2043 Electronicengineering
2043 Electronicengineering
2043 Electronicengineering
Revised 2008
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Minutes of the Meeting Held in June 2007 5
Minutes of the Meeting Held in August 2006 7
Sub-Committees of NCRC on Electronic Engineering 10
Electronic Engineering 12
Learning objectives 12
Expected Outcomes 12
Curriculum Review Basis – Undergraduate Degrees 13
Curriculum Review Basis – Graduate Degrees 13
Recommendations 14
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Scheme of Studies for Undergraduate Degrees 15
Abbreviations Used 16
Course Code Methodology 16
Scheme of Studies in Relation to
Engineering Curriculum Framework 17
Undergraduate Elective Courses 18
Details of Undergraduate Core Courses 19
Details of Undergraduate Elective Courses 38
Graduate Degree Programs
Scheme of Studies for Graduate Degrees 54
Graduate Elective Courses 55
Details of Graduate Core Courses 56
Details of Graduate Elective Courses 59
Minutes of the Meeting Held in June 2007
8. Dr. Muhammad Inayatullah Babar Member
Department of Electrical Engineering
NWFP University of Engineering and Technology
9. Engr. Muhammad Aamir Member
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronic Engineering
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology
The meeting started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Ms. Ghayyur
Fatima, Deputy Director (Curriculum), HEC, Islamabad, welcomed the participants
on behalf of the Chairman HEC and briefed the participants on the policies of HEC
and PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council) about the revision of the engineering
curricula in the light of the new framework. The Convener, Prof. Dr. Iftikhar A. Khan,
who is also a member of the HEC Committee on Engineering Curriculum
Development, briefed the curriculum revision committee on the need to have a new
framework for the engineering curricula. He said that the objective of the new
framework was to bring the engineering programs at par with the international
standards and meet the needs of the industry. He further said that the key
considerations in the engineering education should be to give the students a strong
engineering foundation, improve their communication skills, develop and promote
problem-solving and self-learning skills, and expose the students to the social
sciences. The committee, after in-depth discussions, revised the electronic engineering
curriculum and brought it in line with the new framework.
At the end of the meeting, Ms. Ghayyur Fatima thanked all members of the
committee for their efforts in the revision of the electronic engineering curriculum.
The Convener, Prof. Dr. Iftikhar A. Khan, closed the meeting with thanks on behalf of
all committee members to HEC for its efforts on the advancement of higher
education. He thanked all members of the committee for their dedication and hard
work in the revision of the curriculum. He requested the members of the committee to
convey his thanks to their respective institutions for support of this task of national
importance. Finally, he thanked Ms. Ghayyur Fatima and the staff of the HEC
Regional Centre Karachi for their dedicated support of the committee in conducting
its business.
Secretary Convener
Minutes of the Meeting Held in August 2006
9. Prof. Mueenuddin Memon Member
Department of Electronic Engineering
Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering Science and
10. Dr. M. Tahir Khaleeq Member
Deputy Chief Scientist
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
P.O. Box 2191, Islamabad
11. Dr. Muhammad Inayatullah Babar Member
Department of Electrical Engineering
NWFP University of Engineering and Technology
12. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Member
Department of Electronics
GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology
Topi, District Swabi
13. Engr. Muhammad Aamir Member
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronic Engineering
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology
14. Engr. Rifat Mahmood Member
Assistant Professor
Electronic and Computer Engineering Department
NFC Institute of Engineering and Technological Training
Khanewal Road
The meeting started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Mr. Bashir
Ahmed, Deputy Director, HEC Regional Centre, Lahore, welcomed the participants
of the meeting on behalf of the Chairman HEC. Before taking up the regular agenda,
the committee members sympathized with Prof. Hyder Ali Khan on the sad event of
his mother’s death and prayed for his mother. Mr. Muhammad Tahir Ali Shah,
Assistant Director (Curriculum), HEC, Islamabad, briefed the participants on the
policies of HEC and PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council) in relation to the review,
revision, and development of curricula. He thanked the members of the committee for
their efforts in the preparation of the curriculum. He also thanked the Convener, Prof.
Dr. Iftikhar A. Khan, for taking personal interest in the development of the curriculum
and for excellent coordination of the efforts of the committee.
At the beginning of the regular agenda, the Convener, Prof. Dr. Iftikhar A.
Khan, discussed the curriculum that the committee members had prepared in the first
meeting and thanked the members for providing additional information for the
curriculum after the first meeting. He said that one of the tasks of the committee
members in the second meeting was to include the course outlines and book
recommendations for the elective courses in the graduate curriculum; in the first
meeting, the committee members had included only the titles of the graduate elective
courses. Prof. Dr. Iftikhar A. Khan said that the presence of the top electronic
engineering experts of the country in the meeting provided a unique opportunity to
add the course outlines and book recommendations for the graduate elective courses
and that this additional information would significantly enhance the usefulness of the
The members of the committee who were unable to attend the first meeting were
given time to share their thoughts on the draft curriculum prepared in the first
meeting; copies of the draft curriculum had been distributed to all members of the
committee before the second meeting. This activity was followed by discussion from
all members of the committee on the course and lab outlines and book
recommendations. The committee members approved the curriculum after in-depth
discussions and extensive work on all aspects of the curriculum. The highlights of the
curriculum approved by the committee members include the following:
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Tahir Ali Shah once again thanked the members of
the committee and told them that the committee would remain in effect until a new
committee was formed to revise the curriculum.
The Convener, Prof. Dr. Iftikhar A. Khan, closed the meeting with thanks on
behalf of all committee members to HEC for its efforts on the advancement of higher
education and for providing a platform at the national level to bring together the
experts from various institutions to develop the electronic engineering curriculum. He
thanked all members of the committee for their dedication, hard work, and excellent
teamwork in the preparation of the revised curriculum. He requested the members of
the committee to convey his thanks to their respective institutions for support of this
task of national importance. Finally, he thanked Mr. Tahir Ali Shah and the staff of
the HEC Regional Centre, Lahore, for their dedicated support of the committee in
conducting its business.
Secretary Convener
Sub-Committees of NCRC on Electronic Engineering
Graduate Curriculum Sub-Committee
Prof. Dr. Iftikhar A. Khan
Prof. Dr. Tahir Izhar
Prof. Dr. Aftab A. Memon
Prof. Dr. Nasir-ud-Din Gohar
Dr. M. Tahir Khaleeq
Dr. Muhammad Inayatullah Babar
Dr. Nisar Ahmed
Electronic Engineering
Learning Objectives
The electronic engineering curriculum has been developed with the following
objectives in mind:
1. Teach students fundamental and advanced concepts of electronic
engineering with particular emphasis on the use of these concepts to
further advance the state of electronic technology and meet the needs of
2. Place particular emphasis on communication, problem-solving, and self-
study skills.
3. Place particular emphasis on hands-on experience.
4. Train students in effective leadership and decision-making skills.
5. Teach students principles that make them good and responsible engineers
and citizens through courses in professional and social ethics, engineering
management, and engineering economics.
Expected Outcomes
The proposed curriculum has been designed to produce engineers with the
following outcomes:
• The students will be able to analyze and design electronic circuits and systems
to meet the current needs of the industry and to commensurate with the future
requirements of the country.
• The students will be prepared to be integrated with the policies and planning
of the relevant sectors of the government.
• The students will have acquired the knowledge for proper application of
electronic devices and systems.
• The students will have acquired the necessary skills to solve problems related
to electronic engineering.
• The students will have acquired the knowledge to pursue higher education.
• The students will become familiar with the current trends and advanced
techniques currently practiced by the electronic engineers.
• The students will have developed well-balanced personalities with strong
leadership and entrepreneurial skills and awareness to socio-economic issues.
• The students will have acquired effective communication skills.
Total duration: Four (4) calendar years
Total number of semesters: Eight (8)
Duration of a semester: > Sixteen (16) weeks of instruction
> One (1) to two (2) weeks for
Credit Hours
Total number of credit hours: 130 to 136
Contact hours: > One (1) contact hour per week for each
credit hour of instruction
> Three (3) contact hours per week for
each credit hour of laboratory work
Course Division
Ratio of Engineering to Non-Engineering courses: (65 – 70) : (30 – 35)
Total duration: Two (2) calendar years
Total number of semesters: Four (4)
Duration of a semester: > Sixteen (16) weeks of instruction
> One (1) to two (2) weeks for
Credit Hours
Total number of credit hours: > 30 (24 Credit hours of coursework and
6 credit hours of thesis)
Contact hours: > One (1) contact hour per week for each
credit hour of instruction
Any curriculum needs its implementation in its true spirit to achieve its
objectives. The National Curriculum Revision Committee on Electronic Engineering
has the following recommendations in this regard:
Scheme of Studies for Undergraduate Degrees
Code Course Title Lec1 Lab1 CR1 Code Course Title Lec1 Lab1 CR 1
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Lec: Lecture contact hours, Lab: Lab contact hours, CR: Credit hours
Numerical Analysis / Physics II / Chemistry / Biology
Courses such as, but not limited to, Sociology, Psychology, Society and Culture, Introduction to Anthropology, and Fine Arts
Engineering Economics / Biomedical
IDEE: Inter-Disciplinary Engineering Elective
All universities are encouraged to add a 3 to 4 credit-hour engineering course.
Abbreviations Used:
An educational institution may use the course code methodology used in this
document or use its own course code methodology. The course code methodology
used in this document is as follows:
• The first two alphabets in a course code indicate the discipline, for example,
CS for Computer Science and EE for Electronic Engineering.
• The first digit in the course code indicates the academic year during which the
course is offered, for example, 2 in “EE-201” indicates that this course is
offered during the second academic year.
• The second digit in the course code indicates the area in a given discipline, for
example, the number 0 in “EE-201 Electronic Circuit Design” refers to the
first area in electronic engineering. Numbers from 0 to 9 are used to allow up
to ten areas in each discipline.
• The third digit of the course code indicates the number of the course in a given
area of a discipline, for example, the number 1 in “EE-201 Electronic Circuit
Design” indicates that Electronic Circuit Design is the second course in
electronic engineering; the first course in this area is Basic Electronic
Engineering (EE-100). Again, numbers from 0 to 9 are used to allow up to ten
courses in each area of a discipline.
• The course codes for the Electronic Engineering Project are EE-499A and
Scheme of Studies for Undergraduate Degrees in
Relation to Curriculum Framework
Code Course Title Lec Lab CR Code Course Title Lec Lab CR
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
All universities are encouraged to add a 3 to 4 credit-hour engineering course.
Undergraduate Elective Courses
– (3 Credit-hour theory + 0 credit-hour lab)
Details of Undergraduate Core Courses
Semester I
Course Outline:
Annex “A”
Objective: Teach the concepts of calculus and analytic geometry and the applications of
these concepts to the solution of engineering problems.
Course Outline:
Introduction to functions, introduction to limit, derivatives and their applications, integral
calculus with applications, vector algebra, vector calculus, introduction to analytical
geometry, straight line in R3, planes, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, surfaces,
cylinders and cones, spheres, spherical trigonometry.
Recommended Books:
• George B. Thomas and Ross L. Finney, “Calculus and Analytic Geometry,” Ninth
Edition, 1995, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0201531747.
• George F. Simmons, “Calculus with Analytic Geometry,” Second Edition, 1996,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0070576424.
• Gerald B. Folland, “Advanced Calculus,” First Edition, First Edition, 2002, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130652652.
• Monty J. Strauss, Gerald L. Bradley and Karl J. Smith, “Calculus,” 2002, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130918717.
Course Outline:
Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law, electric field and potential, capacitance, dielectrics.
Electrodynamics: Magnetic field and force, sources of magnetic field, electromagnetic
induction, inductance. Solid-state physics: Crystal lattices, unit cells, energy bands, allowed
and forbidden states, conductors, semiconductors, insulators. Semiconductors:
Composition, purity, n- and p-type materials, carrier properties and distribution. Carrier
action: Diffusion, drift, generation, recombination. Conductivity, mobility, p-n junction
diode, diode curve, forward-biased diode, reverse-biased diode, bipolar junction transistor
and its biasing, MOSFET and its biasing, Hall effect. Optics: Optical absorption, photo-
luminescence, photoconductivity, photoelectric effect, lasers, superconductivity. Heat and
Thermodynamics in relation to cooling of electronics.
Lab Outline:
Electric fields, Gauss' law, electric potential, capacitance and dielectrics, current and
resistance, magnetic fields, sources of magnetic field, Faraday's law, inductance, direct
current circuits, alternating current circuits, diode characteristics, transistor characteristics
nature of light, geometric optics, laws of geometric optics, interference of light waves,
diffraction, polarization.
Recommended Books:
• David Halliday, Robert Resnick, and Jearl Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics,”
Seventh Edition, 2005, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471465097.
• Arthur Beiser, “Schaum's Outline of Applied Physics,” Fourth Edition, 2004,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0071426116.
Course Outline:
History, classification, basic components, CPU, memory, peripheral devices, storage media
and devices, physical and logical storage, data organization, file storage, programs and
software, system software, application software, operating systems, programming
languages, compilation and interpretation, problem specification, algorithms, flow chart,
pseudo code, basic programming techniques, data types and declaration, header file and
linkage, variables and constants, arrays, input/output, termination, remark, control
structures, branching, conditional structures, repetition and loops, basic library functions,
social impact of computer age, computers in office, industry and education.
Lab Outline:
Computation of number system, implementation of Boolean functions, basic machines
organization including motherboard, memory, I/O cards, networking devices, use of flow
charts, introduction to office tools, overview of different browsers including open-source
browsers, introduction to various operating systems, coding, executing and debugging
simple programs, implementation of simple control structures, implementation of simple
functions, implementation of different function styles.
Recommended Books:
• Brian Williams and Stacey Sawyer, “Using Information Technology,” Seventh
Edition, 2007, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072260718.
• William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for
Performance,” Seventh Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131856448.
EE-100 Basic Electronic Engineering 3+1
Prerequisite: BH-120 Applied Physics
Objective: Introduce the basic concepts of electronics and electronic devices including
diodes, transistors, transistor biasing, rectifiers, and amplifiers.
Course Outline:
Introduction to electronics; diodes: pn junction diode, forward and reverse characteristics of
a diode, ideal diode, practical diode, equivalent circuit of a diode, current equation of a
diode, diode as a switch. Types of diodes: Schottky diode, zener diode, tunnel diode,
varactor diode, LED, laser diode. Applications of diodes: Half- and full-wave rectifiers,
clipper and clamper circuits, voltage multipliers. Bipolar junction transistor: Operation, npn
and pnp transistors, unbiased transistor, DC biasing of a transistor, static characteristics,
DC circuit analysis, load line, operating point and bias stabilization. Transistor as an
amplifier. Transistor biasing configurations: Common emitter, common base, common
collector. Field-effect transistor. FET biasing techniques: Common drain, common source
and common gate, fixed bias and self bias configurations, voltage divider biasing.
