Creative Writing FIDP
Creative Writing FIDP
Creative Writing FIDP
Culminating Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to choose from any of the following: 1. Design a group blog for poetry and fiction 2. Produce a suite of poems,
a full/completed short story, or a script for a one-act play, with the option of staging, 3. Create hypertext literature.
Timber City Academy Vision: Timber City Academy, a non-sectarian, Filipino Chinese Institution, envisions to be a value-oriented, nationalistic, relevant, liberating and performing schools that delivers
excellent basic education needed for much improved quality life.
Timber City Academy Mission: We deliver technology -based teaching. We equip students in the field of Business and Sciences. We conserve nature.
6. Reading and poetry as a 1.3 Reading and Writing The learners shall be identify the various K identify the various U Analyzing Poem Reasoning ‘Beclouded’ by Emily
Writing Poetry* genre Fiction able to produce a well- elements, elements, Practice and Proof Dickinson pp. 46
6.1. Elements and how to crafted poem. techniques, and techniques, and literary
of the genre analyze literary devices devices Examine the poem by
its elements Dickinson by looking into the
a. Essential in poetry in poetry
and elements. Fill out the chart
elements techniques that follows to guide you in
a.1. Theme analyzing the given poem.
a.2. Tone
b. Elements for After reviewing the elements
specific forms of poetry, you have now an
b.1. idea on how you can
Conventional compose your own poem.
forms Nowadays, many poets prefer
(exemplar: to create a blank verse or a
free verse due to the
short Tagalog
spontaneous flow of thoughts.
poems However, it could be more fun
like tanaga and and exciting to compose a
diona; haiku; poem showing the elements.
sonnet) Use the acrostic poem you
created in the first activity,
-rhyme and
and revise it by incorporating
meter the elements of poetry. Pp. 47
b.2. Free verse
-the line and
line break
c. Other
c.1. typography
c.2. genre-
crossing texts
prose poem,
d. Tone
2.3. Techniques
and literary
(modelling from
and foreign
3. Reading and fiction as a Identify the various produce at least one 1. identify the various U Identify the various U Analyzing Communicati Using the above-listed
Writing Fiction* genre elements, techniques, striking scene for a elements, elements, techniques, and on prompts, create your
3.1. Elements of and are able and literary devices in short story techniques, and literary devices in character. Focus on the inner
the genre to various modes of fiction literary devices various modes of fiction and outer qualities of your
a. Character analyze its in fiction character. Use the graphic
b. Point of View elements HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i- organizer below as your
b.1. 1st-person and 11 guide. Pp. 26-27
POV (major, techniques 2. determine various
minor, or modes of After completing the graphic
bystander fiction organizer, you are ready to
b.2. 2nd-person HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i- write your character sketch.
POV 12 ‘Flesh out’ your character by
b.3. 3rd-person 3. write journal entries giving a detailed description
POV (objective, and other of him or her. Add more
limited short exercises details as may be necessary.
omniscient, exploring key Remember: Do not tell, show.
omniscient) elements of fiction Pp. 27
c. Plot HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i-
c.1. linear 13
c.2. 4. write a short scene
modular/episodic applying the
c.3. traditional various elements,
parts: exposition, techniques,
rising action, and literary devices
climax, falling HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i-
action, 14
d. Setting and
d.1. time and
d.2. cultural,
religious, etc.
d.3. sensibilities
that lead to
specific modes e.
f. Irony
f.1. verbal
f.2. situational
f.3. dramatic
g. Theme
f.1. moral/lesson
f.2. dramatic
f.3. insight
3.2. Techniques
and literary
a. Mood/tone
c. Symbolism and
3.3. Modelling
from well-known
and foreign short
story writers in a
range of modes
Quarter II
4. Reading and drama as a Write a craft essay compose at least one 1. identify the various The learners may Play Practice It you were to write a play,
Writing Drama genre demonstrating scene for a one-act play elements, choose from any of which types discussed will
(one-act)* and are able awareness of and that can be staged techniques, and the following: Communicati you use? For your individual
Elements of the to sensitivity to the literary devices 1. Design a group U Applying on task, choose a type of play
genre analyze its different literary and/or in drama blog for poetry and make an outline of the
a. Character elements socio-political contexts of HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc- U and fiction essential elements and that
