RFID-based Parking Management System
RFID-based Parking Management System
RFID-based Parking Management System
Abstract: In this project, a solution has been provided for the problems encountered in parking-lot management
systems via RFID technology. RFID readers, RFID labels, computers, barriers and software are used as for the main
components of the RFID technology. The software has been handled for the management, controlling, transaction
reporting and operation tasks for parking lots located on various parts of the city. Check-ins and check-outs of the
parking-lots will be under control with RFID readers, labels and barriers. Personnel costs will be reduced considerably
using this technology. It will be possible to see unmanned, secure, auto-mized parking-lots functioning with RFID
technology in the future. Check-ins and check-outs will be handled in a fast manner without having to stop the cars so
that traffic jam problem will be avoided during these processes. Drivers will not have to stop at the circulation points
and parking tickets will be out of usage during check-ins and check-outs.Vehicle owners will not have to make any
payments at each check-out thus a faster traffic flow will be possible.The slot availability details are collected using an
RFID system and are updated periodically into a Web server via Internet for a registered user. If needed, the user can
reserve his parking slot either way since we have both website application and Android app. Since there won't be any
waiting during check-ins and check-outs the formation of emission gas as a result of such waiting will be avoided.
Keywords: Automatic Control, Control systems, Radio frequency Identification, Personnel cost, parking-lot
management system
Current parking experience may range from delayed updating the status of parking lots, accounting and billing,
meetings to deflated tyres (the act of angry residents); collection of payment either at the entry or exit.
fines in no-parking zones, stolen valuables to even
vehicles getting towed away from that no-man’s land —
the space that borders on the parking and no-parking zone.
With 800,000 cars and 15 million two-wheelers being
added to Indian roads every year, finding a place to park is
an everyday battle.
One of the most prevalent forms of parking in India is the Fig. 1. Different Parking Technologies
availability of absolute free parking.
A. Wireless Sensor Networks
A. High cost of free parking WSNs are now also employed in vehicle parking systems
India suffers from chaos associated with too many parked because of its high performance. Any parking system
cars. When street parking is free, but there are no vacant using WSNs include different type of sensors to sense the
spaces, many people drive around hunting for a space. information, gather the data and transmit them to their
Studies for the past 80 years on four continents show that nearest control centre or a base station. The sensor nodes
about 30 per cent of cars that comprise traffic are cruising communicate with the base station through their
for parking.This wastes valuable time and fuel. It neighbours.
interferes with pedestrians, congests roads and pollutes the The position of each parking slot is informed to base node
air. through neighbouring nodes. The status is sent to its next
nearest node. The neighbour node passes the data to the
If you can get the right price for parking and remove these
next nearest node. This process continues till the data
cars from the road, you’d greatly improve traffic
reaches the base station. The state of parking space is
conditions. Our parking management system provides
denoted as a binary value which may be either 0 or 1.
features like accounting, dynamic allotment of slots,
When the state value of parking space is 1, it indicates the
security management, statistical reporting along with
car is been parked. Similarly, when the parking space is 0,
detecting the count of vehicles inside a parking zone.
it shows an empty lot. All these information is updated in
Timeliness, accuracy, reliability, and security, some of the
the base station regularly. Users are connected to parking
important characteristics in a parking management system
management system through internet. The method is
are considered.
simple to execute but has a severe disadvantage of energy
II. CURRENT WORKS and bandwidth consumption[1].
The system uses Zigbee serial network. Terminal nodes the generated waves will be captured by RFID tags. RFID
are the Zigbee modules that are placed in parking lots. For system will first gather information from any existing
every three parking lots, one Zigbee module is used in the readers and the RFID server will then communicate with
system. Terminal nodes act as end devices that gather the circulation system[1].
information from parking slots and pass them to their
coordinator. The data transmission between terminal nodes III. BASIC CONCEPTS
and coordinator takes place using routers in order to speed A. What is automatic identification?