Universal JFET bias curve. Darlington pair.
Lab Outline:
The emphasis is first on understanding the characteristics of basic circuits that use resistors,
capacitors, diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field-effect transistors. The students then
use this understanding to design and construct more complex circuits such as rectifiers,
amplifiers and power supplies.
Recommended Books:
• Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,”
Ninth Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131189050.
• Robert Paynter, “Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits: Electron Flow
Version,” Seventh Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131716395.
Semester II
Course Outline:
Annex “A”
Course Outline:
Annex “C”
Objective: Introduce the matrix theory and the use of matrices in the solution of engineering
Course Outline:
Algebra of matrices; inverse of a matrix; Gauss-Jordan method for the solution of a system
of linear algebraic equations; vectors in the plane and in three dimensions; vector spaces;
subspaces; span and linear independence; basis and dimension; homogeneous systems;
coordinates and isomorphism; rank of a matrix; determinant; inverse of a matrix;
applications of determinants; determinants from a computational point of view; properties
of determinants; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; systems of linear differential equations;
diagonalization; Hermitian matrices; singular value decomposition; quadratic forms;
positive definite matrices; non-negative matrices; floating-point numbers; Gaussian
elimination; pivoting strategies; matrix norms and condition numbers; orthogonal
transformations; eigenvalue problem; least square problems.
Recommended Books:
• Bernard Kolman and David Hill, “Elementary Linear Algebra,” Eighth Edition, 2004,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130457876.
• Kenneth Hardy, “Linear Algebra for Engineers and Scientists Using Matlab,” First
Edition, 2005, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0139067280.
• Stephen Goode, “Differential Equations and Linear Algebra,” Second Edition, 2000,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013263757X.
BH-140 Natural Sciences Elective-I 3+0
Knowledge Area / Sub Area: Natural Sciences / Electives
Course Outline:
Numerical Analysis / Physics-II / Chemistry / Biology.
Objective: Teach the basic concepts of data structure and its use in computer programs.
Course Outline:
Fundamental data structures, data types, abstract data types, user defined data types,
algorithms and their complexity, time-space trade off, arrays, records and pointers,
matrices, linked lists, circular lists, two way lists, sequential (array) and linked
implementation of stacks and queues, polish notation, recursion, towers of Hanoi, recursive
implementation of stacks and queues, priority queues, tree, binary tree, binary search tree,
traversals, threaded trees, heap, general trees, graphs, depth-first/breadth first traversal,
adjacency matrix, shortest distance algorithms, sorting (insertion sort, selection sort, merge
sort, radix sort), hashing, searching (linear search, binary search, depth first/breadth first
Lab Outline:
Implementation using simple programs for basic arrays, single-dimensional arrays, two-
dimensional arrays, algorithm implementations, implementation of simple data structures
like array, implementation of stacks, queues and priority queues, linked list, doubly linked
list, circular linked list, tree searching algorithms, hash algorithms implementation, simple
sorting techniques including bubble sorting and selection sorting, advanced searching
schemes including binary searching and quick searching.
Recommended Books:
• Robert Lafore, “Data Structures and Algorithms in Java,” Second Edition, 2003,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0672324539.
• Robert Lafore, “Object-Oriented Programming in C++,” Fourth Edition, 2002,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0672323087.
Course Outline:
Physical foundation of electric circuits; electric current; electromotive force; resistance;
conventional current; Ohm’s law; work, energy, and power; conductance; efficiency; real
and ideal sources; resistive networks; Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws; voltage divider
rule; current divider rule; series- and parallel-connected sources; voltage and current source
conversions; mesh analysis; nodal analysis; network theorems (Superposition, Thevenin’s,
Norton’s, and Maximum Power Transfer) with independent and dependent sources;
capacitance and capacitors; inductance and inductors; electromagnetic induction;
alternating current fundamentals; phasor representation of alternating current; AC voltage
and current relationships for pure resistance; inductive and capacitive circuits; wye-delta
Lab Outline:
Study of DC series circuits, parallel circuits, Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws, current
divider theorem, voltage divider theorem, network theorems, simple RLC circuits,
transformer operation, and simulation of basic electrical circuits using PSPICE.
Recommended Book:
• William H. Hayt, Jack Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin, “Engineering Circuit
Analysis,” Seventh Edition, 2006, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0073263184.
• J. David Irwin and Robert M. Nelms, “Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis,” Eighth
Edition, 2006, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0470083093.
• Robert L. Boylestad, “Introductory Circuit Analysis,” Eleventh Edition, 2004,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131730444.
Semester III
Objective: Introduce differential equations and teach methods to solve these equations.
Course Outline:
Formulation, order, degree, and linearity of a differential equation; complementary and
particular solutions; initial- and boundary-value problems; solution of ordinary linear
differential equations of first order; Bernoulli’s differential equation; solution of ordinary
differential equations of second order; origin and formulation of partial differential
equations; solutions of first-, second-, and higher-order partial differential equations;
homogeneous partial differential equations of order one; Lagrange’s method of solution.
Linear equations of second order, such as wave equation and heat equation, used in
engineering and physical sciences; solution of such equations using Fourier series; review
of power series; series solutions near ordinary points; Legendre equation; types of singular
points – Euler’s Equation; series solutions near regular singular points; series solutions near
regular singular points – the general case. Bessel’s Equation and Bessel Functions.
Recommended Books:
• Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics,” Ninth Edition, 2005,
International Edition, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471728977.
• John Polking, Al Boggess, and David Arnold “Differential Equations,” Second
Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131437380.
• Stephen Goode, “Differential Equations and Linear Algebra,” Second Edition, 2000,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013263757X.
Objective: Introduce the use of computers in engineering applications. The students will
learn the use of a commercial CAD package.
Lab Outline:
Introduction to computer-aided design tools such as AutoCAD, OrCAD and PCAD;
computer-aided drafting principles and practices; engineering drawing fundamentals using
AutoCAD; drawing of electrical machinery and layouts of electronic assemblies; design
and layout of circuit boards using software (PCAD or OrCAD).
Recommended Books:
• Shawna Lockhart, “Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD,” First Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 9780131713833.
• Muhammad H. Rashid, “Introduction to PSpice Using OrCAD for Circuits and
Electronics,” Third Edition, 2004, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131019880.
EE-201 Electronic Circuit Design 3+1
Prerequisite: EE-100 Basic Electronic Engineering
Objective: Teach the operation, analysis, and design of electronic amplifiers and oscillators.
Course Outline:
Amplifier analysis: Transistor as an amplifier, hybrid model of a transistor, small-signal
analysis, large-signal analysis, gain calculation of single-stage amplifier, cascading,
multistage gain calculations. Classification of amplifiers on the basis of biasing: Class A
amplifier, class B amplifier, class AB amplifier, class C amplifier, push-pull amplifier,
complementary symmetry amplifier. Classification of amplifiers on the basis of coupling:
RC-coupled amplifier, transformer-coupled amplifier, direct-coupled amplifier.
Classification of amplifiers on the basis of frequency: Audio-frequency amplifier, radio-
frequency amplifier, tuned amplifiers. Feedback: Feedback concept, feedback amplifiers,
voltage feedback amplifier, current feedback amplifier. Effect of feedback on frequency
response. Practical amplifier considerations: Input and output impedance, amplifier
loading, impedance matching. Oscillators: Basic theory, tank circuit, damped and
undamped oscillations, phase-shift oscillator, Colpitt oscillator, Hartley oscillator, Wein
Bridge oscillator, Clapp oscillator.
Lab Outline:
Transistor curve tracer, introduction to PSPICE and AC voltage dividers, characterization
and design of emitter and source followers, characterization and design of AC variable-gain
amplifier, design of test circuits for BJTs and FETs, design of FET ring oscillators, design
and characterization of emitter-coupled transistor pairs, tuned amplifier and oscillator,
design of oscillators.
Recommended Books:
• Thomas Floyd, “Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices, and Applications,”
Sixth Edition, 2004, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131111388.
• Thomas Floyd and David Buchla, “Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear
Integrated Circuits,” Second Edition, 1999, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130829870.
Course Outline:
Integro-differential equations of circuits; transient analysis; source-free series and parallel
RLC circuits; complete response of RLC circuit; resonance; lossless LC circuit; complex
forcing functions; phase relationships for R, L and C; impedance and admittance; sinusoidal
steady-state response; quality factor; power factor and power factor improvement; complex
frequency; three-phase balanced and unbalanced circuits; three-phase source-load
connections; power relationships; magnetically-coupled circuits (mutual inductance, energy
considerations, ideal transformers); variable frequency network performance; variable
frequency response analysis; sinusoidal frequency analysis; resonant circuits and filter
circuits; general two-port networks; impedance and admittance parameters; transmission
parameters; hybrid parameters; and interconnection of two port networks.
Lab Outline:
Basic RL and RC circuits, RLC circuit, sinusoidal steady-state analysis, AC power circuit
analysis, polyphase circuits, frequency-domain analysis and Bode plots, network analysis
in the s-domain, mutual inductance and transformers, two-port networks, circuit analysis
techniques using software packages such as PSPICE, Electronic Workbench, Multi-Sim,
and Lab View .
Recommended Book:
• William H. Hayt, Jack Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin, “Engineering Circuit
Analysis,” Seventh Edition, 2006, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0073263184.
• Muhammad H. Rashid, “Introduction to PSpice Using OrCAD for Circuits and
Electronics,” Third Edition, 2004, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131019880.
Objective: Introduce the concepts and tools for the design of digital electronic circuits.
Course Outline:
Basic concepts and tools to design digital hardware consisting of both combinational and
sequential logic circuits, number systems, Boolean algebra, logic gates, combinational logic
design, sequential circuits and logic design, memory and simple programmable logic
devices (SPLDs), introduction to field programmable logic devices (FPLDs)/field
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), introduction to Verilog HDL (VHDL), gate-level and
dataflow modeling, use of simulation software such as Veriwell Verilog Simulator.
Lab Outline:
Basic logic gates; Verilog simulation and hardware implementation of combinational
circuits such as MUX/DEMUX, encoder/decoder, arithmetic logic unit (ALU); Verilog
simulation and hardware implementation of sequential circuits such as flip-flops, registers,
shift registers, counters; implementation of logic circuits using SPLDs; project solving a
real-life problem.
Recommended Books:
• Morris Mano and Charles R. Kime, “Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals,”
Third Edition, 2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013140539X.
• M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design & XILINX 6.3 XSE PKG,” First Edition, 2005,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131678485.
• Roger L Tokheim, “Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications,” Student Text
with MultiSIM CD-ROM, Sixth Edition, 2002, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0078309816.
• Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL,” Second Edition, 2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
Semester IV
Objective: Introduce the concepts of complex variables, Laplace transform, and Fourier
transform, and the use of transforms in the solution of engineering problems.
Course Outline:
Introduction to complex number systems, Argand’s diagram, modulus and argument of a
complex number, polar form of a complex number, De Moivre’s theorem and its
applications, complex functions, analytical functions, harmonic and conjugate, harmonic
functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, line integrals, Green’s theorem, Cauchy’s theorem,
Cauchy’s integral formula, singularities, poles, residues, contour integration and
applications; Laplace transform definition, Laplace transforms of elementary functions,
properties of Laplace transform, periodic functions and their Laplace transforms, inverse
Laplace transform and its properties, convolution theorem, inverse Laplace transform by
integral and partial fraction methods, Heaviside expansion formula, solutions of ordinary
differential equations by Laplace transform, applications of Laplace transforms; series
solution of differential equations, validity of series solution, ordinary point, singular point,
Forbenius method, indicial equation, Bessel’s differential equation, its solution of first kind
and recurrence formulae, Legendre differential equation and its solution, Rodrigues
formula; Fourier transform definition, Fourier transforms of simple functions, magnitude
and phase spectra, Fourier transform theorems, inverse Fourier transform, solutions of
differential equations using Fourier transform.
Recommended Books:
• Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics,” Ninth Edition, 2005,
International Edition, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471728977.
Objective: Introduce the basic concepts and engineering applications of probability and
random variables.
Course Outline:
Set theory, basic concepts of probability, conditional probability, independent events,
Baye's formula, discrete and continuous random variables, distributions and density
functions, probability distributions (binomial, Poisson, hyper geometric, normal, uniform
and exponential), mean, variance, standard deviations, moments and moment generating
functions, linear regression and curve fitting, limits theorems, stochastic processes, first and
second order characteristics, applications.
Recommended Books:
• Susan Milton and Jesse C Arnold, “Introduction to Probability and Statistics:
Principles and Applications for Engineering and the Computing Sciences,” Fourth
Edition, 2003, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 007246836.
• William Mendenhall and Terry Sincich, “Statistics for Engineers and the Sciences,”
Fifth Edition, 2007, Prentice Hall, ISBN10: 0131877062.
Course Outline:
Magnetic circuits and calculations: Single-phase and polyphase circuits. Transformers:
Principle of operation, construction, types, EMF equation and transformation ratio,
equivalent values and equivalent power circuit diagram, impedance matching, operation
and phasor diagram with and without load, measurement of losses and efficiency, parallel
operation, cooling, three-phase connections, instrumentation transformers; DC machines:
Construction, types, armature reaction, no load and on voltage characteristics of series,
shunt generators, division of loads in parallel operation, torque speed characteristics,
measurement of losses and efficiency. AC machines: AC machine armature winding, three-
phase windings, MMF of distributed windings, speed and direction of rotating magnetic
field. Induction motor: Types, construction, principle of operation, induced EMF, relation
between stator and rotor quantities, phasor diagram, equivalent circuit diagram, torque slip
power relations. Synchronous generator. Brushless DC motor. Switched-reluctance motor.
Stepper motor.
Lab Outline:
Characteristics of DC series and shunt motors, DC series and shunt generators, AC
induction motor, synchronous generator, induction generator, universal motor, brushless
DC motor and switched reluctance motor; transformer theory and testing.
Recommended Books:
• A. E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Jr. and Stephen D. Umans, “Electric Machinery,”
Sixth Edition, 2003, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0073660094.
• Stephen J. Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals,” Fourth Edition, 2005,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072465239.
• Theodore Wildi, “Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems,” Sixth Edition,
2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131776916.
Objective: Introduce the concepts and mathematical methods to understand and analyze
electromagnetic fields and waves.
Course Outline:
Vector analysis, Coulombs law and electric field intensity, Gauss’s law, flux density and
divergence, energy and potential, conductor dielectric and capacitance, Poisson’s and
Laplace’s equations, steady-state magnetic field, magnetic forces, materials and inductance,
time-varying fields and Maxwell’s equations, uniform plane waves.
Recommended Books:
• William Hayt and John A. Buck, “Engineering Electromagnetics,” Seventh Edition,
2006, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0073104639.
