CUVC Board
CUVC Board
CUVC Board
(BDS list)
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/ vc32_kompend _bds_e.pdf
List of BICO data set parameters Vector Control (BDS list)
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/ vc32_kompend _bin_e.pdf
Binector list Vector Control
B0006 PMU Pos Dir Binector for positive rotation direction via PMU
B0007 PMU Neg Dir Binector for negative rotation direction via PMU
B0008 PMU MOP UP Binector for "Raise mot. potentiometer" via PMU
B0009 PMU MOP DOWN Binector for "Lower mot. potentiometer" via PMU
B0101 Not Rdy for ON "NOT ready for switching on" binector
B0147 No Tmp Flt Drv "NO converter overtemperature fault active" binector
B0203 Limitr FWD act. Speed limitation positive rotation direction reached
B0204 Limitr REV act. Speed limitation negative rotation direction reached
B0254 f(set) in Limtr The frequency setpoint for the gating unit is limited. The
limitation depends on the maximum speed (in Hz) (P452,
P453) and the rated slip of the motor. Limitation is at
least 15% of the rated motor frequency above the
maximum speed.
B0255 Excitation End The excitation time of the motor has expired.
B0279 Chkbk BrakeCl "Brake cannot be opened" alarm. After brake is opened
and after brake opening time has expired, the brake
checkback still indicates "Brake closed"
B0280 Chkbk BrakeOp "Brake cannot be closed" alarm. After brake is closed
and the brake closing time has expired, brake checkback
still indicates "Brake open"
B0281 BrakeThr1 over The (current) actual value has exceeded brake threshold
B0282 BrakeThr2 under The (speed) actual value has fallen short of brake
threshold 2
B0294 DC Brake active DC braking function is active
B0410 ... B0425 K->B CONV1 16 binectors of the 1st connector -> binector converter
B0430 ... B0445 K->B CONV2 16 binectors of the 2nd connector -> binector converter
B0450 ... B0465 K->B CONV3 16 binectors of the 3rd connector -> binector converter
B0490 ... B0491 COUNTER 1.36 B 16-bit counter: positive overflow and negative overflow
B0570 SampTimeChB0.66 Binary output signal of the 1st sampling time changer
B0571 SampTimeChB0.67 Binary output signal of the 2nd sampling time changer
B0572 SampTimeChB0.68 Binary output signal of the 3rd sampling time changer
B0573 SampTimeChB0.69 Binary output signal of the 4th sampling time changer
B0574 SampTimeChB0.70 Binary output signal of the 5th sampling time changer
B0575 SampTimeChB0.71 Binary output signal of the 6th sampling time changer
B0576 PulsGen1 B 0.65 Binary output signal of the 1st pulse generator
B0577 I32 OG B 1.53 Flag for output value at upper limit of the 1st integrator
B0578 I32 UG B 1.53 Flag for output value at lower limit of the 1st integrator
B0579 I32 OG B 1.85 Flag for output value at upper limit of the 2nd integrator
B0580 I32 UG B 1.85 Flag for output value at lower limit of the 2nd integrator
B4120 ... B4135 SCI Sl1DigInN Binary inputs inverted SC1 Slave 1
B4220 ... B4235 SCI Sl2DigInN Binary inputs inverted SC1 Slave 2
B5106 1stEB1 DI2 inv. Digital input 2 inverted on the first inserted EB1
B5108 1stEB1 DI3 inv. Digital input 3 inverted on the first inserted EB1
B5110 1stEB1 DI4 inv. Digital input 4 inverted on the first inserted EB1
B5112 1stEB1 DI5 inv. Digital input 5 inverted on the first inserted EB1
B5114 1stEB1 DI6 inv. Digital input 6 inverted on the first inserted EB1
B5116 1stEB1 DI7 inv. Digital input 7 inverted on the first inserted EB1
B5121 WireBreak1stEB2 Signal for wire break on the first inserted EB2
B5122 BI1 inv.1stEB2 Digital input 1 inverted on the first inserted EB2
B5123 BI1 1st EB2 Digital input 1 on the first inserted EB2
B5124 BI2 inv. 1stEB2 Digital input 2 inverted on the first inserted EB2
B5201 2EB1WireAnaIn1 Signal for wire break at analog input 1 on the second
inserted EB1
B5202 2EB1 U>8VAnaIn2 Signal for high at input (U_in > 8V) at analog input 2 on
the second EB1
B5203 2EB1 U>8VAnaIn3 Signal for high at input (U_in > 8V) at analog input 3 on
the second inserted EB1
B5204 2ndEB1 DI1 inv. Digital input 1 inverted on the second inserted EB1
B5206 2ndEB1 DI2 inv. Digital input 2 inverted on the second inserted EB1
B5208 2ndEB1 DI3 inv. Digital input 3 inverted on the second EB1
B5210 2ndEB1 DI4 inv. Digital input 4 inverted on the second inserted EB1
B5212 2ndEB1 DI5 inv. Digital input 5 inverted on the second inserted EB1
B5214 2ndEB1 DI6 inv Digital input 6 inverted on the second inserted EB1
B5216 2ndEB1 DI7 inv. Digital input 7 inverted on the second inserted EB1
B5221 WireBreak2ndEB2 Signal for wire break on the second inserted EB2
B5222 BI1 inv. 2ndEB2 Digital input 1 inverted on the second inserted EB2
B5224 BI2 inv. 2ndEB2 Binary input 2 inverted on the second inserted EB2
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/ vc32_kompend _fds_e.pdf
List of function data set parameters Vector Control (FDS list)
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/ vc32_kompend _fp01_e.pdf
MASTERDRIVES VC function diagram - List of contents of the basic functions
Contents Page Contents Page Contents Page
General Setpoint channel Motor model/frequency
Basic functions: List of contents 10 Fixed setpoints 290 Speed/torque control, master/slave drive 395
Free blocks: List of contents 12 Motorized potentiometer 300 Frequency control, master/slave drive 396
Overview: Function diagrams for control 14 Setpoint channel (part 1): Master drive 316
Explanation of the symbols 15 Setpoint channel (part 2): Master drive + RGen 317 V/f open-loop control
Visualization and normalization parameters 20 Setpoint channel (part 3): Master drive 318 Current limitation, V/f characteristic 400
Free display parameters 30 Setpoint channel (part 4): Master drive 319 Current limitation, V/f charac.with sp. controller 401
Slave drive 320 Current limitation, V/f characteristic textile 402
Operator control Fixed setpoints (lift drives) 324
PMU 50 Motorized potentiometer(lift drives) 325 V/f characteristic 405
OP1S 60 Setpoint channel (part 1) (lift drives) 326
Setpoint channel (part 2) (lift drives) 327 Gating unit
CUVC terminals Setpoint channel (part 3) (lift drives) 328 All open-loop and closed-loop control modes 420
Analog inputs 80 Setpoint channel (part 4) (lift drives) 329
Analog outputs 81 Temperature model
Digital inputs/outputs 90 Speed/position processing n/f/T control, master/slave drive 430
Main contactor control, ext. 24 V, Compact (AC/AC) 91 Speed/torque control, master/slave drive 350
Main contactor control, ext. 24V, SAFE OFF (DC/AC) 92 Frequency control, master/slave drive 351 Braking control 470
Main contactor control, ext. 24V, chassis unit (AC/AC) 93 V/f characteristic with speed controller 352
Main contactor control, ext. 24V, chassis unit (DC/AC) 94 Diagnosis
Speed controller/limiting controller Messages 480
Communication Speed control, master drive 360 Messages 2 (lift drives) 481
USS/SCom1: Receiving 100 Torque control and speed control, slave drive 361 Blocking/pull-out diagnosis, n/f/T control 485
USS/SCom2: Receiving 101 Frequency control, master drive 362 Blocking diagnosis, V/f characteristic 486
USS/SCom1: Transmitting 110 Frequency control, slave drive 363 Alarms and faults 490
USS/SCom2: Transmitting 111 V/f characteristic with speed controller 364 Fault memory 510
First CB/TB board: Receiving 120
First CB/TB board: Transmitting 125 DT1 element, droop and torque pre-control Hardware configuration 515
Second CB/TB board: Receiving 130 Speed control, master drive 365
Second CB/TB board: Transmitting 135 Torque control and speed control, slave drive 366 Status diagram 520
SIMOLINK board: Configuration and diagnosis 140 Frequency control, master drive 367
SIMOLINK board: Receiving 150 Data sets 540
SIMOLINK board: Transmitting 160 Torque/current limitation, friction
Torque control and speed control, slave drive 371 Motor parameters 550
Control word, status word Frequency control, master drive 372
Control word 1 180 Frequency control, slave drive 373 Functions
Control word 2 190 Kinetic buffering (Vdmin control) 600
Status word 1 200 Fast torque setpoint 375 Flexible response 605
Status word 2 210 Vdmax control 610
Flux calculation DC braking 615
Encoder evaluation n/T control, master/slave drive 380 Flying restart 620
Speed/position processing 250 Frequency control, master/slave drive 381
Technology CU2/ CUVC 699
Setpoints via external pulse encoder 256 Current setpoint
Frequency control, master/slave drive 382 The following diagrams not in these instructions
Measured-value sensing: n/f/T control 280 (sep. exc. sync.):
Current controller
Evaluation of set/actual values n/f/T control, master/slave drive 390 - 251 - - 383 - - 431 -
n/f/T control 285 - 369 - - 384 - - 487 -
V/f control 286 - 373 - - 391 - - 551 -
- 374 - - 397 -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic functions fp_vc_010_e.vsd Function diagram
- 10 -
List of contents 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
MASTERDRIVES VC function diagram - List of contents
of the free blocks of the supplementary boards
Contents Page Contents Page Contents Page
Setting and monitoring the sampling Logic blocks TSY board X01
times and sampling sequences 702 - AND elements 765 - Synchronizing X02
OR elements 765 - Connection examples X03
General function blocks - Inverters 770
- Fixed setpoints 705 NAND elements 770 Terminal expansions
Fixed control bits 705 EXCLUSIVE OR elements 770 - EB1 No. 1
Connector/binector displays 705 Digital signal switches 770 Analog inputs, combined digital inputs Y01
- Fault/alarm trigger signals 710 - D flipflops 775 Analog outputs Y02
Voltage monitoring of power supply 710 RS flipflops 775 Digital inputs/outputs Y03
Connector <==> double connector converter 710 - Timers 780 - EB1 No. 2
- Connector/binector converter 715 - Pulse generators 782 Analog inputs, combined digital inputs Y04
- Binector/connector converter 720 Sampling-time changeover contacts Analog outputs Y05
782 Digital inputs/outputs Y06
Numeric function blocks and control blocks - EB2 No. 1
- Adders 725 Complex blocks Analog and digital inputs/outputs Y07
Subtracters 725 - Software counters 785 - EB2 No. 2
Sign inverters 725 - Comfort ramp-function generator 790 Analog and digital inputs/outputs Y08
- Multipliers 730 - Simple ramp-function generator 791
Dividers 730 - Technology controller 792 SCB expansions
- Multipliers 732 - Wobble generator 795 - SCB1/2
Dividers 732 Peer-to-peer receiving Z01
- Delay blocks 734 Trace memory 797 Peer-to-peer transmitting Z02
Derivative elements 734 - SCB2
Integrators 734 Connector-to-parameter converter 798 USS receiving Z05
Smoothing elements 734 USS transmitting Z06
- Absolute-value generators with smoothing 735 - SCB1 with SCI1
limiters 735 Digital inputs slave 1 Z10
- Limit-value monitors with and without smoothing 740 Digital inputs slave 2 Z11
- Cam-contactor groups 745 Digital outputs slave 1 Z15
- Analog signal switches 750 Digital outputs slave 2 Z16
Analog signal multiplexers and demultiplexers 750 Analog inputs slave 1 Z20
- Characteristic blocks 755 Analog inputs slave 2 Z21
Dead zone 755 Analog outputs slave 1 Z25
- Minimum/maximum selection 760 Analog outputs slave 2 Z26
Tracking/storage elements 760 - SCB1 with SCI2
Analog signal storages 760 Digital inputs slave 1 Z30
Digital inputs slave 2 Z31
Digital outputs slave 1 Z35
Digital outputs slave 2 Z36
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
List of contents fp_vc_012_e.vsd Function diagram
- 12 -
Free blocks 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
V/f control n control f control T control
Page Title
V/f char. + n ctrl Textile Master dr. Slave dr. Master dr. Slave dr.
280 Measured-value sensing x x x x x x x x
285 Evaluation of set/actual values for voltage/current/torque/output x x x x x
286 Evaluation of set/actual values for V/f open-loop control x x x
316 Setpoint channel (part 1), master drive x x x x x
317 Setpoint channel (part 2), master drive x x x x x
318 Setpoint channel (part 3), master drive x x x x x
319 Setpoint channel (part 4), master drive x x x x x
320 Setpoint channel, slave drive x x x
350 Speed/position processing x x x
351 Speed processing x x
352 V/f characteristic with speed controller x
360 Speed controller x
361 Speed limiting controller x x
362 Speed controller x
363 Speed limiting controller x
364 V/f characteristic with speed controller x
365 DT1 element, droop and torque pre-control x
366 DT1 element, torque control and speed control, slave drive x x
367 DT1 element, droop and torque pre-control x
370 Torque/current limitation x
371 Torque/current limitation x x
372 Torque/current limitation x
373 Torque/current limitation x
375 Fast torque setpoint x
380 Flux calculation x x x
381 Flux calculation x x
382 Current setpoint x x
390 Current controller x x x x x
395 Motor model, frequency x x x
396 Motor model, frequency x x
400 Current limitation, V/f characteristic x
401 Current limitation, V/f characteristic with speed controller x
402 Current limitation, V/f characteristic textile x
405 V/f characteristic x x x
420 Gating unit x x x x x x x x
430 Temperature model x x x x x
470 Braking control x x x x x x x x
480 Messages x x x x x x x x
Note: n control = speed control with speed controller (P100=4) Changeover from master to slave drive is only possible with closed-loop control types P100 =3/4 closed-loop speed control
f control = speed control without speed controller (P100=3) with/without encoder (control word 2 bit 27 [190.5]).
T control = torque control (P100=5) The closed-loop control then operates as torque control (as P100 = 4).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Overview fp_vc_014_e.vsd Function diagram
- 14 -
Assignment of the function diagrams for V/f open-loop control and n/f/T closed-loop control 13.02.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Explanation of the symbols used in the function diagram
Parameter P432 (546) Selection of any double connector Converting a double connector to a connector:
KK (factory setting: P432=546, i.e. connector
r007 n007 Display parameters KK546 selected) U584
KK0149 K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Explanation fp_vc_015_e.vsd Function diagram
- 15 -
Explanation of the symbols 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
General visualization paramaters
r001 Drive Status K0249 r014 Setp Speed KK0150 Pxxx.M ⇒ Motor data set parameter (4 indices)
Switchover by control word bit 18/19 [190/2]
r002 Rot freq KK0020 r015 n(act) KK0020 act. MotDataSet (Motor-Daten-Satz)
r003 Output Volts K0021 Pxxx.B ⇒ BiCo - Data set parameter (2 indices)
(corresponds to the basic/reserve data set)
Switchover by control word bit 30 [190/2]
r004 Output Amps K0022
Active BICO DSet
r012 K0035
r005 Output power K0023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
General functions fp_vc_020_e.vsd Function diagram
- 20 -
Visualization parameters, normalization parameters 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.02 = 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
General functions fp_vc_030_e.vsd Function diagram
- 30 -
Free display parameters 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.15 = 4
0 0
Lower motorized poten-
B0009 tiometer from PMU
PMU OperDisp 5V
0 ... 3998 Parameter access 1
Bit 1=1
P048 (2) P053
P Toggle key to operating
5V system, fault acknowledge
to control word 1
[vgl. 180.1]
Seven-segment display
Actuation of
Raise key seven-segment
Reversing key display
ON-key Positive direction of
Toggle key
& 1 SET
(Q=1) Q B0006 rotation from PMU
Lower key
RESET Negative direction of
& Priority
(Q=0) Q rotation from PMU
from PMU
Q B0005
from PMU
[see 180.3]
(Q=0) Q
Reset command from
sequence control, if
ON/OFF1 from PMU
1 Priority
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PMU fp_vc_050_e.vsd Function diagram
- 50 -
Keypad, functionality and connection 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
OP OperDisp OP OperDisp OP OperDisp OP OperDisp OP OperDisp
4th line 3rd line (set) 2nd line(actual) 1st line left 1st line right
0 ... 3999 0 ... 3999 0 ... 3999 0 ... 3999 0 ... 3999 - A maximum of 6 characters (value + unit) are available for the display
active node P049.01 und P049.02 respectively.
P049.05 (1) P049.04 (229) P049.03 (2) P049.01 (4) P049.02 (6)
(=bus address)
- The 2nd line (P049.03) is provided for displaying actual values.
- The 3rd line (P049.04) is provided for displaying setpoint values.
100.0A 380.0V zz - To enable the setpoint to be changed in the operating display, its
parameter number must be entered there. :
e. g. P049.04 = 405 = Fixed setpoint 5
*-300.00Hz 0: Deutsch
Run Language 1: English
P050 2: Español
3: Français
4: Italiano
OP Backlight
P361 100.0A 380.0V zz
#-300.00Hz LCD (4 lines x 16 characters)
The control commands are transferred via word 1 in the USS protocol.
Bit 2=1 Parameter Access *-300.00Hz
x1xx P053 Run
B2100 ON/OFF1 from OP1S
I 0 B2101 OFF2 from OP1S
B2102 OFF3 from OP1S Fault
B2113 Raise MOP from OP1S
Reversing key
B2114 Lower MOP from OP1S
ON key I Raise key
B2111 Positive speed direction from OP1S
B2112 Negative speed direction from OP1S OFF key 0 P Lower key
Reset B2107 Acknowledgement from OP1S Key for toggling between control levels
Inching key Jog 7 8 9
Jog B2108 Inching from OP1S
4 5 6 0 to 9: number keys
Sign key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
OP1S fp_vc_060_e.vsd Function diagram
- 60 -
Operating display 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
AnaIn Conf AI 1 Monitor n959.17 = 3
P632.1 0 ... 1
[80.5] P638.1 (0)
AnaIn1 Monitor
=4 1 B0031
2 mA 0
≠4 0
to fault [F037]
AnaIn Conf
0 ... 4
P632.1 (0)
AnaIn 1 Smooth Select Src AnaIn 2 Rel
4 ... 1000 ms AnaIn 1 Offset Motor Encoder P0636.1 (1)
P634.1 (4) -10 V ... +10 V [250.2] 4 B
Analn 1 Setp
Analog input 1 P631.1 (0,00) r637.1
A 3
≠13 1 AnaIn1 Setp
X102/15 2 K0011
1 0
X102/16 D =13 0
Hardware 0
11bit + sign
smoothing 10 µs to tachometer [250.3]
AnaIn Configuration
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CUVC terminals fp_vc_080_e.vsd Function diagram
- 80 -
Analog inputs, voltage and current specification 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.19 = 3
AA Scale CU AnalogOutOff
-320.00 ... +320.00 V -10,00 ... +10,00 V
P643.1 (10,00) P644.1 (0,00)
Switch on CUVC:
Src AnaOut D A01
y(V) = x/100% ⋅ P643 X102/19
K S4 (1-3) -10 ... 10 V
A X102/20
K0015 AO1 ActV S4 (2-3) 20 ... 0 mA
10 bit + sign S4 switch
3 6
1 2 4 5
AA Scale AA Offset
-320.00 ... +320.00 V -10,00 ... +10.00 V
P643.2 (10,00) P644.2 (0.00)
Switch on CUVC:
Src AnaOut D A02
y(V) = x/100% ⋅ P643 X102/21
S4 (4-6) -10 ... 10 V
A X102/22
K0016 AO2 ActV S4 (5-6) 20 ... 0 mA
10 bit + sign
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CUVC terminals fp_vc_081_e.vsd Function diagram
- 81 -
Analog outputs 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
-X101 /2 Ground Src DigOut1
P0651.B(107) Inputs U950.13 = ___(4)
/1 24 V P24 B DigOut 1 Outputs U950.23 = ___(4)
20 mA /3 24 V
B0010 DigIn 1
1 B0011 DigIn 1 inv.
Src DigOut2
B DigOut 2 The terminals -X101/3 to -X101/6 can be used as
B0026 digital inputs or digital outputs.
20 mA /4 24 V
B0012 DigIn 2 If they are used as digital inputs, the parameters
5V P651.B, P652.B, P653.B and P654.B have to be set
1 B0013 DigIn 2 inv. to 0.
Src DigOut3
If they are used as digital outputs,
P0653.B (0) B010 ... B017 should not be used.
B DigOut 3
B0027 The terminals -X101/7 to -X101/9 can only be used
/5 24 V as digital inputs.
20 mA B0014 DigIn 3
1 B0015 DigIn 3 inv. <1> Signal status display for digital input/output
Src DigOut4 terminals on the PMU in r646:
P0654.B (0)
B DigOut 4
20 mA /6 24 V
B0016 DigIn 4 •
5V 9 8 76 54 3
1 B0017 DigIn 4 inv.
/7 24 V
B0018 DigIn 5
1 B0019 DigIn 5 inv.
/8 24 V
User circuit B0020 DigIn 6
1 B0021 DigIn 6 inv.
/9 24 V
B0022 DigIn 7
1 B0023 DigIn 7 inv.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CUVC terminals fp_vc_090_e.vsd Function diagram
- 90 -
Digital inputs/outputs 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Only for unit sizes - X9 /1
n959.69 = 4
A to D
24 V ( ≥ 2.1 A)
and AC ≥ 380 V /2
M MCon message
Src ContactorMsg
/4 ≠0
not connected P591.B (0) ContactorMsgTime
B 0...6500 ms
=0 P600 (0)
/5 see control word 2
not connected [190.2]
0 T MCon message
/6 to precharging
not connected
to main contactor
AC 230 V, 1 kVA not connected
Energize MCon
not connected
to main contactor
AC 230 V, 1 kVA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Main contactor control, external DC 24 V incoming supply fp_vc_091_e.vsd Function diagram
- 91 -
AC/AC converter 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Only for unit sizes - X9 /1
n959.69 = 4
A to D
24 V ( ≥ 2.1 A)
and DC ≥ 510 V /2
MCon message
to main contactor
DC 30 V, 24 W not connected
AC 60 V, 60 VA
Energize MCon
not connected
to main contactor
AC 230 V, 1 kVA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Main contactor control, external DC 24 V incoming supply, "SAFE OFF" fp_vc_092_e.vsd Function diagram
- 92 -
DC/AC inverter 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Only for unit sizes ≥ E n959.69 = 4
and AC ≥ 380 V
- X9 MCon message
P591 MCon message
24 V ( ≥ 2.1 A) [92.5] Monitoring
to precharging
to main contactor
AC 230 V, 1 kVA
Energize MCon
Only for units:
Src DigOutMCon
AC 200 ... 230 V - X9 /1 P601.B (124) Energize MCon
MCon ON command
P24 from precharging
B B0124
24 V ( ≥ 2.1 A)
see status word 1
M [200.5]
not connected
to main contactor
AC 230 V, 1 kVA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Main contactor control, external DC 24 V incoming supply fp_vc_093_e.vsd Function diagram
- 93 -
AC/AC converter 14.01.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
Only for unit sizes ≥ E n959.69 = 4
and DC ≥ 510 V
- X9
/1 F001
MCon message
24 V ( ≥ 2.1 A)
P591 MCon message
[92.5] Monitoring
to precharging
Src Contactor Message
P591.B (0) ≠0 Contactor MsgTime
/3 B 0...6500 ms
not connected
=0 P600 (0)
see control word 2
/4 [190.2]
0 T MCon message
to precharging
to main contactor
DC 30 V, 24 W
AC 60 V, 60 VA
Energize MCon
not connected
to main contactor
AC 230 V, 1 kVA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Main contactor control, external DC 24 V incoming supply, "SAFE OFF" fp_vc_094_e.vsd Function diagram
- 94 -
DC/AC inverter, chassis type 14.01.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
PKW Task U950.10 = ___(4)
PKW- words
r738.1 to 4
RxD Receive telegram Receive
SCom 1/2 RecvData
PZD words
r709.01 to 16
TLG End PKW TLG Head B2100 SCom1Word1 Bit0
16 15 14 • • • • 3 2 1 ••• B2115 SCom1Word1 Bit15
1 K2001 SCom1 Word1
B2200 SCom1Word2 Bit0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
USS/SCom1 fp_vc_100_e.vsd Function diagram
- 100 -
Receiving 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
PKW Task U950.14 = ___(4)
PKW words
r738.13 to .16
RxD Receive telegram Receive
PZD SCoRecvData
PZD words r709.17 to 32
TLG end PKW TLG head B6100 SCom2Word1 Bit0
16 15 14 • • • • 3 2 1 ••• B6115 SCom2Word1 Bit15
1 K6001 SCom2 Word 1
B6200 SCom2Word2 Bit0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
USS/SCom2 fp_vc_101_e.vsd Function diagram
- 101 -
Receiving 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
PKW Reply U950.20 = ___(4)
r739.01 to .04
••• PKW Word 1 USS SCom 1
Transmit PZD
SCom TrnsRecData • • • PKW TLG head
SrcSCom1TrnsData end 16 15 14 3 2 1
r710.01 to .16
P0707 (0) •••
K 1
.02 PZD
K 2
K .03 3
K .04 4
K 5
K .06 6
.08 If the same double-word connector is connected to two successive connector indices
K 8 in each case, this is transferred as a 32-bit word.
.09 Examples:
K 9
K 10 P0707 (0)
KK1000 1000 .02
KK1000 is transferred
.11 .03 as a 32-bit word
K 11 KK1000 1000
K .12 12 2.
P0707 (0)
.13 .02
K 13 KK2000 2000 Only the high part of
KK1000 1000 .03 KK1000 and KK2000
K 14 KK900 900 .04 is transferred as a
16-bit word.
K 15
K .16 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
USS/SCom1 fp_vc_110_e.vsd Function diagram
- 110 -
Transmitting 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
PKW Reply U950.24 = ___(4)
r739.13 to .16
PKW Word 1 USS SST 2
PKW Word 2 USS SST 2
PKW Word 3 USS SST 2 words Transmit telegram
PKW Word 4 USS SST 2
Transmit PZD
SCom TrnsRecData • • • • PKW TLG head
SrcSCom2TrnsData end 16 15 14 3 2 1
r710.17 to .32
P0708 (0) •••
K 1
.02 PZD
K 2
K .03 3
K .04 4
K 5
K .06 6
.08 If the same double-word connector is connected to two successive connector indices
K 8 in each case, this is transferred as a 32-bit word.
.09 Examples:
K 9
K 10 P0708 (0)
KK1000 1000 .02
KK1000 is transferred
.11 .03 as a 32-bit word
K 11 KK1000 1000
K .12 12 2.
P0708 (0)
.13 .02
K 13 KK2000 2000 Only the high part of
KK1000 1000 .03 KK1000 and KK2000
K 14 KK900 900 .04 is transferred as a
16-bit word.
K 15
K .16 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
USS/SCom2 fp_vc_111_e.vsd Function diagram
- 111 -
Transmitting 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
CB Diagnose PKW Task U950.11 = ___(4)
r732.01 bis 32 PKW words
r738.5 to 8
PZD CB/TB RecvData
CB Parameter 1 Dual- words
Port-RAM r733.01 to 16
0 ... 65535
B3100 CB/TB Word1Bit0
P711.01 ••
Config 1 K3001 CB/TB DWord1 B3115 CB/TB Word1Bit15
area Channel 0 B3200 CB/TB Word2Bit0
2 K3002 CB/TB Word2 B3215 CB/TB Word2Bit15
PKW KK3032 CB/TB DWord2 B3300 CB/TB Word3Bit0
CB Parameter 10
0 ... 65535 High B3315 CB/TB Word3Bit15
3 K3003 CB/TB Word3
P720.01 Low
KK3033 CB/TB DWord3
PZD Channel 1 B3400 CB/TB Word4Bit00
K3004 CB/TB Word4 B3415 CB/TB Word4Bit15
CB Parameter 11 Low
KK3034 CB/TB DWord4 B3500 CB/TB Word5Bit0
0 ... 65535
P721.01 bis .05 High
5 K3005 CB/TB Word5 B3515 CB/TB Word5Bit15
KK3035 CB/TB DWord5
CB/TB Tlg OFF Channel 2 B3600 CB/TB Word6Bit0
0 ... 6500 ms ration
B0035 6
K3006 CB/TB Word6 B3615 CB/TB Word6Bit15
P722.01 (0) KK3036 CB/TB DWord6 B3700 CB/TB Word7Bit0
P722.01 =0 :
Fault Delay High B3715 CB/TB Word7Bit15
No monitoring 7 K3007 CB/TB Word7
0.0 ... 100.0 s Low
KK3037 CB/TB DWord7
P781.13 (0.0) Channel 3 B3800 CB/TB Word8Bit0
CB Bus Address 8
K3008 CB/TB Word8 B3815 CB/TB Word8Bit15
0 ... 200 Low
KK3038 CB/TB DWord8 B3900 CB/TB Word9Bit0
P918.01 (x) T 0 F082
High B3915 CB/TB Word9Bit15
9 K3009 CB/TB Word9
<1> CB parameter access CB/TB Tlg OFF Low
KK3039 CB/TB DWord9
No fault
Channel 4
Bit 0 = 1
when P781=101.0 s
10 High
K3010 CB/TB Word10
xxxx xxx1 Low
KK3040 CB/TB DWord10
TB parameter access High
<2> 11 K3011 CB/TB Word11
P053 Low
KK3041 CB/TB DWord11
Bit 4 = 1 Channel 5
xxx1 xxxx 12 High
K3012 CB/TB Word12
Applicable for following configurations: Low
KK3042 CB/TB DWord12
- Only a CB
- Only a TB High
13 K3013 CB/TB Word13
- CB behind TB (CB in slot D or E) Low
KK3043 CB/TB DWord13
- CB - CB for the CB with the lower slot letter Channel 6
14 High
K3014 CB/TB Word14
<1> CB = Communications board, e.g. CBP Low
<2> TB = Technology board, e.g. T100, T300, T400 KK3044 CB/TB DWord14
15 K3015 CB/TB Word15
Note: Bit 10 must be set in the first PZD word so that the Low
KK3045 CB/TB DWord15
converter will accept the process data as being valid. For Channel 7
this reason, the control word 1 must be transferred to the 16 High
K3016 CB/TB Word16
converter in the first PZD word.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
First CB/TB board (low slot letter) fp_vc_120_e.vsd Function diagram
- 120 -
Receiving 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
U950.21 = ___(4)
r739.5 to .8 (communications board/technology board
PKW Word 1 CB/TB 01
PKW Word 2 CB/TB 02
port RAM
PKW Word 3 CB/TB 03 words
processing PKW
PKW Word 4 CB/TB 04 words
KK .03 3
KK .04 4
KK 5
KK .06 6
.09 Examples:
KK 9
KK 10 P0734 (0)
KK1000 1000 .02
KK1000 is transferred
.11 .03 as a 32 bit word
KK 11 KK1000 1000
KK .12 12 2.
P0734 (0)
.13 .02
KK 13 KK2000 2000 Only the high part of
KK1000 1000 .03 KK1000 and KK2000
KK 14 KK900 900 .04 is transferred as a
16 bit word.
KK 15
KK .16 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
First CB/TB board (low slot letter) fp_vc_125_e.vsd Function diagram
- 125 -
Transmitting 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
PKW task U950.15 = ___(4)
PKW words
r738.17 to 20
CB Parameter 1 Dual
0 ... 65535 Port-RAM PZD CB/TB RecvData
P711.02 words r733.17 to .32
Config B8100 2nd CBWord1 Bit0
area B8115 2nd CB Word1 Bit15
1 K8001 2nd CB Word 1
B8200 2nd CBWord2 Bit0
CB Parameter 10 PKW 2 K8002 2nd CB Word 2 B8215 2nd CB Word2 Bit15
0 ... 65535 Low
KK8032 2nd CB DWord2 B8300 2nd CBWord3 Bit0
High B8315 2nd CB Word3 Bit15
PZD 3 Low
K8003 2nd CB Word 3
KK8033 2nd CB DWord3 B8400 2nd CBWord4 Bit0
CB Parameter 11 USS High
0 ... 65535 configu- 4 K8004 2nd CB Word 4 8415 2nd CB Word4 Bit15
P721.06 to .10 ration KK8034 2nd CB DWord4 B8500 2nd CBWord5 Bit0
2. CB Tlg OFF High
5 K8005 2nd CB Word 5 B8515 2nd CB Word5 Bit15
CB/TB TlgOFF B0045 Low
KK8035 2nd CB DWord5 B8600 2nd CBWord6 Bit0
0 ... 6500 ms
P722.02 (0) High B8615 2nd CB Word6 Bit15
P722.02 =0 : 6 K8006 2nd CB Word 6
no monitoring Fault Delay KK8036 2nd CB DWord6 B8700 2nd CBWord7 Bit0
0.0 ... 100,0 s High
P781.14 (0.0) 7 K8007 2nd CB Word 7 B8715 2nd CB Word7 Bit15
CB Bus Address KK8037 2nd CB DWord7 B8800 2nd CBWord8 Bit0
0 ... 200 High
P918.02 (x) 8 K8008 2nd CB Word 8 B8815 2nd CB Word8 Bit15
T 0 Low
KK8038 2nd CB DWord8 B8900 2nd CBWord9 Bit0
High B8915 2nd CB Word9 Bit15
CB/TB Tlg OFF 9 Low
K8009 2nd CB Word 9
No fault KK8039 2nd CB DWord9
when P781=101.0 s High
10 K8010 2nd CB Word 10
Valid for following configurations: Low
KK8040 2nd CB DWord10
- CB - CB for the CB with the higher slot letter
- CB before TB, i.e. CB in slot A or C High
11 K8011 2nd CB Word 11
KK8041 2nd CB DWord11
12 K8012 2nd CB Word 12
KK8042 2nd CB DWord12
13 K8013 2nd CB Word 13
KK8043 2nd CB DWord13
14 K8014 2nd CB Word 14
KK8044 2nd CB DWord14
Note: Bit 10 must be set in the first PZD word so that the
converter will accept the process data as being valid. For High
15 K8015 2nd CB Word 15
this reason, the control word 1 must be transferred to the Low
KK8045 2nd CB DWord15
converter in the first PZD word.
16 K8016 2nd CB Word 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Second CB/TB board (higher slot letter) fp_vc_130_e.vsd Function diagram
- 130 -
Receiving 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
PKW Reply Dual- U950.25 = ___(4)
r739.17 to .20 Port-RAM
PKW Word 1 CB/TB 01
K .03 3
K .04 4
K 5
K .06 6
.09 Examples:
K 9
K 10 P0736 (0)
KK1000 1000 .02
KK1000 is transmitted as
.11 .03 a 32 bit word
K 11 KK1000 1000
K .12 12 2.
P0736 (0)
.13 .02
K 13 KK2000 2000 Only the high part of
KK1000 1000 .03 KK1000 and KK2000 is
K 14 KK900 900 .04 transmitted as a 16 bit
K 15
K .16 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Second CB/TB board (higher slot letter) fp_vc_135_e.vsd Function diagram
- 135 -
Transmitting 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.20 = 7
Q.SLB Appl.Flags
P747 (0)
B .01
B .02
B .03 E
B .04 Transmit
SLB Channel # O
1 ... 8
P745.1 (2)
specific part
SLB Cycle Time Dispatcher-
0,1 ... 6,5 ms specific part
P746.1 (3,2) Module
address = 0 B0042 SIMOLINK Start
address = 0
<1> A002
SIMOLINK Start alarm
P746 + 3,18 us 1
<1> f: Number of addressed nodes = ( - 2) × ; 6,36us = time for 1 telegram (3,18 due to rounding)
6,36 us P745
<2>Number of channels = Number of transmission channels (32-bit transmit words) per node; is according to the node which uses the most transmission channels.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SIMOLINK board (SLB) fp_vc_140_e.vsd Function diagram
- 140 -
Configuration and diagnosis 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
SLB Read Addr .01
<1> 0.0 ... 200.7 U950.12 = ___(4)
<1> Example: P749.02 = 0.1 Data
• • •
P749 16 x 16 bit
⇒KK7035 = Transm. channel1 from node 0 SLB Rcv Data
.08 r750.01 to .16
B7100 SLB Word1 Bit0
1 K7001 SLB Word 1 B7115 SLB Word1 Bit15
KK7031 SLB DWord 1
Channel 0 B7200 SLB Word2 Bit0
2 K7002 SLB Word 2 B7215 SLB Word2 Bit15
Receive O Receive telegram KK7032 SLB DWord 2 B7300 SLB Word3 Bit0
High B7315 SLB Word3 Bit15
3 K7003 SLB Word 3
E Low
KK7033 SLB DWord 3
RxD Channel 1 B7400 SLB Word4 Bit0
K7004 SLB Word 4 B7415 SLB Word4 Bit15
KK7034 SLB DWord 4 B7500 SLB Word5 Bit0
5 K7005 SLB Word 5 B7515 SLB Word5 Bit15
KK7035 SLB DWord 5
Note: Channel 2 B7600 SLB Word6 Bit0
Special data can only be sent 6
K7006 SLB Word 6 B7615 SLB Word6 Bit15
by the SL master! Low
KK7036 SLB DWord 6 B7700 SLB Word7 Bit0
Special data
8 x 16 bit High B7715 SLB Word7 Bit15
7 K7007 SLB Word 7
KK7037 SLB DWord 7
Channel 3 B7800 SLB Word8 Bit0
K7008 SLB Word 8 B7815 SLB Word8 Bit15
1 K7101 SLB Special Word 1 Low
KK7038 SLB DWord 8 B7900 SLB Word9 Bit0
KK7131 SLB Spec DWord 1
High B7915 SLB Word9 Bit15
9 K7009 SLB Word 9
2 K7102 SLB Special Word 2 Low
KK7039 SLB DWord 9
KK7132 SLB Spec DWord2 Channel 4
10 High
K7010 SLB Word 10
3 K7103 SLB Special Word 3 Low
KK7040 SLB DWord 10
KK7133 SLB Spec DWord3
11 K7011 SLB Word 11
4 K7104 SLB Special Word 4 Low
KK7041 SLB DWord 11
KK7134 SLB Spec DWord4 Channel 5
12 High
K7012 SLB Word 12
5 K7105 SLB Special Word 5 Low
KK7042 SLB DWord 12
KK7135 SLB Spec DWord5
13 K7013 SLB Word 13
6 K7106 SLB Special Word 6 Low
KK7043 SLB DWord 13
KK7136 SLB Spec DWord 6 Channel 6
14 High
K7014 SLB Word 14
7 K7107 SLB Special Word 7 Low
KK7044 SLB DWord 14
KK7137 SLB Spec DWord 7
15 K7015 SLB Word 15
8 K7108 SLB Special Word 8 Low
KK7045 SLB DWord 15
Channel 7
16 High
K7016 SLB Word 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SIMOLINK Board fp_vc_150_e.vsd Function diagram
- 150 -
Receiving 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.21 = 2
SLB TrnsData Transmit words
SrcSLBTrnsData r752.01 to .16
P0751 (0) •••
Channel0 Bus cycle
.02 Transmit words 3 and 4
K 2 (Example for 3 nodes and 2 channels) E
K 3
Channel1 3.1 3.0 2.1 2.0 1.1 1.0 0.1 0.0
K .04
Pause SYNC NOP • • • • • • NOP 2W 2W 2W 2W 2W 2W 2W 2W
K 5 Bus cycle time
K 6
K 7
- Each module can read out all circulating telegrams.
Channel3 - Each telegram consists of 2 words = 2 x 16 bit.
K .08
8 - Each module can only describe the telegrams of its own module address.
- In the above example, module 1 can describe telegrams 1.0 and 1.1.
- The dispatcher (module address 0) provides the SYNC signal after the defined bus cycle time.
.09 - The number of nodes is determined by establishing the bus cycle time and the number of channels.
K 9 The dispatcher transmits as many telegrams with ascending node address and channel number as
.10 the bus cycle time permits.
K 10 - If the total number of telegrams requires less time than the bus cycle time, the time up to the SYNC
signal is filled up with NOP (No Operation) telegrams.
.11 - The total number of telegrams (modules x channels) is limited to 1023.
K 11
K .12 12
Transmitting 32 bit words:
K 13 If the same double-word connector is connected up to two successive connector
Channel6 indices, this is transmitted as a 32 bit word.
K 14
K 15
Channel7 P0751 (0)
.16 KK1000 1000 .02
K 16 KK1000 is transmitted
KK1000 1000 .03 as a 32 bit word.
P0751 (0)
KK2000 2000 .02
Only the high part of
KK1000 1000 .03 KK1000 and KK2000 is
.04 transmitted as a 16 bit
KK900 900
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SIMOLINK board fp_vc_160_e.vsd Function diagram
- 160 -
Transmitting 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Display of r550 on PMU
n959.25 = 4
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Control word 1
Control word 1 •
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit No. Meaning K0030
Src ON/OFF1 P554.B (5/22) 0=OFF1, Shutdown via ramp-function generator, to sequence control 1)
Src1 OFF2(coast) P555.B (1/20)
B Bit 0 followed by pulse disable, to braking control [470.1]
1=ON, operating condition (edge-controlled) to setpoint processing [300.5]
Src2 OFF2(coast) P556.B (1/1) 0=OFF2, pulse disable, motor coasts down
Bit 1 to sequence control 1)
B 1=Operating condition to braking control [470.1]
Src3 OFF2(coast) P557.B (1/1)
& Bit 2
0=OFF3, quick stop
1=Operating condition
to sequence control 1)
to braking control [470.1]
to setpoint processing [318.3], [328.3]
Src InvRelease P561.B (1/1)
1=Inverter enable, pulse enable
[92.4] "Safe OFF" checkback B Bit 3 to sequence control 1)
0=Pulse disable
Src RampGen Rel P562.B (1/1)
Src1 OFF3(QStop) P558.B (1/1) 1=Ramp-function generator enable
B Bit 4 to setpoint processing [317.6], [327.6]
B 0=Set ramp-function generator to 0
Src2 OFF3(QStop) P559.B (1/1) Src RampGen Stop P563.B (1/1) 1=Start ramp-function generator
& Src Setp Release
P564.B (1/1)
Bit 5
0=Stop ramp-function generator
to setpoint processing [317.6], [327.6]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Control word 1 fp_vc_180_e.vsd Function diagram
- 180 -
n959.26 = 4
Control word 2
Control word 2
Bit No. Meaning K0031
Display of r551 on the PMU
Src FuncDSetBit0 P576.B (0/0) 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
B Bit 16 Select fixed setpoint bit 0 to data sets [540.4]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Control word 2 fp_vc_190_e.vsd Function diagram
- 190 -
n959.27 = 4
Status word 1
Status word 1 Display of r552 on the PMU
Bit No. Meaning K0032 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Status word 1 fp_vc_200_e.vsd Function diagram
- 200 -
n959.28 = 4
Status word 2
Status word 2 Display of r553 on the PMU
Bit No. Meaning K0033 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Status word 2 fp_vc_210_e.vsd Function diagram
- 210 -
n957.01 = 2
Encoder Pulse #
60 ... 20000
P151.M (1024)
Tacho M
Track A
Track B
Pulse encoder
zero evaluation Control Track
Control B0060
X103/28 Tacho P15
Select MotEncod
10 ... 16
P130.M (10)
AnalogTachScale Rotor angle 1)
500 ... 6000 1/min r186
Rotor angle 1)
P138.M (3000) w/o mot. encoder 0 10 K0090
d/dt n/f(act,encod) To speed/
Pulse encoder
11 KK0091 position processing
From analog input 1 Pulse encoder with control track
12 Pos (act Mot) 1)
[350.2], [352.2]
Analog input 1
Normalization 13 r185
Analog input 2
Pulse encoder with zero track Pos. angle 1)
15 KK120
Pulse encod. with zero and control track
500 ... 6000 1/min Src Pos SetV 1)
P138.M (3000) P0172.B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Encoder evaluation fp_vc_250_e.vsd Function diagram
- 250 -
Speed/position processing 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.02 = 2
Load angle
from current model [384.8]
ϕ s, soll
to motor model [397.1]
0.0 ... 4.0
P187 (1.0 ms)
Select MotEncod
Encoder Pulse # 10 ... 16
60 ... 20000 P130.M (10)
P151.M (1024) Rotor angle 1)
Rotor angle 1)
Tacho M w/o mot. encoder 0 10 K0090
d/dt n/f(act,encod) To speed/
Pulse encoder
Track A 11 KK0091 position processing
X103/24 Pulse encoder with control track
Track B
12 Pos (act Mot) 1)
Pulse encoder 13 r185
zero evaluation Control Track 14
Pulse encoder with zero track Pos. angle 1)
Control B0060 15 KK120
X103/27 Pulse encod. with zero and control track
X103/28 Tacho P15
Src Pos SetV 1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Encoder evaluation fp_vc_251_e.vsd Function diagram
- 251 -
Speed/position sensing, sep. excited synchronous motor 22.09.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Frequency signal evaluation mode Conf Setp Enc
2000...2133 n959.33 = __ (4)
(P139 = 1xxx) P139 (0000)
SetpEnc Ref Freq
Terminal assignment X400: 500...1000000 Hz
Channel 1 forwards counter (+) <2>
60...67: n.c. X401/68 P141.1 (10000) <3>
X401/69 Channel 1 forwards counter (-) Counter d SBP Setpoint Channel 1
Terminal assignment X401: <1> channel 1 dt KK0094
X401/70 Channel 1 reverse counter (+)
68: Forward counter channel 1+ (forw./rev.) Setp Ref Freq
X401/71 Channel 1 reverse counter (-) Normalization
69: Forwards counter channel 1- 500...1000000 Hz
70: Reverse counter channel 1+ <2>
P141.2 (10000) <3>
71: Reverse counter channel 1- X401/72 Channel 2 forwards counter (+) Counter d SBP Setpoint Channel 2
72: Forwards counter channel 2+ Channel 2 forwards counterr (-) channel 2 dt KK0095
73: Forwards counter channel 2- X401/73 (forwards)
74: n.c.
75: n.c. SBP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint input fp_vc_256_e.vsd Function diagram
- 256 -
Setpoint input via external frequency or encoder signals with the SBP optional board 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
0 ... 1 n959.62 = 0
P371 (0)
Overcurrent F11
Phase 1 Amps
IL1 Phase 1 Amps
A K0238 IL1 set/act values [285.1], [286.1]
D Phase 3 Amps
IL3 Phase 3 Amps
A K0239 IL3 Set/act values [285.1], [286.1]
Overcurrent F11
DC link bus A to evaluation set/act values
D/L- [285.1], [286.1]
– D K0240
DC BusVolts act
Drive Temperat.
M to alarms/faults [490.1]
Temp. A
measuring X
points Drive Temperat.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Measured-value sensing fp_vc_280_e.vsd Function diagram
- 280 -
n/f/T control, master/slave drive, v/f control 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Phase 1 Amps n957.05 = 3
Phase 1 Amps 3
Output Amps
K0238 r004
From MVal sensing 2s Output Amps
[ 280.3 ] Vector Isq(act)
Phase 3 Amps
i2sd + i2sq K0022
r832.2 K0184 OutputAmps(rms)
Phase 3 Amps 2
M (set, friction)
Transformation angle from gating unit [420.8] [371] ... [375]
Motor Torque
– r007
30 ms Motor Torque
isq * ψ K0024
ψ Torque(act)
From motor model K0241
[395.3], [396.3], [397.5]
n/f(act) Output Power
r218 r005
x Output Power
From speed y
processing y
[350.7], [351.7]
Motor Rtd Speed x Mot pole pair #
[550], [551] 60
Output Volts
From current control [390.7] 2s Output Volts
DC Bus Volts
From MVal sensing r006
[280.8] 2s DC Bus Volts
DC BusVolts act
0 ...16
P287.M (9)
Tsmooth= Tp⋅2P287
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Evaluation of set/actual values for voltage/current/torque/output fp_vc_285_e.vsd Function diagram
- 285 -
n/f/T control, master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Phase 1 Amps
n957.06 = 3
Phase 1 Amps 3
Output Amps
K0238 r004
From measured- 2s Output Amps
value sensing Isq(act)
[ 280.3 ]
Phase 3 Amps Ammeter i2sd + i2sq K0022
r832.2 K0184 OutputAmps(rms)
Phase 3 Amps 2 Smooth Isq
K0239 0 ... 3200
P335.M (~)
Transformation angle from gating unit [420.8]
DC Bus Volts
From MVal sensing r006
[280.8] 2s DC Bus Volts
DC BusVolts act
0 ...16
P287.M (9)
Tsmooth = Tp⋅2P287
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Evaluation of set/actual values for voltage/current/torque/output fp_vc_286_e.vsd Function diagram
- 286 -
V/f open-loop control 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Src FSetp Bit2
P417.B (0)
B n959.40 = 4
Src FSetp Bit3
FixConn 0% Select FSetp bit 1 from control word 2/bit 21 [190.5]
P418.B (0)
0,0 % KK0000
B Select FSetp bit 0 from control word 2/bit 20 [190.5]
FixConn 05%
Fixed Freq5(set) KK0045
50,0 % KK0005
-600,000 ... 600,000 Hz 0 1 0 0
P405.F (0.000) Active FSetp
KK0046 r420
FixConn 150% Fixed Freq6(set)
150,0 % KK0006 -600,000 ... 600,000 Hz 0 1 0 1
P406.F (0.000) Active FSetp
KK0047 KK0040
Fixed Freq7(set)
FixConn -50%
-600,000 ... 600,000 Hz 0 1 1 0
-50,0 % KK0007
P407.F (0.000)
Fixed Freq8(set) KK0048
FixConn -150% -600,000 ... 600,000 Hz 0 1 1 1
-150,0 % KK0008 P408.F (0.000)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_vc_290_e.vsd Function diagram
- 290 -
Fixed setpoints 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Conf MOP n959.41 = 4
0000 ... 0111
P425 (0110)
-1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_vc_300_e.vsd Function diagram
- 300 -
Motorized potentiometer 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Sync TargFreq n959.42 = 4
from synchronization [X02.3]
Slip Frequency
KK0188 +
from V/f control [400.5]
from f control [396.4]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel (part 1) fp_vc_316_e.vsd Function diagram
- 316 -
Master Drive 10.12.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Release setpoint n959.43 = 4
Accel. Time Unit Decel. Time Unit OFF 3 Initial Rounding Time Src Scale Torq(PRE)
Converter status
& 0 ... 2
P463.F (0)
0 ... 2
P465.F (0)
0.0 ... 999.9 s
P466.2 (0.0)
P473.B (1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel (Part 2) fp_vc_317_e.vsd Function diagram
- 317 -
Master drive + HLG 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.44 = 3
No inching
n/f Droop No OFF3 n/f(max,REV Spd)
[365.8], [367.5] [180.7] Add Setpoint 2 [316.6]
Scale Add Setp2
-300.00 ... 300.00 %
P439.F (100.00) 0
Src AddSetpoint2 0 – Add Setpoint 2
P438.B (0) r442
+ +
From synchronization
[X02.8 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel (part 3) fp_vc_318_e.vsd Function diagram
- 318 -
Master drive 07.05.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.45 = 3
to closed-loop control
Speed setpoint [318.7] [360.1], [362.1], [365.1],
to open-loop V/f control
[364.1], [400.1], [401.1], [402.1]
Scale TorqLim1
-300.00 ... 300.00 %
P494.F (100.00)
Max Torque 1
Src FixTorque 1 r497
FixTorque 1 Set Torq(limit1,set) P493.B (170)
-200.0 ... 200.0 % K0170 K to control [370.1]
P492.F (100,0) Max Torque 1
Scale TorqLim2
-300.00 ... 300.00 %
P500.F (100.00) Max Torque 2
Src FixTorq 2 r503
FixTorq 2 Set Torq(limit2,set) P499.B (171)
-200.0 ... 200.0 % K0171 K to control [370.1]
P498.F (-100.0) Max Torque 2
-300.00 ... 300.00 %
P507.F (100.00)
Torq AddSetp
Src Torq Add r510
Torq AddFSetp Torq Add FSetp P506.B (87)
-200.0 ... 200.0 % K0087 K to control [365.1], [367.3]
P505.F (0.0) Torq AddSetp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel (part 4) fp_vc_319_e.vsd Function diagram
- 319 -
Master drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
P354 Reference Torque Scale TorqLim1 n959.46 = 3
P113 Rated motor torque -300.00 ... 300.00
P0494.F (100.00)
Fix Torque 1
Src FixTorque 1 r496
FixTorque 1 Set FixTorque 1 Set P493.B (170)
-200.0 ... 200.0% K0170 K
P492.F (100.0) Fix Torque 1
Scale TorqLim2
-300,00 ... 300,00 %
P0500.F (100,00) Fix Torque 2
Src FixTorq 2 r502
FixTorq 2 Set FixTorq 2 Set P499.B (171)
-200.0 ... 200.0 % K0171 K
P498.F (-100.0) Fix Torque 2
Max Torque 1 K0082 Max Torque 1
Scale Torq Sept r497
-300,00 ... 300,00 % To control [369.1], [370.1]
P0487.F (100,00)
Torque Setpoint Max Torque 2
Src Torque Setp r490 r503
P486.B (0) + to control [369.1], [370.1]
K -1
ScaleTorqAddSetp K0084 Max Torque 2
-300,00 ... 300,00 %
P0507.F (100,00)
Torq AddSetp
Src Torq Add r510
Torq Add Fsetp Torq Add Fsetp P506.B (87) Minimum setpoint
≥0 Torq Setp
-200.0 ... 200.0 % K0087 K from setpoint channel part 1
P505.F (0.0) Torq FixAddSet [316.8]
to control
K0086 <0
n/f(max, FWD Spd) ≥0
n/f(set) KK0075 n/f(set,lim)
to control
Minimum setpoint >0 [361.1], [363.1]
[316.8] <0
Scale I Add Setp <0
n/f(max,REV Spd)
-300,00 ... 300,00 %
[316.6] <0
P0509.F (100,00) I AddSetp
Src I Add K0085 I FixAddSet
I Add Fsetp I Add Fsetp P508.B (88)
to control [382.1]
-200.0 ... 200.0 % K0088 K
P504.F (0.0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_vc_320_e.vsd Function diagram
- 320 -
Slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Selection of fixed setp bit0 for control word 2 /bit 20 [190.5] n959.39 = 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_vc_324_e.vsd Function diagram
- 324 -
Fixed setpoints, lift and hoisting-gear applications (P2800=1) 20.01.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
Conf MOP n959.41 = 4
0000 ... 0111
P425 (0110)
Ramp funct. gen. mot. potent.: 0 Ramp function generator is not active in automatic mode,
Accel/decel time =0
1 Ramp function generator is always active
Initial rounding mot. potent.: 0 without initial rounding
1 with intial rounding (the times set in P431 and P432 are not
therefore implemented exactly.
