to the enamel surface?
a. Striae of Retzius. b. Perikymata.
c. Prismless enamel. d. Schreger band.

117. Which of the following features is NOT correct regarding prismless enamel?
a. 20-40 μm thick.
b. No Schreger band effect is noted.
c. Accentuated except near the cervical region and in deciduous teeth.
d. Enhances the integrity of the enamel surface.

118. Fluid and fine particles can pass through unbroken enamel by
which of the following pathways?
a. Lamellae. b. Tufts. c. Spindles. d. Leakage.

119. Which of the following surface irregularities are NOT important

in influencing enamel permeability?
a. Central fissures. b. Near cervical region.
c. Microlamellae. d. Decomposition of the tooth.

120. Which of the following factors account for the extreme hardness of enamel
in contrast to dentin?
a. Crystal size. b. Crystal shape.
c. Inorganic components. d. Organic component.

121. Which of the following features do NOT account for the lateral speed of
caries along the dentinoenamel junction?
a. Hypocalcified tufts. b. Lamellae.
c. Incremental lines. d. Prism-free zone.

122. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding etching?

a. Dilute acid selectively etches the ends of the enamel rods.
b. The rod core resists demineralization to a greater extent than the rod sheath.
c. The purpose of this procedure is to produce an intact surface and thus prevent caries
is an accurate statement.
d. The core of the crystal is rich in coronated apatite and is more sensitive to
demineralization than the peripheral hydroxyapatite.

123. The integrity of etched enamel CANNOT be maintained

by which of the following solutions?
a. Citric acid. b. Sodium or stannous fluoride.
c. Fortified sealant material. d. Saliva

124. Which of the following features is NOT related to enamel?

a. Lamella. b. Incremental lines. c. Interglobular spaces. d. Tufts

125- At the time Enamel matrix is first formed in a tooth:

a. No predentin has yet been formed.
b. Root of the tooth is largely covered with acellular cementum.
c. Nuclei of ameloblasts move to non secreting end of the cell.
d. Cells of stellate reticulum near the cervical portion of the tooth
have lost their nuclei.

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126- the rod sheath ….. a- has cross striation

b- more calcified than enamel rod
c- less calcified than enamel rod
d- has lesser amount of organic matter than enamel rod

127- ion exchange between enamel and saliva……………

a- doesn’t occur as the formative cells of enamel are lost once its forme
b- occurs only for 2 to 5 years following eruption.
c- cease at puberty.
d- continuous through the life span of the tooth

128- ion exchange between enamel and saliva is considered ……………

a- primary maturation
b- secondary maturation
c- tertiary maturation
d- non of the above

129- fluoride deposition in enamel ……………

a- increase with age b- decrease with age
c- may be increase or decrease d- not affected by age

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1 a 41 d 81 c 121 d
2 b 42 c 82 d 122 b
3 d 43 c 83 c 123 a
4 b 44 c 84 b 124 c
5 c 45 d 85 b 125
6 c 46 a 86 a 126
7 a 47 b 87 b 127
8 c 48 a 88 b 128
9 d 49 a 89 a 129
10 b 50 d 90 d 130
11 a 51 d 91 d 131
12 d 52 c 92 d 132
13 c 53 d 93 a 133
14 d 54 d 94 c 134
15 b 55 b 95 b 135
16 b 56 b 96 c 136
17 b 57 c 97 d 137
18 b 58 b 98 a 138
19 d 59 b 99 b 139
20 d 60 a 100 c 140
21 c 61 a 101 b 141
22 b 62 d 102 c 142
23 d 63 a 103 b 143
24 a 64 c 104 a 144
25 b 65 c 105 a 145
26 c 66 d 106 b 146
27 b 67 a 107 d 147
28 b 68 d 108 b 148
29 b 69 c 109 b 149
30 a 70 a 110 a 150
31 c 71 b 111 b 151
32 b 72 a 112 c 152
33 b 73 d 113 a 153
34 d 74 b 114 c 154
35 c 75 d 115 a 155
36 a 76 c 116 c 156
37 d 77 b 117 c 157
38 d 78 d 118 d 158
39 b 79 c 119 c 159
40 a 80 b 120 a 160

MCQ oral Biology

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