• Sadiku, Matthew N, “Elements of Electromagnetics,” Second Edition, 1994, Oxford
University Press, ISBN: 0195103688.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Intel family microprocessors, instruction set architecture (ISA), assembly
language programming, hardware model, read/write cycles, exception/interrupt processing,
memory systems, I/O devices, DMA, interfacing to memory and I/O devices, analog-to-
digital and digital-to-analog converters, introduction to PIC/Atmel 8051 microcontrollers.
Lab Outline:
Study of 80386 Intel microprocessor ISA using its training boards, implementation of
interfacing techniques (using gates, decoders, and SPLDs) to memory system and different
I/O devices, learning and implementation of interrupt-driven I/O, learning and
implementation of simple microcontroller based circuits, and a mini project.
Recommended Books:
• Barry B. Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386,
80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4,”
Seventh Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131195069.
• Douglas V. Hall, “Microprocessor and Interfacing”, Revised Second Edition, 2005,
Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0070601674.
• Han-Way Huang, “PIC Microcontroller: An Introduction to Software & Hardware
Interfacing,” First Edition, 2004, Thomson Delmar Learning, ISBN: 1401839673.
• Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Mazidi and Rolin McKinlay, “8051 Microcontroller
and Embedded Systems,” Second Edition, 2005, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013119402X.
Semester V
Course Outline:
Annex “A”
Course Outline:
Courses such as, but not limited to, Sociology, Psychology, Society and Culture,
Introduction to Anthropology, Fine Arts, and Inter-Regional Languages. Details at Annex
Objective: Teach the analysis and design of digital electronic circuits and operational
amplifier, and introduce the fabrication of electronic devices.
Course Outline:
Detailed design of pulse and switching circuits; switch; monostable, astable and bistable
circuits; emitter-coupled flip-flop; noise margin; fan-out; propagation delay; Schmitt
trigger; saturating and non-saturating logic families (DTL, TTL, ECL, I2L, CMOS);
detailed study of timer ICs and their applications; analogue and digital circuit interface with
applications; introduction to the fabrication of digital microelectronic pMOS, nMOS,
CMOS, and BiCMOS circuits; epitaxy, ion implantation and oxidation; differential
amplifiers: DC and AC analysis of differential amplifier; design of simple differential
amplifier; level translator; current sources (simple current mirror, Widler and Wilson
current source): output stage design; use of op-amp as a circuit element, offset and offset
compensation, op-amp with negative feedback, frequency response of an op-amp, DC and
AC analysis of op-amp ICs; amplifier; linear and non-linear applications.
Lab Outline:
Comparator analysis, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, analog-to-digital and digital-
to-analog converters, dual regulator, switched-capacitor voltage converter, op-amp DC
characteristic measurement, op-amp speed, single-supply op-amp, function generator,
phase locked-loop, frequency synthesizer.
Recommended Books:
• Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits,” Fifth Edition, 2003,
Oxford University Press, ISBN: 0195142519.
• Thomas L. Floyd and David M. Buchla, “Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear
Integrated Circuits,” Second Edition, 1999, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130829870.
EE-341 Signal Processing 3+1
Prerequisite: EE-211 Circuit Analysis-II
Objective: Introduce signal processing with an emphasis on digital signal processing and
teach the time-domain and frequency-domain analyses of continuous-time and discrete-
time systems.
Course Outline:
Types of signals; signal representation and models; system characterization; time domain
analysis; frequency domain representation and analysis; continuous-time filters; sampled
continuous-time signals; Discrete Fourier transform and its properties; Fast Fourier
transform algorithms; inverse transform techniques; implementation of discrete-time
systems; DSP chip classifications; DSP block diagram; hardware interfacing techniques of
DSP; FIR and IIR filter design using DSP; image processing and other practical
applications of DSP.
Lab Outline:
Study of various types of signals; analysis of signals; filter design; analog-to-digital
converters; signal sampling using different parameters; MATLAB-based simulation tool
box for signal processing; simulation and development of basic signal processing
algorithms; study of general signal processing concepts such as sampling, aliasing,
quantization, and internal arithmetic operations; signal generation; spectrum estimation and
fast transforms; sampling rate conversion and multi-rate processing. Implementation of
digital circuits/systems on DSP kits.
Recommended Books:
• Simon Haykin, “Signals and Systems,” Second Edition, 2003, John Wiley & Sons,
ISBN: 0471378518.
• John G. Proakis and Dimitris K. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing,” Fourth
Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131873741.
• Sen M. Kuo and Woon-Seng S. Gan, “Digital Signal Processors: Architecture,
Implementation and Applications,” First Edition, 2005, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
• Gordon. E. Carlson, “Signals and Linear System Analysis,” Second Edition, 1998,
John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471124656.
Objective: Introduce the concepts and the methods and instruments for the measurement of
electrical and non-electrical quantities.
Course Outline:
Precision measurements terminologies including resolution, sensitivity, accuracy, and
uncertainty; engineering units and standards; principles of different measurement
techniques; instruments for measurement of electrical properties, pressure, temperature,
position, velocity, flow rates (mass and volume) and concentration; systems for signal
processing and signal transmission; modern instrumentation techniques; static and dynamic
responses of instrumentation and signal conditioning; basic data manipulation skills using
personal computers and graphs; data acquisition systems; principles of operation,
construction and working of different analog and digital meters, oscilloscope, recording
instruments, signal generators, transducers, and other electrical and non-electrical
instruments; types of bridges for measurement of resistance, inductance, and capacitance;
power and energy meters; high-voltage measurements.
Lab Outline:
Design, construction, and analysis of measurement circuits, data acquisition circuits,
instrumentation devices, and automatic testing; measurement of electrical parameters using
different lab instruments; calibration of measurement instruments; use of data acquisition
systems for presentation and interpretation of data; use of microcomputers to acquire and
process data; use of simulation and instrumentation languages (LabVIEW).
Recommended Books:
• Klaas B. Klaassen and Steve Gee, “Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation,”
1996, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 0521477298.
• Kevin James, “PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for Measurement,
Instrumentation and Control,” 2000, Newnes, ISBN: 0750646241.
Semester VI
Course Outline:
As Approved by HEC.
Course Outline:
Courses such as, but not limited to, Sociology, Psychology, Society and Culture,
Introduction to Anthropology, Fine Arts, and Inter-Regional Languages. Details at Annex
Course Outline:
Engineering Economics / Biomedical.
Course Outline:
Basic definitions; modulation and de-modulation techniques: amplitude, angle, pulse
modulation, digital modulation techniques; information theory; error detection and
correction; multiplexing techniques; noise and its effects on signal transmission; BER
performance of various modulation techniques under noisy environment.
Lab Outline:
Study of different modulation techniques including amplitude modulation, frequency and
pulse modulation; study of demodulation techniques; experimental modules for FDM,
TDM and PCM; MATLAB/SIMULINK modeling and simulation of a simple transceiver; a
mini project is recommended.
Recommended Books:
• B. P. Lathi, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems,” Third Edition,
1998, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 0195110099.
• Leon W. Couch, “Digital and Analog Communication Systems,” Seventh Edition,
2007, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131424920.
• John G. Proakis and Masoud Salehi, “Communication Systems Engineering,” Second
Edition, 2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130617938.
Objective: Introduce the concepts of open-loop and closed-loop systems and their transfer
functions. Teach the methods for the analysis and design of closed-loop feedback systems.
Course Outline:
Introduction to control systems; open-loop and closed-loop systems, transfer functions,
block diagrams, signal flow graphs; introduction to modeling; formation of differential
equations of electrical, mechanical and other systems, transfer functions; stability, Routh’s
stability criterion, types and analysis of feedback control systems; root locus, Bode plots,
polar plots, Nyquist stability criterion, gain and phase margins, Nichol’s chart; steady-state
and transient response of first-order, second-order and higher-order systems; introduction
to state-space concepts and design techniques, formation and solution of state equations,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, transfer function matrices; PID controllers and
Lab Outline:
Familiarization with MATLAB Control System tool box and MATLAB-SIMULINK tool
box; simulation of step response and impulse response with unity feedback using
MATLAB; determination of root locus, Bode plot, and Nyquist plot using MATLAB;
determination of PI, PD and PID controller action of first-order simulated process.
Recommended Books:
• Katsuhiko Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering,” Fourth Edition, 2002, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130609072.
• Benjamin C. Kuo, “Automatic Control Systems,” Eighth Edition, 2003, John Wiley
& Sons, ISBN: 0471381489.
Semester VII
Course Outline:
Principles of management; decision making; stress management; conflict management;
crisis management; leadership; motivation; delegation of powers; role of projects in
organization’s competitive strategy, standard methodologies for managing projects, project
life cycle, design implementation interface, estimating, contractual risk allocation,
scheduling: PBS and WBS, integration of scope, time, resource and cost dimensions of a
project; evaluation of labor, material, equipment, and subcontract resources; scheduling
techniques such as CPM/PERT and GERT, critical chain, solving real-world project
schedules, cost budgeting, cost baseline, cash flow analysis, earned value analysis, cost
control, proposal presentation, application of software for project management.
Recommended Books:
• Avraham Shtub, Jonathan F. Bard and Shlomo Globerson, “Project Management:
Processes, Methodologies, and Economics” Second Edition, 2005, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 0130413313.
Course Outline:
This course enables the students to enhance their technical capabilities by implementing
their theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of research and development. Students
should complete background study and simulation/design of the project.
Semester VIII
Objective: Teach the ethical issues of interest to the professional community to produce
engineers who are not only good and responsible engineers, but also good and responsible
Course Outline:
This course introduces contemporary and controversial ethical issues facing the
professional community. Topics include moral reasoning, moral dilemmas, law and
morality, equity, justice and fairness, ethical standards, and moral development. Upon
completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their moral
responsibilities and obligations as members of the workforce and society.
Recommended Books:
• C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich and Linda Ferrell, “Business Ethics: Ethical Decision
Making and Cases,” Sixth Edition, 2005, Houghton Mifflin Company,
ISBN: 0618395733.
• Mike W. Martin and Roland Schinzinger, “Ethics in Engineering,” Fourth Edition,
2005, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072831154.
Hardware and software implementation of project design completed in the previous
semester, testing and debugging, project report submission and presentation.
Details of Undergraduate Elective Courses
Objective: Teach the use of computers for the numerical solution of engineering problems.
Course Outline:
Floating point number system, error analysis, solutions of equations, interpolation, splines,
numerical differentiation and integration, numerical methods in linear algebra, systems of
linear equations, method of least squares, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, solution of ordinary
and partial differential equations. This subject is to be supplemented with extensive
computer exercises.
Recommended Books:
• Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers,” Fifth
Edition, 2006, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0073101567.
• Curtis F. Gerald, “Applied Numerical Analysis,” Seventh Edition, 2003, Addison
Wesley, ISBN: 0321133048.
Objective: Introduce the concepts of economics that engineers need to know to carry out
engineering tasks and projects.
Course Outline:
Basic concepts, engineering economics definition, measures of financial effectiveness, no
monetary values. Economic environment: Consumer and producer goods, measures of
economic worth, price, supply, demand relationship. Selection between alternatives:
Present economy, selection among materials, techniques designs, basic investment
philosophy, alternatives having identical lives, alternatives having different lives. Value
analysis: Important cost concepts, cost-benefit analysis, feasibility studies, value analysis in
designing and purchasing. Linear programming: Mathematical statement of linear
programming problems, graphic solution, simplex procedure, duality problem.
Depreciation and valuation: Types of depreciation, economic life, profit and interest,
returns to capital, discrete and continuous compounding, discounting sinking fund
problems. Capital financing and budgeting: Types of ownership, types of stock, partnership
and joint stock companies, banking and specialized credit institution. Theory of production:
Factors of production, laws of returns, break-even charts and relationships. Industrial
relationship: Labor problems, labor organizations prevention and settlement of disputes.
Recommended Books:
• Leland T. Blank and Anthony J. Tarquin, “Engineering Economy,” Sixth Edition,
2004, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 0073205346.
EE-4XX Microelectronic Technology 3+1
Prerequisite: EE-302 Integrated Electronics
Objective: Introduce the techniques and processes used in the fabrication of electronic
Course Outline:
Overview of fabrication of solid-state devices and integrated circuits, introduction to basic
electronic components and devices, layouts, unit processes common to all IC technologies
such as substrate preparation, oxidation, diffusion and ion implantation, basic silicon
processing, process modeling.
Lab Outline:
The students will be taught process modeling using a simulation tool such as SUPREM.
The fundamental silicon-based processing such as oxide growth, annealing, diffusion
mechanisms, ion implantation and rapid thermal processing, physical vapor deposition and
other processes will be modeled using SUPREM. The students will model the device
structures, for example, pMOS, and predict their electrical characteristics. In case device
processing facilities are available, then the students will conduct the processes to fabricate
and test the desired structures.
Recommended Book:
• Charles A. Harper, “Electronic Materials and Processes Handbook,” Third Edition,
2004, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0071402144.
• Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits,” Fifth Edition, 2003,
Oxford University Press, ISBN: 0195142519.
Objective: Teach the semiconductor devices and circuits for the conversion of electrical
power of a given form into a desired form. Introduce the applications of power electronics
including rectifiers, inverters, UPS, and motor drives.
Course Outline:
Introduction to power electronics; solid-state devices used in power electronics: power
diode, power BJT, power MOSFET, SCR, GTO, IGBT, TRIAC, DIAC; semi-controlled,
fully-controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers: single-phase and three-phase, six-pulse, twelve-
pulse and twenty-four pulse rectifiers; single-phase and three-phase inverters; pulse-width-
modulated (PWM) inverters; UPS; types of converters; switched mode power supplies, AC
and DC motor drives.
Lab Outline:
Design of converters; single-phase and three-phase uncontrolled, half-controlled and fully-
controlled rectifiers; buck, boost and polarity inverting converters; flyback converter.
Recommended Books:
• Cyril W. Lander, “Power Electronics,” Third Edition, 1993, McGraw-Hill UK, ISBN:
• Muhammad H. Rashid, “Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications,”
Third Edition, 2004, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131011405.
• Ned Mohan, William P. Robbins and Tore M. Undeland, “Power Electronics:
Converters, Applications and Design,” Media Enhanced, Third Edition, 2003, John
Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471429082.
Objective: Teach the electronic devices and techniques used in optical communication.
Course Outline:
Nature of light, basic laws of light, optical fiber, types of optical fiber, fiber material,
fabrication and components, laser, threshold condition, laser losses, population inversion
and threshold conditions, laser modes, classes of lasers, semiconductor light sources, light
emitting diodes, semiconductor laser diodes (SLDs), optical transmitter, optical receivers,
wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), FDM versus WDM, WDM multiplexer, benefits
of WDM, dense wavelength division multiplexing, optical networks.