Mot. pot. higher from P431 and P432 refer to a setpoint of 100 %).
control word 1 bit 13 [180.7]
Mot. pot. lower from MOP Accel Time MOP Decel Time
control word 1 bit 14 [180.7] 0,0 ... 1000,0 s 0,0 ... 1000,0 s
P431 (10,0) P432 (10,0)
Src MOP inv. Src Manual/Auto
0 0 P0423 (0) P0430 (0)
Motorpoti (max) MOP (Out)
-200,0 ... 200,0 % 0 1 r424
MOP Input
P421 (100,0) KK0057
0 MOP (Output)
Motorpoti (min) -1 1 KK0058
-200,0 ... 200,0 % 1 0
P422 (0,0)
Motor potentiometer
Src Auto Setp (created by means of internal
P0429 (0) ramp function generator with
1 1 KK fixed initial rounding)
-1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel fp_vc_325_e.vsd Function diagram
- 325 -
Motor potentiometer 10.10.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
from synchronization [X02.3] Sync TargFreq
KK0275 n959.47 = 4
Slip Frequency
from open-loop V/f control [400.5]
KK0188 +
from closed-loop f control [396.4]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel (Part 1) fp_vc_326_e.vsd Function diagram
- 326 -
Master Drive, Lift And Hoisting-Gear Applications (P2800 = 1) 10.12.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.48 = 4
Release setpoint Decel. Time OFF3 OFF 3 Initial Rounding Time
0,0 ... 999,9 s Src Scale Torq(PRE)
[180.6] 0,0 ... 999,9 s
P466.1 (5,0) P466.2 (0.0) P473.B (1)
Converter status
& Acceleration
0.100...10,000 m/s²
0.100...10,000 m/s²
ProtRampGen Gain
1,0 ... 100,0
P2827.F (1,0) P2828.F (1,0) P467.F (1.0) Scale Torq(PRE) Start-up Time
n(set, RGenIn)
0.0 ... 200.0 % 0.10 ... 327.67 s
KK0072 P471.M (0) P116 (1.00)
n(set, RGenOut)
-100 % Accel active
0 B0201
Src Set RGen
n(set,Spd Sel) P0477.B (0)
from setpoint channel Decel active
[326.8] B0202
t RGen active
Short Run to status word 1
B0855 Tup_eff
<1> Tdn_eff
Time Short Run Src SetV RGen <1>
0,00...10,00 s T 0 P0478.B (0)
P2846.F (0) KK AR ER
P2847.B(650) 0.100...10,000 m/s³ 0,0 ... 20,0 No RGen Stop B0208 RGen set <3>
K Init Jerk RampGen Act Hyst
P2830.F (0,8) B0209 RGen tracked
P468 (0) [180.7] P475 (0,0)
Approach 0.100...10,000 m/s³ RGen Release 0,0 ... 50,0
[fixed setpoint] 0 ... 1 RGen tracking
Final Jerk Ramp Limitation
RGen Round Type active [480.4]
Ramp. funct. gen. active
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel (Part 2) fp_vc_327_e.vsd Function diagram
- 327 -
Master drive + ramp function generator, lift and hoisting-gear applications (P2800 = 1) 21.01.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.49 = 3
No inching
[180.7] n/f(max,REV Spd)
n/f Droop Smooth AddSetp2 No OFF3 [326.6]
[365.8], [367.5] 4...1000 ms [180.7]
Scale Add Setp2 P2841.M (50) Add Setpoint 2
-300.00 ... 300.00 % KK0068
P439.F (100.00)
Src AddSetpoint2 0 – Add Setpoint 2
P438.B (0) r442
+ +
Start Pulse
-100.0 %...100.0 %
P2842.M (0,0)
From synchronization
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel (part 3) fp_vc_328_e.vsd Function diagram
- 328 -
Master drive, lift and hoisting-gear applications (P2800 = 1) 20.01.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
n/f(set) n959.45 = 3
to closed-loop control
Speed setpoint [328.7] [360.1], [362.1], [365.1],
to open-loop V/F control
[364.1], [400.1], [401.1], [402.1]
Scale TorqLim1
-300.00 ... 300.00 %
P494.F (100.00)
Max Torque 1
Src FixTorque 1 r497
FixTorque 1 Set Torq(limit1,set) P493.B (170)
-200.0 ... 200.0 % K0170 K to control [370.1]
P492.F (100,0) Max Torque 1
Scale TorqLim2
-300.00 ... 300.00 %
P500.F (100.00) Max Torque 2
Src FixTorq 2 r503
FixTorq 2 Set Torq(limit2,set) P499.B (171)
-200.0 ... 200.0 % K0171 K to control [370.1]
P498.F (-100.0) Max Torque 2
-300.00 ... 300.00 %
P507.F (100.00)
Torq AddSetp
Src Torq Add r510
Torq AddFSetp Torq Add FSetp P506.B (87)
-200.0 ... 200.0 % K0087 K to control [365.1], [367.3]
P505.F (0.0) Torq AddSetp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Setpoint channel (part 4) fp_vc_329_e.vsd Function diagram
- 329 -
Master drive, lift and hoisting-gear applications (P2800 = 1) 10.10.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.10 = 2
Rot Freq
Speed smooth
P806.M (0)
0 ... 1
React Tach Err
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed/position processing fp_vc_350_e.vsd Function diagram
- 350 -
Speed/torque control, master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.11 = 2
Rot Freq
2s Speed smooth
Smooth n/f(setl) From control word 2 bit 27 n(act)
[362.1] [190.5]
r482 n/f(act)
From setpoint channel [318.8] r218
0 + + To speed controller [362]
KK0075 + + n/f(act)
Start Time x ProtRGen Gain KK0148
[ 317.7] [317.6]
From torque limitation [370.8] Torq(limit1,act)
n/f(FWD Ctrl)
f(cEMF Reg,i)
KK0234 Smooth n/f(FWD)
0.0 ... 20.0 ms Src n/f(act)
P216.M (~) P222.B (0)
f(cEMF Reg,p)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed processing fp_vc_351_e.vsd Function diagram
- 351 -
Frequency control, master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.12 = 2
Rot Freq
Speed smooth
max. dn/dt
0.00 ... 600.00 Hz
P215.M (~)
Src n/f(act) To speed controller [364.1]
P222.B (0) [250.8] Plausibility test To set/actual values [286.1]
KK A43
F53 n/f(act)
corr. to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed/position processing fp_vc_352_e.vsd Function diagram
- 352 -
v/f characteristic with speed controller 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Src n-RegGain n957.15 = 3
P238.B (1)
Is only calculated if P260 or P262
K are not connected in diagram 375
T3 = 8 x T0
n/f-Reg. Gain2 n/f RegGain(act)
0.0...2000.0 K0156
P236.M (10.0)
n/f RegGain(act)
n/f-Reg Gain 1 r237
Src n/f RegAdapt 0.0...2000.0 Src M(lim,reg1)
P232.B (0) P235.M (~)
P256.B (173)
M Mmax1(reg,act)
I K0161
P233.M (0.0) P234.M (100.0) N
0.0...200.0 % 0.0...200.0 %
[369], [370]
n/f Reg. Adapt.1 n/f-Reg. Adapt.2
n/f Reg Time
n/f(set,smo’d) 25...32001 ms
smooth n/f(set) r229
0...2000 ms P240.M (400)
P221.M (4) Scale T(Pre)
[ 317.7] n/f(set) n/f(Reg,I-Comp)
KK0150 n/f Deviation K0155 T(set,reg. off)
From setpoint channel Kp Tn
KK0152 n/f (Reg,P) r255
[319.8], [329.8] =0.0 % y
>0.0 %
+ – To torque pre-
r014 control [365.6]
Set I Comp act.
Setp Speed n/f(Band-Stop)
n/f-Reg.Stop T(set, n/f Reg)
n (act) B0228 K0153
r219 SrcSetV n/f-Reg1
P241.B (0)
Smooth n/f(act) Band-Stop Gain Filter bandwidth
0...2000 ms K
0.0...150.0 0.5...20.0 Hz
Motor #PolePairs P223.M (~)
x P251.M (0.0) P253.M (0.5) Src Set n/f-Reg1 T(lim2,act)
From speed 1 ... 15
y y P242.B (0) [369], [370]
processing P109.M (~) M Mmax2(reg,act)
x B
[350.8] Src T(lim,reg2) A K0162
P257.B (173) X
Src nf-Reg1 STOP
n/f(act) n/f(act,smo´d) P243.B (0)
KK0148 KK0151 B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed controller fp_vc_360_e.vsd Function diagram
- 360 -
Speed control, master drive 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Src n-RegGain
n957.16 = 3
P238.B (1)
T3 = 8 x T0
n/f-Reg. Gain2 n/f RegGain(act)
0.0 ... 2000.0 K0156
P236.M (10.0)
n/f RegGain(act)
n/f-Reg. Gain1 r237
Src n/f RegAdapt 0.0 ... 2000.0
P232.B (0) P235.M (~)
n/f(set) n/f(Reg,I-Port)
KK0150 n/f Deviation K0155 T(set,reg. off)
Kp Tn
KK0152 n/f (Reg,P) r255
from setpoint channel [320.8] K0154
+ – to torque/current
Set I Comp act. limitation
Setp Speed n/f(Band-Stop)
B0229 [371.1], [374.1]
KK0158 SrcSetV n/f-Reg1
P241.B (0) n/f-Reg.Stop T(set, n/f Reg)
n (act) K B0228 K0153
Smooth n/f(act) Band-Stop Gain Filter bandwidth Src Set n/f-Reg1
0 ... 2000 ms 0.0 ... 150.0 0.5 ... 20.0 Hz P242.B (0)
Motor #PolePairs P223.M (~) B
x P251.M (0,0) P253.M (0,5)
from 1 ... 15
y y
speed P109.M (~) Src n/f-Reg1 STOP
processing x
P243.B (0)
[350.8] B
n/f(act) n/f(act,smo´d)
KK0148 KK0151
from control word 2 bit 25 [190.5]
n/f(act) n/f(act,smo’d) P254.M (50.0)
r218 r230 5.0 ... 200.0 Hz
[371.5] ... [374.5]
Limitation active from torque limit,
Stop I-component when torque limits of the
unit have been reached;
Limit I-component to torque limits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed limiting controller fp_vc_361_e.vsd Function diagram
- 361 -
Torque control and speed control/slave drive 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Src n-Reg Gain
n957.17 = 3
P238.B (1)
T3 = 8 x T0
n/f-Reg. Gain2 n/f RegGain(act)
0.0 ... 2000.0 K0156
P236.M (10,0)
n/f RegGain(act)
n/f-Reg Gain 1 r237 Src T(lim,reg1)
Src n/f RegAdapt 0.0 ... 2000.0 P256.B (173)
P232.B (0) P235.M (~) K
K M Tmax1(reg,act)
I K0161
P233.M (0.0) P234.M (100.0) Torq(lim1,act)
0.0 ... 200.0 % 0.0 ...200.0 % [369], [370]
n/f Reg Time
smooth n/f(set) n/f-Reg.Adapt 1 n/f-Reg.Adapt 2 25...32001 ms
0 ... 2000 ms n/f(set,smo’d) P240.M (400)
P221.M (4) Scale T(Precon) r229
[317.7] n/f(Reg,I-Comp)
n/f(set) n/f Deviation K0155 T(set,reg. off)
from setpoint channel Kp Tn
KK0150 KK0152 n/f (Reg,P) r255
[319.8], [329.8] =0.0 % y
>0.0 %
+ – to torque pre-
r014 control
Set I Comp act.
Setp Speed n/f(Band-Stop) [367.6]
n/f-Reg.Stop T(set, n/f Reg)
n(act) B0228 K0153
Smooth n/f(act) SrcSetV n/f-Reg1
Band-Stop Gain Filter bandwidth Torq(lim2,act)
0 ... 2000 ms P241.B (0)
0.0 ...150.0 0.5 ... 20.0 Hz [369], [370]
Motor #PolePairs P223.M (~) K
x P251.M (0.0) P253.M (0.5) M Tmax2(reg,act)
1 ... 99 Src T(lim,reg2)
y y A K0162
from speed P109.M (~) Src Set n/f-Reg1 P257.B (173)
x X
processing P242.B (0) K
[351.8] B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed controller fp_vc_362_e.vsd Function diagram
- 362 -
Frequency control, master drive 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Src n-Reg Gain n957.18 = 3
P238.B (1)
T3 = 8 x T0
n/f-Reg. Gain2 n/f RegGain(act)
0.0 ... 2000.0 K0156
P236.M (10,0)
n/f RegGain(act)
n/f-Reg. Gain1 r237
Src n/f RegAdapt 0.0 ... 2000.0
P232.B (0) P235.M (~)
n/f(set) n/f(Reg,I-Port)
KK0150 n/f Deviation K0155 T(set,reg. off)
Kp Tn
KK0152 n/f (Reg,P) r255
From setpoint channel [320.8] K0154
+ – to torque/current
Set I Comp act. limitation
Setp Speed n/f(Band-Stop)
B0229 [372.1]
KK0158 SrcSetV n/f-Reg1
P241.B (0) n/f-Reg.Stop T(set, n/f Reg)
n (act) K B0228 K0153
Smooth n/f(act) Band-Stop Gain Filter bandwidth Src Set n/f-Reg1
0 ... 2000 ms 0.0 ... 150.0 0.5 ... 20.0 Hz P242.B (0)
Motor #PolePairs P223.M (~) B
x P251.M (0.0) P253.M (0.5)
1 ... 99
y y
from speed P109.M (~) Src nf-Reg1 STOP
processing x
P243.B (0)
n/f(act) n/f(act,smo´d)
KK0148 KK0151 [372.5]
n/f (act) n/f(act,smo’d) P254.M (50.0) Limitation active from torque limit,
r218 r230 5.0 ... 200.0 Hz Stop I-component when torque limits of
ResonFreqBStop unit have been reached;
Limit I-component to torque limits.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed limiting controller fp_vc_363_e.vsd Function diagram
- 363 -
Frequency control, slave drive 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Src n-RegGain
P238.B (1) n957.19 = 3
T3 = 8 x T0
n/f-Reg. Gain2 n/f RegGain(act)
0.0 ... 2000.0 K0156
P236.M (10,0)
n/f RegGain(act)
n/f-Reg. Gain1 r237
Src n/f RegAdapt 0.0 ... 2000.0
P232.B (0) P235.M (~)
+ –
Set I Comp act. Slip Frequency
Setp Speed
B0229 KK0188
SrcSetV n/f-Reg1
P241.B (0) n/f-Reg.Stop
n (act) K B0228
Smooth n/f(act) Src Set n/f-Reg1
0 ... 2000 ms P242.B (0)
Motor #PolePairs P223.M (~) B
from 1 ... 15
y y
speed P109.M (~) Src nf-Reg1 STOP
processing x
P243.B (0)
[352.8] B
n/f(act) n/f(act,smo´d)
KK0148 KK0151
from control word 2 bit 25 [190.5]
n/f(act) n/f(act,smo’d)
r218 r230
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speed controller fp_vc_364_e.vsd Function diagram
- 364 -
V/f characteristic with speed controller 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.25 = 3
from setpoint channel
[317.8], [327.8]
+ T(set,precon)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DT1 element, droop and torque pre-control fp_vc_365_e.vsd Function diagram
- 365 -
Speed control, master drive 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.26 = 3
DT1 Function T1
Smooth n/f(act) 0.0 ... 200.0 ms
[361.3] P249.M (10)
KK0151 Output DT1 Elem
DT1 Function Td
0.0 ... 1000.0 ms
P250.M (0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DT1 element fp_vc_366_e.vsd Function diagram
- 366 -
Torque control and speed control, slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.27 = 3
Droop Rel
Scale Droop [190.6]
0.0 ... 49.9 %
P246.M (0.0)
Torq AddSetp
from setpoint channel r510
[319.6], [329.6] Torq FixAddSet
from setpoint channel
[317.8], [327.8] +
n/f (Reg,P)
Speed controller
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Droop and torque pre-control fp_vc_367_e.vsd Function diagram
- 367 -
Frequency control, master drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.31 = 3
0,1 ...6553,5 A
P128.M(~) M(limit1,act)
Src I(max) Isq(max,abs)
Imax(set) MIN K0172
P275.B (0) K0176
K to the torque setpoint [373], [374]
from I2 t calculation [490.5] I (max,perm)
ψ -1 MAX K0173
from the motor
from flux calculation [383.3]
model to the torque setpoint [373], [374]
Max Regen Power Max Gen Power
-0,1 ... -200,0 % 0,0 ... 200,0 %
Max Output Volts
P259.M (~) P258.M (~)
from motor model [397.8]
from flux calculation [383.3]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Torque/current limiation fp_vc_369_e.vsd Function diagram
- 369 -
n-control master drive, synchronous motor separately excited 12.10.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.30 = 3
from flux calculation [380.8], [381.8] Isd(set)
K0179 Gain Isq(max)
25 ... 400 %
Imax P268.M (100) Isq(max, abs)
MIN K0172
0.1 ...6553.5 A K0176
Src I(max) Calculation Isq,max to the torque setpoint [371], [372]
P275.B (0)
K Torq(limit2,act)
MIN ax
ψ -1 MAX K0173
from I2t calculation [490.5] I(max,perm) Im from motor model
K0175 [395.3], [396.3]
from flux calculation [380.3], [381.3] Isd to the torque setpoint [371], [372]
Isq(max) red.
Max Output Volts Pw,max(gen) Pw,max(mot)
-0.1 ... -200.0 % 0,0 ... 200,0 %
P259.M (~) P258.M (~)
from motor model [395.8], [396.8]
from flux calculation [380.3], [381.3] KK0192
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Torque/current limitation fp_vc_370_e.vsd Function diagram
- 370 -
n/f/T control, master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.35 = 3
T = 8 x T0
Torq(set,limit) Isq(set,limitr)
K0165 K0167
y Torq(Lim1)act. to
B0231 current control
+ x + [390.1]
from torque pre-control [365.8], [367.8] x x
Isq Torq(Lim2)act. + – Isq
B0232 y
ψ from
motor model
[395.3], [396.3]
n-Reg in Limitr
≥1 B0234
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Torque setpoint fp_vc_371_e.vsd Function diagram
- 371 -
n/f-control, master drive 27.01.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.36 = 3
Torq(fr)Const Torq(fr)prop.n Troq(fr)prop.n2
0.000 ... 10% 0.000 ... 10% 0.000 ... 10%
P760.M(0%) P761.M(0%) P762.M(0%)
from speed processing Torq(set,fr)
[350.8], [351.8]
Src Torq(fr,ch)
P763.B (0) Torq(set,fr)
K K0163
T = 8 x T0
+ y
+ Torq(Lim2)act. – Isq
B0232 y
ψ from
motor model
[395.3], [396.3]
n-Reg in Limitr
≥1 B0234
from DT1 element [366.8]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Torque setpoint fp_vc_372_e.vsd Function diagram
- 372 -
T control and n/f control, slave drive 22.09.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.37 = 3
T = 8 x T0
n-Reg in Limitr
≥1 B0234
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Torque/current limitation fp_vc_373_e.vsd Function diagram
- 373 -
n-control master drive, synchronous motor separately excited 27.01.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.38 = 3
T = 8 x T0
Smooth Isq(set) Isq(set) grad.
of torque
Torq (set.Lim) 0 ... 20 ms 0,0 ... 6553,5 A Isq(set,lim)
K0165 P273.M (~) P274.M (~) K0167
y Torq(Lim1)act to
B0231 current control
+ + x [391.1]
from torque pre-control TorqSetp [361.8] x x +
+ Torq(Lim2)act + – Isq
B0232 y
ψ from the
motor model
n-Reg in Limitr
≥1 B0234
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Torque/current limitation fp_vc_374_e.vsd Function diagram
- 374 -
T and n-control slave drive, synchronous motor separately excited 27.01.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
Torq(fr)Const Torq(fr)prop.n Torq(fr)prop.n2 n957.39 = 2
0.000 ... 5% 0.000 ... 5% 0.000 ... 5%
P760.M(%) P761.M(%) P762.M(%) is only calculated if P260 or
n/f(act) P262 is interconnected [375.1]
[350.8] Torq(set,fr)
Src Torq(fr,ch)
P763.B (0) Torq(set,fr)
n/f RegGain(act)
K K0163
from speed controller
[360.6], [361.6]
T = 8 x T0
n/f(max,posDR) [316.6]
– Control
n/f(max,negDR) [316.6]
from speed controller controller
[360.5], [361.5]
+ Torq(limit1,act)
from torque/current limitation [370.6]
K0172 Torq (set, Lim) Isq(set,lim)
r269 r272
– Torq(limit2,act)
from torque/current limitation [370.6]
Torq(set,limit) Isq(set,limitr)
Src Torque(add) K0165 K0167
P0262.B (0)
K Torq(Lim1)act.
Src Torq (set) B0231
P0260.B (0) + to current control [390.1]
x x
+ x Isq
B0232 y
Torq(Lim2)act. ψ
from motor model
n-Reg in Limitr
1 B0234
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fast torque setpoint fp_vc_375_e.vsd Function diagram
- 375 -
Speed control, master drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.40 = 3
Vset from current controller [390.8] FieldWeakRegTime
10 ... 32001 ms
P305.M (150)
ModDepth Headrm
0.0 ... 10.0 % Field Weakening
P344.M (0) Max Output Volts B0251
from current controller – + –
[390.8] + 20 ms Max
Mod Depth Limit OutputVolts Flux(FieldWkReg)
K0191 K0196 Imax(set)
K0190 r129
Mod Depth Limit from current
r345 limitation
DCBusVolt(smo´d) K0175
from set/actual evaluation [285.3]
K0236 Calculation of
field weakening
frequency Flux(Set,Total)
KK0192 Flux(set,totl)
FSetp Flux (set)
Smooth Flux(Set) K0197 Isd(set)
50.0 ... 200.0 %
4 ... 2000 ms r281
P291.M (100,0) Magn. Current
Flux(Curve) P303.M (~)
K0193 r0119 to current lim.
+ to current control-
Calculation ler [390]
from motor model [395.8] MIN
Flux(set,smth) – Isd(set)
K0195 K0179
KK0199 Field weakening Isd(static)
curve K0177
Control of
flux build-up Fly/Exc active
Fly/Exc finished
r272 Efficiency Optim B0255
Excitation Time Smooth Accel
50 ... 100 %
0.0 ... 10.00 0 ... 1
P295.M (100)
from torque P602.M (~) P604.M (0)
limitation Isq(set,limitr)
[371.8], [372.8], K0167
[375.8] Flux(LoadDepnd)
flux reduction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Flux calculation fp_vc_380_e.vsd Function diagram
- 380 -
n/T-control, master/slave drive 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.43 = 3
Vsetp from curr. controller [390.8] FieldWeakRegTime
10 ... 32001 ms
P305.M (150)
ModDepth Headrm
0.0 ... 10.0 % Field Weakening
P344.M (0) Max Output Volts 0 B0251
from curr. controller [390.8] – + –
+ 20 ms Max
Mod Depth Limit OutputVolts Flux(FieldWkReg
K0190 K0191 K0196 Imax(set)
Mod Depth Limit
r345 from current
DCBusVolt(smo´d) K0175
from set/act evaluation [285.3]
K0236 Calculation
field weakening
frequency Flux(set,totl)
KK0192 Flux(set,totl) Isd(set)
FSetp Flux (set)
Smooth Flux(Set) K0197 r281
50.0 ... 200.0 %
4 ... 2000 ms
P291.M (100,0) Magn. Current
Flux(Curve) P303.M (~) to curr. lim.
K0193 r0119 [370]
to curr. ctrl.
+ [390]
from motor model [396.8] MIN
+ +
Flux(set,smth) – + Isd(set)
K0195 K0179
KK0199 Field weak. curve Isd(static)
flux build-up Fly/Exc active
Fly/Exc finished
r272 Efficiency Optim B0255
50 ... 100 % Excitation Time Smooth Accel
P295.M (100) 0.0 ... 10.00 0 ... 1
P602.M (~) P604.M (0)
from torque
[371.8], [372.8] Flux(LoadDepnd) from current setpoint [382] I(Set,smoothed)
K0194 K0178
flux reduction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Flux calculation fp_vc_381_e.vsd Function diagram
- 381 -
Frequency control, master/slave drive 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.44 = 3
from speed controller [362.7],[363.7] n/f(Reg,I-Port)
from current limitation [370.2] I(max,perm)
Torque (dynamic)
0 ... 200 % 1 x y
P279.M (0) Smooth I(Set)
2 2
0 0 y -x 4 ... 32000 ms
P280.M (40)
Torque (static) + +
Calculation 0
0 ... 200 % to flux calculation [381.6]
I setp
P278.M (~) + + –
1 I(Set,smoothed)
0 K0178
I AddSetp Magn. Current
from setpoint channel r511
[319.6], [320.8], [329.6]
I FixAddSet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Current setpoint fp_vc_382_e.vsd Function diagram
- 382-
Frequency control, master/slave drive 16.02.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.41 = 3
r272 Tot Leak React R(Stator,tot) Flux Reg. Gain Flux Reg. Gain Flux Reg. Gain
[551] [431.7] 0 ... 250,00 0 ... 250,00 0 ... 250,00
Isq(set,limitr) P297 (1,00) P297/8 (1,00) P297/8 (1,00)
from torque limitation K0167
[373.8], [374.8],
>0 =0
[384.4] Flux Reg. Gain V(max)Reg.Kp EMF(max) Reg.Kp
Field Weakening 0 ... 6,000 0 ... 6,000 0 ... 6,000
Smooth Flux(Set) Flux(Set,Total)
B0251 4 ... 2000 ms r304 P163.M(1,500) P164.M(1,500) P165.M(1,500)
P303.M (~)
Flux(Curve) Flux(set,totl) Psi(set)
FSetp Flux (set)
50,0 ... 200,0 % K0193 K0197 K0180
P291.M (100,0) to the current model [384]
KK0199 Field-weakening Efficiency Optim EMFN
Field Weakening
characteristic 99,9 ... 100,0 %
P295.M (100 %)
Excitation Time
0,0 ... 10,00
P602.M (~) Control of flux
build-up Excitation End
Smooth Accel
0 ... 1 B0255
P604.M (0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Flux calculation fp_vc_383_e.vsd Function diagram
- 383 -
n/M control for master/slave drive, synchronous motor separately excited 07.10.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Flux(set,totl) Isq, set [373.8],
n957.42 = 3
from flux calculation [383.7] K0197 [374.8]
f(set,stator) Isd, max
df(changeCosPhi) r129 Isq(max) red.
from motor model [397.8] KK0199 Isq(set) grad.
P162.M P274.M B0235
from flux calculation [383.4] KK0192 Isd(set)
r281 K0175
Max.Ausg.Spg. to current controller
r346 [391]
I(Set,smoothed) +
from flux calculation [383.4]
Minimum current K0179 –
Isq, soll P161.Mi(min.curr.
r272 value) Smooth Isq(set)
from torque limits [373.8], [374.8] 0 ... 20ms dIsd(set,PReg)
P273.M (6ms) K0227
from flux calculation P-controller [383.8]
Diexc(sd) Src i(excit.) r156
from flux calculation [383.4] K0212 P155.B (0)
K Excitation-current
Iexc(act) monitoring
X (magnet,d)tot Iexc(0)/Iexc(n) F12 Fault
K0211 Kp P157.M (0,500)
1,0 ... 999,0% 1,0 ... 100,0% A44 Current too small
Iexc,min P158.M (0,1 %)
P075 P081.M (50%) T1 P159.M (100 ms) Iexc(set)
+ r160
Current model
P75.M ... P80.M K0210
Psi(mod)-reg. Kp
0 ... 6,000 Iµd(I ModReg) Iµq(set,I-Mod)
P310.M (4) K0214 K0216 P166.M (100,0%) Load angle Slip Frequency
Kpd r168 KK0188
Iµp(I Mod Reg.) Iµd(set,I-Mod) to motor model [397.1]
P167.M (100,0%)
K0213 K0215 Kpq
from flux calculation
[383.7] Psi(set)
– T(rotor):
r124.1 Tdd Load angle
r124.2 Tdq K0093
Psi(mod)-reg. Tn
4 ... 999ms
P311.M (50ms) to position detection [251.6]
Saturation characteristic
Psi(set,I-mod) Psi(act,I-mod)
r308 r309
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Current model for excitation-current monitoring, cos-Phi control fp_vc_384_e.vsd Function diagram
- 384 -
n/M control for master/slave drive, synchronous motor separately excited 07.10.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.55 = 0
Tot Leak React Gain PRE Isq
1.0 ... 49.99 % 0.0 ... 200.0 %
R(Stator, tot) P122.M (~) P282.M (60.0)
from temperature adaption [430.7]
Output Filter Max Mod Depth
from motor model [395.8],[396.8] Pulse Frequency ModSystemRelease
0 ... 2 20 ... 96 %
[420.5] [420.5]
P068.M (0) P342.M (96)
KK0199 f(set,stator) Precontrol and
ψ from motor model
+ Calculation of max. modulation depth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Current controller fp_vc_390_e.vsd Function diagram
- 390 -
n/f/T-control for master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.55 = 0
Tot Leak React Gain PRE Isq
1.0 ... 49.99 % 0.0 ... 200.0 %
R(Stator, tot) P122.M (~) P282.M (60.0)
from temperature adaption [431.7]
Output Filter Max Mod Depth
from motor model [397.8] Pulse Frequency ModSystemRelease
0 ... 2 20 ... 96 %
[420.5] [420.5]
P068.M (0) P342.M (96)
KK0199 f(set,stator) Precontrol and
ψ from motor model [397.3] Vsd(Decoupl)
+ Calculation of max. modulation depth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Current controller fp_vc_391_e.vsd Function diagram
- 391 -
n/f/T-control for master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Smooth Psi(act) cEMF Reg Gain
4.0 ... 200.0 ms 0.000 ... 6.000 n957.60 = 0
P301.M (4.0 ms) P315.M (~) cEMFRegGain(act)
Flux(act) K0230
Slip Frequency
K0182 Current EMF Model act.
Model B0253
from act. value eval. [285.4]
f(set) in Limtr T = T0
n/f(act) B0254
+ + to gating unit [420.1]
from speed processing [350.7] +
n/f(act) + + –
n/f(max)+ KK0199
control reserve
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Motor model, frequency fp_vc_395_e.vsd Function diagram
- 395 -
Speed/torque control, master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
cEMF Reg Gain
0.000 ... 6.000 n957.61 = 0
P315.M (~) cEMFRegGain(act)
RotResist EMF
r126 model cEMF model outp
from temp. adaption[430.7] K0231 + to speed processing [351]
Slip Frequency
K0182 Current EMF Model act.
model B0253
from act. value evaluation[285.4]
f(set) in Limtr T = T0
n/f(act) B0254
from speed processing [351.7] + + + to gating unit [420.1]
+ + – –
EMF Model act. f(set,stator)
[396.8] n/f(max)+ KK0199
B0253 internal
Reson.Damping Gain control reserve f(set,gating)
0.000 ... 10,000 0 f(Reson Damp) KK0200
P337.M (~) KK0235
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Motor model, frequency fp_vc_396_e.vsd Function diagram
- 396 -
Frequency control, master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Smooth Psi(act) n957.62 = 0
4.0 ... 200.0 ms
P301.M (4.0 ms)
Tot Leak React Kp L(sig,U mod.)
1.0 ... 49.99 % .0,0 ... 100.0%
P122.M (25%) P312.M (100%)
R(Stator,tot) Psi(act)
r118 from flux controller
T = 2 x T0 K0181 [383.5]
from temperature adaption [431.7]
ψ Rotor flux
V model
f(set) in Limtr T = T0
r218 + to gating unit [420.1]
from speed processing [350.7] + +
n/f(act) =0 –
+ f(set,stator)
n/f(max)+ KK0199
control reserve
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Motor model, frequency fp_vc_397_e.vsd Functions diagram
- 397 -
Speed/torque control, master/slave drive, synchronous motor separately excited 12.10.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.65 = 3
Slip Comp Gain Reson Damp Gain
0.0 ... 400.0 % 0.000 ... 10.000
P336.M (~) P337.M (~)
from act.
Slip Frequency f(Reson Damp)
evaluation Resonance
KK188 KK0235
[286.8] damping
f(KIB/VdmaxReg) f(set) in Limtr
KIB/Vdmax control
KK0270 B0254
[600.8], [610.8]
r229 to V/f characteristic [405.1]
– to gating unit [420.1]
from setpoint channel
[319.8], [329.8]
n/f(set) – f(set,stator)
KK0150 n/f(act) KK0199
Setp Speed n/f(max) +
OutputAmps(rms) n/f(act) control reserve f(set,gating)
from actual-value evaluation KK0148 KK0200
Imax Reg Gain Imax Reg Time r219
0.005 ... 0.499 4 ... 32001 ms n (act)
Imax P331.M (0,05) P332.M (100)
0.1 ... 6553.5 A
P128.M (~)
Src I(max) Imax(set) Kp Tn I max-Reg.(Out)
P275.B (0) r129 K0208
K –
MIN to V/f characteristic
from [405.1]
I2t calculation I(max,perm)
[490.5] K0175 Imax-Reg(Outp)
I(max) Reg act
Accel Amps B0236
Acceleration current
0.0 ... 6553.5 A 1 to V/f characteristic [405.1]
P322.M (0)
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
V/f open-loop control fp_vc_400_e.vsd Function diagram
- 400 -
Current limitation, V/f characteristic 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.66 = 3
Reson Damp Gain
0.000 ... 10.000
P337.M (~)
Slip Frequency f(Reson Damp)
speed controller Resonance
KK0188 KK0235
[364.8] damping
f(KIB/VdmaxReg) f(set) in Limtr
KIB/Vdmax control
KK0270 B0254
[600.8], [610.8]
r229 to V/f characteristic [405.1]
– to gating unit [420.1]
from setpoint channel
[319.8], [329.8]
n/f(set) – f(set,stator)
Setp Speed KK0150 KK0199
n/f(max) +
OutputAmps(rms) control reserve f(set,gating)
from actual-value evaluation KK0200
Imax Reg Gain Imax Reg Time
0.005 ... 0.499 4 ... 32001 ms
Imax P331.M (0,05) P332.M (100)
0.1 ... 6553.5 A
P128.M (~)
Src I(max) Imax(set) Kp Tn Imax Reg(Out)
P275.B (0) r129 K0208
K –
MIN to V/f characteristic
I(max,perm) [405.1]
I2t calculation
[490.5] K0175 Imax Reg(Out)
I(max) Reg act
Accel Amps Acceleration current
0.0 ... 6553.5 A 1 to V/f characteristic [405.1]
P322.M (0)
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
V/f open-loop control fp_vc_401_e.vsd Function diagram
- 401 -
Current limitation, V/f characteristic with speed controller 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.67 = 3
f(KIB/VdmaxReg) f(set) in Limtr
KIB/Vdmax control
KK0270 B0254
[600.8], [610.8]
n/f(set,smo’d) n/f(act)
r229 r218 to v/f characterstic [405.1]
from setpoint channel
– to gating unit [420.1]
[319.8], [329.8]
n/f(set) n/f(act) f(set,stator)
r014 r219 KK0148
Setp Speed KK0150 n (act) KK0199
n/f(max) +
OutputAmps(rms) control reserve f(set,gating)
from actual-value evaluation KK0200
Imax Reg Gain Imax Reg Time
0.005 ... 0.499 4 ... 32001 ms
Imax P331.M (0,05) P332.M (100)
0.1 ... 6553.5 A
P128.M (~)
Src I(max) Imax(set) Kp Tn
P275.B (0) r129 to V/f characteristic
K – [405.1]
from Imax Reg(Outp)
I2t calculation I(max,perm)
[490.5] K0175
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
V/f open-loop control, textile fp_vc_402_e.vsd Function diagram
- 402 -
Setpoint frequency, current limiting controller 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.55 = 0
Src Select Charact Mot Rtd Volts Boost End Freq Motor Rtd Freq Field Weak Freq
0 ... 1 100 ... 2000 V 0.00 ... 300.00 Hz 8.00 ... 200.00 Hz 8.00 ... 600.00 Hz
P330.M (0) P101.M (~) P326.M (~) P107.M (50) P293.M (~) Output Filter Max ModulatDepth
Pulse Frequency ModSystemRelease
0 ... 2 20 ... 96 %
[420.5] [420.5]
P068 (0) P342.M (96)
from ref.frequency 1
[400.8], [401.8], from evaluation of Max Output Volts
[402.8] set/actual values r346
f(set,gating) 0 f [286.3] Max OutputVolts
KK0200 K0191
Boost Volts
1 K0236
0.0 ... 500.0 V
P325.M (~) Mod
0 U Depth Limit
Boost Amps r345
0.0 ... 6553.5 A Mod Depth Limit
P319.M (~) K0190
Boost Src U (set)
K0203 P317.B Modulation Depth
Vd r343
<1> correction to gating unit
Src U (set) 0
P317.B (0)
P121.M (~) P318.M (1)
0.00 ... 49.99 % 0 ... 1 K
>0 A(set,V/f)
Stator Resist Boost Mode U(set,V/f) K0205
Excitation Time Smooth Accel
K0204 Vset to
from Imax controller 0.0 ... 10.00 0 ... 1
set/act values
acceleration current P602.M (~) P604.M (0)
[400.8], [401.8], [402.8]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
V/f open-loop control fp_vc_405_e.vsd Function diagram
- 405 -
V/f characteristic, Vd correction 09.04.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.56 = 0
0 ... 4
P535.M (0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gating unit fp_vc_420_e.vsd Function diagram
- 420 -
All open-loop and closed-loop control modes 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.69 = 8
P387.M (1) P388.M (~) P389.M (0) P390.M (100) P391.M (100) P392.M (1,50)
0 ... 6 5 ... 9999 0 ... 1 25 ... 200 % 25.0 ... 200.0 % 0.05 ... 10.00 %
Motor Series Motor Weight Internal Fan Overtemp. Factor K(overtemp.,rot) Iron Losses
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Temperature model fp_vc_430_e.vsd Function diagram
- 430 -
n/f/T control, master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.70 = 8
Ambient temp.
-40.0 ... 80.0 C
P379.M (20)
R(Stator+cable) Leakage time constant
0.0 ... 49.99 % r125 T(sigma)
P121.M (~)
P386.M (0)
Resist Cable 0 ... 2 R(Stator,tot)
0.00 ... 40.00 % RotResistTmpAdap r118 R(Stator,tot)
P117.M (0.00) 0 = off to motor model [397.1]
Motor Temperat. 2 = with temp.sensor
ActValues [280.3] Model Temp.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Temperature model fp_vc_431_e.vsd Function diagram
- 431 -
n/f/T control, master/slave drive 03.02.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
Criterion for <1> Warning: If braking control is used, B277 and B238 must be connected up!
"Open brake" Limit value monitor BrakeThr1 over Example for interconnecting the braking control:
B0281 P605=2 Brake with checkback message (NO contact, switches if brake closes) [470.7]
Src BrakeThresh1 y P561=278 Inverter release from B278 [180.3]
P610 (242) 1 P564=277 Setpoint release from B277 [180.3]
x U953.48 = ___(20)
KK P654=275 Open brake via digital output 4 [90.6]
0 P613=20 Checkback "Brake Closed" from dig.input 6 [90.5], [470.1]
x P612=21 Checkback "Brake opened" from dig.input 6 [90.5], [470.6]
(to digital output) Open Brake
Command"Open brake"
P611 (0) Machine magnetized
(Q=1) Q
0.00 ... 100.00 s
T 0
& 1
0 SetpRel brake
2 B0277
Limit value monitor P617 (0.00)
BrakeThr2 under
1 <1>
Src BrakeThresh2 y B0282
P615 (148) 1
x y T 0
(KK148=Speed ActV)
& 0 InvRel Brake
0.00 ... 10.00 s
P607 (0.10)
& 2 1 B0278
<1> <2>
<2> P616 (0,5) [480]
0.0 ... 200.0 % Pulse block
Command "Close holding brake" Brake
P614 (0) T 0
<2> Attention: If braking control is used, withdrawal of the inverter release B278
B has to be effected prior to the gating pulse block on sheet [580],
"OFF command" from sequence control i.e. the following 2 conditions must be satisfied:
(e. g. OFF1, 2 or 3=0) [180.7]
1 P801 > P617 + P607 and P800 < P616.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Braking control fp_vc_470_e.vsd Function diagram
- 470 -
Perm Deviation Deviation Time
0.0 ... 200.0 % n959.60 = 4
0.0 ... 100.0 s
P792.F (6) RGen tracking active P794.F (3,0)
from RGen (Is only calculated in converter status
[317.8] r001=14, 15, 16 and 17
from n/f(set) 0 T not for slave drive!).
setpoint channel
[319.8], [329.8]
+ 1 1 to set/actual deviation
n/f(act) OFF delay at status word 1 bit 8 [200]
from – 0
speed processing r218
[350.8], [351.8] [470]
Pulse block
from Brake
P793.F (6) OFF Time
0.0 ... 200.0 %
Set/Act Hyst OFF1 or OFF3
0.00 ... 100.00 s
P801.F (0,00) no Brake
from sequence control (P605 = 0)
T 0 & to gating pulse inhibit
to sequence control
1 &
0 Delay
Overspeed Hyst
0.0 ... 20.0 %
n/f(max,REV Spd) n/f(max, FWD Spd
P804 (10,0)
P800.F (0,5) [316.6] [316.6]
0.0 ... 200 .0%
OFF Value
1 Overspeed
0 at status word 2, bit 18 [210]
Compare Value
0.0 ... 200.0 %
P796.F (100.0) Compare Time
0.0 ... 100.0 s
P798.F (3,0)
OFF delay
P797.F (3,0)
Src Speed Setp 0.0 ... 200.0 %
P802 (75) 1 Compare Hyst
K Positive speed setpoint
at status word 1, bit 14 [200]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Messages fp_vc_480_e.vsd Function diagram
- 480 -
n959.59 = 3
V1 Comp
Speed display Messages .0.000...30,000 m/s
U831 (0,050)
U806 Speed display 1 v < v1
v(act) speed processing
KK n807.1 [350.8], [351.8] B0851
KK n807.2 0
KK n807.3
KK n807.4
KK n807.5 U835 (100) V2 Comp
m/s 10...1000 ms 0.000...30,000 m/s
Compare Hyst U832 (0,800)
Smoothing V(act)
0.0 %...100.0 %
U836 (3)
n/f(set) setpoint channel [329.7] v(set)
1 v < v2
I(max) Brake
n/f(act) speed processing [350.7] v(act) 100 %...500 %
n809 P2840 (500 %)
V3 Comp
0.000...30,000 m/s
Fault F57 P2833 (0,500) Compare Hyst
Disp V-act Sm’th Current level
0.0 %...100.0 %
n848 [285.6], [286.6]
U836 (3)
1 v < v3
Setpoint < Comparison B0853
ThrPulseEnable V4 Comp
0.00 %...100.00 % 0.000...30,000 m/s
U824 (0) Compare Hyst U834 (0.3)
0.0 %...100.0 %
U836 (3)
Compare Hyst
0.0 %...10.,0 %
U836 (3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Messages 2 fp_vc_481_e.vsd Function diagram
- 481 -
Lift and hoisting-gear applications (P2800=1) 14.10.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.72 = 5
T control (P100=5)
slave drive
Set/act deviation
n/f-Reg in Limitr
Output delay
n/f-Reg in Limtr
[371.6], [375.6]
& 0
15 x Tab
2% f(mot,n)
0.00 ... 100.00 s
P805.M (50.00)
Fault F015
0 T Motor pulled out or blocked
f(set,stator) to status word 2 bit 28
from motor model
[395.8], [396.8]
10% f(mot,n)
no f control
(P100 ≠ 3) EMF Model act.
from motor model
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Blocking/pull-out diagnosis fp_vc_485_e.vsd Function diagram
- 485 -
n/f/T control, master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.73 = 5
Set/actual deviation
[480.7] Imax Reg(Out)
0.00 ... 100.00 s
P805.M (50,00)
Fault F015
Motor pulled out or blocked
0 T
from messages
set/actual deviation
& to status word 2 bit 28
(only for V/f characteristic
from OFF delay
n-Reg in Limitr
0 T to status word 2 bit 28
(only for V/f characteristic with n controller
2% f(mot,n)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Blocking diagnosis fp_vc_486_e.vsd Function diagram
- 486 -
V/f characteristic and V/f characteristic with speed controller 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.74 = 5
T control (P100=5)
slave drive
Set/act deviation
n/f-Reg in Limitr
Output delay
n/f-Reg in Limtr
& 0
15 x Tab
2% f(mot,n)
0.00 ... 100.00 s
P805.M (2.00)
Fault F015
0 T Motor pulled out or blocked
to status word 2 bit 28
Psi(act) r302
from motor model Ψ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Blocking/pull-out diagnosis fp_vc_487_e.vsd Function diagram
- 487 -
n/f/T control, master/slave drive 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.61 = 4
100 % Converter overload to status word 2, bit 22 [210.1]
0 0
<100 Motor Utilizat. Fault: motor
i2t calculation K0244 overtemperature to status word 2, Bit 26 [210.2]
Converter temperature 0
Fault: inverter
overtemperature F023 [210.1] Mot Tmp Warning
max. converter 0 ... 200 °C
temperature 1 Alarm: inverter P380 (0)
overtemperature A022 [210.1]
Motor Tmp Alarm
Motor Overtemperature to status word 2, bit 25 [210.1]
r009 1
from measured-value sensing
[280.3] 0
Calc TimeHdroom Fault
r829.01 Motor Overtemperature to status word 2, bit 26 [210.1]
Sampling time
P357 (1,2 ms) K0248 0 No temp. sensor: P380 = P381 = 0°C
F042 Fault Thermistor (PTC): P380, P381 = 1°C
Calculating Temp.monitoring with KTY84: P380, P381 > 1°C
time B0091 Computing time If inverter pulses are blocked, the fault message is
A001 Alarm generated only in the event of a cable short-circuit.
monitoring 0 ... 200 °C
B0090 Computing time Mot Tmp Fault
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Alarms and faults fp_vc_490_e.vsd Function diagram
- 490 -
High byte = Current fault number r947.01 <1> n959.65 = (4)
Low byte = Current alarm number
Fault time in days r782.01 Fault time in days r782.04 Fault time in days r782.07
1s Fault Masking Fault time in hours .02 Fault time in hours .05 Fault time in hours .08
0 ... 255
"ON" status from P830 (0) Fault time in seconds .03 Fault time in seconds .06 Fault time in seconds .09
sequence control FNo. r947.01 FValue r949.01 FNo. r947.09 FValue r949.09 FNo. r947.17 FValue r949.17
.02 .02 .10 .10 .18 .18
.03 .03 .11 .11 .19 .19
Fault trigger signal
.04 .04 .12 .12 .20 .20
& from sequence control
.05 .05 .13 .13 .21 .21
.06 .06 .14 .14 .22 .22
Day Hours Seconds
r825.01 r825.02 r825.03 .07 .07 .15 .15 .23 .23
hours .08 .08 .16 .16 .24 .24
counter Current fault 1st acknowledged fault 2nd acknowledged fault
Fault time in days r782.10 Fault time in days r782.13 Fault time in days r782.16
Fault time in hours .11 Fault time in hours .14 Fault time in hours .17
Fault time in seconds .12 Fault time in seconds .15 Fault time in seconds .18
FNo. r947.25 FValue r949.25 FNo. r947.33 FValue r949.33 FNo. r947.41 FValue r949.41
.26 .26 .34 .34 .42 .42
.27 .27 .35 .35 .43 .43
Causes the diagnosis .28 .28 .36 .36 .44 .44
memory to be deleted .29 .29 .37 .37 .45 .45
.30 .30 .38 .38 .46 .46
.31 .31 .39 .39 .47 .47
.32 .32 .40 .40 .48 .48
3rd acknowledged fault 4ht acknowledged fault 5th acknowledged fault
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fault memory fp_vc_510_e.vsd Function diagram
- 510 -
0/1 n959.70 = 8
Generat. Date SW Version P2910 (0)
r827 r69
.03 0
1 PCB Code SW ID Board ID
r826.04 r828.04 r2911.04
definition .04 0
Slot C (option board)
Order No. 6SE70.. 1 PCB Code SW ID Board ID
0 ... 254 r826.05 r828.05 r2911.05
P070 (~) .05 0
Slot D (option board)
Line Volts 1 PCB Code SW ID Board ID
90 ... 1320 V r826.06 r828.06 r2911.06
Rtd Drive Amps Basic board .06 0
1 PCB Code SW ID Board ID
Slot E (option board)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hardware configuration V1.3 fp_vc_515_e.vsd Function diagram
- 515 -
- 520 -
n959.68 = 4
START Drive Status
Function diagram
Error acknowledgement
after init. fault P060 = 4, 5
All components
P060 = 7, 5
or jogging OFF2/3 or P060 = 3, 6
"Illegal ON" <1>
FAULT P060 = 3, 6
ON or jogging OFF command
OFF2 or
OFF switch-off
from all PRECHARGING speed reached
states B0270
Precharging finished SAFE OFF
OFF2 or
INV stop or
OFF switch-off READY FOR
speed reached
INV release INV stop
Status diagram
(OFF1) (15) (OFF3) (16)
<1> Switch-on with e.g. P554.B = 1 is not permissible!
n959.66 = 4
Changeover of motor parameters
Copy MotDataSet Parameter-
number Index 1 Index 2 Index 3 Index 4 act. MotDataSet
0 ... 43 r011
P362 (0) MotDataSet bit 18
from control word 2 xxxx K0034
MotDataSet bit 19 xxxx Note: The parameters concerned are
Target data set (1 ... 4) from control word 2 xxxx designated by the code "M".
xxxx It is only possible to copy the data
Source data set (1 ... 4) xxxx sets in the "Ready for ON" mode.
0 ... 21 Changeover of binector and connector
parameters Active BICO DSet
P363 (0)
Parameter- r012
number Index 1 Index 2
BICO data set from K0035
control word 2 xxxx Note: The parameters concerned are
xxxx designated by the code "F".
Target data set (1/2)
xxxx It is only possible to copy the data
xxxx sets in the "Ready for ON" mode.
Source data set (1/2) xxxx
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Data sets fp_vc_540_e.vsd Function diagram
- 540 -
n959.67 = 4
1) For synchronous motors and V/f characteristic, select P95 = 10,11. 6) With P115 = 3, motor identification is carried out completely. To do this, the converter/inverter must be switched on twice
2) 7)
With P103 = 0.0%, the magnetizing current is calculated (compare r119). The tachometer test can also be selected with P115 = 7.
3) 8)
Is re-calculated if P107 or P108 is altered (not in the case of download). Automatic parameterization is also carried out if measurement at a standstill is selected.
4) 9)
All torque signals and displays relate to P354/ P113. With P115 = 6, the parameters determined are not adopted.
5) With P114 = 0, a standard setting is made.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Calculation of motor model fp_vc_550_e.vsd Function diagram
- 550 -
Motor parameters 10.12.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.74 = 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Calculation of motor model fp_vc_551_e.vsd Function diagram
- 551 -
Motor parameters, synchronous, separately excited 10.12.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.75 = 0
PID controller
K0240 I(KIB/VdmaxReg)
DC link voltage Tn=P521, Tv=P522) K0271 [390], [391]
(Vdact) <2> at P100 = 3, 4, 5
to status word 1
<2> K0270, K0271 are also used for the functions Vdmax
control [610] and flexible response [605]!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Functions fp_vc_600_e.vsd Function diagram
- 600 -
Kinetic buffering (KIB, Vdmin control) 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.76 = 0
<4> The threshold for F008 "DC link undervoltage" can be FLN Ud(min)
reduced via P523 FLR Vdmin. It should be at least 50 ... 76%
10% below the FLR starting point. P523.M (76%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Functions fp_vc_605_e.vsd Function diagram
- 605 -
Flexible response (FLR) 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.77 = 0
<1> + –
Vd(max)Reg act. 0
B0296 I(Vdmax Reg)
K0271 [390], [391]
PID controller <2> at P100 = 3, 4, 5
DC link bus voltage (KP=P520,
(Vdact) Tn=P521, Tv=P522)
<2> K0270 and K0271 are also used for the functions
kinetic buffering [600] and flexible response [610].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Functions fp_vc_610_e.vsd Function diagram
- 610 -
Vdmax control 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.78 = 3
<1> from actual-value evaluation
DC Braking Amps DC Braking Time DC Braking Freq [286.5]
0.0 ... 6553.5 A 0.1 ... 99.9 s 0.1 ... 600.0 Hz
P396.M (~) P397.M (5,0) P398.M (100,0)
DC Braking
0 ... 2
<3> P395.M (0)
Src Start DC Braking to gating pulse inhibit Imax Reg Gain Imax Reg Time
P394.B (0) fset to sequence control 0.005 ... 0.499 4 ... 32001 ms
B P331.M (0,05) P332.M (100)
2 "OFF1" or "OFF3" <4>
with OFF3 Alarm A045
1 P398 Gating pulse inhibit "DC braking activated"
Imax Reg(Out)
disabled Imax(set) Kp Tn
0 K0209
t |Iset| r129
|Iset| P603 MIN
from I2t control I(max,perm) V/f characteristic
<2> P396 [490.5] K0175 [405.1]
De-MagnetizeTime |Iact|
0.00 ... 10.00
P603.M (~) t DC Braking active
P397 B0294
<1> The DC braking current is calculated during automatic parameterization <3> The "DC braking" function can be started via binector selection only
(P115=1, 2, 3). It can be set at a maximum of 4 times the rated motor from drive statuses (r001) "Operation", "OFF1" and "OFF3".
