Methodology of Earth Works

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 Excavator 2

 Dump Truck 6

 Service Vehicle for General Workers 1

 Roller 2

 Grader 2

 Bulldozer 1


Supervising Engineer

.Supervisor / Foremen
2 2

. Operators
7 7


.Skilled Workers
4 4

1 1

Unskilled Workers


 All earthworks shall be constructed as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer to

the specified slopes, levels, depths, widths, tolerances and heights. Should any earthworks not be

constructed to the slope, level, depth, width, tolerances or height shown on the Drawings or as

directed by the Engineer the we shall make good the area affected at the Contractor’s expense.

 We shall excavate cuttings and place fill in embankments in accordance with the Drawings or as

directed by the Engineer. Suitable excavated materials will be used to form embankments; excess or

unsuitable materials being disposed of to spoil areas. Where the mass haul diagram in accordance

with Clause 509 of the Specification indicates that the quantity of material required for

embankments exceeds that available from cuttings, we shall be instructed by the Engineer to widen

cuttings and/or to open borrow pits. At all times we shall ensure that earthworks are not damaged

by weather or traffic. In the event of such damage occurring, we shall carry out repairs to restore

the Works to their original condition.

 We shall provide adequate supervision to ensure that only suitable materials are incorporated

in embankments. If any unsuitable material is included it shall be removed and replaced with

suitable material at the Contractor’s e our own expense. All trimming of cuttings, embankments,

Side drains, and shoulders to the specified slopes and shapes shall be carried out concurrently.


 We shall excavate benches in natural ground having a side slope greater than 1 in 5 or as

instructed by the Engineer. The existing slopes, after the removal of topsoil shall be benched in

accordance with the Drawings prior to the construction of embankments. The material which is

excavated to form benches shall either be taken to spoil or if suitable used as fill. The actual bench

widths will be shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer. The existing ground under

embankments, and bench surfaces where appropriate, shall be compacted over the full width of

construction to 95% MDD (AASHTO T180) to a depth of 150 mm. The existing ground moisture

content shall be adjusted prior to compaction by either uniformly mixing in water or drying out the

material such that at the time of compaction the moisture content shall be within the range 75 -

105% of the Optimum Moisture Content (AASHTO T180)

 . Whenever the existing ground is unsuitable in quality for receiving fill, we shall excavate to the
depth instructed by the Engineer, remove the material to a spoil area and replace it with suitable



 Material obtained from cuttings shall be used to construct embankments. Material from borrow

pits shall be used only where we have demonstrated and the Engineer agreed that there is an

inadequate quantity of suitable material obtainable from cuttings. To suit this method of working,

we shall take suitable fill material obtained from cuttings to spoil and provide provided the

substitutes an equivalent quantity of suitable fill material from the approved a borrow pit or other

source. We shall be solely responsible for the acquisition of land for the spoil and borrow areas

required in these circumstances and any additional costs due to the substitution over and above the

cost of taking the material from cuttings or benches to fill. Soft material for use in the 300 mm below

formation level in both embankments and cuttings shall not contain particles larger than 25 mm. In

addition, the material shall have a CBR of not less than 8% measured after a 4-day soak on a

laboratory mix compacted to a dry density of 95100% MDD (AASHTO T 180), a swell of less than 1%

and a Plasticity Index of less than 50%. In-situ material in the 300 mm below formation level in

cutting that does not meet In-situ material in the 300 mm below formation level in cutting that does

not meet these requirements shall either be spoiled or if suitable placed in the embankment and
replaced with material from cuttings or borrow pits that does meet the requirements for soft

material for use in the 300 mm below formation level. Where materials of differing quality are

available for placing in embankments the Engineer may instruct that certain materials should be

excluded from the upper 300mm of fill and he may instruct that certain materials should be set

apart, or obtained from borrow pits, for use in these upper layers. He may also in that part or all of

these upper layers be stabilized using either cement or lime in accordance with Section 14 of this