Lab Outline:
Optical sources, optical detectors, optical amplifiers, optical transmitters, optical receivers,
optical transreceivers, optical fibers, propagation of light through an optical fiber, losses in
fiber optic elements, optical modulation, multiplexing, optical systems.
Recommended Book:
• Harold Kolimbiris, “Fiber Optics Communications,” First Edition, 2004, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130158836.
Course Outline:
Advanced instrumentation techniques; microprocessor-based instrumentation; analog-to-
digital and digital-to-analog converters; PC-based instrumentation systems: interfacing
techniques, data acquisition software, and virtual Instruments; intelligent instrumentation
Lab Outline:
Laboratory activities include the design, construction, and analysis of microprocessor-
based measurement circuits, data acquisition circuits, instrumentation devices, and
automatic testing. Use of data acquisition systems for presentation and interpretation of
data. Use of microcomputers to acquire and process data. Use of simulation and
instrumentation languages (LabVIEW).
Recommended Books:
• Ronald Tocci, Neal Widmer and Greg Moss, “Digital Systems: Principles and
Applications,” Tenth Edition, 2007, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131725793.
• William J. Dally and John W. Poulton, “Digital Systems Engineering,” 1998,
Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 0521592925.
Course Outline:
Electric heating: Principles and applications; induction and dielectric heating; high-
frequency welding. Spot welding control. Industrial control: Speed control of DC, AC, and
servo motors. Process control. Measurement of non-electrical quantities: Temperature,
displacement, pressure, time, frequency; digital industrial measuring systems. Ultra-sonic
generation and applications. X-ray applications in industry. Photo-electric devices.
Industrial control using PLCs. Data acquisition. Distributed control system in process
Lab Outline:
Experiments related to the principles of welding and PLCs; speed control of DC, AC, and
servo motors;
Recommended Books:
• Frank D. Petruzella, “Programmable Logic Controllers,” Third Edition, 2005,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0078298520.
• Frank D. Petruzella, “Industrial Electronics,” First Edition, 1995, McGraw-Hill,
ISBN: 0028019962.
Objective: Discuss issues around the design and implementation of object oriented
languages and explore alternatives.
Course Outline:
Procedural versus object-oriented programming languages, object-oriented design strategy
and problem solving, objects and classes, member functions, public and private members,
dynamic memory management, constructors and destructors, templates, object
encapsulation, derived classes, class hierarchies, inheritance and polymorphism, operator
overloading, stream class, practical design through object-oriented programming.
Lab Outline:
Advanced object-oriented programming environment; implementation of object-oriented
programs: classes, methods, objects, abstract classes and inheritance; overloading and
overriding; class aggregation; implementation of polymorphism; use of constructors;
testing and debugging.
Recommended Books:
• Goran Svenk, “Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ for Engineering and
Technology,” First Edition, 2003, Thomson Delmar Learning, ISBN: 0766838943.
Objective: Teach VLSI system design including system specification, verification, and
Course Outline:
Introduction to integrated circuits, IC fabrication, monolithic integrated circuits,
introduction to MOS technology, basic electrical properties of MOS and BiCMOS circuits,
basic digital building blocks using MOS transistor basic circuit concepts, ultra-fast VLSI
circuits and systems and their design.
Lab Outline:
Implementation of VLSI design techniques using VHDL and /or Verilog HDL.
Recommended Book:
• Zainalabedin Navabi, “Verilog Computer-Based Training Course,” First Edition,
2002, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0071374736.
Objective: Teach the design of digital electronic circuits with field-programmable gate
Course Outline:
Introduction, digital design and FPGA, FPGA-based system design, manufacturing process,
transistor characteristics, CMOS logic gates, wires, registers and RAM, packages and pads,
FPGA architectures, SRAM-based FPGAs, permanently-programmed FPGAs, circuit
design of FPGA fabrics, architecture of FPGA fabrics, logic design process, combinational
network delay, power and energy optimization, arithmetic logic elements, logic
implementation using FPGAs, physical design (PnR) for FPGAs, synthesis process,
sequential design using FPGAs, sequential machine design process, sequential design style,
FSM design, ASM design.
Lab Outline:
Introduction to Verilog HDL, gate-level modeling, data flow modeling, behavioral
modeling, design, simulation, synthesis and fitting of combinational circuits, design and
implementation of an FSM and memory.
Recommended Books:
• Wayne Wolf, “FPGA-Based System Design,” with CD-ROM, 2004, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 0131424610.
• Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL,” Second Edition, 2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
• Michael D. Ciletti, “Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL,” First Edition,
2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130891614.
• Michael John Sebastian Smith, “Application-Specific Integrated Circuits,” First
Edition, 1997, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0201500221.
Objective: Teach the principles of lasers and the use of lasers and other components in
optical fiber communication.
Course Outline:
Optical beams and resonators including ray tracing, optical fiber wave guides, transmission
characteristics, optical fiber cables and connection, optical fiber measurement,
semiconductor and non-semiconductor lasers, receiver characteristics, Gaussian beam
propagation, stable and unstable resonators; classical theory of spontaneous and stimulated
emission including a discussion of homogeneous and inhomogeneous line broadening; laser
pumping and population inversion in three level and four level systems; fundamentals of
laser oscillation, dynamics and threshold; laser cavity equations; laser spiking and mode
competition; Q-switching; active and passive mode locking; injection locking; single
frequency operation; introduction to fiber lasers and active optical fiber devices; design
considerations of fiber optic communication systems: analog and digital modulator, noise
in detection process, BIT error rate (BER); system design; maximum transmission distance
due to attenuation and dispersion.
Recommended Books:
• Harold Kolimbiris, “Fiber Optics Communications,” First Edition, 2004, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130158836.
• Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communications,” Third Edition, 2000, McGraw-Hill,
ISBN: 0072360763.
Course Outline:
Refer to the HEC Approved Telecommunication Curriculum, Revised 2004, page 26.
Course Outline:
Refer to the HEC Approved Telecommunication Curriculum, Revised 2004, page 28.
EE-4XX Microwave Engineering 3+1
Knowledge Area / Sub Area: Major Based Core (Depth) / -
Course Outline:
Refer to the HEC Approved Telecommunication Curriculum, Revised 2004, page 35.
Course Outline:
Introduction to digital communication, Shannon limit for information capacity, digital
radio, FSK, PSK, BPSK, QPSK, quadrature amplitude modulation, clock recovery, delta
modulation pulse code modulation, adaptive delta modulation PCM, differential PCM,
pulse transmission, time division multiplexing, T1 digital carrier system, codecs, frame
synchronization, bit interleaving versus word interleaving, history of satellites, orbital
satellites, geostationary satellites, orbital patterns, look angles, satellite system link models
and parameters, satellite link budget, satellite link equations, satellite multiple access
arrangements, FDM/FM satellite systems, multiple accessing, TDM/FM frequency
hopping, channel capacity; cellular communication, operation of cellular system, elements
of cellular system design specifications, concept of mobility, cell coverage for signal and
traffic, cell sites and mobile antennas, trunking theory, blocking probabilities, co-channel
interference reduction, handoff strategies, power control, GSM architecture, GSM cell
structure, call processing in GSM, 3G mobiles.
Recommended Books:
• Leon W. Couch, “Digital & Analog Communication Systems,” Seventh Edition,
2007, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131424920.
• Theodore S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice,” Second
Edition, 2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130422320.
• Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications,” Second Edition, 2003, Addison-Wesley,
ISBN: 0321123816.
• Timothy Pratt, Charles W. Bostian and Jeremy E. Allnutt, “Satellite
Communications,” Second Edition, 2003, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471429120.
Objective: Teach the concepts of optical transmission and networking, optical devices, and
optical component technologies.
Course Outline:
Optical transmission system concepts, introduction to optical networking, light propagation
in multimode fiber, propagation modes, mode partition noise, reflection and return loss
variations, optical devices, optical component technologies, types of optical amplifiers,
plastic fiber amplifier, second harmonic generators, splitters and couplers, isolators,
polarization control.
Recommended Books:
• Govind P. Agrawal, “Fiber-Optic Communication Systems,” Third Edition, 2002,
John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471215716.
• Joseph Palais, “Fiber Optic Communications,” Fifth Edition, 2005, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 0130085103.
Course Outline:
Refer to the HEC Approved Telecommunication Curriculum, Revised 2004, page 22.
Objective: Introduce the concepts of electronic navigation and teach the operation of
electronic navigational systems.
Course Outline:
History of navigation, electronic navigation system terminology used in navigation
systems, direction finding, two-way distance ranging, differential distance ranging,
principle of working of GPS receiver, basic modules comprising typical radar, basic radar
range equation and the impact of various parameters on minimum and maximum ranges,
principle of working of a pulse Doppler radar, principle of working of a secondary radar
(that is, IFF, Identification of Friend and Foe), instrument landing system (ILS), microwave
landing system (MLS), very-high frequency ranging system standardizing agencies, Decca,
Loran, Omega, Consol, talking beacons.
Lab Outline:
Analysis of radio wave characteristics, direction finding methods, analysis of radar range
performance parameters, experiments using microwave/radar training kits, GPS receiver,
interfacing of GPS receiver with computer.
Recommended Books:
• Merrill I. Skolnik, “Introduction to Radar Systems,” Third Edition, 2001, McGraw-
Hill, ISBN: 0072881380.
• Jay A. Farrell, “The Global Positioning System & Inertial Navigation,” First Edition,
1999, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 007022045X.
Course Outline:
Introduction to filters, active devices used in active filter design, circuit design approach,
design of first-order filter sections in cascade, biquad circuit, sensitivity analysis, circuit
design with simulated elements, switched-capacitor filters, discrete-time filters.
Lab Outline:
Design of inverting and non-inverting integration; design of first-order filter sections;
design of higher-order filters using first-order sections; second-order filter section design;
higher-order filter design using second-order section such as low-pass, band-pass, high-
pass, band elimination (Notch Filter) and all-pass filters; design of basic filter response
using switch capacitors; filter design using high-frequency models of op-amp, that is, active
R and active C filters.
Recommended Books:
• Andreas Antoniou, “Digital Filters,” Second Edition, 2000, McGraw-Hill, ISBN:
• B. A. Shenoi, “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design,” First
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471464821.
• M. E. Van Valkenberg, “Analog Filter Design”, First Edition, 1982, Oxford
University Press, ISBN: 0195107349.
Objective: Teach the concepts and techniques of digital image processing including image
formation, acquisition, storage, compression, and restoration.
Course Outline:
Image formation process, types of images (infrared, thermal and video range), image
segmentation, Hough transform, shape from stereo, motion and shading. Image acquisition
techniques, digitization, acquisition flaws, image storage, compression techniques, image
transformation (translation, scaling, rotation, stereo, 3D modeling, discrete time description
of signals, fast Fourier transform, image enhancement, image histogram, contrast
enhancement, histogram manipulation, thresholding, binarization, Grey scale and color
images, smoothing, sharpening, edge detection, morphological operators (erosion, dilation,
opening, closing) medical axis transform, skeletonization, thinning.
Recommended Books:
• Rafael Gonzalez and Richard Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Second Edition,
2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0201180758.
Objective: Enable the students to get hands-on experience in the design, implementation,
and evaluation of pattern recognition algorithms.
Course Outline:
Introduction, Bayes decision theory, discriminant functions and decision surfaces, Bayesian
classification for normal distributions, estimation of unknown probability density functions,
linear discriminant functions and decision hyperplanes, perceptron algorithm, least squares
methods, feature selection, preprocessing, feature selection based on statistical hypothesis
testing, class separability measures, feature subset selection, optimal feature generation,
template matching, similarity measures based on optimal path searching techniques,
similarity measures based on correlation.
Recommended Books:
• Sergios Theodoridis and Konstantinos Koutroumbas, “Pattern Recognition”, Third
Edition, 2006, Academic Press, ISBN: 0123695317.
• Luc Devroye, Laszlo Gyorfi and Gabor Lugosi, “A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern
Recognition,” 1996, Springer, ISBN 0387946187.
Objective: Teach the fundamentals and applications of robots including the robot hardware
and design of control laws.
Course Outline:
Introduction to robots, robot fundamentals and applications, classification of robots, robot
hardware, robot sensors, robot/system integration; provides a comprehensive treatment of
the mathematical modeling of robot mechanisms and the analysis methods used to design
control laws for these mechanisms.
Lab Outline:
Experiments to introduce the students to basic robotics and programming of programmable
devices used in the robotics field.
Recommended Books:
• J. L. Fuller, “Robotics: Introduction, Programming, and Projects”, Second Edition,
1998, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130955434.
• David Cook, “Robot Building for Beginners,” 2002, Apress, ISBN: 1893115445.
• John J. Craig, “Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control,” Third Edition,
2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0201543613.
Objective: Teach the theory and methods for the analysis and design of digital control
systems including theory of sampling, discrete transfer functions, z transform analysis, and
Course Outline:
Basics of digital control, theory of sampling, sampled data systems, discrete signals and
sampling, difference equation, discrete transfer functions, z transform analysis, frequency
response methods, state equations, time-discrete representation of time-continuous systems,
discrete control algorithms, design methods of digital controllers, stability of digital control
systems, discrete equivalents for continuous controllers, pulse transfer functions of
feedback systems, digital-to-analog conversion, digital filtering of systems.
Lab Outline:
Control system identification; controller design, experimentation, computer simulation, and
analysis of control systems. All experiments are conducted with real-time process interface
cards of PC for experimental data display and storage. Stored files are analyzed further
using MATLAB. Lab assignments include computer-based control system simulation and
design using MATLAB.
Recommended Books:
• Charles L. Phillips and H. Troy Nagle, “Digital Control System Analysis and
Design,” Third Edition, 1995, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013309832X.
• Benjamin C. Kuo, “Digital Control Systems,” Second Edition, 1995, Oxford
University Press, ISBN: 0195120647.
• Mohammed S. Santina, Allen R. Stubberud and Gene H. Hostetter, “Digital Control
System Design,” Second Edition, 1995, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 0030760127.
• Katsuhiko Ogata, “Discrete-Time Control Systems,” Second Edition, 1995, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130342815.
Objective: Teach the basics of neural network technology and the application of this
technology to the solution of engineering problems.
Course Outline:
Introduction and benefits of neural networks technology; biological neural morphology:
biological neurons, biological neural system; model of single artificial neuron; artificial
neural network architecture; learning paradigms: supervised learning, unsupervised
learning, reinforcement learning, Hebbian learning, Boltzmann learning; perceptron;
multilayer perceptron networks; radial basis function networks; recurrent networks;
Hoppfield’s network; Adeline networks; simulated annealing; introduction to modular
neural networks; neural networks as a problem solving paradigm; connectionist expert
systems; applications of connectionist systems for solving typical problems; familiarization
with MATLAB-Neural Networks tool box for problem solving.
Recommended Books:
• Kevin Gurney, “An Introduction to Neural Networks,” 1997, CRC Press, ISBN:
• Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation,” Second Edition,
1999, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0132733501.
• Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth and Mark H. Beale, “Neural Network Design,”
2002, Martin Hagan, ISBN: 0971732108.
EE/CS-4XX Fuzzy Logic and Simulation 3+0
Prerequisite: EE-231 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
EE/CS-4XX Artificial Intelligence
Objective: Teach the concepts and techniques of fuzzy logic and the application of fuzzy
logic to the solution of engineering problems.
Course Outline:
Introduction and benefits of fuzzy technology, fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, membership
functions, fuzzification, defuzzification, fuzzy logic control, explanation of fuzzy
techniques with examples, fuzzy expert systems, familiarization with MATLAB-Fuzzy
Logic tool box for problem solving.
Recommended Books:
• Timothy J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications,” Second Edition,
2004, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0470860758.
• Hua Harry Li and Madan M. Gupta, “Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems,” 1995,
Springer, ISBN: 0792395751.
• Kazuo Tanaka and T. Niimura, “An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic for Practical
Applications,” 1996, Springer, ISBN: 0387948074.
Objective: Teach the design of digital electronic devices and systems including the use of
CAD tools.
Course Outline:
Detailed description and analysis of core digital design block; inverter; implementation of
inverter in CMOS; design of more complex combinational gates such as NAND, NOR and
EXOR for optimum speed, area, or power; application of learned techniques to more
evolved designs such as adders and multipliers; impact of interconnect parasitics on circuit
performance and approaches to cope with them; study of sequential circuits; clocking
approaches; memories; examination of design methodologies; use of CAD tools for layout,
extraction, and simulation for assignments, labs and projects.
Lab Outline:
Use of SPICE, IRSIM, and Magic SW packages to design, simulate and layout design of
inverter, NAND and NOR gates; circuit extraction; switch-level simulation; interconnect-
buffer design; mini design project.
Recommended Books:
• Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivoje Nikolic, “Digital Integrated
Circuits,” Second Edition, 2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130909963.
• Neil H.E. Weste and David Harris, “CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems
Perspective,” Third Edition, 2004, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0321149017.
EE-4XX Operating Systems Concepts 3+0
Prerequisite: CS-100 Introduction to Computers
Objective: Teach the basics and administration of various operating systems including DOS,
Windows, and Unix/Linux.
Course Outline:
Overview and history, operating system concepts, DOS, Windows, Unix/Linux, processes
and threads, process scheduling, device and file management, memory management,
concurrency and deadlocks, Windows systems administration, Unix system administration
and shell programming, virtual memory, multiprocessors and real time scheduling, file
sharing, servers, distributed processing, process migration.
Recommended Books:
• Andrew Tanenbaum and Albert Woodhull, “Operating Systems Design and
Implementation,” Third Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131429388.
• Andrew Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems,” Second Edition, 2001, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130313580.
Course Outline:
Communication concept and terminology, transmission impairments, transmission media
(guided and unguided), synchronization code, modulation techniques, error detection,
HDLC protocol, multiplexing (FDM and simple TDM), digital carrier systems (ISDN and
SONET/SDH), asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), circuit switching, packet
switching, routing algorithms, X-25, ATM and frame relay, cellular digital packet data and
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), network types, network topologies,
ISO-OSI model, TCP/IP introduction, LAN Systems (Ethernet, token ring, FDDI), LAN
devices (repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches), principles of internetworking, wireless
internetworking, IP multicasting, routing protocols, connection oriented protocol, network
security requirements, public encryption and digital signatures, network management
protocol, e-mail protocols, hyper text transfer protocol, DNS (domain name system)
introduction to VoIP.
Lab Outline:
Demonstration of various multiplexing techniques, demonstration of circuit switching and
packet switching, TCP/IP modules, small scale network design.
Recommended Books:
• William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications,” Seventh Edition, 2004,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131006819, ISBN: 9780131006812.
• Andrew Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks,” Fourth Edition, 2003, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 0130661023.
• Behrouz A Forouzan, “Data Communications Networking,” Fourth Edition, 2007,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0073250325.
Course Outline:
Introduction to artificial intelligence (AI); basic elements of AI; history, applications and
classification of techniques used; production systems and search: definition and examples
of production systems; state space search: graph theory, strategies (data driven, goal
driven), techniques (depth first, breadth first); heuristic search: definitions, techniques;
knowledge representation: knowledge representation issues; procedural knowledge
representation vs. declarative knowledge; reasoning; facts; representing knowledge using
rules; logic programming; common sense and statistical reasoning: nonmonotonic
reasoning and modal logic for nonmonotonic reasoning; dealing with agents and their
beliefs; use of certainty factors in rule-based systems; associating probabilities to assertions
in first-order logic; Bayesian networks; expert systems: components of expert systems,
development methodology (selection of problems, knowledge engineering), types (rule
based, model based, case based), knowledge representation (rules, semantic networks,
frames), inference, forward chaining, backward chaining, production systems and rule
based expert systems; goal-driven problem reasoning; data-driven reasoning.
Lab Outline:
Programming in Prolog or Lisp. Exercises of AI in Prolog or Lisp. Development of expert
Recommended Books:
• Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,”
Second Edition, 2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0137903952.
• Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, “Artificial Intelligence,” Second Edition, 1990,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0070522634.
• R. J. Schalkoff, “Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Approach,” 1990, McGraw-
Hill, ISBN: 0070550840.
• Peter Jackson “Introduction to Expert Systems,” Third Edition, 1998, Addison
Wesley, ISBN: 0201876868.
• Ivan Bratko, “Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence,” Third Edition, 2000,
Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0201403757.
Objective: Introduce the trends and challenges in the design of embedded systems and teach
chip technologies and design tools needed for these systems.
Course Outline:
Trends and challenges in embedded system design, introduction to the design and use of
single-purpose processors (hardware) and general-purpose processors (software), memories
and buses, hardware/software tradeoffs, advanced computation models, control systems,
chip technologies, modern design tools, embedded processor selection, hardware/firmware
partitioning, glue logic, circuit design, circuit layout, circuit debugging, development tools,
firmware architecture, firmware design, and firmware debugging; study of Intel 8051;
microcontroller architecture and instruction set.
Each student will be required to build and debug a micro-controller board. The course will
culminate with a significant final project which would extend the base microcontroller
board completed earlier in the course. Learning may be supplemented with periodic guest
lectures by embedded systems engineers from industry.
Recommended Books:
• Frank Vahid and Tony D. Givargis, “Embedded System Design: A Unified
Hardware/Software Introduction,” 2001, John Wiley & Sons ISBN: 0471386782.
Objective: Introduce the concepts of medical and clinical instrumentation and teach the tests
and test equipment used in medical care and research.
Course Outline:
Basic concepts of medical and clinical instrumentation; basic concepts of medical diagnosis
and statistical analysis; introduction to techniques for the design of biomedical
instrumentation including sensors and associated electronics: biopotentials, biosensors, and
amplifiers; electrocardiography (ECG), electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography
(EMG), electroretinography (ERG); basic concepts of diagnostic ultrasound; plain x-ray;
CT, MRI, PET, and SPECT; supporting instrumentation such as incubator, respirator,
anesthesia machine and dialysis machine; tests used in medical care and research:
cardiovascular, imaging, and blood analysis; electrical safety in hospitals.
Lab Outline:
Design and analysis of medical instrumentation; transducers; biopotential amplifiers;
computer interfacing; basic signal processing; low-level measurements; analog-to-digital
and digital-to-analog signal conversion; microprocessor- and microcontroller-based
biomedical instrumentation; programming.
Recommended Books:
• John G. Webster, “Bioinstrumentation,” 2003, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN:
• R. S. Khandpur, “Biomedical Instrumentation: Technology and Applications,” 2005,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0071447849.
• Richard Aston, “Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement,” First
Edition, 1990, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0675209439.
EE-4XX Mechatronics Applications 3+0
Knowledge Area / Sub Area: Major Based Core (Depth) / -
Objective: Teach the applications and design of systems that involve the integration of
mechanical, electronic, and computer engineering.
Course Outline:
Development of mechatronics theory and applications to systems dependent upon the
integration of mechanical, electronic, and computer engineering; assembly of hardware
components to create product designs that fulfill a specified task in a mechatronics system;
development of design skills in mechanisms, electronic devices, and software to create,
test, and verify system functions.
Recommended Books:
• Godfrey C. Onwubolu, “Mechatronics: Principles and Applications,” 2005, Elsevier
Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN: 0750663790.
• John Billingsley, “Essentials of Mechatronics,” 2006, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN:
• Rolf Isermann, “Mechatronic Systems: Fundamentals,” 2005, Springer, ISBN:
• Devdas Shetty and Richard Kolk, “Mechatronics System Design,” 1997, Thomson-
Engineering, ISBN: 0534952852.
• W. Bolton, “Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering,” Third Edition, 2003, Pearson Education, ISBN: 0131216333.
Annex “A”
Answers to questions on a given text
General topics and every day conversation (topics for discussion to be at
the discretion of the teacher keeping in view the level of students)
To be improved by showing documentaries/films carefully selected by
subject teachers)
Translation skills
Urdu to English
Paragraph writing
Topics to be chosen at the discretion of the teacher
Presentation skills
Recommended books:
To be added later on.
Semester II
Objectives: To enable the students to meet their real life communication
Paragraph writing
Practice in writing a good, unified and coherent paragraph
Essay writing
Translation skills
Urdu to English
Study skills
Skimming and scanning, intensive and extensive, and speed reading,
summary and précis writing and comprehension
Academic skills
Letter / memo writing and minutes of the meeting, use of library and
internet recourses
Presentation skills
Personality development (emphasis on content, style and pronunciation)
Recommended books:
To be added later on.
Semester III
Presentation skills
Essay writing
Descriptive, narrative, discursive, argumentative
Academic writing
How to write a proposal for research paper/term paper
Recommended books:
To be added later on.
Annex “B”
Objectives: The main objective of this course is to apprise potential engineers about
social factors that contribute towards enhancing their professional performance for the
good of society and the country. This course is culture specific and has to be taught
within the context of local and national socio-economic environment. The engineers
are expected to supervise several people in different capacities and their
understanding about human behaviour is critical for their optimum performance.
Modification of human behaviour or getting work done from sub-ordinates and
seniors remain a major challenge for all the professional engineers. This course will
enhance understanding about the determinants of human behaviour, which ultimately
will result in improved individual efficiency.
1. Introduction to Sociology
1.1 What is sociology?
1.2 Nature, Scope, and Importance of Sociology
1.3 Social Interactions
1.4 Social Groups
1.5 Social Institutions
2. Culture and Related Concepts
2.1 Definition of Culture
2.2 Types of Culture
2.3 Elements of Culture
2.4 Role of Culture in Organization
2.5 Socialization and Personality
3. Interpersonal Relations
3.1 Interpersonal Behaviour
3.2 Formation of Personal Attitudes
3.3 Language and Communication
3.4 Motivations and Emotions
3.5 Public Opinion
4. Social Stratification
4.1 Factors of Social Stratification
4.2 Caste and class
4.3 Power, Prestige, and Authority
4.4 Social Mobility
4.5 Migration
5. Human Ecology
5.1 Ecological Processes
5.2 Ecosystem and energy
5.3 Ecosystem and Physical Environment
5.4 Solid Waste Disposal
5.5 Pollution
6. Population Dynamics
6.1 World Population Growth and Distribution
6.2 Population Dynamics in Pakistan
6.3 Causes and Consequences of Urbanization
6.4 Population Policy in Pakistan
6.5 Population and Development
7. Community Development
7.1 Meaning, Scope, and Subject Matter of Community Development
7.2 Processes of Community Development
7.3 Community Development Programs in Pakistan
7.4 Community Organization and Related Services
7.5 Cooperation and Conflict in Community Development
Recommended Readings
12. Webster, A. (1990). Introduction to Sociology of Development. London,
Nacmillan Education Ltd.
13. Weiss, A. M. (2001). Power and civil society in Pakistan, Oxford University
(For Engineers)
Objectives: The students are expected to learn anthropological skills for application
by professional engineers and other related practitioners. Societal growth needs are to
be understood within our own cultural environment. Such a body of applied
knowledge will result in improving the professional performance of would-be
engineers. As culture and society play an important role towards all human activities,
this course will help students relate technical skills to the societal needs and
I Introduction
1. Anthropology and Social Anthropology
2. Fields of Anthropology
3. Anthropological Research Methods
4. Social Anthropology and other Social Sciences
5. Significance of Social Anthropology
II Culture
1. Definition, Properties and Taxomony
2. Evolution of Growth and Culture
3. Evolution of Man: Religious and Modern Perspectives
4. Evolution of Culture
5. Culture and Personality
V Economic System
1. Global Economic System
2. The Allocation of Resources
3. The Conversion of Resources
4. The Distribution of Goods and Services
5. Poverty and Inequality
VII Marriage and Family
1. Marriage and Mate Selection
2. The Family: Types and Functions
3. Kinship System
4. Structure and Function of Family
5. Gender Relations
XI Culture Change
1. Forms of Art
2. Expressive Culture
3. Process of Cultural Change
4. Cultural Change in the Modern World
5. Cultural Change in Pakistani society
Recommended Books
1. Ahmad, Akbar S. 1990. Pakistani Society, Karachi, Royal Books Co.
2. Bernard, H. Russel. 1994. Research Methods in Anthropology, Qualitative and
Quantitative Approaches. London: Sage Publications
3. Bodley, John H. 1994. Cultural Anthropology, California: Mayfield Publishing
4. Brogger, Jan. 1993. Social Anthropology and the Lonely Crowd. New Delhi:
Reliance Publishing
5. Ember, Carol R. & Ember Melvin. 2005. Anthropology, 11th ed. Englewood Cliffs:
Prentice Hall, Ince. Harper and Row
6. Harris Marvin. 1987. Cultural Anthropology. New York: Harper and Row
7. Harris Marvin. 1985. Culture, People, nature; An Introduction to General
Anthropology London: Harper and Row
8. Haviland, W. A. (2005). Anthropology: The Human Challenge. New York,
Thomson Learning Inc.
9. Hertzler J. O. 1981. The Social Structure of Islam. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
10. Keesing, Roger m. 1998. Cultural Anthropology: A contemporary perspective. 3rd
ed. New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
11. Kottak, Conard Phillip. 2002. Anthropology: The Exploration of Human
Diversity. 9th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill Higher Education.
12. Kennedy, Charles H. 1992. Pakistan London: Westview Press,.
13. Marron, Stanley. 1057. Pakistani Society and Culture. New Heaven
14. Wilson, Richard A. 1996. Human Rights, Culture and Context: Anthropological
Perspective. London: Pluto Press.
- What is Psychology?