If the "DC braking" function is deselected again during DC braking time
(P397) via binector selection, the "Flying restart" function is
automatically activated!
<2> The de-excitation time is calculated during automatic parameterization
(P115=1, 2, 3).
<4> The alarm A045 appears if "DC braking" has been activated and
the motor frequency is higher than the frequency at which DC
braking starts.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Functions fp_vc_615_e.vsd Function diagram
- 615 -
DC braking 31.01.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n957.79 = 4
command ON
Flying-restart enable
from control word 2 [190.5]
Search current Current setpoint
De-magnetize Standstill Excitation
time test time
<1> <3> <1>
<1> Only in the case of flying restart without encoder signal (search).
<2> Only in the case of flying restart with encoder signal (indepent of control mode).
<3> No standstill test when P527.1 = 0,0 %.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Functions fp_vc_620_e.vsd Function diagram
- 620 -
Flying restart 11.12.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
n959.98 = 3
Output Amps
I(Oupt. Tech)
from actual values
[285.7], [286.7]
from [370], [400 ... 402.2]
Isq(act) Ref Amps
K0184 4 x Mot Rtd Amps (n) Isq(act, Tech)
from actual values [550.2] K0905
from current controller
Output Volts
K0021 [20.4]
V(set, Tech)
from actual values Reference voltage
[285.3], [286.3] 4 x mot. voltage(n)
DC Bus Volts
K0025 [20.4]
DCBus(act, Tech)
from actual values Reference voltage
[285.3], [286.3] 4 x supply voltage(n)
Motor Torque Ref Torque
4 x Mot Rtd Torq (n) T(act, Tech)
from actual values
[550.2] K0900
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Technology CU2/ CUVC fp_vc_699_e.vsd Function diagram
- 699 -
Process signals during control normalization 22.09.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
MasterDrives VC “Free blocks” function diagram
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/ vc32_kompend _fp02_e.pdf
"Free blocks" function diagram
Status: 02.11.98
Notes: - A free block is only processed if it is specifically assigned to a sampling time via the allocated U95x
parameter; see sheet [702]!
- Parameterization of the sampling sequence is also described on sheet [702].
- The approximate calculating time per block is indicated in {µs} for each type of block.
- Siemens is working on an optimization run for the sampling sequence.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_700_e.vsd Function diagram
- 700 -
Cover sheet 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Sampling time Sampling sequence
2 ... 20 2 ... 20
U950 ... U953 U960 ... U963 Setting and monitoring the sampling
times and sampling sequence
Function Parameter for Parameter for
Function block setting the sampling time setting the sampling sequence
number Parameter No. (factory setting) Parameter No. (factory setting) Example of the sampling time and sampling
001 U950.01 (20) U960.01 (20) sequence of a function block:
Processing of input terminals and 002 U950.02 (20) U960.02 (20)
receive data from serial interfaces ... ... ... ... ... This function block has the function block number 314
019 U950.19 (20) U960.19 (20)
It is deactivated in the factory setting (U953.14 = 20).
020 U950.20 (20) U960.20 (20)
Processing of output terminals and
... ... ... ... ...
transmit data to serial interfaces
029 U950.29 (20) U960.29 (20)
031 U950.31 (20) U960.31 (20) U953.14 = __ (20)
Uxxx (0)
032 U950.32 (20) U960.32 (20) K Kxxxx
... ... ... ... ...
099 U950.99 (20) U960.99 (20)
Free function blocks
101 U951.01 (20) U961.01 (20)
102 U951.02 (20) U961.02 (20)
... ... ...
330 U953.30 (20) U963.30 (20) Via U953.14 = 4 the function block can be allocated to the sampling time
331 U953.31 (20) U963.31 (20) T4 (= 4 x T0 = 4.8 ms).
Angle synchronism and positioning ... ... ... ... ...
350 U953.50 (20) U963.50 (20)
351 U953.51 (20) U963.51 (20) The function block is processed in the factory setting at the 3140th
Internal sequence control and
... ... ... ... ...
setpoint calculation
370 U953.70 (20) U963.70 (20)
position. By setting U963.14 to a value not equal to 3140,
the block can be allocated to a different position in the
371 U953.71 (20) U963.71 (20)
Reserve ... ... ... ... ...
sampling sequence.
399 U953.99 (20) U963.99 (20)
Parameter for setting the sampling time Parameter for setting the sampling sequence:
Value range: 2 ... 20 Value range: 0 ... 9999
Monitoring of calculating time
Factory setting: 20 (block is not calculated) Factory setting: Function block number x 10
Parameter value Sampling time 1) Sampling time at i.e. in the factory setting the blocks
T0 = P357 P357 = 1.2 ms are processed in the sequence "Calculating time" alarm A001
of the block numbers
2 T2 = 1 x T0 1.2 ms
3 T3 = 2 x T0 2.4 ms Time monitoring "Calculating time" fault F042
4 T4 = 4 x T0 4.8 ms
5 T5 = 8 x T0 9.6 ms
6 T6 = 16 x T0 19.2 ms Computer workload
7 T7 = 32 x T0 38.4 ms r829
8 T8 = 64 x T0 76.8 ms
9 T9 = 128 x T0 153.6 ms
10 T10 = 256 x T0 307.2 ms
11 ... 19 Reserved for future applications 1) WE: 1.2 ms
20 Block is not calculated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_702_e.vsd Function diagram
- 702 -
Setting and monitoring the sampling times and sampling sequence 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
9 fixed setpoints (1-word) {2 µs} 8 fixed setpoints (2-word) {2 µs} 8 fixed control bits {2 µs} 3 connector displays {1 µs} U952.76 = __ (10)
U001.F (0.00) U950.31 = __ (10) U011.F (0.000) U950.40 = __ (10) U021.F (0) U950.48 = __ (10) U033 (0)
-200.00...200.00 % -200.000.. 0...1 U952.75 = __ (10) K
-200.0...200.0 %
..200.000 %
U031 (0)
K0401 KK0411 B0401 n032 U952.77 = __ (10)
-200.0...200.0 %
U002.F (0.00) U950.32 = __ (10) U012.F (0.000) U950.41 = __ (10) U022.F (0) U950.49 = __ (10) U035 (0)
-200.00...200.00 % -200.000.. 0...1 K
-200.0...200.0 %
..200.000 %
K0402 KK0412 B0402
4 double connector displays {3 µs}
U003.F (0.00) U950.33 = __ (10) U013.F (0.000) U950.42 = __ (10) U023.F (0) U950.50 = __ (10)
U952.78 = __ (10) U952.80 = __ (10)
-200.00...200.00 % -200.000.. 0...1
..200.000 % U037 (0) n038 U041 (0) n042
K0403 KK0413 B0403 KK -200.000.. KK -2 147 483 647..
..200.000 % ..2 147 483 647
U004.F (0.00) U950.34 = __ (10) U014.F (0.000) U950.43 = __ (10) U024.F (0) U950.51 = __ (10) U952.79 = __ (10) U952.81 = __ (10)
-200.00...200.00 % -200.000.. 0...1
..200.000 % U039 (0) n040 U043 (0) n044
K0404 KK0414 B0404 KK -200.000.. KK -2 147 483 647..
..200.000 % ..2 147 483 647
U005.F (0.00) U950.35 = __ (10) U025.F (0) U950.52 = __ (10)
-200.00...200.00 % U015.F (0) U950.44 = __ (10) 0...1 4 binector displays {1 µs}
-2 147 483 647.. U952.82 = __ (10) U952.84 = __ (10)
K0405 ..2 147 483 647 B0405
KK0415 U045 (0) U049 (0)
U006.F (0.00) U950.36 = __ (10) U026.F (0) U950.53 = __ (10) n046 n050
-200.00...200.00 % 0...1 0...1 0...1
U016.F (0) U950.45 = __ (10)
-2 147 483 647.. U952.83 = __ (10) U952.85 = __ (10)
K0406 ..2 147 483 647 B0406
U047 (0) U051 (0)
KK0416 n048 n052
U007.F (0.00) U950.37 = __ (10) U027.F (0) U950.54 = __ (10) B B
0...1 0...1
-200.00...200.00 % U017.F (0) U950.46 = __ (10) 0...1
-2 147 483 647..
<2> 1 connector display with smoothing {5 µs}
K0407 ..2 147 483 647 B0407
KK0417 τ ≈ 300 ms U952.86 = __ (10)
U008.F (0.00) U950.38 = __ (10) U028.F (0) U950.55 = __ (10)
-200.00...200.00 % U018.F (0) U950.47 = __ (10) 0...1 U053 (0) n054
-2 147 483 647.. K -200.00..
K0408 ..2 147 483 647 B0408 ..200.00 %
U009.F (0) U950.39 = __ (10) 1 double connector display with smoothing {8 µs}
<2> corresponds to -200 ... 200 %
0...65535 <1> U952.87 = __ (10)
τ ≈ 300 ms
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_705_e.vsd Function diagram
- 705 -
Fixed setpoints, fixed control bits, connector/binector displays 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
4 fault message trigger signals {2 µs} 4 alarm message trigger signals {2 µs} 3 connector/double connector converters {9 µs}
U952.59 = __ (20) U952.63 = __ (20)
U061 (0) U065 (0)
B 1 = "Fault F148" B 1 = "Alarm A061"
Voltage monitoring of electronics power supply 3 double connector/connector converters {11 µs}
[775.3] U952.88 = __ (20)
U071 (0)
100 ms POWER ON [775.7] .01 Hi Word
KK K0423
POWER ON [834] Lo Word K0424
KK .02 Hi Word K0425
10 ms
Lo Word K0426
KK .03 Hi Word K0427
Lo Word K0428
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_710_e.vsd Function diagram
- 710 -
Fault/alarm trigger signals, connector <==> double connector converter 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
3 connector/binector converters {11 µs}
U072.01 (0) Bit field 1
K Connector/binector converter 1 n073
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
U950.57 = __ (20)
7-segment display B0413
of the bit field to n073 B0414
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 B0415
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 B0418
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_715_e.vsd Function diagram
- 715 -
Connector/binector converters 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
3 binector/connector converters {12 µs}
U076 (0) U952.89 = __ (20)
.07 7-segment display
.08 of the bit field to n077
B 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
.13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B n077
.16 0...FFFFh
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit field 4 K0431
Binector/connector converter 1
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit field 5 K0432 Bit field 6 K0433
Binector/connector converter 2 Binector/connector converter 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_720_e.vsd Function diagram
- 720 -
Binector connector converters 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
4 adders with 2 inputs (1-word) {3 µs} 3 sign inverters (1-word) {2 µs} 1 modulo 2^16 adder/subtracter {2 µs}
U950.83 = __ (20) U951.42 = __ (20) U950.84 = __ (20) U951.72 = __ (20)
U096 (0)
U082 (0) U084 (0) U098 (0) .01
.01 + .01 + x y K
K .02 K0442
K .02 K0444 K -1 K0458 K .02
+ + K <1>
y = -x <1> Arithmetic two’s complement without evaluation
U951.01 = __ (20) U952.20 = __ (20) of carry and borrow:
U083 (0) U085 (0) U951.17 = __ (20) No limitation in the case of overflows and
underflows outside of the number range of 16 bit
K .01 + K .01 + U099 (0) x y (Example: 65535+40000=39999 at modulo 2^16 addition).
.02 K0443 .02 K0445
+ K
+ K -1 K0459
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_725_e.vsd Function diagram
- 725 -
Adders, subtracters, sign inverters 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
3 multipliers (1-word) {12 µs} 2 dividers (1-word) {15 µs} 3 high-resolution multipliers/dividers (1-word) {18 µs}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_730_e.vsd Function diagram
- 730 -
Multipiliers, dividers 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
1 high-resolution multiplier/divider New Blocks (from V3.2 and higher)
(2-word) {25 µs}
4 shift multipliers/dividers (2-word)
y = x * 2n -231-1 y = x * 2n -231-1
2 P-amplifiers/multipliers (2-word)
P amplification
-1000.00 ... 1000.00
U440.01 (1.00)
U953.39 = __ (10)
Sign 31 10 Sign 31 10
0 0
P amplification
-1000.00 ... 1000.00 U443.02 (0) n = 0...+31 231-1 U443.04 (0) n = 0...+31 231-1
x y x y
U440.02 (1.00) KK KK0619 KK KK0621
U951.54 = __ (10)
y = x * 2n -231-1 y = x * 2n -231-1
U441.02 (0) 231-1
KK KK0617
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_732_e.vsd Function diagram
- 732 -
Multipliers/dividers, P-amplifiers, shift multipliers 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
New Blocks (from V3.2 and higher)
2 Delay elements for analog signals (2-word) {10 µs}
Deceleration cycles Deceleration cycles
0 ... 32 sampling times 0 ... 32 sampling times
U401 (0) U403 (0)
U950.63 = __ (20) U950.64 = __ (20)
U400 (0) T T U402 (0) T T
KK KK0600 KK KK0601
1 differentiator (2-word) {16 µs} 2 settable smoothing elements, high-resoltuion (2-word) {16 µs}
Nominal acceleration time
(during this acc. time dx/dt would be 100 %) Smoothing time Smoothing time
0.01 ... 300.00 s 0 ... 10000 ms 0 ... 10000 ms
U421 (0.01) U415 (0) U418 (0)
U952.32 = __ (20) U952.31 = __ (20) U952.43 = __ (20)
U408 U411
.01 (0) .01 (0)
KK Input Output KK0603 KK Input Output KK0604
Ti Ti
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_734_e.vsd Function diagram
- 734 -
Delay elements, differentiator, integrator, smoothing elements 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
3 absolute-value generators with smoothing (1-word) {7 µs} 2 limiters (1-word) {5 µs}
U123 (0)
K -1 K0493
0 1 limiter (2-word) {11 µs}
1 absolute-value generators with smoothing (2-word) {10 µs} (100.00)
U952.48 = __ (20)
B+ y x>B+ B0474
U127 (0) Smoothing time const. KK0509 U134 B+
U952.07 = __ (20) 0...3 0...10000 ms KK .01 (509)
U128 (0) .02 (0)
x KK x x y KK0507
KK .03 (508)
U126 (0)
-1 KK0508 B-
B- x<B- B0475
KK -1 2 KK0494 -1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_735_e.vsd Function diagram
- 735 -
Absolute-value generators with smoothing, limiters 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
1 limit-value monitor with smoothing (2-word) {24 µs}
Smoothing time const. Hysteresis
0...10000 ms U148 (0) U952.68 = __ (20)
U147 (0) KK0516
B U138 A
0 0
B U143 A B U152 A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_740_e.vsd Function diagram
- 740 -
Limit-value monitors with and without smoothing 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
2 cam-contactor groups each with 2 cams (2-word) {9 µs}
U950.60 = __ (20) ON position 1 OFF position 1 U950.61 = __ (20) ON position 1 OFF position 1
-2 147 483 647.. -2 147 483 647.. Hysteresis -2 147 483 647.. -2 147 483 647.. Hysteresis
U154 (0) ..2 147 483 647 ..2 147 483 647 0..2 147 483 647 U160 (0) ..2 147 483 647 ..2 147 483 647 0..2 147 483 647
U156.F (0) U157.F (0) U155 (0) U162.F (0) U163.F (0) U161 (0)
Y1 Y1
Y1 Y1
B0480 B0482
U155 U155 X U161 U161 X
Y2 Y2
<1> <1>
Y2 Y2
B0481 B0483
U155 U155 X U161 U161 X
<1> <1>
In the case of a round shaft, In the case of a round shaft,
U158.F (0) U159.F (0) U164.F (0) U165.F (0)
a cam overscoring the zero point a cam overscoring the zero point
ON position 2 OFF position 2 ON position 2 OFF position 2
can be realized by ORing can be realized by ORing
-2 147 483 647.. -2 147 483 647.. -2 147 483 647.. -2 147 483 647..
the two cam outputs. the two cam outputs.
..2 147 483 647 ..2 147 483 647 ..2 147 483 647 ..2 147 483 647
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_745_e.vsd Function diagram
- 745 -
Cam-contactor groups 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
5 Analog signal switches (1-word) {2 µs} 1 Analog signal multiplexer with 8 channels (2-word) {6 µs}
U166 (0) U950.85 = __ (20) U172 (0) U951.60 = __ (20) U186 U951.78 = __ (20)
.01 (0)
.02 (0)
U167 (0) U173 (0) .03 (0)
.01 0 .01 0 B
K K .04 (1) Signal selector
.02 K0521 .02 K0524 B 0001
K K switch does not
1 1 Memory
ENABLE switch until
5 Analog signal switches (2-word) {4 µs} 1 Analog signal demultiplexer with 8 channels (2-word) {8 µs}
U176 (0) U950.86 = __ (20) U182 (0) U951.77 = __ (20) U188 U950.62 = __ (20)
.01 (0)
.02 (0)
U177 (0) U183 (0) .03 (0)
.01 0 .01 0 B
KK KK .04 (1) Signal selector
.02 KK0526 .02 KK0529 B 0001
KK KK .05 (0) switch does not
1 1 B Memory
ENABLE switch until
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_750_e.vsd Function diagram
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Analog signal switches/multiplexers/demultiplexers 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
3 characteristic blocks with 10 support values (1-word) {15 µs}
Dead zone z
U200 (0,00)
U950.88 = __ (20)
U199 (0) -z y
K K0544
z x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_755_e.vsd Function diagram
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Characteristic blocks, dead zone 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
1 Maximum selection (2-word) {8 µs} 2 tracking / storage elements (2-word) {6 µs}
<1> <1>
U205 = 0: STORE U208 = 0: STORE
No ’non-volatile’ No ’non-volatile’
Priority: Priority:
storage storage
U205 = 1:
1. RESET U208 = 1:
’Non-volatile’ RESET (y=0) 2. TRACK ’Non-volatile’ RESET (y=0) 2. TRACK
storage 3. STORE storage 3. STORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_760_e.vsd Function diagram
- 760 -
Minimum/maximum selection, tracking/storage elements 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
18 AND elements with 3 inputs each {3 µs} 12 OR elements with 3 inputs each {3 µs}
U950.78 = __ (20) U951.44 = __ (20) U952.26 = __ (20) U950.90 = __ (20) U951.93 = __ (20)
U221 (1) U227 (1) U233 (1) U239 (0) U245 (0)
.01 .01 .01 .01 .01
.03 & B0601 B
.03 & B0607 B
.03 & B0613 B
.03 ≥1 B0619 B
.03 ≥1 B0625
U950.79 = __ (20) U951.61 = __ (20) U952.39 = __ (20) U950.91 = __ (20) U952.10 = __ (20)
U222 (1) U228 (1) U234 (1) U240 (0) U246 (0)
.01 .01 .01 .01 .01
.03 & B0602 B
.03 & B0608 B
.03 & B0614 B
.03 ≥1 B0620 B
.03 ≥1 B0626
U950.89 = __ (20) U951.62 = __ (20) U952.51 = __ (20) U951.23 = __ (20) U952.11 = __ (20)
U223 (1) U229 (1) U235 (1) U241 (0) U247 (0)
.01 .01 .01 .01 .01
.03 & B0603 B
.03 & B0609 B
.03 & B0615 B
.03 ≥1 B0621 B
.03 ≥1 B0627
U951.09 = __ (20) U951.79 = __ (20) U952.52 = __ (20) U951.45 = __ (20) U952.40 = __ (20)
U224 (1) U230 (1) U236 (1) U242 (0) U248 (0)
.01 .01 .01 .01 .01
.03 & B0604 B
.03 & B0610 B
.03 & B0616 B
.03 ≥1 B0622 B
.03 ≥1 B0628
U951.22 = __ (20) U951.80 = __ (20) U952.54 = __ (20) U951.63 = __ (20) U952.70 = __ (20)
U225 (1) U231 (1) U237 (1) U243 (0) U249 (0)
.01 .01 .01 .01 .01
.03 & B0605 B
.03 & B0611 B
.03 & B0617 B
.03 ≥1 B0623 B
.03 ≥1 B0629
U951.35 = __ (20) U951.92 = __ (20) U952.92 = __ (20) U951.81 = __ (20) U952.93 = __ (20)
U226 (1) U232 (1) U238 (1) U244 (0) U250 (0)
.01 .01 .01 .01 .01
.03 & B0606 B
.03 & B0612 B
.03 & B0618 B
.03 ≥1 B0624 B
.03 ≥1 B0630
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_765_e.vsd Function diagram
- 765 -
AND/OR elements 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
10 inverters {2 µs} 8 NAND elements with 3 inputs each {2 µs} 3 EXCLUSIVE OR elements {2 µs}
U951.08 = __ (20) U951.64 = __ (20) U950.92 = __ (20) U952.12 = __ (20) U950.93 = __ (20)
U251 (0) U256 (0) U261 (0) U265 (0) U276 (0)
.01 .01 .01
B 1 B0641 B 1 B0646 B
.02 =1 B0666
.03 & B0681 B
.03 & B0685 B
U951.10 = __ (20) U951.94 = __ (20) U951.24 = __ (20) U952.27 = __ (20) U950.96 = __ (20)
U252 (0) U257 (0) U262 (0) U266 (0) U277 (0)
.01 .01 .01
B 1 B0642 B 1 B0647 B
.02 =1 B0667
.03 & B0682 B
.03 & B0686 B
U951.11 = __ (20) U952.41 = __ (20) U951.47 = __ (20) U952.42 = __ (20) U952.28 = __ (20)
U253 (0) U258 (0) U263 (0) U267 (0) U278 (0)
.01 .01 .01
B 1 B0643 B 1 B0648 B
.02 =1 B0668
.03 & B0683 B
.03 & B0687 B
U950.94 = __ (20) U950.97 = __ (20) U951.48 = __ (20) U951.65 = __ (20) U951.96 = __ (20)
U271 (0) U272 (0) U273 (0) U274 (0) U275 (0)
.01 .01 .01 .01 .01
.02 0 .02 0 .02 0 .02 0 .02 0
.03 B0661 .03 B0662 .03 B0663 .03 B0664 .03 B0665
1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_770_e.vsd Function diagram
- 770 -
Inverters, NAND elements, EXCLUSIVE OR elements, digital signal switches 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
2 D flipflops {5 µs} 12 RS flipflops {3 µs}
U951.25 = __ (20) U951.34 = __ (20) Priority: 1. RESET, 2. SET U951.82 = __ (20) Priority: 1. RESET, 2. SET U952.14 = __ (20) Priority: 1. RESET, 2. SET
U951.49 = __ (20) Priority: 1. RESET, 2. SET U951.98 = __ (20) Priority: 1. RESET, 2. SET U952.30 = __ (20) Priority: 1. RESET, 2. SET
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_775_e.vsd Function diagram
- 775 -
D and RS flipflops 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
4 timers 0...60.000 s {11 µs} 2 timers 0...600.00 s {11 µs} 1 timer 0...60.000 s with adaption {21 µs}
U294.F (0.000) Mode U306.F (0.00) Mode
0.000...60.000 s U295 (0) 0.00...600.00 s U307 (0)
U950.95 = __ (20) U951.83 = __ (20)
ON delay ON delay
T 0 0 T 0 0
100 % P314 (0)
U297.F (0.000) Mode U309.F (0.00) Mode
0.000...60.000 s U298 (0) 0.00...600.00 s U310 (0)
U951.67 = __ (20) U952.16 = __ (20)
T T ON delay
ON delay ON delay T 0 0
T 0 0 T 0 0
OFF delay
OFF delay OFF delay 0 T 1
0 T 1 0 T 1 U311 (0)
U296 (0) U308 (0)
B B0542
B B0532 B B0540 ON/OFF delay
ON/OFF delay ON/OFF delay
2 2 T T 2
1 B0543
Pulse generator 1 B0533 Pulse generator 1 B0541 Pulse generator
T 3 T 3 T 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_780_e.vsd Function diagram
- 780 -
Timers 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
New Blocks (from V3.2 and higher)
1 Pulse generator (flash encoder) {5 µs / 15 µs if Tp is changed} 6 sampling time changers for control signals {1 µs}
Note: The implemented period Tp is always an integral U950.68 = __ (20) U950.71 = __ (20)
multiple of (2 x sampling time). U404.03 (0) U404.06 (0)
Example: Tab = 3.2 ms B 1 B0572 B 1 B0575
Tp = 10 ms
Implemented period = 6.4 ms
The block does not have any logic function.
It only transfers a digital signal consistently from
a faster sampling time to a slower one.
The block ensures that the signal has the same
value in the slow sampling time for all
"consumers" (signal sinks).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_782_e.vsd Function diagram
- 782 -
Pulse generator, sampling time changers 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
U951.38 = ___(20)
Software counter 16 bit (maximum counting frequency: 1/sampling time) {8 µs}
Counter output
U317 0...65535
.01 (0) Count up n318
Priority: & UP
OUT K0565
1. Enable counter
2. Set counter .02 (0) Count down
3. Stop counter B
4. Count up/down .03 (0) Stop counter & DOWN
B 1
.04 (0) Set counter (Binary code)
.05 (1) Enable counter
B 1
<2>Starting value and setting value are limited to the range (minimum value... maximum value). Count down
2 2
<3>Example: The counter is operating in the 3.2 ms time slot -> max. counting frequency 310 Hz. Overflow
Attention: The sampling time and sampling sequence of the upstream signal processing has to be taking into account! 7 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_785_e.vsd Function diagram
- 785 -
Software counter 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Acceleration time Unit for accel. time Deceleration time Unit for decel. time Initial rounding Final rounding
U951.51 = ___(20)
0.0...999.9 0=s, 1=min, 2=h 0.0...999.9 0=s, 1=min, 2=h 0.00...10.00 s 0.00...10.00 s
U330.F (10.0) U331.F (0) U332.F (10.0) U333.F (0) U334.F (0.00) U335.F (0.00) {70 µs}
Adaption of acceleration/deceleration time
U329 (1) <4> 0s 0s Without rounding and adaption
K 0.2 %
0 1 0 1 {130 µs}
With rounding and adaption
Bypass ramp-function generator (y:=x) 0s 0s
U328 (0) 0 1 0 1 Quick stop time
<1> <6>
B 0.0...999.9 s
U337.F (10.0)
0.0...+200.0 %
Quick stop comfort RGen U342 (100.0)
U343 (573)
U338 (0) 0 1 B+
<6> K0573 K
Ramp-function generator input B
U320 (0) Output limitation
0...3599640.0 s
n339.01 n339.02 U344 (574)
0 n326 B-
-1 K0574 K
[790.8] (RGen output)
KK0571 KK0570 Tup Tdn AR ER
y Tup Tdn
0% 1 B+
U321 (0) (Freeze y)
100 % Comfort ramp-function generator n340
B y
Stop RGen KK0571
U322 (0) Bring RGen to a standstill RGen output
t B-
U323 (0) <3>
Ramp-function generator setting value
KK Track RGen
Rated acceleration time (with this acceleration time
U324 (0) Set RGen (y = setting value) 0.01 ... 300.00 s dy/dt = 100 %)
B -100 % U336 (0.01)
U327 (0) Operating mode for rounding KK0572
0: Final rounding does not act upon sudden reduction t
of the input value during acceleration y=0
Tup_eff <2> B0550 Ramp-function generator output = 0
1: Rounding always acts (except when output limitation y=x
has responded). If there is a sudden reduction of the B0551 Acceleration finished
Rounding Mode Tdn_eff <2> y=0
input value, overshooting can occur.
1 = Enable ramp-function generator R Q B0552
U325 (1) <6>
0 = Set ramp-function generator to zero 0 = RGen initial runs
<1> At U328 = 552 the RGen only acts once in each case after enabling (^ edge) [710.5] Priority: <6> Priority of control commands:
<2> Effective accel.time: Tup_eff = Tup * adaption factor + (AR/2 + ER/2)/adaption factor 1. S (SET) 1. Set RGen to zero
Effective decel.time: Tdn_eff = Tdn * adaption factor + (AR/2 + ER/2)/adaption factor 2. R (RESET) 2. Quick stop comfort RGen
(If adaption is used, the jerk remains the same) 3. Set ramp-function generator
<3> Ramp-function generator is tracked when a limitation responds (y:=RGen output) 4. Bypass RGen (y:=x)
<4> Rounding and adaption do not act with the ’min’ or ’h’ unit for accel./decel. time 5. Bring RGen to a standstill
<5> Rounding also acts during a zero passage 6. Stop ramp-function generator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_790_e.vsd Function diagram
- 790 -
Comfort ramp-function generator 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
U951.87 = __ (20)
U380 (0)
K x y K0577
If you wish to use the simple ramp-function generator as a setpoint ramp function generator
for the technology controller, the following signal connection can be recommended:
- Output of simple ramp-function generator ==> Setpoint input of technology controller (U352 = 577) [792.1]
- Technology controller disabled ==> Set simple ramp-function generator (U381 = 556) [792.3]
- Actual-value technology controller ==> Setting value of simple ramp-function generator (U382 = value of U335) [792.1]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_791_e.vsd Function diagram
- 791 -
Simple ramp-function generator 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Smoothing time constant U952.01 = ___(20)
0.00 ... 60.00 s
U353 (0.00)
<4> Basic gain Effective gain Integral time {50 µs}
0.00 ... 125.00 (-250.00...+250.00) 0.00 ... 100.00
TeCntr Setp U364.F (3.00) n365 U366.F (3.00) Precontrol signal
U352 (0) x y Gain adaption
<1> U386 (0)
K n354 U363 (1) K
Droop K
U362 (0)
Controller type K P-Component
0 ... 1
KP Tn K0583
U351 (1) 0 1
0 = normal PID controller I-Component <3>
1 = PI controller with D-component <2> Technology controller K0584
in actual-value channel Smoothing time constant Controller output
0.00 ... 60.00 s Output technology controller
U358 (0.00) n372
n356 n357 n359 B+
TeCntr ActV –
U355 (0) + + +
x x y
K IN OUT K0588
– + + +
D-Component B-
d D-Component
K0580 dt K0582 K0581
Set I-component
<1> <5> U360 (556) Message "Technology
controller to output limitation"
Derivation time B0556 B
0.00 ... 60.00 s
U367.F (0.00) SetV I-Comp
U361 (0)
If output limitation responds, track the
I-component in such a manner that |x|≥ |y|
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_792_e.vsd Function diagram
- 792 -
Technology controller 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
U952.02 = ___(20)
(Time portion of the rising edge)
Wobble amplitude Wobble frequency Phase displacement P skip negative P skip positive Duty factor
0.00 ... 20.00 % 0.1 ... 120.0 Hz 0 ... 360 °el 0.00 ... 100.00 % 0.00 ... 100.00 % 0 ... 100 %
U393.F (0.00) U394.F (60.0) U395.F (360) U396.F (0.00) U397.F (0.00) U398.F (50) Wobble generator {83 µs}
+ Setpoint, wobbled
U397 +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_795_e.vsd Function diagram
- 795 -
Wobble generator 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
Trace: cyclical output channel 1 to 8
TraceTriggerOut TraceTriggerOut
Record Trace B0561 B0565
Trace memory Trace memory
Trigger Thresh Trigger BitNr. Trigger Cond Pre Trigger TriggerStatusStart
Channel 1 TraceValOut Channel 5 TraceValOut
-231 ... (231-1) 0 ... 16 0 ... 4 0 ... 100 % 0 ... 2 KK0592 KK0596
U484.01...08 (0) U485.01...08 (16) U486.01...08 (0) U487.01...08 (0) U488.01...08 (0)
Src Trigger In
.01 U952.73 = __ (20) U952.97 = __ (20)
.04 TraceTriggerOut TraceTriggerOut
.05 B0562 B0566
.06 Trace memory Trace memory
.07 Channel 2 TraceValOut Channel 6 TraceValOut
.08 KK0593 KK0597
Trace memory
Src Trace In Channel 1 to 8
.02 U952.74 = __ (20) U952.98 = __ (20)
.05 TraceTriggerOut TraceTriggerOut
.06 B0563 B0567
.07 Trace memory Trace memory
.08 Channel 3 TraceValOut Channel 7 TraceValOut
KK0594 KK0598
n959.75 = 2
TraceDoubleWord TraceSamplingTime
0 ... 1 1 ... 200
U481.01...08 (0) U482.01...08 (1)
U952.95 = __ (20) U952.99 = __ (20)
TraceTriggerOut TraceTriggerOut
B0564 B0568
Trace memory Trace memory
Channel 4 TraceValOut Channel 8 TraceValOut
KK0595 KK0599
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_797_e.vsd Function diagram
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Trace: Record Trace / cyclical output 02.11.98 MASTERDRIVES VC
U959.76 = 6
5 connector-to-parameter/ parameter-to-connector
Parameter Connector
SrcConnToParParNo Index 1 ConnToParValue
ConnToPar ParNo U438.1..5 (479) Parameter value KK0474
0 ... 2999 K0479 K
Index = Read Write
U445.1...5 (0) <1> Enable Enable Write Value EEPROM Index 2 KK0475
Select parameter SrcConnToParIndex
ConnToPar Index U439.1...5 (480) Index 3 KK0476
0 ... 255 K0480 K
U446.1...5 (0) <1> 1 Index 4 KK0477
SrcParToConnRead Index 5
Direction of conversion: 0 = Connector-to-parameter conversion KK0478
Select direction of U449.1...5 (0) 1 = Parameter-to-connector conversion
conversion B
U447.1...5 (0) Carry out conversion <3>
Carry out conversion
SrcConnToParVal ConnToParChkb
Relevant in the case of
U444.1...5 (0) Value to be entered in the selected parametert <2> Connector B0544 Index 1
parameter SrcConnToParEEPROM B0545 Index 2
conversion U448.1 (0) Type of memory: 0/1 = Storage im RAM / EEPROM <4>
B B0546 Index 3
B0547 Index 4
B0548 Index 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Free blocks fp_vc_798_e.vsd Function diagram
- 798 -
Connector-to-parameter converter 17.02.99 MASTERDRIVES VC
Connector list Vector Control
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/ vc32_kompend _kon_e.pdf
Connector list Vector Control
K0087 Torq Add Fsetp Fixed setpoint for additional torque setpoint in no
function diagram: 319.2, 320.1
K0088 I Add Fsetp Fixed setpoint for additional current setpoint in no
function diagram: 319.2, 320.1
K0090 Rotor angle Mechanical angle no
in function diagram: 250.6
KK0091 Meas´dRot.Speed Actual speed yes
in function diagram: 250.7
K0092 Flux angle diff Flux angle difference no
KK0420 ... KK0422 K-> KK CONV 3 outputs of the K -> KK converter yes
KK0457 MOD ADD KK 1.91 Output of the 32-bit adder modulo yes
KK0465 SVZ INV KK 1.90 Output of the 32-bit switchable inverter yes
KK0474 ... KK0478 ConnToPar Value Return value for connector-to-parameter yes
K0479 ConnToPar ParNo First parameter number for connector-to- no
parameter conversion.
The connector supplies internally all possible
parameter numbers if the respective index is
softwired and externally only the parameter
number of the first index is shown.
KK0494 ABSVGEN KK 2.07 Output of the 1st 32-bit absolute-value generator yes
K0511 ... K0512 LMTMON K 1.18 1st limit-value monitor, 16-bit: fixed setpoint and no
output, smooothing element
K0513 ... K0514 LMTMON K 2.49 2nd limit-value monitor, 16-bit: fixed setpoint no
and output, smoothing element
KK0515 ... KK0516 LMTMON KK 2.68 3rd limit-value monitor, 32-bit: fixed setpoint and yes
output, smoothing element
KK0517 LMTMON KK 1.75 4th limit-value monitor, 32-bit: fixed setpoint yes
KK0531 ... KK0538 DEMUX KK 0.62 8 outputs of the 32-bit 8-fold demultiplexer yes
K0563 COUNT SET K U31 Fixed setpoint setting value 16-bit counter no
K0564 COUNT STA K U31 Fixed setpoint starting value 16-bit counter no
KK0573 ComfRGen PosDir Upper limitation value of the comfort ramp- yes
function generator
KK0574 ComfRGen NegDir Lower limitation value of the comfort ramp- yes
function generator
K0577 SimpRGen Output Output of the simple ramp-function generator no
KK0604 I32 KK 1.85 32-bit output value of the 2nd integrator yes
KK0605 PT1Gl KK 2.31 32-bit output value of the 1st PT1 element yes
KK0606 PT1Gl KK 2.43 32-bit output value of the 2nd PT1 element yes
K0650 Short Run Time Time for the short run calculation in sampling no
increments of the setpoint channel (absolute
value connector)
K0900 T(act, Tech) Torque (smoothed) in normalization no
1000H=T_Ref (P354) for applications with
K0901 V(set, Tech) Output voltage (smoothed) in normalization no
1000H = U_Ref (P351) for applications with
K0902 I(Outp, Tech) Output current (smoothed) in normalization no
1000H = I_Ref (P350) for applications with
K0903 DCBus(act,Tech) DC link bus voltage (smoothed) in normalization no
1000H = U_Ref (P351) for applications with
K0904 I(max.permTech) Currently applicable value of maximum current no
in normalization
1000H = I_Ref (P350) for applications with
K0905 Isq(act, Tech) Actual value of the torque-generating current in no
1000H = I_ref (P350) for applications with
K0906 Isq(smth,Tech) Setpoint of the torque-generating current in no
1000H = I_Ref for applications with T100/T300
K2001 ... K2016 SCom1 Word Received process data from SCom1 (16-bit) no
KK2031 ... KK2045 SCom1 DWord Received process data from SCom1 (32-bit) yes
K3001 ... K3016 CB/TB Word Received process data from CB/TB no
KK3031 ... KK3045 CB/TB DWord Received process data from CB/TB yes
K5101 1st EB1 AnaIn1 Analog input 1 of the first inserted EB1 no
K5102 1st EB1 AnaIn2 Analog input 2 of the first inserted EB1 no
K5103 1st EB1 AnaIn3 Analog input 3 of the first inserted EB1 no
K5104 1st EB1 AnaOut1 Setpoint, analog ouptut 1 of the first inserted no
K5105 1st EB1 AnaOut2 Setpoint, analog output 2 of the first inserted no
K5106 1EB1stat.DI/DO Display of status of the terminals (status of no
digital inputs/outputs) of the first inserted EB1
K5111 AnaIn 1st EB2 Analog input of the first inserted EB2 no
K5112 AnaIn 1st EB2 Setpoint, analog output of the first inserted EB2 no
K5202 2nd EB1 AnaIn2 Analog input 2 of the second inserted EB1 no
K5203 2nd EB1 AnaIn3 Analog input 3 of the second inserted EB1 no
K5204 2nd EB1 AnaOut1 Setpoint, analog output 1 of the second inserted no
K5205 2nd EB1 AnaOut2 Setpoint, analog output 2 of the second inserted no
K5206 2EB1stat.DI/DO Display of status of the terminals (status of no
digital inputs/outputs) of the second inserted
K5211 AnaIn 2nd EB2 Analog input of the second inserted EB2 no
K5212 AnaIn 2nd EB2 Setpoint, analog output of the second inserted no
K5213 Stat.DI/DO 2EB2 Display of status of the terminals (status of no
digital inputs/outputs) of the second inserted
K6001 ... K6016 SCom2 Word Interface SCom2 only on SC2 and VC no
KK7131 ... KK7137 SIMOLINK SpecD Special data from SIMOLINK yes
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/
6,029(570$67(5'5,9(6&89& 6KRUW*XLGHWRWKH%DVLF)XQFWLRQV
(Please pay attention to the Operating Instruction (BA) chapter and diagram references)
parameters X300
P574 = B009 reversed sign
P 0V X103.23 Calculation: Diagram a0
f Track A .24
all parameters) 236 P326 P293 Track B .25 The screen of the tacho lead
P I/O P554 = B2100 must be earthed to the motor
Zero pulse .26
and converter housings over a
P565 = B2107
Change Fault P330 = 1
M ~ n2 Control input .27 wide area.
parameter Jog P568 = B2108
+ 15 V 190mA .28
0 P P571 = B2111 In P60=5 (Drive setting):
.29 P130=11=Pulse encoder
4XLFNSDUDPHWHUL]DWLRQ (BA Parameterizing steps) P382, P383 for i²t calculation with ROTEC induction motors (P95 = 2, P97 > 0) assigned automatically.
°021 P382: Motor Cooling (0=self-ventilated, 1=separately ventilated)
P060: Menu Select → 3 indications: P383: Motor thermal time constant (0s=n protection; value ≥ 100s: Table BA Quick parameterization)
P071: Line Volts (AC or DC, depending on unit) P370: 6WDUWTXLFNSDUDPHWHUL]DWLRQ → 1 (All reference values P350. .P354 are set to motor rated values)
P095: Type of Motor (IEC=10 NEMA=11 ROTEC=02 *) P60=0 (User menu)
P097: Motor Number --- --- 1PH7(=1PA6) 1PL6 1PH4 Type of t( 1=v/f curve; 2=v/f curve, textile; 3=Vector ctrl without encoder (f-Reg.); 4=Vector control with pulse encoder )
P100: Control Mode see right see right see right control (diagram r1) (diagram r2) (diagram r3) (diagram r4)
P101: Motor Rtd V Voltage (V) Voltage (V) ---
P102: Motor Rtd A Current (A) Current (A) --- P462 : Acceleration time on P352=reference frequency or P353=reference speed
P104: MotPwrFactor cos PHI --- --- P464 : Deceleration time on P352 or P353 on 0Hz
P105: Mot Rtd Power --- Power (hp) --- P60= 5 (Drive setting)
P106: Mot Rtd Effic. --- Efficiency % --- P330 : v/f type of characteristic -> 0=linear,
P107: Mot Rtd Freq Frequency Frequency (Hz) --- 1=parabolic (pump, fan) Fans, pumps in the case of vector control (P60=1):
P108: Mot Rtd Speed Speed Speed (1/min) --- see P291, P295, P303
P109: Motor #PolePairs is automatically calculated from P107 and P108 P452 : Maximum frequency FWD speed in % of P352 or P353 PMU displays by P
P114: Technol. Cond. (vector control only) = Standard → 0 P453 : Maximum frequency REV speed in % of P352 or P353 and I key:
with pumps/fans: = Part-load optimization → 5 P60=0 (User menu)
Motor identification at standstill (motor gets organized): P115=2* (also in the case of v/f characteristic) P A078 °009 I °018 °009
When P60=1 (parameter menü) more parameters are accessible than on diagrams ax, sx, rx of the BA (P60=0).
Parameters visible when P60=0 are defined in P360 Deceleration time for quick stop (OFF3) P466 in s Motor load limits i²t (i001=alarm,i002=fault) P384.x in %
Prot ramp gen. gain Kp (P100<=3, f<15%) P467 Flying restart (e.g. for fans) P583 (1=ON)
Current limitation P128 in A Ramp end/ramp start smooth P469 P470 in s Fly search speed P526 in Hz/s
Slip compensation (P100=1) P336 in % Minimum frequency P457 in % * DC bus volts reg. (if no pulse resistor) P515 (1=ON)
Static/dyn. torque (P100=3) P278/P279 in % * Skip frequency P455 in % * Frequency limit for turn-off value OFF1 P800 in % *
defines the current magnitude at f<10% Fixed setpoint 5 in Hz (K045) P405 in Hz
Torque limits (P100=3,4) P492/P498 in % * Excitation/de-magnetize time P602 P603 in s * % values are referred to P352, P353 or P354/P113
Speed controller Kp, Tn (P100=0,3,4) P235 P240 in ms
&RQWUROFRPPDQGV Default for... (P368=0 diagrm s0) (P368=1 s1) (P368=7 diag s7) 6HWSRLQWV Default for... (368=0 diag. s0) (368=1 diag. s1) (368=7 diag. s71)
ON/OFF1 command P554 B005 (PMU) B022 (BE7) B2100 Main setpoint 3 . . = Analog input1 . = Fxd setpoint
Coast (OFF2) P555, 556, 557 B001 = 1 B020 (BE6) 1 (=Motor pot.)
(K013 = AE2) (P405=FSW 5 in Hz
Quick stop (OFF3) P558, 559, 560 1 1 1 & P417=1)
INV release P561 1 B016 (BE4) 1 Additional setpoint 1: P433 (P401=FSW 1 in %
Setpoint release P564 1 1 1 & P417=0)
Fault reset P565, 566, 567 B2107 (OP1S) B018 (BE5) B2107 $QDORJRXWSXWV P640.x (Index 1: AA 1; Index 2: AA 2) (see diagram a0 of Operating Instruction):
Jog (n/f: P448 in %) P568 B000 = 0 0 B2108 Default setting: 3 = speed = K148 (Speed n: 3 in Hz (K020))
FWD speed P571 1 (B006 = PMU) 1 B2111 3 = output current = K022 (Current I: 3 in A (K022))
REV speed P572 1 (B007 = PMU) 1 B2112 Gain: P643.x Output voltage Ua: 3 in V (K021)
Motor pot. raise P573 B008 (PMU) 0 0 Offset: P644.x DC link voltage Ud: 3 in V (K025)
Motor pot. lower P574 B009 (PMU) 0 0
External fault P575 1 1 1 The control command defaults in the cass of P368=0 apply when:
BE3=0=BICO data set 1=basic data set!
Note: 0 = continuous 0 = L = 0V = terminal X101.2; 1 = continuous 1 = H = 24V = terminal X101.1 BICO data set changeover (basic/reserve data set): P590 = B014 = BE3
Example: ON/OFF1 command (P554) setpoint source P368=1 from BE7 (binector B022): P554=22 BA3 can only be used when P590=0 ! BE3 can only be used when P653=0 !
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/vc32_kompend_12_e.pdf
List of binector and connector parameters
Vector Control
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/vc32_kompend_mds_e.pdf
List of motor data set parameters Vector Control (MDS list)
CD Path:
D:/Documentation/English/Masterdrives VC/V3.2/Compendium/vc32_kompend_par_e.pdf
Parameter list Vector Control
r001 Visualization parameter for the current status of the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Drive Status converter or inverter. The converter status is, for example, Unit: - - Parameter menu
determined by the control commands for the internal Indices: - + General parameters
1 sequence control (see control word 1 and 2 Type: O2 + Motor/encoder
r550,r551) and by menu selection P060. + Encoder data
+ Control/gating unit
0 = Power section definition + Position control
1 = Initialization of converter or inverter + Diagnostics
2 = Hardware initialization + Trace
3 = Drive system initialization + Technology
4 = Board configuration + Synchronism
5 = Drive setting + Positioning
6 = Selection of several drive test functions - Fixed settings
7 = Störung - Quick parameterization
8 = Start inhibt - Board configuration
9 = Ready for ON - Drive setting
10 = Precharging of Dc link bus - Download
11 =Ready for operation - Upread/free access
12 = Ground fault test - Power section definition
13 = "Flying restart" is active
14 = Operation
15 = OFF1 is active
16 = OFF3 is active
17 = "DC braking" is active
18 = Motor data identification at standstill is active
19 = Optimization of speed controller
20 = "Synchronization" active
21 = Download
r002 Visualization parameter for the speed actual value in Hz Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
Rot Freq (multiplied by the pole pair number P109 of the drive) Unit: Hz - Parameter menu
Indices: - + General parameters
2 Display quantity for the PMU parameterizing unit and the OP Type: I4 - Upread/free access
(see P049).
In function diagram:
350.7, 351.7, 352.7
r003 Visualization parameter for the output voltage of the Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Output Volts converter or inverter (fundamental rms) Unit: V - Parameter menu
Indices: - + General parameters
3 In function plan: Type: I2 - Upread/free access
285.3, 286.3
r004 Visualization parameter for the output current of the Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Output Amps converter or inverter (fundamental rms) Unit: A - Parameter menu
Indices: - + General parameters
4 In function diagram: Type: I4 - Upread/free access
285.7, 286.7
r005 Visualization parameter for the ouput active power. Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Output Power The display value is normalized to the reference power which Unit: % - Parameter menu
is derived from the product of reference frequency P352 and Indices: - + General parameters
5 referencetorque P354. Type: I2 - Upread/free access
In function diagram:
285.7, 286.7
In function diagram:
285.3, 286.7
r007 Visualization parameter for torque referred to the reference Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Motor Torque torque (P354). Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + General parameters
7 Precondition: Type: I2 - Upread/free access
P290 = 0 (field-oriented current control)
The overload protection derived from this parameter is only
effective if sufficient cooling of the motor is ensured.
r009 Visualization parameter for the current motor temperature. Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Motor Temperat. Unit: °C - Parameter menu
A correct display is only possible if the motor temperature is Indices: - + General parameters
9 measured with a KTY84 temperature sensor or BICO Type: I2 + Functions
parameter P385 is softwired to a connector which provides - Upread/free access
the temperature signal in the normalization 1°=40 Hex.
P380 > 1 or
P381 > 1 or
P386 = 2 and P381 > 1
In function diagram:
r010 Visualization parameter for the current thermal utilization of Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Drive Utilizat. the converter or inverter. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + General parameters
10 The utilization is determined byan i2t calculation of the output Type: O2 - Upread/free access
current. A value of 100 % is achieved in continuous
operation with the rated current.
If a 100 % utilization is exceeded, an alarm message (A024)
is tripped and the output current is reduced to 89 % of the
rated current..
r011 Visualization parameter for the currently active motor data Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
act. MotDataSet sets. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + General parameters
11 1 = Data set 1 Type: O2 - Drive setting
2 = Data set 2 - Upread/free access
3 = Data set 3
4 = Data set 4
A motor data set is selected with control word bits 18 and 19.
The relevant BICO parameters
for linking the control word bits are P578 and P579.
In function diagram:
r012 Visualization parameter for the currently active BICO data Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Active BICO DSet set. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + General parameters
12 1 = Data set 1 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
2 = Data set 2
A BICO data set is selected with control word bit 30. The
relevant BICO parameter for linking the control word bit is
In function diagram:
r013 Visualization parameter for the currently active function data Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Active FuncDSet set. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + General parameters
13 1 =Data set 1 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
2 = Data set 2
3 = Data set 3
4 = Data set 4
In function diagram:
r014 Visualization parameter for the speed setpoint at the speed Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Setp Speed controller input or at the frequency input of the v/f control. Unit: 1/min - Parameter menu
Indices: - + General parameters
14 In function diagram: Type: I4 - Upread/free access
360.4, 361.4, 362.4, 363.4
r015 Visualization parameter for the speed actual value. Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
n(act) Unit: 1/min - Parameter menu
In function diagram: Indices: - + General parameters
15 350.7, 351.7, 352.7 Type: I4 - Upread/free access
P028* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which contain a index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDispPowerConn power and are to be displayed in visualization parameter r029 Unit: - - Parameter menu
in (%). The connector numbers entered in the respective Indices: 5 + General parameters
28 index are displayed in the same index of parameter r029. Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
In function diagram: - Drive setting
30.7 - Ready
In function diagram:
P030* BICO parameter for selecting binectors which are to be index1: 0 Menus:
Src Disp Binec shown in visualization parameter r031. The binector numbers Unit: - - Parameter menu
entered in the respective index are displayed in the same Indices: 5 + General parameters
30 index of parameter r031. Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
In function diagram: - Drive setting
30.1 - Ready
r031 Visualization parameter for displaying the binectors given in Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Display Binector P030. The binectors displayed in the respective index have Unit: - - Parameter menu
been selected in the same index of parameter P030. Indices: 5 + General parameters
31 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
In function diagram:
P032* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which are to be index1: 0 Menus:
Src Disp Conn displayed in visualization parameter r033 in [%]. The Unit: - - Parameter menu
connector numbers shown in the respective index are Indices: 5 + General parameters
32 displayed in the same index of parameter r033. Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
In function diagram: - Drive setting
30.1 - Ready
r033 Visualization parameter for displaying the connectors given Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
Display Conn in P032. The connnectors displayed in the respective index Unit: % - Parameter menu
have been selected in the same index of parameter P032. A Indices: 5 + General parameters
33 connector value of 4000 H or 4000 0000 H is shown at 100 Type: I4 - Upread/free access
In function diagram:
P034* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which contain a index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDispVoltsConn voltage and are to be displayed in visualization parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
r035 in [V]. The connector numbers entered in the respective Indices: 5 + General parameters
34 index are displayed in the same index of parameter r035. Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
In function diagram: - Drive setting
30.4 - Ready
In function diagram:
P036* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which contain a index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDispAmpsConn current and are to be displayed in visualization parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
r037 in [A]. The connector numbers entered in the respective Indices: 5 + General parameters
36 index are displayed in the same index of parameter r037. Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
In function diagram: - Drive setting
30.4 - Ready
r037 Visualization parameter for the display of connectors given in Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
Disp Amps Conn P036 in [A]. The connectors displayed in the respective Unit: A - Parameter menu
index have been selected in the same index of parameter Indices: 5 + General parameters
37 P036. The normalization is specified in P350. The following Type: I4 - Upread/free access
method of calculation must be used:
r037 = P350 xConnector Value in [%]/100%.
In function diagram:
P038* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which contain a index1: 0 Menus:
Src DispTorqConn torque and are to be displayed in visualization parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
r039 in (%). The connector numbers entered in the Indices: 5 + General parameters
38 respective index are displayed in the same index of Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
parameter r039. Changeable in:
- Drive setting
In function diagram: - Ready
r039 Visualization parameter for the display of connectors given in Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Disp Torq Conn P038 in (%). The connectors displayed in the respective Unit: % - Parameter menu
index have been selected in the same index of parameter Indices: 5 + General parameters
39 P038. Normalization is determined in P354. Type: I4 - Upread/free access
In function diagram:
P040* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which contain a index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDisp SpdConn speed and are to be displayed in visualization parameter r041 Unit: - - Parameter menu
in [1/min]. The connector numbers entered in the respective Indices: 5 + General parameters
40 index are displayed in the same index of parameter r041. Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
In function diagram:
r041 Visualization parameter for the display of connectors given in Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Disp Speed Conn P040 in [1/min]. The connectors displayed in the respective Unit: 1/min - Parameter menu
index have been selected in the same index of parameter Indices: 5 + General parameters
41 P040. The normalization is specified in P353. The following Type: I4 - Upread/free access
method of calculation must be used: r041 = P353
xConnector Value in [%]/100%.
In function diagram:
P042* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which contain a index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDispFreqConn frequency and are to be displayed in visualization parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
r043 in [Hz]. The connector numbers entered in the Indices: 5 + General parameters
42 respective index are displayed in the same index of Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
parameter r043. Changeable in:
- Drive setting
In function diagram: - Ready
r043 Visualization parameter for the display of connectors given in Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
Disp Freq Conn P042 in [Hz]. The connectors displayed in the respective Unit: Hz - Parameter menu
index have been selected in the same index of parameter Indices: 5 + General parameters
43 P042. The normalization is specified in P352. The following Type: I4 - Upread/free access
method of calculation must be used:
r043 = P352 x Connector Value in [%]/100%.