up the transmission process. The information is transferred Automatic identification, or auto ID for short, is the broad
from the coordinator to the control centre through data term given to a host of technologies that are used to help
concentrators. machines identify objects. Auto identification is often
coupled with automatic data capture. That is, companies
The vehicle is detected using Zigbee module, and the want to identify items, capture information about them and
parking information is sent to the coordinator through somehow get the data into a computer without having
routers. The control centre has a database that saves all employees type it in. The aim of most auto-ID systems is
these information. The communication system consists of to increase efficiency, reduce data entry errors and free up
host controller and Zigbee network. IEEE 80.15.4 is used staff to perform more value-added functions, such as
as a communication protocol. The function of a host providing customer service. There is a host of technologies
controller is to connect the control centre and that fall under the auto-ID umbrella. These include bar
communication system. Zigbee terminal node is present in codes, smart cards, voice recognition, some biometric
client side and a network of Zigbee nodes is fixed inside technologies (retinal scans, for instance), optical character
the parking spaces. Information about the vehicle and the recognition (OCR) and radio frequency identification
user is saved stored in the client side. All these details are (RFID)[2].
finally stored in the control centre for further processing.
Though the method is simple to use, yet it makes the B. What is RFID?
system more complex. The functioning of the system RFID is a valuable Business and Technology Tool
using such architecture becomes difficult and cannot be comprising
used in very big parking slots[1]. -an Electronic Product Code (EPC)
-a NVRAM storing User Data
C. Bluetooth -a RF system allowing wireless EPC & User Data
This method explains an innovative design for the parking exchange.
management system that relies on E-commerce Solutions A RFID system engages a set of Tags, Interrogators, as
to Parking Space Optimization (ESPSO) and uses well as controlling Middleware.
Radio Frequency Identification - RFID – Chip + antenna + As passive system ranges are limited by the power of the
packaging substrate = Tag tag’s backscatter (the radio signal reflected from the tag
The chip is a tiny computer that unique identification back to the reader), they are typically less than 10 m.
number (ID).The antenna enables the chip to receive Because passive tags do not require a power source or
power and communicate, enabling the RFID tag to transmitter, and only require a tag chip and antenna, they
exchange data with the reader. are cheaper, smaller, and easier to manufacture than active
Readers use radio waves – non line-of-sight technology. tags.
RFID reader is a radio that picks up analog signals .The Passive tags can be packaged in many different ways,
reader not only generates the signal that goes out through depending on the specific RFID application requirements.
the antenna into space, but also listens for a response from For instance, they may be mounted on a substrate, or
the tag. Receives analog waves and then turns them into sandwiched between an adhesive layer and a paper label to
bits of digital information. Each reader is connected to one create smart RFID labels. Passive tags may also be
or more antennas[3]. embedded in a variety of devices or packages to make the
2) Carrier Frequencies: tag resistant to extreme temperatures or harsh chemicals.
Today, there are four carrier frequencies implemented for
RFID that are popular globally: 125 KHz, 13.56 MHz,
UHF ranging from 866 to 950 MHz depending on national
radio regulations, and microwave frequencies of 2.45 GHz
and 5.8 GHz. There is also the frequency range 430-440
MHz, which is allocated to amateur radio usage around the
world. The ISM band 433.05-434.790 MHz is located near
the middle of the amateur radio band. The amateur radio
band has emerged as an RFID channel in a number of
applications. The frequency range has been called the
‘optimal frequency for global use of Active RFID. Fig. 3. Working of a passive tag
D. Passive RFID Systems Passive RFID solutions are useful for many applications,
There are two types of RFID tags: Active tags and Passive and are commonly deployed to track goods in the supply
tags. The choice of Active versus Passive tags has chain, to inventory assets in the retail industry, to
consequences on the overall systems cost, initial tag cost, authenticate products such as pharmaceuticals, and to
tag life, and battery life, communication range, data embed RFID capability in a variety of devices. Passive
storage, multi-tag collection. RFID can even be used in warehouses and distribution
TABLE I centers, in spite of its shorter range, by setting up readers
Comparison of Active versus Passive RFID at choke points to monitor asset movement. These RFID
Passive applications are meant for automatically managed parking
Active RFID
RFID lots .They are better with improved traffic flow , more
Long Short security , optimized fuel consumption and saving
range(100m or Range(3m considerable amount of time. RFID is used to
more ) or less) automatically identify the account holder and make faster
Energy transactions.