Specification. The extent of stabilization will be detailed in the Special Specification or shown on the

Drawings. We shall The Contractor shall ensure that earthworks proceed towards completion in an

orderly and, continuous manner. The ContractoWe r shall submit a written request for approval of

any layer at least 18 working hours before he intends towe cover any completed layer. Fill material

for subsequent layers shall be placed immediately approval of the previous layer has been given to

ensure retention of moisture. Should any layer be left unprotected for more than 24 hours

subsequent to approval, the Contractorwe shall request re-approval of such layer. these

requirements shall either be spoiled or if suitable placed in the embankment and replaced with

material from cuttings or borrow pits that does meet the requirements for soft material for use in

the 300 mm below formation level. Where materials of differing quality are available for placing in

embankments we shall exclude the material from the upper 300mm of fill and obtain from the

borrow pits, for use in these upper layers. we may also stabilize using either cement or lime in

accordance with Section 14 of the Specification. The extent of stabilization will be detailed in the

Special Specification or shown on the Drawings. We shall ensure that earthworks proceed towards

completion in an orderly and, continuous manner. We shall submit a written request for approval of

any layer at least 18 working hours before he intends to cover a completed layer. Fill material for

subsequent layers shall be placed immediately approval of the previous layer has been given to

ensure retention of moisture.

 Soft material as for fill shall be deposited in layers not exceeding 150mm compacted depth

unless, as a result of site compaction trials, the Contractor haswe satisfyied the Engineer that our

his compaction plant is capable of consistently achieving the specified densities at a greater depth;

in no case shall this depth exceed 250 mm. Each layer shall extend over the full width of the

embankment and shall be compacted in accordance with Clause 508the specifications. Hard
material used for fill shall be of maximum dimension 250 mm, and shall be deposited in horizontal

layers not exceeding 400 mm loose depth and shall extend over the full width of the embankment

except for any specified external cover to slopes. We shall spread and level by a crawler tractor

weighing not less than 15 tones. Each layer shall consist of reasonably well graded rock and shall be

blinded with smaller rock fragments and gravel so as to fill as many of the voids as possible before

the next layer is placed. The top 600 mm of the subgrade shall be formed using soft material. In

forming embankments, we shall make due allowance in height and width for consolidation,

settlement and shrinkage. Any consolidation, settlement, bulking, punching of material into the

underlying layer, or shrinkage during the construction of embankments, we shall rectify by

providing, placing and compacting approved fill material to reinstate each layer to the instructed

level and width

 . During the construction of embankments, we shall control and direct constructional traffic

uniformly over the full width. Fill material shall not be stockpiled on embankments without the

permission of the Engineer. When constructing embankments up to bridges and up to and over

culverts the we shall raise the embankment equally on each side of such structures and shall unless

otherwise instructed by the Engineer carry this work concurrently with the filling to the structure.

The embankment compaction plant shall be used as close to the structure as is feasible without

damaging the structure. We shall make good any damage to the structure as per the requirement.


 Where specified in the Special Specification or instructed by the Engineer we shall place rock fill

to swamps. The rock fill shall be obtained from a rock quarry and shall be loaded, transported from a

rock quarry, placed in uniform layers rolled and trafficked until it is fully embedded over the whole

area instructed. The rock fill shall be of maximum dimension 250 mm, reasonably well graded and

with not more than 5% finer than 10 mm. The layer thickness and number of layers shall be as

instructed by the Engineer who may vary the requirement during the rock fill operation. Each layer

shall be blinded with smaller rock fragments so as to fill as many of the vVoids as possible before the

next layer is placed. Before additional layers are placed or before normal earthworks resume we

shall proof roll each layer in accordance with Clause 512 of the Specifications. Where instructed by
the Engineer, we shall place a filter fabric (‘Terram’ or similar approved) under or around the rock

fill. When placing the rock fill onto or in the filter fabric the we shall ensure that the filter fabric is

not punctured or damaged in any way. Where the filter fabric is placed around the rock fill the final

layer of rock fill shall be blinded with gravel so as to present a smooth surface to receive the filter

fabric. The filter fabric shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Where

instructed by the Engineer we shall first excavate unsuitable material and then place and embed

rock fill on and into the underlying material, or on a filter fabric if specified by the Engineer.