In function diagram:
P044* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which are to index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDisp DecConn displayed in visualization parameter r045 as an integral Unit: - - Parameter menu
decimal number preceded by a plus or minus sign. The Indices: 5 + General parameters
44 connector numbers entered in the respective index are Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
displayed in the same index of parameter r045. Changeable in:
- Drive setting
In function diagram: - Ready
r045 Visualization parameter for the display of connectors given in Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Disp DecConn P044 as an integral whole decimal number. The connectors Unit: - - Parameter menu
displayed in the respective index have been selected in the Indices: 5 + General parameters
45 same index of parameter P044. Type: I4 - Upread/free access
In function diagram:
P046* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which are to be index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDisp HexConn displayed in visualization parameter r046 as an integral value Unit: - - Parameter menu
(hexadecimal). The connector numbers entered in the Indices: 5 + General parameters
46 respective index are displayed in the same index of Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
parameter r046. Changeable in:
- Drive setting
In function diagram: - Ready
r047 Visualization parameter for the display of connectors given in Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Disp Hex Conn P045 as a hexadecimal number. Unit: - - Parameter menu
If word connectors have been selected in P046, then Indices: 10 + General parameters
47 Indices 1 to 5 = Value of the connector Type: L2 - Upread/free access
Indices 6 to 10 = 0
If double word connectors have been selected in P046, then:
Indices 1 to 5 = Upper 16 bits of the connector
Indices 6 to 10 = Corresponding lower 16 bits of the
KK0091 = 1234 5678
In function diagram:
P046.1= 91
r047.1 = 1234
r047.6 = 5678
P048* Function parameter for selecting parameter whose value is to Init: 2 Menus:
PMU OperDisp be indicated in the operating display of the PMU. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3999 + General parameters
48 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P049* Function parameter for selecting parameters whose values index1: 4 Menus:
OP OperDisp are to be shown in the operating display of the optional OP1S Min: 0 - Parameter menu
user-friendly operator control panel. Max: 3999 + General parameters
49 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Index 1: 1st line left Indices: 5 Changeable in:
Index 2: 1st line right Type: O2 - Drive setting
Index 3: 2nd line (actual value), only visualization parameters - Ready
Index 4: 3rd line (setpoint), only function parameters
Index 5: 4th line
In function diagram:
P050* Function parameter for setting the language in which texts Init: 0 Menus:
Language are to be displayed on the optional OP1S user- friendly Min: 0 - Parameter menu
operator control panel. Max: 4 + General parameters
50 Unit: - - Upread/free access
0 = German Indices: - Changeable in:
1 = English Type: O2 - Drive setting
2 = Spanish - Ready
3 = French
4 = Italian
The factory-setting value 6 is the sum of 2 and 4. This
means that parameterization is allowed via the PMU and
serial interface 1 and thus for the OP1S as well.
P060* Function parameter for selecting the current menu. Init: 1 Menus:
Menu Select Min: 0 All menus
0 = User parameter (selection of the visible parameters in Max: 8 Changeable in:
60 P360) Unit: - All states
1 = Parameter menu Indices: -
2 = Fixed settings (for factory settings) Type: O2
3 = Quick parameterization (changes to "Drive Setting" state)
4 = Board configuration (changes to "Board Configuration"
5 = Drive setting (changes to "Drive Setting" state)
6 = Download (changes to "Download" state)
7 = Upread/Free access
8 = Power section definition (changes to "Power section
definition" state)
"Operating" state, change to "Download" not possible.
"Ready for switching on" state, change to "Download" not
P068* Function parameter for entering the output filter. Init: 0 Menus:
Output Filter Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Parameter values Max: 2 + General parameters
68 0 = without output filter Unit: - - Drive setting
1 = with sinusoidal output filter Indices: - - Upread/free access
2 = with dv/dt output filter Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
The parameter value 1 limits the implementable depth of
modulation to the range of space vector modulation (see also
P342 and r345, maximum depth of modulation).
The pulse frequency P340 is adapted to the envisaged
sinusoidal filter after exiting the drive setting (see P060 = 5).
· For n/f/Torque control and for temperature adaption (P386
> 0), the sinusoidal filter envisaged for the converter is taken
into account. .
·The parameter value 2 limits the adjustable pulse frequency
P340 to 3 kHz.
In function diagram:
430.3, 390.7, 405.6
r069 Visualization parameter for displaying the software versions Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
SW Version of the basic board as well as the optional boards in slots A to Unit: - - Parameter menu
G Indices: 8 + General parameters
69 Type: O2 - Fixed settings
Index 1: Software version of basic board - Quick parameterization
Index 2: Software version of optional board Slot A - Board configuration
Index 3: Software version of optional board Slot B - Drive setting
Index 4: Software version of optional board Slot C - Download
Index 5: Software version of optional board Slot D - Upread/free access
Index 6: Software version of optional board Slot E - Power section definition
Index 7: Software version of optional board Slot F
Index 8: Software version of optional board Slot G
P070* Function parameter for entering the order numbers of Init: 0 Menus:
Order No. 6SE70. converter or inverter modules. These numbers tell the control Min: 0 - Parameter menu
board which power section it works with. Max: 254 + General parameters
70 Unit: - - Upread/free access
For parameter values, see annex "Compendium". Indices: - - Power section definition
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Power section definition
P071 Function parameter for entering the line voltage of the Init: ~ Menus:
Line Volts converter or inverter. Min: 90 - Parameter menu
Max: 1320 + General parameters
71 Converter (AC/AC): rms value of the line AC voltage Unit: V - Quick parameterization
Inverter (DC/AC): input direct voltage Indices: - - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
The value is for calculating the rated DC link voltage as a Changeable in:
basis for the voltage limits of the Vd(max) and Vd(min) [KIB) - Drive setting
(e.g. undervoltage failure limit).
P072 Parameter for displaying the rated current of the converter or Init: ~ Menus:
Rtd Drive Amps inverter. The rated current is the current which can be output Min: 4,5 - Parameter menu
continuously. It must be identical to the current indicated on Max: 6540,0 + General parameters
72 the rating plate of the converter. Unit: A - Drive setting
Indices: - - Upread/free access
Note: Type: O4 - Power section definition
This parameter must not be changed in the case of multi- Changeable in:
parallel units as the converter rated current is determined in - Power section definition
this case dynamically upon energizing the electronics power
supply from the number of active slaves and the maximum
converter rated current (in the EEPROM). If the parameter is
changed this may overwrite the EEPROM value.
P073 Parameter for displaying the rated power of the converter or Init: ~ Menus:
Rtd Drive Power inverter. Min: 0,3 - Parameter menu
Max: 6400,0 + General parameters
73 Unit: kW - Upread/free access
Indices: - - Power section definition
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Power section definition
P075 Function parameter for the motor magnetizing reactance index1: 150,0 Menus:
X (magnet,d)tot (saturated) along the rotor axis (d axis) , referred to the rated Min: 1,0 - Parameter menu
motor impedance. Max: 999,0 + Motor/encoder
75 Unit: % + Motor data
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P076 Function parameter for the motor magnetizing reactance index1: 150,0 Menus:
X (magnet,q)tot. (saturated) transverse to the rotor axis (q axis), referred to Min: 1,0 - Parameter menu
the rated motor impedance. Max: 999,0 + Motor/encoder
76 Unit: % + Motor data
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P077 Function parameter for motor leakage reactance of the index1: 9,00 Menus:
X (sigma,d) damp damper winding along the rotor axis (d axis), referred to the Min: 0,10 - Parameter menu
rated motor impedance. Max: 49,99 + Motor/encoder
77 Unit: % + Motor data
Automatic parameterization (P115=1) should be executed Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
after the parameter value is changed. Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P078 Function parameter for motor leakage reactance of the index1: 9,00 Menus:
X (sigma,q) damp damper winding transverse to the rotor axis (q axis) referred Min: 0,10 - Parameter menu
to the rated motor impedance. Max: 49,99 + Motor/encoder
78 Unit: % + Motor data
Automatic parameterization (P115=1) should be executed Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
after the parameter value is changed. Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P079 Function parameter for motor resistance of damper winding index1: 8,00 Menus:
R (damping,d) along the rotor axis (d axis), referred to the rated motor Min: 0,10 - Parameter menu
impedance. Max: 49,99 + Motor/encoder
79 Unit: % + Motor data
Automatic parameterization (P115=1) should be executed Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
after the parameter value is changed. Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P080 Function parameter for the motor resistance of the damper index1: 8,00 Menus:
R (damping,q) winding transverse to the rotor axis (q axis), referred to the Min: 0,10 - Parameter menu
rated motor impedance. Max: 49,99 + Motor/encoder
80 Unit: % + Motor data
Automatic parameterization (P115=1) has to be executed Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
after the parameter value is changed. Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P081 Function parameter for the ratio between no-load and rated index1: 50,0 Menus:
Iexc(0)/Iexc(n) excitation current. Min: 1,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 100,0 + Motor/encoder
81 The parameter corresponds to the transmission factor Unit: % + Motor data
between the rotating-field system of the current model and Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
the direct-current system of the excitation current control. Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P082 Function parameter for entering the first (lowest) flux value of index1: 60,0 Menus:
Psi(sat.char.,1) the saturation characteristic, referred to the rated rotor flux Min: 10,0 - Parameter menu
(rated EMF) of the motor. Max: 200,0 + Motor/encoder
82 The value belongs to the first excitation current value P083. Unit: % + Motor data
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Precondition: Type: O2 Changeable in:
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor) - Drive setting
- Ready
P083 Function parameter for entering the first (lowest) current index1: 30,0 Menus:
Iexc(sat.char,1) excitation value of the saturation characteristic, referred to Min: 5,0 - Parameter menu
the no-load excitation current of the motor. Max: 799,0 + Motor/encoder
83 Unit: % + Motor data
The value belongs to the first flux value P082. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor) - Ready
P084 Function parameter for entering the second flux value of the index1: 80,0 Menus:
Psi(sat.char.,2) saturation characteristic, referred to the rated rotor flux (rated Min: 10,0 - Parameter menu
EMF) of the motor. Max: 200,0 + Motor/encoder
84 The value belongs to the second excitation current value Unit: % + Motor data
P085. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor) - Ready
P085 Function parameter for entering the second current excitation index1: 45,0 Menus:
Iexc(sat.char,2) value of the saturation characteristic, referred to the no-load Min: 5,0 - Parameter menu
excitation current of the motor. Max: 799,0 + Motor/encoder
85 Unit: % + Motor data
The value belongs to the second flux value P084. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor) - Ready
P086 Function parameter for entering the third (highest) flux value index1: 90,0 Menus:
Psi(sat.char.,3) of the saturation characteristic, referred to the rated rotor flux Min: 10,0 - Parameter menu
(rated EMF) of the motor. Max: 200,0 + Motor/encoder
86 The value belongs to the third excitation current value P087. Unit: % + Motor data
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
A value of 100 % corresponds to an induced terminal voltage Type: O2 Changeable in:
amounting to the rated motor voltage (in no-load at - Drive setting
synchronous speed). - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P087 Function parameter for entering the third (highest) excitation index1: 65,0 Menus:
Iexc(sat.char,3) current value of the saturation characteristic, referred to the Min: 5,0 - Parameter menu
no-load excitation current of the motor. Max: 799,0 + Motor/encoder
87 The value belongs to the third flux value P086. Unit: % + Motor data
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
A value of 100 % corresponds to the rating plate value of the Type: O2 Changeable in:
excitation current which produces a terminal voltage - Drive setting
amounting to the rated motor voltage in no-load at - Ready
synchronous speed.
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P088 Function parameter for entering the torque constant (kTn index1: 0,00 Menus:
kT(n) (100 Kelvin)). Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
The value corresponds to the current/motor torque Max: 655,35 + Motor/encoder
88 proportionality constants. Unit: Nm/A + Motor data
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
Precondition: Type: O2 - Upread/free access
P095 = 13 (synchronous motor, permanently excited) Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P095* Function parameter for changing between international (IEC) index1: 10 Menus:
Type of Motor and US (NEMA) motor data parameterization. If NEMA is Min: 0 - Parameter menu
selected, the efficiency and the rated motor output instead of Max: 13 + Motor/encoder
95 the power factor cos(PHI) are displayed during motor Unit: - + Motor data
parameterization. Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
Type: O2 - Drive setting
Parameter values: - Upread/free access
10: IEC induction motor Changeable in:
11: NEMA induction motor - Drive setting
12: Synchronous motor (externally excited)
13 Synchronous perm.
Selection of a synchronous motor (12, 13) is only
considered for certain special applications.
P95 can also be at "0" (factory settging) during operation of
permanently-excited synchronous motors.
In both cases, the following functions are disabled:
Synchronizing (P582),
Flying restart (P583, P525, P526),
Automatic restart (P373),
DC braking (P395),
Motor identification (P115=2,3,4,6),
Control mode (P100=0,1,2,3 for P95=12),
Control mode (P100=0,2,4,5 for P095=13).
P097* Function parameter for selecting a ROTEC 1PH7 (=1PA6), index1: 0 Menus:
Select 1PH7 1PL6 and 1PH4 induction motor from the internal list of Min: 0 - Parameter menu
motors. Max: 80 + Motor/encoder
97 Unit: - + Motor data
For parameter values, see annex "Compendium". Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P100* Function parameter for selecting the open/closed loop index1: 1 Menus:
Control Mode control mode Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 5 + Motor/encoder
100 Parameter values: Unit: - + Motor data
0: v/f contol with superposed speed control Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
(only for P095 = 10, 11) Type: O2 - Drive setting
1: v/f control - Upread/free access
(only for P095 = 10, 11, 13) Changeable in:
2: v/f control for textile applications; - Drive setting
allows no frequency corrections (e.g. by the current
limitation controller)
(only for P095 = 10, 11)
3: Frequency control (without tachometer)
(only for P095 = 10, 11, 13)
4: Speed control
(only for P095 = 10, 11, 12)
5: Torque control
(only for P095 = 10, 11, 12)
In function diagram:
P101* Function parameter for entering the rated motor voltage. index1: ~ Menus:
Mot Rtd Volts Min: 100 - Parameter menu
The rating plate value of the voltage for the current kind of Max: 2000 + Motor/encoder
101 connection (star/delta) and for line duty has to be entered. Unit: V + Motor data
Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
Note: Type: O2 - Drive setting
Input for Siemosyn motors is the rated voltage at rated motor - Upread/free access
frequency. Changeable in:
- Drive setting
For P95=13 (motor type =sync.perm.), the motor rated
voltage is only used as a normalization quantity for the rated
motor impedance to which all resistances and reactances
are referred (e.g. P075).
in function diagram:
P102* Function parameter for entering the rated motor current for index1: ~ Menus:
Motor Rtd Amps the connected synchronous or induction motor. The rating Min: 0,6 - Parameter menu
plate value for the current kind of connection (star/delta) has Max: 6553,5 + Motor/encoder
102 to be entered. Unit: A + Motor data
Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
Permissible values: 0.125 * P072 <= P102 < 1.36 * P072 Type: O4 - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P103* Function parameter for entering the motor magnetizing index1: ~ Menus:
Motor Magn Amps current referred to the rated motor current. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
The correct input improves the calculation of motor Max: 95,0 + Motor/encoder
103 parameters in automatic parameterization (P115=1). Unit: % + Motor data
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
The value is determined during motor data identification Type: O2 - Upread/free access
(P115=2,3) and during the no-load test (P115=4). Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Synchronous motor (P95=12): - Drive setting
Reactive current component at the motor rating point.
The value always has to be set to 0.0% so that the rated
motor current is contributed completely to torque generation.
P095 = 10,11,12
(Motor type = Induc.IEC, Induc.NEMA, synchronous
P104* Function parameter for entering hte power factor for the index1: ~ Menus:
MotPwrFactor connected induction motor. The rating plate value has to be Min: 0,500 - Parameter menu
entered. Max: 1,000 + Motor/encoder
104 Unit: - + Motor data
Precondition: Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
P95 = 10,12 (motor type: induc.IEC, synchronous motor) Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P105* Function parameter for entering the rated motor power in Hp index1: ~ Menus:
Motor Rtd Power (rating plate value). Min: 0,1 - Parameter menu
Max: 2000,0 + Motor/encoder
105 Precondition: Unit: hp + Motor data
P095 = 11 (motor type: NEMA induction motor) Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P106* Function parameter for entering the rated motor efficiency index1: ~ Menus:
Motor Rtd Effic. (rating plate value). Min: 50,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 99,9 + Motor/encoder
106 Precondition: Unit: % + Motor data
P095 = 11 (motor type: NEMA induction motor) Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P107* Function parameter for entering the rated motor frequency index1: 50,00 Menus:
Motor Rtd Freq (rating plate value). Min: 8,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 500,00 + Motor/encoder
107 · P100 = 0, 1, 3, 4, 5: maximum value 200 Hz Unit: Hz + Motor data
· P100 = 2: maximum value 600 Hz Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
Type: O2 - Drive setting
The pole pair number (P109) is automatically recalculated if - Upread/free access
parameters are changed.. Changeable in:
For induction motors, a slip (r110) must exist to - Drive setting
P108*P109/60 to enable the slip compensation to correctly
Changing this parameter may also change the pulse
frequency (P340).
In function diagram:
P108* Function parameter for entering the rated motor speed index1: 0,0 Menus:
Motor Rtd Speed (rating plate value). Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 36000,0 + Motor/encoder
108 Note: Unit: 1/min + Motor data
P100 = 0, 4, 5 (v/f control with speed controller, speed/torque Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
control) is only available with this information. Type: I4 - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
The pole pair number (P109) is automatically recalculated if Changeable in:
parameters are changed. For induction motors, a slip (r100) - Drive setting
must exist to P107/P109*60 to enable slip compensation to
correctly operate.
P109* Function parameter for entering the motor pole pair number index1: 2 Menus:
Motor #PolePairs for the connected synchronous/induction motor. Min: 1 - Parameter menu
Max: 99 + Motor/encoder
109 The parameter is automatically calculated if the rated Unit: - + Motor data
frequency (P107) and the rated speed (P108) are changed, Indices: 4 - Quick parameterization
and it can be checked and corrected if necessary. Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
Note: Changeable in:
- For applications with pulse encoder (130=11,12,15,16), a - Drive setting
maximum pole pair number of P109=15 is possible.
- P109 must be written into when downloading (P060=6).
- For machines with rated data for regenerative duty, the
automatically calculated pole pair number must be increased
by 1.
In function diagrams:
360.2, 361.2, 362.2, 363.2, 364.2
r110 Visualization parameter for the rated motor slip, referred to Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
Motor Rtd Slip rated motor frequency (P107). Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Motor/encoder
110 Precondition: Type: O2 + Motor data
P095 = 10, 11 (motor type = induc. IEC; induc. NEMA) - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
In function diagrams:
P113* Function parameter for entering the rated motor torque. index1: ~ Menus:
Mot Rtd Torque Min: 0,01 - Parameter menu
The parameter is for normalizing torque quantities of the Max: + Motor/encoder
113 process data signals and visualization parameters and has 900000,00 + Motor data
no influence on the accuracy of the control system. Unit: Nm - Drive setting
If P113 and P354 (reference torque) are set identically, a Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
signal is displayed to the amount of the rated motor torque as Type: O4 Changeable in:
100% (=4000 Hex). - Drive setting
In function diagram:
P115* Function parameter for selecting various start-up sections Init: 0 Menus:
Calc MotModel and special functions. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Parameter values: Max: 7 + Motor/encoder
115 1 = Automatic parameterization Unit: - + Motor data
Calculation of parameters for the v/f open-loop control and Indices: - + Functions
closed-loop control from the rating plate data of the motor Type: O2 - Drive setting
and the gating unit configuration (e.g. P340 Pulse frequency) - Upread/free access
2 = Motor data identification at standstill: Changeable in:
Parameterization of closed-loop control from the - Drive setting
measured motor data (without setting the n/f controller); - Drive setting
contains the ground fault test and function 1.
(only for P095 = 10, 11 induction motor)
3 = Complete motor data identification:
(contains the functions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7)
(only for P100 = 3, 4, 5 vector control types).
(only for P095 = 10, 11 induction motor)
After alarm A078, the unit must be switched on and the
measurement at standstill commences. After the
measurement at standstill has been completed, the alarm
message A080 appears and the unit has to be powered up
again.Then the no-load measurement and the speed
controller optimization begin.
4 = No-load measurement
(only for P100 = 3, 4, 5 vector control types),
(only for P095 = 10, 11 induction motor).
5 = n/f controller optimization
(only for P100 = 3, 4, 5 vector control types)
6 = Self-test:
(corresponds to the functions of 2, but no parameters
are changed)
(only for P095 = 10, 11 induction motor)
7 = Tachometer test:
(only for P100 = 3, 4, 5 vector control types)
If functions 1 to 3 are selected in the "Drive setting"
converter status, the reference parameters P350 to P354 are
pre-assigned to the rated motor data!
P116 Function parameter for setting the start-up time of the drive. index1: 1,00 Menus:
Start-up Time The start-up time is the time from standstill to rated motor Min: 0,10 - Parameter menu
speed at acceleration with rated motor torque. The parameter Max: 327,67 + Motor/encoder
116 value thus corresponds to the moment of inertia and is Unit: s + Motor data
allowed for in the calculation of the n/f controller pre-control Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(P471). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Pre-assignment for automatic parameterization (P115=1,2) - Ready
with 1.00 s or for n/f controller optimization (P115=3,5) with
the measured value.
P100=3,4 (n/f control)
Function diagrams:
P117 Function parameter for setting the cable resistance. index1: 0,00 Menus:
Resist Cable The value corresponds to the ohmic resistance of the cable Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
between the converter/inverter and the motor, referred to the Max: 40,00 + Motor/encoder
117 rated impedance. The parameter value is always a part of the Unit: % + Motor data
value in P121 (Total resistance) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Rated motor impedance: - Drive setting
Zmot,n = Vmot,n / 1,732 * Imot,n = P101 / 1,732 * P102 - Ready
The cable resistance must be entered before motor data
identification (P115=2,3) so that it is allowed for in
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
P386 = 0 (no temperature adaptation)
Function diagram:
r118 Visualization parameter for the total stator resistance of the Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
Resist Stator ++ drive referred to the rated motor impedance. Unit: % - Parameter menu
The value contains the stator resistance of the motor and the Indices: - + Motor/encoder
118 cable resistance. Type: O2 + Motor data
The value of this parameter is adapted with the motor - Upread/free access
temperature during active motor adaption (P386 > 0).
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
r119 Visualization parameter for the valid rated magnetizing Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Magn. Current current (see P103). Unit: A - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Motor/encoder
119 P103 = 0.0 % r119 is calculated Type: I4 + Motor data
0.0 % < P103 < 10.0 % r119 = 10 % * P102 - Upread/free access
P103 >= 10.0 % r119 = P103 * P102
P095 = 10, 11 (induction motor)
P120 Function parameter for the main reactance of the motor index1: ~ Menus:
Main Reactance referred to the rated impedance of the motor. Min: 1,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 999,0 + Motor/encoder
120 The value is calculated during automatic parameterization Unit: % + Motor data
(P115=1) or measured during motor data identification Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(P115=2,3,4) Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P100 = 3,4,5 (vector control types)
P095 = 10, 11 (induction motor)
P121 Function parameter for setting the stator and cable index1: ~ Menus:
Stator Resist resistance referred to the rated motor impedance. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 49,99 + Motor/encoder
121 The value is calculated during automatic parameterization Unit: % + Motor data
(P115 = 1) or measured during motor data identification Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(P115 = 2, 3) Type: O2 Changeable in:
(only if P95 = 10,11) - Drive setting
- Ready
For P95 = 12, 13 (synchronous or sync. perm.), automatic
parameterization has to be selected after parameter changes
are made.
P386 = 0 (temperature adaptation not active)
Function diagrams:
P122 Function parameter for setting the total stator-side leakage index1: ~ Menus:
Tot Leak React reactance of the motor referred to the rated motor impedance. Min: 1,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 49,99 + Motor/encoder
122 Notes: Unit: % + Motor data
P095=10, 11: (induction motor) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
The value is calculated during automatic Type: O2 Changeable in:
parameterization (P115=1) or pre-assigned during motor - Drive setting
data identification - Ready
P095=12, 13: (Synchronous motors)
After the parameter value has been changed,
automatic parameterization (P115=1) has to be carried out
(for setting the current controller).
P095=13: (Synchronous motor, permanently excited)
For calculating the synchronizing reactance in the d-/q
axes, X(sigma) is added to X(main,d) (P075)
or X(main,q) (P076).
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
390.3, 395.3, 396.3
r124 Visualization parameter for the rotor time constant of the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Rotor Time Const motor. Unit: ms - Parameter menu
For induction motors, the values for the d axis and the q axis Indices: 2 + Motor/encoder
124 are always identical. Type: O2 + Motor data
- Upread/free access
Synchronous motor:
The parameter contains the damping time constants in rotor
direction (Tdd) and vertical to the rotor axis (Tdq) with
saturated main reactance (P075, P076). The time constants
are used in the current model.
Tdd can be evaluated in the model with factor P166, and Tdq
with P167.
i001 = d axis
i002 = q axis
P095 = 10, 11, 12
(Motor type = Induc.IEC, Ind. NEMA, synchronous motor)
Function plans:
r125 Visualization parameter for the stator time constant of the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
T(sigma) motor (incl. cable) Unit: ms - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Motor/encoder
125 For induction motors, the values for the d and the q axis are Type: O2 + Motor data
always identical. - Upread/free access
For synchronous motors (P095=12), disymmetry can only
result from the damping resistances and reactances P079
and P077 for the d axis and P080 and P078 for the q axis,
and for permanently excited synchronous motors (P095=13)
from the main reactances P075 and P076
i001 = d axis
i002 = q axis
Function diagrams:
r126 Visualization parameter for the rotor resistance of the motor Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
RotResist referred to the rated motor impedance. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Motor/encoder
126 During active temperature adaptation (P366 > 0), this value Type: O2 + Motor data
follows the motor temperature - Upread/free access
P100 = 3, 4 5 (vector control types)
P095 = 10, 11 (induction motor)
Function diagrams:
P127 Function parameter to allow for the influence of the rotor index1: ~ Menus:
RotResistTmpFact temperature on the rotor resistance. Min: 12,5 - Parameter menu
Max: 400,0 + Motor/encoder
127 The value is pre-assigned during automatic parameterization Unit: % + Motor data
(P115=1) for average motor temperatures or measured Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
during motor data identification (P115=2,3). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P100 = 3, 4 5 (vector control types)
P386 = 0 (temperature adaptation not active)
P095 = 10,11 (induction motor)
Function diagrams:
P128 Function parameter for setting the maximum curent index1: ~ Menus:
Imax (fundamental rms) Min: 0,1 - Parameter menu
Max: 6553,5 + Control/gating unit
128 This parameter sets the setpoint for current limitation to Unit: A + Speed control
protect the motor and the drive (Imax controller for v/f control Indices: 4 + Current control
modes or current controller for vector control modes). Type: O4 + V/f open-loop control
- Upread/free access
Setting range: Changeable in:
0.125 to 4,00 * Imot,n , but maximum - Drive setting
1.36 or 1.6 * Iconv,n (P72). depending on the type of - Ready
Function diagrams:
370.2, 371.2, 372.2, 373.2
r129 Visualization parameter of the realized maximum current for Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Imax(set) current limitation (see P128). Unit: A - Parameter menu
It allows for the influence of the I²t calculation. Indices: - + Control/gating unit
129 Type: I4 + Speed control
v/f control modes (P100 = 0, 1, 2): + Current control
Setpoint of the current limitation controller + V/f open-loop control
Vector control modes (P100 = 3, 4, 5): - Upread/free access
Limitation for the setpoints of the current controller
Function diagrams:
370.2, 371.2, 372.2, 373.2
P130* Function parameter for setting the kind and place of index1: 10 Menus:
Select MotEncod connection of the used tachometer Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 16 + Motor/encoder
130 10 = without tachometer Unit: - + Encoder data
11 =pulse encoder Indices: 4 + Control/gating unit
12 = pulse encoder with control track Type: O2 + Position control
13 = analog tachometer via analog input 1 - Drive setting
14 = analog tachometer via analog input 2 - Upread/free access
15 = pulse encoder with zero pulse Changeable in:
16 = pulse encoder with zero pulse and control track - Drive setting
P130 = 11, 12, 15, 16 (pulse encoder)
· Only pulse encoders with a phase shift of 90° between the
2 tracks can be used.
· At setting 12 or 16, a low level signal or disconnecting the
terminal for the control track
will cause the fault message F052. This is for reporting a
broken wire in the tachometer cable.
· P151 (pulse number of pulse encoder)
Please refer to the relevant operating instructions for
precise instructions on how to start up the tachometer you
are using.
P130 = 13, 14 (analog tachometer)
· P138 (Analog tachometer scaling)
The ATI board is necessary for tachometer voltages > 10 V
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor):
· P130 = 15 or 16 is necessary (due to zero pulse for position
Function diagrams:
P138 Function parameter for setting the analog tachometer scaling. index1: 3000 Menus:
AnalogTachScale Min: 500 - Parameter menu
The speed at which a tachometer voltage of 10 V can be Max: 6000 + Motor/encoder
138 measured is set. The ATI board is required to connect the Unit: 1/min + Encoder data
analog tachometer to the drive if the tachometer voltage Indices: 4 - Drive setting
exceeds 10 V. Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
The parameter value set here is at the same time the limit of - Drive setting
the speed measurement range. Speed overshoots must be - Drive setting
allowed for. The analog tachometer can be used up to - Ready
converter output frequencies of 100 Hz.
Setting instructions:
If, for example, the speed of 3000 rpm including 10%
overshoot needs to be shown
The parameter is determined during motor data identification
(P115=3, 4)
Function diagrams:
P139* Function parameter for configuration of the setpoint encoder Init: 0 Menus:
ConfSetpEnc on an SBP. The setpoint encoder can either process one Unit: - - Parameter menu
digital setpoint from two independent rectangular-shaped Indices: - + Motor/encoder
139 frequency signals or, alternatively, form one setpoint from an Type: L2 + Encoder data
external pulse encoder signal and a rectangular-shaped - Board configuration
frequency signal. - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
xxx0 = channel 1 / encoder input HTL unipolar Changeable in:
xxx1 = channel 1 / encoder input TTL unipolar - Quick parameterization
xxx2 = channel 1 / encoder input HTL differential input
xxx3 = channel 1 / encoder input TTL/RS422 differential
P140* Function parameter for the pulse number of the setpoint index1: 1024 Menus:
SetpEnc Pulse# encoder. Min: 60 - Parameter menu
Max: 20000 + Motor/encoder
140 The parameter has to be set to the number of pulses of the Unit: - + Encoder data
setpoint encoder connected to an SBP board. Indices: 2 - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
If the first frequency channel of the setpoint encoder is in the Changeable in:
"encoder signal evaluation" mode (P139=2xxx), the - Drive setting
parameter value is used for normalizing the setpoint - Drive setting
generation (together with the motor ref. frequency).
P141* Function parameter for the reference frequency of the index1: 10000 Menus:
SetpEncFreq setpoint encoder. Min: 500 - Parameter menu
Max: 1000000 + Motor/encoder
141 The parameter value determines which input frequency Unit: Hz + Encoder data
results in an output of 100% on the setpoint encoder. Indices: 2 - Drive setting
Type: O4 - Upread/free access
If the setpoint encoder is the "frequency counter" mode Changeable in:
(P139=1xxx), the parameter values are used to normalize the - Drive setting
output values. - Drive setting
P151* Function parameter for entering the number of pulses of the index1: 1024 Menus:
Encoder Pulse # pulse encoder. Min: 60 - Parameter menu
Max: 20000 + Motor/encoder
151 Setting instructions Unit: - + Encoder data
· The product"pulse number * motor frequency" (P107) Indices: 4 + Control/gating unit
should not exceed 400000, as otherwise the speed Type: O2 + Position control
computation will be inaccurate. - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
Precondition: Changeable in:
P130 = 11,12,15,16 (Pulse encoder) - Drive setting
Function diagrams
P155* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src i(excit.) excitation current actual-value is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
155 Note: ,BDS + Speed control
At a parameter value of 0, the actual-value (r156) is tracked Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
with the setpoint (r160) and the mnimum excitation current Changeable in:
monitoring (see P157, P158) is de-activated. - Drive setting
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
r156 Visualization parameter for the excitation current actual- Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Iexc(act) value, referred to the rated excitation current. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
156 Precondition: Type: I2 + Speed control
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor) - Upread/free access
P157 Function parameter for setting the gain of the P-controller for index1: 0,500 Menus:
i(exc.)-Reg. Kp minimum excitation current monitoring. Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 8,000 + Control/gating unit
157 As soon as the measured excitation current is less than half Unit: - + Speed control
the minimum excitation current (P158), the difference is Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
evaluated with the value of this parameter and connected to Type: O2 Changeable in:
the stator-current-side flux-generating current setpoint - Drive setting
component. This support shall prevent the excitation current - Ready
being zero.
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P158 Function parameter for setting the minimum excitation index1: 0,1 Menus:
i(exc.,min.) current for minimum current monitoring (see P157) referred Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
to the rated excitation current. Max: 10,0 + Control/gating unit
158 Unit: % + Speed control
Above the minimum excitation current, the P controller for Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
flux or voltage limitation control is connected to the flux- Type: O2 Changeable in:
generating current setpoint component (see P163 to P165). - Drive setting
This control is de-activated if the measured excitation current - Ready
actual-value (r156) is below the minimum excitation current
(P158). The monitoring control (with P157 as gain) is
switched on as soon as half the minimum excitation current
is fallen short of.
P159 Function parameter for setting the smoothing time constant index1: 100 Menus:
Smooth. dI(exc) for smoothing the difference between excitation current Min: 0 - Parameter menu
setpoint and actual-value (r160, r156) Max: 32001 + Control/gating unit
159 Unit: ms + Speed control
Note: Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Smoothing is stopped with P159 = 32001 ms. Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
r160 Excitation current setpoint referred to the rated excitation Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Iexc(set) current. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Precondition: P095 = 12 (synchronous motor) Indices: - + Control/gating unit
160 Type: I2 + Speed control
- Upread/free access
P161 Function parameter for the stator-side minimum current index1: ~ Menus:
i(min.curr.val.) amount in no-load mode of the synchronous motor. Min: -3276,7 - Parameter menu
Max: 3276,7 + Control/gating unit
161 A minimum current can be specified for calmer control Unit: A + Speed control
behaviour at low stresses. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: I2 Changeable in:
If no torque-generating current setpoint (r272) is present, the - Drive setting
entire minimum current is connected as a flux-generating - Ready
current component (r281). With increasing load, this flux-
generating component is reduced to zero if r272 achieves the
value of the minimum current.
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P162 Function parameter for entering the frequency range below index1: 20,0 Menus:
df(changeCosPhi) the frequency at which field weakening starts (base Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
frequency KK0192) within which changeover is made Max: 100,0 + Control/gating unit
162 between the inner and outer cos PHI control. Unit: % + Speed control
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
If the parameter value is not zero, the flux-generating stator- Type: O2 Changeable in:
side current setpoint component r281 above the base - Drive setting
frequency is controlled in such a way that the stator voltage - Ready
and current indicators are pointing more or less in the same
direction (cos PHI = 1).
Below the base frequency, minus this parameter value
(P162), r281 is at zero (if no minimum current P161 is
specified) and the entire converter current flows in the
direction of the EMF (cos-PHI internal = 1).
Within the settable frequency range, changeover is made
linearily between these states.
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P163 Function parameter for entering the flux control gain (P index1: 1,500 Menus:
Flux Reg. Gain controller). Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 6,000 + Control/gating unit
163 The P flux controller operates on the dynamic field- Unit: - + Speed control
generating stator current component (behind r281). Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
The controller should support the excitation current control Type: O2 Changeable in:
rom the stator side during dynamic flux changes. The flux - Drive setting
setpoint is supplied by the flux characteristic (r304 and the - Ready
flux actual-value by the voltage model (r302). The controller
is deactivated in the area of the current model (cutout ramp
between P313 and P313*P314). In the range of field
weakening, the controller is overridden by the Vmax
controller (P164) or by the EMFmax controller (P165).
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P164 Function parameter for entering the gain (P controller) of the index1: 1,500 Menus:
V(max) reg. Kp field weakening controller. Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 6,000 + Control/gating unit
164 The Vmax controller operates on the dynamic field- Unit: - + Speed control
generating stator current component (behind r281). Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
The controller should support the excitation current control Type: O2 Changeable in:
during dynamic processes at the voltage limit (e.g. - Drive setting
acceleration/deceleration in field weakening). - Ready
Outside of the field weakening, the controller is overridden by
the flux controller (P163).
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P165 Function parameter for setting the gain (P controller) for the index1: 1,500 Menus:
EMF(max) reg. Kp EMF maximum value controller (setpoint P306). Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 6,000 + Control/gating unit
165 The EMFmax controller operates on the dynamic field- Unit: - + Speed control
generating stator current component (behind r281). The Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
controller is overridden by the flux controller (P163) or the Type: O2 Changeable in:
field weakening controller (P164), if their set/actual value - Drive setting
difference is less than that of the EMFmax controller. - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P166 Function parameter for evaluation of the damping time index1: 100,0 Menus:
Kp Tdd constant Tdd (saturated) in the current model. Min: 25,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 400,0 - Upread/free access
166 Tdd is the result of the ratio of the sum of saturated main Unit: % Changeable in:
inductance and damping leakage to damping resistance Indices: 4 - Drive setting
(along the rotor axis). Type: O2 - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P167* Function parameter for evaluating the dampint time constant index1: 100,0 Menus:
Kp Tdq Tdq (saturated) in the current model. Min: 25,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 400,0 + Control/gating unit
167 Tdq is the result of the ratio of the sum of saturated main Unit: % + Speed control
inductance and damping leakage to the damping resistance Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(transverse to rotor axis). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
r168 Visualization parameter for the angle between flux and rotor Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Load angle axis in the current model of the externally excited Unit: ° (alt) - Parameter menu
synchronous machine. In no-load mode, the angle is approx. Indices: - + Control/gating unit
168 0°. Type: I2 + Speed control
- Upread/free access
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P172* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src Pos SetV initial position is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
172 Only if the initial angle is changed, the rotor angle (r186) or ,BDS + Position control
the position angle (r185) is set to the new initial angle. If the Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
initial angle remains the same, no setting is made for r185 Changeable in:
and r186. - Drive setting
- Ready
If a 16-bit value is connected here, only r186 and the lower-
value word of r185 are changed. The higher-value word of
r185 (number of revolutions) then remains unchanged. If a
32-bit value is specified, r185 and r186 are completely
With synchronous motors (P095=12), it is necessary for the
rotor angle at standstill to be provided by an external
evaluation (normalization as in r186, 0Hex = fault).
Only when the position encoder is adjusted for the first time
(reset), the parameter value has to be set to P172=0.
The drive then rotates into the zero position as soon as the
inverter pulses are released and a minimum current is set in
P130 = 15,16 (rotary encoder with zero pulse)
Function diagrams:
r185 Visualization parameter for the position actual-value over Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Pos (act Mot) several revolutions of the rotor (r186) Unit: ° (alt) - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
185 Representation of the angle: Type: I4 + Position control
0000 = 0°, 8000 Hex = 180°, FFFF Hex = 359.995° - Upread/free access
P130 = 15,16 (rotary encoder with zero pulse)
Function diagrams:
r186 Visualization parameter for the rotary angle fo the rotor which Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Rotor angle is detected by a tachometer (P130). Unit: ° (alt) - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
186 Representation of the value: Type: O2 + Position control
0000 = 0°, 8000 Hex = 180°, FFFF Hex = 359.995° - Upread/free access
P130 = 15,16 (rotary encoder with zero pulse)
Function diagrams:
P187 Function parameter for setting the dead time between Init: 1,000 Menus:
T(dead,rot.ang.) measured and implemented rotor angle. Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 4,000 + Control/gating unit
187 The parameter is used for correcting slip failure of the Unit: ms + Position control
position signal in the area of the current model. The Indices: - - Upread/free access
corrected position signal is brought to the angle control Type: O2 Changeable in:
(P315) together with the load angle (r168). - Drive setting
- Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P215 Function parameter for setting the maximum permissible index1: ~ Menus:
max. dn/dt change of the measured speed actual value within a control Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
sampling time (P357). Max: 600,00 + Control/gating unit
215 Unit: Hz + Speed control
The function is for detecting interfering pulses or Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
interruptions in the speed signal (e.g.resulting from faulty Type: O2 Changeable in:
cable shields or tachometer coupling). - Drive setting
- Ready
This function limits the change speed of the drive. If an alarm
should be output during the acceleration process or load
impacts, the parameter value may have to be increased.
P130 > 10 (source speed actual value).
Function diagrams:
P216 Function parameter for setting the smoothing time constant index1: ~ Menus:
Smooth n/f(FWD) of the n/f actual-value precontrol. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 50,0 + Control/gating unit
216 Note: Unit: ms + Speed control
A smoothing time of approx. 4ms for n/T control (P100=4,5) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
is recommended only on drives with gear play. If interference Type: O2 Changeable in:
pulses occur in the encoder signal, the tachometer cable - Drive setting
should be checked to make sure that it has a shield at both - Ready
sides and over a large surface area.
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
350.3, 351.4
P217 Function parameter for setting the slip failure correction for index1: 0 Menus:
Slip fail corr'n the n/f actual-value. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 2 + Control/gating unit
217 Slip failure correction is only effective at speed control with Unit: - + Speed control
encoder (P130 = 11, 12) and improves the torque accuracy Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
during acceleration. Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Parameter values: - Ready
0= not active
1= correction with smoothing of approx. 32ms
2 = Correction with smoothing of approx. 16ms.
P100 = 4, 5 (n/T control)
Function diagrams:
r218 Visualization parameter for the speed frequency actual value. Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
n/f(act) Unit: Hz - Parameter menu
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5 and Indices: - + Control/gating unit
218 P100 = 1 and slip compensation (P336): Type: I4 + Speed control
Speed actual-value multiplied by the pole pair number (P109) + V/f open-loop control
of the motor. - Upread/free access
P100 = 1, 2 (v/f contol, v/f control for textile), no slip
compensation (P336): stator frequency
Function diagrams:
350.7, 351.7
Function diagrams
360.2, 361.2, 362.2, 363.2
P221 Function parameter for setting the smoothing time constant index1: 4 Menus:
smooth n/f(set) for the n/f setpoint before the tachometer. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 2000 + Control/gating unit
221 The use is particularly recommended for preventing Unit: ms + Speed control
overshoot of the speed actual-value when the n/f controller Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
precontrol (P471=0) is switched off and/or at ramp-function Type: O2 Changeable in:
generator times of 0.0s. - Drive setting
- Ready
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5
(v/f contorl with n control, vector control types)
P222* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src n/f(act) speed actual values are to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
222 Synchronous motor: ,BDS + Speed control
The torque limits and the angle controller P315 have to be Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
disabled for trial operation (P222<>0). The drive may only be Changeable in:
operated in the range of the current model. - Drive setting
P100 = 3,4,5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
350.1, 351.7
P223 Function parameter for the smoothing time constant of the index1: ~ Menus:
Smooth n/f(act) n/f actual value to the negative speed controller input. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 2000 + Control/gating unit
223 The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization (P115 Unit: ms + Speed control
= 1,2,3) or is determined during controller optimization (P115 Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
= 5). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5
(v/f control with n control, vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.2, 361.2, 362.2, 363.2
r229 Visualization parameter for the n/f setpoint at the speed Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
n/f(set,smo'd) controller input or at the frequency input of the v/f Unit: Hz - Parameter menu
characteristic. Indices: - + Control/gating unit
229 Type: I4 + Speed control
Function diagrams: + V/f open-loop control
360.4, 361.4, 362.4, 363.4. - Upread/free access
r230 Visualization parameter for the smoothed n/f actual value at Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
n/f(act,smo'd) the speed controller input. Unit: Hz - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
230 Precondition: Type: I4 + Speed control
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5 - Upread/free access
(v/f control with n control, vector control types).
Function diagrams:
360.3, 361.3, 362.3, 363.3
P232* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src n/f RegAdapt input signal for the gain adaption of the speed controller Unit: - - Parameter menu
(P235) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
232 ,BDS + Speed control
Precondition: Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5 Changeable in:
(v/f control with n control, vector control types) - Drive setting
- Ready
Function diagrams:
360.3, 361.3, 362.3, 363.3
P233 Function parameter for entering the lower transition point for index1: 0,0 Menus:
n/f Reg. Adpat.1 gain adaption of the speed controller gain. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
233 Below this point, gain of the n/f controller is identical to P235. Unit: % + Speed control
Between P233 and P234, evaluation is interpolated in a Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
linear manner to P236. Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5
(v/f control with n control, vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.5, 361.5, 362.5, 363.5, 364.5
P234 Function parameter for entering the upper corner point for index1: 100,0 Menus:
n/f-Reg. Adapt.2 gain adaption of the speed controller gain. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
234 Above this point, gain of the n/f controller is identical to Unit: % + Speed control
P236. If P234 is less than P233, there is internal limitation to Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
P233. Then the gain will jump from P235 to P236 if the Type: O2 Changeable in:
threshold P233=P234 is exceeded. - Drive setting
- Ready
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5
(v/f control with n control, vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.6, 361.6, 362.6, 363.6
P235 Function parameter for entering the n/f controller gain. index1: ~ Menus:
n/f-Reg Gain 1 Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization (P115 Max: 2000,0 + Control/gating unit
235 = 1, 2) or is calculated from the measured during n/f Unit: - + Speed control
controller optimization (P114 = 3, 5). Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5 - Ready
(v/f control with n control, vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.4, 361.4, 362.4, 363.4
P236 Function parameter for entering the speed controller gain index1: ~ Menus:
n/f-Reg. Gain2 above the corner point P234 of the gain adaption. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 2000,0 + Control/gating unit
236 At speeds between P233 and P234, the gain is interpolated Unit: - + Speed control
linearily from P235 to P236. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P100 = 0,3,4,5 - Ready
(v/f control with n control, vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.4, 361.4, 362.4, 363.4
r237 Visualization parameter for the currently effective gain of the Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
n/f RegGain(act) speed controller. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
237 Precondition: Type: O2 + Speed control
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5 - Upread/free access
(v/f control with n control, vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.6, 361.6, 362.6, 363.
P238* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src n-Reg.Adapt evaluation signal for the gain adaption of the speed controller Unit: - - Parameter menu
(P235) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
238 ,BDS + Speed control
Precondition: Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5 Changeable in:
(v/f control with n control, vector control types) - Drive setting
- Ready
In function diagram:
360.3, 361.3, 362.3, 363.3, 364.3
P240* Function parameter for entering the integral time of the index1: ~ Menus:
n/f Reg Time speed controller. Min: 25 - Parameter menu
Max: 32001 + Control/gating unit
240 The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization (P115 Unit: ms + Speed control
= 1, 2) or is taken from the measurement during n/f controller Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
optimization (P115 = 3, 5). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Note: - Ready
With value 32001 ms, the I component is turned off (the
speed controller operates as a P controller).
P100 = 0, 3, 4, 5
(v/f control with n control, vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.7, 361.7, 362.7, 363.7
P241* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
SrcSetV n/f-Reg1 setting value for the I component of the speed controller is to Unit: - - Parameter menu
be read in. Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
241 ,BDS + Speed control
Note: Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
- If the setting command is not interconnected (P242=0), a Changeable in:
pending setting value is read in after pulse enable at the end - Drive setting
of the excitation time (P602) and the integral component of
the controller is set once.
- If the setting value P241 is interconnected, during speed
control without an encoder, the integral component of the
speed controller will not be moved to zero when the drive is
stopped, but stays at the last value (from the range of the
EMF model). This value corresponds to the static load if the
acceleration torque has been correctly precontrolled. The
current component is not reset until the pulse is disabled.
In function diagrams:
360.5, 361.5, 362.5, 363.5, 364.5
P242* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src Set n/f-Reg1 command for setting the I component of the speed controller Unit: - - Parameter menu
is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
242 ,BDS + Speed control
Function diagrams: Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
360.5, 361.5, 362.5, 363.5 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P243* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src nf-Reg1 STOP command to stop the I component of the speed controller is Unit: - - Parameter menu
to be read in. If the value of the signal connected at the Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
243 binector is logical "1", the I component of the speed ,BDS + Speed control
controller is stopped. From then on, the speed controller only Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
acts as a P controller. Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Function diagrams:
360.5, 361.5, 362.5, 363.5
P245* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src Droop input signal for the droop is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Connection of the I component of the speed controller Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
245 (K0155) is preferred here. ,BDS + Speed control
Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Function diagrams: Changeable in:
P365.5, P367.2 - Drive setting
P246 Function parameter for scaling the droop (selection see index1: 0,0 Menus:
Scale Droop P245). Parameter values greater than 0 lead to a drop of the Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
speed setpoint (r471) when the drive is loaded, and thus Max: 49,9 + Control/gating unit
246 result in a speed deviation from the main setpoint. Unit: % + Speed control
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Setting instructions: Type: O2 Changeable in:
Kp = 0.000 = droop inactive - Drive setting
Kp > 0.000 and no external droop enable (see P584) - Ready
= droop is calculated (KK0157), but is not
processed in the setpoint channel.
Kp > 0.000 and external droop enable (see P584)
= droop active
P100 = 3, 4 (n/f control)
Function diagrams:
365.6, 367.3
P249* Function parameter for the smoothing time constant for index1: 10,0 Menus:
DT1 Function T1 damping compensation. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
249 If the smoothing time is set at 0.0ms, the differentiation only Unit: ms + Speed control
operates during master drive control with the speed setpoint Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(smoothed with P221) and can be used as precontrol for the Type: O2 Changeable in:
speed controller. - Drive setting
- Ready
P163 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
365.6, 366.5, 367.3
P250 Function parameter for the gain of the damping index1: 0,0 Menus:
DT1 Function Td compensation of the speed actual value to the setpoint of the Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
torque-generating current. Max: 1000,0 + Control/gating unit
250 Unit: ms + Speed control
For n/f control (as master drive) the damping operates with Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
the n/f control error. The characteristics correspond to a Type: O2 Changeable in:
smoothed D component of the n/f controller. - Drive setting
If the smoothing time is P249=0.0ms, only the setpoint - Ready
speed is differentiated (smoothing time constant P221).
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
365.6, 366.5, 367.3
P251 Function parameter for entering the evaluation factor for the index1: 0,0 Menus:
Band-Stop Gain band-stop filter. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 150,0 + Control/gating unit
251 At gain = 100 %, the band-stop filter (average frequency Unit: % + Speed control
P254, band width P253) is switched on. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
A correction of the gain factor is only purposeful if speed - Drive setting
deviations occur when stationary (r230 <> r229). This can - Ready
occur if there are low resonance frequencies and large filter
band widths.
If the filter is switched on, the damping compensation (P250,
P249) always operates with the speed signal (r230) and not
with the control deviation.
If the gain is set a lot less or more than 100%, the drive can
be accelerated or decelerated very high.
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (Vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.4, 361.4, 362.4, 363.4
P253 Function parameter for entering the frequency band width index1: 0,5 Menus:
Filter bandwidth (3dB) of the band-stop filter for the speed signal (r230). Min: 0,5 - Parameter menu
Max: 20,0 + Control/gating unit
253 ATTENTION: Unit: Hz + Speed control
With very low resonance frequencies (P254) and large filter Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
band widths, the dynamic response of the speed controller Type: O2 Changeable in:
must be reduced so that the speed control will not become - Drive setting
unstable. - Ready
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.4, 361.4, 362.4, 363.
P254 Function parameter for entering the resonance frequency of index1: 50,0 Menus:
ResonFreqBStop the band-stop filter. Min: 5,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
254 The filter can be used to prevent mechanical resonances Unit: Hz + Speed control
from upshooting over the speed control circuit. The Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
parameter value describes the middle of the frequency Type: O2 Changeable in:
disable area. It should be slightly below the resonance - Drive setting
frequency. - Ready
At very low resonance frequencies and large filter band
widths (P253), the dynamic response of the speed controller
must be reduced in order that the speed control does not
become unstable.
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.4, 361.4, 362.4, 363.4
r255 Visualization parameter for the output signal of the n/f Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
T(set,reg. off) controller (torque setpoint) in front of the torque limitation Unit: % - Parameter menu
referred to P354 (reference torque) Indices: - + Control/gating unit
255 Type: I2 + Speed control
Precondition: - Upread/free access
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
360.8, 361.8, 362.8, 363.8
P256* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 172 Menus:
Src T(lim,reg1) upper limit value for the torque at the speed controller output Unit: - - Parameter menu
is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
256 ,BDS + Speed control
Function diagram: Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
360.8, 362.8 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P257* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 173 Menus:
Src T(lim,reg2) lower limit value for the torque at the speed controller output Unit: - - Parameter menu
is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
257 ,BDS + Speed control
Function diagram: Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
360.8, 362.8 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P258 Function parameter for the maximum permissible motoring index1: ~ Menus:
Max Gen Power active power. Min: 0,1 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
258 Setting instruction: Unit: % + Speed control
It is necessary to set an output limit for field weakening Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
operation in order to enable cos PHI control (P162). Type: I2 Changeable in:
The limit is automatically reduced internally if the converter - Drive setting
supply voltage drops below the rated motor voltage. - Ready
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
370.2, 371.2, 372.2, 373.2
P260* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src Torq (set) torque setpoint in the "Master drive" operating mode is to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
260 ,BDS + Speed control
If this parameter is connected, the torque is not obtained Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
from the output of the speed controller. Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P100 = 4 (speed control)
Function diagrams:
P262* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src Torque(add) additional setpoint for torque is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
The additional setpoint is added to the setpoint of the torque Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
262 (see P260). ,BDS + Speed control
Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
If this parameter is connected, the torque is not obtained Changeable in:
from the output of the speed controller. - Drive setting
P100 = 4 (speed control)
Function diagrams:
P268 Function parameter for the correction factor when calculating index1: 100,0 Menus:
Kp Isq(max) the maximum torque-generating current component in the Min: 25,0 - Parameter menu
field-weakening area (Isqmax: K0176) Max: 400,0 + Control/gating unit
268 Unit: % + Speed control
This parameter is only intended for service personnel. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types) - Ready
P095 = 10, 11, 13 (induction motor, sync.perm.)
