Improving Business Practice
Improving Business Practice
Improving Business Practice
Instruction sheet
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
A business plan is a written document describing how businesses both new and
established plan to achieve their goals.
Good business plans should include an executive summary, products and services,
financial planning, marketing strategy and analysis, financial planning, and a budget.
A business plan is a formal written document containing business goals, the methods
on how these goals can be attained, and the time frame within which these goals need
to be achieved.
Business planning
Effective business planning can be the key to your success. A business plan can help
you secure finance, priorities your efforts and evaluate opportunities.
It may initially seem like a lot of work; however a well prepared business plan can save
you time and money in the long run.
There are no rules about what your plan should cover or the level of detail. In general,
plans need to include information regarding:
business profile
vision, mission and goals
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Author/Copyright December 2020
market research
operational strategy
products and/or services
marketing plan
Financial strategy.
Business plans can be a great way to keep your business on track and maximize
productivity in the workplace.
The following are the most common considering point that helps to develop effective
business plan.
Knowing the target audience of your business plan will help you keep the information
inside both relevant and appropriate to the reader.
If you don’t already have a strong vision for your business, then it’s important that you
build one before starting work on a business plan.
A vision is an image of where you want your organization to be in the future which even
determines the actions that you take. Naturally then, having a strong, clear vision is very
important in creating a well-guided business plan.
SWOT analyses, for example, can help you find gaps in the market, foresee various
different threats, and leverage strengths and opportunities which you already have or
For more information about this topic, be sure to check out this article about how these
analyses are key elements of any good business plan.
When creating your own business plan, it can be valuable to take into account various
different time frames to see which business plan would be of most value to external and
internal audiences.
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Planning is a key to any business throughout its existence. Every successful business
regularly reviews its business plan to ensure it continues to meet its needs.
It's sensible to review current performance on a regular basis and identify the most likely
strategies for growth. Once you've reviewed your progress and identified the key growth
areas that you want to target, it's time to revisit your business plan and make it a road
map to the next stages for your business
Who are your existing customers? Are there any other groups that may require
your product or service and that you haven't targeted before? Can your
product or service be used for purposes that you had not previously
considered and that could make it appealing to a wider market?
What are your competitors' strengths? Do you have these too? If not, why not -
and should you have them?
Why do customers buy from your competitors? What advantages do you have
over your rivals that may attract their customers? How can you communicate
with your competitors' customers to get them to switch and buy from you
What is your unique selling point?
Apart from obvious rivals, are there any other businesses with customers your
product or service may appeal to?
Are there customers who have stopped buying from you? Do you know why? If
not, you may want to ask them.
Will you need to change pricing, marketing, distribution, service levels? Could
those changes upset current customers? Will your employees remain
If you're looking to increase market share, it's important to make sure your business is
in good shape first.
While diversification can pose some risks - such as costly delays and mistakes owing to
a lack of knowledge or expertise in the new area you're looking to cover - it can also
limit the impact of changes in the market. In simple terms, if you supply one product or
service and it falls out of favor with customers, it leaves you very exposed. If you have
two or more products or services and the sales of one of this drop, at least there will be
revenue coming into the business through the other.
However, if you diversify too quickly, then you could lose track or dilute your core
product or service. Generally speaking, diversifying with similar products or services
and selling them to a familiar customer base is less risky than creating a product for a
completely new market.
You'll need to assess whether you have resources and capacity to make the strategy
work. And, you'll also need to be sure that the funding is available and that your strategy
will generate a profit.
Staffing - will you need to take on more people to make the strategy work?
How many? What skills will be required? Are those readily available?
Training -will further training of existing staff be necessary or helpful?
Premises - are they big enough for extra stock and/or a new production
line? Will there be sufficient space for staff and will you still meet health and
safety regulations?
Information Technology - will your systems cope? Would new software or
equipment ease pressures?
Customer service systems - would a more sophisticated system help the
strategy to succeed and ease pressures in other areas?
Outsourcing - will outsourcing allow you to concentrate your resources
more effectively?
To find answers to these questions, you'll need to have assessed your business' current
performance and capabilities.
i. Marketing- Marketing and sales are fundamental to the strategy. Is your
existing marketing strategy appropriate to your new market and/or product?
Planning your growth and measuring your progress are also important issues. You'll
need to update your business plan and work with it as the business develops.