 The moisture content of fill material, except the 300 mm below formation, shall be adjusted

immediately prior to compaction by either uniformly mixing in water or drying out the material such

that the moisture content during compaction is between 75% and 105% of the Optimum Moisture

Content (T180). The 300 mm below formation in both embankments and cuttings shall be adjusted

by either uniformly mixing in water or drying out the material such that the moisture content during

compaction is between 75% and 100% of the Optimum Moisture Content (AASHTO T180). The

moisture content shall be kept within these limits until compaction is complete except where

otherwise instructed by the Engineer. Each layer of material shall be compacted at a moisture

content within the above limits to a dry density equal to at least the percentage of the Maximum

Dry Density (MDD) specified below: - (i) All fill material in embankments, except the 300 mm below

formation: 95% MDD (AASHTO T180) (ii) The 300 mm below formation in embankments: 100% MDD


 (iii) The 300 mm below formation in cuttings under the carriageway and shoulders: 100% MDD

(AASHTO T180). Compaction under and in embankments and on the 300 mm below formation in

cuttings, we shall complete the procedure in accordance with Clause 224 of the Specification. The

300 mm below formation in both fill areas and in cuttings shall be completed in two 150 mm

compacted layers. Each layer of hard material used as fill in embankments shall be systematically

compacted by at least 8 passes of a towed vibrating roller weighing not less than 5 tones dead

weight or other approved plant. During compaction the surface of the layer shall be watered as

necessary to facilitate the filling of the voids with the blinding material. In accordance with Section 2
of this Specificationthe specifications, the we shall submit to the Engineer the proposals for the

compaction of each main type of material to be used in the embankments, including those in

relation to the types of plant, the range of passes and the loose depth of layer. We shall carry out

site compaction trials, supplemented by any necessary laboratory investigations using the procedure

material testing and investigation for earthworks and shall satisfy the Engineer that all the specified

requirements regarding compaction will be achieved. Site compaction trials with the main types of

material likely to be encountered shall be completed before the permanent works with

corresponding materials commences. We shall provide all water necessary for compaction. The

water to be used shall be clean and fresh, free from all impurities and shall be obtained from a

source approved by the Engineer. We shall if required by the Engineer arrange for the analysis of

water to demonstrate compliance with the Specification. We shall provide all plant necessary for

conveying and distributing water. Water shall be evenly sprinkled on the surface of the fill material

by machines of a type approved by the Engineer, and capable of distributing water at a known,

predetermined and constant rate.


 All subgrade and embankment layers, cuttings, benches and original ground shall be proof

rolled with a loaded scraper or truck with a minimum axle load of 8 tones. Proof rolling shall be

satisfactorily completed before the layer is submitted to the Engineer for approval and shall be

carried out in the presence of the Engineer or his representative.


We shall trim the slopes and embankments by hand or by approved mechanical means to uniform

batters as shown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. Such trimming shall be completed

before the commencement of subbase construction. Any rock or boulder appearing in the face of a

cutting or embankment shall be trimmed back to within the tolerance specified and in addition, any such

rock or boulder which is unstable shall be completely removed and the resulting void filled with suitable

material compacted to the approval of the Engineer.

 Excavator 2

 Dump Truck 6

 Service Vehicle for General Workers 1

 Roller 2

 Grader 2

 Bulldozer 1


Supervising Engineer 1

.Supervisor / Foremen 2

. Operators 7

.Driver 6

.Skilled Workers 4

.Surveyor 1

Unskilled Workers 6

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