Function diagrams:
370.3, 371.3, 372.3, 373.3
r269 Visualization parameter for the limited torque setpoint at the Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Torq (set, Lim) output of the speed controller including additional torque. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
269 Precondition: Type: I2 + Speed control
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types) - Upread/free access
Function diagrams:
370.7, 371.7, 372.7, 373.7, 375.7
r272 Visualization parameter for the setpoint of the torque- Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Isq(set,lim) generating current Unit: A - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
272 Precondition: Type: I4 + Current control
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types) - Upread/free access
Function diagrams:
P370.8, P371.8, P372.8, P373.8, P375.7
P273 Function parameter for the smoothing time constant of the index1: ~ Menus:
Smooth Isq(set) torque smoothing setpoint. This only operates in the field Min: 0 - Parameter menu
weakening area. Max: 20 + Control/gating unit
273 Unit: ms + Current control
The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(P115=1) or during motor data identification (P115=2,3). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Synchronous motor: - Ready
Smoothing results from multiplication by the rise limitation.
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
Function diagrams:
P274 Function parameter of the rise limitation for steady-state index1: ~ Menus:
Isq(set) grad. current setpoint component Isq (and Isd in the case of Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
externally excited synchronous motors). Max: 6553,5 + Control/gating unit
274 Unit: A + Speed control
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P275* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which an index1: 0 Menus:
Src I(max) external setpoint is to be read in for maximum current. Unit: - - Parameter menu
The read-in maximum current acts as a limitation of the Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
275 internal value r129 which results from parameterization via ,BDS + Speed control
P128. Type: L2 ,K + Current control
+ V/f open-loop control
In function diagram: - Upread/free access
370.1, 371.1, 372.1, 373.1 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
r277 Visualization parameter for the torque setpoint for making Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
T(set,friction) allowance for the friction. The friction torque is added after Unit: % - Parameter menu
torque limitation. Negative values are displayed in the case of Indices: - + Control/gating unit
277 negative speeds. Type: I2 + Speed control
- Upread/free access
P100 = 4, 5 (n/T control)
In function diagram:
370.7, 371.7, 375.7
P278 Function parameter for the maximum required steady-state index1: ~ Menus:
Torque (static) torque during encoder-less speed control (frequency control) Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
in the lower speed range. Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
278 Unit: % + Speed control
At frequency control (P100=3) and non-active EMF model Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(B0253 = 0), a constant current is impressed to the motor. Type: I2 Changeable in:
Torque(static) represents the maximum torque occurring - Drive setting
during constant setpoint frequency. For safety reasons, the - Ready
parameter should allow for at least 10 % more than the
expected load.
Parameter values:
0%= Rated magnetizing current is injected (r119)
Setting instructions:
During acceleration, the transition to the counter EMF model
(B0253 = 1) is significantly influenced by the setting of this
parameter and by the protective mode of the ramp function
generator (P467).
The value is assigned during automatic parameterization
P100 = 3 (frequency control)
P279 Function parameter for the maximum additional dynamic index1: ~ Menus:
Torque (dynamic) torque during encoder-less speed control (frequency control) Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
in the lower speed range. Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
279 Unit: % + Speed control
An additional acceleration torque (P279) is added to the Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
steady state torque (P278) during frequency acceleration Type: I2 Changeable in:
and deceleration. The total current during acceleration is - Drive setting
calculated from the settings of P278 and P279.During steady - Ready
state operation only the current for P278 is impressed.
Setting instructions:
For the sole purpose of acceleration torques, the speed
control precontrol (P471) can be used.
The value is assigned during automatic parameterization
P100 = 3 (frequency control)
In function diagram:
P280 Function parameter for setting the smoothing time constants index1: 40 Menus:
Smooth I(Set) of the current setpoint impressed via P278 and P279. Min: 4 - Parameter menu
Max: 32000 + Control/gating unit
280 Precondition: Unit: ms + Speed control
P100 = 3 (frequency control) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
In function diagram: - Drive setting
382.6 - Ready
r281 Visualization parameter for the setpoint of the flux-generator Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Isd(set) current components. Unit: A - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
281 Synchronous motor (P095 = 12): Type: I4 + Speed control
visualization parameter for the steady-state setpoint of the - Upread/free access
stator-side flux-generating current component.
Output signal of the rise limitation (P274) which is connected
downstream of the cos-PHI control (P162) and the minimum
current (P161). The flux-generating excitation current
component is calculated in the current model..
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
In function plan:
380.8, 381.8
P282 Function parameter for evaluation of the differential index1: 60,0 Menus:
Gain PRE Isq precontrol of the current controller. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
282 Precondition: Unit: % + Current control
P100 = 3,4,5 (vector control types) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
In function diagram: - Ready
P283 Function parameter for adjusting the gain of the PI current index1: ~ Menus:
Current Reg Gain controller in the range of the asynchronous modulation of the Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
modulator. Max: 2,500 + Control/gating unit
283 Unit: - + Current control
The adaption of this gain is automatically performed Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
depending on the pulse frequency in the modulator. Type: O2 Changeable in:
The value is preset during automatic parameterization (P115 - Drive setting
= 1) or during motor data identification (P115 = 2, 3). - Ready
After the pulse frequency or motor parameter has been
changed, automatic parameterization or motor identification
should be repeated in order to precisely set the controller.
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
In function diagram:
P284 Function parameter for setting the adjustment time of the PI index1: ~ Menus:
Current Reg Time current controller in the range of asynchronous modulation of Min: 2,0 - Parameter menu
the modulator. Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
284 Unit: ms + Current control
The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization (P115 Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
= 1) or motor data identification (P115 = 2, 3). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
In function diagram:
P287 Function parameter for setting the time constant for index1: 9 Menus:
SmoothDCBusVolts smoothing the DC link bus voltage as an input quantity of the Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Vd correction. Max: 16 + Control/gating unit
287 Unit: - + Current control
The smoothing time constant is calculated as follows: Indices: 4 + V/f open-loop control
T1 = Tpulse*2 exp(parameter value) Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
Setting instructions: - Drive setting
If high requirements are made on the dynamic response of - Ready
the drive system and the thus related fast changes in DC link
voltage, P287 has to be reduced to 0..3.
At P287 = 16, the DC link voltage calculated from the
converter line voltage is displayed.
In function diagram:
P288 Function parameter for the evaluation factor of decoupling index1: 100,0 Menus:
Decoupl. Gain1 switching-in during current control in the constant flux range Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
of the motor. Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
288 Unit: % + Current control
This parameter is only envisaged for service personnel. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types) - Ready
In function diagram:
P289 Function parameter for the evaluation factor of decoupling index1: 25,0 Menus:
Decoupl. Gain 2 switching-in during current control in the field weakening Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
range of the motor. Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
289 Unit: % + Current control
This parameter is only envisaged for service personnel. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types) - Ready
In function diagram:
P291 Function parameter for setting the flux setpoint, referred to index1: 100,0 Menus:
FSetp Flux (set) the rated rotor flux of the motor. Min: 50,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
291 Note: Unit: % + Speed control
At values below 100 %, the drive is operated under- Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
magnetized, and at higher values it is operated over- Type: O2 Changeable in:
magnetized. - Drive setting
- Ready
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
P095 = 10, 11, 12 (induction motor, synchronous motor)
In function diagram:
380.2, 381.2
P293 Function parameter for setting the frequency limit above index1: ~ Menus:
Field Weak Freq which the voltage of the v/f characteristic is kept constant. If Min: 8,00 - Parameter menu
the voltage limit is already reached below this value, field Max: 600,00 + Control/gating unit
293 weakening starts at a lower frequency. Unit: Hz + V/f open-loop control
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Precondition: P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f modes) Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
In function diagram:
P295 Function parameter for setting the setpoint for the rotor flux index1: ~ Menus:
Efficiency Optim under no-load conditions for load-adaptive magnetization. Min: 50,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 100,0 + Control/gating unit
295 When the flux is reduced, the stator losses of the motor in Unit: % + Speed control
the partial load range are reduced. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
The reference flux increases when loaded, so that the Type: O2 Changeable in:
magnetization current corresponds to the torque-generating - Drive setting
current (r272 .
Parameter values:
100.0 %: No load-adaptive magnetization
<100.0 %: Load-adaptive magnetization activated.
Setting instructions:
· An increase of the flux setpoint (P291) to approx. 110.0 %
contributes towards further efficiency optimizing.
· The load-adaptive magnetization in the partial load range
restricts the dynamic performance of the drive.
· The smoothing time constant of the flux setpoint (P303)
must be selected to be that much higher the lower the load-
dependent rotor flux is set (at least 100 ms for speed control
or 500 ms for frequency control).
· Upon activation of the efficiency optimization mode, the
differentiation of the flux setpoint for forming the field-
generating current component is switched off.
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
P095 = 10, 11 (induction motor)
In function diagram:
380.2, 381.2
P297 Function parameter for entering the flux controller gain (PI index1: 1,00 Menus:
Flux Reg. Gain controller). Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 250,00 + Control/gating unit
297 The flux controller operates on the field-generating Unit: - + Speed control
components of the excitation current setpoint. The flux actual- Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
value (r302) at the negative controller input is set to the Type: O2 Changeable in:
setpoint in the case of low speeds (in the current model) with - Drive setting
the result that the controller is ineffective in this area. The - Ready
flux setpoint (r304) arises from the smoothed output of the
flux characteristic.
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P301 Function parameter for setting the smoothing time constant index1: 4,0 Menus:
Smooth Psi(act) for the rotor flux actual value. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
301 Precondition: Unit: ms + Speed control
P100 = 3,4,5 (vector control types) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor) Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
r302 Visualization parameter for the smoothed flux actual value of Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Flux(act) vector control, converted to the rated voltage of the motor. At Unit: % - Parameter menu
a setpoint flux of r304=100.0%, a value corresponding to the Indices: - + Control/gating unit
302 rated EMF is set. Type: I2 + Speed control
- Upread/free access
The smoothed flux actual value is added to the flux control
(see P297) and the unsmoothed actual value is used for stall
detection (see P805). In the range of the current model
(B0253=0), the parameter is guided to the setpoint flux.
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P303 Function parameter for setting the smoothing time constant index1: ~ Menus:
Smooth Flux(Set) for the flux setpoint. Min: 4 - Parameter menu
Max: 2000 + Control/gating unit
303 The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization Unit: ms + Speed control
(P115 = 1) or during motor data identification (P115 = 2, 3). Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Setting instructions: - Drive setting
P303 > 100 ms: - Ready
for load-adaptive magnetization with speed control
P303 > 500 ms:
for load-adaptive magnetization with frequency control
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
P095 = 10, 11, 12 (induction motor, synchronous motor)
In function diagram:
380.5, 381.5
r304 Visualization parameter for the flux setpoint of vector control, Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Flux(Set,Total) referred to the rated rotor flux of the motor. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
304 Precondition: Type: I2 + Speed control
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types) - Upread/free access
P095 = 10, 11, 12 (induction motor, synchronous motor)
In function diagram:
380.6, 381.6
P305 Function parameter for the integral-actino time of the field- index1: 150 Menus:
FieldWeakRegTime weakening or V(max) controller. Min: 10 - Parameter menu
Max: 32001 + Control/gating unit
305 Synchronous motor (P095 = 12): Unit: ms + Speed control
Integral-action time of the field-weakening controller (PI Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
controller; Type: O2 Changeable in:
Kp = P297/8).This overrides the flux controller (P297, P298) - Drive setting
as soon as the voltage limit is reached. - Ready
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
In function diagram:
380.4, 381.4
P306 Function parameter for setting the maximum EMF index1: ~ Menus:
EMF(max) Min: 100 - Parameter menu
The parameter is used as a positive input signal for EMF Max: 2000 + Control/gating unit
306 max control. Unit: V + Speed control
The value is calculated during automatic parameterization Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(P115=1). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P307 Function parameter for the integral-action time of the EMF index1: 150 Menus:
EMF(max.)-Reg Ti max controller. Min: 10 - Parameter menu
Max: 32001 + Control/gating unit
307 The EMF max controller acts if the difference between P306 Unit: ms + Speed control
and the EMF actual value is less than the deviation from Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
setpoint and actual value flux or from maximum and setpoint Type: O2 Changeable in:
voltage. The PI contoller then operates with a gain of P297 / - Drive setting
8 on the flux-generating excitation current component of the - Ready
current model and thus overridess the flux controller
(P297,P298) or the field-weakening controller (P305).
Setting instructions:
The I component is stopped with value 32001 ms (the EMF
max controller operates as a P controller).
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
r308 Visualization parameter for the flux setpoint, referred to the Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Psi(set,I-mod.) rated EMF. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
308 The flux setpoint is situated at the positive input of the PI flux Type: I2 + Speed control
controller of the current model of the externally excited - Upread/free access
synchronous machine with rotor-side damper winding.
P095 = 12 (motor type = synchronous motor)
r309 Visualization parameter for the flux actual value at the output Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Psi(act,I-mod.) of the current model (behind the saturation characteristic) of Unit: % - Parameter menu
the externally excited synchronous machine referred to rated Indices: - + Control/gating unit
309 EMF. Type: I2 + Speed control
- Upread/free access
The signal is guided back to the negative input of the PI flux
controller of the current model.
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor)
P311 Function parameter for the flux controller integral-action time index1: 50 Menus:
Psi(mod)-reg. Tn in the current model. Min: 4 - Parameter menu
Max: 999 + Control/gating unit
311 Precondition: Unit: ms + Speed control
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P312 Function parameter for evaluation of the stator inductance in index1: 100,0 Menus:
Kp L(sig,U mod.) the dynamic portion of the voltage model. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Control/gating unit
312 In addition to the stator leakage (P122), the damper leakage Unit: % + Current control
also enters transverse to the Rotor axis (P078). Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor) - Ready
P313 Function parameter for the changeover from the current index1: ~ Menus:
f(cEMF Mod) model to the counter EMF model. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 600,00 + Control/gating unit
313 The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization Unit: Hz + Current control
(P115=1). Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Synchronous motor (P095=12): - Drive setting
The parameter value represents the upper frequency limit of - Ready
the changeover ramp between the current and the voltage
model. Changeover is approximately at the following
P313 * (0.85*P314 + 15%)
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
In function diagram:
395.7, 396.7
P314 Function parameter for the frequency limit for changing over index1: 50,0 Menus:
f(cEMF->AMP-mod) from the counter EMF model to the current model, referred to Min: 1,0 - Parameter menu
f(cEMF Mod) (P313). Max: 99,0 + Control/gating unit
314 Unit: % + Current control
Example: Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Frequency limit [Hz] = P313 * P314 Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Synchronous motor (P095=12): - Ready
The parameter value represents the lower frequency limit of
the changeover ramp between the current model and the
voltage model in relation to the upper limit (P313).
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
In function diagram:
395.7, 396.7
P315 Function parameter of the gain of the PI controller for the index1: ~ Menus:
cEMF Reg Gain counter EMF model at rated motor voltage. At low voltage Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
setpoints, the gain is increased. Max: 6,000 + Control/gating unit
315 Unit: - + Current control
The value determined during automatic parameterization Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(P115 = 1) or during motor data identification (P115 = 2, 3). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Note: - Ready
The control circuit only operates in the current model if gain
= 0.
Synchronous motor:
The parameter includes the P controller gain of the flux angle
controller in the range of the current model.
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
In function diagram:
395.4, 396.4
P316 Function parameter for the integral-action time of the PI index1: ~ Menus:
cEMF Reg Time controller for the counter EMF model. Min: 4,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 999,9 + Control/gating unit
316 The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization (P115 Unit: ms + Current control
= 1) or during motor data identification (P115 = 2, 3). Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types) - Ready
P095 = 10, 11, 13 (motor type= IEC, NEMA,Sync.Perm.)
In function diagram:
395.4, 396.4
P317* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which an index1: 0 Menus:
Src U (set) external setpoint for setpoint voltage is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
317 The setpoint voltage replaces the output voltage of the v/f ,BDS + V/f open-loop control
characteristic. Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P100 = 2 (v/f control, textile)
In function diagram:
P318 Function parameter for the boost mode at F = 0 Hz. index1: 1 Menus:
Boost Mode Min: 0 - Parameter menu
0: Current boost: Max: 1 + Control/gating unit
318 A voltage boost is calculated by means of a starting current Unit: - + V/f open-loop control
(P319) allowing for the measured stator resistance.. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
1: Voltage boost: - Drive setting
The voltage boost of the v/f characteristic is directly entered
via P325.
P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f control modes)
In function diagram:
P319 Function parameter for entering the current boost. index1: ~ Menus:
Boost Amps Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
A voltage boost at f = 0 Hz is calculated from the boost Max: 6553,5 + Control/gating unit
319 current and the total measured resistance (motor + cable). Unit: A + V/f open-loop control
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
The value is calculated during automatic parameterization Type: O4 Changeable in:
(P115=1). - Drive setting
- Ready
P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f control modes)
P318 = 0 (current boost)
In function diagram:
P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f control modes)
P325 Function parameter for the voltage boost at f = 0 Hz. index1: ~ Menus:
Boost Volts Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
The value is calculated during automatic parameterization Max: 500,0 + Control/gating unit
325 (P115 = 1, 2). Unit: V + V/f open-loop control
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Precondition: Type: O2 Changeable in:
P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f control modes) - Drive setting
P318 = 1 (voltage boost) - Ready
In function diagram:
P326 Function parameter for the end frequency of the voltage index1: ~ Menus:
Boost End Freq boost. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 300,00 + Control/gating unit
326 In the range from 0 Hz to end frequency, the voltage boost is Unit: Hz + V/f open-loop control
reduced to 0. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Special case: - Drive setting
The input value 0 Hz causes the output voltage to stay - Ready
constant until crossing the normal v/f curve ("horizontal"
P100 = 0,1,2 (v/f control modes)
In function diagram:
In function diagram:
P331 Function parameter for the gain of the PI controller for index1: 0,050 Menus:
Imax Reg Gain current limitation (Imax controller). Min: 0,005 - Parameter menu
Max: 0,499 + Control/gating unit
331 The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization (P115 Unit: - + Current control
= 1) or during motor data identification (P115 = 2, 3). Indices: 4 + V/f open-loop control
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Precondition: Changeable in:
P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f control modes) - Drive setting
- Ready
In function diagram:
P332 Function parameter for the integral-action time of the PI index1: 100 Menus:
Imax Reg Time controller for current limitation (Imax controller). Min: 4 - Parameter menu
Max: 32001 + Control/gating unit
332 Precondition: Unit: ms + Current control
P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f control modes) Indices: 4 + V/f open-loop control
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
In function diagram: Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P334 Function parameter for the compensation factor of voltage index1: ~ Menus:
IxR Compens Gain losses on the stator resistor or on long cables. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 40,00 + Control/gating unit
334 The factor corresponds to the cable resistance referred to Unit: % + V/f open-loop control
the rated motor impedance. The output voltage is increased Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
depending on the actual torque-generating current. Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization - Ready
(P115 = 1, 2,3)
P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f control modes)
In function diagram:
P335 Function parameter for the smoothing time constant of the index1: ~ Menus:
Smooth Isq torque-generating current. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3200 + Control/gating unit
335 The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization Unit: ms + V/f open-loop control
(P115 = 1) or during motor data identification (P115 = 2, 3). Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Precondition: - Drive setting
P100 = 0, 1 (v/f control modes without textile)
In function diagram:
P336 Function parameter for the proportional gain of slip index1: ~ Menus:
Slip Comp Gain compensation (also taking the rotor temperature into Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
account). Max: 400,0 + Control/gating unit
336 Unit: % + V/f open-loop control
The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
(P115 = 1, 2,3). Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Setting instructions: - Ready
0.0 %: Slip compensation off
50 % - 70 %: Full slip compensation at cold motor (partial
100 %: Full slip compensation at warm motor
(full load)
Rating plate data for rated current (P102), rated speed
(P108) and rated frequency (P107) must be entered
correctly and fully.
P100 = 1 (v/f control)
In function diagram:
P337 Function parameter for the gain of the resonance damping. index1: ~ Menus:
Reson Damp Gain Min: -10,000 - Parameter menu
v/f control modes, without v/f textile application (P100 = 0, 1): Max: 10,000 + Control/gating unit
337 The resonant damping circuit is effective in a range from Unit: - + Current control
about 5 % to 70 % of the rated motor frequency. Indices: 4 + V/f open-loop control
Type: I2 - Upread/free access
The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization Changeable in:
(P115 = 1, 2,3). - Drive setting
- Ready
The resonance damping circuit damps oscillations of the
active current. These oscillations mainly occur during no-
load operation. The parameter cannot be used to optimize
the response behaviour at P100 = 0 (v/f control with speed
P100 = 0,1,3 (v/f control modes without textile applications,
frequency control)
In function diagram:
P338 Function parameter for the compensation of the direct index1: 3,00 Menus:
Common Mode components of the inverter. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Comp Max: 25,55 + Gating unit
In order to improve the smooth running characteristics, the Unit: µs - Upread/free access
338 edges of the control pulses of the individual inverter valves Indices: 6 Changeable in:
can be staggered in time such that pulse frequency- Type: O2 - Drive setting
dependent direct components can be compensated. - Ready
i001 = PHUN: Phase U negative switching edge
i002 = PHUP: Phase U positive switching edge
i003 = PHVN: Phase V negative switching edge
i004 = PHVP: Phase V positive switching edge
i005 = PHWN: Phase W negative switching edge
i006 = PHWP: Phase W positive switching edge
P339 Function parameter for release of the edge modulation index1: 0 Menus:
ModSystemRelease systems Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 5 + Gating unit
339 Parameter values: Unit: - - Drive setting
0: all systems Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
1: edge modulation systems above 60 Hz Type: O2 Changeable in:
2: edge moduation systems above 100 Hz - Drive setting
3: no edge modulation systems
4: overmodulated space vector modulation
5: overmodulated space vector modulation without pulse
frequency switchover
During operation with overmodulated space vector
modulation, the harmonic contents in the output current are
increased. The drive can then be heated up more strongly.
With P342, the modulation depth factor can be limited
gradually again (result in r345).
In function diagram:
390.8, 405.8
P340* Function parameter for entering the pulse frequency for index1: 2,5 Menus:
Pulse Frequency asynchronous space vector modulation. Min: 1,5 - Parameter menu
Max: 16,0 + Gating unit
340 Note: Unit: kHz - Drive setting
The setting range of the pulse frequency depends on the Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
type of unit and on the settings of the open/closed loop Type: O2 Changeable in:
control. - Drive setting
(e.g. by selecting an output filter (see P068)).
If the pulse frequency is increased, P128 (maximum current)
can be reduced (derating). If the pulse frequency is then
reduced again, the changed value in P128 remains!
In function diagram:
390.6, 420.5, 405.5
P342 Function parameter for the maximum modulation depth of the index1: 96,0 Menus:
Max ModulatDepth modulator. The parameter defines the maximum possible Min: 20,0 - Parameter menu
output voltage. At a maximum modulation depth of 96%, the Max: 96,0 + Control/gating unit
342 line voltage can be reached as output voltage. Unit: % + V/f open-loop control
Indices: 4 + Gating unit
Setting instructions: Type: O2 - Upread/free access
- High output voltages can be reached by using the edge Changeable in:
modulation mode at a high modulation depth. Low parameter - Drive setting
values prevent the change from space vector to edge - Ready
modulation mode; the readable output voltage is lower.
-The depth of modulation at the change from space vector to
edge modulation depends on the type of the unit and the
pulse frequency.
- Typical values at 2.5 kHz:
for a rated converter current <= 186 A: about 87 %
at a rated converter current > 186 A: about 84 %
- The change to an edge modulation system can be
prevented with P339..
If a sinusoidal filter (P068 = 1) is used, the maximum
modulation depth is so far reduced that the modulator only
operates in the space vector modulation mode.The effetive
modulation depth limit is displayed in r345.
In function diagram:
390.7, 405.7
r343 Visualization parameter for the current modulation depth of Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Modulation Depth the modulator. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control/gating unit
343 In function plan: Type: I2 + Current control
390.8, 405.8 + V/f open-loop control
+ Gating unit
- Upread/free access
P344 Function parameter for the headroom of the modulation index1: 0,0 Menus:
ModDepth Headrm depth. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 50,0 + Control/gating unit
344 The parameter value reduces the maximum modulation Unit: % + Speed control
depth (P342) during steady-state operation by reducing the Indices: 4 + Gating unit
setpoint voltage of the field weakening controller. During Type: O2 - Upread/free access
dynamic operation, this headroom remains essentially Changeable in:
ineffective due to the reaction time of the controller. As a - Drive setting
result, the maximum possible output voltage for torque and - Ready
speed changes can be completely utilized.
In function diagram:
380.2, 381.2
In function diagram:
380.1, 381.1, 405.7
r346 Visualization parameter for the maximum possible output Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Max Output Volts voltage. It is calculated from the maximum modulation depth Unit: V - Parameter menu
of the modulator (P342) and the current DC link voltage. Indices: - + Control/gating unit
346 Type: I2 + Speed control
Note: + V/f open-loop control
The headroom for the modulation depth (P344) is allowed for + Gating unit
in vector control modes. - Upread/free access
In function diagram:
380.3, 381.3, 405.7
P347 Function parameter for the correction of the symmetrical index1: ~ Menus:
ON VoltsCompens. valve voltage drops of the inverter IGBTs. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 20,0 + Gating unit
347 The parameter value is pre-set during automatic Unit: V - Upread/free access
parameterization (P115 = 1) or measured during motor data Indices: 4 Changeable in:
identification (P115 = 2, 3 ). Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
Parameter values:
0: no deadtime compensation in the gating unit
1: deadtime compensation in the gating unit enabled
Setting instructinos:
For high pulse frequencies, for motors with low stator time
constant (r125) (positioning drives) and for long cables, it
may be practical to disable the compensation in order to
improve the smooth running characteristics at low speeds.
P349 Function parameter for the compensation time of the gating Init: ~ Menus:
T(DeadTimeComp.) unit interlock. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 25,55 + Gating unit
349 In the case of induction motors, the value is pre-set during Unit: µs - Upread/free access
motor data indentification (P115 = 2, 3). Indices: - Changeable in:
Setting instructions: Type: O2 - Drive setting
- For positioning drives or for the improvement of the smooth - Ready
running characteristics at low frequencies, it may be
practical to disable the compensation (P348 = 0). In this
case, it is not permissible to reset P349, in order that the
missing compensation voltage can be calculated.internally
from it. (Only for P100=3,4,5)
- To improve the smooth running characteristics for the v/f
control (P100=0,1,2) the compensation of the interlock time
can be changed.
- At high pulse frequencies (abov approx. 6 kHz), it is not
recommended to disable the compensation as the torque
ripple would then increase again due to voltage areas in the
range of the zero passages of the phase currents.
P350* Function parameter for entering the reference current. The Init: ~ Menus:
Ref Amps value entered is for normalizing all current quantities and Min: 0,1 - Parameter menu
corresponds to a connector value of 4000 H (100 %). The Max: 6553,5 + Functions
350 closed-loop control system can process up to twice the value Unit: A - Drive setting
entered. Indices: - - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
In function diagram: - Drive setting
P351* Function parameter for entering the reference voltage. The Init: ~ Menus:
Ref Volts value entered is for normalizing all voltage quantities and Min: 100 - Parameter menu
corresponds to a connector value of 4000 H (100 %). The Max: 2000 + Functions
351 closed-loop control system can process up to twice the value Unit: V - Drive setting
entered. Indices: - - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
In function diagram: - Drive setting
P352* Function parameter for entering the reference frequency. Init: ~ Menus:
Ref Frequency The value entered is for normalizing all frequency quantities Min: 4,00 - Parameter menu
and corresponds to a connector value of 4000 0000 H (100 Max: 600,00 + Functions
352 %). The closed-loop control system can process up to twice Unit: Hz - Drive setting
the value entered. Indices: - - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Note: - Drive setting
If the parameter is changed, P353 is automatically adjusted.
By changing the parameter, the frequency limitations are
changed as well.
In function diagram:
P353* Function parameter for entering the reference speed. The Init: ~ Menus:
Ref Speed value entered is for normalizing all the speed quantities and Min: 1 - Parameter menu
corresponds to a connector value of 4000 0000H (100 %). Max: 36000 + Functions
353 The closed-loop control system can process up to twice the Unit: 1/min - Drive setting
value entered. Indices: - - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Note: - Drive setting
If the parameter is changed, P352 is automatically adjusted.
By changing the parameter, the speed limitations are
changed as well.
In function diagram:
P354* Function parameter for entering the reference torque. The Init: ~ Menus:
Ref Torque value entered is for normalizing all torque quantities and Min: 0,10 - Parameter menu
corresponds to a connector value of 4000 H (100 %). The Max: + Functions
354 closed-loop control system can process up to twice the value 900000,00 - Drive setting
entered. Unit: Nm - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Note: Type: O4 - Drive setting
The reference power is the productof reference frequency
and reference torque.
By changing the parameter, the torque limitations are
changed as well.
In function diagram:
P357 Function parameter for the base sampling time T0 of the Init: 1,2 Menus:
Sampling Time n/f/T control and the v/f control. Min: 0,8 - Parameter menu
Max: 4,0 + Functions
357 Setting instructions: Unit: ms - Drive setting
- Before reducing the sampling time, the calculation time Indices: - - Upread/free access
headroom should be checked Type: O2 Changeable in:
(parameter r829) in the "Operating" state. A minimum - Drive setting
headroom of 5 % should always be ensured to prevent the
operation from programming a slow reaction.
- If fault message F042 "Calculation time" occurs, the
sampling time must be increased.
In function diagram:
P358* Function parameter for entering the key. If the values in both index1: 0 Menus:
Key indices tally with the values entered in Lock parameter P359, Unit: - - User parameters-
other menus can also be selected in P060 as well as the Indices: 2 Parameter menu
358 menu "User Parameters" and the menu "Fixed settings". Type: L2 + Functions
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P359* Function parameter for entering the password. If the same index1: 0 Menus:
Lock value is entered in both indices in the Key parameter, other Unit: - - Parameter menu
menus can also be selected in P060 as well as the menu Indices: 2 + Functions
359 "User Parameters" and the menu "Fixed settings". Type: L2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P360* Function parameter for selecting the parameters which are to index1: 60 Menus:
Select UserParam be visible in the "User Parameters" menu. After selection of Min: 0 - Parameter menu
the "User Parameters" menu (P60 = 0), apart from Max: 2999 + Functions
360 parameters P53 and P60, only those parameters are visible Unit: - - Upread/free access
whose numbers have been entered in indices 3 to 100. Indices: 100 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P362* Function call "Copy motor data set". In the last two figures of Init: 0 Menus:
Copy MDS the parameter value, which source data set (penultimate Unit: - - Parameter menu
figure, value range 1 to 4) is to be copied to which target data Indices: - + Functions
362 set (last figure, value range 1 to 4) is encoded. Type: L2 - Upread/free access
After the function has been performed, the parameter is Changeable in:
automatically reset to "0". - Drive setting
0 = no activity
12 = copies Index 1 of MDS parameter in Index 2
31 = copies Index 3 of MDS parameter in Index 1
24 = kopiert Index 2 of MDS parameter in Index 4
P363* Function parameter for starting the "Copy BICO Data Set" Init: 0 Menus:
Copy BICO DSet function. With this function, the settings of one BICO data Unit: - - Parameter menu
set (Index 1 or 2) are transferred to the other data set. Indices: - + Functions
363 Starting takes place with a parameter setting not equal to 0. Type: L2 - Upread/free access
The last two digits of the parameter value indicate which Changeable in:
source data set (penultimate digit) is to be copied to which - Drive setting
target data set (last digit). After the function has been
performed, the parameter is automatically reset to 0.
0 = No activity
12 = Copies Index 1 of the BDS parameters to Index 2
21 = Copies Index 2 of the BDS parameters to Index 1
P364* Function call for "Copy Function Data Set". The last two Init: 0 Menus:
Copy FuncDSet digits of the parameter value indicate which source data set Unit: - - Parameter menu
(penultimate digit, value range 1 to 4) is to be copied to which Indices: - + Functions
364 target data set (last digit, value range 1 to 4). After the Type: L2 - Upread/free access
function has been performed, the parameter is automatically Changeable in:
reset to "0". - Drive setting
0 = No activity
12 = Copies Index 1 of the FDS parameters to Index 2
31 = Copies Index 3 of the FDS parameters to Index 1
24 = Copies Index 2 of the FDS parameters to Index 4
P366* Function parameter for selecting a factory or fixed setting. Init: 0 Menus:
Select FactSet After the parameter reset (P970) has been started, the Min: 0 - Parameter menu
parameters are set to the selected setting.. Max: 10 + Functions
366 Parameter values: Unit: - - Fixed settings
0: Factory setting as up till now Indices: - - Upread/free access
1: With this setting, with respect to 0, the following Type: O2 Changeable in:
parameters are initialized differently: - Drive setting
P443, P554, P568, P571, P572 - Drive setting
2: With this setting, with respect to 0, the following
parameters are initialized differently:
P443, P554, P568, P571, P572, P575
3: With this setting, with respect to 0, the following
parameters are initialized differently:
P554, P565, P575
4: With this setting, with respect to 0, the following
parameters are initialized differently:
P443, P554, P555, P556, P566,
P572, P573, P574, P590
5 to 9: reserved
10: Factory setting for lift operation (U800 = 1)
P368* Function parameter for selecting a setpoint and command Init: 1 Menus:
Select Setp Src source which is to be parameterized when a quick Min: 0 - Parameter menu
parameterization (P370) is carried out. Max: 8 + Functions
368 Unit: - - Quick parameterization
0 = PMU Indices: - - Upread/free access
1 = Analog input and terminal strip Type: O2 Changeable in:
2 = Fixed setpoints and terminal strip - Drive setting
3 = Motor operated potentiometer and terminal strip
4 = USS
5 = SIMOLINK (SLB required)
6 = PROFIBUS (CBP required)
7 = OP1S and fixed setpoints
8 = OP1S and Motor operated potentiometer
During converter initialization, a parameter error may be
displayed if the paramater does not correspond with the
factory setting P366:
P366 P368
=0 =0...8
=1 =7
=2 =7
=3 =0
=4 =8
>4 =0...8
If the selectivity function is selected, there is no protection
available against a terminal short circuit, but the overcurrent
protection is still active.
Parameter values:
0: Selectivity OFF
1: Selectivity ON
P095 = 10, 11, 12 (induction motor, sync.perm.)
P373* Parameter for enabling the auto restart after power outage. index1: 0 Menus:
Auto Restart Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Parameter values: Max: 13 + Functions
373 x0 = blocked Unit: - - Upread/free access
x1 = only power outage fault reset Indices: 4 Changeable in:
x2 = when power returns, drive turns on again after the wait Type: O2 - Drive setting
time (P374)
x3 = immediately after power return, the drive turns on and
performs the "flying restart" function.
Independently of the status of the control word bit "Flying
restart", the "Flying restart function is always released at
P373 = 3, 13, i.e. also at every ON command. If a
permanently excited synchronous motor is connected, auto
restart is only enabled if a speed controller is present.
It must be ensured by external safety means that the drive
cannot start unintentionally!
P374 Wait time between return of power and automatic driverestart index1: 0 Menus:
AutoRestart Wait if auto restart is on. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 650 + Functions
374 Note: Unit: s - Upread/free access
The wait time is not effective if the "Flying restart" function Indices: 4 Changeable in:
(via P373 = 3, 13 or P583 is active. The coasting time of the Type: O2 - Drive setting
drive should be set. - Ready
P375* Function parameter for enabling the ground fault test. Init: 1 Menus:
Ground Flt Test The ground fault test is carried out during enabling after the Min: 0 - Parameter menu
ON command and before the motor starts up. The motor Max: 3 + Functions
375 cables are checked to see if they show any ground fault. Unit: - - Upread/free access
0 = no ground fault test Indices: - Changeable in:
1 = ground fault test once only after the next Type: O2 - Drive setting
ON command
(Parameter is reset to 0 afterwards)
2 = ground fault test after every ON command
3 = ground fault test is always OFF, even during
parameter identification
Bits 12 to 14 or the highest value nibble on the OP1S code
the semiconductor which was triggered where the fault
r377 Display of the actual measuring step of the motor data Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Meas Sect identification, Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Functions
377 0: not activated Type: O2 - Upread/free access
1: delay time for fan
The "100" digit displays the type of measurement:
1xx: ground fault test
2xx: test pulse measurement
3xx: leakage inductance measurement
4xx: DC current measurement
5xx: tachometer test
6xx: no-load measurement
7xx: optimization of n/f controller.
For a ground fault test and test pulse measurement for
converters switched in parallel, the "ones" position allows a
differentiation to be made as to which partial inverter is
currently executing the measurement.
1x1: ground fault test inverter 1
1x2: ground fault test inverter 2
2x1: test pulse meausrement inverter 1
2x2: test pulse measurement inverter 2
2x3: test pulse meausrement of both inverters.
The "tens" digit separates the measurement into several
steps. The detailed meaning depends on the "100" digit:
10x: ground fault test selected
11x: no transistor ON
12x: transistor V+ ON
13x: transistor V- ON
14x: transistor U+ ON
15x: transistor U- ON
16x: transistor W+ ON
17x: transistor W- ON
20x: test pulse measurement selected
21x: U+, V-, W- triggered
22x: U-, V+, W+ triggered
23x: U-, V-, W+ triggered
24x: U+, V+, W- triggered
25x: U+, V-, W+ triggered
26x: U-, V+, W- triggered
300: leakage measurement selected
310, 320: measurement in phase direction V
330, 340: measurement in phse direction W
350, 360: measurement in phse direction U
40x: DC measurement selected
41x: measurement in phase direction U
42x: measurement in phase direction V
43x: measurement in phase direction W
44x: performance of parameterization
50x, 60x, 70x: function selected
51x, 61x, 71x: drive is accelerating
52x, 62x, 72x: measurement at constant sepeed
53x, 63x, 73x: measurement at n/f setpoint
54x, 64x, 74x: oscillation test
55x, 65x, 75x: performance of parameterization.
The "ones" digit displays more details of the steps:
4x0, 5x0, 6x0, 7x0: not active
4x1, 5x1, 6x1, 7x1: waiting
4x2, 5x2, 6x2, 7x2: data recording
4x3, 5x3, 6x3, 7x3: data evaluation
4x4, 5x4, 6x4, 7x4: setting parameter values
P379 Function parameter for the ambient temperature of the motor index1: 20,00 Menus:
ambient temp. at the time of motor data identification or at the setting point Min: -40,00 - Parameter menu
of the stator (P121) and rotor resistance (P127). Max: 80,00 + Functions
379 Unit: °C - Upread/free access
Notes: Indices: 4 Changeable in:
- The ambient temperature has to be entered prior to motor Type: I2 - Drive setting
data identification. - Ready
- An accuracy of +/- 10°C is adequate..
- Identification should be carred out on a cold motor (ambient
temperature = stator temperature = rotor temperature)
- The highest accuracy at temperature adaption can be
achieved with a connected
KTY84 sensor
P386 > 0 (temperature adaption active)
In function diagram:
P380* Function parameter for entering the temperature threshold at index1: 0 Menus:
Mot Tmp Warning which the alarm message "Motor overtemperature" (A023) is Min: 0 - Parameter menu
tripped. Max: 200 + Diagnostics
380 Unit: °C + Faults/warnings
Example: Indices: 4 + Functions
for isolation class B: <= 110 °C (60 K-value is at Type: I2 - Drive setting
1FK6/1FT6) - Upread/free access
for isolation class F: <= 145 °C (100 K-value is at Changeable in:
1FK6/1FT6) - Drive setting
- Drive setting
Description for settting: a parameter value > 0 activates this - Ready
P381* Function parameter for entering the temperature threshold at index1: 0 Menus:
Mot Tmp Fault which the fault message "Motor overtemperature" (F020) is Min: 0 - Parameter menu
tripped. Max: 200 + Diagnostics
381 Unit: °C + Faults/warnings
Example: Indices: 4 + Functions
for isolation class B: <= 120 °C (60 K-value is at Type: I2 - Drive setting
1FK6/1FT6) - Upread/free access
for isolation class F: <= 155 °C (100 K-value is at Changeable in:
1FK6/1FT6) - Drive setting
- Drive setting
Setting instructions: - Ready
The PTC evaluation is activated by setting P381=1. The
PTC thermistor evaluation identifies an overtemperature
condition, if the PTC thermistor resaistance is > 1.5KOhm.
The temperature sensing using a KTY84 sensor is activated
for a setting vallue P381>1.
P382* The type of motor cooling has an influence on the calculation index1: 0 Menus:
Motor Cooling of the permissible load cycle during the I2t monitoring for the Min: 0 - Parameter menu
motor. The parameter value 1 (= factory setting) has to be Max: 1 + Diagnostics
382 selected for all 1FT6 and 1FK6 motors. Unit: - + Faults/warnings
Indices: 4 + Functions
Parameter values: 0: self-cooled Type: O2 - Quick parameterization
1: force-cooled - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Drive setting
- Ready
1LA831. 35 40 45 45 50 50
1LA835. 40 45 50 50 55 55
1LA840. 45 50 55 55 60 60
1LA845. 55 55 60 60 70 70
1LL831. 25 25 30 30 35 35
1LL835. 30 30 35 35 40 40
1LL840. 35 35 35 35 40 40
1LL845. 40 35 40 40 45 45
1LA135. 30 35 40 - - -
1LA140. 35 40 45 45 - -
1LA145. 40 45 50 50 55 55
1LA150. 50 50 55 55 65 65
1LA156. 60 55 60 60 70 70
1LL135. 20 20 25 - - -
1LL140. 25 25 30 30 - -
1LL145. 30 30 30 30 35 35
1LL150. 35 30 35 35 40 40
1LL156. 40 35 35 35 40 40
Shaft height: 100 132 160 180 225
T1 in min 25 30 35 40 40
Shaft height: 180 225
T1 in min 30 30
Shaft height: 100 132 160
T1 in min 25 30 35
P384* Function parameter for the messages of the motor load cycle index1: 100 Menus:
Mot Load Limits monitor. The parameter is valid for all motor data sets. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Reference value is the rated motor power. Max: 300 + Diagnostics
384 Indices: i001: WARN When the entered load value is Unit: % + Faults/warnings
reached, a warning message is edited via B0150/B0151 Indices: 2 + Functions
i002: STOE When the entered load value is Type: O2 - Drive setting
reached, a fault message is edited via B0152/B0153 - Upread/free access
Visualization parameter: r008 (Motora utilization) Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Setting instructions: - Drive setting
0: no evaluation - Ready
P385* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the motor index1: 245 Menus:
Src motor temp. temperature. If the motor temperature is supplied by external Unit: - - Parameter menu
sensors (e.g. via serial communication SCom2), and not via Indices: 2 + Functions
385 the internal KTY84 sensor, the parameter has to be adjusted ,BDS - Upread/free access
to the relevant source. Type: L2 ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
The temperature is shown in normalization 4000H=100%
(100%=256°C). The temperature is displayed in r009.
Parameter values:
0245: Temperature from KTY84
Further values: Connector softwiring
P380 > 1 or
P381 > 1 or
P386 = 2 (and not P380 = 1 or P381 = 1)
Temperature adaption with KTY sensor and no PTC
thermistor evaluation.
If the PTC thermistor evaluation is selected (P380=1 or
P381 = 1), the motor temperature is not indicated.
In function diagram:
P386* Function parameter for selecting the temperature adaption of index1: 0 Menus:
RotResistTmpAdap the rotor and stator resistance. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 2 + Functions
386 The adaption operates at loads above approx. 5 % - 10 % Unit: - - Upread/free access
and in the range of the EMF model (B0253 = 1) with an Indices: 4 Changeable in:
electric motor model. As this model is dependent on very Type: O2 - Drive setting
accurate speed measured values, it is only activated for - Ready
speed/torque control (P100 = 4, 5) and when a pulse
encoder is connected (P130=11,12).
- All motor data (P095, P101 to P109) should be entered
according to the motor rating plate.
- After parameter P386 has been activated, the motor series
(P387) should be selected. In this case, a possibly known
feeder resistance is entered in P117, the cooling type (P382)
and the ambient temperature (P379) selected and a motor
identification run should be executed (P115 = 3 or 2, 4) in
order to determine the actual values of rotor and stator
- The adaption is automatically calculated, jsut the same as
without KTY sensor, if the sensor feeder cable is open-
circuit, is short-circuited or if the PTC thermistor is activated
(P381 = 1)!
- When the EMF model is switched out (P315 = 0 or P313 >
f(max)), then only the 3-mass model operates for
speed/torque control. These settings are not recommended,
as the adaption accuracy is obtained from the combination
with the electrical model.
- A KTY sensor is also recommended for f- control (P100 =
3) or n/m control with analog tachometer, as this also
corrects deviations of the ambient temperature from 20°C,
inaccuracies for the rated motor speed
(P108: rating plate possibly inaccurate) as well as deviations
from the standard temperature rises (see P390)
- The BICO parameter for the motor temperature (P385)
must be correctly softwired for adaption with sensor
(Normalization 40Hex=1°C).
P100 = 3 4 5 (vector control types)
Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX60 (Version AC) 59
SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Vector Control
Parameter Description Data Read/write
In function diagram:
P387* Function parameter for selecting the motor series for the index1: 1 Menus:
Motor Series connected motor. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 7 + Functions
387 When selecting one of the specified series P387 > 0), Unit: - - Upread/free access
known motor characteristics are automatically transferred: Indices: 4 Changeable in:
e.g. type of internal fan (P389) Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
Parameter values:
0: Foreign or unlisted motor
1: 1LA5 series
2: 1LA6 series
3: 1LA8 series
4: 1LA1 series
5: 1PH6 series
6: 1PA6 series
Setting notes:
- If unlisted motors are selected, P388 to P392
can be individually adapted.
P386 > 0 (temperature adaption active)
P095 = 10, 11 (induction motor)
In function diagram:
P388 Function parameter for the total weight of the motor. index1: ~ Menus:
Motor Weight Min: 5 - Parameter menu
The value can be taken from the motor catalog. The more Max: 9999 + Functions
388 accurately it is known, the easier it is to calculate the thermal Unit: kg - Upread/free access
mass relationships. Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization (P115 - Ready
= 1, 2, 3).
P386 > 0 (temperature adaption active)
In function diagram:
Unlisted motor (P387 = 0)
In function diagram:
P390 Function parameter for evaluating the internally assumed index1: 100,0 Menus:
Overtemp. Factor standard temperature rises for sinusoidal operation (line Min: 25,0 - Parameter menu
supply temperature rises). Max: 200,0 + Functions
390 Unit: % - Upread/free access
All the temperature rises of stator (80K), rotor (100 K) and Indices: 4 Changeable in:
iron (50 K) are evaluated simultaneously with this factor. If Type: O2 - Drive setting
the rotor temperature rise of the motor is known, then the - Ready
relationship to 100 K can be entered here. If only the
temperature rise of the stator is known, the relationship to 80
K has to be entered.
- For 1PH6,1PH7/1PA6 motors (P387 = 5,6) a value of
130.0% is automatically assumed internally, i.e. the
parameter has no effect.
- For 1LA motors, the factor is 100 %
Unliasted motor (P387 = 0)
In function diagram:
P391 Function parameter for an additional evaluation of the index1: 100,0 Menus:
K(overtemp.,rot) internally assumed standard termperature rise of the rotor Min: 25,0 - Parameter menu
from P390. Max: 200,0 + Functions
391 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Notes: Indices: 4 Changeable in:
- Total evaluation for the rotor is Type: O2 - Drive setting
P390*P391*100K - Ready
- As a result of the additional adjustment possibilties, any
overtemperature ratios between the rotor and the stator can
be realized.
Unlisted motor (P387 = 0)
In function diagram:
P392 Function parameter for making allowance for the iron losses index1: ~ Menus:
Iron Losses in the motor. Min: 0,05 - Parameter menu
Max: 10,00 + Functions
392 The value is referred to the rated motor apparent power Unit: % - Upread/free access
(1.732 * P101 * P102). The iron losses affect both the Indices: 4 Changeable in:
electrical and the 3-mass model of temperature adaption. Type: O2 - Drive setting
The value is pre-set during automatic parameterization. - Ready
(P115 = 1, 2, 3 .
Listed motor (P387 = 0)
In function diagram:
r393 Visualization parameter for the temperature values of the Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
Model Temp. mass model for the adaption of rotor and stator resistance. Unit: °C - Parameter menu
Indices: 4 + Functions
393 For adaption with temperature sensorr (P386 = 2) the stator Type: I2 - Upread/free access
temperature of the model T(s) is controlled to the measured
temperature (r009).
Only in this case will the ambient temperature T(u) deviate
from P379. The difference between the ambient temperature
and the real value is, for example, explained by the fact that
the internally assumed temperature rise (80 K) does not tally
with of the motor. Moreover, the hot point, not the average
temperature, is recorded in the windings.
During loading and relieving processes, T(u) also fluctuates
on account of control processes.
If no temperature sensor is available, a motor identification
should be carried out whenever leaving start-up (P060 = 5),
after changing motor data set, after changing parameters
P386 to P392 or after every switching off of the electronic
boards, because the model temperatures are then calculated
back to the values of the last setting of P127. This is not
necessary if the setting of R(rotor) (P127, r126) are in
accordance with the currenttemperature conditions (e.g.
motor has ambient temperature)..
i001 = T(l): rotor temperature
i002 = T(s): stator temperature
i003 = T(f): iron temperature
i004 = T(u): ambient temperature
R(rotor) adaption selected (P386 > 0)
In function diagram:
P394* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
SrcStartDCBrake command for starting the DC braking function is to be read Unit: - - Parameter menu
in. Indices: 2 + Functions
394 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Precondition: Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
P395 = 2 (DC braking with selection via binector) - Drive setting
P395 Function parameter for the selection of DC braking of the index1: 0 Menus:
DC Braking motor for braking an induction motor without optional braking Min: 0 - Parameter menu
equipment. (Chopper, rectifier unit) Max: 2 + Functions
395 Unit: - - Upread/free access
ATTENTION: Indices: 4 Changeable in:
All loss energy concentrates in the motor, the danger of a Type: O2 - Drive setting
local overheating of the motor exists!
The function is only suitable for induction motors.
Overcurrent interventions (alarm A020) can occur for
overdimensioned motors (P102 > P072) when starting the
DC braking function. In this case, the de-excitation time
(P603) must be increased.
Parameter values:
0: Not selected
1: DC braking active with OFF3 command ("quick stop")
2: DC braking via binector (P394) activated.
P095 = 10, 11 (induction motor)
P398 Start frequency for DC injection braking; after activating DC index1: 100,0 Menus:
DC Braking Freq injection braking is performed below this frequency. Min: 0,1 - Parameter menu
Max: 600,0 + Functions
398 Precondition: P395 = 1,2 (selection of DC injection braking) Unit: Hz - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P401* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 1. index1: 0,000 Menus:
Fixed setpoint 1 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 200,000 + Setpoint channel
401 word bits (see r551). Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P402* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 2. index1: 0,000 Menus:
Fixed setpoint 2 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 200,000 + Setpoint channel
402 word bits (see r551). Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P403* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 3. index1: 0,000 Menus:
Fixed setpoint 3 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 200,000 + Setpoint channel
403 word bits (see r551). Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P404* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 4. index1: 0,000 Menus:
Fixed setpoint 4 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 200,000 + Setpoint channel
404 word bits (see r551). Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P405* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 5. index1: 0,000 Menus:
Fixed Setp 5 The fixed setpoing is activated by means of the source Min: -600,000 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 600,000 + Setpoint channel
405 word bit (see r551). Unit: Hz - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P406* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 6. index1: 0,000 Menus:
Fixed Setp 6 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -600,000 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 600,000 + Setpoint channel
406 word bit (see r551). Unit: Hz - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P407* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 7. index1: 0,000 Menus:
Fixed Setp 7 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -600,000 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 600,000 + Setpoint channel
407 word bit (see r551). Unit: Hz - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P408* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 8. index1: 0,000 Menus:
Fixed Setp 8 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -600,000 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 600,000 + Setpoint channel
408 word bit (see r551). Unit: Hz - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P409* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 9. index1: 0,0 Menus:
Fixed Setp 9 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -36000,0 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 36000,0 + Setpoint channel
409 word bit (see r551). Unit: 1/min - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P410* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 10. index1: 0,0 Menus:
Fixed Setp 10 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -36000,0 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 36000,0 + Setpoint channel
410 word bit (see r551). Unit: 1/min - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P411* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 11. index1: 0,0 Menus:
Fixed Setp 11 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -36000,0 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 36000,0 + Setpoint channel
411 word bit (see r551). Unit: 1/min - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P412* Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 12. index1: 0,0 Menus:
Fixed Setp 12 The fixed setpoint is activated by means of the source Min: -36000,0 - Parameter menu
specified by P580 and P581 by setting the relevant control Max: 36000,0 + Setpoint channel
412 word bit (see r551). Unit: 1/min - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P417* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 2 index1: 1 Menus:
Src FSetp Bit2 for selecting a fixed setpoint is to be read in. For selecting a Unit: - - Parameter menu
fixed setpoint, the states of bit 0 (P580), bit 1 (P581), bit 3 Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
417 (P418) are also of significance. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P418* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 3 index1: 0 Menus:
Src FSetp Bit3 for selecting a fixed setpoint is to be read in. For selecting a Unit: - - Parameter menu
fixed setpoint, the states of bit 0 (P580), bit 1 (P581), Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
418 bit 2 (P417) are also of significance. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
r419 Visualization parameter for displaying the number of the fixed Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
# Active FSetp setpoint currently active. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Setpoint channel
419 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
r420 Visualization parameter for displaying the value of the fixed Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
Active FSetp setpoint currently active. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Setpoint channel
420 Type: I4 - Upread/free access
P421* Function parameter for entering the upper limit for the Init: 100,0 Menus:
MOP (max) internal motor operated potentiometer. The value output by Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
the motor operated potentiometer is limited to the entered Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
421 limit in a positive direction. Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P422* Function parameter for entering the lower limit for the internal Init: 0,0 Menus:
MOP (min) motor operated potentiometer. The value output by the motor Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
operated potentiometer is limited to the entered limit in a Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
422 negative direction. Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P423* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the Init: 0 Menus:
Src MOP inv. signal for inverting the motor operated potentiometer is to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. If a change is made from inversion to non- inversion Indices: - + Setpoint channel
423 or vice versa, the output signal of the motor operated Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
potentiometer does not alter abruptly but in the form of a Changeable in:
ramp with the acceleration times and deceleration times - Drive setting
entered in P431 and P432
r424 Visualization parameter for displaying the output value Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
MOP (Out) provided by the motor operated potentiometer for further Unit: % - Parameter menu
processing. Indices: - + Setpoint channel
424 Type: I4 - Upread/free access
P425* Function parameter for configuring the motor operated Init: 110 Menus:
Conf MOP potentiometer. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Setpoint channel
425 xxx0 = MOP output is not stored during OFF Type: L2 - Upread/free access
Starting point is stipulated by P426 after ON. Changeable in:
xxx1 = MOP output is stored after OFF. - Drive setting
After ON, the MOP is set to this value.