Detailed forecasts regarding sales, working capital and sources of seed funding, and
even second round funding, need to be drawn up. Businesses looking for capital
investment, apart from bank loans, have three main sources - equity capital provided by
Equity finance is money invested in a business that is not directly repayable. It could
be your own, most likely raised through re-mortgaging a property, or money from others
taking a share in the ownership of the business.
Venture capital is investment by a fund in a business in the early stages of
development. The deal will very often include a right to management involvement.
Business angels are private investors taking a minority or majority stake in a business,
often contributing valuable business experience in the form of advice and contacts.
Self-Check 2
2. Venture capital.
3. Business angels
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One of the top priorities for any entrepreneur should be the creation of a business plan.
Prioritization and planning are two sides of the same coin. Planning is thinking about the
tasks required to achieve the desired goal on some scale. Prioritization is ensuring you
are doing the right tasks. Planning and prioritization are two of the best skills a
manager can have.
They ensure good use of your own efforts and those of your team. Prioritization is
making the best use of your limited time and resources when demands are seemingly
limitless. Unending meeting requests, continuous daily reports, pressing operative
issues and urgent project tasks you name it the list goes on and on and on. If you get
into that vicious cycle of trying to do everything, you’ll end up burned out, frustrated and
unhappy. Prioritization in principle means doing “first things first;” as a process it means
evaluating a group of items and ranking them in order of importance and urgency. If
everything is important then nothing is important. If you qualify the “not-so-important-
tasks” as very important it devalues any other “more-important-tasks”.
The following five steps will help you do what you need to do: focus on the most
important tasks first so that you can leverage them to achieve revenue and growth
Step One: Brainstorm everything at once. A brainstorming session helps clear your
mind so that you can focus better on your work. It’s a simple yet highly effective first
step in any prioritization project. Simply list every single task waiting for you, no matter
how large or small. Don’t worry about ordering the tasks or about deadlines yet. The
Step Three: Identify tasks that can be delegated. There are probably tasks on your
list that you do not necessarily have to complete on your own.
Step Four: Organize and assign deadlines. Now that you have at least three
categories of tasks
Step Five: Review your revenue and goal-focused tasks. Your next batch of tasks
includes the ones that have a direct effect on revenue and goals. After that, do tasks
that can be leveraged for other projects. Some may be dependent on having another
task completed first.
Importance of prioritization
Prioritization helps you focus on important tasks by keeping them in the highest priority
which enables you to work on them with full attention and focus. Prioritizing is the
process of determining what is most important. While at first glance you may be
tempted to make everything a “high” or “urgent” priority, be cautious. If everything is
1. -------- is evaluating a group of items and ranking them in order of importance and
urgency. (2 point)
2. Explain about how to prioritize business prioritization techniques? (4 point)
Note: Satisfactory rating – 100%
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Action Plan
An action plan is a checklist for the steps or tasks you need to complete in order to
achieve the goals you have set.
It’s an essential part of the strategic planning process and helps with improving
teamwork planning. Not only in project management, but action plans can be used by
individuals to prepare a strategy to achieve their own personal goals as well.
An action plan is not something set in stone. As your organization grows, and
surrounding circumstances change, you will have to revisit and make adjustments to
meet the latest needs.
Planning helps you prepare for the obstacles ahead and keep you on track. And with an
effective action plan, you can boost your productivity and keep yourself focused.
It gives you a clear direction. As an action plan highlights exactly what steps to
be taken and when they should be completed, you will know exactly what you
need to do.
Having your goals written down and planned out in steps will give you a reason
to stay motivated and committed throughout the project.
With an action plan, you can track your progress toward your goal.
Since you are listing down all the steps you need to complete in your action plan,
it will help you prioritize your tasks based on effort and impact.
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Roles are clearly defined so that everyone impacted by the task is aware of their
Every component of the task is completed to an agreed standard
Business rules are adhered to
Industry codes and legislation are observed
Generally, an established process has been recognized as the most efficient and
productive way of undertaking a task. However, this does not mean that you shouldn't
think of ways to improve a process. With the constant development of technology,
introduction of new business concepts and techniques, and changing customer and
supplier demands, processes need to be refined to ensure your company or
organization maintains its cost efficiency and productivity.
When re-engineering a process you need to consider:
Who is to be involved in the process improvement?
How the process can be improved?
