Project Presentation ON Powerline Communication Using X10 Protocol

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Powerline Communication Using X-10

 Power Line Communication (PLC) at home which is user
friendly and cost efficient.
 It requires only electricity to run the system. Hence this
system is very simple and cheap.
 The objective of this project is to build a home
automation system using a PLC modem and applying PIC
microcontroller to control and automate lamps and gates.

Powerline Communication Using X-10

Power Line Communication
 “Power Line Communications” basically means any technology
that enables data transfer through power lines.

 X-10 is a communication protocol designed for sending signals

over 230 VAC wiring.

 X-10 uses high frequency bursts timed with zero crossing to

represent digital information.

 PIC microcontrollers can easily be used in conjunction with X-10

technology to create home automation applications because of the
versatility of PICmicro which can be used as a general purpose

Powerline Communication Using X-10

PLC for Home Automation
 Power Line Communications for home control applications applies
the modulation of frequency signals in a carrier wave between
20kHz-200kHz into the household wiring at the transmitter. This
carrier is modulated by digital signals.

 The receivers in the system has a specific address and can be

individually commanded by signals transmitted over household
wiring and decoded at the receiver.

 Thedevices can be either plugged into regular power outlets, or

permanently wired in place.

Powerline Communication Using X-10

X-10 Protocol
 X-10 is a technique based on transmitting a frame of data preceded by a
start code at every zero crossing of 50Hz signal.
 Binary data is transmitted by sending burst of high frequency on 50Hz
power signal.
 A binary one is identified by the presence of a pulse followed by a
binary zero which is identified by the absence of a high frequency pulse.
 For the purpose of redundancy, reliability X-10 protocol designed for
every frame to transmit data twice.

Powerline Communication Using X-10

Block Diagram :

Powerline Communication Using X-10

Power Line Communication Modem
PLC Modem is device which is useful to send and receive serial
data over the existing AC mains domestic power lines.

Device Features:
◦ Powered from 5V
◦ Direct interface with microcontroller UART ,Txd, Rxd pins.
◦ Transmit and Receive serial data at 9600 bps
◦ Data Tx/Rx LEDs
◦ Low Cost & Simple to use
◦ Built in Error Checking

Powerline Communication Using X-10

PLC Modem

 The module is designed to provide half-duplex communication over

the mains of any voltage up to 250V and for a frequency of 50Hz or
 Normally the module is in receiving mode all the time listening to
incoming communication on the power line.
 Once the application gives serial data to transmit on its Rx-IN pin,
it switches over to transmit and transmits the data through power
line. Once transmit process is complete it switches back to receive

Fig : Application Diagram of PLC Modem

Powerline Communication Using X-10

Transfer of Information through PLC Modem

 Transmission is based on byte by byte basis. Once one byte of data

is given to module for transmission, it waits for at least 500ms
before a new byte is given to module again since the module waits
for zero crossing of AC mains to transfer a bit.
 For AC 50Hz system the zero crossing of AC signals happens every
10ms and modem needs 50 zero crossings to transmit one byte with
error checking data. That is why it takes 500ms for one byte.


Powerline Communication Using X-10

Interfacing of PLC Modem with PIC MCU
Pin Pin name Details
Rx-In Receive Input. Usually Input serial data of 5V
connected to Tx-D pin logic level.
of microcontroller  

Tx-Out Transmit output. Output serial data of 5V

Usually connected to logic level
Rx-D pin of

+5 V Power Supply Regulated 5V input

Gnd( Vss) Ground Ground in common
with VSS of MCU

Fig: Table showing pin description of PLC modem

Powerline Communication Using X-10
Interfacing MCU to LCD Module

Control Signal Function

Causing data/control state
to be latched
Rising Edge = Latches
E control state (RS and R/W)
Falling Edge= Latches data
RS Register Select Control
1 = LCD in data mode
0 = LCD in command
R/¯w Read/ Write control
1 = LCD to write data
0 = LCD to read data

Powerline Communication Using X-10

Advantages :
 Simple to install and inexpensive.

Additional wiring is not required.

No interference due to sight obstructions

like wall, etc.

High availability of the power outlets.

Powerline Communication Using X-10

Limitations :

• Difficult to incorporate over long distances

• Time delay in sending signals

• Complex form of communication is not possible.

Powerline Communication Using X-10

Future Scope :

Powerline Communication Using X-10

References :
John Burroughs, X-10 Home Automation Using the PIC16F877A,
Microchip Technology Inc., AN236, 2002.

V Chunduru and N Subramanian, Student Member IEEE, Effects of

Power Lines on the Performance of Home Control Systems, 2006.
Jan Boer, Chair DS PHY Lucent Technologies WCND Utrecht, Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum Physical Layer Specification, March, 1996.
Mark Palmer/Scott Fink Microchip Technology Inc., Interfacing
PICmicro® MCUs to an LCD Module, 1997.
Myke Predko, Programming and customizing PICmicro,
Microcontrollers, McGraw-Hill, LCDs, page 271, reprint 2001.

Powerline Communication Using X-10

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