- Nature, Scope and Application with Special Reference to Pakistan
- Different Schools of Psychology
- Methods of Psychology
- Learning
- Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
- Personality and its Assessment
- Understanding Maladjustive Behaviour
- Positive Emotional States and Processes
- Stress Management and Anger Management
Books Recommended
1. Atkinson R.C., & Smith E.E. (2000), Introduction to Psychology (13th ed.),
Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
2. Fernald, L.D., & Fernald, P.S. (2005), Introduction to Psychology, USA:
WMC Brown Publishers.
3. Hergenhahn, B.R. (2001). An Introduction to the History of Psychology, New
York: Wadsworth.
4. Goodwin, C.J, (2000) Research in Psychology: Methods and Design, (3rd ed.),
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
5. Synder, C.R., & Lopez, S.J. (2007) Positive Psychology, USA, Sage
6. Allen, B.P. (1997), Personality Theories: Development, Growth and Diversity,
(2nd Ed.), Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
7. Cohen, R.J., & Swerdlik, M.E. (2005) Psychological Testing & Assessment
(6th ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill.
8. Corcini, R., (2000). Current Psychotherapies. London: Thompson & Co
9. Comer, R.J. (2004). Abnormal Psychology, USA: Freeman & Company.
10. Schwartz, B., Wassernman, E., & Robbins, S. (2002), Psychology of Learning
and Behaviour, 5th Ed. Norton and Company.
Course II Professional Psychology 3 credit hrs
Books Recommended
1. Crow, L., & Crow, A. (2000) Educational Psychology, New Delhi: Eurosia
Publishing House Ltd.
2. Spiegel, P.K., & Koocher, G.P. (1998), Ethics in Psychology, New York:
Oxford University Press
3. Snyder, C.R., & Lopes, S.J. (2000), Handbook of Positive Psychology, New
York: Oxford University Press.
4. Compton, W.C. (2005), Introduction to Positive Psychology, USA, Thomson
5. Debra, L.N. & James Compbell Quick, (2000) Organizational Behaviour (3rd
ed), Cincinnat: South Western.
6. Fred Luthans, Alexander, D.S. & Edwin, A. Locke (2000) (Eds), Handbook of
Principles of Organizational Behaviour, London: Blackwell.
7. Brannon, L.& Reist, J. (2000), Health Psychology: An Introduction to
Behaviour and Health (4th ed.), USA Wadsworth.
8. Donohue, W. & Ferguson, K. (Eds), (2003), Handbook of Professional Ethics
for Psychologists; Issues, Questions and Controversies, London: Sage
9. Meyers, D. (2005), Social Psychology, 8th Ed. McGraw Hill Inc.
10. Cooper, J. & Hogg, M. (2003) Handbook of Social Psychology, Sage
11. Halgin, R.P., Whitbourne, S.K., & Halgin, R. (2004), Abnormal Psychology:
Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders, New York: McGraw
12. Thorndike R.L., & Hage, E.P. (1995), Measurement and Evaluation in
Psychology and Education (4th Ed), New York, MacMillan.
Course Description:
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
This course introduce contemporary and controversial ethical issues facing the
business community. Topics include moral reasoning, moral dilemmas, law and
morality, equity, justice and fairness, ethical standards, and moral development.
Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their
moral responsibilities and obligations as members of the workforce and society.
Course Objectives:
At the completion of the course requirements, the student will be able to:
a. Define business ethics
b. Describe the evolution of business ethics
c. Describe major ethical perspectives
d. Understand and apply n ethical decision-making framework
e. Understand social responsibility from several dilemensions
f. Understand how the organization influences ethical decision-making
g. Examine how significant others influence ethical decision-making
h. Develop an effective ethics programme.
i. Understand international business ethics.
Course Outline:
Social Responsibility: The Economic Dimension, The legal Dimension, The Ethical
Dimension, the Philanthropic Dimension.
Text Books:
• Ferrell, O.C., and Fraedrich, John, Ethical Decision Making and Cases, New
York: Houghton Mifflin.
• Stress
o Types of Stress and Work
o Occupational Stress Management
• Individual Differences
o Personality and its factors
o Personality dimensions and social learning
o Intelligence
• Leadership
o Leadership as an attribute
o Leadership Style
• Patterns of Work
o Work-the classical approach
o Marx, Weber, & The critique of labor
o Foucault & Disciplinary Power
• Organizational culture
o Organizational culture and strategic management
o Exploring organizational culture
o Evaluating concept of culture
Books Recommended:
• Social groups
o Definition and functions
o Types of social groups
• Social institutions
o Definition
o Structure and function of social institutions
o Inter-relationships among various social institutions
• Social stratification
o Approach to study social stratification
o Caste class and race as basics of social stratification
• Social Control and deviance
o Agencies of social control
• Social stratification
o Determinants of social stratification
o Social mobility, types and definition
o Dynamics of social mobility
• Collective behaviour
o Definition
o Characteristics
o Causes
o Types
o Social movements
o Mob and crowd behaviour
Books Recommended
• Making Sense of Arguments
o Arguments Basics
o Patterns
o Diagramming Arguments
o Assessing Long Arguments
• Faulty Reasoning
o Irrelevant Premises
o Genetic Fallacy, Composition, Division
o Appeal to the Person, Equivocation, Appeal to Popularity
o Appeal to Tradition, Appeal to Ignorance, Appeal to Emotion
o Red Herring, Straw Man
• Unacceptable Premises
o Begging the Question, False Dilemma
o Slippery Slope, Hasty Generalization
o Faulty Analogy
• Inductive Reasons
o Enumerative Induction
o Sample Size, Representativeness, Opinion Polls
o Analogical Induction
o Casual Arguments, Testing for Causes
o Casual Confusions
• Philosophy of Religion
o Proving that Existence of God
o Anselm, Aquinas, Paley, Dawkins (Selection)
o Justifying Religious Beliefs
o Pascal Pensees (Selection)
o James The will to Believe Selection
o Freud the Future of An Illusion (Selection)
o Confronting the Problems of Evil
o Mackie Evil and Omnipotence (Complete)
o Hick Philosophy of Religion (Selection)
• Metaphysics
o Idealism and Materialism
o Berkeley Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Pholonous (Selection)
o Armstrong Naturalism, Materialism and First Philosophy (Selection)
o The Mid-Body Problem
o Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy (Selection)
o O’Hear Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (Selection)
o Dennett The Origins of Selves (Complete)
o Pali Canon (Selection)
o Penelhum Religion and Rationality (Selection)
• Freedom to Choose
o Libertarianism
o James The Dilemma of Determinism (Selection)
o Taylor Metaphysics (Selection)
o Determinism
o Hospers Meaning and Free Will (Selection)
o Skinner Walden Two (Selection)
o Compatibilism
o Stace Religion and the Modern Mind (Selection)
o Radhakrishnan Indian Philosophy (Selection)
• Ethics
o Fulfilling Human Nature
o Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics (selection)
o Loving God
o Augustine The Morals of the Catholic Church and the City of God
o Following Natural Law
o Aquinas Summa Theologiae (Selection)
o Doing One’s Duty
o Kant Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals (Selection)
o Maximizing Utility
o Mill Utilitarianism (Selection)
o Turning Values of Upside Down
o Nietzsche Human, All too Human and Beyond Good and Evil (Selection)
o Creating Ourselves
o Sartre Existentialism is a Humanism (Selection)
o Hearing the Feminine Voice
o Gilligan In a Different Voice (Selection)
o Baier What do Women Want in a Moral Theory (Selection)
o Alienation in Capitalism
o Marx Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (Selection)
o Justice and Social Trust
o Rawls A Theory of Justice (Selection)
o Nozick Anarchy, State, and Utopia (Selection)
o Held Rights and Goods (Selection)
o Women in Society
o Wollstonecraft A Vindication of the Rights of Women (Selection)
o De Behaviour The Second Sex (Selection)
o The Value of Philosophy
o Russel The Problems of Philosophy (Selection)
o Midgley Philosophical Plumbing (Selection)
1. Abel Donald C., Stumpf Samuel Enoch, 2002. Elements of Philosophy: An
Introduction, 4th Ed. McGraw Hill.
2. Scruton Roger, 2001. A short History of Modern Philosophy, 2nd ed.
Course Objective:
Course Contents:
Text Books:
• Paul Burns and Jim Dew Hurst: Small Business and Entrepreneurship
• P.N. Singh: Entrepreneurship fo0r Economic Growth
• Peter F. Drucker: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Peter F. Drucker
• John B. Miner: Entrepreneurial Success
Course Objectives:
Course Contents:
• Introduction, overview and scope of discipline
• The evolution and emergence of management thought
• Management functions
• Planning concepts, objectives, strategies and policies
• Decision making
• Organizing; departmentalization, line/staff authority, commitments and
group decision making
• Staffing: principles of selection, performance, career planning
• Leading: Motivation, leadership, communication
• Controlling: the system and process and techniques of controlling
• Management and Society: future perspective
Text Books:
Annex “C”
Pakistan Studies (Compulsory)
(As Compulsory Subject for Degree Students)
Introduction / Objectives
The course has been designed as a compulsory subject for the students
studying for Bachelor’s degree, general or professional. The course is of
3 credit hours carrying 100 marks (recommended). The teaching work is
comprised of three dimensions: Historical Perspective (20%);
Government and Politics (40%); and Contemporary Pakistan (40%).
Course Outline
1. Historical Perspective
a. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed
Khan, Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah.
b. Factors leading to Muslim separatism
c. People and Land
i. Indus Civilization
ii. Muslim advent
iii. Location and Geo-Physical features.
3. Contemporary Pakistan
a. Economic institutions and issues
b. Society and social structure
c. Ethnicity
d. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges
e. Futuristic outlook of Pakistan
Books Recommended
1. Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, The Macmillan
Press Ltd 1980.
2. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford
University Press, 2000.
3. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An
Historical analysis. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993.
4. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development.Lahore,
5. Wilcox, Wayne.The Emergence of Banglades., Washington:
American Enterprise, Institute of Public Policy Research, 1972.
6. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Kayyun Toota, Lahore: Idara-e-
Saqafat-e-Islamia, Club Road, nd.
7. Amin, Tahir. Ethno - National Movement in Pakistan, Islamabad:
Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad.
8. Ziring, Lawrence. Enigma of Political Development. Kent England:
WmDawson & sons Ltd, 1980.
9. Zahid, Ansar. History & Culture of Sindh. Karachi: Royal Book
Company, 1980.
10. Afzal, M. Rafique. Political Parties in Pakistan, Vol. I, II & III.
Islamabad: National Institute of Historical and cultural Research,
11. Sayeed, Khalid Bin. The Political System of Pakistan. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1967.
12. Aziz, K.K. Party, Politics in Pakistan, Islamabad: National
Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1976.
13. Muhammad Waseem, Pakistan Under Martial Law, Lahore:
Vanguard, 1987.
14. Haq, Noor ul. Making of Pakistan: The Military Perspective.
Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural
Research, 1993.
Scheme of Studies for Graduate Degrees
Semester I Semester II
Code Course Title CR Code Course Title CR
EE-501 Semiconductor Materials 3 EE-503 IC Design 3
and Technology
EE-502 Electronic Systems 3 EE-504 Digital Integrated Circuits 3
Design for Communication
EE-5XX Elective-I 3 EE-5XX Elective-II 3
Total 9 Total 9
Areas of Specialization:
1. Semiconductor Materials, Devices, and Design
2. Electronic Systems Engineering
3. Power Electronics
4. Bio-Electronics
Graduate Elective Courses
Power Electronics
EE-5XX Power Electronic Devices (3)
EE-5XX AC-to-DC and DC-to-AC Converters (3)
EE-5XX Control of DC Machine Drives (3)
EE-5XX Control of AC Machine Drive (3)
EE-5XX Switched-Mode Converter Analysis and Design (3)
EE-5XX Special Topics in Power Electronics (3)
EE-5XX Biomedical Materials and Sensors (3)
EE-5XX Bio-Instrumentation Design (3)
EE-5XX Bio-Electric Signal Analysis and Interpretation (3)
EE-5XX Diagnostic Imaging Systems (3)
EE-5XX Special Topics in Bio-Medical Electronics (3)
– (3 Credit-hour course)
Details of Graduate Core Courses
Objective: Review the theory of solid-state physics and teach the materials and processes
used in fabrication of solid-state devices.
Course Outline:
Theory of solid-state physics to give basic information necessary to understand device
physics; semiconductor heterojunctions; PN junction operation; BJT operation, forward
current, base recombination current, uniform and nonuniform doping, planar BJT
structures, limitations of simple analytical BJT models; Schottky-barrier contacts; ohmic
contacts; MOS structure, capacitance, MOS electronics, oxide and interface charge; charge
coupled devices; basic theory of MOSFET and its parameters, MOSFET design; quantum
wires, quantum dots, resonant tunneling diodes, single-electron transistors, computation by
single spin; fabrication techniques of semiconductor devices: fundamental principles of
"front-end" processes used in the fabrication of devices for silicon integrated circuits
including advanced physical models and practical aspects of major processes such as
oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, and epitaxy; issues in modern device scaling.
Recommended Books:
• Donald A. Neamen, “Semiconductor Physics and Devices,” Third Edition, 2003,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072321075.
• James D. Plummer, Michael D. Deal and Peter B. Griffin, “Silicon VLSI
Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling,” 2001, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
• Betty Lise Anderson and Richard L. Anderson, “Fundamentals of Semiconductor
Devices,” First Edition, 2005, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072369779.
• Richard S. Muller and Theodore I. Kamins, “Device Electronics for Integrated
Circuits,” Third Edition, 2003, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471593982.
Course Outline:
System design based on quantitative performance concepts; design of electronic systems
using discrete devices; integrated circuits including analog, digital, and hybrid circuits;
linear and nonlinear amplifiers; active filters; signal generators; signal modulators;
switched-mode power converters and analog/digital data conversion; sensors and actuators;
combinational logic design; design of microprocessor-based and microcomputer-oriented
subsystems; design of continuous and digital control systems using modern analytic and
computer design tools.
Recommended Books:
• C. D. Motchenbacher and J. A. Connelly, “Low-Noise Electronic System Design,”
1993, John Wiley & Sons ISBN: 0471577421.
• Kenneth R. Laker and Willy M. C. Sansen, “Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and
Systems,” 1994, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 007036060X.
• Mohamed Rafiquzzaman, “Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcomputer-
Based System Design,” Second Edition, 1995, CRC Press, ISBN: 0849344751.
• Steve Heath, “Embedded Systems Design,” Second Edition, 2002, Newnes, ISBN:
• Rob A. Rutenbar, Georges G. E. Gielen and Brian A. Antao, “Computer-Aided
Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems,” 2002, Wiley-IEEE Press, ISBN:
• Charles L. Phillips and H. Troy Nagle, “Digital Control System Analysis and
Design,” Third Edition, 1995, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013309832X.
EE-503 IC Design 3
Objective: Teach the simulation and design of application-specific integrated circuits.