P426* Function parameter for entering the starting value for the Init: 0,0 Menus:
StartValue MOP motor operated potentiometer. With appropriate Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
parameterization in P425, the output value of the motor Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
426 operated potentiometer is set to this value after ON Unit: % - Upread/free access
command. Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
P427* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the Init: 0 Menus:
Src Set MOP command for setting the motor operated potentiometer is to Unit: - - Parameter menu
be read in. When the edge of the signal rises, the set value Indices: - + Setpoint channel
427 is adopted. Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P428* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the Init: 0 Menus:
Src SetV MOP set value for the motor operated potentiometer is to be read Unit: - - Parameter menu
in. Indices: - + Setpoint channel
428 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P429* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the Init: 0 Menus:
Src Auto Setp automatic setpoint for the motor operated potentiometer is to Unit: - - Parameter menu
be read in. Indices: - + Setpoint channel
429 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P430* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the Init: 0 Menus:
Src Manual/Auto command for switching the motor oper. potentiometer Unit: - - Parameter menu
between manual and automatic is to be read in. In automatic Indices: - + Setpoint channel
430 operation (signal logical 1), an external setpoint is adopted by Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
the ramp generator of the motor operated potentiometer. Changeable in:
After switchover to manual operation (signal logical 0), the - Drive setting
motor operated potentiometer can be moved, beginning from
the last setpoint for automatic operation.
P431* Function parameter for entering the acceleration time for the Init: 10,0 Menus:
MOP Accel Time motor oper. potentiometer. The time is to be entered which Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
the motor oper. potentiometer is to need for accelerating from Max: 1000,0 + Setpoint channel
431 zero to +/- 100 %. In the event of acceleration with initial Unit: s - Upread/free access
rounding, the acceleration time increases. Rounding can be Indices: - Changeable in:
activated in P425. Type: O2 - Drive setting
P432* Function parameter for entering the deceleration time for the Init: 10,0 Menus:
MOP Decel Time motor oper. potentiometer. The time is to be entered which Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
the motor oper. potentiometer is to need for decelerating Max: 1000,0 + Setpoint channel
432 from +/- 100 % to zero. In the event of deceleration with initial Unit: s - Upread/free access
rounding, the deceleration time increases. Rounding can be Indices: - Changeable in:
activated in P425. Type: O2 - Drive setting
P433* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which index1: 0 Menus:
Src AddSetpoint1 additional setpoint 1 is to be read in. Additional setpoint 1 is Unit: - - Parameter menu
added to the main setpoint in front of the ramp-function Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
433 generator. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,K ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P434 Function parameter for entering the scaling factor for index1: Menus:
Scale Add Setp1 additional setpoint 1. 100,00 - Parameter menu
Min: -300,00 + Setpoint channel
434 Max: 300,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
P438* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which index1: 0 Menus:
Src AddSetpoint2 additional setpoint 2 is to be read in. Additional setpoint 2 is Unit: - - Parameter menu
added to the main setpoint after the ramp function generator. Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
438 Abrupt changes are directly passed on to the speed control. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,K ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P439 Function parameter for entering the scaling factor for index1: Menus:
Scale Add Setp2 additional setpoint 2. 100,00 - Parameter menu
Min: -300,00 + Setpoint channel
439 Max: 300,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
P443* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 58 Menus:
Src MainSetpoint main setpoint is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
443 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,K ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P444 Function parameter for entering the scaling factor for the index1: Menus:
Scale Main Setp main setpoint. 100,00 - Parameter menu
Min: -300,00 + Setpoint channel
444 Max: 300,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
P445* Function parameter for entering the basic setpoint. The basic index1: 0,0 Menus:
Base Setpoint setpoint is added to the main setpoint. Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
445 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
P448 Function parameter for entering jogging setpoint 1. Selection Init: 10,000 Menus:
Jog Setp 1 of the jogging setpoints and the transition to Jogging mode Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
take place by means of the control word bits, Jogging bit 0 Max: 200,000 + Setpoint channel
448 and Jogging bit 1 (P568, P569). Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I4 - Drive setting
- Ready
P449 Function parameter for entering jogging setpoint 2. Selection Init: 20,000 Menus:
Jog Setp 2 of the jogging setpoints and the transition to Jogging mode Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
take place by means of the control word bits, Jogging bit 0 Max: 200,000 + Setpoint channel
449 and Jogging bit 1 (P568, P569). Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I4 - Drive setting
- Ready
r451 Setpoint at the addition point in front of the ramp-function Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
n/f(set,total1) generator Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Setpoint channel
451 Type: I4 - Upread/free access
P452* Maximum setpoint for clockwise rotating field. Limitation by: index1: 110,0 Menus:
n/f(max, FWD Spd - 5 times the rated motor frequency Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
- pulse frequency (P761) Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
452 Unit: % - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: I4 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P453* Maximum setpoint for counter-clockwise rotating field. index1: -110,0 Menus:
n/f(max,REV Spd) Limitation by: Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
- 5 times the rated motor frequency Max: 0,0 + Setpoint channel
453 - pulse frequency (P761) Unit: % - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Type: I4 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P455 Skip value for the setpoint in front of the ramp-function index1: 0,0 Menus:
Skip Value generator. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Steady-state operation is not possible in the range of the Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
455 positive and negative values of the skip frequency. Unit: % - Upread/free access
Note:The setpoint frequency skipping is off at parameter Indices: 4 Changeable in:
values between 0.00 und 0.5*P456. ,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P456 Width of the skip frequency band in the setpoint channel; index1: 5,0 Menus:
Skip Freq Width see description of P455 Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
456 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
P457* Minimum setpoint Min (amount) of the drive; same as index1: 0,0 Menus:
Min Setp frequency skipping around 0 with band width 2 * Min; Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
effective for the setpoint in front of the ramp-function Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
457 generator. Only the amount is taken into account. Unit: % - Upread/free access
Given setpoint: Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Set: realized setpoint ,FDS - Drive setting
· - Min < set (coming from the lower value) < Min - Min Type: I4 - Ready
· - Min < set (coming from the higher value) < Min + Min
· 0 <= set (after turning ON) < Min + Min
· - Min < set (after turning ON) < 0 - Min
· Set > Min Set
· Set < -Min Set
Notes: The bits for selecting clockwise rotating field or
counter-clockwise rotating field (see P571, P572)are taken
into account.
P462 Acceleration time of the ramp-function generator for index1: 10,0 Menus:
Accel. Time acceleration from 0 to 100%. Unit: as defined in P463 Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
(acceleration time unit) Max: 999,9 + Setpoint channel
462 Note: The value is only increased during motor identification Unit: - - Upread/free access
(P115 = 3.5) if the set acceleration time is too low and the Indices: 4 Changeable in:
unit (P463, P465) for acceleration and deceleration times is ,FDS - Drive setting
in seconds. (The drive cannot realize the set acceleration Type: O2 - Ready
time as the torque limit was reached earlier).
P464 Deceleration time of the ramp-function generator for index1: 10,0 Menus:
Decel. Time deceleration from 100% to 0% Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Unit: as defined in P465 (unit of deceleration time) Max: 999,9 + Setpoint channel
464 Note: The value is only increased during motor identification Unit: - - Upread/free access
(P115 = 3.5) if the set time is too small and the unit (P463, Indices: 4 Changeable in:
P465) for acceleration and deceleration is indicated in ,FDS - Drive setting
seconds. (The drive cannot realize the set deceleration time Type: O2 - Ready
as the torque limit was reached earlier).
P465 Unit of the deceleration time of the ramp-function generator index1: 0 Menus:
Decel. Time Unit Parameter values: 0 = seconds Min: 0 - Parameter menu
1 = minutes Max: 2 + Setpoint channel
465 2 = hours Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
P466 Deceleration time OFF3 (quick stop) for deceleration from index1: 5,0 Menus:
Decel. Time OFF3 100% to standstill Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Index 1: OFF3-deceleration time Max: 999,9 + Setpoint channel
466 Index 2: Initial rounding time Unit: s - Upread/free access
Setting instructions: Indices: 2 Changeable in:
- The set value must be high enough to prevent the drive Type: O2 - Drive setting
from shutting down with a DC link overvoltage fault during - Ready
"OFF3" quick stop.
- At P100 = 0, 1, 2, 3 (v/f characteristic, f-control),
overcurrent shutdowns may occur if the deceleration time is
too low.
-If at P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types), deceleration
during OFF3 does not take place at the torque limit, P466
can be reduced.
P467 Factor by which the acceleration time (P462) is extended index1: 1,0 Menus:
ProtRampGen Gain (protective ramp-function generator) Min: 1,0 - Parameter menu
Notes Max: 100,0 + Setpoint channel
467 V/f open-loop control types (P100 = 0, 1, 2): Unit: - - Upread/free access
Protective ramp-function generator is active up to a Indices: 4 Changeable in:
frequency of 15 % of the rated motor frequency (P107). See ,FDS - Drive setting
Section "Ramp-function generator RFG" in operating Type: O2 - Ready
instructions, part 2
f-control (P100 = 3):
The protective ramp-function generator is active up to 1.1
times the changeover frequency to EMF model (P284).
Acceleration is also influenced by the current settings (P202,
P203, P204) with inactive EMF model (P284 = 0).
During control of permanently excited synchronous
motors (P100=3), the ¸ protective ramp-function
generator (>=5) has to be set such that the drive does not
stall during acceleration. Also at least 20% has to be input in
n/Torque control (P100 = 4, 5)
The protective ramp-function generator is ineffective.
The protective ramp-function generator is only active if the
acceleration time (P463) is selected in seconds.
During motor identification (P052 = 8, 10), the value is only
increased if the set acceleration time is too low and the unit
(P463, P465) for both acceleration and deceleration times is
in seconds.
Setting instruction: The parameter value 1.0 turns the
protective ramp-function generator OFF.
Precondition: P100 = 0, 1, 2, 3 (v/f open-loop control, f
P468 Operating mode for rounding of the ramp-function generator Init: 0 Menus:
RGen Round Type 0 = rounding is not effective if there is sudden reduction of Min: 0 - Parameter menu
the input value during acceleration Max: 1 + Setpoint channel
468 1 = rounding is always effective. If there is a sudden Unit: - - Upread/free access
reduction of the input value, overshooting may occur. Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P469 Initital rounding time of the ramp-function generator index1: 0,50 Menus:
Ramp StartSmooth During acceleration from 0 to 100%, the actual acceleration Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
time is increased to Max: 10,00 + Setpoint channel
469 P462 * (1 + P469 / 2 + P470 / 2) Unit: s - Upread/free access
Precondition: P463 = 0, P466 = 0 Indices: 4 Changeable in:
(acceleration and deceleration times are in seconds) ,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
P470 Final rounding time of the ramp-function generator index1: 0,50 Menus:
Ramp End Smooth During acceleration from 0 to 100%, the actual acceleration Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
time is increased to Max: 10,00 + Setpoint channel
470 Unit: s - Upread/free access
P462 * (1 + P469 / 2 + P470 / 2) Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Precondition: P463 = 0, P465 = 0 Type: O2 - Ready
(acceleration and deceleration times are in seconds)
P471 Function parameter for the gain of the n/f controller index1: ~ Menus:
Scale Torq(PRE) precontrol. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
471 The acceleration torque is calculated from the speed setpoint Unit: % - Upread/free access
changes at the ramp-function generator output (r478) taking Indices: 4 Changeable in:
into consideration the moment of inertia (see P116). Type: O2 - Drive setting
Accelerations due to additional setpoint 2 in the setpoint - Ready
channel are not accounted for in the calculation.
Setting instructions:
0.00%: Precontrol inactive
100.0%: Precontrol of the n/f controller with rated motor
torque at the time indicated in P116
in function diagram:
P473* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
SrcScaleT(FWD) precontrol torque or moment of inertia is to be evaluated. Unit: - - Parameter menu
If connected to connector K0156 (n/f-Reg.gain(act)), the Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
473 precontrol torque is multiplied by the factor Gain/Gain1 = ,BDS - Upread/free access
r237/P235. Type: L2 ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: P100=3,4
Function diagram: 317.7
P476 Hysteresis for the message "Ramp-function generator active" Init: 1,0 Menus:
RampGen Act Hyst The "Ramp-function generator active" message is output if Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
the deviation between ramp-function generator input and Max: 20,0 + Setpoint channel
476 output Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P477* Parameter for selecting a binector with which the command index1: 0 Menus:
Src Set Rgen to set the ramp-function generator is given. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Setting value: P478 Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
477 Acceptance upon positive edge. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
Note: internal setting processes of the ramp-function - Drive setting
generator have priority. - Ready
P478* Parameter with which a connector can be selected from index1: 0 Menus:
Src SetV Rgen which the setting value for the ramp-function generator is Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
478 Acceptance of the setting value upon positive edge at P477. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,K ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
r481 Setpoint at the addition point behind the ramp-function Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
n/f(set,total2) generator Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Setpoint channel
481 Type: I4 - Upread/free access
r482 Setpoint at the input of the v/f control or the n/f/T control Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
n/f(set) Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Setpoint channel
482 Type: I4 - Upread/free access
P483* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 2 Menus:
Src n/f(max,pos) positive maximum speed is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
The connector value reduces the fixed maximum speed. Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
483 Only positive values are processed. ,BDS - Upread/free access
The frequency limit in the gating unit is not tracked. Type: L2 ,K ,K Changeable in:
During controller optimization and no-load measurement, the - Drive setting
fixed maximum speeds are used.
P484* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 2 Menus:
Src n/f/(max,reg negative maximum speed is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
The connector value increases the fixed minimum speed. Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
484 Only positive values are processed and internally negated. ,BDS - Upread/free access
The frequency limit in the gating unit is not tracked. Type: L2 ,K ,K Changeable in:
During controller optimization and no-load measurement, the - Drive setting
fixed maximum speeds are used.
P486* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src Torque Setp torque setpoint is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Precondition: P100=3,4,5 Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
486 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P487 Function parameter for entering the scaling factor for the index1: Menus:
Scale Torq Sept torque setpoint. 100,00 - Parameter menu
Precondition: P100= 3,4,5 Min: -300,00 + Setpoint channel
487 Max: 300,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
r490 Current torque setpoint, referred to the rated motor torque. Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Torque Setpoint Precondition: P100 = 3,4,5 (vector control types) Unit: % - Parameter menu
Only effective for f/n control if operated as a slave drive Indices: - + Setpoint channel
490 (control word 2 bit 27 = 1). Type: I2 - Upread/free access
During f control, a torque setpoint under 1% of the rated
motor torque causes the drive to decelerate in the range of
the I model.
P492 Fixed upper limit of the torque setpoint. index1: 100,0 Menus:
FixTorque 1 Set To limit the regenerative output (in negative direction of Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
rotation), P259 (Pw(gen, max)) has to be reduced and the Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
492 Vdmax controller (P515) has to be activated. This is Unit: % - Upread/free access
necessary if overvoltage shutdown occurs on converters Indices: 4 Changeable in:
without a rectifier unit and without a braking resistor. ,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
Precondition: P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types)
P493* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 170 Menus:
Src FixTorque 1 upper torque limitation is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Precondition: P100=3,4,5 Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
493 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P494 Function parameter for entering the scaling factor for the index1: Menus:
FixTorque 1 Gain upper torque limitation. 100,00 - Parameter menu
Precondition: P100=3,4,5 Min: -300,00 + Setpoint channel
494 Max: 300,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
P498 Fixed lower limit of the torque setpoint. index1: -100,0 Menus:
FixTorq 2 Set To limit the regenerative output (in positive direction of Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
rotation), P259 (Pw(gen, max) has to be reduced and the Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
498 Vdmax controller P515 has to be activated. This is Unit: % - Upread/free access
necessary if overvoltage shutdown occurs on converters Indices: 4 Changeable in:
without a regenerative unit and without a braking resistor. ,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
Precondition: P100 = 3,4,5 (vector control types)
P499* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 171 Menus:
Src FixTorq 2 lower torque limitation is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Precondition: P100=3,4,5 (vector control types) Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
499 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P500 Function parameter for entering the scaling factor for the index1: Menus:
Scale TorqLim2 lower torque limitation. 100,00 - Parameter menu
Precondition: P100=3,4,5 (vector control types) Min: -300,00 + Setpoint channel
500 Max: 300,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
P504 Function parameter for entering a fixed setpoint for the index1: 0,0 Menus:
I Add Fsetp additional current setpoint Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
504 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
P505 Function parameter for entering a fixed setpoint for the index1: 0,0 Menus:
Torq AddFSetp additional torque setpoint Min: -200,0 - Parameter menu
Precondition: P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types) Max: 200,0 + Setpoint channel
505 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
P506* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 87 Menus:
Src Torq Add additional torque setpoint is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Precondition: P100=3,4,5 (vector control types) Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
506 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P507 Function parameter for entering the scaling factor for the index1: Menus:
ScaleTorqAddSetp additional torque setpoint. 100,00 - Parameter menu
Precondition: P100=3,4,5 (vector control types) Min: -300,00 + Setpoint channel
507 Max: 300,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
P508* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 88 Menus:
Src I Add additional current setpoint is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
508 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P509 Function parameter for entering the scaling factor for the index1: Menus:
Scale I Add Setp additional current setpoint. 100,00 - Parameter menu
Min: -300,00 + Setpoint channel
509 Max: 300,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
P515 Function parameter for the limitation controller for DC link index1: 0 Menus:
DC Bus Volts Reg voltage; limits the DC link voltage during regenerative duty Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(e.g. fast reverse) to the maximum permissible value. Max: 1 + Functions
515 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Notes: Indices: 4 Changeable in:
- This function cannot replace a braking or rectifier unit Type: O2 - Drive setting
during active regenerative loads!
- If a braking unit or a rectifier unit is connected, the Vdmax
controller should be disabled.
P516 Function parameter for dynamic response of the Vdmax index1: 25 Menus:
DC bus Volts Dyn controller Min: 0 - Parameter menu
At P516 = 0 % the Vdmax controller is switched off. Max: 200 + Functions
516 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Precondition: Indices: 4 Changeable in:
P515 = 1 (select Vdmax controller) Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P517 Function parameter for selecting the kinetic buffeing (KIB) or index1: 0 Menus:
KIB/FLR flexible response Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(FLR) Max: 3 + Functions
517 Kinetic buffering: Unit: - - Upread/free access
Operation may be continued during short power outages by Indices: 4 Changeable in:
regenerating energy from the load / motor to the converter. Type: O2 - Drive setting
Loads with high inertia and high speed allow longer
sustaining periods
Flexible response.
The flexible response function enables the converter to
continue to operate in the case of line voltage drops. The
available output power is then reduced according to the
current line voltage and the nominal converter current. The
implementable control factor is limited to the range of space
vector modulation if function (P517=2,3) is enabled. FLR
with f=const. is only permissible with v/f operating modes
The electronics power supply must be supported during
flexible response by an external auxiliary power supply.
Parameter values:
0: blocked
1: KIB enabled
2: FLN enabled with U/f=const.
3: FLN enabled with f=const. (only for P100=0,1,2)
P518 Function parameter for entering the application point of the index1: 76 Menus:
KIB/FLR LowVolts KIB control or the FLR activation. Min: 65 - Parameter menu
Max: 115 + Functions
518 Parameter contains the value of the DC link voltage at which, Unit: % - Upread/free access
when it is fallen short of, the KIB or the FLR is activated Indices: 4 Changeable in:
(base value: rated DC link voltage: for AC units P071*1.32, Type: O2 - Drive setting
for DC units P071). - Ready
At P517=2 and characteristic mode (P100=0,1,2), the
frequency is reduced as soon as the maximum possible
output voltage is less than the setpoint voltage of the v/f
P519 Function parameter for the dynamic response of the index1: 25 Menus:
KIB/FLR Reg Dyn controller for kinetic buffering (P517=1) for all types of Min: 0 - Parameter menu
control, or flexible response (P517=2, v/f= const.) for v/f Max: 200 + Functions
519 characteristic (P100=0,1,2) Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
At 0%, the KIB function is switched off. Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P520 KIB / FLR / Vdmax controller gain. This parameter is only Init: 25,0 Menus:
KIB/VdmaxRegGain intended for service personnel. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 999,9 + Functions
520 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P521 Integration time constant of the KIB/FLR/Vdmax controller. Init: 1,6 Menus:
KIB/Vdmax Reg TI Min: 0,1 - Parameter menu
This parameter is only intended for service personnel. Max: 999,9 + Functions
521 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P523 Function parameter for the value of the DC link voltage at index1: 76 Menus:
FLR Vd min which, if it is fallen short of, shutdown occurs with the fault Min: 50 - Parameter menu
message "Undervoltage DC link" (base value: rated DC link Max: 76 + Functions
523 voltage: on AC units P071*1.32, on DC units P071). Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Precondition: P517 = 2, 3 (FLR enabled) Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
r524 Visualization parameter for the currently valid values for the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Fly StandMeas search function set in P527. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: Indices: 3 + Functions
524 1: T(ent) in 0.1ms Type: I2 - Upread/free access
2: I(threshold,average) 4000h=4*P102
3: I(threshold, end) 4000h=4*P102
P525 Function parameter for current setpoint injected into the index1: ~ Menus:
Fly Search Amps motor for flying restart if no tachometer is used. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 6553,5 + Functions
525 The flying restart function must be enabled via the control bit Unit: A - Upread/free access
(source see P583) or via P373 = 3 Indices: 4 Changeable in:
(automatic restart (only for induction motors)). Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
The value is calculated during hte automatic
parameterization mode (P115 = 1,2,3).
Setting instructions:
At P100=3 (f-control) a maximum of two times the rated
magnetizing current (r119) is used
P100 = 1, 3 (v/f control, f-control)
P526 Function parameter for entering the search speed index1: 1,0 Menus:
Fly Search Speed Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Frequency range which is to be passed during flying restart Max: 100,0 + Functions
526 within 1 sec. without a tachometer is set. Unit: Hz - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Preconditions: Type: O2 - Drive setting
as for P525 and P100=0,1 (induction motor) - Ready
P527* Function parameter for changing the duration and threshold index1: 100,0 Menus:
Fly Stand Kp vlalues for the standstill detection during flying restart without Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
a speed controller (search). Max: 500,0 + Functions
527 Unit: % - Upread/free access
The parameter is only envisaged for service personnel. Indices: 3 Changeable in:
Indices: Type: O2 - Drive setting
1: Evaluation of duration of de-magnetizing - Ready
2: Evaluation of average current value
3: Evaluation of final current value
in function diagram
P529 Function parameter for entering the maximum permissible Init: 0,10 Menus:
SyncStartDelta f frequency deviation for start of synchronization. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 1,00 + Functions
529 Synchronizing process will not start until target frequency Unit: Hz - Upread/free access
- frequency of the synchronization converter < P529 Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I4 - Drive setting
Upper limit is defined by synchronization controller limitation
TSY board is present
P100 = 1,2,3 (v/f control without n-controller, f-control)
in function diagram:
P530 Function parameter for entering the phase angle deviation Init: 0,0 Menus:
Sync Angle(set) Min: -180,0
setpoint for synchronization for adjusting the phase position - Parameter menu
of the synchronizing converter to that of the synchronizing Max: 179,9 + Functions
530 signal of a target voltage system. Unit: ° (alt) - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
A negative parameter value means that the voltage system of Type: I2 - Drive setting
the synchronizing drive is delayed against the measured
- A converter is to be synchronized to phase R of a voltage
- A measured synchronization signal is derived from the
delta-voltage V_R-S
-> P530 is set to -30° (converter compares its own voltage
V_R with the measured signal V_R-S which has a phase
shift of 30° electr.)
TSY board
P100 = 1,2,3 (V/f control without n-controller, f-control)
in function diagram:
P531 Function parameter for entering the phase deviation for the Init: 2,0 Menus:
Sync Window synchronization fault message. Min: 1,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 20,0 + Functions
531 The parameter defines the phase angle deviation which Unit: ° (alt) - Upread/free access
generates a synchronization fault message after Indices: - Changeable in:
synchronization of the frequency. If the tolerance range is Type: I2 - Drive setting
exceeded, a previously issued synchronization signal to
binector B0134 will not be withrdrawn, but an alarm and the
synchronization fault signal binector B0160 will be issued.
Alarm, synchronization fault signal and synchronization
signal can only be withdrawn by canceling the
synchronization command (P582) or by an OFF command.
TSY board is present
P100 = 1,2,3 (v/f control without n-controller, f-control)
in function diagram:
P532 Function parameter for the maximum operating range of the Init: 0,20 Menus:
Sync f-max synchronization controller. The parameter describes the Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
limitation of the synchronization controller to a frequency Max: 1,00 + Functions
532 setting range. Unit: Hz - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
During synchronization, a frequency step of maximum the Type: I4 - Drive setting
entered value is possible.
The lower value of the setting range is limited by the value of
the maximum permissible frequency deviation at the
beginning of the synchronization (P529).
TSY board is present
P100 = 1,2,3 (v/f control without n-controller, f-control)
in function diagram:
r533 Visualization parameter for the measured target frequency Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
Sync Target Freq during synchronization. Maximum value which can be Unit: Hz - Parameter menu
displayed: 8 times rated motor frequency (P107). Indices: - + Functions
533 Type: I4 - Upread/free access
TSY board is present
P100 =1,2,3 (v/f control without n-controller, f-control)
in function diagram:
In function diagram:
X01.1, 316.2
P535 Function parameter for changing the noise spectrum of the index1: 0 Menus:
SIMO Sound machine; the parameter can result in reduction of noise with Min: 0 - Parameter menu
low pulse frequencies. Max: 4 + Gating unit
535 Due to increased harmonics, it is necessary to set a Unit: - + Functions
minimum pulse frequency P340 of 45* rated motor frequency Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
when activating this function. Only then can SIMO Sound be Type: O2 Changeable in:
switched on. - Drive setting
- Ready
P536 Function parameter for setting the dynamic response of the index1: 50 Menus:
n/f RegDyn(set) speed control circuit. It is used as an optimization criterion Min: 10 - Parameter menu
for dimensioning the n/f controller (P115 = 3, 5). Max: 200 + Functions
536 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Note: A change will only become active if the n/f controller Indices: 4 Changeable in:
optimization is subsequently carried out (P115 = 3, 5) Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
Setting instructions:
- For drives with gear play and/or shafts with strong torsion,
optimization should be commenced with low dynamic
response values (from 10%).
- For drives with high requirements on synchronism and
dynamic response, 200% should be selected.
- In the case of encoder-free speed control (f-control),
maximum values of approx. 100% are to be selected.
P537 Function parameter for the actual implemented dynamic index1: 0 Menus:
n/f RegDyn(act) response during n/f controller optimization Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200 + Functions
537 Precondition: P100 = 3, 4, 5 Unit: % - Upread/free access
(Vector control types) Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
Precondition: P100 = 3, 4, 5
(Vector control modes)
r540 Visualization parameter for the result of the tachometer test. Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
TachTest Result Unit: - - Parameter menu
The test is performed during the settings of the parameter Indices: - + Functions
540 P115 = 3, 4, 5, 7 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
At P115 = 5, 7 only individual parts of the tachometer test are
carried out (function selection).
Parameter values:
0: Test is not active or not yet completed
1: Tachometer signal correct
2: Analog tachometer adjustment (P138) was automatically
adapted (only P115 = 3, 4).
3: The calculated analog tachometer adjustment was limited
to the permissible value range (only P115 = 3, 4)
4. No speed signal was received.
5: The polarity of the speed signal is incorrect
6: A track signal of the pulse encoder is missing
7: The current analog tachometer scaling is incorrect
(P115 = 5, 7)
Proposal: Carry out the no-load measurement (P115 =4)
8: The set number of pulses of the pulse encoder (P151) is
Precondition: P100 = 3, 4, 5
(Vector control modes)
r550 Visualization parameter for displaying control word 1. Bits 0 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Control Word 1 to 15 are displayed. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control and status words
550 Type: V2 - Upread/free access
r551 Visualization parameter for displaying control word 2. Bits 16 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Control Word 2 to 31 are displayed. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control and status words
551 Type: V2 - Upread/free access
r552 Visualization parameter for displaying status word 1. Bits 0 to Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Status Word 1 15 are displayed. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control and status words
552 Type: V2 - Upread/free access
r553 Visualization parameter for displaying status word 2 Bits 16 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Status Word 2 to 31 are displayed. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Control and status words
553 Type: V2 - Upread/free access
P554* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 5 Menus:
Src ON/OFF1 ON/OFF command (control word 1, bit 0) is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Control and status words
554 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P555* BICO parameter for selecting the 1st binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src1 OFF2(coast) OFF2 command (control word 1, bit 1) is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Further sources for the OFF2 command are selected in Indices: 2 + Control and status words
555 P556 and P557. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P556* BICO parameter for selecting the 2nd binector from which index1: 1 Menus:
Src2 OFF2(coast) the OFF2 command (control word 1, bit 1) is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Further sources for the OFF2 command are selected in Indices: 2 + Control and status words
556 P555 and P557. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P557* BICO parameter for selecting the 3rd binector from which index1: 1 Menus:
Src3 OFF2(coast) the OFF2 command (control word 1, bit 1) is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Further sources for the OFF2 command are selected in Indices: 2 + Control and status words
557 P555 and P556. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P558* BICO parameter for selecting the 1st binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src1 OFF3(QStop) OFF3 command (control word 1, bit 2) is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Further sources for the OFF3 command are selected in Indices: 2 + Control and status words
558 P559 and P560. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P559* BICO parameter for selecting the 2nd binector from which index1: 1 Menus:
Src2 OFF3(QStop the OFF3 command (control word 1, bit 2) is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Further sources for the OFF3 command are selected in Indices: 2 + Control and status words
559 P558 and P560. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P560* BICO parameter for selecting the 3rd binector from which index1: 1 Menus:
Src3 OFF3(QStop) the OFF3 command (control word 1, bit 2) is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Further sources for the OFF3 command are selected in Indices: 2 + Control and status words
560 P558 and P559. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P561* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src InvRelease command for releasing the inverter (control word 1, bit 3) is Unit: - - Parameter menu
to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
561 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P562* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src RampGen Rel command for releasing the ramp generator (control word 1, Unit: - - Parameter menu
bit 4) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
562 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P563* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src RampGen Stop command for starting the ramp generator (control word 1, bit Unit: - - Parameter menu
5) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
563 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P564* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src Setp Release command for releasing the setpoint (control word 1, bit 6) is Unit: - - Parameter menu
to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
564 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P565* BICO parameter for selecting the 1st binector from which the index1: 2107 Menus:
Src1 Fault Reset command for acknowledging a fault (control word 1, bit 7) is Unit: - - Parameter menu
to be read in. Further sources for the fault acknowledgement Indices: 2 + Control and status words
565 are selected in P566 and P567. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P566* BICO parameter for selecting the 2nd binector from which index1: 0 Menus:
Src2 Fault Reset the command for acknowledging a fault (control word 1, bit Unit: - - Parameter menu
7) is to be read in. Further sources for the fault Indices: 2 + Control and status words
566 acknowledgement are selected in P566 and P567. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P567* BICO parameter for selecting the 3rd binector from which index1: 0 Menus:
Src3 Fault Reset the command for acknowledging a fault (control word 1, bit Unit: - - Parameter menu
7) is to be read in. Further sources for the fault Indices: 2 + Control and status words
567 acknowledgement are selected in P565 and P566. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P568* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 0 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Jog Bit0 for selecting a jogging setpoint and the command for starting Unit: - - Parameter menu
jogging operation (control word 1, bit 8) are to be read in. For Indices: 2 + Control and status words
568 selecting a jogging setpoint, the status of bit 1 (P569) is also ,BDS - Upread/free access
important. Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P569* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 0 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Jog Bit1 for selecting a jogging setpoint and the command for starting Unit: - - Parameter menu
jogging operation (control word 1, bit 9) are to be read in. For Indices: 2 + Control and status words
569 selecting a jogging setpoint, the status of bit 0 (P568) is also ,BDS - Upread/free access
important. Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P571* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src FWD Speed command for releasing the positive direction of rotation Unit: - - Parameter menu
(control word 1, bit 11) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
571 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P572* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src REV Speed command for releasing the negative direction of rotation Unit: - - Parameter menu
(control word 1, bit 12) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
572 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P573* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 8 Menus:
Src MOP UP command for increasing the motor operated potentiometer Unit: - - Parameter menu
(control word 1, bit 13) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
573 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P574* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 9 Menus:
Src MOP Down command for lowering the motor operated potentiometer Unit: - - Parameter menu
(control word 1, bit 14) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
574 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P575* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src No ExtFault1 command for tripping an external fault 1 (control word 1, bit Unit: - - Parameter menu
15) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
575 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P576* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 0 index1: 0 Menus:
Src FuncDSetBit0 for selecting a function data set (control word 2, bit 16) is to Unit: - - Parameter menu
be read in. For the selection of a function data set, the status Indices: 2 + Control and status words
576 of bit 1 (P577) is important. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P577* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src FuncDSetBit1 for selecting a function data set (control word 2, bit 17) is to Unit: - - Parameter menu
be read in. For the selection of a function data set, the status Indices: 2 + Control and status words
577 of bit 0(P576) is important. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P578* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 0 index1: 0 Menus:
Src MotDSet Bit0 for selecting a motor data set (control word 2, bit 18) is to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. For selection of a motor data set, the state of Bit 1 Indices: 2 + Control and status words
578 (P579) is also of significance. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P579* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src MotDSet Bit1 for selecting a motor data set (control word 2, bit 19) is to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. For selection of a motor data set, the state of Bit 0 Indices: 2 + Control and status words
579 (P578) is also of significance. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P580* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 0 index1: 0 Menus:
Src FixSetp Bit0 for selecting a fixed setpoint (control word 2, bit 20) is to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. For the selection of a fixed setpoint, the statuses of Indices: 2 + Control and status words
580 bit 1 (P581), bit 2 (P417) and bit 3 (P418) are important. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P581* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src FixSetp Bit1 for selecting a fixed setpoint (control word 2, bit 21) is to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. For the selection of a fixed setpoint, the statuses of Indices: 2 + Control and status words
581 bit 0 (P580), bit 2 (P417) and bit 3 (P418) are important. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P582* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 5002 Menus:
Src Sync Release command to enable the "Synchronizing" function (control Unit: - - Parameter menu
word 2, bit 22) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
582 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Binector values: Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
0: Synchronizing not enabled - Drive setting
1: Synchronizing enabled - Ready
- For synchronizing, the TSY board is required, and the open-
loop/closed-loop control type v/f control for textile
applications (P100 = 2) has to be set.
- For line synchronizations (see P534) the control modes f-
control (P100=3) and v/f control (P100=1) are possible.
TSY board
P100 = 1,2,3 (v/f control without n-controller, f-control)
P95 = 12 (separately excited synchronous motor)
in function diagram:
P583* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src Fly Release command to enable the Flying restart function (control word Unit: - - Parameter menu
2, bit 23) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
583 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Precondition: Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
No permanently-excited synchronous motor (P95 <> 13) - Drive setting
- Ready
P584* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src Droop Rel command for releasing the droop (control word 2, bit 24) is to Unit: - - Parameter menu
be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
584 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P585* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src n/f-Reg Rel command to enable the speed controller (control word 2, bit Unit: - - Parameter menu
25) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
585 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Precondition: Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
P100 = 0,4,5 (v/f control with speed controller, n/T control). - Drive setting
- Ready
P586* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src No ExtFault2 command for tripping an external fault 2 (control word 2, bit Unit: - - Parameter menu
26) is to be read in. A signal, logical 0, causes a shutdown of Indices: 2 + Control and status words
586 the unit on faults after a waiting time of 200 ms after ,BDS - Upread/free access
completion of pre-charging (converter status in r001 is larger Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
than 10). With external fault 2, an external braking unit, for - Drive setting
example, can be monitored. - Ready
P587* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src Master/Slave command to change over between master and slave drive Unit: - - Parameter menu
(control word 2, bit 27) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
587 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Parameter values: Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
0: The control works with speed and frequency setpoints - Drive setting
(master drive) - Ready
1: The control operates with torque setpoints (slave drive).
During the excitation time (P602), the control always
operates as a master drive, but the gain of the n/f controller
is blocked.
P100=3,4 (n/f control)
P588* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src No Ext Warn1 command for tripping an external warning 1 (control word 2, Unit: - - Parameter menu
bit 28) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
588 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P589* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src No Ext Warn2 command for tripping an external warning 2 (control word 2, Unit: - - Parameter menu
bit 29) is to be read in. Indices: 2 + Control and status words
589 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P590* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the bit Init: 14 Menus:
Src BICO DSet for selecting a BICO data set (control word 2, bit 30) is to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. Indices: - + Control and status words
590 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P591* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
Src ContactorMsg check-back message of a main contactor (control word 2, bit Unit: - - Parameter menu
31) is to be read in. If a source for the check-back message Indices: 2 + Control and status words
591 of the main contactor is not parameterized (input value = 0), ,BDS - Upread/free access
the check-back time parameterized in P600 is waited out Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
after the ON command and then precharging is started. If a - Drive setting
source for the check-back message of the main contactor is - Ready
parameterized (input value not equal to 0), a transition to
precharging only takes place when the check-back message
is logical 1.
P600* Function parameter for entering the checkback time for a Init: 120 Menus:
ContactorMsgTime main contactor. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
If no source has been parameterized for the main contactor Max: 6500 + Sequence control
600 checkback (P591 = 0), the parameterized checkback time Unit: ms - Upread/free access
has to be waited after the ON command and then Indices: - Changeable in:
precharging is commenced. During this time, the main Type: O2 - Drive setting
contactor has to close. If a main contactor is available, a
checkback time of at least 120 ms is recommended.
P601* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 124 Menus:
Src DigOutMCon command for actuating the main contactor (terminal -X9) is Unit: - - Parameter menu
to be read out. Indices: 2 + Terminals
601 ,BDS + Sequence control
Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P602 Function parameter for determining the excitation time of the index1: ~ Menus:
Excitation Time motor. Min: 0,01 - Parameter menu
Max: 10,00 + Sequence control
602 Waiting time between pulse enable and ramp function Unit: s - Upread/free access
generator enable. Within this time, the magnetization of the Indices: 4 Changeable in:
induction motor is built up. Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
The value is determined during automatic parameterization
(P115=1) and motor data identification (P115=2, 3).
P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f control types):
The magnetization is built up at frequency of 0 Hz
and relevant curve voltage see
P319 and P325).
If smooth acceleration mode (P604 = 1) os selected, the
voltage increases ramp-like instead of step-like.
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control types):
The magnetization is ramped up. If smooth acceleration
(P604 = 1) is selected, the flux increases in a parabolic way.
P095 = 12 (synchronous motor).
Within the excitation tme, the rotor flux is built up via the
excitation current r160. The external excitation current
control has to be able to follow the flux build-ujp.
(Dynamic behaviour as high as possible), as otherwise the
fault message F012 "Current too low" will occur.
At P602=0.01s, the excitation current setpoint is already
output before pulse enable (from converter state
"Precharging"), but only if the motor rotates more slowly than
2 % of rated speed.
P095 = 13 (Sync.Perm.):
Within the excitation time, the drive can align itself before
the no-encoder open-loop or closed-loop control accelerates
(see.also P467).
In function diagram:
380.3, 381.3, 405.4
P603 Function parameter for entering the de-excitation time for a index1: ~ Menus:
De-MagnetizeTime connected induction motor. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 10,00 + Sequence control
603 The de-excitation time is the wait time between switching off Unit: s - Upread/free access
the drive and switching it on again. Within this time, there is Indices: 4 Changeable in:
a restart inhibit. During the de-excitation time, the induction Type: O2 - Drive setting
motor de-magnetizes. If a synchronous motor is connected,
the de-excitation time has to be set to 0.
After OFF1, OFF3 and JOG commands the de-excitation
time is not active.
P604 Function parameter for selecting the smooth starting function. index1: 0 Menus:
Smooth Accel Min: 0 - Parameter menu
For smooth starting, the flux in the motor is established with Max: 1 + Sequence control
604 some delay. This is to ensure that even with residual Unit: - - Upread/free access
magnetization, the motor only rotates in the required direction Indices: 4 Changeable in:
of rotation. Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P100 = 0, 1, 2 (v/f control types):
When activated, the output voltage during energizing
increases ramp-like to the curve voltage within the excitation
time (P602).
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (Vector control types):
When smooth starting is activated, during energizing, the
value of the flux setpoints (P291) increases in a parabolic
way within the excitation time (P602).
Parameter values:
0 = not active
1 = active
P095 = 10, 11, 12 (Induction motor, synchronous motor)
In function diagram:
380.4, 381.4, 405.5
P605 Function parameter for selecting a brake control unit. Init: 0 Menus:
BrakeCtrl Min: 0 - Parameter menu
0 = Without brake Max: 2 + Sequence control
605 1 = Brake without check-back message Unit: - - Upread/free access
2 = Brake with check-back message Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
P606 Function parameter for entering the brake opening time. If Init: 0,20 Menus:
BrakeOpenTime there is a brake present (P605), the setpoint release is Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
delayed by the set time. The brake can thus open safely Max: 10,00 + Sequence control
606 before starting of the motor. Unit: s + Diagnostics
Indices: - + Messages/displays
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P607 Function parameter for entering the brake closing time. If Init: 0,10 Menus:
BrakeCloseTime there is a brake present (P605), blocking of the firing pulses Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
is additionally delayed by the set time after an OFF Max: 10,00 + Sequence control
607 command. The brake can thus safely close before the motor Unit: s + Diagnostics
is de-energised. In addition, the turn-off time set in P0801 Indices: - + Messages/displays
must be greater than the sum of the set times in P617 and Type: O2 - Upread/free access
P607. Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P608* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors from which the index1: 104 Menus:
Src BrakeOpen command for opening the brake is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Sequence control
608 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P609* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors from which the index1: 105 Menus:
Src BrakeClose command for closing the brake is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 4 + Sequence control
609 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P610* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the Init: 242 Menus:
Src BrakeThresh1 actual value for comparison with brake threshold 1 is to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. If the current component (K0242) is used, Indices: - + Sequence control
610 magnetizing in the case of induction motors and voltage Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
boost in the case of v/f control can be monitored. Changeable in:
- Drive setting
A torque-generating current component (K0184) only results
after setpoint enable.
P611 Function parameter for entering brake threshold 1, whereby, Init: 0,0 Menus:
Brake Thresh if this threshold is exceeded, the brake is to open. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,0 + Sequence control
611 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P612* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the Init: 1 Menus:
Src SigBrakeOp check-back message "Brake opened" is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Sequence control
612 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P613* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the Init: 0 Menus:
Src SigBrakeClos check-back message "Brake closed" is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Sequence control
613 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P614* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the Init: 0 Menus:
Src PBrakeClos command for closing a holding brake is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Sequence control
614 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P615* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the Init: 148 Menus:
Src BrakeThresh2 actual-value for comparison with brake threshold 2 should be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. Indices: - + Sequence control
615 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P616 Function parameter for entering brake threshold 2. If the Init: 0,5 Menus:
BrakeThresh2 actual value falls below this threshold after an OFF Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
command, the brake is closed and a firing-pulse block is Max: 200,0 + Sequence control
616 initiated by the brake control unit (B278). The value entered Unit: % - Upread/free access
here should not be smaller than the turn-off value Indices: - Changeable in:
parameterized in P800. Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P617 Function parameter for entering the time by which closing of Init: 0,00 Menus:
BrakeThresh2Time the brakes is to be delayed after an OFF command. If the Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
threshold value falls below brake threshold 2 after an OFF Max: 100,00 + Sequence control
617 command, closing of the brake is delayed by the time Unit: s + Diagnostics
entered. Indices: - + Messages/displays
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P631* Function parameters for entering the offset for the analog index1: 0,00 Menus:
AnaIn Offset input on the terminal strip of the basic unit. The offset is Min: -20,00 - Parameter menu
added to the analog input signal. Max: 20,00 + Terminals
631 Unit: V - Upread/free access
Indices: Indices: 2 Changeable in:
i001 = CU-1: Offset of the analog input 1 Type: I2 - Drive setting
i002 = CU-2: offset of the analog input 2
P632* Function parameter for configuring the analog inputs on the index1: 0 Menus:
AnaIn Conf terminal strip of the basic unit.The value range of the input Min: 0 - Parameter menu
signal to be processed is selected. Max: 4 + Terminals
632 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Parameter value Input range Indices: 2 Changeable in:
0 -10V...10V Type: O2 - Drive setting
1 0V...10V
2 -20mA... 20mA
3 0mA... 20mA
4 4mA... 20mA
Indices :
i001 = CU-1: Configuration of analog input 1
i002 = CU-2: Configuration of analog input 2.
P634* Function parameter for entering the smoothing time constant index1: 4,0 Menus:
AnaIn Smooth for the analog inputs on the terminal strip of the basic unit. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Indices: Max: 1000,0 + Terminals
634 i001 = CU-1: Smoothing time constant of analog input 1 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
i002 = CU-2: smoothing time constant of analog input 2 Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P636* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src AnaIn Rel command for releasing the analog inputs on the terminal Unit: - - Parameter menu
strip of the basic unit is to be read in. Without a release, the Indices: 2 + Terminals
636 setpoints provided by the analog inputs is at 0. Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
Indices: - Drive setting
i001 = CU-1: Release of the analog input 1
i002 = CU-2: Release of the analog input 2
r637 Visualization parameter for displaying the setpoint provided Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Analn Setp by the analog input. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Terminals
637 i001 = CU-1: Setpoint of the analog input 1 Type: I2 - Upread/free access
i002 = CU-2: Setpoint of the analog input 2
P638* Function parameter for selecting wire break monitoring for index1: 0 Menus:
AI Monitor the analog inputs of the CU board. Monitoring is only active Min: 0 - Parameter menu
with the configuration P632.x = 2 (4-20mA). In the factory Max: 1 + Terminals
638 setting (P638.x=0), a fault message is generated when the Unit: - - Upread/free access
permitted input value range is left. No fault message is Indices: 2 Changeable in:
generated with the setting P638.x=1, but the binectors Type: O2 - Drive setting
B0031 and B0032 display that the permitted input value
range has been left.
P640* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors whose values index1: 148 Menus:
Src AnaOut are to be output at the analog outputs of the terminal strip for Unit: - - Parameter menu
the basic unit. Indices: 2 + Terminals
640 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Indices: Changeable in:
i001 = CU-1: Connector number to analog output 1 - Drive setting
i002 = CU-2: connector number to analog output 2 - Ready
P643 Proportional gain of the analog outputs on the CU index1: 10,00 Menus:
CU AnalogOutGain Parameter values: Min: -320,00 - Parameter menu
P643.x = desired output voltage at connector value (PWE) = Max: 320,00 + Terminals
643 100 % Unit: V - Upread/free access
Indices: 2 Changeable in:
The output voltage is calculated according to the following Type: I2 - Drive setting
equation: - Ready
Uoff = PWE / 100 % * P643.x + P644.x
i001=CU-1: calculated output voltage of channel 1 at PWE =
100 %
i002=CU-2: calculated output voltage of channel 2 at PWE =
100 %
P644 Offset of analog outputs on the CU, see P643. index1: 0,00 Menus:
CU- AnalogOutOff Min: -100,00 - Parameter menu
Indices: Max: 100,00 + Terminals
644 i001 = CU-1: Offset of analog output 1 Unit: V - Upread/free access
i002 = CU-2: Offset of analog output 2 Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
r646 Visualization parameter for displaying the signal level at the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Status DigIn digital inputs and outputs of the terminal strip for the basic Unit: - - Parameter menu
unit. Indices: - + Terminals
646 Type: V2 - Upread/free access
P650* BICO parameter for selecting the binector whose value is to index1: 134 Menus:
Src DigOutp TSY be output at terminal -X100 of the TSY board. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Terminals
650 Index 1: TSY relay output 1, -X110:16,17 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Factory setting: B0134 relay closes when Changeable in:
synchronization is reached. - Drive setting
Index 2: TSY relay output 1, -X110:18,19 - Ready
Factory setting: B0161 relay opens if there is a
synchronization error.