Our first step is to determine the key players or stakeholders in the process.
Stakeholders can include:
End users
Other Departments
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Author/Copyright December 2020
Benefits of review the progress of your business work
Focus only on the day-to-day running of your business is a vital to improve the business
performance especially in the early stages. But once you're up and running, it can pay
dividends to think about longer-term and more strategic planning. This is especially true
as you take on more staff, create departments within the business, appoint managers or
directors and become distanced from the everyday running of the business.
At the end of any review process, therefore, it's vital that work plans are prepared to put
the new ideas into place and that a timetable is set. Regularly reviewing how the new
plan is working and allowing for any teething problems or necessary adjustments is
important too. Today's business environment is exceptionally dynamic and it is likely
The SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) is one of the most
popular. This involves looking at the strengths and weaknesses of your business'
capabilities, and any opportunities and threats to your business. Once you've identified
all of these, you can assess how to capitalize on your strengths, minimize the effects of
your weaknesses, make the most of any opportunities and reduce the impact of any
A SWOT analysis can provide a clear basis for examining your business performance
and prospects. It can be used as part of a regular review process or in preparation for
raising finance or bringing in consultants for a review.
Your market performance and direction - how well you are performing through
your sales results, which markets to aim for next and how to improve your
Your products and services - how long your existing products will meet your
customers' needs and any plans for renewal.
Operational matters - your premises, your methods, and technologies used your
processes, IT and quality.
Financial matters - how your business is financed, levels of retained profit, the
sales income generated and your cash flow.
Your organization and your people - your structures, people planning issues,
training and development.
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Instruction sheet
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
- Monitoring implementation
- Monitor implementation
Implementation is by definition, the act of carrying out or executing a plan, process or
method. It’s the action that must follow any thinking on a review or set of
recommendations to ensure it happens. An implementation plan, therefore, is the
documented steps you need to take to successfully complete your implementation
External stakeholders are those outside the corporation who interact with it in some
way. Most commonly this includes funders or investors e.g. shareholders, banks and
finance companies. Suppliers and customers are also significant external stakeholders.
However, regulators, policy makers and legislators are also in this group. Some
corporations also consider significant influential opinion leaders to be among their key
external stakeholders as influencers of attitudes and beliefs.
Implementation Strategy
To gain an understanding of implementation strategy, we must first define a strategic
plan. A strategic plan is the process of defining the strategy by which you (or a team or
organization) will accomplish certain goals or make decisions. Organizations make
strategic plans to guide organizational direction, a particular department’s efforts, or any
project or initiative.
Implementation strategy is the process of defining how to bring the strategic plan to life.
To execute the objectives outlined in the strategic plan, you must define how you will
implement each aspect, from funding and personnel to organization and deliverables.
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Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
Outcomes are the effects of the outputs, usually in the short- to medium-term.
Examples, following those above, could be the number of people who now have
access to safe water as a result of the new water schemes or attendance at the
training workshop.
Impacts are long-term effects and consequences. Examples could be a fall in
the incidence of diarrhoeal disease, improved school attendance, or pumps that
last longer because they are well-maintained.
Self-Check 3
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Illustrations may be necessary to aid
some explanations/answers.
Score = ___________
Rating: ____________
Work implementation
Implementation is the process that turns strategies and plans into actions in order to
accomplish strategic objectives and goals. Implementing your strategic plan is as
important, or even more important, than your strategy. The strategic plan addresses
what and why of activities, but implementation addresses who, where, when, and how.
The fact is that both pieces are critical to success. In fact, companies can gain
competitive advantage through implementation if done effectively. Whether a business
is a start-up or already well established, business implementation becomes the
responsibility of all the employees. Implementation is the process of executing a plan or
policy so that a concept becomes a reality. To implement a plan properly, managers
should communicate clear goals and expectations, and supply employees with the
resources needed to help the company achieve its goals.
The following steps are usually involved when developing a work plan:
List main activities that will be necessary to meet the program goals and to
achieve the desired outcome.
Choose realistic, appropriate time periods for specifying when activities will take
place (weeks, months, quarters etc.).
Break each activity down into manageable tasks. A task is something that can be
managed by an individual and is easy to visualize in terms of resources required
and the time it will take to complete.
Specify the sequence and relationships between tasks. (What needs to happen
before this task can be started? Can two tasks be carried out at the same time?)
Score = ___________
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