Course Outline:
Different ASIC design styles and technologies, design flow, full-custom/semi-custom
circuit techniques, layout of full-custom CMOS ICs, simulation (different types and levels),
design-for-test, use of full-custom IC design tools.
Recommended Books:
• Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivoje Nikolic “Digital Integrated
Circuits: A Design Perspective,” Second Edition, 2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
• Neil H. E. Weste and David Harris, “CMOS VLSI Design,” Third Edition, 2005,
Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0321149017.
• Michael John Sebastian Smith, “Application Specific Integrated Circuits,” 1997,
Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0201500221.
Objective: Cover the static and dynamic latches and registers, memories, drivers, and
buffers. Teach the considerations, such as speed and power dissipation, reduced supply
voltages, and pipelining, in the design and applications of digital integrated circuits.
Course Outline:
Dynamic CMOS design; dynamic logic: Basic principles, speed and power dissipation of
dynamic logic, issues in dynamic design, cascading dynamic gates. Designing logic for
reduced supply voltages; static latches and registers; bistability principle; multiplexer-based
latches; low-voltage static latches; static SR Flip-Flops – writing data by pure force;
dynamic latches and registers; dynamic transmission; C2MOS – clock-skew insensitive
approach; true single-phase clocked register (TSPCR); alternative register styles; pulse
registers, sense-amplifier based registers; pipelining: an approach to optimize sequential
circuits; latch- vs. register-based pipelines; NORA-CMOS – logic style for pipelined
structures; non-bistable sequential circuits; Schmitt trigger; monostable sequential circuits;
astable circuits; memory core; read-only memories; nonvolatile read-write memories; read-
write memories (RAM); contents-addressable or associative memory (CAM); memory
peripheral circuitry; address decoders; sense amplifiers; voltage references; drivers/buffers;
timing and control; memory reliability and yield; signal-to-noise ratio; memory yield;
power dissipation in memories.
Recommended Books:
• Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivoje Nikolic, “Digital Integrated
Circuits,” Second Edition, 2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130909963.
• Mohab Anis and Mohamed Elmasry, “Multi-Threshold CMOS Digital Circuits:
Managing Leakage Power,” 2003, Springer, ISBN: 1402075294.
• John E. Ayers, “Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design,” 2003, CRC Press,
ISBN: 084931951X.
Details of Graduate Elective Courses
Course Outline:
Atomic physics, lattices, quantum mechanics, phonons, scattering, study of the electron and
hole processes in solids, solutions to Schrodinger representation of quantum effects,
perturbation techniques, simple band structure, effective mass theorem, derivation and
application of Boltzman transport theory, electrical and thermal conductivities of metals
and semiconductors, Hall effect and thermal effects with applications to electronic devices,
properties of semiconductors and theories underlying the characteristics of semiconductor
Recommended Books:
• Charles Kittel, “Introduction to Solid State Physics,” Eighth Edition, 2004, John
Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471680575.
• Michael Shur, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” First Edition, 1990, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0136664962.
• Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices,” Sixth
Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013149726X.
Course Outline:
Energy bands and carrier concentrations in semiconductors; motion of charge carriers in
solids; p-n junction; junction transistor; light emitting diode; photodiode; junction lasers;
MOSFETs, MESFETs, factors limiting the performance of each type of device along with
their optimization trends and on-going search for novel device structures; fabrication
technology for microelectronic devices: crystal growth, wafer fabrication and
characterization, mask fabrication, epitaxy, lithography, etching, diffusion, CVD, ion
implantation, packaging.
Recommended Books:
• Simon M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” Third Edition,
2006, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471143235.
• Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices,” Sixth
Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013149726X.
EE-5XX Compound Semiconductor Devices 3
Prerequisite: EE-5XX Solid-State Electronics
Course Outline:
Direct and indirect bandgap semiconductors; physics of compound semiconductors (III-V
and II-VI); electronic properties and their importance to compound semiconductors; optical
processes in compound semiconductors; importance of III-V and II-VI devices in
photonics; optoelectronics devices and integrated circuits; preparation and processing of
compound semiconductors; techniques for preparation of p- and n-type materials of
compound semiconductors; theory of heterojunctions, quantum structures and
pseudomorphic strained layers; metal-semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFETs);
heterojunction field-effect transistors (HFETs) and bipolar transistors (HBTs); photodiodes,
quantum well heterostructure lasers, and other optoelectronic devices.
Recommended Books:
• Paul H. Holloway and Gary E. McGuire, “Handbook of Compound Semiconductors -
Growth, Processing, Characterization, and Devices,” 1995, Noyes Publications,
ISBN: 0815513747.
• Joachim Piprek, “Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices: Introduction to Physics and
Simulation,” 2003, Academic Press, ISBN: 0125571909.
Course Outline:
Fundamentals of semiconductor devices; p-n junctions; hetrojunction and double
hetrojunction; basics of laser physics: spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein
relation, population inversion, optical pumping, light amplification, resonators and modes;
light sources; light emitting diodes (LEDs); laser diodes; different types of semiconductor
laser sources; optical detectors: p-n junction diodes, PIN diodes, avalanche photodiodes,
optical switches, optical fiber couplers; noise considerations and performance parameters;
optical modulators, for example, electro-optical and acousto-optic modulators; optical
amplifiers; GRI lenses.
Recommended Books:
• Bhattacharya “Semiconductors Optoelectronic Devices,” Second Edition, Pearson
Education India, ISBN 817758166X.
• Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communications,” Third Edition, 2000, McGraw-Hill,
ISBN: 0072360763.
• John M. Senior, “Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice”, 2nd
Edition, 1992, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0136354262.
EE-5XX Modeling and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices 3
Prerequisite: EE-5XX Solid-State Electronics
Objective: Review semiconductor physics and basic semiconductor equations, and teach the
development of models to simulate various semiconductor devices.
Course Outline:
Review of semiconductor physics; basic semiconductor equations; numerical methods
applied for scaling of variables and parameters: Newton-Raphson method of solving
nonlinear algebraic equations, iterative and other methods; error estimation; Monte Carlo
simulation: Boltzmann transport equation; electron motion in the momentum space;
scattering processes; mean velocity; device modeling and simulation of p-n junctions:
potential barriers, static properties, reverse-biased junctions, avalanche and zener
breakdowns, Shockley-Hall-Read Model, I-V characteristics, charge storage and transients,
numerical simulation of p-n junctions; device modeling and simulation of BJT: Early
effect, emitter biases, base transit time-charge control model, simulation of BJTs; device
modeling and simulation of MOS: model of charges in gate oxides, modeling of charges in
accumulations, depletion, and inversion conditions, capacitance, threshold voltage
adjustment; device modeling and simulation of MOSFET: basic theories and models,
MOSFET parameters, short and narrow channel effects, hot carriers, simulation of
MOSFET characteristics, adjustment of threshold voltage, model design of MOSFET;
modeling and simulation of CMOS characteristics, CMOS design; HBT: bandgap
engineering, material parameters, modeling of HBT characteristics.
Recommended Books:
• Richard S. Muller and Theodore I. Kamins, “Device Electronics for Integrated
Circuits,” Third Edition, 2003, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471593982.
• Christopher M. Snowden, “Introduction to Semiconductor Device Modelling,” 1987,
World Scientific Publishing Company, ISBN: 9971501422.
Course Outline:
Techniques for structural characterization of semiconductor materials, x-ray scattering,
low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), electron microscopy, scanning electron
microscope, scanning probe microscope, techniques for optical and other characterization
of semiconductor materials, photoluminescence, x-ray photoelectron scattering (XPS),
Auger electron scattering (AES), secondary ion mass scattering (SIHS).
Lab Outline:
Measurement and characterization based on any above-mentioned techniques.
Recommended Book:
• Dieter K. Schroder, “Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization,” 1998,
John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0071402144.
EE-5XX Semiconductor Device Reliability 3
Objective: Teach the concepts of reliability and failure physics, degradation mechanisms and
reliability of semiconductor devices, accelerated testing, and failure analysis.
Course Outline:
Overview of semiconductor devices and technology; overview of reliability and failure
physics; defects and contaminants, and their effect on yield; mathematics of failure and
analysis; degradation mechanisms in semiconductor devices; degradation of contacts and
package interconnections; compound semiconductor reliability for microwave field effect
transistors and heterojunction bipolar transistors; latch-up and IC degradation; reliability of
optoelectronic components (lasers, photodetectors, optical interconnects); power device
reliability; accelerated testing; failure analysis and characterization techniques.
Recommended Books:
• Milton Ohring, “Reliability and Failure of Electronic Materials and Devices,” 1998,
Academic Press, ISBN: 0125249853.
Course Outline:
MEMS devices: MEMS operating principle (electrostatic, piezoresistive, thermal),
applications, accelerometers/combdrive, RF switch, micromirror. Design: Scaling issues,
system-level design (behavioral modeling) using SPICE, 2D layout design (L-Edit Layout
tool, design rule checking, design verification), 3D modeling with process emulation,
physical level simulation and analysis (Finite Element Analysis) using ANSYS.
Micromachining (micro-fabrication) technologies: Micromachining techniques (deposit,
etch, photolithography), CMOS compatible bulk micromachining, surface micromachining.
A surface micromachining technology PolyMUMPs will be studied with description of
technology file development in L-Edit layout tool. Various MEMS devices will be
fabricated in PolyMUMPs process.
Recommended Books:
• Chang Liu, “Foundation of MEMS,” First Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
• Stephen D. Senturia, “Microsystem Design,” First Edition, 2000, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, ISBN: 0792372468.
• Marc J. Madou, “Fundamentals of Microfabrication: The Science of Miniaturization,”
Second Edition, 2002, CRC Press, ISBN: 0849308267.
• Tai-Ran Hsu, “MEMS and Microsystems: Design and Manufacture,” First Edition,
2001, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072393912.
• M. Elwenspoek and H. Jansen, “Silicon Micromachining,” 1998, Cambridge
University Press, ISBN: 052159054X.
• Nadim Maluf and Kirt Williams, “An introduction to Microelectromechanical
Systems Engineering,” 2004, Artech House Publishers, ISBN: 1580535909.
EE-5XX Nanotechnology 3+0
Prerequisite: Instructor consent.
Course Outline:
Introduction to the physics of solid state: Structure, energy bands, localized particles.
Methods of measuring properties: Structure, microscopy, spectroscopy. Properties of
individual nanoparticles: Metal nanoclusters, semiconducting nanoparticles, rare gas and
molecular clusters. Carbon nanostructures: Carbon molecules, carbon clusters, carbon
nanotubes, applications of carbon nanotubes. Bulk nanostructured materials: Solid
disordered structures, nanostructured crystals. Nanostructured ferromagnetism. Quantum
wells, wires and dots: Preparation of quantum nanostructures, size and dimensionality
effects, excitons, single-electron tunneling, superconductivity, applications. Self-assembly
and catalysis. Organic compounds and polymers: Forming and characterizing polymers,
nanocrystals, polymers, supramolecular structures. Nanomachines and nanodevices:
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS),
molecular and supramolecular switches.
Recommended Books:
• Charles P. Poole Jr. and Frank J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology,” 2003,
John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471079359.
• Massimiliano Di Ventra, Stephane Evoy and James R. Heflin Jr. (Editors),
“Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Technology,” 2004, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, ISBN: 1402077203.
• Mark A. Reed and Takhee Lee (Editors), “Molecular Nanoelectronics,” 2003,
American Scientific Publishers, ISBN: 1588830063.
Course Outline:
Design of linear integrated circuits applying modern MOS and BJT integrated circuit
technologies: Single-stage amplifiers, current-mirror DC bias and active load circuits,
stability and frequency compensation of single-stage and two-stage operational amplifiers,
output stages, current and voltage reference circuits. Introduction to linear integrated circuit
devices: IC operational amplifier, inverting and non-inverting operational amplifier
configurations. Dealing with practical operational amplifiers: Instrumentation amplifiers,
isolation amplifiers, non-operational IC linear amplifiers. High frequency, VHF, UHF and
microwave linear IC devices, IC waveform generators and wave-shaping circuits, DC
power supplies for linear integrated circuits.
Recommended Books:
• Behzad Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, First Edition, 2001,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072380322.
• Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis and Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and
Design of Analog Integrated Circuits”, Fourth Edition, 2001, John Wiley & Sons,
ISBN: 0471321680.
• Joseph J. Carr and Joe Carr, “Linear Integrated Circuits,” 1996, Newnes, ISBN:
Course Outline:
Design methodology for ASIC and FPGA implementations; high-level VLSI synthesis and
design tools including Mentor Graphics; FPGA hardware structures and fabrics; languages
for VLSI synthesis including VHDL; high-level DSP algorithm simulation and code
(VHDL) generation using Xilinx StateCAD, LabVIEW FPGA, and ModelSim; design and
analysis of algorithm-specific VLSI processor architectures; implementation of pipelined
and systolic processor structure; techniques for mapping numerical algorithms onto custom
processor arrays including application specific instruction processors (ASIPs); design tools
for ASIPs including transport triggered architecture; high-level design frameworks for
systems containing custom and general-purpose units.
Recommended Books:
• William J. Dally and John W. Poulton, “Digital Systems Engineering,” 1998,
Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 0521592925.
• Behzad Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits,” First Edition, 2001,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072380322.
• Shih-Chii Liu, Jörg Kramer, Giacomo Indiveri, Tobias Delbrück and Rodney
Douglas, “Analog VLSI: Circuits and Principles,” 2002, MIT Press, ISBN:
• Wayne Wolf, “FPGA-Based System Design,” First Edition, 2004, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: ISBN: 0131424610.
• Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivoje Nikolic, “Digital Integrated
Circuits,” Second Edition, 2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130909963.
Course Outline:
Optical fiber waveguide, ray theory for transmission, electromagnetic mode theory for
optical propagation, cylindrical fiber, single mode fiber transmission characteristics of
optical fibers, attenuation, material absorption losses in silicon glass fibers, scattering
losses, overall fiber dispersion, optical fiber parameter measurement, optical time-domain
reflectometry, fiber optic communication systems, optical fiber sensor technology, modes
of optical fiber and coupled mode analysis of passive optical fiber devices, pulse
propagation in optical fibers and its application to communication systems.
Recommended Books:
• John M. Senior, “Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice”, 2nd
Edition, 1992, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0136354262.
• Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communications,” Third Edition, 2000, McGraw-Hill,
ISBN: 0072360763.
• Harold Kolimbiris, “Fiber Optics Communications,” First Edition, 2004, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130158836.
• Djafar Mynbaev and Lowell Scheiner, “Fiber-Optic Communications Technology,”
First Edition, 2001, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0139620699.