P651* BICO parameter for selecting the binector whose value is to index1: 107 Menus:
Src DigOut1 be output at terminal -X101/3 of the terminal strip for the Unit: - - Parameter menu
basic unit. In order to use terminal -X101/3 as a digital input, Indices: 2 + Terminals
651 both indices must be set to 0. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P652* BICO parameter for selecting the binector whose value is to index1: 104 Menus:
Src DigOut2 be output at terminal -X101/4 of the terminal strip for the Unit: - - Parameter menu
basic unit. In order to use terminal -X101/4 as a digital input, Indices: 2 + Terminals
652 both indices must be set to 0. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P653* BICO parameter for selecting the binector whose value is to index1: 0 Menus:
Src DigOut3 be output at terminal -X101/5 of the terminal strip for the Unit: - - Parameter menu
basic unit. In order to use terminal -X101/5 as a digital input, Indices: 2 + Terminals
653 both indices must be set to 0. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P654* BICO parameter for selecting the binector whose value is to index1: 0 Menus:
Src DigOut4 be output at terminal -X101/6 of the terminal strip for the Unit: - - Parameter menu
basic unit. In order to use terminal -X101/6 as a digital input, Indices: 2 + Terminals
654 both indices must be set to 0. ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P655* Parameter for selection of the signal type for analog input 1 index1: 0 Menus:
EB1 Signal Type on EB1. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
0 = +/- 10 V Max: 1 + Terminals
655 1 = 0 ... 20 mA Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 6 Changeable in:
Index 1: AI1 of the first inserted EB1 Type: O2 - Drive setting
Index 4: AI1 of the second inserted EB1
Index 2, 3, 5 and 6: no significance
P656* Parameter for normalization of the analog inputs on EB1. index1: 1,00 Menus:
EB1 AnaInNorm Incoming signals are multiplied by the entered parameter Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
value. Max: 100,00 + Terminals
656 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Index 1 to 3: AI1 to AI3 of the first inserted EB1 Indices: 6 Changeable in:
Index 4 to 6: AI1 to AI3 of the second inserted EB1 Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P657 Parameter for entering the offset for the analog inputs on index1: 0,00 Menus:
EB1 AnaIn Offset EB1. The offset is added to the already scaled analog input Min: -100,00 - Parameter menu
signal. Max: 100,00 + Terminals
657 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Index 1 to 3: AI1 to AI3 of the first inserted EB1 Indices: 6 Changeable in:
Index 4 to 6: AI1 to AI3 of the second inserted EB1 Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P658* Parameter for configuring the analog inputs on EB1. index1: 0 Menus:
EB1 AnaIn Conf Selection is made here of the sign with which the read-in Min: 0 - Parameter menu
analog value has to be provided. Max: 3 + Terminals
658 Unit: - - Upread/free access
0 = Do not change sign Indices: 6 Changeable in:
1 = Always pass on value with positive sign Type: O2 - Drive setting
2 = Invert sign
3 = Always pass on value with negative sign
P659* Parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
EB1SrcAnaIn inv. command to invert the analog input signal on EB1 has to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. Indices: 6 + Terminals
659 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Index 1 to 3: AI1 to AI3 of the first inserted EB1 Changeable in:
Index 4 to 6: AI1 to AI3 of the second inserted EB1 - Drive setting
P660* Parameter for entering the smoothing time constants for the index1: 0 Menus:
EB1 AnaInSmooth2 analog inputs on EB1. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 1000 + Terminals
660 Index 1 to 3: AI1 to AI3 of the first inserted EB1 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Index 4 to 6: AI1 to AI3 of the second inserted EB1 Indices: 6 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P661* Parameter for selecting the binectors from which the index1: 1 Menus:
EB1 SrcAnaInRel commands to enable the analog inputs on EB1 have to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. Without an enable, the setpoint provided by the Indices: 6 + Terminals
661 analog input is at 0. Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
Index 1 to 3: AI1 to AI3 of the first inserted EB1 - Drive setting
Index 4 to 6: AI1 to AI3 of the second inserted EB1
r662 Visualization parameter for displaying the setpoints which Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
EB1 AnaInSetp are provided by the analog inputs of EB1. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: 6 + Terminals
662 Index 1 to 3: AI1 to AI3 of the first inserted EB1 Type: I2 - Upread/free access
Index 4 to 6: AI1 to AI3 of the second inserted EB1
P663* Parameter for selecting the connectors whose values have to index1: 0 Menus:
EB1 SrcAnaOut be output at the analog outputs on EB1. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 4 + Terminals
663 Index 1 and 2: AO1 and AO2 of the first inserted EB1 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Index 3 and 4: AO1 and AO2 of the second inserted EB1 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P664* Parameter for configuring the analog outputs on EB1. index1: 0 Menus:
EB1 AnaOut Conf Selection of the sign is made here with which the value of the Min: 0 - Parameter menu
connector selected in P663 has to be output at the analog Max: 3 + Terminals
664 output. Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
0 = Do not change sign Type: O2 - Drive setting
1 = Always output value with positive sign
2 = Invert sign
3 = Always output value with negative sign
P665* Parameter for entering the smoothing time constants for the index1: 0 Menus:
EB1 AnaOutSmooth analog outputs on EB1. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 10000 + Terminals
665 Index 1 and 2: AO1 and AO2 of the first inserted EB1 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Index 3 and 4: AO1 and AO2 of the second inserted EB1 Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P666* Parameter for scaling the analog outputs on EB1. With the index1: 10,00 Menus:
EB1AnaOutNorm help of the entered parameter value, the analog output Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
voltage to which an internal signal value of 100% (4000 H) Max: 200,00 + Terminals
666 should correspond is determined. Unit: V - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Index 1 and 2: AO1 and AO2 of the first inserted EB1 Type: I2 - Drive setting
Index 3 and 4: AO1 and AO2 of the second inserted EB1 - Ready
P667 Parameter for entering the offset for the analog outputs on index1: 0,00 Menus:
EB1 AnaOutOffset EB1. The offset is added to the already scaled analog output Min: -10,00 - Parameter menu
signal. Max: 10,00 + Terminals
667 Unit: V - Upread/free access
Index 1 and 2: AO1 and AO2 of the first inserted EB1 Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Index 3 and 4: AO1 and AO2 of the second inserted EB1 Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
r668 Visualization parameter for displaying the actual values Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
EB1 AnaOut Value which are connected to the analog outputs of EB1. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: 4 + Terminals
668 Index 1 and 2: AO1 and AO2 of the first inserted EB1 Type: I2 - Upread/free access
Index 3 and 4: AO1 and AO2 of the second inserted EB1
P669* Parameter for selecting the binectors whose values have to index1: 0 Menus:
EB1 Src DigOut be output at terminal -X480/43 to 46 of EB1. The relevant Unit: - - Parameter menu
index of the binector has to be set to 0 in order to use Indices: 8 + Terminals
669 terminal -X480/43 to 48 as digital inputs. Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
Index 1 to 4: DO1 to DO4 of the first inserted EB1 - Drive setting
Index 5 to 8: DO1 to DO4 of the second inserted EB1
r670 Visualization parameter for displaying the signal level of the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
EB1 TerminalDisp digital inputs and outputs of EB1. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Terminals
670 Index 1: First inserted EB1 Type: V2 - Upread/free access
Index 2: Second inserted EB1
r673 Visualization parameter for displaying the signal level of the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
EB2 Termin Disp digital inputs and outputs of EB2 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Terminals
673 Index 1: First inserted EB2 Type: V2 - Upread/free access
Index 2: Second inserted EB2
P674* Parameter for selecting the binectors for activation of the index1: 0 Menus:
EB2 Src RelayOut relay outputs on EB2. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 8 + Terminals
674 Index 1 to 4: Relay outputs of the first inserted EB2 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Index 5 to 8: Relay outputs of the second inserted EB2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P675* Parameter for selecting the signal type for the analog input index1: 0 Menus:
EB2 Signal Type on EB2. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 1 + Terminals
675 0 = +/- 10 V Unit: - - Upread/free access
1 = 0 ... 20 mA Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
Index 1: First inserted EB2
Index 2: Second inserted EB2
P676* Parameter for normalizing the analog input on EB2. Incoming index1: 1,00 Menus:
EB2 AnaInNorm signals are multiplied by the entered parameter value. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 100,00 + Terminals
676 Index 1: First inserted EB2 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Index 2: Second inserted EB2 Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P677 Parameter for entering the offset for the analog input on EB2. index1: 0,00 Menus:
EB2 AnaInOffset The offset is added to the already scaled analog input signal. Min: -100,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 100,00 + Terminals
677 Index 1: First inserted EB2 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Index 2: Second inserted EB2 Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
P678* Function parameter for configuring the analog input on EB2. index1: 0 Menus:
EB2 AnaInConf Selection is made here of the sign with which the read-in Min: 0 - Parameter menu
analog value has to be provided. Max: 3 + Terminals
678 Unit: - - Upread/free access
0 = Do not change sign Indices: 2 Changeable in:
1 = Always pass on value with positive sign Type: O2 - Drive setting
2 = Invert sign
3 = Always pass on value with negative sign
P679* Parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
EB2 Src AnaInInv command to invert the analog input signal on EB2 has to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. Indices: 2 + Terminals
679 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Index 1: First inserted EB2 Changeable in:
Index 2: Second inserted EB2 - Drive setting
P680* Parameter for entering the smoothing time constant for the index1: 0 Menus:
EB2 AnaInSmooth2 analog input on EB2. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 1000 + Terminals
680 Index 1: First inserted EB2 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Index 2: Second inserted EB2 Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P681* Parameter for selecting the binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
EB2 Src AnaInRel command to enable the analog input on EB2 has to be read Unit: - - Parameter menu
in. Without an enable, the setpoint provided by the analog Indices: 2 + Terminals
681 input is at 0. Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
Index 1: First inserted EB2 - Drive setting
Index 2: Second inserted EB2
r682 Visualization parameter for displaying the setpoint which is Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
EB2 AnaIn Setp provided by the analog input of EB2. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Terminals
682 Index 1: First inserted EB2 Type: I2 - Upread/free access
Index 2: Second inserted EB2
P683* Parameter for selecting the connector whose value has to be index1: 0 Menus:
EB2 Src AnaOut output at the analog output on EB2. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Terminals
683 Index 1: First inserted EB2 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Index 2: Second inserted EB2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P684* Parameter for configuring the analog output on EB2. The index1: 0 Menus:
EB2 AnaOutConf sign with which the value of the connector selected in P683 Min: 0 - Parameter menu
has to be output at the analog output is selected here. Max: 3 + Terminals
684 Unit: - - Upread/free access
0 = Do not change sign Indices: 2 Changeable in:
1 = Always output value with positive sign Type: O2 - Drive setting
2 = Invert sign
3 = Always output value with negative sign
P685* Parameter for entering the smoothing time constant for the index1: 0 Menus:
EB2AnaOutSmooth analog output on EB2. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 10000 + Terminals
685 Index 1: First inserted EB2 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Index 2: Second inserted EB2 Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P686* Parameter for scaling the analog output on EB2. With the index1: 10,00 Menus:
EB2 AnaOutNorm help of the entered parameter value, it is determined which Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
analog output voltage an internal signal value of 100% (4000 Max: 200,00 + Terminals
686 H) should correspond to. Unit: V - Upread/free access
Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Index 1: First inserted EB2 Type: I2 - Drive setting
Index 2: Second inserted EB2 - Ready
P687 Parameter for entering the offset for the analog output on index1: 0,00 Menus:
EB2 AnaOutOffset EB2. The offset is added to the already scaled analog output Min: -10,00 - Parameter menu
signal. Max: 10,00 + Terminals
687 Unit: V - Upread/free access
Index 1: First inserted EB2 Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Index 2: Second inserted EB2 Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
r688 Visualization parameter for displaying the actual value which Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
EB2 AnaOut Value is connected to the analog output of EB2. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Terminals
688 Index 1: First inserted EB2 Type: I2 - Upread/free access
Index 2: Second inserted EB2
P690* Configuration of the analog inputs of the SCI1 boards. It index1: 0 Menus:
SCI AnaIn Conf determines the type of input signals. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Parameter values Terminals Terminals Max: 2 + Communication
690 X428/3, 6, 9 X428/5, 8, 11 Unit: - + SCB/SCI
0: - 10 V ... + 10 V - 20 mA ... + 20 mA Indices: 6 - Upread/free access
1: 0 V ... + 10 V 0 mA ... + 20 mA Type: O2 Changeable in:
2: 4 mA ... + 20 mA - Drive setting
Notes: - Ready
- Only one signal can be processed per input. Voltage or
current signals can be evaluated alternatively.
- Voltage and current signals must be connected at different
- The settings 1and 2 only permit unipolar signals, i.e. the
internal process variables are also unipolar.
- With setting 2 an input current< 2 mA results in a fault trip
(wire-break monitoring).
- The offset compensation of the analog inputs is carried out
parameter P692.
Indices: i001: Slave 1, analog input 1
i002: Slave 1, analog input 2
i003: Slave 1, analog input 3
i004: Slave 2, analog input 1
i005: Slave 2, analog input 2
i006: Slave 2, analog input 3
P691* Smoothing time constant of the analog inputs of the SCI index1: 2 Menus:
SCI AnaInSmooth boards Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Formula: T=2 ms*2 power P691 Max: 14 + Communication
691 Indices: see P690 Unit: - + SCB/SCI
Indices: 6 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P692* Zero balancing of the analog inputs of the SCI boards index1: 0,00 Menus:
SCI AnaIn Offset For setting notes see operating instructions for SCI Min: -20,00 - Parameter menu
Indices: see P690 Max: 20,00 + Communication
692 Unit: V + SCB/SCI
Indices: 6 - Upread/free access
Type: I2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P693* Actual-value output via analog outputs of the SCI boards index1: 0 Menus:
SCI AnaOut ActV Setting notes: Input of the parameter number of the variable Unit: - - Parameter menu
whose value is to be output; for details see operating Indices: 6 + Communication
693 instructions for SCI Type: L2 ,K + SCB/SCI
Indices: i001: Slave 1, analog output 1 - Upread/free access
i002: Slave 1, analog output 2 Changeable in:
i003: Slave 1, analog output 3 - Drive setting
i004: Slave 2, analog output 1 - Ready
i005: Slave 2, analog output 2
i006: Slave 2, analog output 3
P694* Gain for the analog outputs via the SCI slaves index1: 10,00 Menus:
SCI AnaOut Gain Setting instruction: see operating instructions for SCI Min: -320,00 - Parameter menu
For indices: see P690 Max: 320,00 + Communication
694 Unit: V + SCB/SCI
Indices: 6 - Upread/free access
Type: I2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P695* Offset of the analog outputs of the SCI boards index1: 0,00 Menus:
SCI AnaOutOffset Setting instruction: see operating instructions for SCI Min: -100,00 - Parameter menu
Indices: see P690 Max: 100,00 + Communication
695 Unit: V + SCB/SCI
Indices: 6 - Upread/free access
Type: I2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P698* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors which are to be index1: 0 Menus:
Src SCI DigOut displayed via the digital outputs of the SCI boards. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Meaning of the indices: Indices: 24 + Communication
698 i001: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output1 Type: L2 ,B + SCB/SCI
i002: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output2 - Upread/free access
i003: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output3 Changeable in:
i004: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output4 - Drive setting
i005: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output5 - Ready
i006: Select binector for SCI slave1 binector output6
i007: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output7
i008: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output 8
i009: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output9
i0010: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output10
i0011: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output11
i0012: Select binector for SCI slave1 binary output12
i0013: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary output1
i0014: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary output2
i0015: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary output3
i0016: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary output4
i0017: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary output5
i0018: Select binector for SCI slave 2 binary output6
i0019: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary output7
i0020: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary outpu 8
i0021: Select binector for SC slave2 binary output9
i0022: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary output10
i0023: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary output11
i0024: Select binector for SCI slave2 binary output12
P700* Bus address of the serial interfaces (see section "Serial index1: 0 Menus:
SCom BusAddr interfaces" in operating instructions, Part 2) Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Indices: i001 = SCom1: bus address of the ser. interface Max: 31 + Communication
700 1(CU) Unit: - + SCom1/SCom2
i002 = SCom2: bus address of the ser. interface 2 Indices: 3 + SCB/SCI
(CU), Type: O2 - Quick parameterization
i003 = SCB: bus address of the SCB, if P696 = 1, 2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P701* Function parameter for entering the baud rates for the serial index1: 6 Menus:
SCom Baud interfaces with USS protocol Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 13 + Communication
701 Index 1: serial interface 1 (Scom/SCom1) Unit: - + SCom1/SCom2
Index 2: serial interface 2 (SCom2) Indices: 3 + SCB/SCI
Index 3: SCB Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
1= 300 Baud - Drive setting
2= 600 Baud - Ready
3= 1200 Baud
4= 2400 Baud
5= 4800 Baud
6= 9600 Baud
7 = 19200 Baud
8 = 38400 Baud
9 = 57600 Baud only SCB
10 = 76800 Baud only SCB
11 = 93750 Baud only SCB
12 = 115200 Baud only SCB
13 = 187500 Baud only SCB
P702* Function parameter for entering the number of PKWs for the index1: 127 Menus:
SCom PKW # serial interfaces with USS protocol. The number of PKWs Min: 0 - Parameter menu
defines the number of words in the telegram which are to be Max: 127 + Communication
702 used for transmitting parameter values. Unit: - + SCom1/SCom2
Indices: 3 + SCB/SCI
Index 1: Serial interface 1 (SST(/SST1) Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Index 2: Serial interface 2 (SST2) Changeable in:
Index 3: SCB - Drive setting
- Ready
0 = No transmission of parameters
3 = 3 words for PKE, index and PWE
4 = 4 word for PKE, index, PWE1 and PWE2
127 = Variable length for transmitting parameter
descriptions, texts and values of indicated
parameters with an order.
P703* Function parameter for entering the number of PcDs for the index1: 2 Menus:
SCom PcD # serial interfaces with USS protocol. The number of PcDs Min: 0 - Parameter menu
defines the number of words in the telegram which are to be Max: 16 + Communication
703 used for transmitting control words and setpoints or status Unit: - + SCom1/SCom2
words and actual values. Indices: 3 + SCB/SCI
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Index 1: Serial interface 1 (SST(/SST1) Changeable in:
Index 2: Serial interface 2 (SST2) - Drive setting
Index 3: SCB - Ready
P704* Function parameter for entering the telegram failure time for index1: 0 Menus:
SCom TlgOFF the serial interfaces with USS protocol.The telegram failure Min: 0 - Parameter menu
time defines the time within which a valid telegram has to be Max: 6500 + Communication
704 received. If no valid telegram is received within the specified Unit: ms + SCom1/SCom2
time, the unit trips a fault. With the help of P781, tripping of Indices: 3 + SCB/SCI
the fault can be delayed and the drive shut down if Type: O2 - Upread/free access
necessary. If a parameter value of 0 is entered, there is no Changeable in:
monitoring. This setting is to be selected for non-cyclical - Drive setting
telegram transmission (e.g. for OP1S). - Ready
P705* Direct transfer of peer-to-peer receive data of the SCB index1: 0 Menus:
SCB Peer2PeerExt Identification of the words of the received peer-to-peer Min: 0 - Parameter menu
telegram which are to be transferred directly. Max: 1 + Communication
705 Parameter values: 0: no direct transfer (only to CU) Unit: - + SCB/SCI
1: direct transfer (and transfer to CU) Indices: 5 - Upread/free access
Indices: i001 = Word1 in PZD part of the telegram Type: O2 Changeable in:
i002 = Word2 in PZ part of the telegram - Drive setting
... - Ready
i005 = Word5 in PZD part of the telegram.
P706* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors which are to be index1: 0 Menus:
Src SCB TrnsData transmitted from the serial interface on the SCB. In addition Unit: - - Parameter menu
to the connectors themselves, their place in the transmit Indices: 16 + Communication
706 telegram will also be defined. Type: L2 ,K + SCB/SCI
- Upread/free access
Index 1: Word 1 in PZD part of the telegram Changeable in:
Index 2: Word 2 in PZD part of the telegram - Drive setting
... - Ready
Index 16: Word 16 in PZD part of the telegram
P707* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors which are to be index1: 32 Menus:
SrcSCom1TrnsData transmitted by serial interface 1 (SCom1). In addition to the Unit: - - Parameter menu
connectors themselves, their place in the telegram is also Indices: 16 + Communication
707 defined. Type: L2 ,K + SCom1/SCom2
- Upread/free access
Index 1: Word 1 in the PZD part of the telegram Changeable in:
Index 2: Word 2 in the PZD part of the telegram - Drive setting
... - Ready
Index 16: Word 16 in the PZD part of the telegram
P708* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors which are to be index1: 0 Menus:
SrcSCom2TrnsData sent from the serial interface 2 (SCom2). Not only the Unit: - - Parameter menu
connectors themselves but also their place in the transmit Indices: 16 + Communication
708 telegram are defined. Type: L2 ,K + SCom1/SCom2
- Upread/free access
Index 1: Word 1 in PZD part of telegram Changeable in:
Index 2: Word 2 in PZD part of telegram - Drive setting
... - Ready
Index 16: Word 16 in PZD part of telegram
r709 Display of the process data received via the interface SCom1 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
SCom1/2 RecvData or SCom2. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 32 + Communication
709 Index 1 - 16 : SCom1 process data Type: L2 + SCom1/SCom2
Index 17 - 31: SCom2 process data - Upread/free access
r710 Display of the process data transmitted via the interface Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
SCom1/2 TrnsData SCom1 or SCom2. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 32 + Communication
710 Index 1 - 16 : SCom1 process data Type: L2 + SCom1/SCom2
Index 17 - 32: SCom2 process data - Upread/free access
P711* Function parameter for entering the 1st CB-specific index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 1 parameter. The parameter is only relevant if there is a Min: 0 - Parameter menu
communication board (CBx). Its meaning depends on the Max: 65535 + Communication
711 type of Cbx built in. If a set parameter value is outside the Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
value range accepted by the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P712* Function parameter for entering the 2nd CB-specific index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 2 parameter. The parameter is only relevant if there is a Min: 0 - Parameter menu
communication board (CBx). Its meaning depends on the Max: 65535 + Communication
712 type of Cbx built in. If a set parameter value is outside the Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
value range accepted by the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P713* Function parameter for entering the 3rd CB-specific index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 3 parameter. The parameter is only relevant if there is a Min: 0 - Parameter menu
communication board (CBx). Its meaning depends on the Max: 65535 + Communication
713 type of Cbx built in. If a set parameter value is outside the Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
value range accepted by the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P714* Function parameter for entering the 4th parameter. The index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 4 parameter is only relevant if there is a communication board Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(CBx). Its meaning depends on the type of Cbx built in. If a Max: 65535 + Communication
714 set parameter value is outside the value range accepted by Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P715* Function parameter for entering the 5th parameter. The index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 5 parameter is only relevant if there is a communication board Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(CBx). Its meaning depends on the type of Cbx built in. If a Max: 65535 + Communication
715 set parameter value is outside the value range accepted by Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P716* Function parameter for entering the 6th parameter. The index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 6 parameter is only relevant if there is a communication board Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(CBx). Its meaning depends on the type of Cbx built in. If a Max: 65535 + Communication
716 set parameter value is outside the value range accepted by Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P717* Function parameter for entering the 7th parameter. The index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 7 parameter is only relevant if there is a communication board Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(CBx). Its meaning depends on the type of Cbx built in. If a Max: 65535 + Communication
717 set parameter value is outside the value range accepted by Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P718* Function parameter for entering the 8th parameter. The index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 8 parameter is only relevant if there is a communication board Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(CBx). Its meaning depends on the type of Cbx built in. If a Max: 65535 + Communication
718 set parameter value is outside the value range accepted by Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P719* Function parameter for entering the 9th parameter. The index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 9 parameter is only relevant if there is a communication board Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(CBx). Its meaning depends on the type of Cbx built in. If a Max: 65535 + Communication
719 set parameter value is outside the value range accepted by Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P720* Function parameter for entering the 10th parameter. The index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 10 parameter is only relevant if there is a communication board Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(CBx). Its meaning depends on the type of Cbx built in. If a Max: 65535 + Communication
720 set parameter value is outside the value range accepted by Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 2 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P721* Function parameter for entering the 11th parameter. The index1: 0 Menus:
CB Parameter 11 parameter is only relevant if there is a communication board Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(CBx). Its meaning depends on the type of Cbx built in. If a Max: 65535 + Communication
721 set parameter value is outside the value range accepted by Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
the built-in Cbx, the unit trips a fault. Indices: 10 - Board configuration
Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
P722* Function parameter for entering the telegram failure time for index1: 10 Menus:
CB/TB TlgOFF a built-in communication board (CBx) or technology board Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(TB). The telegram failure time defines the time within which Max: 6500 + Communication
722 a valid telegram has to be received. If no valid telegram is Unit: ms + Field bus interfaces
recieved the unit trips a fault. With the help of P781, fault Indices: 2 - Upread/free access
tripping can be delayed and the drive shut down if necessary. Type: O2 Changeable in:
If a parameter value of 0 is entered, there is no monitoring. - Drive setting
- Ready
r733 Visualization parameter for displaying control words and Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
CB/TB RecvData setpoints (process data) which are received by a Unit: - - Parameter menu
communication board (CBx) or a technology board (TB) and Indices: 32 + Communication
733 passed on to the basic unit. Type: L2 + Field bus interfaces
- Upread/free access
P734* BICO parameter for selecting connectors which are to be index1: 32 Menus:
SrcCB/TBTrnsData transmitted by a communication board (CBx) or a technology Unit: - - Parameter menu
board (TB). In addition to the connectors themselves, their Indices: 16 + Communication
734 place in the transmitted telegram is also defined. Type: L2 ,K + Field bus interfaces
- Upread/free access
Index 1: Word 1 in the PZD part of the telegram Changeable in:
Index 2: Word 2 in the PZD part of the telegram - Drive setting
... - Ready
Index 16: Word 16 in the PZD part of the telegram
r735 Display of the process data sent to the TB or the CB in Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
CB/TB TrnsData hexadecimal form Unit: - - Parameter menu
Index 1 .. 16 : Transmit data for TB/CB Indices: 32 + Communication
735 Index 17 .. 32: Transmit data for 2nd CB Type: L2 + Field bus interfaces
- Upread/free access
P736* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors which are to be index1: 0 Menus:
Src CB2 TrnsData transmitted by the 2nd communication board (2nd CBX). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Both the connectors themselves and their position in the Indices: 16 + Communication
736 transmit telegram are defined. Type: L2 ,K + Field bus interfaces
Index 1: Word 1 in PcD part of telegram - Upread/free access
Index 2: Word 2 in PcD part of telegram Changeable in:
... - Drive setting
Index 16: Word 16 in PcD part of telegram - Ready
r738 Visualization parameter for displaying the parameter order Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
PKW Order (PKW) which is received by a communication board (CBx) or Unit: - - Parameter menu
a technology board (TB) and passed on to the basic unit. Indices: 20 + Communication
738 Type: L2 + SCom1/SCom2
Index 1: Order code and parameter number + Field bus interfaces
Index 2: Parameter index + SCB/SCI
Index 3: 1st parameter value - Upread/free access
Index 4: 2nd parameter value
r739 Visualization parameter for displaying the parameter reply Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
PKW Reply (PKW) which is passed on from the basic unit to a Unit: - - Parameter menu
communication board (CBx) or a technology board (TB) and, Indices: 20 + Communication
739 from there, is transmitted to the communication partner. Type: L2 + SCom1/SCom2
+ Field bus interfaces
Index 1: Order number and parameter number + SCB/SCI
Index 2: Parameter index - Upread/free access
Index 3: 1st parameter value
Index 4: 2nd parameter value
P740* Function parameter for entering the node address for a built- index1: 1 Menus:
SLB NodeAddr in SIMOLINK board (SLB). The node address defines the Min: 0 - Parameter menu
telegrams to which the relevant unit is allowed writing Max: 200 + SIMOLINK
740 access. Reading access is set in P749. Unit: - - Quick parameterization
The node address also defines whether a node also acts as Indices: 2 - Board configuration
the dispatcher. Type: O2 - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
0 = Dispatcher (generates telegram circulation) - Quick parameterization
Not equal to 0 = Transceiver - Drive setting
P741* Function parameter for entering the telegram failure time for Init: 0 Menus:
SLB TlgOFF a built-in SIMOLINK board (SLB). The telegram failure time Min: 0 - Parameter menu
defines the time within which a valid synchronizing telegram Max: 6500 + SIMOLINK
741 must be received. If no valid synchronizing telegram is Unit: ms - Board configuration
received within the specified time, the unit trips a fault. With Indices: - - Upread/free access
the help of P781, tripping of the fault can be delayed and the Type: O2 Changeable in:
drive can be shut down if necessary. - Quick parameterization
- Drive setting
P742* Function parameter for setting the transmission power for a Init: 3 Menus:
SLB Trns Power built-in SIMOLINK board (SLB). Operation with reduced Min: 1 - Parameter menu
transmission power increases the life of the transmitter and Max: 3 + SIMOLINK
742 receiver components. Unit: - - Board configuration
Indices: - - Upread/free access
1 = 0 m to 15 m cable length Type: O2 Changeable in:
2 = 15 m to 25 m cable length - Quick parameterization
3 = 25 m to 40 m cable length - Drive setting
P743 Function parameter for entering the number of nodes in the index1: 0 Menus:
SLB # Nodes SIMOLINK ring. The entered value enables a built-in Min: 0 - Parameter menu
SIMOLINK board (SLB) to determine its position in the ring Max: 255 + SIMOLINK
743 and to compensate for the bus transfer time. The total of all Unit: - - Board configuration
nodes (e.g. SLBs etc.) in the SIMOLINK ring is to be entered. Indices: 2 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
- Drive setting
P745* Function parameter for entering the channels which the index1: 2 Menus:
SLB Channel # dispatcher is to provide to each transceiver. The number of Min: 1 - Parameter menu
channels together with P746 determines the number of Max: 8 + SIMOLINK
745 nodes which can be addressed. This parameter is only Unit: - - Board configuration
relevant for the dispatcher (P740=0). Indices: 2 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
- Drive setting
P746* Function parameter for entering the cycle time for index1: 3,20 Menus:
SLB Cycle Time SIMOLINK. The cycle time is the time which is needed for Min: 0,20 - Parameter menu
complete circulation of all telegrams in the SIMOLINK ring. It Max: 6,50 + SIMOLINK
746 also determines the time reference in which the transceivers Unit: ms - Board configuration
receive synchronizing telegrams. For synchronization of the Indices: 2 - Upread/free access
transceivers to take place, the cycle time must amount to Type: O2 Changeable in:
several times that of time slot T2 of the transceivers. The - Quick parameterization
length of time slot T2 (T2 = 4/P340) is defined by the pulse - Drive setting
frequency (P340).
Together with P745, the time cycle determines the number of
addressable nodes. The parameter is only relevant for the
dispatcher (P740=0).
P747* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors which are to be index1: 0 Menus:
SrcSLBAppl.Flags sent as application flags by the SIMOLINK board (SLB). In Unit: - - Parameter menu
addition to the binectors themselves, their place in the Indices: 4 + SIMOLINK
747 application part of the trasnsmitted telegram is defined. Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
Index 1: 1st binector - Drive setting
Index 2: 2nd binector
Index 3: 3rd binector
Index 4: 4th binector
P749* Function parameter for entering the node addresses and index1: 0,0 Menus:
SLB Read Addr channels from which a built-in SIMOLINK board (SLB) is to Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
read out data. The places before the comma in the input Max: 200,7 + SIMOLINK
749 value define the node address and the places after the Unit: - - Board configuration
comma define the channel. Indices: 8 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Example: - Quick parameterization
2.0 = Address 2, Channel 1 - Drive setting
r750 Visualization parameter for the data received via SIMOLINK. Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
SLB Rcv Data Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 16 + SIMOLINK
750 Type: L2 - Upread/free access
P751* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors which are to be index1: 0 Menus:
SrcSLBTrnsData transmitted by a SIMOLINK board (SLB). In addition to the Unit: - - Parameter menu
connectors themselves, their place in the transmitted Indices: 16 + SIMOLINK
751 telegram is also defined. Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
Index 1: Channel 1, low-word - Drive setting
Index 2: Channel 1, high-word - Ready
Index 3: Channel 2, low-word
Index 4: Channel 2, high-word
Index 15: Channel 8, low-word
Index 16: Channel 8, high-word
P760 Function parameter for the constant proportion of the friction index1: 0,000 Menus:
T(friction) cons torque. Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 10,000 + Control/gating unit
760 Note: Unit: % + Speed control
The parameter value refers to the reference torque (P354) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
and is internally limited to 10% of the rated motor torque. Type: I2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
Precondition: - Ready
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control)
In function diagram:
370.7, 371.7, 375.7
P761 Function parameter for the amount of friction torque index1: 0,000 Menus:
T(frict) prop.n. proportional to speed. Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 10,000 + Control/gating unit
761 Note: Unit: % + Speed control
The parameter value refers to the reference torque (P354) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
and is internally limited to 10% of the rated motor torque. The Type: I2 Changeable in:
parameter value is implemented at reference speed. - Drive setting
- Ready
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control)
In function diagram:
370.7, 371.7, 375.7
P762 Function parameter for the amount of friction torque in index1: 0,000 Menus:
T(frict) prop.n2 proportion with the squared speed. Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 10,000 + Control/gating unit
762 Note: Unit: % + Speed control
The parameter value refers to the reference torque (P354) Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
and is internally limited to 10% of the rated motor torque. The Type: I2 Changeable in:
parameter value is implemented at reference speed. - Drive setting
- Ready
P100 = 3, 4, 5 (vector control)
In function diagram:
370.7, 371.7, 375.7
P763* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the index1: 0 Menus:
SrcT(frict,char) torque value of a friction characteristic is to be read in (see Unit: - - Parameter menu
P2190...2198). Indices: 2 + Control/gating unit
763 ,BDS + Speed control
Note: Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
The parameter value refers to the reference torque (P354). Changeable in:
Positive values are always processed (internal absolute-value - Drive setting
generation). The total of all friction torques (see
P760...P763) is limited to 100% of the rated motor torque. If
the speed is reversed, the total friction torque is also negated.
P100 = 4,5 (n/T control)
In function diagram:
P370.6, P371.6, P375.6
P781* Function parameter for setting a delay time for various faults. index1: 0,0 Menus:
Fault Delay Special case: Value 101.0 means that the fault is never Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
triggered. Max: 101,0 + Diagnostics
781 Index 1: Ext. fault 1 Unit: s + Faults/warnings
Index 2: Ext. fault 2 Indices: 20 - Upread/free access
Index 4: Type: O2 Changeable in:
Index 5: - Drive setting
Index 6: - Ready
Index 7:
Index 8:
Index 9:
Index 10:
Index 11: SCom1 telegram failure
Index 12: SCom2 telegram failure
Index 13: CB/TB telegram failure
Index 14: 2nd CB telegram failure
Index 15: SCB telegram failure
Index 16: SLB telegram failure
Index 17:
Index 18:
Index 19:
Index 20:
r782 Visualization parameter for displaying the times at which the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Trip Time last 8 faults occurred. The current status of the operating- Unit: - - Parameter menu
hours counter (r825) is displayed. Indices: 24 + Diagnostics
782 Type: O2 + Faults/warnings
Index 1: Day of the 1st (last) fault trip - Upread/free access
Index 2: Hour of the 1st fault trip
Index 3: Second of the 1st fault trip
r783 Frequency/speed actual value (r218) at the time of tripping Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
Fault n/f(act) Unit: Hz - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Diagnostics
783 Type: I4 + Faults/warnings
- Upread/free access
r784 Frequency/speed change per second at the time of tripping Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
Fault dn/dt Unit: Hz - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Diagnostics
784 Type: I2 + Faults/warnings
- Upread/free access
r786 Actual value of the converter output voltage (r003) at the time Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Fault Out Volts of tripping Unit: V - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Diagnostics
786 Type: I2 + Faults/warnings
- Upread/free access
P792 Function parameter for entering the permissible deviation of index1: 6,0 Menus:
Perm Deviation the actual value from the setpoint. A deviation is indicated in Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
status word 1, bit 8. Max: 200,0 + Diagnostics
792 Unit: % + Messages/displays
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
,FDS Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P793 Function parameter for entering the hysteresis which is to be index1: 3,0 Menus:
Set/Act Hyst taken into account during determination of the actual- Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
value/setpoint deviation. A deviation is indicated in status Max: 200,0 + Diagnostics
793 word 1, bit 8. Unit: % + Messages/displays
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
,FDS Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P794 Function parameter for entering the time by which the index1: 3,0 Menus:
Deviation Time message indicating an actual-value/setpoint deviation is to be Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
delayed. A deviation is indicated in status word 1, bit 8. Max: 100,0 + Diagnostics
794 Unit: s + Messages/displays
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
,FDS Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P795* BICO parameter for selecting a connector from which the Init: 148 Menus:
Src Comp ActV actual value for generating the message "Comparison value Unit: - - Parameter menu
reached" is to be read in. If the actual value reaches the Indices: - + Diagnostics
795 comparison value (P796), this is indicated in status word 1, Type: L2 ,K + Messages/displays
bit 10. - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P796 Function parameter for entering the comparison value. If the index1: 100,0 Menus:
Compare Value actual value reaches the comparison value entered, this is Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
indicated in status word 1, bit 10. Max: 200,0 + Diagnostics
796 Unit: % + Messages/displays
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
,FDS Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P797 Function parameter for entering the hysteresis which is to be index1: 3,0 Menus:
Compare Hyst taken into account during generation of the message Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
"Comparison value reached". If the actual value reaches the Max: 200,0 + Diagnostics
797 comparison value, this is indicated in status word 1, bit 10. Unit: % + Messages/displays
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
,FDS Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P798 Function parameter for entering the time by which the index1: 3,0 Menus:
Compare Time message "Comparison value reached" is to be lengthened if Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
the actual value falls below the comparison value. If the Max: 100,0 + Diagnostics
798 actual value reaches the comparison value, this is indicated Unit: s + Messages/displays
in status word 1, bit 10. Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
,FDS Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P800 Function parameter for entering the turn-off value below index1: 0,5 Menus:
OFF Value which the firing-pulse block is to be generated. If the actual Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
value falls below the turn-off value after an OFF command, Max: 200,0 + Diagnostics
800 the firing pulses are blocked. Unit: % + Messages/displays
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
,FDS Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P801 Function parameter for entering the time by which the firing- index1: 0,00 Menus:
OFF Time pulse block is to be delayed. If the actual value falls below Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
the turn-off value after an OFF command, blocking of the Max: 100,00 + Diagnostics
801 firing pulses is delayed by the time entered. If a braking Unit: s + Messages/displays
control unit is used (P605), the time set in P801 must be Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
greater thant the sum of the times set in in P617 and P607. ,FDS Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
P802* BICO parameter for selecting the connector from which the Init: 75 Menus:
Src Speed Setp speed setpoint for detection of the direction of rotation is to Unit: - - Parameter menu
be read in. The speed setpoint of the setpoint channel Indices: - + Diagnostics
802 (KK0075) is used with preference. The message "Positive Type: L2 ,K + Messages/displays
speed setpoint" is displayed instatus word 1, bit 14. - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
P804 Function parameter for entering the hysterisis for the Init: 10,0 Menus:
Overspeed Hyst "Overspeed" message. An overspeed message is indicated Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
in status word 2, bit 18. Max: 20,0 + Diagnostics
804 Unit: % + Messages/displays
Indices: - - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
P805 Delay time between the message "Deviation" (status word 1, index1: 2,00 Menus:
PullOut/BlckTime bit 8) during blocking or between detection of stalling in the Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
rotor flux monitor and output of the fault message (r553). Max: 100,00 + Diagnostics
805 Bit28). Unit: s + Messages/displays
Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
Note: For synchronous motors (P095=12,13) Type: O2 Changeable in:
a stall message is generated as soon as the maximum - Drive setting
frequency is reached without waiting the delay time in P805. - Ready
For externally excited synchronous motors
the converter and excitation current is reduced
before the fault message is issued. Dependent parameters:
P792 (Frequency of set/actual deviation),
P794 (Set/actual deviation time)
P806 Function parameter for setting the reaction to tachometer index1: 0 Menus:
Reac Tacho Fault faults. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 1 + Diagnostics
806 If the speed difference between two sampling intervals Unit: - + Messages/displays
exceeds the four-fold parameter value in P215, the alarm Indices: 4 - Upread/free access
A43 and after 20*T0 usually fault F53 are generated Type: O2 Changeable in:
(P806=0). During speed control, it is possible to change over - Drive setting
to encoder-free vector control in the area of the EMF model.
For this purpose, P806=1 has to be set. In the event of a
fault, the alarm A43 is displayed up until the next pulse inhibit
and the binector B0256 is set. At the next pulse inhibit, fault
F53 is generated with fault value 0.
It is not advisable to change over to f control when a
tachometer with zero track P130=15, 16 (for position
sensing) has been parameterized. Fault message F51 may
be generated if a zero track is parameterized.
It is only possible to change over to f control when the EMF
controller is operating (P315>0 and frequency >P313).
Changeover back to speed control is not effected until pulse
block, and no longer during operation. Changeover is
improved if the rotor resistance is correct (see P386). Speed
control (P235, P240) must also be operating in a stable
manner during f control. With binector B0256 (tacho fault),
the gain of the speed controller can be changed over for this
purpose (see P238). For torque control by overmodulation of
the speed controller, the speed setpoint (smoothed with
approx. 100ms) should be followed up with the speed actual-
Parameter values:
0 = fault
1 = changoever from n to f control
P100 = 4 (n control)
In function diagram:
r825 Visualization parameter for displaying the operating- hours Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Operat. Hours counter. Only that time is counted during which the unit is Unit: - - Parameter menu
operated with released firing pulses (inverter release). Indices: 3 + Diagnostics
825 Type: O2 + Messages/displays
Index 1: Days - Upread/free access
Index 2: Hours
Index 3: Seconds
r826 Visualization parameter for displaying the board codes. With Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
PCB Code the help of these codes the type of the built-in electronics Unit: - - Parameter menu
boards can be determined. Indices: 8 + Diagnostics
826 Type: O2 + Messages/displays
Index 1: Basic board - Fixed settings
Index 2: Optional board in slot A - Quick parameterization
Index 3: Optional board in slot B - Board configuration
Index 4: Optional board in slot C - Drive setting
Index 5: Optional board in slot D - Download
Index 6: Optional board in slot E - Upread/free access
Index 7: Optional board in slot F - Power section definition
Index 8: Optional board in slot G
Board codes:
90 to 109 = Main board or Control Unit (CUx)
110 to 119 = Sensor Board (SBx)
120 to 129 = Serial Communication Board (SCB)
130 to 139 = Technology Board
140 to 149 = Communication Board (CBx)
150 to 169 = Special boards (EBx, SLB)
r827 Visualization parameter for displaying the date on which the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Generat. Date firmware of the basic unit was generated. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Diagnostics
827 Index 1: Year Type: O2 + Messages/displays
Index 2: Month - Drive setting
Index 3: Day - Upread/free access
- Power section definition
r828 Visualization parameter for displaying the software codes. Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
SW ID With the help of these codes, the compatibility of the Unit: - - Parameter menu
individual software versions can be checked. Indices: 8 + Diagnostics
828 Type: O2 + Messages/displays
Index 1: Basic board - Fixed settings
Index 2: Optional board in slot A - Quick parameterization
Index 3: Optional board in slot B - Board configuration
Index 4: Optional board in slot C - Drive setting
Index 5: Optional board in slot D - Download
Index 6: Optional board in slot E - Upread/free access
Index 7: Optional board in slot F - Power section definition
Index 8: Optional board in slot G
r829 Visualization parameter for displaying the free calculating Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
CalcTimeHdroom time. The reserve of the microprocessor system in the basic Unit: - - Parameter menu
unit is shown in relation to its total calculating capacity in Indices: 10 + Diagnostics
829 index 1. The free calculating time is influenced by the set Type: O2 + Messages/displays
pulse frequency (P340) as well as the number and - Upread/free access
processing frequency of the activated function blocks.
P830* The faults entered in this parameter are suppressed. index1: 0 Menus:
Fault Mask Setting note: Min: 0 - Parameter menu
- Despite suppression, a pulse disable occurs with some Max: 255 - Upread/free access
830 faults (UCE, overcurrent, overvoltage, etc.) Unit: - Changeable in:
Indices: 5 - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
P834* Parameter for entering faults where the drive reacts with a index1: 0 Menus:
OFF1 on Fault ramp-function generator ramp-down (OFF1) prior to a fault Min: 0 - Parameter menu
trip in the "Operation" status. Max: 65535 - Upread/free access
834 Only faults which do not necessitate an immediate trip can Unit: - Changeable in:
be entered here. The following faults are not permitted: Indices: 5 - Drive setting
F006, F008, F010, F011, F015, F017, F023, F025, F026, Type: O2 - Ready
P847 Setting of the operating mode on parallel connected units. Init: 0 Menus:
Paralleling Mode For test purposes, the compensation control or one of the Min: 0 - Parameter menu
two partial inverters can be switched off. Max: 3 - Upread/free access
847 Parameter values: Unit: - Changeable in:
0: both partial inverters released, compensation control Indices: - - Drive setting
active Type: O2
1: only partial inverter 1 released
2: only partial inverter 2 released
3: both partial inverters released, compensation control not
P918* Function parameter for entering the bus addresses for a built- index1: 3 Menus:
CB Bus Address in communication board (CBx). The significance of the bus Min: 0 - Parameter menu
address depends on the protocol. If a set value is not Max: 200 + Communication
918 accepted by the communication board, the unit trips a fault. Unit: - + Field bus interfaces
Indices: 2 - Quick parameterization
Type: O2 - Board configuration
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
r947 Visualization parameter for displaying the last 8 fault trips. Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Fault Memory For each fault trip, up to 8 faults occurring at the same time Unit: - - Parameter menu
can be stored. Only those faults are stored to which a fault Indices: 64 + Diagnostics
947 number is assigned. Type: O2 + Faults/warnings
- Drive setting
Index 1 to 8: 1st (last) fault trip, faults 1 to 8 - Upread/free access
Index 9 to 16: 2nd fault trip, faults 1 to 8
Index 17 to 24: 3rd fault trip, faults 1 to 8
Index 25 to 32: 4th fault trip, faults 1 to 8
Index 33 to 40: 5th fault trip, faults 1 to 8
Index 41 to 48: 6th fault trip, faults 1 to 8
Index 49 to 56: 7th fault trip, faults 1 to 8
Index 57 to 64: 8th (oldest) fault trip, faults 1 to 8
r949 Visualization parameter for displaying fault values. Fault Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Fault Value values contain additional information on the faults which have Unit: - - Parameter menu
occurred and allow more exact diagnosis. The fault values Indices: 64 + Diagnostics
949 are assigned to the faults and are stored in the same indices Type: O2 + Faults/warnings
as the associated fault numbers in r947. - Drive setting
- Upread/free access
Indices 1 to 8: 1st (last) fault trip, fault values 1 to 8
Indices 9 to 16: 2nd fault trip, fault values 1 to 8
Indices 17 to 24: 3rd fault trip, fault values 1 to 8
Indices 25 to 32: 4th fault trip, fault values 1 to 8
Indices 33 to 40: 5th fault trip, fault values 1 to 8
Indices 41 to 48: 6th fault trip, fault values 1 to 8
Indices 49 to 56: 7th fault trip, fault values 1 to 8
Indices 57 to 64: 8th (oldest) fault trip, fault values 1 to 8
r951 List of fault texts. Each fault text is stored under the index Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
FaultTextList corresponding to its fault. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 254 + Diagnostics
951 Type: O2 + Faults/warnings
- Upread/free access
P952* Function parameters for displaying the stored fault trips and Init: 0 Menus:
# of Faults for deletion of the fault memory. If 0 is entered, the whole Min: 0 - Parameter menu
fault memory consisting of r782, r947, r949 is deleted. Max: 8 + Diagnostics
952 Unit: - + Faults/warnings
Indices: - - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
r960 Visualization parameter for displaying which of warnings 113 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Warning Param 8 to 128 are active. Warnings 113 to 128 are tripped by a built- Unit: - - Parameter menu
in technology board. Indices: - + Diagnostics
960 Type: V2 + Faults/warnings
- Upread/free access
r967 Visualization parameter for displaying control word 1. Bits 0 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Control Word 1 to 15 are displayed. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - - Upread/free access
967 Type: V2
r968 Visualization parameter for displaying status word 1. Bits 0 to Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Status Word 1 15 are displayed. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - - Upread/free access
968 Type: V2
P970* Function parameter for starting the parameter reset to a Init: 1 Menus:
Factory Setting factory or fixed setting. After completion of the factory Min: 0 - Parameter menu
setting, this parameter is also reset to its original value, 1. Max: 1 + Functions
970 Unit: - - Fixed settings
0 = Start parameter reset Indices: - - Upread/free access
1 = No parameter reset Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Quick parameterization
Caution: A parameter reset causes the loss of all parameter - Drive setting
changes. - Drive setting
P971* Function parameter for starting saving of the parameters Init: 0 Menus:
EEPROM Saving from the RAM to the EEPROM. Volatilely stored parameters Min: 0 - Parameter menu
can be transferred to the EEPROM by overwriting a Max: 1 + General parameters
971 parameter value of 0 with 1. The parameter values are then Unit: - - Upread/free access
stored non-volatilely and are secured against mains failure. Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
0 = No saving - Ready
1 = One-time saving
r980 Visualization parameter for displaying the first 100 parameter Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt1 numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter numbers are Unit: - - Parameter menu
arranged in ascending order. The first 0 occuring in the index Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
980 signals that there are no further parameters. If the number of Type: O2
indices is not sufficient to display all parameter numbers,
index 101 contains the parameter numbers in which the list
is continued.
r981 Visualization parameter for displaying the second 100 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt2 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
981 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
parameters. If the number of indices is not sufficient to
display all parameter numbers, index 101 contains the
parameter numbers in which the list is continued.
r982 Visualization parameter for displaying the third 100 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt3 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
982 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
parameters. If the number of indices is not sufficient to
display all parameter numbers, index 101 contains the
parameter numbers in which the list is continued.
r983 Visualization parameter for displaying the fourth 100 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt4 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
983 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
parameters. If the number of indices is not sufficient to
display all parameter numbers, index 101 contains the
parameter numbers in which the list is continued.
r984 Visualization parameter for displaying the fifth 100 parameter Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt5 numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter numbers are Unit: - - Parameter menu
arranged in ascending order. The first 0 occuring in the index Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
984 signals that there are no further parameters. If the number of Type: O2
indices is not sufficient to display all parameter numbers,
index 101 contains the parameter numbers in which the list
is continued.
r985 Visualization parameter for displaying the sixth 100 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt6 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
985 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
parameters. If the number of indices is not sufficient to
display all parameter numbers, index 101 contains the
parameter numbers in which the list is continued.
r986 Visualization parameter for displaying the seventh 100 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt7 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
986 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
parameters. If the number of indices is not sufficient to
display all parameter numbers, index 101 contains the
parameter numbers in which the list is continued.
r987 Visualization parameter for displaying the eighth 100 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt8 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
987 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
parameters. If the number of indices is not sufficient to
display all parameter numbers, index 101 contains the
parameter numbers in which the list is continued.
r988 Visualization parameter for displaying the ninth 100 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt9 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The. parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
988 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
parameters. If the number of indices is not sufficient to
display all parameter numbers, index 101 contains the
parameter numbers in which the list is continued.
r989 Visualization parameter for displaying the tenth 100 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List pt10 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
989 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
r990 Visualization parameters for displaying the first 100 changed Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List chg1 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
990 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
parameters. If the number of indices is not sufficient to
display all parameter numbers, index 101 contains the
parameter numbers in which the list is continued.
r991 Visualization parameters for displaying the second 100 Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List chg2 changed parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The Unit: - - Parameter menu
parameter numbers are arranged in ascending order. The Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
991 first 0 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
parameters. If the number of indices is not sufficient to
display all parameter numbers, index 101 contains the
parameter numbers in which the list is continued.
