Heat Transfer: Ecture

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14 June 2021

Heat Transfer
Dr Atif Javaid

Department of Polymer & Process
Engineering, UET, Lahore
 Free Convection
 Long Horizontal Cylinder
 Spheres
 Empirical Correlations: Enclosures
 Learning Exercises

Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt, Fundamentals of

Heat and Mass Transfer, 8th Edition, Wiley, 2017. ISBN: ES8-1-119-32042-5. Ch 9
Free Convection
Long Horizontal Cylinder
• Boundary Layer Development and
Variation of Nu for Hot Cylinder:
• Average Nusselt Number:
1/6 2
𝑁𝑢𝐷 = 0.60 +
1+ 0.559 𝑃𝑟 9/16 8/27
𝑅𝑎𝐷 < 1012
• Provides average Nusselt number over entire
circumference of an isothermal cylinder.
• Hot cylinder  Nu is influenced by boundary layer development, beginning
at θ=0 and concluding at θ<π with plume formation ascending from cylinder.
• If flow remains laminar over entire surface, distribution of Nu with θ is
characterized by maximum at θ = 0 and monotonic decay with increasing θ.
• Decay is disrupted at RaD≳109 to allow turbulence within boundary layer.
• Cold cylinder  boundary layer development begins at θ = π, Nu is
maximum at this location, and plume descends from cylinder.
Free Convection
• For spheres in fluids of Pr ≳ 0.7 and for RaD ≾ 1011,
• The Average Nusselt Number:
0.589 Ra1/4
Nu D  2  D
9/16 4/9
1   0.469 / Pr  
 
In the limit as RaD → 0, 𝑁𝑢𝐷 =2, which corresponds to heat transfer by
conduction between a spherical surface and a stationary infinite medium
Empirical Correlations: Enclosures
Rectangular Cavities
• Engineering applications frequently involve heat transfer between surfaces
that are at different temperatures and are separated by an enclosed fluid
• Characterized by opposing walls of different temperatures, with remaining
walls well insulated.
• Tilt angle τ is between hot and cold surfaces and horizontal can vary from 0°
(horizontal cavity with bottom surface hot) to 90° (vertical cavity with hot
and cold sidewalls) to 180° (horizontal cavity with hot top surface).

q  h T1  T2 
g  T1  T2  L3
RaL 

o Horizontal Cavity    0, 180deg

o Vertical Cavity    90 deg
Empirical Correlations: Enclosures
Rectangular Cavities
• Horizontal Cavities
o Heating from Below   0 
RaL  RaL ,c  1708 :
Fluid layer is thermally stable.
Nu L  hL  1
1708  RaL  5  104 :
Thermal instability yields regular convection pattern in form of roll cells.

3 105  RaL  7  109 :

Buoyancy driven flow is turbulent

Nu L  0.069 Ra1/3
L Pr 0.074
Empirical Correlations: Enclosures
Rectangular Cavities
o Heating from above   180 deg 
• Fluid layer is unconditionally stable.
Nu L  1
• Vertical Cavities
RaL  103 :
Nu L  1
RaL  103 :

o Primary cellular flow is established, as core becomes progressively more

quiescent, and secondary (corner) cells develop with increasing RaL.

Correlations for Nu L  f ( RaL , Pr , H / L)  Equation. (9.50) to (9.53).

Empirical Correlations: Enclosures
Inclined Cavities
o Relevant to flat plate solar collectors.
o Heat transfer depends on the magnitude of  relative to a critical angle  ,
whose value depends on HL (Table 9.5).
o Heat transfer also depends on the magnitude of RaL relative to a critical
Rayleigh number of RaL ,c  1708 / cos  .

o Heat transfer correlations,

Empirical Correlations: Enclosures
Annular Cavities
• Concentric Cylinders

2 keff
q  Ti  To 
1n  ro / ri 
1/ 4
keff  Pr 
 0.386   Rac1/ 4
k  0.861  Pr 
or  1 if value calculated above is
k less than unity.

o The length scale in Rac is given by

2 ln  ro / ri  
4/ 3

Lc 
 ri  ro 
5/ 3
3 / 5 3 / 5
Empirical Correlations: Enclosures
Annular Cavities
• Concentric Spheres
4 keff Ti  To 
1 / ri   1 / ro 
1/ 4
keff  Pr 
 0.74   Ras1/ 4
k  0.861  Pr 
or  1 if value calculated above
k is less than unity.