b. Setting and creative writing 15 2. Produce a suite will clearly show your
c. Plot techniques 2. understand of poems, a preferred kind of play. Use the
d. Dialogue intertextuality as a full/completed graphic organizer as your
4.1. Techniques technique of drama short story, or guide in outlining.
and literary HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc- a script for a
devices 16 one-act play, Types of play:
a. Intertextuality 3. conceptualize a with the option Characters: /provide a brief
b. character/setting/plot of staging description each/
Conceptualizatio for a oneact play 3. Create Conflict: /specify the type of
n of modality HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc- hypertext build/
4.2. Modelling 17 literature Events: /list down at least ten
from well-known 4. explore different events/
local staging Theme: /write a complete
and foreign modalities vis-à-vis statement
playwrights Understand envisioning U situate the creative work in U Text Analysis Using the discussed concepts
intertextuality as a the script literary and /or Analyzing Communicati of intertextuality, search for
technique of drama HUMSS_CW/MPIjc- sociopolitical on available stories that has
18 context intertextual relationship with
5. write short HUMSS_CW/MPIIc-f-21 the famous story THE GREAT
exercises involving 2. demonstrate awareness GATSBY written by F. Scott
character, dialogue, of and Fitzgerald. Discuss their
plot, and sensitivity to the different parallelism.
other elements of orientations of creative
drama writing
6. write at least one
scene for
one-act play applying
various elements,
and literary devices
Final Create The learners may 1. create a group blog Create an online portfolio Using the except from Ben
output** hypertext choose from any of the for poetry the outputs produced: D Creating Comic Reasoning Johnson’s ‘Catiline, a script
literature following: and/or fiction applying U poetry, fiction, Strip/Moving and Proof written during the renaissance
1. Design a group ICT script, etc. applying ICT Screen period. Take note of the
blog for poetry skills/any appropriate skills/any appropriate language used and the way in
and fiction multimedia forms multimedia forms which the dialogue is written.
2. Produce a suite HUMSS_CW/MPIIg-j- Pp. 93
of poems, a 24
full/completed 2. explore various Write a short script showing a
short story, or a modes of dialogue between two
script for a oneact play, publishing media for characters. Think of your own
with manuscripts characters, and a situation
the option of HUMSS_CW/MPIIg-j- that will reveal their
staging 25 personality. You may use
3. Create 3. understand the characters from your previous
hypertext possibilities of exercise on character
literature intertextual forms development. Follow the
HUMSS_CW/MPIIg-j- suggested techniques in
26 writing dialogues.
4. write a suite of
poems, a
full/completed short
story or a
script for a one-act
Performance Task: A or B
A. The annual competition in comic strip making holding a competition to promote literary awareness in the region with regards to 21 st Century themes. The students as artist illustrators are invited to create a comic strip based on a literary text
produced and published in the Philippines. The work will be judged by the famous artist present in the region. (Literary Text preferably Six From Downtown (2006) by Dean Francis Alfar)
Landscape and Props Landscape and props are directly Landscape and props are directly Landscape and props are generally Landscape and props seem
related to the theme or purpose related to the theme or purpose of the related to the theme or purpose of the randomly chosen
of the comic and enhance comic. comic. OR distract the reader.
understanding of the scene.
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar There are no spelling, punctuation, There are 1-3 spelling, There are 4-5 spelling, There are more than 5 spelling,
or grammar errors. punctuation, or grammar errors. punctuation, and grammar errors. punctuation, and grammar errors.
B. The annual competition of Filminute making is holding a competition. The students as directors, actors, editors etc. are invited to submit an entry of filminute adaptation based on a literary text produced and published in the Philippines that
promote literary awareness in the region with regard to 21st century themes. The entries will be judged by famous directors around the country. The work will be evaluated by the use of criteria; content, creativity/ originality, clarity and
organizations, and overall quality of adaptation and fidelity to the technical aspects of the medium used (e.g. trailer, radio, podcast, comic, graphic design etc.)
Filminute Rubric -
Transitions from shot to
Video moves smoothly Transitions move Tape is unedited. No
Transitions shot are choppy and the
from one shot to another relatively smoothly form transitions between clips.
types of cuts and fades
using an appropriate shot to shot and a variety Raw clips run back to
are not always
selection of transitions. are used. back in final video.
/ 100