Tag Power E. GSM
Internal to tag from
Source Global system for mobile communication (GSM) is a
reader via
RF globally accepted standard for digital cellular
communication. GSM is a common European mobile
Tag Battery Yes No
telephone standard for a mobile cellular radio system
Availability of Only within operating at 900 MHz. Throughout the evolution of
Tag Continuous field of cellular telecommunications, various systems have been
Power reader developed without the standardized specifications
Required Signal resulting in many problems directly related to
Strength compatibility. The GSM standard is intended to
Low (must
From Reader to address these problems. In the current work, SIM300
power tag)
tag GSM module is used. The SIM300 module is a
Available Signal Triband GSM/GPRS solution in a compact plug in
Strength from module featuring an industry-standard interface. It
High Low
Tag to delivers voice, data and fax in a small form factor
Reader with low power consumption[4].
In passive RFID systems, the reader and reader antenna IV. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION
send a radio signal to the tag. The RFID tag then uses the The main components of RFID technology which are
transmitted signal to power on, and reflect energy back to RFID readers, RFID labels, a barrier to control the gate
the reader. and software have been utilized. The software aimed to
handle the management, controlling, transaction reporting recorded to ismember table. In-case of visitors, temporary
and operation tasks for parking lots located on various tags are assigned to monitor their movements and make
parts of the city. appropriate changes in the isvisitor table. In that way,
every one of RFID-enabled vehicles will easily be
identified and their check-ins and check-outs to the
determined parking lots will be monitored. When an
RFID-labeled vehicle attempts to check-in to a parking-
lot, the system queries if the vehicle is registered to the
database or not. If it is a registered vehicle and it has not
checked out of an unauthorized RFID-enabled parking-lot,
the system will allow its entrance. Upon the entrance, the
vehicles identification information, entrance date and time
Fig. 4. Design of the system
and current parking-lot title are recorded in the tagentry
As for the hardware requirements, by the utilization of table of the database. The check-in information carries
RFID readers, barriers and labels, parking-lot check-in and great importance since it will be compared to the check-
check-out controls have been achieved. In that way, as an out information of the vehicle. If a vehicle has made an
alter- native to personnel-controlled traditional parking-lot unauthorized check-out of a parking-lot, the vehicle will
operations, an unmanned, automated vehicle control and not be able to check-in to any of the RFID-enabled
identification system has been developed. Necessary parking-lots. The only solution for the vehicle to check-in
precautions have been taken programmatically just in case is for the owner to pay the fine to the fine office.
of a parking-lot's running out of parking space problem
during the process of this application. That way vehicles V. CONCLUSION
that are about to check-in will not be let in, thus, there will This paper discusses the importance of using a RFID
not be any time-loss to look for parking space. based Parking Management System. This system
The server software which is Windows based and facilitates faster user authentication and hence results in
developed by dot net framework 4.5, has been installed on reduced waiting time and increases the efficiency of the
each computer at the parking lots. parking space.
The objective of the client software is to monitor and
control RFID readers and barriers automatically. The ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
vehicle data processed by RFID readers is transferred to The authors would like to thank Sands Technologies for
the central server. Thus the server and client computers are giving us the opportunity to work on this project. We
in a synchronized state at all times. would like to show our sincere gratitude to our guide Prof.
To store and manage the vehicle tracking data, a database P.V.Kasture for her guidance and knowledge without
management system(Microsoft SQL Server 2008) has which this paper would not be possible. She provided us
been used as software requirements. A visual with valuable advice which helped us to accomplish
programming language (Microsoft C#) has been used for writing this paper. We are also thankful to our HOD Prof.
operating the parking-lots and to reach the collected data. B. B. Gite(Department of Computer Engineering) for his
The communication process between RFID reader to PC is constant encouragement and moral support.
done through serial port RS232. Hyper Terminal is the Also we would like to appreciate the support and
communication program used in windows to transfer data encouragement of our colleagues who helped us in
between the serial port on the PC and the kit. Multiple correcting our mistakes and proceed to complete the paper
connections can be established at a single time. [5]. with the required standards.
RFID reader technical specifications[6] [1] R.Ranjini1, D.Manivannan2, A Comparative Review on Car
Parking Technologies presented at International Journal of
Engineering and Technology (IJET)
[2] www.rfidjournal.com
[3] ASPIRE FP7 Project Training: Introduction to RFID Technology
[4] Kumar,Chaturvedula.U.P,M.Tech,EmbeddedSystems, RFID Based
Embedded System for Vehicle Tracking and Prevention of Road
Accidents ,International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology (IJERT)Vol. 1 Issue 6, August-2012
[5] Zeydin Pala1, Nihat Inanc2, UTILIZING RFID FOR SMART
[6] PARALLEX Tech Support