o The length scale in Ras is given by

1 / ri  1 / ro 
4/ 3

Ls 
r 
5/ 3
7 / 5 7 / 5
2 1/ 3
i  ro
Learning Exercise 2
Problem 9.33: Consider batch process in which 200L of
pharmaceutical are heated from 25°C-70°C by saturated
steam condensing at 2.455 bars as it flows through a coiled
tube of 15-mm dia and 15-m length. At any time during
process, liquid may be approx. as infinite, quiescent
medium of uniform temp. and assumed to have constant
properties ρ = 1100 kg/m3, c=2000 J/kg·K, k = 0.25 W/m·K, v = 4×10−6 m2/s , Pr = 10,
and β = 0.002 K−1. Thermal resistances of condensing steam and tube wall is neglected.
(a) What is initial rate of heat transfer to pharmaceutical?
(b) Neglecting heat transfer between the tank and its surroundings, how long does it
take to heat pharmaceutical to 70°C? Plot corresponding variation with time of fluid
temperature and convection coefficient at outer surface of tube. How much steam is
condensed during heating process?

Known: Volume, thermophysical properties, and initial and final temperatures
of a pharmaceutical. Diameter and length of submerged tubing. Pressure of
saturated steam flowing through the tubing.
Find: (a) Initial rate of heat transfer to pharmaceutical, (b) Time required to
heat pharmaceutical to 70C and amount of steam condensed during process.
Learning Exercise 2

Assumptions: (1) Pharmaceutical may be approximated as an infinite,

quiescent fluid of uniform, but time-varying temperature, (2) Free convection
heat transfer from coil may be approximated as that from heated, horizontal
cylinder, (3) Negligible thermal resistance of condensing steam and tube wall,
(4) Negligible heat transfer from tank to surroundings, (5) Constant properties.
Properties: Table A-4, Saturated water (2.455 bars):
Tsat  400K  127C , h fg  2.183 106 J/kg.
Pharmaceutical: See schematic.
Analysis: (a) The initial rate of heat transfer is
q = hAs Ts  Ti  , where As = DL= 0.707
m 2 and h is obtained from,
 
 0.387 Ra1/6 
Nu D  0.60  D
8/27  RaD  1012
 1   0.559 / Pr 9/16  
   
Learning Exercise 2

 4.0 107 m 2 / s and RaD  g  Ts – Ti  D 3 /  v  9.8 m / s 2  0.002 K 1  102K 

With  
 0.015m  /16 1013 m 4 / s 2  4.22 106 ,
2 2
   1/6 
Nu D  0.60 
0.387 RaD 1/6 
 
 0.60 

0.387 4.22 10 6
 
  27.7
8/27 8/27
 1   0.559 / Pr 9/16    1   0.559 /10 9/16  
       
h  Nu D k / D  27.7  0.250 W/m  K/0.015m  462 W/m 2  K

and q  hAs Ts  Ti   462 W/m 2  K×0.707 m 2 102°C   33,300 W

(b) Performing energy balance at instant of time for control surface about liq.,
𝑑 𝜌𝑉𝑐𝑇
= 𝑞 𝑡 = ℎ(𝑡)𝐴𝑠 𝑇𝑠 − 𝑇(𝑡)
where Rayleigh number, and hence h , changes with time due to change in temperature of liquid.
Learning Exercise 2

Integrating foregoing equation numerically, following results are obtained

for variation of T and h with t.

The time at which the liquid reaches 70C is t f  855s

The rate of increase of T decreases with increasing time due to corresponding
reduction in (Ts – T), and hence reductions in RaD , h and q.
The Rayleigh number decreases from 4.22 10 to 2.16 10 ,
6 6

while the heat rate decreases from 33,300 to 14,000 W.

Learning Exercise 2

Convection coefficient decreases approximately as (Ts – T )1/3 , while q ~ (Ts – T ) 4/3 .

Latent energy released by condensed steam corresponds to increase in thermal
energy of pharmaceutical. Hence, 𝑚 ℎ = 𝜌𝑉𝑐 𝑇 − 𝑇
𝑐 𝑓𝑔 𝑓 𝑖
𝜌𝑉𝑐 𝑇𝑓 − 𝑇𝑖 1100 𝑘𝑔 𝑚3 × 0.2 𝑚3 × 2000 𝐽 𝑘𝑔. 𝐾 45℃
𝑚𝑐 = = = 9.07𝑘𝑔
ℎ𝑓𝑔 2.183 × 106 𝐽 𝑘𝑔

Comments: (1) Over such a large temperature range, the fluid properties are
likely to vary significantly, particularly  and Pr. A more accurate solution
could therefore be performed if the temperature dependence of the properties
were known. (2) Condensation of the steam is a significant process expense,
which is linked to the equipment (capital) and energy (operating) costs
associated with steam production.

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