r992 Visualization parameters for displaying the third 100 changed Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Par # List chg3 parameter numbers in the range 0 to 999. The. parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
numbers are arranged in ascending order. The first 0 Indices: 101 - Upread/free access
992 occuring in the index signals that there are no further Type: O2
U001 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 17. index1: 0,00 Menus:
FixSetp 17 Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2001 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
U002 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 18. index1: 0,00 Menus:
FixSetp 18 Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2002 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
U003 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 19. index1: 0,00 Menus:
FixSetp 19 Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2003 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
U004 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 20. index1: 0,00 Menus:
FixSetp 20 Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2004 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
U005 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 21. index1: 0,00 Menus:
FixSetp 21 Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2005 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
U006 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 22. index1: 0,00 Menus:
FixSetp 22 Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2006 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
U007 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 23. index1: 0,00 Menus:
FixSetp 23 Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2007 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
U008 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 24. index1: 0,00 Menus:
FixSetp 24 Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2008 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I2 - Ready
U009 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 25. index1: 0 Menus:
FixSetp 25 Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 65535 + Free blocks
2009 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U011 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 26. index1: 0,000 Menus:
FixSetp 26 Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,000 + Free blocks
2011 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
U012 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 27. index1: 0,000 Menus:
FixSetp 27 Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,000 + Free blocks
2012 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
U013 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 28. index1: 0,000 Menus:
FixSetp 28 Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,000 + Free blocks
2013 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
U014 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 29. index1: 0,000 Menus:
FixSetp 29 Min: -200,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,000 + Free blocks
2014 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
U015 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 30. index1: 0 Menus:
FixSetp 30 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2015 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U016 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 31. index1: 0 Menus:
FixSetp 31 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2016 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U017 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 32. index1: 0 Menus:
FixSetp 32 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2017 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U018 Function parameter for entering fixed setpoint 33. index1: 0 Menus:
FixSetp 33 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2018 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U031* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for connector Init: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Disp 1 display 1. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2031 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U033* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for connector Init: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Disp 2 display 2. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2033 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U035* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for connector Init: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Disp 3 display 3. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2035 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U037* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for double- Init: 0 Menus:
Src DConn Disp 1 connector display 1. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2037 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U039* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for double- Init: 0 Menus:
Src DConn Disp 2 connector display 2. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2039 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U041* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for double- Init: 0 Menus:
Src DConn Disp 3 connector display 3 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2041 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U043* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for double- Init: 0 Menus:
Src DConn Disp 4 connector display 4 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2043 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U045* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for binector Init: 0 Menus:
Src Bin Disp 1 display 1. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2045 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U047* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for binector Init: 0 Menus:
Src Bin Disp 2 display 2. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2047 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U049* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for binector Init: 0 Menus:
Src Bin Disp 3 display 3 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2049 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U051* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for binector Init: 0 Menus:
Src Bin Disp 4 display 4 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2051 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U053* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for connector Init: 0 Menus:
SrcConnDispSmth display with smoothing. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2053 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U055* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for double- Init: 0 Menus:
SrcDConnDispSmth connector display with smoothing. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2055 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U061* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for fault trip 1 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Fault F148 (F148). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2061 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U062* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for fault trip 2 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Fault F149 (F149). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2062 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U063* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for fault trip 3 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Fault F150 (F150). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2063 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U064* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for fault trip 4 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Fault F151 (F151). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2064 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U065* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for warning trip 1 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Warning A061 (A061). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2065 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U066* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for warning trip 2 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Warning A062 (A062). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2066 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U067* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for warning trip 3 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Warning A063 (A063). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2067 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U068* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for warning trip 4 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Warning A064 (A064). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2068 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U070* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the 3 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn/DConnC connector/double-connector converter. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 6 + Free blocks
2070 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U071* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the 3 index1: 0 Menus:
Src DConn/ConnC double-connector/connector converters. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2071 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U072* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the 3 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn/BinC connector/binector converters. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2072 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U076* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for index1: 0 Menus:
Src Bin/ConnC1 binector/connector converter 1. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 16 + Free blocks
2076 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U078* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for index1: 0 Menus:
Src Bin/ConnC2 binector/connector converter 2. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 16 + Free blocks
2078 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U080* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for index1: 0 Menus:
Src Bin/ConnC3 binector/connector converter 3. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 16 + Free blocks
2080 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U082* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for adder 1 (1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Add 1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2082 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U083* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for adder 2 (1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Add 2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2083 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U084* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for adder 3 (1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Add 3 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2084 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U085* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for adder 4 (1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Add 4 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2085 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U086* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for adder 5 with index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Add 5 four inputs (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 4 + Free blocks
2086 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U087* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for subtracter 1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src ConnSub1 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2087 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U088* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for subtracter 2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src ConnSub2 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2088 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U089* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for subtracter 3 index1: 0 Menus:
Src ConnSub3 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2089 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U090* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for adder 1 (2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src DConnAdd 1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2090 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U091* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for adder 2 (2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src DConnAdd 2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2091 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U092* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for adder 3 (2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src DConnAdd 3 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2092 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U093* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for adder 4 (2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src DConnAdd 4 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2093 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U094* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for subtracter 1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src DConnSub1 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2094 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U095* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for subtracter 2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src DConnSub2 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2095 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U096* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for modulo index1: 0 Menus:
Src ConnM A/S 2^16 adder / subtracter. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2096 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U097* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for modulo index1: 0 Menus:
Src DConnM A/S 2^32 adder / subtracter. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2097 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U098* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for sign inverter Init: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Inv1 1 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2098 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U099* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for sign inverter Init: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Inv2 2 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2099 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U100* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for sign inverter Init: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Inv3 3 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2100 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U101* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for sign inverter Init: 0 Menus:
Src DConn Inv 1 1 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2101 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U102* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for sign inverter Init: 0 Menus:
Src DConn Inv 2 2 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2102 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U103* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the switchable Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 Conn SwInv sign inverter (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2103 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U104* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the Init: 0 Menus:
Src2 Conn SwInv switchable sign inverter (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2104 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U105* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the switchable Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 DConnSwInv sign inverter (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2105 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U106* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the Init: 0 Menus:
Src2 DConnSwInv switchable sign inverter (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2106 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U107* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for multiplier 1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Mult1 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2107 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U108* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for multiplier 2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Mult2 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2108 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U109* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for multiplier 3 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Mult3 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2109 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U110* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for multiplier 1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src DConn Mult (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2110 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U111* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for divider 1 (1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Div1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2111 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U112* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for divider 2 (1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src Conn Div2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2112 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U113* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for divider 1 (2 index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDConn Div word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2113 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U114* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for high- index1: 0 Menus:
SrcConnMult/Div1 resolution multiplier/divider 1 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2114 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U115* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for high- index1: 0 Menus:
SrcConnMult/Div2 resolution multiplier/divider 2 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2115 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U116* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for high- index1: 0 Menus:
SrcConnMult/Div3 resolution multiplier/divider 3 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2116 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U117* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the 1st Init: 0 Menus:
Src ConnAbsV1 absolute-value generator with smoothing (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2117 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U118* Function parameter for selecting the mode of the 1st Init: 0 Menus:
Mode ConnAbsV1 absolute-value generator with smoothing (1 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2118 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U119 Function parameter for entering the smoothing time constant Init: 0 Menus:
SmoothConAbsV1 of the 1st absolute-value generator with smoothing (1 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 10000 + Free blocks
2119 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U120* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the 2nd Init: 0 Menus:
Src ConnAbsV2 absolute-value generator with smoothing (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2120 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U121* Function parameter for selecting the mode of the 2nd Init: 0 Menus:
Mode ConnAbsV2 absolute-value generator with smoothing (1 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2121 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U122 Function parameter for entering the smoothing time Init: 0 Menus:
SmoothConAbsV2 constants of the 2nd absolute-value generator with Min: 0 - Parameter menu
smoothing (1 word). Max: 10000 + Free blocks
2122 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U123* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the 3rd Init: 0 Menus:
Src ConnAbsV3 absolute-value generator with smoothing (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2123 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U124* Function parameter for selecting the mode of the 3rd Init: 0 Menus:
Mode ConnAbsV3 absolute-value generator (1 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2124 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U125 Function parameter for entering the time constants of the 3rd Init: 0 Menus:
SmoothConAbsV3 absolute-value generator with smoothing (1 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 10000 + Free blocks
2125 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U126* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the 1st Init: 0 Menus:
SrcDConnAbsV absolute-value generator with smoothing (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2126 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U127* Function parameter for selecting the mode of the 1st Init: 0 Menus:
Mode DConnAbsV absolute-value generator with smoothing (2 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2127 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U128 Function parameter for entering the smoothing time Init: 0 Menus:
SmoothDConnAbsV constants of the 1st absolute-value generator with smoothing Min: 0 - Parameter menu
(2 word). Max: 10000 + Free blocks
2128 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U129 Function parameter for entering the fixed setpoint for limiter 1 index1: Menus:
FSetpConnLimitr1 (1 word). 100,00 - Parameter menu
Min: -200,00 + Free blocks
2129 Max: 200,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
U130* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for limiter 1 (1 index1: 503 Menus:
Src ConnLimitr1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2130 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U131 Function parameter for entering the fixed setpoint for limiter 2 index1: Menus:
FSetpConnLimitr2 (1 word). 100,00 - Parameter menu
Min: -200,00 + Free blocks
2131 Max: 200,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I2
U132* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for limiter 2 (1 index1: 506 Menus:
Src ConnLimitr2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2132 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U133 Function parameter for entering the fixed setpoint for limiter 1 index1: Menus:
FSetp DConnLmt (2 word). 100,00 - Parameter menu
Min: -200,00 + Free blocks
2133 Max: 200,00 - Upread/free access
Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: I4
U134* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for limiter 1 (2 index1: 509 Menus:
SrcDConnLimitr word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2134 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U135 Function parameter for entering the fixed setpoint for the 1st Init: 0,00 Menus:
FSetpConnLmtMon1 limit-value monitor with smoothing (1 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2135 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U136* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the 1st limit- index1: 0 Menus:
SrcConnLmtMon1 value monitor with smoothing (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2136 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U137 Function parameter for entering the smoothing time Init: 0 Menus:
SmConnLmtMon1 constants of the 1st limit-value monitor with smoothing (1 Min: 0 - Parameter menu
word). Max: 10000 + Free blocks
2137 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U138 Function parameter for entering the hysteresis of the 1st limit- Init: 0,00 Menus:
HysConnLmtMon1 value monitor with smoothing (1 word). Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 199,99 + Free blocks
2138 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U139* Function parameters for entering the mode of the 1st limit- Init: 0 Menus:
ModeConnLmtMon1 value monitors with smoothing (1 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 2 + Free blocks
2139 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U140 Function parameter for entering the fixed setpoint for the 2nd Init: 0,00 Menus:
FSetpConnLmtMon1 limit-value monitor with smoothing (1 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2140 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U141* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the 2nd limit- index1: 0 Menus:
SrcConnLmtMon2 value monitor with smoothing (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2141 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U142 Function parameter for entering the smoothing time Init: 0 Menus:
SmConnLmtMon 2 constants of the 2nd limit-value monitors with smoothing (1 Min: 0 - Parameter menu
word). Max: 10000 + Free blocks
2142 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U143 Function parameter for entering the hysteresis of the 2nd Init: 0,00 Menus:
HysConnLmtMon2 limit-value monitors with smoothing (1 word). Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 199,99 + Free blocks
2143 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U144* Function parameter for entering the mode of the 2nd limit- Init: 0 Menus:
ModeConnLmtMon2 value monitors with smoothing (1 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 2 + Free blocks
2144 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U145 Function parameter for entering the fixed setpoint for the 1st Init: 0,00 Menus:
FSDConnLmtMon1 limit-value monitor with smoothing (2 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2145 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I4 - Drive setting
- Ready
U146* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the 1st limit- index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDConnLmtMon1 value monitor with smoothing (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2146 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U147 Function parameter for entering the smooothing time Init: 0 Menus:
HysLmtMon3 constants of the 1st limit-value monitor with smoothing (2 Min: 0 - Parameter menu
word). Max: 10000 + Free blocks
2147 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U148 Function parameter for entering the hysteresis of the 1st limit- Init: 0,00 Menus:
HysDConnLmtMon1 value monitor with smoothing (2 word). Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 199,99 + Free blocks
2148 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O4 - Drive setting
- Ready
U149* Function parameter for entering the mode of the 1st limit- Init: 0 Menus:
ModeDConnLmtMon value monitors with smoothing (2 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
1 Max: 2 + Free blocks
Unit: - - Upread/free access
2149 Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U150 Function parameter for entering the fixed setpoint for the 2nd Init: 0,00 Menus:
FSDConnLmtMon2 limit-value monitor without smoothing (2 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2150 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I4 - Drive setting
- Ready
U151* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the 2nd limit- index1: 0 Menus:
SrcDConnLmtMon2 value monitor without smoothing (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2151 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U152 Function parameter for entering the hysteresis of the 2nd Init: 0,00 Menus:
HysDConnLmtMon2 limit-value monitor without smoothing (2 word). Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 199,99 + Free blocks
2152 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O4 - Drive setting
- Ready
U153* Function parameters for entering the mode of the 2nd limit- Init: 0 Menus:
ModeDConnLmtMon value monitor without smoothing (2 word). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
2 Max: 2 + Free blocks
Unit: - - Upread/free access
2153 Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U154* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the cam Init: 0 Menus:
Src Cam 1/2 controller with cam 1 and cam 2. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2154 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U155 Function parameter for entering the hysteresis of the cam Init: 0 Menus:
Hys Cam 1/2 controller with cam 1 and cam 2. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: + Free blocks
2155 2147483647 - Upread/free access
Unit: - Changeable in:
Indices: - - Drive setting
Type: O4 - Ready
U156 Function parameter for entering the ON-position of cam 1. index1: 0 Menus:
ON-Pos Cam1 The value of the ON position must be smaller than that of the Min: - - Parameter menu
OFF position. 2147483647 + Free blocks
2156 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U157 Function parameter for entering the OFF-position of cam 1. index1: 0 Menus:
OFF-Pos Cam1 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2157 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U158 Function parameter for entering the ON-Position of cam 2. index1: 0 Menus:
ON-Pos Cam2 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2158 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U159 Function parameter for entering the OFF-position of cam 2. index1: 0 Menus:
OFF-Pos Cam2 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2159 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U160* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the cam Init: 0 Menus:
Src Cam 3/4 controller with cam 3 and cam 4. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2160 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U161 Function parameter for entering the hysteresis of the cam Init: 0 Menus:
Hys Cam 3/4 controller with cam 3 and cam 4. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: + Free blocks
2161 2147483647 - Upread/free access
Unit: - Changeable in:
Indices: - - Drive setting
Type: O4 - Ready
U162 Function parameter for entering the ON-position of cam 3. index1: 0 Menus:
ON-Pos Cam3 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2162 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U163 Function parameter for entering the OFF-position of cam 3. index1: 0 Menus:
OFF-Pos Cam3 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2163 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U164 Function parameters for entering the ON-position of cam 4. index1: 0 Menus:
ON-Pos Cam4 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2164 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U165 Function parameters for entering the OFF-position of cam 4. index1: 0 Menus:
OFF-Pos Cam4 Min: - - Parameter menu
2147483647 + Free blocks
2165 Max: - Upread/free access
2147483647 Changeable in:
Unit: - - Drive setting
Indices: 4 - Ready
Type: I4
U166* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the analog- Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 ConnCh1 signal changeover switch 1 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2166 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U167* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2 ConnCh1 signal changeover switch 1 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2167 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U168* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 ConnCh2 changeover switch 2 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2168 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U169* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2 ConnCh2 signal changeover switch 2 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2169 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U170* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 ConnCh3 changeover switch 3 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2170 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U171* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2 ConnCh3 signal changeover switch 3 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2171 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U172* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 ConnCh4 changeover switch 4 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2172 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U173* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2 ConnCh4 signal changeover switch 4 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2173 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U174* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 ConnCh5 changeover switch 5 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2174 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U175* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2 ConnCh5 signal changeover switch 5 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2175 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U176* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src1DconnCh1 changeover switch 1 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2176 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U177* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2DConnCh1 signal changeover switch 1 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2177 Type: L2 ,K ,K + Technology
+ Positioning
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U178* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src1DConnCh2 changeover switch 2 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2178 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U179* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2DConnCh2 signal changeover switch 2 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2179 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U180* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src1DConnCh3 changeover switch 3 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2180 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U181* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2DConnCh3 signal changeover switch 3 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2181 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U182* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: Menus:
Src1DConnCh4 changeover switch 4 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2182 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U183* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2DConnCh4 signal changeover switch 4 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2183 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U184* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src1DConnCh5 changeover switch 5 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2184 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U185* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- index1: 0 Menus:
Src2DConnCh5 signal changeover switch 5 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2185 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U186* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for the index1: 0 Menus:
Src1 Multiplex multiplexer with 8 channels (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 4 + Free blocks
2186 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U187* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the index1: 0 Menus:
Src 2 Multiplex multiplexer with 8 channels (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 8 + Free blocks
2187 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U188* BICO for selecting the binectors for the demultiplexer with 8 index1: 0 Menus:
Src1 Demultiplex channels (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 5 + Free blocks
2188 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U189* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the Init: 0 Menus:
Src2 Demultiplex demultiplexer with 8 channels (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2189 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U190* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for Init: 0 Menus:
Src Char1 characteristic block 1 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2190 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U191 Function parameters for entering the X-values for index1: 0,00 Menus:
X-Vals Char1 characteristic block 1 (1 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2191 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 10 Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U192 Function parameters for entering the Y-values for index1: 0,00 Menus:
Y-Vals Char1 characteristic block 1 (1 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2192 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 10 Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U193* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for Init: 0 Menus:
Src Char2 characteristic block 2 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2193 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U194 Function parameters for entering the X-values for index1: 0,00 Menus:
X-Vals Char2 characteristic block 2 (1 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2194 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 10 Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U195 Function parameters for entering the Y-values for index1: 0,00 Menus:
Y-Vals Char2 characteristic block 2 (1 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2195 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 10 Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U196* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the Init: 0 Menus:
Src Char3 characteristic block 3 (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2196 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U197 Function parameters for entering the X-values for index1: 0,00 Menus:
X-Vals Char3 characteristic block 2 (1 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2197 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 10 Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U198 Function parameters for entering the Y-values for index1: 0,00 Menus:
Y-Vals Char3 characteristic block 3 (1 word). Min: -200,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2198 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 10 Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U199* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the dead Init: 0 Menus:
Src DeadZone zone (1 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2199 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U200 Function parameter for entering the neutral zone for the dead Init: 0,00 Menus:
Neutral Zone zone (1 word). Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 100,00 + Free blocks
2200 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U201* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for maximum index1: 0 Menus:
SrcMaxSel selection (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2201 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U202* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for minimum index1: 0 Menus:
SrcMinSel selection (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2202 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U203* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for index1: 0 Menus:
Src1 Tra/Stor1 tracking/storage element 1 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2203 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U204* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for Init: 0 Menus:
Src2 Tra/Stor1 tracking/storage element 1 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2204 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U206* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for index1: 0 Menus:
Src1 Tra/Stor2 Tracking/storage element 2 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2206 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U207* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for Init: 0 Menus:
Src2 Tra/Stor2 tracking/storage element 2 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2207 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U209* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 Store 1 signal storage 1 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2209 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U210* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src2 Store 1 storage 1 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2210 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U211* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for analog- Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 Store 2 signal storage 2 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2211 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U212* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for analog-signal Init: 0 Menus:
Src2 Store 2 storage 2 (2 word). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2212 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U221* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND1 1 (Output = B601). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2221 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U222* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND2 2 (Output = B602). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2222 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U223* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND3 3 (Output = B603). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2223 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U224* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND4 4 (Output = B604). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2224 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U225* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND5 5 (Output = B605). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2225 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U226* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND6 6 (Output = B606). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2226 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U227* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND7 7 (Output = B607). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2227 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U228* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND8 8 (Output = B608). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2228 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U229* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND9 9 (Output = B609). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2229 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U230* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND10 10 (Output = B610). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2230 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U231* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND11 11 (Output = B611). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2231 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U232* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND12 12 (Output = B612). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2232 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U233* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND13 13 (Output = B613). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2233 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U234* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND14 14 (Output = B614). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2234 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U235* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND15 15 (Output = B615). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2235 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U236* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND16 16 (Output = B616). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2236 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U237* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND17 17 (Output = B617). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2237 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U238* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for AND element index1: 1 Menus:
Src AND18 18 (Output = B618). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2238 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U239* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element 1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR1 (Output = B619). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2239 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U240* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element 2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR2 (Output = B620). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2240 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U241* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element 3 index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR3 (Output = B621). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2241 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U242* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element 4 index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR4 (Output = B622). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2242 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U243* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element 5 index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR5 (Output = B623). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2243 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U244* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element 6 index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR6 (Output = B624). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2244 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U245* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element 7 index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR7 (Output = B625). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2245 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U246* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element 8 index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR8 (Output = B626). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2246 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U247* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element 9 index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR9 (Output = B627). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2247 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U248* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR10 10 (Output = B628). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2248 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U249* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR11 11 (Output = B629). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2249 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U250* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for OR element index1: 0 Menus:
Src OR12 12 (Output = B630). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2250 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U251* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 1 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv1 (Output = B641). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2251 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U252* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 2 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv2 (Output = B642). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2252 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U253* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 3 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv3 (Output = B643). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2253 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U254* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 4 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv4 (Output = B644). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2254 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U255* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 5 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv5 (Output = B645). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2255 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U256* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 6 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv6 (Output = B646). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2256 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U257* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 7 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv7 (Output = B647). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2257 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U258* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 8 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv8 (Output = B648). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2258 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U259* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 9 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv9 (Output = B649). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2259 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U260* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for inverter 10 Init: 0 Menus:
Src BinInv10 (Output = B650). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2260 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U261* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for NAND index1: 0 Menus:
Src NAND1 element 1 (Output = B681). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2261 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U262* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for NAND index1: 0 Menus:
Src NAND2 element 2 (Output = B682). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2262 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U263* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for NAND index1: 0 Menus:
Src NAND3 element 3 (Output = B683). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2263 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U264* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for NAND index1: 0 Menus:
Src NAND4 element 4 (Output = B684). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2264 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U265* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for NAND index1: 0 Menus:
Src NAND5 element 5 (Output = B685). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2265 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U266* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for NAND index1: 0 Menus:
Src NAND6 element 6 (Output = B686). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2266 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U267* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for NAND index1: 0 Menus:
Src NAND7 element 7 (Output = B687). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2267 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U268* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for NAND index1: 0 Menus:
Src NAND8 element 8 (Output = B688). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2268 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U271* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for binary-signal index1: 0 Menus:
Src BinCh1 changeover switch 1 (Output= B661). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2271 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U272* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for binary-signal index1: 0 Menus:
Src BinCh2 changeover switch 2 (Output= B662). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2272 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U273* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for binary-signal index1: 0 Menus:
Src BinCh3 changeover switch 3 (Output= B663). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2273 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U274* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for binary-signal index1: 0 Menus:
Src BinCh4 changeover switch 4 (Output= B664). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2274 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U275* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for binary-signal index1: 0 Menus:
Src BinCh5 changeover switch 5 (Output= B665). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 3 + Free blocks
2275 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U276* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for EXOR index1: 0 Menus:
Src EXOR1 (exclusive or) element 1 (Output = B666). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2276 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U277* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for EXOR index1: 0 Menus:
Src EXOR2 element 2 (Output = B667). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2277 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U278* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for EXOR index1: 0 Menus:
Src EXOR3 element 3 (Output = B668). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2278 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U279* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for D flipflop index1: 0 Menus:
Src D-FlipFlop1 element 1 (Outputs: Q = B525, ¯Q = B526). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 4 + Free blocks
2279 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U280* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for D flipflop 2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src D-FlipFlop2 (Outputs: Q = B527, ¯Q = B528). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 4 + Free blocks
2280 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U281* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 1 index1: 0 Menus:
Src RS-FlipFlop1 (Outputs: Q = B501, ¯Q = B502). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2281 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U282* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 2 index1: 0 Menus:
Src RS-FlipFlop2 (Outputs: Q = B503, ¯Q = B504). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2282 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U283* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 3 index1: 0 Menus:
Src RS-FlipFlop3 (Outputs: Q = B505, ¯Q = B506). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2283 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U284* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 4 index1: 0 Menus:
Src RS-FlipFlop4 (Outputs: Q = B507, ¯Q = B508). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2284 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U285* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 5 index1: 0 Menus:
Src RS-FlipFlop5 (Outputs: Q = B509, ¯Q = B510). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2285 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U286* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 6 index1: 0 Menus:
Src RS-FlipFlop6 (Outputs: Q = B511, ¯Q = B512). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2286 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U287* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 7 index1: 0 Menus:
Src RS-FlipFlop7 (Outputs: Q = B513, ¯Q = B514). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2287 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U288* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 8 index1: 0 Menus:
Src RS-FlipFlop8 (Outputs: Q = B515, ¯Q = B516). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2288 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U289* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 9 index1: 0 Menus:
Src RS-FlipFlop9 (Outputs: Q = B517, ¯Q = B518). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2289 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U290* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 10 index1: 0 Menus:
SrcRS-FlipFlop10 (Outputs: Q = B519, ¯Q = B520). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2290 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U291* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 11 index1: 0 Menus:
SrcRS-FlipFlop11 (Outputs: Q = B521, ¯Q = B522). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2291 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U292* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for RS flipflop 12 index1: 0 Menus:
SrcRS-FlipFlop12 (Outputs: Q = B523, ¯Q = B524). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2292 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U293* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the 1st timer (0 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Timer1 to 60,000 s). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2293 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U294 Function parameter for entering the time for the 1st timer (1 index1: 0,000 Menus:
Time Timer1 to 60,000 s). Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,000 + Free blocks
2294 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U295* Function parameter for entering the mode for the 1st timer (1 Init: 0 Menus:
Mode Timer1 to 60,000 s). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2295 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U296* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the 2nd timer Init: 0 Menus:
Src Timer2 (1 to 60,000 s). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2296 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U297 Function parameter for entering the time for the 2nd timer (1 index1: 0,000 Menus:
Time Timer2 to 60,000 s). FDS Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,000 + Free blocks
2297 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U298* Function parameter for entering the mode for the 2nd timer(1 Init: 0 Menus:
Mode Timer2 to 60,000 s). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2298 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U299* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the 3rd timer (1 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Timer3 to 60,000 s). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2299 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U300 Function parameter for entering the time for the 3rd timer 1 index1: 0,000 Menus:
Time Timer3 to 60,000 s). FDS Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,000 + Free blocks
2300 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U301* Function parameter for entering the mode for the 3rd timer (1 Init: 0 Menus:
Mode Timer3 to 60,000 s). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2301 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U302* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the 4th timer (1 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Timer4 to 60,000 s). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2302 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U303 Function parameter for entering the time for the 4th timer (1 index1: 0,000 Menus:
Time Timer4 to 60,000 s). FDS Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,000 + Free blocks
2303 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U304* Function parameter for entering the mode for the 4th timer (1 Init: 0 Menus:
Mode Timer4 to 600,000 s). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2304 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U305* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the 5th timer (0 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Timer5 to 600,000 s). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2305 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U306 Function parameter for entering the time for the 5th timer (0 index1: 0,00 Menus:
Time Timer5 to 600,000s). FDS Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 600,00 + Free blocks
2306 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U307* Function parameter for entering the mode for the 5th timer(0 Init: 0 Menus:
Mode Timer5 to 600,000s). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2307 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U308* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the 6th timer (0 Init: 0 Menus:
Src Timer6 to 600,000s). Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2308 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U309 Function parameter for entering the time for the 6th timer (0 index1: 0,00 Menus:
Time Timer6 to 600,000s). FDS Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 600,00 + Free blocks
2309 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U310* Function parameter for entering the mode for the 6th timer (0 Init: 0 Menus:
Mode Timer6 to 600,00s). Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2310 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U311* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the 7th timer (1 Init: 0 Menus:
Src1 Timer7 to 60 000 s) with adaptation. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2311 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U312* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the 7th Init: 1 Menus:
Src2 Timer7 timer (1 to 60 000 s) with adaptation. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2312 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U313 Function parameter for entering the time for the 7th timer (1 index1: 0,000 Menus:
Time Timer7 to 60 000 s) with adaptation. Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,000 + Free blocks
2313 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U314* Function parameter for entering the mode for the 7th timer (1 Init: 0 Menus:
Mode Timer7 to 60 000 s) with adaptation. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 3 + Free blocks
2314 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U315 Function parameter for entering the fixed setpoints for the 16 index1: 0 Menus:
Param Counter bit software counter. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 65535 + Free blocks
2315 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U316* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the 16 bit index1: 561 Menus:
Src ParamCounter software counter. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 4 + Free blocks
2316 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U317* BICO parameter for selecting the binectors for the 16 bit index1: 0 Menus:
Src Bin Counter software counter. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 5 + Free blocks
2317 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
n318 Visualization parameter for counter output of the 16 bit Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Counter Output software counter. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2318 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
U320* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the input of Init: 0 Menus:
SrcComfRGen In the comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2320 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U321* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for stopping of the Init: 0 Menus:
SrcComfRGen Stop comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2321 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U322* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for shutdown of Init: 0 Menus:
SrcComfRGen SD the comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2322 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U323* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the setting Init: 0 Menus:
SrcComfRGenSetV value of the comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2323 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U324* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for setting the Init: 0 Menus:
Src Set ComfRGen comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2324 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U325* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for releasing the Init: 1 Menus:
Src Rel ComfRGen comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2325 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U327 Operating mode for rounding of the comfort ramp-function Init: 0 Menus:
ComfRGen Round generator. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
0 = Rounding does not act upon sudden reduction of input Max: 1 + Free blocks
2327 value during acceleration process Unit: - - Upread/free access
1 = Rounding acts at all times. At a sudden reduction of the Indices: - Changeable in:
input value, overshoot can occur. Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U328* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for bridging the Init: 0 Menus:
SrcComfRGenBridg comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2328 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U329* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for adaptation of Init: 1 Menus:
SrcComfRGenAdap the comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2329 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U330 Function parameter for input of the acceleration time of the index1: 10,0 Menus:
ComfRGenAccelT comfort ramp-function generator. The unit of the acceleration Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
time is set in U331. Max: 999,9 + Free blocks
2330 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U331 Function parameter for entering the unit of the acceleration index1: 0 Menus:
ComfRGenUnitAT time of the comfort ramp-function generator. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
0 = seconds Max: 2 + Free blocks
2331 1 = minutes Unit: - - Upread/free access
2 = hours Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U332 Function parameter for entering the deceleration time of the index1: 10,0 Menus:
ComfRGenDecelT comfort ramp-function generator. The unit of the deceleration Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
time is set in U333. Max: 999,9 + Free blocks
2332 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U333 Function parameter for entering the unit of the deceleration index1: 0 Menus:
ComfRGenUnitDT time of the comfort ramp-function generator. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
0 = seconds Max: 2 + Free blocks
2333 1 = minutes Unit: - - Upread/free access
2 = hours Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U334 Function parameter for input of the initial rounding time of the index1: 0,00 Menus:
ComfRGenInitRd comfort ramp-function generator. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 10,00 + Free blocks
2334 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U335 Function parameter for input of the final rounding time of the index1: 0,00 Menus:
ComfRGenEndRd comfort ramp-function generator. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 10,00 + Free blocks
2335 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U336 Parameter for entering the rated acceleration time of the Init: 0,01 Menus:
ComfRGenRtdAT comfort ramp-function generator. Min: 0,01 - Parameter menu
The following applies: Acceleration time = rated acceleration Max: 300,00 + Free blocks
2336 time -> dy/dt = 100% Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U337 Parameter for entering the quick stop time of the comfort Init: 10,0 Menus:
ComfRGenQSTime ramp-function generator. Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
Max: 999,9 + Free blocks
2337 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U338* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for quick stop of Init: 0 Menus:
SrcComfRGen QS the comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2338 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
n340 Visualization parameter for output of the comfort ramp- Dec.Plc.: 2 Menus:
ComfRGen Output function generator. Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2340 Type: I4 - Upread/free access
U342 Parameter for input of the internal limitation of the comfort Init: 100,00 Menus:
ComfRGen IntLmt ramp-function generator. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 200,00 + Free blocks
2342 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I4 - Drive setting
- Ready
U343* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the positive Init: 573 Menus:
SrcComfRGenPosL internal limitation of the comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2343 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U344* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the negative Init: 574 Menus:
SrcComfRGenNegL internal limitation of the comfort ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2344 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U350* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for enabling the Init: 0 Menus:
Src TeCntr Rel technology controller. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2350 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U351 Parameter for entering the controller type of the technology Init: 1 Menus:
TeCntr RegType controller. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
0 = Normal PID controller Max: 1 + Free blocks
2351 1 = PI controller with D component in actual-value channel Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U352* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the setpoint Init: 0 Menus:
Src TeCntr Setp of the technology controller. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2352 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U353 Parameter for entering the setpoint smoothing time constants Init: 0,00 Menus:
TeCntr SetpSmth of the technology controller. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,00 + Free blocks
2353 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U355* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the actual Init: 0 Menus:
Src TeCntr ActV value of the technology contoller. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2355 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U358 Parameter for entering the actual-value smoothing time Init: 0,00 Menus:
TeCntr ActVSmth constants of the technology controller. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,00 + Free blocks
2358 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U360* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for setting the I Init: 556 Menus:
SrcTeCntr I Set component of the technology controller. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2360 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U361* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the setting Init: 0 Menus:
Src TeCntr ISetV value of the technology controller's I component. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2361 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U362* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the droop of Init: 0 Menus:
Src TeCntr Droop the technology controller. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2362 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U363* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the gain Init: 1 Menus:
Src TeCntrGainAd adaption of the technology controller. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2363 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U364 Function parameter for entering the basic gain of the index1: 3,00 Menus:
TeCntr BasicGain technology controller. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 125,00 + Free blocks
2364 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U366 Function parameter for entering the integral time of the index1: 3,00 Menus:
TeCntr Time technology controller. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 100,00 + Free blocks
2366 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U367 Function parameter for entering the derivative time of the index1: 0,00 Menus:
TeCntrDerivation technology controller. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,00 + Free blocks
2367 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U368* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the pre- Init: 0 Menus:
Src TeCntr PRE control signal of the technology controller. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2368 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U369 Parameter for entering a fixed setpoint value for the output Init: 100,0 Menus:
TeCntrFStpOutLim limitation ramp-function generator of the technology Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
controller. Max: 200,0 + Free blocks
2369 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: I2 - Drive setting
U370* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors for the output index1: 586 Menus:
Src TeCntrOutLim limitation of the technology controller. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Index 1: Connector for upper output limitation (B+) Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2370 Index 2: Connector for lower output limitation (B-) Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U371 Parameter for entering the acceleration/deceleration time for Init: 0,00 Menus:
TeCntrOutLimTime the output limitation of the technology controller. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 100,00 + Free blocks
2371 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U380* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the input of Init: 0 Menus:
Src SimpRGen In the simple ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2380 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U381* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for setting the Init: 0 Menus:
Src Set SimpRGen simple ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2381 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U382* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the setting Init: 0 Menus:
Src SetVSimpRGen value of the simple ramp-function generator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2382 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U383 Parameter for entering the acceleration and deceleration time index1: 10,00 Menus:
SimpRG Ac/DcTime of the simple ramp-function generator. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Index 1: Acceleration time Max: 100,00 + Free blocks
2383 Index 2: Deceleration time Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: 2 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U390* BICO parameter for selecting the connector for the input of Init: 0 Menus:
SrcWobbSetp Unwo the wobble generator Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2390 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U391* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the master Init: 0 Menus:
Src Wobb SyncInp synchronizing signal of the wobble generator Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2391 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U392* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for wobble release Init: 0 Menus:
Src Wobb Rel Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2392 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U393 Function parameter for entering the wobble amplitude as a index1: 0,00 Menus:
Wobb Amplitude relation to the input signal amount (setpoint) Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 20,00 + Free blocks
2393 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U394 Function parameter for entering the frequency of the wobble index1: 60,0 Menus:
Wobb Freq signal Min: 0,1 - Parameter menu
Max: 120,0 + Free blocks
2394 Unit: 1/min - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U395 Function parameter for entering the phase shift of the wobble index1: 360 Menus:
Wobb Phase Shift signal compared to the master synchronizing signal. At a Min: 0 - Parameter menu
value of 360°, the synchronizing signal is not observed; Max: 360 + Free blocks
2395 coasting wobbling takes place. Unit: ° (alt) - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U396 Function parameter for entering the amount of the negative P index1: 0,00 Menus:
Wobb P-Step step as a percentage of the wobble amplitude Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 100,00 + Free blocks
2396 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U397 Function parameter for entering the amount of the positive P index1: 0,00 Menus:
Wobb P-Step step as a percentage of the wobble amplitude. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
Max: 100,00 + Free blocks
2397 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U398 Function parameter for entering the time portion of the index1: 50 Menus:
Wobb Sampl Ratio increasing edge of the wobble signal Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 100 + Free blocks
2398 Unit: % - Upread/free access
Indices: 4 Changeable in:
,FDS - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
n399 Visualization parameter for displaying the wobble signal. Dec.Plc.: 1 Menus:
Wobb Gen Outp Unit: % - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2399 Type: I2 - Upread/free access
U400* Parameter for selecting the double word connector for the Init: 0 Menus:
SrcConnAnaDel_1 1st analog delay element. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2400 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U401* Parameter for entering the delay cycles of the 1st analog Init: 0 Menus:
AnaDelayEl_1_T delay element Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 32 + Free blocks
2401 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U402* Parameter for selecting the double word connector for the Init: 0 Menus:
SrcConnAnaDE_2 2nd analog delay element Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2402 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U403* Parameter for entering the delay cycles of the 2nd analog Init: 0 Menus:
AnaDE_2_T delay element Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 32 + Free blocks
2403 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U404* Parameter array for selecting the binectors for the 6 index1: 0 Menus:
SrcSampTChange sampling time changeover contacts Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 6 + Free blocks
2404 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U405* Parameter for selecting the 32-bit connector for the high- Init: 0 Menus:
SrcMulDiv32_1_32 resolution multiplier/divider 1 (2-word) Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2405 Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U406* Parameter for selecting the 16-bit connectors for the high- index1: 0 Menus:
SrcMulDiv32_1_16 resolution multiplier/divider 1 (2-word) Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2406 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U407* Parameter for selecting a connector as input for Init: 613 Menus:
SrcPulsGen Tp determination of the period of the 1st pulse generator Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2407 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U408* Parameter array for selecting the double-word connectors for index1: 0 Menus:
Src Integr32_1 the 1st 32-bit integrator: Unit: - - Parameter menu
Index 1: Current input value Indices: 4 + Free blocks
2408 Index 2: Upper limit Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Index 3: Lower limit Changeable in:
Index 4: Set value - Drive setting
- Ready
U409* Parameter for selecting the integral time constant for the 1st Init: 611 Menus:
Src Integr32_1_1 32-bit integrator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2409 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U410* Parameter for selecting a binector as setting command for Init: 0 Menus:
Src Integr32_1_s the 1st 32-bit integrator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2410 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U411* Parameter arry for selecting the double-word connectors for index1: 0 Menus:
Src Integr32_2 the 2nd 32-bit integrator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Index 1: Current input value Indices: 4 + Free blocks
2411 Index 2: Upper limit Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Index 3: Lower limit Changeable in:
Index 4: Set value - Drive setting
- Ready
U412* Parameter for selecting the integral time constant for the 2nd Init: 612 Menus:
Src Integr32_2_t 32-bit integrator Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2412 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U413* Parameter for selecting a binector as setting command for Init: 0 Menus:
Src Integr32_2_s the 2nd 32-bit integrator. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2413 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U415* Parameter for entering the filtering time for the 1st 32-bit PT1 Init: 0 Menus:
PT1Element32_1_t element. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 10000 + Free blocks
2415 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U416* Parameter for selecting a binector as setting comand for the Init: 0 Menus:
Src PT1Elem32_1_ 1st 32-bit PT1 element. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2416 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U418* Parameter for entering the filtering time for the 2nd 32-bit Init: 0 Menus:
PT1Elem32_2_t PT1 element. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 10000 + Free blocks
2418 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U419* Parameter for selecting a binector as the setting command Init: 0 Menus:
Src PT1El32_2_s for the 2nd 32-bit PT1 element. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: - + Free blocks
2419 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U421* Parameter for entering the time constant for the 1st 32-bit D Init: 0,01 Menus:
Src DElem32_1 element Min: 0,01 - Parameter menu
Max: 300,00 + Free blocks
2421 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U433* Parameter for entering the integral time constant of the 1st Init: 0,000 Menus:
Integr32_1_Ti 32-bit integrator. Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,000 + Free blocks
2433 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U434* Parameter for entering the integral time constant of the 2nd Init: 0,000 Menus:
Integr32_2_Ti 32-bit integrator. Min: 0,000 - Parameter menu
Max: 60,000 + Free blocks
2434 Unit: s - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U435* Parameter for entering the period of the 1st pulse generator. Init: 0 Menus:
ImpGen_1_Tp Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 60000 + Free blocks
2435 Unit: ms - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U438* BICO parameter for selecting the connector whose value index1: 479 Menus:
Src ConnToPar # supplies the parameter number for the connector-to- Unit: - - Parameter menu
parameter converter. Indices: 5 + Free blocks
2438 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U439* BICO parameter for selecting the connector whose value index1: 480 Menus:
SrcConnToPar Ind supplies the parameter index for the connector-to-parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
converter. Indices: 5 + Free blocks
2439 Type: L2 ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U441* Parameter for selecting 32-bit connectors for the P index1: 0 Menus:
Src P-Amplifier amplifier/multiplier (2-word) Unit: - - Parameter menu
Index 1: 1st P amplifier/multiplier Indices: 2 + Free blocks
2441 Index 2: 2nd P amplifier/multiplier Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U442* Number of shift steps for the shift multiplier/divider. index1: 0 Menus:
Shift 32_number Figure range: -31 to 31 Min: -31 - Parameter menu
Index 1: for 1st shift multiplier/divider Max: 31 + Free blocks
2442 Index 2: for 2nd shift multiplier/divider Unit: - - Upread/free access
Index 3: for 3rd shift multiplier/divider Indices: 4 Changeable in:
Index 4: for 4th shift multiplier/divider Type: I2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U443* Parameter for selecting 32-bit connectors for the shift index1: 0 Menus:
Src Shift32 multipliers/dividers (2-word) Unit: - - Parameter menu
Index 1: 1st shift multiplier/divider Indices: 4 + Free blocks
2443 Index 2: 2nd shift multiplier/divider Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
Index 3: 3rd shift multiplier/divider Changeable in:
Index 4: 4th shift multiplier/divider - Drive setting
- Ready
U444* BICO parameter for selecting the connector whose value is index1: 0 Menus:
Src ConnToPar V to be stored on the parameter. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 5 + Free blocks
2444 IMPORTANT. Type: L2 ,K ,K - Upread/free access
If there is a change of softwiring during the "Operation" drive Changeable in:
status, the trigger condition must always be softwired and be - Drive setting
at 0, as otherwise unintentional parameter changes may - Ready
U445* Function parameter whose value contains the parameter index1: 0 Menus:
ConnToPar Par# number for the connector-to- parameter converter. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
0 = no parameter selected. Max: 2999 + Free blocks
2445 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 5 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U446* Function parameter whose value contains the index of the index1: 0 Menus:
ConnToPar Index parameter for the connector-to- parameter converter. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
0 = no index parameter. Max: 255 + Free blocks
2446 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 5 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Ready
U447* BICO parameter for selecting the binector for the trigger index1: 0 Menus:
SrcConnToPar Trg signal which results in storage of the connector value on the Unit: - - Parameter menu
parameter. Indices: 5 + Free blocks
2447 Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
IMPORTANT: Changeable in:
If the softwiring is changed during the "Operation" drive - Drive setting
status, the trigger condition must always be softwired and be - Ready
at 0, as otherwise unintentional parameter changes may
U448* BICO parameter for selecting the binector which determines index1: 0 Menus:
SrcConnToParEEPR the memory area for the connector-to-parameter conversion. Unit: - - Parameter menu
0 = RAM Indices: 5 + Free blocks
2448 1 = EEPROM Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
CAUTION. - Drive setting
If the EEPROM is contually written with different values, this - Ready
will reduce the service life of the component.
U449* BICO parameter for selecting the binector which determines index1: 0 Menus:
SrcParToConnRd the type of access for the connector-to-parameter conversion. Unit: - - Parameter menu
0 = write Indices: 5 + Free blocks
2449 1 = read Type: L2 ,B - Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U480* BICO parameter for selecting the connectors to be recorded index1: 0 Menus:
SrcTraceInput by the trace function. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 8 + Diagnostics
2480 Indices: Index = channel number Type: L2 ,K ,K + Trace
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U481* Function parameter for entering the word length of the index1: 0 Menus:
Trace DoubleWord connector indicated in U2480 to be recorded by the trace Min: 0 - Parameter menu
function. Max: 1 + Diagnostics
2481 It is only possible to change the parameter if the trace Unit: - + Trace
function is not active (U488 = 0). If the parameter is Indices: 8 - Upread/free access
changed, an output of previously recorded values for Type: O2 Changeable in:
concerned channels is no longer possible. - Drive setting
- Ready
Parameter values:
0 = Word (16 bit)
1 = Double word (32 bit)
U482* Function parameter for entering the sampling time with which index1: 1 Menus:
TraceSampleTime the trace values are to be recorded in integral multiples of the Min: 1 - Parameter menu
basic sampling time of the trace function. Max: 200 + Diagnostics
2482 Unit: - + Trace
Indices: Index = channel number Indices: 8 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U483* BICO parameter for selecting the connector to be used by index1: 0 Menus:
SrcTriggerInput the trace function as a trigger Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 8 + Diagnostics
2483 Indices: Index = channel number Type: L2 ,K ,K + Trace
- Upread/free access
Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U484 Function parameter for entering the trigger threshold. The index1: 0 Menus:
TriggerThresh parameter value has to be entered in the format of a double- Min: - - Parameter menu
word connector. If bit trigger (U485 <> 16) is set, only the 2147483647 + Diagnostics
2484 parameter values 0 and 1 are permissible. Max: + Trace
2147483647 - Upread/free access
Indices: Index = channel number Unit: - Changeable in:
Indices: 8 - Drive setting
Type: I4 - Ready
U485* Function parameter for entering the position of the bit to be index1: 16 Menus:
TriggerBitNo. triggered (in the case of bit trigger). A bit trigger can only be Min: 0 - Parameter menu
set if the trigger threshold (U484) has the values 0 or 1. If a Max: 16 + Diagnostics
2485 bit trigger is set, the trigger condition (U486) is automatically Unit: - + Trace
adjusted to 1 (trigger if trigger input = trigger threshold). Indices: 8 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Parameter values: - Drive setting
0 to 15: Position of the bit (bit trigger) - Ready
16: No bit trigger
U486* Function parameter for entering the trigger condition index1: 0 Menus:
TriggerCondition Min: 0 - Parameter menu
If a bit trigger (U485) is set, only parameter value 1 is Max: 4 + Diagnostics
2486 permissible. If parameter value 3 is set, parameters U483, Unit: - + Trace
U484 are not significant. Indices: 8 - Upread/free access
Type: O2 Changeable in:
Parameter value - Drive setting
0 = Trigger if trigger input < trigger threshold - Ready
1 = Trigger if trigger input = trigger threshold
2 = Trigger if trigger input > trigger threshold
3 = Trigger if fault
4 = Trigger if trigger input <> trigger threshold
U487* Function parameter for entering the size of the pretrigger. index1: 0 Menus:
PreTrigger Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Parameter value: Max: 100 + Diagnostics
2487 Relation of the number of data recorded before the trigger Unit: % + Trace
event to the total number as a percentage. Example: 40 % Indices: 8 - Upread/free access
means that 40% of the data in the trace buffer were recorded Type: O2 Changeable in:
before the trigger event and 60% after the trigger event. - Drive setting
- Drive setting
Indices: Index = channel number - Ready
U490 Function parameter for entering the number of the trace data index1: 0 Menus:
Trace D-BlockNo. block for each trace channel. The trace data block can be Min: 0 - Parameter menu
read out via visualization parameters n491 to n498. Max: 255 + Diagnostics
2490 Unit: - + Trace
Parameter value: Indices: 8 - Upread/free access
0 - 254: Output of corresponding data block Type: O2 Changeable in:
255: Output of trigger index - Drive setting
- Ready
Indices: Index = channel number
n491 Visualization parameter for displaying a data block of the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
TraceData Ch1 trace data of channel 1. The block number of the trace data Unit: - - Parameter menu
is set in parameter U490.01. If all values of the array are Indices: 100 + Diagnostics
2491 requested with one task via an automation interface (SCom1, Type: O2 + Trace
SCom2, SCP, DPR), the parameter U490.01 is automatically - Upread/free access
increased by 1 when output in order to enable optimum read-
out of the trace data.
1: Block ID
2-.100: Trace data
U805* Maximum speed for clockwise rotation and counter- Init: 1500 Menus:
Max Speed clockwise rotation. Limitation of the setpoint. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Note: Only active for P2800 = 1, otherwise parameters P452 Max: 6000 - Drive setting
2805 and P453 apply Unit: 1/min - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Drive setting
U806* BICO parameter for selecting a double connector (e.g. of the index1: 0 Menus:
SrcSpeedConn setpoint channel) which is displayed in m/s in parameter Unit: - - Parameter menu
r2807. Indices: 5 - Upread/free access
2806 Type: L2 ,K ,K Changeable in:
- Drive setting
U818* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 4 index1: 0 Menus:
Src FSetp Bit4 for selecting (1 out of n) fixed setpoint 6 is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Dependence: P2822 Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
2818 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U819* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 5 index1: 0 Menus:
Src FSetp Bit5 for selecting (1 out of n) fixed setpoint 7 is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Dependence: P2822 Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
2819 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U820* BICO parameter for selecting the binector from which bit 6 index1: 0 Menus:
Src FSetp Bit6 for selecting (1 out of n) fixed setpoint 8 is to be read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Dependence: P2822 Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
2820 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U821* BICO parameter for selecting a binector from which the index1: 1 Menus:
Src BCD Trigger trigger signal for acceptance of the fixed setpoint is to be Unit: - - Parameter menu
read in. Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
2821 Dependence: P2822 = 2 ,BDS - Upread/free access
Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
n823 The travel command (FK) is calculated from the selected Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Travel Command fixed setpoints. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Parameter values: Indices: - - Upread/free access
2823 0: For selection of FSetp1 (power down) Type: O2
1: For selection of FSetp 2 to FSetp3, FSetp7 and Fsetp8
(standard travel)
2: For selection of FSetp5 (approach)
3: For selection of FSetp6 (correction)
U824* Threshold which, when surpassed by the setpoint of binector Init: 0,00 Menus:
ThrPulseEnable B857, is set to 0. Value in % reference speed (P2801). Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
e.g. for automatic pulse enable via braking control. Max: 100,00 - Upread/free access
2824 Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: - - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U826* Selection of the ramp-function generator function data set. Init: 0 Menus:
Sel FDS Rgen The function data set can be selected for the ramp-function Min: 0 - Parameter menu
generator parameters via the present travel command Max: 1 - Upread/free access
2826 (r2823). The FDS control word bits (P576, P577) are then Unit: - Changeable in:
not effective for the ramp-function generator parameters. Indices: - - Drive setting
Parameter values: Type: O2 - Ready
0: Selection as for FDS control word bits (P576, P577)
1: FDS1 for RGen parameter at r2823 = 0
FDS2 for RGen parameter at r2823 = 1
FDS3 for RGen parameter at r2823 = 2
FDS4 is not selected
U827* Acceleration of the ramp-function generator during ramp-up. index1: 1,000 Menus:
Acceleration FDS(4) parameter. Min: 0,010 - Parameter menu
Values: 0.1 m/s² to 10 m/s² Max: 10,000 - Upread/free access
2827 Note: the value 10 m/s² bypasses the ramp-function Unit: m/s² Changeable in:
generator Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: O2
U828* Deceleration of the ramp-function generator during ramp- index1: 1,000 Menus:
Deceleration down. Min: 0,010 - Parameter menu
FDS(4) parameter. Max: 10,000 - Upread/free access
2828 Values: 0.1m/s² to 10 m/s² Unit: m/s² Changeable in:
Note: the value 10 m/s² bypasses the ramp-function Indices: 4 - Drive setting
generator ,FDS - Ready
Type: O2
U829* Initial jerk of the ramp-function generator during acceleration index1: 0,800 Menus:
Init Jerk and deceleration. Min: 0,010 - Parameter menu
FDS(4) parameter. Max: 10,000 - Upread/free access
2829 Values: 0.1m/s² to 10 m/s² Unit: m/s³ Changeable in:
Note: the value 10 m/s² de-energizes the jerk limitation of the Indices: 4 - Drive setting
ramp-function generator (endless jerk) ,FDS - Ready
Type: O2
U830* Final jerk of the ramp-function generator during acceleration index1: 0,800 Menus:
Final Jerk and deceleration. Min: 0,010 - Parameter menu
FDS(4) parameter. Max: 10,000 - Upread/free access
2830 Values: 0.1m/s² to 10 m/s² Unit: m/s³ Changeable in:
Note: the value 10 m/s² de-energizes the jerk limitation of the Indices: 4 - Drive setting
ramp-function generator (endless jerk) ,FDS - Ready
Type: O2
U835* Smoothing time constant (PT1) in ms for the speed actual- Init: 100 Menus:
Smoothing V(act) value during calculation of the speed comparison messages Min: 10 - Parameter menu
(B851 to B854). Max: 1000 - Upread/free access
2835 Correlation: P2831, P2832, P2833, P2834 Unit: ms Changeable in:
(comparison speeds) Indices: - - Drive setting
Type: O2
U836* Hysteresis for the comparison speed messages. Init: 3,0 Menus:
Compare Hyst Indicated in % (referred to the respective comparison speed Min: 0,0 - Parameter menu
actual-value). Applicable for all 4 comparison speeds. Max: 100,0 - Upread/free access
2836 Correlation: P2831, P2832, P2833, P2834 Unit: % Changeable in:
Indices: - - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U837* DC link voltage range Vd under emergency operating index1: 380 Menus:
EmergOper Vd conditions (power failure). If the DC link voltage lies between Min: 10 - Parameter menu
the minimum and maximum emergency operating voltage at Max: 400 - Drive setting
2837 the end of pre-charging (= battery voltage), the system Unit: V - Upread/free access
internally changes over to emergency operation. The fault Indices: 2 Changeable in:
message F002 (pre-charging) is suppressed for this voltage Type: O2 - Drive setting
range. If the DC link voltage is less than the value
parameterized in Index 2, binector B856 High is set.
Index 1 = minimum Vd in emergency operation
Index 2 = maximum Vd in emergency operation.
The value in Index 2 must always be greater than or equal to
the value in Index 1.
U838* Motor data set for emergency operation (power failure). If the Init: 1 Menus:
EmergOperMDS control mode is to be changed automatically during Min: 1 - Parameter menu
emergency operation (e.g. to V/f characteristic due to low DC Max: 4 - Drive setting
2838 link voltage), the motor data set can then be specified here in Unit: - - Upread/free access
which the control mode has been set. All parameters of this Indices: - Changeable in:
motor data set must be set accordingly. Type: O2 - Drive setting
U839* Speed setpoint for emergency operation (power failure). The Init: 0,200 Menus:
EmergOper V emergency speed setpoint is approached in emergency Min: 0,010 - Parameter menu
operation instead of fixed setpoints 2 to 8. Max: 2,000 - Drive setting
2839 Unit: m/s - Upread/free access
Indices: - Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
- Drive setting
- Ready
U840* Threshold for the maximum absolute current value to monitor Init: 500 Menus:
I(max) Brake the brake. If the absolute output current of the converter Min: 100 - Parameter menu
exceeds this threshold for longer than one second, then the Max: 500 - Upread/free access
2840 fault message F0957 "Brake not open" is output. The rated Unit: % Changeable in:
motor current is the reference quantity (P102). The threshold Indices: - - Drive setting
must lie a minimum of 10% above the maximum possible Type: O2 - Ready
acceleration current (e.g. current at overload).
Values: 100% to 500%
U841* Smoothing time constant (PT1) for the additional setpoint 2. index1: 50 Menus:
Smooth AddSetp2 4 ms to 100 ms. Min: 4 - Parameter menu
Precondition: Smoothing only active when P2800 = 1 Max: 1000 - Upread/free access
2841 Unit: ms Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U842* Setting value for the start pulse (gearbox pulse) in %. The index1: 0,0 Menus:
Start Pulse start pulse is added to the speed setpoint after the ramp- Min: -100,0 - Parameter menu
function generator. This brief additional setpoint is injected Max: 100,0 - Upread/free access
2842 into the speed controller. This thus prevents the load briefly Unit: % Changeable in:
sagging (dropping). The nominal system speed (P2801) is Indices: 4 - Drive setting
the reference quantity. Type: I2 - Ready
Correlation: P2843 (Smooth Start Pulse)
P2844 (Source Start Pulse)
Precondition: P2800 = 1
U843* Smoothing time constant (PT1) for the start pulse (gearbox index1: 100 Menus:
SmoothStartPulse pulse) Min: 50 - Parameter menu
50 ms to 100 ms Max: 1000 - Upread/free access
2843 Correlation: P2842 (start pulse) Unit: ms Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
Type: O2 - Ready
U844* BICO parameter for selecting the source for the start pulse index1: 275 Menus:
Src StartPulse trip Unit: - - Parameter menu
Precondition: Indices: 2 + Setpoint channel
2844 Trip only after inverter disable and for lift operation (P2800 = ,BDS - Upread/free access
1) Type: L2 ,B Changeable in:
- Drive setting
- Ready
U845* Time for to delay the 1st approach point. Change over to the index1: 0,00 Menus:
Approach Delay approach setpoint (FSetp5, P2814) is delayed by this time. Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
This prevents the need to modify the limit switches. Max: 10,00 - Upread/free access
2845 Values: 0 s .... 10 s Unit: s Changeable in:
Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: O2
U846* Delay time for the short run calculation. index1: 0,00 Menus:
Time Short Run The acceleration phase is extended by this time if the ramp- Min: 0,00 - Parameter menu
function generator has not stabilized but has already run Max: 10,00 - Upread/free access
2846 through the brake point (select FSetp5, P2823) Unit: s Changeable in:
Values: 0 s ... 10 s Indices: 4 - Drive setting
,FDS - Ready
Type: O2
U847* BICO parameter from which the time of the short run is to be index1: 650 Menus:
Src t-short run read in. Unit: - - Parameter menu
Normalization: Indices: 2 - Upread/free access
2847 T(short run) = T(sample) * connector value ,BDS Changeable in:
Type: L2 ,K - Drive setting
n848 Speed actual-value in m/s (as 2809, but smoothed) Dec.Plc.: 3 Menus:
Disp V-act Sm'th Unit: m/s - Parameter menu
Indices: - - Upread/free access
2848 Type: I2 - Drive setting
U910* Parameter for deselecting the optional boards in the slots index1: 0 Menus:
SlotDeselect Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Index 1: Basic board Max: 1 - Board configuration
2910 Index 2: Deselection of slot A Unit: - - Upread/free access
Index 3: Deselection of slot B Indices: 8 Changeable in:
Index 4: Deselection of slot C Type: O2 - Quick parameterization
Index 5: Deselection of slot D
Index 6: Deselection of slot E
Index 7: Deselection of slot F
Index 8: Deselection of slot G
n911 Visualization parameter for displaying the board ID. This ID Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Board ID enables various hardware statuses of the installed electronic Unit: - - Parameter menu
boards to be determined. Indices: 8 - Fixed settings
2911 Type: O2 - Quick parameterization
Index 1: Basic board - Board configuration
Index 2: Optional board on slot A - Drive setting
Index 3: Optional board on slot B - Download
Index 4: Optional board on slot C - Upread/free access
Index 5: Optional board on slot D - Power section definition
Index 6: Optional board on slot E
Index 7: Optional board on slot F
Index 8: Optional board on slot G
n912 Information on the software version of the gating unit Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
VCS SW Inform processor Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 5 - Fixed settings
2912 Index 1: Software version Type: O2 - Quick parameterization
Index 2: Software ID - Board configuration
Index 3: Generation date year - Drive setting
Index 4: Generation date month - Download
Index 5: Generation date day - Upread/free access
- Power section definition
U950* Parameter for setting the sampling time of the functions with index1: 20 Menus:
Sampling Times1 function numbers 1 to 100. Min: 2 - Parameter menu
Max: 20 + Releases
2950 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 100 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U951* Parameter for setting the sampling time of the functions with index1: 20 Menus:
Sampling Times2 function numbers 101 to 200. Min: 2 - Parameter menu
Max: 20 + Releases
2951 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 100 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U952* Parameter for setting the sampling time of the function with index1: 20 Menus:
Sampling Times3 function numbers 201 to 300. Min: 2 - Parameter menu
Max: 20 + Releases
2952 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 100 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U953* Parameter for setting the sampling time of the functions with index1: 20 Menus:
Sampling Times4 function numbers 301 to 400. Min: 2 - Parameter menu
Max: 20 + Releases
2953 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 100 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
n957 Parameter for visualizing the sampling time of the internal Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Sampling Times 7 functions with function numbers 701 ... 800 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 100 + Releases
2957 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
n958 Parameter for visualization of the sampling time of internal Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
AutomaticRecord functions with function numbers 801 ... 900 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 100 + Releases
2958 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
n959 Parameter for visualization of the sampling time of internal Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
SamplingTimes9 functions with function numbers 901 ...1000 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 100 + Releases
2959 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
U961 Parameterizing of the processing sequence for functions 101 index1: 1010 Menus:
Func Sequence to 200. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 9999 + Releases
2961 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 100 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U962* Parameterizing of the processing sequence for functions 201 index1: 2010 Menus:
Func Sequence to 300. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 9999 + Releases
2962 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 100 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
U963* Parameterizing of the processing sequence for functions 301 index1: 3010 Menus:
Func Sequence to 400. Min: 0 - Parameter menu
Max: 9999 + Releases
2963 Unit: - - Upread/free access
Indices: 100 Changeable in:
Type: O2 - Drive setting
n967 Parameter for visualizing the processing sequence of the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Function Seq 7 internal functions with function numbers 701 ... 800 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 100 + Releases
2967 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
n968 Parameter for visualizing the processing sequence of the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Function Seq 8 internal functions with function numbers 801 ... 900 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 100 + Releases
2968 Type: O2 - Upread/free access
n969 Parameter for visualizing the processing sequence of the Dec.Plc.: 0 Menus:
Function Seq 9 internal functions with function number 901 .. 1000 Unit: - - Parameter menu
Indices: 100 + Releases
2969 Type: O2 - Upread/free access