Electronic Systems Engineering
Course Outline:
Overview of linear discrete dynamic systems and z-transform theory, design of digital
filters, z-plane analysis and design of digital control systems using conventional techniques
and state-space methods, stability analysis techniques, parameterization of stable digital
control systems, compensator design, digital controller design, quadratic optimal control,
pole-assignment design and state estimation, microprocessor implementation of digital
filters and controllers, sample-data systems, sampling and reconstruction, quantization
effects, computer control of feedback systems, performance of digital control system,
overview to multivariable and optimal control, system identification, fuzzy logic, adaptive
filtering, non-linear systems, robust control.
Recommended Books:
• Charles L. Phillips and H. Troy Nagle, “Digital Control System Analysis and
Design,” Third Edition, 1995, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013309832X.
• Dogan Ibrahim, “Microcontroller Based Applied Digital Control,” 2006, John Wiley
& Sons, ISBN: 0470863358.
• Katsuhiko Ogata, “Discrete-Time Control Systems,” Second Edition, 1995, Prentice
Hall, ISBN: 0130342815.
• Gene F. Franklin, Michael L. Workman and Dave Powell, “Digital Control of
Dynamic Systems,” Third Edition, 1997, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0201820544.
• Benjamin C. Kuo, “Digital Control Systems,” Second Edition, 1995, Oxford
University Press, ISBN: 0195120647.
Course Outline:
Overview of dynamic systems: Introduction to modeling and simulation, models for
dynamic systems and system similarity. Modeling of engineering systems: Mechanical
systems, electrical systems, fluid systems, thermal systems, mixed discipline systems.
System dynamic response analysis: Frequency response, time response and digital
simulation. Engineering applications: System design and selection of components.
Recommended Books:
• Finn Haugen, “Dynamic Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Simulation,” 2004, Tapir
Academic Press, ISBN: 8251919266.
• Robert H. Woods and Kent L. Lawrence, “Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic
Systems,” 1997, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0133373797.
EE-5XX Microprocessor-Based System Design 3
Objective: Teach the architecture, programming, interfacing, and applications of
Course Outline:
Architecture, instruction cycle, registers and stacks, external interface, register architecture,
external interface, addressing modes, branching and conditions, stack commands,
subroutines, port I/O, interrupts, internal operation of processor, register transfer logic,
instruction formats, microcode, timing diagrams, design techniques such as pipelining,
other microprocessors, addressing modes, instruction sets, timing , high-level languages:
programming in C, design of systems, memory, static/dynamic RAM, technology and
timing, ROM, PROMs, EPROMs, PLAs, DMC chips address decoding, EDAC I/O,
parallel and serial I/O, DMA, interrupts and interrupt control circuits, microcomputer
buses, system bus, bus interface and arbitration circuits bus standards, peripherals,
keyboards, CRT controllers, printers, secondary memory, A/D and D/A conversions, data
acquisition systems using microprocessors.
Recommended Books:
• David J. Comer, “Microprocessor-based System Design,” 1996, Oxford University
Press, ISBN: 0030637813.
• Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie-Mazidi, “80X86 IBM PC and
Compatible Computers: Assembly Language, Design, and Interfacing Volumes I &
II,” Fourth Edition, 2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013061775X.
Objective: Introduce the students to logic synthesis and FPGA implementation tools and
Course Outline:
This course introduces logic synthesis, implementation, and SoC design concepts. The
course is project oriented where students will take designs from concept to Verilog HDL
description to verification using simulation and synthesis, and finally to programmable
device implementation on an FPGA development board.
During the first part of the course, students will implement a few projects, each more
complex than the last, culminating in a complete SoC design incorporating an 8-bit
microprocessor and peripherals. The first project, a simple FSM, serves to introduce
students to logic synthesis and FPGA implementation tools and methods, and how to use
the input/outputs devices (such as buttons and LEDs) on the FPGA development board.
The second project introduces SoC concepts such as on-chip processor, memory and
peripheral interfacing, and hardware-software trade-offs. The third project adds a graphics
sub-system to the SoC enabling students to display their design results on a CRT monitor.
This lab sequence goes in step with lectures on programmable chip architectures, logic
synthesis, SoC concepts, and the Verilog synthesizable subset, including design examples.
During the final part of the course, after mid-semester examination, the students will work
in teams of two to complete an advanced FPGA design project of their choice. The final
project will be more complex than any of the three previously assigned projects. There will
be no scheduled lectures during this portion of the course, but the instructors are required to
be available to guide the students.
Recommended Books:
• Wayne Wolf, “FPGA-Based System Design,” 2004, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
• Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis,” Second
Edition, 2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130449113.
• Michael D. Ciletti, “Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL,” First Edition,
2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130891614.
Course Outline:
Study of automatic testing of electronic devices, physical properties and their measurement,
different types of field instrumentation, industrial electronic circuit applications, interfacing
process variables, motor control and servo systems, servo amplifiers and drives, numeric
control systems, programmable controllers and distributed control systems.
Recommended Books:
• Chester L. Nachtigal, “Instrumentation and Control: Fundamentals and Applications,”
1990, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471880450.
• Mike Tooley, “PC Based Instrumentation and Control,” Third Edition, 2005, Newnes,
ISBN: 0750647167.
• W. Bolton, “Programmable Logic Controllers,” Third Edition, 2003, Newnes, ISBN:
• Thomas E. Kissell, “Industrial Electronics: Applications for Programmable
Controllers, Instrumentation and Process Control, and Electrical Machines and Motor
Controls,” Third Edition, 2003, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130602418.
Course Outline:
Review of discrete-time systems and digital filters, multirate signal processing, multirate
operations, interconnection of building blocks in multirate systems, multirate filter banks
and perfect reconstruction systems, polyphase representation, structures for decimation and
interpolation filters, paraunitary filter banks, wavelet transforms and relation to multirate
filter banks, applications of multirate systems, maximally decimated filter banks, filters of
QMF type, Johnston's filters.
Recommended Books:
• P. P. Vaidyanathan, “Multirate Systems and Filter Banks,” 1993, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 0136057187.
• N. J. Fliege, “Multirate Digital Signal Processing: Multirate Systems - Filter Banks -
Wavelets,” 1999, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471492043.
Power Electronics
Course Outline:
Physical construction, operation and characteristics of power diode, power diode static and
dynamic modeling, diode behavior with resistive and inductive loads, fast recovery diodes,
physical construction, operation and characteristics of power thyristor, SCR static and
dynamic modeling, GTO construction and operation, GTO static and dynamic
characteristics, GTO modeling, physical construction and operation of power BJT, static
and dynamic characteristics of power BJT, construction and operation of MOSFET, static
and dynamic characteristics of IGBT, IGBT modeling, thermal calculations and heat sink
Recommended Books:
• John G. Kassakian, Martin F. Schlecht and George C. Verghese, “Principle of Power
Electronics,” First Edition, 1991, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0201096897.
• B. W. Williams, “Power Electronics: Devices, Drivers, Applications, and Passive
Components,” Second Edition, 1992, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0070704392.
Course Outline:
Overview of converters; single- and three-phase rectifier and inverter circuits; voltage- and
current-source inverters; series and parallel connections of multi-step converters; effect of
overlap and output voltage; freewheeling current; three-pulse, six-pulse, twelve-pulse and
twenty-four-pulse circuits; load voltage and current harmonics; displacement factor and
power factor; controlled converters; full-cycle and half-cycle control; PWM converters;
unity power factor and leading power factor control; drive circuits for BJTs, IGBTs,
MOSFETs, GTOs and thyristors; cycloconverters.
Recommended Books:
• Cyril W. Lander, “Power Electronics,” Third Edition, 1993, McGraw-Hill UK, ISBN:
• John G. Kassakian, Martin F. Schlecht and George C. Verghese, “Principle of Power
Electronics,” First Edition, 1991, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0201096897.
Course Outline:
DC machine fundamentals, torque and speed characteristics of DC machine, DC motor
drive, four-quadrant operation, speed control of DC motor, field weakening, traction drive,
dynamic modeling of DC motor and drive, PID control, stability of DC motor control,
phase-locked loop control of DC motor, brushless motor fundamentals, types of brushless
DC motors, control of brushless DC motors, construction and operation of SRM, control of
switched reluctance motor.
Recommended Books:
• P. C. Sen, “Thyristor DC Drives,” 1991, Krieger Publication Co, ISBN: 0894646087.
• Bimal K. Bose, “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives,” 2001, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 0130167436.
Objective: Teach the construction, principles of operation, characteristics, and methods for
electronic control of different types of AC electrical machines.
Course Outline:
AC machine fundamentals, torque production in induction motors, equivalent circuit
analysis, variable-voltage operation, variable-speed operation, harmonic effect, dynamic
modeling of inverter-machine, slip power control, scalar methods, vector control methods,
adaptive control.
Recommended Books:
• Bimal K. Bose, “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives,” 2001, Prentice Hall,
ISBN: 0130167436.
• Peter Vas, “Vector Control of AC Machines,” 1990, Oxford University Press, ISBN:
Course Outline:
Principles of electronic power conversion in switched-mode converters, applications of
converters, fundamental switching regulators: buck, boost, push-pull, forward and flyback
converter topologies; half-bridge and full-bridge converter topologies; current-mode and
current-fed topologies; analysis and design of PWM converters including the selection of
semiconductor devices and capacitors, magnetic and circuit designs, switching losses and
snubber design, design of control circuits, design of feedback loop, feedback loop
stabilization, thermal management, measurement of performance, and fundamentals of
circuit layout and EMI.
Recommended Books:
• Robert W. Erickson and Dragan Maksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics,”
Second Edition, 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0792372700.
• Abraham I. Pressman, “Switching Power Supply Design”, Second Edition, 1998,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0070522367.
• Martin Brown, “Practical Switching Power Supply,” 1990, Academic Press, ISBN:
Course Outline:
Molecular structure-property relationships in biomaterials; focus on polymers, metals,
ceramics, composites, and biodegradable materials; selection, design and function of
biomedical materials for implants: bioelectrical and biomechanical concepts; biomedical
imaging for flow properties of blood and material-tissue interaction; sensors and their
characteristics; design of artificial biomaterials for biosensors; principles of biologically-
based sensing elements and interfacing techniques; design and analysis methods of
biosensing and transducing components.
Recommended Books:
• Gabor Harsanyi, “Sensors in Biomedical Applications: Fundamentals, Technology
and Applications,” 2000, CRC Press, ISBN: 1566768853.
• Roderic S. Lake and Joon B. Park, “Biomaterials: An introduction,” Second Edition,
1992, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, ISBN: 0306439921.
• P. I. Haris and D. Chapman, “New Biomedical Materials,” 1998, IOS Press, ISBN:
• Joon B. Park and Joseph D. Bronzino, “Biomaterials: Principles and Applications,”
2002, CRC Press, ISBN: 0849314917.
• John G. Webster, “Bioinstrumentation,” 2003, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN:
Objective: Teach methods for the measurement and analysis of biological systems including
cardiopulmonary support, blood pressure and sound measurements, blood flow and volume
measurements, respiratory system measurements, biotelemetry, and microprocessor-based
biomedical instrumentation.
Course Outline:
Theory of measurement and analysis of biological systems; characteristics of bioelectric
signals; recording electrodes; biopotential amplifiers; basic sensors; chemical, pressure,
sound, and flow transducers; electrophysiology and electromyography, and interpretation;
instrumentation; cardiopulmonary support; blood pressure and sound measurement; blood
flow and volume measurement; respiratory system measurements; biotelemetry:
transmission and reception aspects of biological signals; aspects of patient care monitoring;
electronic circuit design and construction; analog/digital signal acquisition and processing;
microprocessor-based biomedical instrumentation; basic principles of hardware and
software designs for interfacing biomedical sensors to microprocessors; signal transduction
and transfer functions; measurement principles; biological signals: temperature,
displacement and force; flow measurements; blood volume; bio-potential: ECG, EMG,
EEG; bio-potential electrode; spectroscopic methods for analysis of molecule in
biomedicine; oxygenation and pulse oximeter; microscopy; data reduction; surface
analysis; fluorescence measurements; single-molecule detection.
Recommended Books:
• R. S. Khandpur, “Biomedical Instrumentation: Technology and Applications,” First
Edition, 2005, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0071447849.
• John G. Webster, “Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design,” Third Edition,
1997, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471153680.
• L. A. Geddes and L. E. Baker, “Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation,”
Third Edition, 1989, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471608998.
Course Outline:
Theoretical concepts and experimental approaches used to characterize electric phenomena
in live cells and tissues; excitable membrane; action potential generation; cable theory;
equivalent dipoles and volume conductor fields; introduction to bio-electric signal
processing and analysis; fundamental techniques to analyze and process signals that
originate from biological sources such as ECGs, EMGs, EEGs, blood pressure signals;
physiological knowledge with the information useful for physiologic investigation, medical
diagnosis and processing; biomedical signal characterization in time and frequency
domain; deterministic and stochastic signal analysis methods; short-time Fourier transform;
spectrogram; wavelet signal decomposition; characterization of signal dynamics: chaotic,
stochastic, fractal (self similar); introduction to simple chaotic models; chaotic time series
analysis techniques based on delayed coordinate embedding; concept and measures of
signal complexity; statistical analysis techniques; probability density functions; moments;
concept of stochastic process and nonstationarity; linear/nonlinear systems identification
and modeling; Volterra and Wiener series.
Recommended Books:
• Eugene N. Bruce, “Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling,” 2001, John
Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471345407.
• D. C. Reddy, “Biomedical Signal Processing: Principles and Techniques,” 2005, Tata
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0070583889.
• Isak Gath and Gideon F. Inbar, “Advances in Processing and Pattern Analysis of
Biological Signals,” 1996, Springer, ISBN: 0306452154.
• Metin Akay, “Detection and Estimation Methods for Biomedical Signals,” 1996,
Academic Press, ISBN: 0120471434.
• Metin Akay, “Time Frequency and Wavelets in Biomedical Signal Processing,”
1998, IEEE Press, ISBN: 0780311477.
EE-5XX Diagnostic Imaging Systems 3
Objective: Teach medical imaging techniques and their applications, concepts and
instrumentation of modern medical imaging modalities, and recent advances in digital
diagnostic imaging systems.
Course Outline:
Introduction to physical and mathematical bases of medical imaging techniques and their
applications; underlying concepts and instrumentation of modern medical imaging
modalities; design and operation of diagnostic imaging systems including fluoroscopy,
digital subtraction angiography, mammography, computed tomography (CT), positron
emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed radiography,
ultrasound; recent advances in digital diagnostic imaging systems including digital
subtraction angiography (DSA) methods of producing three-dimensional images.
Recommended Books:
• Jerry L. Prince and Jonathan Links, “Medical Imaging Signals and Systems,” First
Edition, 2005, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130653535.
• Macovski, “Medical Imaging Systems,” First Edition, 1983, Prentice Hall, ISBN:
• Z. H. Cho, Joie P. Jones and Manbir Singh, “Foundations of Medical Imaging,” 1993,
John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471545732.
• Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing,” Second
Edition, 2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0201180758.